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Python package to benchmark GLM implementations.

Running the benchmarks

After installing the package, you should have two CLI tools: glm_benchmarks_run and glm_benchmarks_analyze. Use the --help flag for full details. Look in src/glum/ to see the list of problems that will be run through each library.

To run the full benchmarking suite, just run glm_benchmarks_run with no flags. This will probably take a very long time.

For a more advanced example: glm_benchmarks_run --problem_name narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum --storage dense --num_rows 1000 --output_dir mydatadirname will run just the first 1000 rows of the narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson problem through the glum library and save the output to mydatadirname. This demonstrates several capabilities that will speed development when you just want to run a subset of either data or problems or libraries.

Demonstrating the command above:

(glum) ➜  glum git:(master) ✗ glm_benchmarks_run --problem_name narrow-insuranc
e-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum --storage dense --num_rows 1000 --output_dir
running problem=narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson library=glum
         convergence  n_cycles  iteration_runtime  intercept
0       1.444101e+00         0           0.001196  -1.843114
1       5.008199e-01         1           0.009937  -1.843114
2       8.087132e-02         2           0.001981  -2.311497
3       1.143680e-02         3           0.001860  -2.563429
4       3.526882e-04         4           0.001864  -2.607574
5       3.658644e-07         5           0.002538  -2.608770
ran problem narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson with library glum
ran in 0.045558929443359375

The --problem_name and --library_name flags take comma separated lists. This mean that if you want to run both glum and r-glmnet, you could run glm_benchmarks_run --library_name glum,r-glmnet.

The glm_benchmarks_analyze tool produces a dataframe comparing the correct and runtime of several runs/libraries. glm_benchmarks_analyze accepts an almost identical range of command line parameters as glm_benchmarks_run. You can use these CLI parameters to filter which problems and runs you would like to compare.

For example:

(glum) ➜  glum git:(master) ✗ glm_benchmarks_analyze --problem_name narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum --storage dense --num_rows 1000 --output_dir mydatadirname --cols intercept,runtime,n_iter
                                                                                 library_name  intercept  runtime  n_iter
problem_name                           num_rows regularization_strength offset                                           
narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson 1000     0.001                   False   glum    -3.3194   0.0456       5

Benchmarks can be sped up by enabling caching of generated data. If you don't do this, you will spend a lot of time repeatedly generating the same data set. To enable caching, set the GLM_BENCHMARKS_CACHE environment variable to the directory you would like to write to.

We support several types of matrix storage, passed with the argument "--storage". The default is "auto" which splits the matrix into dense, sparse, and categorical subcomponents using tabmat. "dense" stores the data as a numpy array. "sparse" stores data as a CSC sparse matrix. "cat" splits the matrix into a dense component and categorical components. "split0.1" splits the matrix into sparse and dense parts, where any column with more than 10% nonzero elements is put into the dense part, and the rest is put into the sparse part.


For line-by-line profiling, mark any functions that you'd like to profile with the @profile decorator and then launch using line_profiler with kernprof -lbv src/glum_benchmarks/ --problem_name narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum

For stack sampling profiling, use py-spy: py-spy top -- python src/glum_benchmarks/ --problem_name narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum

Memory profiling

To create a graph of memory usage:

mprof run --python -o mprofresults.dat --interval 0.01 src/glum_benchmarks/ --problem_name narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum --num_rows 100000
mprof plot mprofresults.dat -o prof2.png

To do line-by-line memory profiling, add a @profile decorator to the functions you care about and then run:

python -m memory_profiler src/glum_benchmarks/ --problem_name narrow-insurance-no-weights-l2-poisson --library_name glum --num_rows 100000