- Download Kong Mesh
curl -L https://docs.konghq.com/mesh/installer.sh | sh -
a) Install control plane on kong-mesh-system namespace
./kumactl install control-plane --cni-enabled --license-path=./license | oc apply -f -
oc get pod -n kong-mesh-system
b) Using the internal registry (avoid docker.io). See using the openshift-registry
KONG_REGISTRY=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/kong-image-registry
./kumactl install control-plane --dataplane-registry=$KONG_REGISTRY --control-plane-registry=$KONG_REGISTRY --cni-enabled --license-path=./license.json | kubectl apply -f -
- Expose the service
oc expose svc/kong-mesh-control-plane -n kong-mesh-system --port http-api-server
- Verify the Installation
$ http -h `oc get route kong-mesh-control-plane -n kong-mesh-system -ojson | jq -r .spec.host`/gui/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
cache-control: private
content-length: 295
content-type: application/json
date: Tue, 05 Apr 2022 14:54:17 GMT
set-cookie: 559045d469a6cf01d61b4410371a08e0=35991f4fa47508ce861e82fa7d63d40a; path=/; HttpOnly
- Apply scc of anyuid to kuma-demo
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:kuma-demo
- Install resources on kuma-demo ns
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kumahq/kuma-demo/master/kubernetes/kuma-demo-aio.yaml
- Expose the service
oc expose svc/frontend -n kuma-demo
- Validate the deployment
$ http -h `oc get route frontend -n kuma-demo -ojson | jq -r .spec.host`
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Check sidecar injection has been performed
$ kubectl -n kuma-demo get po -ojson | jq '.items[] | .spec.containers[] | .name '
- Enable MTls and Traffic permissions
kubectl apply -f mesh/mtls.yaml
kubectl delete trafficpermission allow-all-default
kubectl apply -f mesh/demo/traffic-permissions.yaml
oc port-forward svc/frontend -n kuma-demo 8080
Applying the mtls will no longer allow traffic from route to the service. TBC - KIC needs to be implemented.
Note: If you have configured already the mTLS in your mesh, the default installation won't work because the Grafana deployment has an initContainer that pulls the dashboards from a github repository. You can build your own Grafana image containing the plugin using the Dockerfile.
podman build -t $KONG_REGISTRY/grafana:8.3.3-kong ./mesh/custom-grafana
podman push $KONG_REGISTRY/grafana:8.3.3-kong
./openshift-registry/pull-tag-push.sh openshift-registry/kong-mesh-metrics.properties $OCP_REGISTRY/kong-image-registry
- Apply scc of non-root to
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group nonroot system:serviceaccounts:kong-mesh-metrics
- Allow other namespaces to pull from the kong-image-registry
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:kong-mesh-metrics --namespace=kong-image-registry
./kumactl install metrics | kubectl apply -f -
- Patch to use registry images
# scale down to 0
oc project kong-mesh-metrics
for d in grafana prometheus-pushgateway prometheus-alertmanager prometheus-server
oc scale deployment/$d --replicas=0
# grafana
kubectl patch deployment/grafana -n kong-mesh-metrics --type=json -p "[{\"op\": \"remove\", \"path\": \"/spec/template/spec/initContainers\"}]"
kubectl patch deployment/grafana -n kong-mesh-metrics -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"grafana\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/grafana:8.3.3-kong\"}]}}}}"
# prometheuses
kubectl patch deployment/prometheus-alertmanager -n kong-mesh-metrics -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"prometheus-alertmanager\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/alertmanager:v0.23.0\"},{\"name\": \"prometheus-alertmanager-configmap-reload\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/configmap-reload:v0.6.1\"}]}}}}"
kubectl patch deployment/prometheus-pushgateway -n kong-mesh-metrics -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"prometheus-pushgateway\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/pushgateway:v1.4.2\"}]}}}}"
kubectl patch deployment/prometheus-server -n kong-mesh-metrics -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"prometheus-server\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/prometheus:v2.32.1\"},{\"name\": \"prometheus-server-configmap-reload\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/configmap-reload:v0.6.1\"}]}}}}"
# scale down back up
for d in grafana prometheus-pushgateway prometheus-alertmanager prometheus-server
oc scale deployment/$d --replicas=1
Configure the metrics in the existing mesh
kubectl apply -f mesh/metrics/mesh.yaml
Allow traffic from Grafana to Prometheus Server and from Prometheus server to data plane proxy metrics and other Prometheus components:
kubectl apply -f mesh/metrics/traffic-permissions.yaml
./kumactl install tracing | kubectl apply -f -
- Allow other namespaces to pull from the kong-image-registry
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:kong-mesh-tracing --namespace=kong-image-registry
- Patch to use registry images
./openshift-registry/pull-tag-push.sh openshift-registry/kong-mesh-tracing.properties $OCP_REGISTRY/kong-image-registry
oc project kong-mesh-tracing
# scale down to 0
oc scale deployment/jaeger --replicas=0
kubectl patch deployment/jaeger -n kong-mesh-tracing -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"jaeger\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/all-in-one:1.23\"}]}}}}"
oc scale deployment/jaeger --replicas=1
kubectl apply -f mesh/tracing/mesh.yaml
- Add TrafficTrace resource
kubectl apply -f mesh/tracing/traffic-trace.yaml
- Update the jaeger datasource in grafana: Go to the Grafana UI -> Settings -> Data Sources -> Jaeger and set the URL to http://jaeger-query.kong-mesh-tracing/
The loki statefulset requires anyuid capabilities so the anyuid should be used
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:kong-mesh-logging
./kumactl install logging | kubectl apply -f -
- Allow other namespaces to pull from the kong-image-registry
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:kong-mesh-logging --namespace=kong-image-registry
- Patch to use registry images
./openshift-registry/pull-tag-push.sh openshift-registry/kong-mesh-logging.properties $OCP_REGISTRY/kong-image-registry
oc project kong-mesh-logging
kubectl patch daemonset/loki-promtail -n kong-mesh-logging -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"promtail\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/promtail:2.4.1\"}]}}}}"
# scale down to 0
oc scale statefulset/loki --replicas=0
kubectl patch statefulset/loki -n kong-mesh-logging -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"loki\", \"image\": \"$KONG_REGISTRY/loki:2.4.1\"}]}}}}"
oc scale statefulset/loki --replicas=1
Create a ClusterRole for the loki-promtail serviceAccount
kubectl apply -f mesh/logging/clusterrole.yaml
Make the loki-promtail containers run as privileged
kubectl patch daemonset/loki-promtail -p "{\"spec\": {\"template\":{\"spec\": {\"containers\": [{\"name\": \"promtail\", \"securityContext\": {\"privileged\": true}}]}}}}"
Add the logging backend to the existing Mesh
kubectl apply -f mesh/logging/mesh.yaml
Create the TrafficLog
kubectl apply -f mesh/logging/traffic-log.yaml
Update the grafana datasource to http://loki.kong-mesh-logging:3100
FaultInjections helps testing our microservices against resiliency. There are 3 different ypes of failures that could be imitated in our environment:
Create an example FaultInjection that adds a bit of everything:
kubectl apply -f mesh/fault_injection.yaml
Then browse the application and see how the website resources randomly fail to be fetched, are delayed or corrupted (due to the bandwitdh limitation).
Once finished, remove the faultInjection resource
kubectl delete -f mesh/fault_injection.yaml
- Delete demo project
oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:kuma-demo
kubectl delete ns kuma-demo
- Uninstall logging
./kumactl install logging | kubectl delete -f -
- Uninstall tracing
./kumactl install tracing | kubectl delete -f -
- Uninstall metrics
kubectl delete trafficpermission grafana-to-prometheus metrics-permissions
oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group nonroot system:serviceaccounts:kong-mesh-metrics
./kumactl install metrics | kubectl delete -f -
- Uninstall kong mesh
./kumactl install control-plane --dataplane-registry=default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.mw-ocp4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/kong-image-registry --control-plane-registry=default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.mw-ocp4.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/kong-mesh-system --cni-enabled --license-path=./license.json | kubectl delete -f -
- Remove registry if used
kubectl delete ns kong-image-registry