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Sander edited this page Feb 6, 2021 · 6 revisions

State mapping

Miele State HomeKit InUse HomeKit Active Displayed in Home
Off = 1 0 0 Off
ProgramSelected = 3 0 1 Starting
WaitingToStart = 4 0 1 Starting
InUse = 5 1 1 Running
Finished = 7 1 0 Stopping
Cancelled = 9 1 0 Stopping

Manually retrieve token

In case of authorisation failures you are still able to retrieve the token manually using the command line and store it in the configuration file.

  1. Create a Miele@mobile account if you do not already have one.
  2. Autheticate this plugin via the following link where you have replaced the client ID with the client ID you obtained when requesting the Miele developer account. client id&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8592&state=1
  3. After succesfull authorization, the browser will redirect you to something like: http://localhost:8592/?code=NL_74f14379695a6019bdf8d6bccb9f702c&state=1. Copy only the code after code= until and excluding &state=1. Please wait until the browser times out not being able to reach the address.
  4. In a terminal execute: curl -X POST -d client_id=your client id -d grant_type=authorization_code -d redirect_uri=http://localhost:8592 -d vg=nl-NL -d client_secret=your secret -d code=copied code from previous step
  5. Your token and refresh token will be returned by the authorization server.
  6. Store the token and refresh token in the JSON configuration file as refreshToken and `token'. Note: these settings are not available in the GUI setup as this is an advanced option only to be used in special situations.
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