Test catalog consistency when upgrading from one version of Stratus to another.
cd ./standalone/upgrade
./test_upgrade.sh $OLD_VER $NEW_VER
- A locally running postgis container
- A locally running Stratus instance.
- na_roads Load na_roads into
./standalone/na_roads_postgis.sh # if prompted, it is for a password. Enter 'docker' up to 3 times.
- Geoserver Create workspace, datastore, and featuretype accessible via http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/layers/acme:ne_10m_roads_north_america
Assumes acme workspace is created already. If not, then
Assumes acme workspace is created already. If not, then
First, create the points in your database
python ./python/generate_points.py --load-pg --workspaces 100 --layers 10 --points 1000 --db-host localhost --db-port 5432 --db-username docker --db-password docker
Next, create the geoserver workspaces, datastores, and featuretypes
python ./python/generate_points.py --load-gs --workspaces 100 --layers 10 --points 1000 --geoserver-host localhost --geoserver-port 8080 --db-host localhost --db-port 5432 --db-username docker --db-password docker
Test simulated points data
, *vector-scale-test-wms.jmx
See locust/README.md and locust/Building_locust.md on locust install
- Load test Start locust. In this case, it's a wms png test but you could configure locust to run other tests under the varying load as well.
locust -f code/wms_tester.py -n1000 -c1 --host=localhost:8080
You can start/stop loads from the UI: http://localhost:8089. Of course, it's more helpful to run the load test on a remotely deployed instance but localhost:8080 is provided above for a simple start.
- Simulate scale up and scale down of users via csv file of load over time ** Edit a csv file (usage_load.csv is given as a starter) and set the prescribed load
vi usage_load.csv
** Start locust as above. Now visit http://localhost:8089 to see the locust web UI. The simulation will utilize the rest interface to start and stop specific tests based on the usage_load.csv ** Run the simulated load tests
locust/post_latency.py e.g.,
python3 post_latency.py $STRATUS_HOST \
--database-host $DB_HOST \
--database-port $DB_PORT \
--database-name $DB_NAME \
--database-user $DB_USER \
--database-password $DB_PASSWORD \
--test-count 2 --delay 0.01 --max-fails 10