diff --git a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs
index 08cdb25fb..b04ad202c 100644
--- a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs
+++ b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/DSP/FrequencyScale.cs
@@ -48,6 +48,23 @@ public FrequencyScale(int nyquist, int frameSize, int hertzGridInterval)
this.GridLineLocations = GetLinearGridLineLocations(nyquist, this.HertzGridInterval, this.FinalBinCount);
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ /// Call this constructor when want to change freq scale but keep linear.
+ ///
+ public FrequencyScale(int nyquist, int frameSize, int finalBinCount, int hertzGridInterval)
+ {
+ this.ScaleType = FreqScaleType.Linear;
+ this.Nyquist = nyquist;
+ this.WindowSize = frameSize;
+ this.FinalBinCount = finalBinCount;
+ this.HertzGridInterval = hertzGridInterval;
+ this.LinearBound = nyquist;
+ this.BinBounds = this.GetLinearBinBounds();
+ this.GridLineLocations = GetLinearGridLineLocations(nyquist, this.HertzGridInterval, this.FinalBinCount);
+ }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
@@ -259,11 +276,13 @@ public int GetBinIdInReducedSpectrogramForHerzValue(int herzValue)
public int[,] GetLinearBinBounds()
double herzInterval = this.Nyquist / (double)this.FinalBinCount;
+ double scaleFactor = this.WindowSize / 2 / (double)this.FinalBinCount;
var binBounds = new int[this.FinalBinCount, 2];
for (int i = 0; i < this.FinalBinCount; i++)
- binBounds[i, 0] = i;
+ binBounds[i, 0] = (int)Math.Round(i * scaleFactor);
binBounds[i, 1] = (int)Math.Round(i * herzInterval);
@@ -331,6 +350,12 @@ public static void DrawFrequencyLinesOnImage(Image bmp, int[,] gridLineLo
int height = bmp.Height;
int bandCount = gridLineLocations.GetLength(0);
+ if (gridLineLocations == null || bmp.Height < 50)
+ {
+ // there is no point placing gridlines on a narrow image. It obscures too much spectrogram.
+ return;
+ }
// draw the grid line for each frequency band
for (int b = 0; b < bandCount; b++)
diff --git a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/BaseSonogram.cs b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/BaseSonogram.cs
index fa07a4b02..fc2639915 100644
--- a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/BaseSonogram.cs
+++ b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/BaseSonogram.cs
@@ -132,6 +132,13 @@ public BaseSonogram(SonogramConfig config, FrequencyScale freqScale, WavReader w
this.FreqScale = freqScale;
+ if (this.FreqScale.ScaleType == FreqScaleType.Linear && this.FreqScale.WindowSize != this.FreqScale.FinalBinCount)
+ {
+ // convert the spectrogram frequency scale
+ this.Data = RescaleLinearFrequencyScale(this.Data, this.FreqScale);
+ }
@@ -200,6 +207,41 @@ private void InitialiseSpectrogram(WavReader wav)
+ public static double[,] RescaleLinearFrequencyScale(double[,] inputSpgram, FrequencyScale freqScale)
+ {
+ if (freqScale == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(freqScale));
+ }
+ if (freqScale.ScaleType != FreqScaleType.Linear)
+ {
+ LoggedConsole.WriteLine("Require a Linear frequency scale for this method.");
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(freqScale));
+ }
+ // get the bin bounds for this scale type
+ var binBounds = freqScale.BinBounds;
+ int newBinCount = binBounds.GetLength(0);
+ // set up the new spectrogram
+ int frameCount = inputSpgram.GetLength(0);
+ double[,] opM = new double[frameCount, newBinCount];
+ for (int row = 0; row < frameCount; row++)
+ {
+ //get each frame or spectrum in turn and rescale.
+ var linearSpectrum = MatrixTools.GetRow(inputSpgram, row);
+ var rescaledSpectrum = SpectrogramStandard.RescaleSpectrumUsingFilterbank(binBounds, linearSpectrum);
+ //return the spectrum to output spectrogram.
+ MatrixTools.SetRow(opM, row, rescaledSpectrum);
+ }
+ return opM;
+ }
@@ -258,7 +300,10 @@ public Image GetImageFullyAnnotated(Image image, string title, int
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image));
- FrequencyScale.DrawFrequencyLinesOnImage(image, gridLineLocations, includeLabels: true);
+ if (gridLineLocations != null)
+ {
+ FrequencyScale.DrawFrequencyLinesOnImage(image, gridLineLocations, includeLabels: true);
+ }
// collect all the images and combine.
var titleBar = DrawTitleBarOfGrayScaleSpectrogram(title, image.Width, tag);
@@ -665,51 +710,5 @@ public static Image DrawTitleBarOfGrayScaleSpectrogram(string title, int
return bmp;
- /*
- // mark of time scale according to scale.
- public static Image DrawTimeTrack(TimeSpan offsetMinute, TimeSpan xAxisPixelDuration, TimeSpan xAxisTicInterval, TimeSpan labelInterval, int trackWidth, int trackHeight, string title)
- {
- var bmp = new Image(trackWidth, trackHeight);
- bmp.Mutate(g =>
- {
- g.Clear(Color.Black);
- double elapsedTime = offsetMinute.TotalSeconds;
- double pixelDuration = xAxisPixelDuration.TotalSeconds;
- int labelSecondsInterval = (int)labelInterval.TotalSeconds;
- var whitePen = new Pen(Color.White, 1);
- var stringFont = Drawing.Arial8;
- // for columns, draw in second lines
- double xInterval = (int)(xAxisTicInterval.TotalMilliseconds / xAxisPixelDuration.TotalMilliseconds);
- // for pixels in the line
- for (int x = 1; x < trackWidth; x++)
- {
- elapsedTime += pixelDuration;
- if (x % xInterval <= pixelDuration)
- {
- g.DrawLine(whitePen, x, 0, x, trackHeight);
- int totalSeconds = (int)Math.Round(elapsedTime);
- if (totalSeconds % labelSecondsInterval == 0)
- {
- int minutes = totalSeconds / 60;
- int seconds = totalSeconds % 60;
- string time = $"{minutes}m{seconds}s";
- g.DrawTextSafe(time, stringFont, Color.White, new PointF(x + 1, 2)); //draw time
- }
- }
- }
- g.DrawLine(whitePen, 0, 0, trackWidth, 0); //draw upper boundary
- g.DrawLine(whitePen, 0, trackHeight - 1, trackWidth, trackHeight - 1); //draw lower boundary
- g.DrawLine(whitePen, trackWidth, 0, trackWidth, trackHeight - 1); //draw right end boundary
- g.DrawTextSafe(title, stringFont, Color.White, new PointF(4, 3));
- });
- return bmp;
- }
- */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramStandard.cs b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramStandard.cs
index 13225d6ec..c51562cbc 100644
--- a/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramStandard.cs
+++ b/src/AudioAnalysisTools/StandardSpectrograms/SpectrogramStandard.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace AudioAnalysisTools.StandardSpectrograms
public class SpectrogramStandard : BaseSonogram
- //There are five CONSTRUCTORS
+ //There are six CONSTRUCTORS
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
@@ -28,6 +28,18 @@ public SpectrogramStandard(SonogramConfig config, WavReader wav)
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ /// Use this constructor when want to increase or decrease the linear frquency scale.
+ ///
+ /// Other info to construct the spectrogram.
+ /// The required new frequency scale.
+ /// The recording.
+ public SpectrogramStandard(SonogramConfig config, FrequencyScale scale, WavReader wav)
+ : base(config, scale, wav)
+ {
+ }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Use this constructor when you want to init a new Spectrogram by extracting portion of an existing sonogram.
@@ -133,5 +145,88 @@ public override void Make(double[,] amplitudeM)
this.SnrData.ModalNoiseProfile = tuple.Item2; // store the full bandwidth modal noise profile
+ ///
+ /// Converts a single linear spectrum to octave scale spectrum.
+ ///
+ public static double[] RescaleSpectrumUsingFilterbank(int[,] transformMatrix, double[] linearSpectrum)
+ {
+ int length = transformMatrix.GetLength(0);
+ var rescaledSpectrum = new double[length];
+ // Fill in the first value of the rescaled spectrum
+ int lowIndex1 = transformMatrix[0, 0];
+ int centreIndex1 = transformMatrix[0, 0];
+ int highIndex1 = transformMatrix[1, 0];
+ rescaledSpectrum[0] = FilterbankIntegral(linearSpectrum, lowIndex1, centreIndex1, highIndex1);
+ // fill in remainder except last
+ for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; i++)
+ {
+ int lowIndex = transformMatrix[i - 1, 0];
+ int centreIndex = transformMatrix[i, 0];
+ int highIndex = transformMatrix[i + 1, 0];
+ if (highIndex >= linearSpectrum.Length)
+ {
+ highIndex = linearSpectrum.Length - 1;
+ }
+ rescaledSpectrum[i] = FilterbankIntegral(linearSpectrum, lowIndex, centreIndex, highIndex);
+ }
+ // now fill in the last value of the rescaled spectrum
+ int lowIndex2 = transformMatrix[length - 2, 0];
+ int centreIndex2 = transformMatrix[length - 1, 0];
+ int highIndex2 = transformMatrix[length - 1, 0];
+ rescaledSpectrum[length - 1] = FilterbankIntegral(linearSpectrum, lowIndex2, centreIndex2, highIndex2);
+ return rescaledSpectrum;
+ }
+ public static double FilterbankIntegral(double[] spectrum, int lowIndex, int centreIndex, int highIndex)
+ {
+ // let k = index into spectral vector.
+ // for all k < lowIndex, filterBank[k] = 0;
+ // for all k > highIndex, filterBank[k] = 0;
+ // for all k in range (lowIndex <= k < centreIndex), filterBank[k] = (k-lowIndex) /(centreIndex - lowIndex)
+ // for all k in range (centreIndex <= k <= highIndex), filterBank[k] = (highIndex-k)/(highIndex - centreIndex)
+ double area = 0.0;
+ double integral = 0.0;
+ int delta = centreIndex - lowIndex;
+ if (delta > 0)
+ {
+ for (int k = lowIndex; k < centreIndex; k++)
+ {
+ double weight = (k - lowIndex) / (double)delta;
+ integral += weight * spectrum[k];
+ area += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ integral += spectrum[centreIndex];
+ area += 1.0;
+ delta = highIndex - centreIndex;
+ if (delta > 0)
+ {
+ for (int k = centreIndex + 1; k <= highIndex; k++)
+ {
+ if (delta == 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double weight = (highIndex - k) / (double)delta;
+ integral += weight * spectrum[k];
+ area += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ // NormaliseMatrixValues to area of the triangular filter
+ integral /= area;
+ return integral;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file