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File metadata and controls

50 lines (32 loc) · 1.74 KB


A composer + vagrant boilerplate for building PHP applications.

To get started with this boilerplate, fork or download this repository to a location on your development system and run the following two commands from inside the project directory:

  • composer install
  • vagrant up

Once these tasks finish you will have a working PHP development environment running at

##Ubuntu 12.04 The vagrant & puppet configuration will create an Ubuntu 12.04 64bit server running:

  • PHP 5.4
  • MySQL 5.5
  • Nginx

It will then install configuration making the /app/www into the web root, and route all requests for files that do not exist into /app/www/index.php (which includes /app/main.php). Inside the VM, all these files will exist in the /vagrant/ path.

Additionally, the following PHP modules are installed:

  • php5-mysqlnd
  • php5-gd
  • php5-sqlite
  • php5-xdebug
  • php5-apc
  • php5-mcrypt
  • php5-curl
  • php5-memcache


MySQL is configured with one database (main) and two user accounts:

  • root (password: root)
  • php (password: php)

The php account only has rights to access the main database.


This repo also includes a phpunit.xml file configured to include the composer autoloader and generate coverage reports for all files in /app/classes. Tests should go into the /tests/classes folder, matching the class path in /app/classes.


Composer does not get installed within the vm, so it will need to be present on the host OS. The composer.json file is configured to load all libraries into /app/vendor, including the autoloader files.

Composer is also configured to generate a classmap of the entire contents of /app/classes.