안녕하세요 space invader 프로젝트에서 Recodrs & Achivements system 업무를 맡고 있는 React입니다 저희 팀에서의 목표는 space invader에서의 기록 및 업적에 관한 시스템을 만드는 것입니다
백윤성(팀장): Screen development
홍성필: Displaying the records system.
김민수: achievement for perfect accuracy (if number of bullets = number of enemies)
김대영: satisfaction of specific score
김동한: clear with no damage on each stages
- achievement for perfect accuracy (if number of bullets = number of enemies)
- satisfaction of specific score (ex score = 777)
- clear with no damage on each stages
- records system
- clear stage below specific time
- Achievement screen background music (BGM).
- Sound effects (SFX) for transitioning between achievement UIs.
- Reading sound files
- Playing sounds
- Stopping sounds
- Ranking system
- Clearing within a time limit
- Achieving a perfect score without missing a single shot
- Score calculation.
- Gameplay time calculation.
- Hits taken / hits missed calculation.
- Display achievement screen.
- Display a button to navigate from the main menu to the achievement screen.