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Releases: QuantAsylum/Tractor

Release 0.981

18 Jul 15:29
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Release 0.981 (July 2019)

  • Add new file picker button to PromptA00 and AuditionA01 tests.
  • Minor cleanup to QA401 app launch code

Release 0.98

18 Jul 00:10
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Release 0.98 (July 2019)

This release is a rollup of two previous group of changes:


  • UI made more finger friendly with bigger buttons for touch screens, anchoring cleaned up
  • Added ThdNA01 for measuring THD+N
  • Activated lock code so that operator screen can be locked down and the operator won't revert back into the test configuration screen. The intent here is to ensure that accidental button presses won't close the test screen.
  • Installer will install registry keys and register the file type "*.tractor_tp". This allows you to double click on a test file and launch Tractor
  • Check will make sure QA401 version is >= 1.78 when using QA401 hardware


  • Added FreqResponseA01. This allows a mask to be specified for the pass/fail.
  • Changes so that UI builder can support string file names, a button for loading a file, and checking to verify file exists. This is used for loading masks.

The test parameters for the FreqResponseA01 test are shown below. An important note is that for chirp tests you don't want to go too small on the FFT otherwise there's not enough time to chirp across all the frequencies. So, start with a larger FFT (32768 at 48Ksps sample rate is comfortable) and adjust from there.

Note you only need to specify the analyzer output level in dBV and a mask file. The mask file must be prepared manually as a text file or you can generate it using the Graph tool from the QA401 application (see Test Plugins->Graph Tool). Also, see this post here on generating and editing masks.

The workflow with this test might be described as follows:

  1. Run a few tests in the QA401 application and build a family of curves in the Graph tool that describe the performace
  2. In the graph tool, generate the masks and save them
  3. Specify the mask files in the Tractor test parameters

Send mail to support if you are about to embark on using this plugin and we'll help you work through it. A tutorial will be posted in the next week that should help explain this in more detail.

Thanks, Matt


Release 0.92

20 Jun 20:52
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Release 0.92 Pre-release

Release 0.92 (June 2019)

This release has some minor cleanup and also adds to more tests.

  • Added ability for any test to provide an operator notification during PASS. The last test to set
    the operator notification will have that notification shown. This means if you want a message to
    be passed to the operator, the test that does so should be the last test OR subsequent tests must
    not overwrite the operator notification
  • Added GainSorted5A01N and GainSorted3A01N tests
  • Perf change on tree view redraw

GainSorted5A01N and GainSorted3A01N are similar tests that allow for a range of gains to be entered. Both are derived from GainA01. If the tested gain falls within one of the prescribed ranges, then the test will 'pass' and the operator will be instructed in the pass/fail dialog how the DUT should be sorted. This allows operator sorting of DUT. An example might be sorting transistor by Hfe or sorting speakers by measured impedance.

This introduces a new test flow to Tractor--the ability for an operator to be passed a message other than Pass/Fail. For exmaple, here the DUT has passed AND the operator is instructed to place the DUT in sorting bin #3. This messages can be customized for each sort range.

The test parameters for the GainSorted3A01N are shown below (the GainSorted5A01N are similar, but with 5 'buckets' instead of 3).


Note the top half of the test settings are same as the GainA01 test. The new options are located in the red highlight. Here, you can see 3 sort regions are defined. Each sort region must be unique but the end points can overlap. Sort 0 is defined as -15 to -5 dB. Sort 1 is defined as -5 to 5 dB. And Sort 2 is defined as 5 to 15 dB.

If you test a DUT with a gain of -20, it will fail. If you test a DUT with a gain of -15, it will pass and the operator will be be passed a message 'Sort 0' (this can be changed).

If the DUT has a gain of -5, it will fall into the Sort0 bucket as gains are tested against limits from top to bottom, and the first matching will be the 'winner'.

By default, the test checks that both right and left channels. If both channels are enabled, then the Left channel will be compared before the Right channel (always). And the last test to be made (right channel, if both are enabled) will determine the message the operator sees.

Thanks, Matt

Release 0.91

22 Apr 21:31
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Release 0.91 Pre-release

This is the release for the blog post here. This release should be paired with the QA401 release 1.730

Release 0.9

18 Apr 21:53
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Release 0.9 Pre-release

Major re-structuring and cleanup and added features. See the source deltas. Previously built tests will likely not load with this version. But from here to 1.0 there shouldn't be any more breaking changes, or if they are, they will be very minor.

Release 0.75

04 Feb 23:19
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Release 0.75 Pre-release


  • Added splash
  • Various bug fixing and refactoring
  • Added cloud database support
  • QA401 Test flow now resembles QA401H test flow (eg processing done without pulling data across)
  • Significant re-structuring of THD and RMS measurements internally. These have only been lightly tested
  • Requires QA401 version 1.708 or later

0.64 Eval Release

22 Oct 16:58
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0.64 Eval Release Pre-release

Release 0.64 Oct 2018

  • Add colorcoding for pass fail
  • Added final P/F dlg
  • Hide main window when running tests
  • Displayed limits in datagrid
  • More code to ensure power state is disabled upon operator stop/exception or otherwise abnormal termination
  • Added checkbox permit stopping a test on failure
  • Start button is Accept() behavior, Stop button is default cancel button
  • Added ability for the app to load QAAnalyzer.EXE assembly from default install locations
  • Clean up to internal code paths. Got rid of dependence on Form.This via some delegates to handle editing.

0.62 eval release

16 Oct 01:33
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0.62 eval release Pre-release
