diff --git a/apps/adminpanel/public/images/templates/dashboard-dark.png b/apps/adminpanel/public/images/templates/dashboard-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e4c0eac5
Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/adminpanel/public/images/templates/dashboard-dark.png differ
diff --git a/apps/adminpanel/public/images/templates/dashboard-light.png b/apps/adminpanel/public/images/templates/dashboard-light.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..320fd2ed9
Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/adminpanel/public/images/templates/dashboard-light.png differ
diff --git a/apps/next/public/images/templates/dashboard-dark.png b/apps/next/public/images/templates/dashboard-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e4c0eac5
Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/next/public/images/templates/dashboard-dark.png differ
diff --git a/apps/next/public/images/templates/dashboard-light.png b/apps/next/public/images/templates/dashboard-light.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..320fd2ed9
Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/next/public/images/templates/dashboard-light.png differ
diff --git a/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/admindashboard.tpl b/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/admindashboard.tpl
index 88b9cd0c0..9cbe98dd4 100644
--- a/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/admindashboard.tpl
+++ b/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/admindashboard.tpl
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ const layouts = {
-Protofy("pageType", "admin")
+Protofy("pageType", "admindashboard")
diff --git a/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/dashboard.tpl b/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/dashboard.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cffa5f292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/protolib/src/bundles/pages/templates/dashboard.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* @my/ui is wrapper for tamagui. Any component in tamagui can be imported through @my/ui
+use result = await API.get(url) or result = await API.post(url, data) to send requests
+API.get/API.post will return a PendingResult, with properties like isLoaded, isError and a .data property with the result
+if you call paginated apis, you will need to wait for result.isLoaded and look into result.data.items, since result.data is an object with the pagination.
+Paginated apis return an object like: {"itemsPerPage": 25, "items": [...], "total": 20, "page": 0, "pages": 1}
+import { Protofy, API } from 'protobase'
+import { SSR } from 'protolib/lib/SSR';
+import { Page } from 'protolib/components/Page'
+import { DashboardGrid } from 'protolib/components/DashboardGrid';
+import { withSession } from 'protolib/lib/Session';
+import { XStack, YStack } from '@my/ui';
+import { BigTitle } from 'protolib/components/BigTitle'
+import { ServiceMemoryUsageChart, TotalMemoryUsage, TotalCPUUsage, TotalUsers, LastEvents, ListPages, TotalObjects, ListLatestUsers, TotalGroups, ListGroups, TotalEvents } from 'protolib/bundles/widgets';
+const isProtected = Protofy("protected", {{protected}})
+const itemsContent = [
+ { key: 'servicememorychart', content: },
+ { key: 'totalmemory', content: },
+ { key: 'totalcpu', content: },
+ { key: 'totalusers', content: },
+ { key: 'lastevents', content: },
+ { key: 'listpages', content: },
+ { key: 'listgroups', content: },
+ { key: 'totalobjects', content: },
+ { key: 'listlatestusers', content: },
+ { key: 'totalgroups', content: },
+ { key: 'totalevents', content: },
+const layouts = {
+ "lg": [
+ { "i": "totalcpu", "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalmemory", "x": 3, "y": 0, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalusers", "x": 6, "y": 0, "w": 2, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listlatestusers", "x": 9, "y": 0, "w": 4, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "servicememorychart", "x": 0, "y": 6, "w": 6, "h": 14, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "lastevents", "x": 6, "y": 6, "w": 6, "h": 14, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalgroups", "x": 0, "y": 20, "w": 2, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listgroups", "x": 2, "y": 20, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalevents", "x": 5, "y": 20, "w": 2, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalobjects", "x": 7, "y": 20, "w": 2, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listpages", "x": 9, "y": 20, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true }
+ ],
+ "md": [
+ { "i": "totalcpu", "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalmemory", "x": 3, "y": 0, "w": 4, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalusers", "x": 7, "y": 0, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listlatestusers", "x": 0, "y": 6, "w": 12, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "servicememorychart", "x": 0, "y": 12, "w": 12, "h": 12, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "lastevents", "x": 0, "y": 24, "w": 12, "h": 12, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalgroups", "x": 0, "y": 36, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listgroups", "x": 3, "y": 36, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalevents", "x": 9, "y": 36, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalobjects", "x": 0, "y": 42, "w": 3, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listpages", "x": 3, "y": 42, "w": 9, "h": 6, "isResizable": true }
+ ],
+ "sm": [
+ { "i": "totalcpu", "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalmemory", "x": 0, "y": 6, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalusers", "x": 0, "y": 12, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listlatestusers", "x": 0, "y": 18, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "servicememorychart", "x": 0, "y": 24, "w": 6, "h": 12, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "lastevents", "x": 0, "y": 36, "w": 6, "h": 12, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalgroups", "x": 0, "y": 48, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listgroups", "x": 0, "y": 54, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalevents", "x": 0, "y": 60, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "totalobjects", "x": 0, "y": 66, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true },
+ { "i": "listpages", "x": 0, "y": 72, "w": 6, "h": 6, "isResizable": true }
+ ]
+Protofy("pageType", "dashboard")
+export default {
+ route: Protofy("route", "{{route}}"),
+ component: ({ pageState, initialItems, pageSession, extraData }: any) => {
+ return (
+ {{name}}
+ )
+ },
+ getServerSideProps: SSR(async (context) => withSession(context, isProtected ? Protofy("permissions", []) : undefined))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/protolib/src/bundles/templates.ts b/packages/protolib/src/bundles/templates.ts
index 2ab59b0af..4b692e946 100644
--- a/packages/protolib/src/bundles/templates.ts
+++ b/packages/protolib/src/bundles/templates.ts
@@ -118,14 +118,18 @@ export const pageTemplates = {
id: "adminblank",
name: "Admin blank"
- "landing": {
- id: "landing",
- name: "Landing"
- },
"admindashboard": {
id: "admindashboard",
name: "Admin dashboard"
+ "dashboard": {
+ id: "dashboard",
+ name: "Dashboard"
+ },
+ "landing": {
+ id: "landing",
+ name: "Landing"
+ },
"iot": {
id: "iot",
name: "IoT Panel"