.nvmrc is used in the project. Instal nvm and run in the project folder:
nvm use
You should set up script to call nvm use
automatically in a directory with a .nvmrc file.
Please refer to this: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#nvmrc
npm run dev # dev mode
npm run build # build mode
npm run lint # lint
npm run start # start the server
This test project is using react, next.js and chakra-ui. Please take a quick look at them if you are not familiar with them. Some part of the questions seems to be vague, which is intentional. You are expected to figure them out, however, feel free to ask any question you may have.
Please fork this repo and complete the following tasks.
Replace the "USER" with the real user ID.
Update the user/[id].js to show the right status info in the page.
Update the grid system using chakra ui; Feel free to design a layout that you think is great.
Add Chinese language support. Fix all warnings you run into.
[optional]Assuming we are buidling a blog system, where SEO is critical, add the SEO support for the project.