AtomScript Tiny Code, Big Reactions! Installation and running Make sure you have go installed Clone the repo. Change directory to repo and run go mod tidy Run the code go run ./main.go The app will open a repl by default To execute a file use --file flag followed by file path. go run ./main.go --file ./sampleCode.txt Sample code atom a = 1; atom b = 2; a + b; a - b; a * b; a / b; molecule element = { "name": "hydrogen", "symbol": "H", "atomicNumber": 1 }; element["name"]; element["symbol"]; element["atomicNumber"]; reaction getElementDetails(element) { puts("Name is", element["name"], "Symbol is", element["symbol"], "Atomic number is", element["atomicNumber"]) } getElementDetails(element); puts("Hello, world!"); atom metals = ["iron", "copper", "silver", "gold", "aluminum"]; len(metals); metals[0]; metals[1]; metals[2]; metals[3]; metals[4]; push(metals, "platinum"); len(metals) metals[5]; first(metals); last(metals); rest(metals);