diff --git a/ui-v2/src/components/ui/flow-run-acitivity-bar-graph/flow-run-activity-bar-graph.test.tsx b/ui-v2/src/components/ui/flow-run-acitivity-bar-graph/flow-run-activity-bar-graph.test.tsx
index dd69bea50bfe..1658fb5ba3a3 100644
--- a/ui-v2/src/components/ui/flow-run-acitivity-bar-graph/flow-run-activity-bar-graph.test.tsx
+++ b/ui-v2/src/components/ui/flow-run-acitivity-bar-graph/flow-run-activity-bar-graph.test.tsx
@@ -105,34 +105,37 @@ describe("FlowRunActivityBarChart", () => {
- ])("renders the bars with expected colors for %s", (stateType) => {
- const enrichedFlowRun = {
- ...mockFlowRun,
- state_type: stateType,
- };
- render(
- ,
- );
- const bars = screen.getAllByRole("graphics-symbol");
- expect(
- within(bars[0]).getByTestId("bar-rect-test-flow-run-1"),
- ).toHaveAttribute("fill", `hsl(var(--state-${stateType.toLowerCase()}))`);
- });
+ ["COMPLETED", "fill-green-600"],
+ ["FAILED", "fill-red-600"],
+ ["CANCELLED", "fill-gray-500"],
+ ["CANCELLING", "fill-gray-600"],
+ ["PENDING", "fill-gray-400"],
+ ["SCHEDULED", "fill-yellow-400"],
+ ["PAUSED", "fill-gray-500"],
+ ["RUNNING", "fill-blue-700"],
+ ["CRASHED", "fill-orange-600"],
+ ])(
+ "renders the bars with expected colors for %s",
+ (stateType, expectedClass) => {
+ const enrichedFlowRun = {
+ ...mockFlowRun,
+ state_type: stateType,
+ };
+ render(
+ ,
+ );
+ const bars = screen.getAllByRole("graphics-symbol");
+ expect(
+ within(bars[0]).getByTestId("bar-rect-test-flow-run-1"),
+ ).toHaveClass(expectedClass);
+ },
+ );
it("applies custom bar width when provided", () => {
const customBarWidth = 12;