Rivalz Node Setup / Cli / Ubuntu Server
Hetzner : https://bit.ly/hetznerlink Contabo : https://bit.ly/contabourl
Update :
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install Curl :
sudo apt install -y curl
Node.js 20
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
node --version
Install Screen ( Optional ) :
apt-get install screen -y
Screen ( Optional ) :
screen -S rivalz
Install Rivalz :
npm i -g rivalz-node-cli
You can see these - No problem
If you want to know the serial number of your disk :
sudo lshw -class disk
Run rClient :
rivalz run
Your Connected Rivalz Wallet Adress : CPU Core RAM Disk Type Disk Serial Number ( if you dont know - enter ) Enter disk size, you want to allow the client use
Result :
Attention ! After setting up your node, do not forget to press the validate button on the site! https://rivalz.ai/dashboard/node-validate
Rivalz Update ? I got a message that the client CLI has a new version. How do I update it?
rivalz update-version
rivalz run
How do I update the client's information ?
rivalz update
Other Commands :
rivalz -h
Screen Commands : Logout Scren :
Screen List :
screen -ls
Entering the Screen :
screen -r screenname
Delete Screen :
screen -X -S screenpidnumber.screenname quit