diff --git a/admin_panel/forms.py b/admin_panel/forms.py
index d66b7c2..c0a2e34 100644
--- a/admin_panel/forms.py
+++ b/admin_panel/forms.py
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
from core.consts.currencies import CURRENCIES_LIST
from core.currency import Currency
from core.pairs import PAIRS_LIST
-from cryptocoins.tasks.eth import ethereum_manager
-from cryptocoins.tasks.trx import tron_manager
-from cryptocoins.tasks.bnb import bnb_manager
+from cryptocoins.coins.eth.ethereum import ethereum_manager
+from cryptocoins.coins.trx.tron import tron_manager
+from cryptocoins.coins.bnb.bnb import bnb_manager
from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
CryptoBitcoin = Bitcoin()
diff --git a/admin_panel/views.py b/admin_panel/views.py
index bbb3499..5b318fa 100644
--- a/admin_panel/views.py
+++ b/admin_panel/views.py
@@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
from cryptocoins.coins.btc.service import BTCCoinService
from cryptocoins.coins.eth import ETH_CURRENCY
from cryptocoins.coins.trx import TRX_CURRENCY
-from cryptocoins.coins.usdt import USDT_CURRENCY
-from cryptocoins.tasks.eth import process_payouts as eth_process_payouts
-from cryptocoins.tasks.trx import process_payouts as trx_process_payouts
-from cryptocoins.tasks.bnb import process_payouts as bnb_process_payouts
+from cryptocoins.tasks.evm import process_payouts_task
@@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ def admin_eth_withdrawal_request_approve(request):
if form.is_valid():
password = form.cleaned_data.get('key')
- eth_process_payouts.apply_async([password,])
+ process_payouts_task.apply_async(['ETH', password,], queue='eth_payouts')
messages.success(request, 'Withdrawals in processing')
return redirect('admin_withdrawal_request_approve_eth') # need for clear post data
except Exception as e: # all messages and errors to admin message
@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ def admin_trx_withdrawal_request_approve(request):
if form.is_valid():
password = form.cleaned_data.get('key')
- trx_process_payouts.apply_async([password, ])
+ process_payouts_task.apply_async(['TRX', password, ], queue='trx_payouts')
messages.success(request, 'Withdrawals in processing')
return redirect('admin_withdrawal_request_approve_trx') # need for clear post data
except Exception as e: # all messages and errors to admin message
@@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ def admin_bnb_withdrawal_request_approve(request):
if form.is_valid():
password = form.cleaned_data.get('key')
- bnb_process_payouts.apply_async([password, ])
+ process_payouts_task.apply_async(['BNB', password, ], queue='bnb_payouts')
messages.success(request, 'Withdrawals in processing')
return redirect('admin_withdrawal_request_approve_bnb') # need for clear post data
except Exception as e: # all messages and errors to admin message
diff --git a/admin_rest/__init__.py b/admin_rest/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a428da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+default_app_config = 'admin_rest.apps.AdminRestConfig'
diff --git a/admin_rest/admin_rest.py b/admin_rest/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d4367a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+import csv
+import json
+import logging
+import time
+from collections import defaultdict
+from typing import List
+from allauth.account.models import EmailAddress
+from django.contrib import messages
+from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
+from django.db import transaction, models
+from django.db.models import F, Sum, Count, When, Value, Case, ExpressionWrapper
+from django.db.models import Q
+from django.db.transaction import atomic
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.urls import reverse
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
+from django_otp.conf import settings
+from django_otp.plugins.otp_totp.models import TOTPDevice
+from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.fields import serial_field, CurrencySerialRestField
+from admin_rest.mixins import JsonListApiViewMixin
+from admin_rest.mixins import NoDeleteMixin, NoCreateMixin
+from admin_rest.mixins import ReadOnlyMixin
+from admin_rest.models import AllOrder
+from admin_rest.models import AllOrderNoBot
+from admin_rest.models import Balance
+from admin_rest.models import Match
+from admin_rest.models import Topups
+from admin_rest.models import Transaction
+from admin_rest.models import UserDailyStat
+from admin_rest.models import WithdrawalRequest
+from admin_rest.permissions import IsSuperAdminUser
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import RestFulModelAdmin
+from admin_rest.utils import get_bots_ids
+from core.balance_manager import BalanceManager
+from core.consts.inouts import DISABLE_COIN_STATES
+from core.consts.orders import SELL
+from core.currency import Currency
+from core.exceptions.inouts import NotEnoughFunds
+from core.models import PairSettings
+from core.models.cryptocoins import UserWallet
+from core.models.facade import AccessLog, CoinInfo
+from core.models.facade import LoginHistory
+from core.models.facade import Message
+from core.models.facade import Profile
+from core.models.facade import SmsHistory
+from core.models.facade import SourceOfFunds
+from core.models.facade import TwoFactorSecretHistory
+from core.models.facade import TwoFactorSecretTokens
+from core.models.facade import UserExchangeFee
+from core.models.facade import UserFee
+from core.models.facade import UserKYC
+from core.models.facade import UserRestrictions
+from core.models.inouts.dif_balance import DifBalance
+from core.models.inouts.disabled_coin import DisabledCoin
+from core.models.inouts.fees_and_limits import FeesAndLimits
+from core.models.inouts.fees_and_limits import WithdrawalFee
+from core.models.inouts.sci import GATES
+from core.models.inouts.sci import PayGateTopup
+from core.models.inouts.transaction import REASON_MANUAL_TOPUP
+from core.models.inouts.transaction import REASON_TOPUP
+from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactions
+from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactionsRevert
+from core.models.orders import Exchange
+from core.models.orders import ExecutionResult
+from core.models.orders import Order
+from core.models.orders import OrderChangeHistory
+from core.models.orders import OrderStateChangeHistory
+from core.models.stats import ExternalPricesHistory
+from core.models.stats import TradesAggregatedStats
+from core.models.stats import UserPairDailyStat
+from core.models.wallet_history import WalletHistoryItem
+from core.utils.wallet_history import create_or_update_wallet_history_item_from_transaction
+from cryptocoins.models.stats import DepositsWithdrawalsStats
+from cryptocoins.tasks import calculate_topups_and_withdrawals
+from cryptocoins.utils.stats import generate_stats_fields
+from lib.helpers import BOT_RE
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DifBalanceAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ display_fields = ['created', 'user', 'type', 'currency', 'diff', 'diff_percent',
+ 'balance', 'old_balance', 'txs_amount', 'calc_balance', 'sum_diff']
+ list_display = display_fields
+ fields = display_fields
+ readonly_fields = display_fields
+ filterset_fields = ['created', 'currency']
+ search_fields = [
+ 'user__email',
+ 'user__id',
+ ]
+ ordering = ('-id',)
+class EmailConfirmationApiAdmin(NoCreateMixin, NoDeleteMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['verified']
+class GroupApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ['name', 'permissions', 'users']
+ list_display = ['name']
+ def permissions(self, obj):
+ perms = defaultdict(dict)
+ for perm in obj.permissions.all():
+ name = f'{perm.content_type.app_label}/{perm.content_type.model}'
+ action = perm.codename.split('_')[0]
+ perms[name][action] = True
+ ret_perms = [{
+ 'name': key,
+ 'permissions': value
+ } for key, value in perms.items()]
+ ret_perms = sorted(ret_perms, key=lambda i: i['name'])
+ return ret_perms
+ def users(self, obj):
+ return list(obj.user_set.values('id', 'username', 'email'))
+class AccessLogApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = [
+ 'created',
+ 'ip',
+ 'username',
+ 'method',
+ 'uri',
+ 'status',
+ 'referer',
+ 'user_agent']
+ fields = [
+ 'created',
+ 'ip',
+ 'username',
+ 'method',
+ 'uri',
+ 'status',
+ 'referer',
+ 'user_agent']
+ search_fields = [
+ 'username',
+ 'uri',
+ 'user_agent',
+ 'ip'
+ ]
+ filterset_fields = ['created', 'method', 'status']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+class LoginHistoryApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['created', 'ip', 'user_agent']
+ readonly_fields = ['created', 'ip', 'user_agent']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+class MessageApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class ProfileApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'aside': {'edit': True}}
+ readonly_fields = (
+ 'id',
+ 'created',
+ 'updated',
+ 'affiliate_code',
+ 'register_ip')
+ def country(self, obj):
+ return obj.country.code
+class SmsHistoryApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['user', 'created', 'phone', 'withdrawals_sms_confirmation']
+ filterset_fields = ['created']
+ search_fields = ['user__email', 'phone']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+class SourceOfFundsApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ['user', 'is_beneficiary', 'profession_value', 'source_value']
+ list_display = [
+ 'user',
+ 'is_beneficiary',
+ 'profession_value',
+ 'source_value']
+ readonly_fields = (
+ 'is_beneficiary',
+ 'profession_value',
+ 'source_value',
+ )
+ def profession_value(self, obj):
+ if obj.profession is None:
+ return 'Not set'
+ result = []
+ # iterate over professions array
+ for i in obj.profession:
+ # iterate over profession choices
+ for j in obj.PROFESSIONS:
+ _id, text = j
+ if _id == i:
+ result.append(str(text))
+ return ', '.join(result)
+ def source_value(self, obj):
+ if obj.source is None:
+ return 'Not set'
+ result = []
+ for i in obj.source:
+ for j in obj.SOURCES:
+ _id, text = j
+ if _id == i:
+ result.append(str(text))
+ return ', '.join(result)
+class TwoFactorSecretHistoryApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ['created', 'status']
+ readonly_fields = ['created', 'status']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+class TwoFactorSecretTokensApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['id', 'email', 'status', 'last_updated']
+ search_fields = (
+ 'id',
+ 'user__email',
+ 'user__id',
+ )
+ actions = (
+ 'disable',
+ )
+ def status(self, obj):
+ return 'ON' if TwoFactorSecretTokens.is_enabled_for_user(obj.user) else 'OFF'
+ def last_updated(self, obj):
+ return obj.updated
+ def email(self, obj):
+ return obj.user.email
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',))
+ def disable(self, request, queryset):
+ """
+ :param request:
+ :param queryset:
+ :type queryset: list[TwoFactorSecretTokens]
+ """
+ try:
+ with atomic():
+ for tfs in queryset:
+ tfs.drop()
+ except BaseException as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+class UserExchangeFeeApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class UserFeeApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class UserKYCApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+class WithdrawalFeeApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = [
+ 'id',
+ 'currency',
+ 'blockchain_currency',
+ 'address_fee',
+ ]
+ filterset_fields = ['currency', 'blockchain_currency']
+class FeesAndLimitsApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class WalletTransactionsApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ # list_filter = ['state', 'currency', 'status', 'created', AddressTypeFilter]
+ fields = ('created', 'user', 'currency', 'blockchain', 'amount', 'tx_amount', 'tx_hash', 'status', 'state')
+ list_display = ['created', 'user', 'currency', 'blockchain', 'amount', 'tx_amount', 'tx_hash', 'status', 'state']
+ filterset_fields = [
+ 'state',
+ 'currency',
+ 'wallet__blockchain_currency',
+ 'status',
+ 'created']
+ search_fields = [
+ 'transaction__user__email',
+ 'transaction__user__id',
+ 'id',
+ 'tx_hash']
+ actions = {
+ 'revert': [],
+ 'recheck_kyt': [],
+ 'force_deposit_and_accumulate': [],
+ 'external_accumulation': [
+ {'label': 'External address', 'name': 'external_address'},
+ ],
+ }
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(WalletTransactionsApiAdmin, self).get_queryset().annotate(
+ user=F('wallet__user__email'),
+ blockchain=F('wallet__blockchain_currency'),
+ tx_amount=F('transaction__amount'),
+ )
+ return qs.prefetch_related('wallet', 'transaction', 'transaction__user')
+ @serial_field(serial_class=CurrencySerialRestField)
+ def blockchain(self, obj):
+ return obj.blockchain
+ def tx_amount(self, obj):
+ return obj.tx_amount
+ def user(self, obj):
+ return obj.user
+ # custom actions
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def revert(self, request, queryset):
+ """
+ :param queryset:
+ :type queryset: list[WalletTransactions]
+ """
+ try:
+ with atomic():
+ for wallet_tr in queryset:
+ wallet_tr.revert()
+ except Exception as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',))
+ def recheck_kyt(self, request, queryset):
+ for entry in queryset:
+ entry.check_scoring()
+ recheck_kyt.short_description = 'Recheck KYT'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',))
+ def force_deposit_and_accumulate(self, request, queryset: List[WalletTransactions]):
+ for wallet_tr in queryset:
+ wallet_tr.force_deposit()
+ force_deposit_and_accumulate.short_description = 'Force deposit and accumulate'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',))
+ def external_accumulation(self, request, queryset: List[WalletTransactions]):
+ data = request.POST or request.data
+ address = data.get('external_address')
+ for wallet_tr in queryset:
+ wallet_tr.set_external_accumulation_address(address)
+ external_accumulation.short_description = 'External accumulation'
+class WalletTransactionsRevertApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class ExchangeApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class ExecutionResultApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class OrderChangeHistoryApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class OrderStateChangeHistoryApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class ExternalPricesHistoryApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['created', 'pair', 'price']
+ filterset_fields = ['created', 'pair']
+class TradesAggregatedStatsApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = [
+ 'pair',
+ 'period',
+ 'ts',
+ 'min_price',
+ 'max_price',
+ 'avg_price',
+ 'open_price',
+ 'close_price',
+ 'volume',
+ 'amount',
+ 'num_trades',
+ 'fee_base',
+ 'fee_quoted',
+ ]
+ readonly_fields = list_display
+ filterset_fields = ['pair', 'period']
+class UserPairDailyStatApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class WalletHistoryItemApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class UserApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'aside': {'edit': True}}
+ list_display = ('id', 'date_joined', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'user_type', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser',
+ 'is_active', 'kyc', 'kyc_reject_type', 'two_fa',
+ 'withdrawals_count', 'orders_count', 'email_verified', 'phone_verified',)
+ fields = (
+ 'id',
+ 'username',
+ 'email',
+ 'first_name',
+ 'last_name',
+ 'is_staff',
+ 'is_superuser',
+ 'is_active'
+ )
+ readonly_fields = ['id', 'is_superuser', 'is_staff', 'user_type']
+ search_fields = ['username']
+ ordering = ('-date_joined',)
+ actions = {
+ 'confirm_email': [],
+ 'topup': [
+ {'label': 'Amount', 'name': 'amount', 'type': 'decimal', },
+ {'label': 'Currency', 'name': 'currency', },
+ {'label': 'Password', 'name': 'password', },
+ ],
+ 'drop_2fa': [],
+ 'drop_sms': []
+ }
+ filterset_fields = ['profile__user_type', ]
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(UserApiAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ return qs.annotate(
+ withdrawals_count=Count('withdrawalrequest', distinct=True),
+ orders_count=Count('order', distinct=True),
+ two_fa=Case(
+ When(twofactorsecrettokens__secret__isnull=False, then=Value(True)),
+ default=Value(False),
+ output_field=models.BooleanField()
+ ),
+ kyc=Case(
+ When(Q(userkyc__forced_approve=True) | Q(userkyc__reviewAnswer=UserKYC.ANSWER_GREEN),
+ then=Value('green')),
+ When(userkyc__reviewAnswer=UserKYC.ANSWER_RED, then=Value('red')),
+ default=Value('no'),
+ output_field=models.CharField(),
+ ),
+ kyc_reject_type=Case(
+ When(userkyc__reviewAnswer=UserKYC.ANSWER_RED, then=F('userkyc__rejectType')),
+ default=Value(''),
+ output_field=models.CharField(),
+ )
+ ).prefetch_related('withdrawalrequest_set', 'order_set', 'twofactorsecrettokens_set', 'userkyc')
+ def kyc(self, obj):
+ return obj.kyc
+ def kyc_reject_type(self, obj):
+ return obj.kyc_reject_type
+ def two_fa(self, obj):
+ return obj.two_fa
+ def withdrawals_count(self, obj):
+ return obj.withdrawals_count
+ def orders_count(self, obj):
+ return obj.orders_count
+ def email_verified(self, obj):
+ exists = EmailAddress.objects.filter(
+ user=obj,
+ email=obj.email
+ ).exists()
+ return exists
+ def phone_verified(self, obj):
+ return bool(obj.profile.phone)
+ def user_type(self, obj):
+ return obj.profile.get_user_type_display()
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=[IsSuperAdminUser])
+ def topup(self, request, queryset):
+ currency = request.data.get('currency')
+ amount = request.data.get('amount')
+ password = request.data.get('password')
+ if not currency or not amount:
+ raise ValidationError('Currency or amount incorrect!')
+ if password != settings.ADMIN_MASTERPASS:
+ raise ValidationError('Incorrect password!')
+ currency = Currency.get(currency)
+ for user in queryset:
+ with atomic():
+ tx = Transaction.topup(user.id, currency, amount, {'1': 1}, reason=REASON_MANUAL_TOPUP)
+ create_or_update_wallet_history_item_from_transaction(tx)
+ topup.short_description = 'Make Topup'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def confirm_email(self, request, queryset):
+ for user in queryset:
+ ea = EmailAddress.objects.filter(
+ user=user,
+ email=user.email
+ ).first()
+ if ea:
+ ea.verified = True
+ ea.save()
+ confirm_email.short_description = 'Confirm email'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def drop_2fa(self, request, queryset):
+ for user in queryset:
+ TwoFactorSecretTokens.drop_for_user(user)
+ drop_2fa.short_description = 'Drop 2FA'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def drop_sms(self, request, queryset):
+ for user in queryset:
+ user.profile.drop_sms()
+ drop_sms.short_description = 'Drop SMS'
+class TransactionApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['user', 'created', 'reason', 'currency', 'amount', 'state']
+ filterset_fields = ['reason', 'currency', 'created', 'state',]
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+class BalanceApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'searchable_fields': ['user']}
+ list_display = ['user', 'currency', 'total', 'amount', 'amount_in_orders']
+ filterset_fields = ['currency']
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(BalanceApiAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ return qs.annotate(
+ total=Sum(F('amount') + F('amount_in_orders'))
+ ).prefetch_related('user')
+ def total(self, obj):
+ return obj.total
+class AllOrderApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['id', 'user', 'created', 'pair', 'operation', 'type', 'quantity',
+ 'quantity_left', 'price', 'amount', 'fee', 'state', 'executed',
+ 'state_changed_at']
+ fields = ['id', 'user', 'pair', 'state']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+ filterset_fields = ['pair', 'operation', 'state', 'executed', 'created']
+ actions = [
+ 'cancel_order',
+ # 'revert_orders',
+ 'revert_orders_balance',
+ ]
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ def created(self, obj):
+ return obj.in_transaction.created
+ def amount(self, obj):
+ return obj.amount or 0
+ def fee(self, obj):
+ return obj.fee or 0
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(AllOrderApiAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ return qs.prefetch_related(
+ 'user', 'executionresult_set', 'in_transaction',
+ ).annotate(
+ fee=Sum('executionresult__fee_amount'),
+ amount=F('quantity') * F('price'),
+ )
+ # custom actions
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def cancel_order(self, request, queryset):
+ for order in queryset:
+ order.delete(by_admin=True)
+ cancel_order.short_description = 'Close (cancel) orders'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def revert_orders(self, request, queryset):
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ try:
+ for order in queryset:
+ order.revert(check_balance=False)
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+ revert_orders.short_description = 'Revert orders'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def revert_orders_balance(self, request, queryset):
+ try:
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ queryset: List[Order] = queryset.order_by('id')
+ balances = {}
+ for order in queryset:
+ balances = order.revert(balances, check_balance=True)
+ for u_id, item in balances.items():
+ for cur, amount in item.items():
+ try:
+ currency = Currency.get(cur)
+ if amount < 0:
+ BalanceManager.decrease_amount(
+ u_id, currency, amount)
+ else:
+ BalanceManager.increase_amount(
+ u_id, currency, amount)
+ except NotEnoughFunds as e:
+ raise ValidationError(f'Not enough funds! hold# '
+ f'user {u_id}, '
+ f'{amount} '
+ f'{currency}'
+ )
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+ except NotEnoughFunds as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+ revert_orders_balance.short_description = 'Revert orders balance'
+class AllOrderNoBotApiAdmin(AllOrderApiAdmin):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(AllOrderNoBotApiAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ qs = qs.exclude(user__username__iregex=BOT_RE)
+ return qs
+class TopupsApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = [
+ 'user',
+ 'created',
+ 'reason',
+ 'currency',
+ 'amount',
+ 'txhash',
+ 'address']
+ # list_filter = [TopupReasonFilter, CurrencyFilter, ('created', DateRangeFilter), ]
+ filterset_fields = ['currency', 'reason', 'created']
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+ def txhash(self, obj):
+ return obj.txhash
+ def address(self, obj):
+ return obj.address
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(TopupsApiAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ qs = qs.filter(reason__in=[REASON_TOPUP,])
+ qs = qs.prefetch_related('wallet_transaction').annotate(
+ txhash=F('wallet_transaction__tx_hash'))
+ qs = qs.prefetch_related('wallet_transaction__wallet').annotate(
+ address=F('wallet_transaction__wallet__address'))
+ return qs
+class MatchApiAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['created', 'pair', 'user1', 'operation',
+ 'user2', 'quantity', 'price', 'total', 'fee', ]
+ filterset_fields = ['order__operation', 'pair', 'created']
+ search_fields = ['order__user__email', 'matched_order__user__email']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+ readonly_fields = (
+ 'transaction',
+ 'user',
+ 'order',
+ 'matched_order',
+ 'cacheback_transaction'
+ )
+ def operation(self, obj):
+ return obj.operation
+ def user1(self, obj):
+ return obj.user1_name
+ def user2(self, obj):
+ return obj.user2_name
+ def total(self, obj):
+ return f'{obj.total:.8f}'
+ def fee(self, obj):
+ return f'{obj.fee:.2f}%'
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ bots_ids = get_bots_ids()
+ qs = super(MatchApiAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ qs = qs.filter(cancelled=False)
+ qs = qs.select_related('order', 'matched_order')
+ qs = qs.annotate(
+ user1_id=F('order__user_id'),
+ user2_id=F('matched_order__user_id'),
+ user1_name=F('order__user__username'),
+ user2_name=F('matched_order__user__username'),
+ total=F('quantity') * F('price'),
+ fee=F('fee_rate') * Value(100),
+ operation=Case(
+ When(order__operation=SELL, then=Value('SELL')),
+ default=Value('BUY'),
+ output_field=models.CharField(),
+ )
+ )
+ qs = qs.filter(~Q(Q(user1_id__in=bots_ids) & Q(user2_id__in=bots_ids)))
+ return qs
+# TODO optimize
+class WithdrawalRequestAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, RestFulModelAdmin):
+ list_display = (
+ 'created', 'user', 'approved', 'confirmed', 'currency', 'blockchain', 'amount',
+ 'state', 'details', 'sci_gate', 'txid', 'is_freezed',)
+ filterset_fields = ['currency', 'approved', 'confirmed', 'state']
+ search_fields = ['user__email', 'data__destination']
+ ordering = ('-created', )
+ actions = [
+ 'cancel_withdrawal_request',
+ 'pause',
+ 'unpause',
+ 'approve',
+ 'disable_approve',
+ 'confirm',
+ 'unconfirm',
+ ]
+ global_actions = [
+ 'export_created_eth',
+ ]
+ def blockchain(self, obj):
+ return obj.data.get('blockchain_currency') or obj.currency.code
+ def sci_gate(self, obj):
+ if obj.sci_gate_id is not None:
+ return GATES[obj.sci_gate_id].NAME
+ return ''
+ def details(self, obj):
+ if obj.sci_gate_id is None:
+ return obj.data.get('destination')
+ return mark_safe('
'.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in obj.data.items()))
+ def is_freezed(self, obj):
+ return obj.is_freezed
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(WithdrawalRequestAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ now = timezone.now()
+ qs = qs.annotate(
+ is_freezed=ExpressionWrapper(
+ Q(user__profile__payouts_freezed_till__gt=now),
+ output_field=models.BooleanField(),
+ )
+ )
+ return qs.prefetch_related('user', 'user__profile')
+ # custom actions
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('view', 'change',))
+ def cancel_withdrawal_request(self, request, queryset):
+ try:
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ for withdrawal_request in queryset:
+ withdrawal_request.cancel()
+ except Exception as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+ cancel_withdrawal_request.short_description = 'Cancel'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',), custom_response=True)
+ def export_created_eth(self, request, queryset):
+ response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
+ response['content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=ETH_USDT_{}.csv'.format(
+ timezone.now())
+ writer = csv.writer(response)
+ queryset = queryset.model.objects.filter(
+ state=0, confirmed=True, currency__in=['ETH', 'USDT'])
+ for obj in queryset:
+ row = writer.writerow([obj.id, obj.user.email, obj.data.get(
+ 'destination'), obj.currency.code, obj.amount])
+ return response
+ export_created_eth.short_description = 'Export created ETH,USDT withdrawals'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('view', 'change',))
+ def pause(self, request, queryset):
+ for wd in queryset:
+ wd.pause()
+ pause.short_description = 'Pause'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('view', 'change',))
+ def unpause(self, request, queryset):
+ for wd in queryset:
+ wd.unpause()
+ unpause.short_description = 'Unpause'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('view', 'change',))
+ def approve(self, request, queryset):
+ for entry in queryset:
+ entry.approved = True
+ if not entry.confirmed:
+ raise ValidationError('Can not approve unconfirmed request!')
+ entry.save()
+ approve.short_description = 'Approve'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('view', 'change',))
+ def disable_approve(self, request, queryset):
+ for entry in queryset:
+ entry.approved = False
+ entry.save()
+ disable_approve.short_description = 'Disable Approve'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',))
+ def confirm(self, request, queryset):
+ for entry in queryset:
+ entry.confirmed = True
+ entry.save()
+ confirm.short_description = 'Confirm'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=('change',))
+ def unconfirm(self, request, queryset):
+ for entry in queryset:
+ entry.confirmed = False
+ entry.save()
+ unconfirm.short_description = 'Unconfirm'
+class UserPairDailyStatAdmin(NoDeleteMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['user', 'pair', 'day', 'currency1', 'currency2', 'volume_got1', 'volume_got2',
+ 'fee_amount_paid1', 'fee_amount_paid2', 'volume_spent1', 'volume_spent2']
+ readonly_fields = list_display
+ filterset_fields = ['day', 'pair', 'currency1', 'currency2']
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ qs = super(UserPairDailyStatAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ return qs.exclude(fee_amount_paid1=0, fee_amount_paid2=0)
+class UserRestrictionsAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = [
+ 'user',
+ 'disable_topups',
+ 'disable_withdrawals',
+ 'disable_orders']
+ fields = [
+ 'user',
+ 'disable_topups',
+ 'disable_withdrawals',
+ 'disable_orders']
+ readonly_fields = ['user']
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ ordering = ['-user']
+class PayGateTopupAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ('created', 'user', 'currency', 'amount', 'tx_amount',
+ 'sci_gate', 'state_colored', 'status_colored',)
+ fields = ('tx_link', 'user', 'currency', 'amount', 'tx_amount', 'sci_gate',
+ 'our_fee_amount', 'state_colored', 'status_colored', 'pretty_data',)
+ readonly_fields = ('tx', 'tx_link', 'user', 'currency', 'amount', 'tx_amount', 'state_colored',
+ 'status_colored', 'sci_gate', 'our_fee_amount', 'pretty_data',)
+ filterset_fields = ['currency', 'created']
+ search_fields = ['user__email', 'user__id', 'id', ]
+ actions = ('revert',)
+ ordering = ['-created']
+ def tx_amount(self, obj):
+ return obj.tx.amount if obj.tx else 0
+ def tx_link(self, obj):
+ return mark_safe(
+ '%s' % (reverse('admin:admin_panel_topups_change',
+ args=[obj.tx_id]), obj.tx)
+ )
+ tx_link.allow_tags = True
+ tx_link.short_description = "Transaction"
+ def pretty_data(self, obj):
+ return mark_safe(
+ f'
{json.dumps(obj.data or dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)}
+ pretty_data.allow_tags = True
+ pretty_data.short_description = "Data"
+ def sci_gate(self, obj):
+ if obj.gate_id is not None:
+ return GATES[obj.gate_id].NAME
+ return ''
+ sci_gate.short_description = ugettext_lazy('Gate')
+ def state_colored(self, obj):
+ color = 'black'
+ if obj.state == PayGateTopup.STATE_COMPLETED:
+ color = 'green'
+ elif obj.state == PayGateTopup.STATE_PENDING:
+ color = 'blue'
+ elif obj.state == PayGateTopup.STATE_FAILED:
+ color = 'red'
+ return mark_safe(
+ f'{obj.get_state_display()}')
+ state_colored.short_description = ugettext_lazy('State')
+ def status_colored(self, obj: PayGateTopup):
+ color = 'black'
+ if obj.status == PayGateTopup.STATUS_NOT_SET:
+ color = 'burlywood'
+ elif obj.status == PayGateTopup.STATUS_REVERTED:
+ color = 'darkviolet'
+ return mark_safe(
+ f'{obj.get_status_display()}')
+ status_colored.short_description = ugettext_lazy('Status')
+ # custom actions
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def revert(self, request, queryset: List[PayGateTopup]):
+ try:
+ with atomic():
+ for pay_gate in queryset:
+ pay_gate.revert()
+ except Exception as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
+class DepositsWithdrawalsStatsAdmin(JsonListApiViewMixin, ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['created', ]
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+ actions = ['cold_wallet_stats']
+ global_actions = ['export_all']
+ json_list_fields = {
+ 'stats': generate_stats_fields()
+ }
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def cold_wallet_stats(self, request, queryset):
+ for dw in queryset.order_by('created'):
+ calculate_topups_and_withdrawals(dw)
+ time.sleep(0.3)
+ cold_wallet_stats.short_description = 'Fetch cold wallet stats'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True, custom_response=True)
+ def export_all(self, request, queryset):
+ response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
+ response['content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=deposits_withdrawals_stats.csv'
+ serializer = self.get_serializer(self.get_queryset().order_by('-created'), many=True)
+ data = serializer.data
+ if data:
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(response, fieldnames=list(data[0]))
+ writer.writeheader()
+ writer.writerows(data)
+ return response
+ export_all.short_description = 'Export All'
+class DisabledInoutCoinAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_filter = ['currency'] + DISABLE_COIN_STATES
+ list_display = ['currency'] + DISABLE_COIN_STATES
+ readonly_fields = ('currency',)
+class UserWalletAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ['created', 'user', 'currency', 'blockchain_currency', 'address', 'block_type']
+ list_display = ['created', 'user', 'currency', 'blockchain_currency', 'address', 'block_type']
+ search_fields = ['user__username', 'address']
+ filterset_fields = ['currency', 'blockchain_currency', 'block_type']
+ actions = ['block_deposits', 'block_accumulations', 'unblock']
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=[IsSuperAdminUser])
+ def block_deposits(self, request, queryset):
+ queryset.update(block_type=UserWallet.BLOCK_TYPE_DEPOSIT)
+ block_deposits.short_description = 'Block Deposits'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=[IsSuperAdminUser])
+ def block_accumulations(self, request, queryset):
+ queryset.update(block_type=UserWallet.BLOCK_TYPE_DEPOSIT_AND_ACCUMULATION)
+ block_accumulations.short_description = 'Block Deposits and Accumulations'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=[IsSuperAdminUser])
+ def unblock(self, request, queryset):
+ queryset.update(block_type=UserWallet.BLOCK_TYPE_NOT_BLOCKED)
+ unblock.short_description = 'Unblock'
+class PairSettingsAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ _fields = ['pair', 'is_enabled', 'is_autoorders_enabled', 'price_source', 'custom_price', 'deviation', 'precisions']
+ list_display = _fields
+ fields = _fields
+class CoinInfoAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class LogEntryAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ('action_time', 'user', 'content_type', 'object_repr', 'action_flag', 'message')
+ filterset_fields = ['action_time', 'action_flag']
+ search_fields = ['object_repr', 'user__email']
+ def message(self, obj):
+ return mark_safe(obj.change_message)
+class TOTPDeviceAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['user', 'name', 'confirmed', 'config_url']
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ queryset = super().get_queryset()
+ queryset = queryset.select_related('user')
+ return queryset
+ # def qrcode_link(self, device):
+ # try:
+ # href = reverse('admin:otp_totp_totpdevice_config', kwargs={'pk': device.pk})
+ # link = format_html('qrcode', href)
+ # except Exception:
+ # link = ''
+ # return link
+ # qrcode_link.short_description = "QR Code"
+ # # custom actions
+ # @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ # def revert(self, request, queryset):
+ #
+ # def qrcode_view(self, request, pk):
+ # raise PermissionDenied()
+ #
+ # device = TOTPDevice.objects.get(pk=pk)
+ # if not self.has_view_or_change_permission(request, device):
+ # raise PermissionDenied()
+ #
+ # try:
+ # import qrcode
+ # import qrcode.image.svg
+ #
+ # img = qrcode.make(device.config_url, image_factory=qrcode.image.svg.SvgImage)
+ # response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/svg+xml')
+ # img.save(response)
+ # except ImportError:
+ # response = HttpResponse('', status=503)
+ #
+ # return response
diff --git a/admin_rest/apps.py b/admin_rest/apps.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b18e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/apps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from django.apps import AppConfig
+from django.apps import apps
+import importlib
+from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule
+class AdminRestConfig(AppConfig):
+ name = 'admin_rest'
+ def ready(self):
+ app_configs = apps.get_app_configs()
+ for app_config in app_configs:
+ module_path = app_config.module.__name__
+ if module_has_submodule(importlib.import_module(module_path), 'admin_rest'):
+ admin_rest_module = importlib.import_module(module_path + '.admin_rest')
diff --git a/admin_rest/fields.py b/admin_rest/fields.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6179f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/fields.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from functools import wraps
+from rest_framework.relations import RelatedField
+from core.consts.currencies import CURRENCIES_LIST
+from core.currency import CurrencySerialField
+class ForeignSerialField(RelatedField):
+ """
+ A read only field that represents its targets using their
+ plain string representation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['read_only'] = True
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ def to_representation(self, value):
+ return {'id': value.pk, 'value': str(value)}
+class CurrencySerialRestField(CurrencySerialField):
+ # choices = dict(CURRENCIES_LIST) # for OPTIONS action
+ def to_representation(self, obj):
+ return obj.id
+ @property
+ def choices(self):
+ return dict(CURRENCIES_LIST)
+def serial_field(serial_class):
+ def decorator(func):
+ func.serial_class = serial_class
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
diff --git a/admin_rest/filters.py b/admin_rest/filters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce3caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/filters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import re
+from copy import deepcopy
+from django.db import models
+from django_filters.constants import EMPTY_VALUES
+from django_filters.filters import CharFilter, DateFilter
+from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
+from django_filters.rest_framework.filterset import FilterSet, FILTER_FOR_DBFIELD_DEFAULTS
+from core.currency import Currency, CurrencyModelField
+from core.pairs import Pair
+from core.pairs import PairModelField
+class CurrencyModelFilter(CharFilter):
+ field_value_class = Currency
+ def filter(self, qs, value):
+ if value is None:
+ return self.get_method(qs)(**{self.field_name: None})
+ if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
+ return qs
+ if self.field_value_class.exists(value):
+ value = self.field_value_class.get(value).id
+ else:
+ return qs.none()
+ if self.distinct:
+ qs = qs.distinct()
+ qs = self.get_method(qs)(**{self.field_name: value})
+ return qs
+class PairModelFilter(CurrencyModelFilter):
+ field_value_class = Pair
+ CurrencyModelField: {'filter_class': CurrencyModelFilter},
+ PairModelField: {'filter_class': PairModelFilter},
+ models.DateTimeField: {'filter_class': DateFilter},
+ models.DateField: {'filter_class': DateFilter},
+def reparse_query_data(query_data):
+ res = {}
+ for param, value in query_data.items():
+ if '[' and ']' in param:
+ new_param_name = param.split('[')[0]
+ regex = re.compile('%s\[([\w\d_]+)\]' % new_param_name)
+ match = regex.match(param)
+ inner_key = match.group(1)
+ if inner_key == 'start':
+ res[new_param_name+'__gte'] = value
+ elif inner_key == 'end':
+ res[new_param_name + '__lte'] = value
+ else:
+ res[param] = value
+ return res
+class GenericFilterset(FilterSet):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(GenericFilterset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.data = reparse_query_data(self.data)
+ def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
+ # dirty hack
+ data = dict(self.data)
+ for name, value in self.form.cleaned_data.items():
+ if name in data and name == 'id':
+ value = data[name]
+ if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 1:
+ lookup = f'{name}__in'
+ queryset = queryset.filter(**{lookup: value})
+ else:
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ value = value[0]
+ queryset = self.filters[name].filter(queryset, value)
+ else:
+ queryset = self.filters[name].filter(queryset, value)
+ return queryset
+class GenericAllFieldsFilter(DjangoFilterBackend):
+ filterset_base = GenericFilterset
+ def get_filterset_class(self, view, queryset=None):
+ """
+ Return the `FilterSet` class used to filter the queryset.
+ """
+ defined_filterset_fields = getattr(view, 'filterset_fields', None)
+ filterset_fields = {}
+ model_fields = {f.name: f for f in queryset.model._meta.fields}
+ for field_name in defined_filterset_fields:
+ if field_name in model_fields and type(model_fields[field_name]) in [models.DateField, models.DateTimeField]:
+ lookups = ['gte', 'lte',]
+ else:
+ lookups = ['exact']
+ filterset_fields[field_name] = lookups
+ if defined_filterset_fields and queryset is not None:
+ MetaBase = getattr(self.filterset_base, 'Meta', object)
+ class AutoFilterSet(self.filterset_base):
+ class Meta(MetaBase):
+ model = queryset.model
+ fields = filterset_fields
+ return AutoFilterSet
+ return None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/admin_rest/migrations/0001_initial.py b/admin_rest/migrations/0001_initial.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd48c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/migrations/0001_initial.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.7 on 2022-08-12 12:45
+import admin_rest.models
+import django.contrib.auth.models
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ initial = True
+ dependencies = [
+ ('core', '0001_initial'),
+ ('auth', '0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='AllOrder',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.order',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='AllOrderNoBot',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.order',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Balance',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.balance',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='BalanceSummary',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.balance',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ExchangeFee',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.userfee',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ExchangeUser',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('auth.user',),
+ managers=[
+ ('objects', django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Match',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.executionresult',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='RefDetails',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'verbose_name_plural': 'Ref program details',
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('auth.user',),
+ managers=[
+ ('objects', admin_rest.models.RefManager()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Topups',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.transaction',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Transaction',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.transaction',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='UserDailyStat',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.userpairdailystat',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='UserKYCProxy',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'verbose_name': 'User KYC',
+ 'verbose_name_plural': 'Users KYC',
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.userkyc',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Withdrawal',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.transaction',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='WithdrawalRequest',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.withdrawalrequest',),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/admin_rest/migrations/__init__.py b/admin_rest/migrations/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/admin_rest/mixins.py b/admin_rest/mixins.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240cf66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/mixins.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+from decimal import Decimal
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from admin_rest.filters import GenericAllFieldsFilter
+class NoDeleteMixin:
+ """Prevents destroy"""
+ @classmethod
+ def has_delete_permission(cls):
+ return False
+ def destroy(self, request, pk=None):
+ response = {'error': 'Delete function is not offered in this path.'}
+ return Response(response, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+class NoUpdateMixin:
+ """Prevents update/partial update"""
+ @classmethod
+ def has_update_permission(cls):
+ return False
+ def update(self, request, pk=None):
+ response = {'error': 'Update function is not offered in this path.'}
+ return Response(response, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+ def partial_update(self, request, pk=None):
+ response = {'error': 'Update function is not offered in this path.'}
+ return Response(response, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+class NoCreateMixin:
+ """Prevents create"""
+ @classmethod
+ def has_add_permission(cls):
+ return False
+ def create(self, request):
+ response = {'error': 'Create function is not offered in this path.'}
+ return Response(response, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+class ReadOnlyMixin(NoCreateMixin,
+ NoUpdateMixin,
+ NoDeleteMixin):
+ """Only list/retrieve action allowed"""
+ def get_readonly_fields(self):
+ return self.list_display
+class JsonListApiViewMixin(object):
+ """
+ Displays json field values in list view page
+ Uses json_list_fields dict, where the key is JSONField name, the value is some key in json
+ """
+ json_list_fields = {}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ all_json_fields = [item for sublist in self.json_list_fields.values() for item in sublist]
+ self.list_display += all_json_fields
+ for json_field, fields in self.json_list_fields.items():
+ for custom_field in fields:
+ self._generate_json_field(json_field, custom_field)
+ def get_handler_fn(self, json_field_name, fieldname):
+ def handler(view, obj):
+ res = getattr(obj, json_field_name).get(fieldname)
+ # show res as 0.0000000 instead of 0E-8
+ if res and res.replace('E-', '').isdigit():
+ res = '{:f}'.format(Decimal(res))
+ return res
+ handler.__name__ = fieldname
+ return handler
+ def _generate_json_field(self, json_field_name, fieldname):
+ handler = self.get_handler_fn(json_field_name, fieldname)
+ setattr(self, fieldname, handler)
+class NonPaginatedListMixin(object):
+ """Removes pagination"""
+ filter_backends = (GenericAllFieldsFilter, )
diff --git a/admin_rest/models.py b/admin_rest/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8e222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User, UserManager
+from django.db.models.aggregates import Count
+from core.models.cryptocoins import UserWallet
+from core.models.facade import UserFee, UserKYC
+from core.models.inouts.balance import Balance as BaseBalance
+from core.models.inouts.transaction import Transaction as BaseTransaction
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest as BaseWithdrawalRequest
+from core.models.orders import ExecutionResult
+from core.models.orders import Order
+from core.models.stats import UserPairDailyStat as BaseUserPairDailyStat
+class ExchangeFee(UserFee):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class Balance(BaseBalance):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class Transaction(BaseTransaction):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class Topups(BaseTransaction):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class Withdrawal(BaseTransaction):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class AllOrder(Order):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class AllOrderNoBot(Order):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class Match(ExecutionResult):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class WithdrawalRequest(BaseWithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class UserDailyStat(BaseUserPairDailyStat):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class RefManager(UserManager):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return super().get_queryset().order_by().annotate(ref_count=Count('owner_user')).filter(ref_count__gt=0)
+ def select_related(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self
+class RefDetails(User):
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name_plural = 'Ref program details'
+ proxy = True
+ objects = RefManager()
+class UserKYCProxy(UserKYC):
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = 'User KYC'
+ verbose_name_plural = 'Users KYC'
+ proxy = True
+class BalanceSummary(BaseBalance):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
diff --git a/admin_rest/permissions.py b/admin_rest/permissions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55991be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/permissions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from rest_framework.permissions import BasePermission
+class IsSuperAdminUser(BasePermission):
+ """
+ Allows access only to superadmin users.
+ """
+ def has_permission(self, request, view):
+ return bool(request.user and request.user.is_active and request.user.is_staff and request.user.is_superuser)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/admin_rest/restful_admin.py b/admin_rest/restful_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85dbcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/restful_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+import json
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from functools import wraps
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, CHANGE
+from django.contrib.admin.options import get_content_type_for_model
+from django.contrib.auth import get_permission_codename
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
+from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED
+from django.forms import model_to_dict
+from django.utils.encoding import force_str
+from django.utils.functional import cached_property
+from django.utils.html import escape
+from django.utils.safestring import SafeString, mark_safe
+from rest_framework import filters
+from rest_framework import serializers
+from rest_framework import viewsets, status
+from rest_framework.decorators import action as base_action
+from rest_framework.fields import ImageField
+from rest_framework.fields import SkipField
+from rest_framework.metadata import SimpleMetadata
+from rest_framework.permissions import BasePermission
+from rest_framework.relations import PrimaryKeyRelatedField, PKOnlyObject, ManyRelatedField
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
+from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
+from rest_framework.serializers import SerializerMethodField
+from admin_rest.fields import CurrencySerialRestField
+from admin_rest.fields import ForeignSerialField
+from admin_rest.filters import GenericAllFieldsFilter
+from admin_rest.utils import get_user_permissions
+from core.currency import CurrencyModelField
+from core.pairs import PairModelField, PairSerialRestField
+from lib.fields import JSDatetimeField, RichTextField, RichTextSerialField, ImageSerialField, TextSerialField, \
+ JsonSerialField, SVGAndImageField
+User = get_user_model()
+class AlreadyRegistered(Exception):
+ pass
+class NotRegistered(Exception):
+ pass
+class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception):
+ pass
+class AuthPermissionViewSetMixin:
+ permission_map = dict()
+ def get_permission_map(self):
+ permission_map = {
+ 'list': self._make_permission_key('view'),
+ 'retrieve': self._make_permission_key('view'),
+ 'create': self._make_permission_key('add'),
+ 'update': self._make_permission_key('change'),
+ 'partial_update': self._make_permission_key('change'),
+ 'destroy': self._make_permission_key('delete'),
+ }
+ permission_map.update(self.permission_map)
+ return permission_map
+ @cached_property
+ def _options(self):
+ return self.queryset.model._meta
+ def _make_permission_key(self, action):
+ code_name = get_permission_codename(action, self._options)
+ return "{0}.{1}".format(self._options.app_label, code_name)
+ def has_perm_action(self, action, request, obj=None):
+ if not action:
+ return False
+ if action == 'metadata':
+ return True
+ perm_map = self.get_permission_map()
+ if hasattr(getattr(self, action), 'permissions'):
+ perm_map.update(**{action: getattr(self, action).permissions})
+ if action not in perm_map:
+ perm_code = perm_map[action]
+ if callable(perm_code):
+ return perm_code(self, action, request, obj)
+ if isinstance(perm_code, bool):
+ return perm_code
+ if perm_code in ['view', 'add', 'change', 'delete']:
+ perm_code = self._make_permission_key(perm_code)
+ # checks list of permissions
+ if isinstance(perm_code, list) or isinstance(perm_code, tuple):
+ for code in perm_code:
+ if code in ['view', 'add', 'change', 'delete']:
+ code = self._make_permission_key(code)
+ has_perm = request.user.has_perm(code)
+ if has_perm:
+ return has_perm
+ return False
+ return request.user.has_perm(perm_code)
+class IsStaffAccess(BasePermission):
+ """
+ Allows access only to authenticated Trainee users.
+ """
+ def has_permission(self, request, view):
+ return bool(request.user and request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.is_staff)
+ def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
+ """
+ Return `True` if permission is granted, `False` otherwise.
+ """
+ return self.has_permission(request, view)
+class HasPermissionAccess(BasePermission):
+ """
+ Allows access only to authenticated Trainee users.
+ """
+ def has_permission(self, request, view):
+ assert hasattr(view, 'get_permission_map'), """
+ Must be inherit from RestFulModelAdmin to use this permission
+ """
+ return view.has_perm_action(view.action, request)
+ def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
+ """
+ Return `True` if permission is granted, `False` otherwise.
+ """
+ return view.has_perm_action(view.action, request, obj)
+class ModelDiffHelper(object):
+ def __init__(self, initial):
+ self.__initial = self._dict(initial)
+ self._new_object = None
+ def set_changed_model(self, new_object):
+ data = self._dict(new_object)
+ if self._new_object is not None:
+ self.__initial = data
+ self._new_object = data
+ return self
+ @property
+ def diff(self):
+ if not self._new_object:
+ return {}
+ d1 = self.__initial
+ d2 = self._new_object
+ diffs = [(k, (v, d2[k])) for k, v in d1.items() if v != d2[k]]
+ return dict(diffs)
+ @property
+ def has_changed(self):
+ return bool(self.diff)
+ @property
+ def changed_fields(self):
+ return list(self.diff.keys())
+ def get_field_diff(self, field_name):
+ """
+ Returns a diff for field if it's changed and None otherwise.
+ """
+ return self.diff.get(field_name, None)
+ def _dict(self, model):
+ return model_to_dict(model, fields=[field.name for field in
+ model._meta.fields])
+class CustomMetadata(SimpleMetadata):
+ label_lookup = SimpleMetadata.label_lookup
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(CustomMetadata, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ #TODO make consts for out fields
+ self.label_lookup[JSDatetimeField] = 'datetime'
+ self.label_lookup[PrimaryKeyRelatedField] = 'foreign'
+ self.label_lookup[ManyRelatedField] = 'foreign'
+ self.label_lookup[SerializerMethodField] = 'string'
+ self.label_lookup[CurrencySerialRestField] = 'choice'
+ self.label_lookup[PairSerialRestField] = 'choice'
+ self.label_lookup[ImageField] = 'image-upload'
+ self.label_lookup[ImageSerialField] = 'image-upload'
+ self.label_lookup[RichTextSerialField] = 'rich-text'
+ self.label_lookup[TextSerialField] = 'text'
+ self.label_lookup[JsonSerialField] = 'json'
+ self.label_lookup[ForeignSerialField] = 'foreign'
+ def determine_metadata(self, request, view):
+ metadata = OrderedDict()
+ # view name
+ metadata['name'] = view.get_view_name()
+ # view detail page fields
+ metadata['fields'] = []
+ # view list page fields
+ metadata['list_fields'] = []
+ # actions with queryset
+ metadata['actions'] = []
+ # global actions. Queryset not used
+ metadata['global_actions'] = []
+ # ref models in detail page of entry
+ metadata['inline_forms'] = []
+ metadata['filters'] = []
+ metadata['search_enabled'] = False
+ if hasattr(view, 'get_single_serializer'):
+ serializer = view.get_single_serializer()
+ fields = self.get_serializer_info(serializer)
+ metadata['fields'] = fields
+ if hasattr(view, 'get_serializer'):
+ serializer = view.get_serializer()
+ fields = self.get_serializer_info(serializer)
+ metadata['list_fields'] = fields
+ if hasattr(view, 'actions'):
+ actions = self.get_actions(view, view.actions)
+ metadata['actions'] = actions
+ if hasattr(view, 'global_actions'):
+ actions = self.get_actions(view, view.global_actions)
+ metadata['global_actions'] = actions
+ if hasattr(view, 'inline_forms'):
+ inlines = self.get_inline_forms(view, view.inline_forms)
+ metadata['inline_forms'] = inlines
+ if getattr(view, 'search_fields', None):
+ metadata['search_enabled'] = True
+ if getattr(view, 'filterset_fields', None):
+ serializer = view.get_all_fields_serializer()
+ fields = self.get_serializer_info(serializer)
+ metadata['filters'] = {k: v for k, v in fields.items() if v['filterable']}
+ return metadata
+ def get_inline_forms(self, view, inlines):
+ res = []
+ for inline, filter_by in inlines:
+ if isinstance(filter_by, str):
+ filter_by = {filter_by: 'id'}
+ if isinstance(filter_by, list):
+ filter_by = {v: 'id' for v in filter_by}
+ res.append({
+ 'resource': site.get_resource_name_by_view_class(inline),
+ 'filter_by': filter_by,
+ 'fields': inline.list_display
+ })
+ return res
+ def get_actions(self, view, view_actions):
+ actions = []
+ for action_name in view_actions:
+ if not view.has_perm_action(action_name, view.request):
+ continue
+ action_fn = getattr(view, action_name, None)
+ if action_fn:
+ info = {
+ 'url': view.reverse_action(action_name.replace('_', '-')),
+ 'name': getattr(action_fn, 'short_description', action_fn.__name__),
+ 'fields': [],
+ }
+ if isinstance(view_actions, dict):
+ fields = []
+ for field in view_actions[action_name]:
+ if isinstance(field, str):
+ field = {
+ 'name': field,
+ 'label': field.capitalize(),
+ }
+ # default text type
+ if 'type' not in field:
+ field['type'] = 'text'
+ fields.append(field)
+ info['fields'] = fields
+ actions.append(info)
+ return actions
+ def get_field_attributes(self, serializer_field, model_field):
+ attributes = OrderedDict()
+ default = getattr(model_field, 'default', NOT_PROVIDED)
+ is_nullable = getattr(model_field, 'null', None)
+ is_read_only = getattr(serializer_field, 'read_only', None)
+ # attributes['required'] = (default is NOT_PROVIDED) and not is_nullable and is_read_only
+ attributes['required'] = getattr(serializer_field, 'required', False)
+ attributes['nullable'] = getattr(model_field, 'null', False)
+ attrs_dict = {
+ 'read_only': 'read_only',
+ 'label': 'label',
+ 'help_text': 'hint',
+ 'min_length': 'min_length',
+ 'max_length': 'max_length',
+ 'min_value': 'min',
+ 'max_value': 'max',
+ }
+ for attr, front_attr in attrs_dict.items():
+ value = getattr(serializer_field, attr, None)
+ if value is not None and value != '':
+ attributes[front_attr] = force_str(value, strings_only=True)
+ if getattr(serializer_field, 'child', None):
+ attributes['child'] = self.get_field_info(serializer_field.child)
+ elif getattr(serializer_field, 'fields', None):
+ attributes['children'] = self.get_serializer_info(serializer_field)
+ if not isinstance(serializer_field, (serializers.RelatedField, serializers.ManyRelatedField)):
+ if hasattr(serializer_field, 'choices'):
+ attributes['choices'] = []
+ if is_nullable:
+ attributes['choices'].append({'value': None, 'text': ''})
+ attributes['choices'].extend([
+ {
+ 'value': choice_value,
+ 'text': force_str(choice_name, strings_only=True)
+ }
+ for choice_value, choice_name in serializer_field.choices.items()
+ ])
+ if self.label_lookup[serializer_field] == 'foreign':
+ if isinstance(serializer_field, ManyRelatedField):
+ model = serializer_field.child_relation.queryset.model
+ attributes['multiple'] = True
+ else:
+ model = model_field.related_model
+ attributes['reference'] = f'{site.get_resource_name(model)}'
+ return attributes
+ def get_field_info(self, field):
+ """
+ Given an instance of a serializer field, return a dictionary
+ of metadata about it.
+ """
+ view = field.context['view']
+ model_fields = {f.name: f for f in view._options.fields}
+ model_field = model_fields.get(field.field_name)
+ sortable_fields = getattr(view, 'ordering_fields', '__all__')
+ filterable_fields = getattr(view, 'filterset_fields', None)
+ field_info = OrderedDict()
+ field_info['type'] = self.label_lookup[field]
+ field_info['source'] = field.field_name
+ field_info['sortable'] = False
+ field_info['filterable'] = False
+ field_info['default'] = self.get_field_default_value(model_field)
+ if sortable_fields == '__all__' or (isinstance(sortable_fields, list) and field.field_name in sortable_fields):
+ field_info['sortable'] = True
+ if (isinstance(filterable_fields, list) or isinstance(filterable_fields, tuple)) \
+ and field.field_name in filterable_fields:
+ field_info['filterable'] = True
+ field_info['attributes'] = self.get_field_attributes(field, model_field)
+ field_info['attributes']['searchable'] = field.field_name in (view.vue_resource_extras.get('searchable_fields') or [])
+ return field_info
+ def get_field_default_value(self, model_field):
+ default = getattr(model_field, 'default', None)
+ if default is NOT_PROVIDED:
+ default = None
+ elif callable(default):
+ default = default()
+ if isinstance(model_field, JSONField) or isinstance(model_field, models.JSONField):
+ default = json.dumps(default, indent=2)
+ return default
+class RestFulModelAdmin(AuthPermissionViewSetMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
+ queryset = None
+ single_serializer_class = None
+ permission_classes = (IsStaffAccess, HasPermissionAccess)
+ list_display = '__all__'
+ fields = '__all__'
+ readonly_fields = []
+ ordering_fields = '__all__'
+ filterset_fields = []
+ search_fields = []
+ metadata_class = CustomMetadata
+ filter_backends = (GenericAllFieldsFilter, filters.OrderingFilter, filters.SearchFilter)
+ vue_resource_extras: dict = {}
+ inline_forms: [] # detail page entities
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(RestFulModelAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ filterset_fields = set(self.filterset_fields)
+ filterset_fields.add('id')
+ for field in self._options.fields:
+ if type(field) in [models.OneToOneField, models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField]:
+ filterset_fields.add(field.name + '_id')
+ self.filterset_fields = tuple(filterset_fields)
+ def get_readonly_fields(self):
+ return self.readonly_fields
+ @classmethod
+ def has_add_permission(cls):
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ def has_update_permission(cls):
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ def has_delete_permission(cls):
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ def get_view_permissions(cls):
+ res = ['show', 'list']
+ if cls.has_add_permission():
+ res.append('create')
+ if cls.has_update_permission():
+ res.append('edit')
+ if cls.has_delete_permission():
+ res.append('delete')
+ return res
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_doc():
+ return 'asd'
+ def get_urls(self):
+ return []
+ def get_permission_map(self):
+ permission_map = {
+ 'list': self._make_permission_key('view'),
+ 'retrieve': self._make_permission_key('view'),
+ 'create': self._make_permission_key('add'),
+ 'update': self._make_permission_key('change'),
+ 'partial_update': self._make_permission_key('change'),
+ 'destroy': self._make_permission_key('delete'),
+ }
+ permission_map.update(self.permission_map)
+ return permission_map
+ def log_addition(self, request, object, message):
+ """
+ Log that an object has been successfully added.
+ The default implementation creates an admin LogEntry object.
+ """
+ from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, ADDITION
+ return LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ user_id=request.user.pk,
+ content_type_id=get_content_type_for_model(object).pk,
+ object_id=object.pk,
+ object_repr=str(object),
+ action_flag=ADDITION,
+ change_message=message,
+ )
+ def log_change(self, request, object, message):
+ """
+ Log that an object has been successfully changed.
+ The default implementation creates an admin LogEntry object.
+ """
+ from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, CHANGE
+ return LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ user_id=request.user.pk,
+ content_type_id=get_content_type_for_model(object).pk,
+ object_id=object.pk,
+ object_repr=str(object),
+ action_flag=CHANGE,
+ change_message=message,
+ )
+ def log_deletion(self, request, object, object_repr):
+ """
+ Log that an object will be deleted. Note that this method must be
+ called before the deletion.
+ The default implementation creates an admin LogEntry object.
+ """
+ from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, DELETION
+ return LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ user_id=request.user.pk,
+ content_type_id=get_content_type_for_model(object).pk,
+ object_id=object.pk,
+ object_repr=object_repr,
+ action_flag=DELETION,
+ )
+ def get_single_serializer_class(self):
+ return self.single_serializer_class if self.single_serializer_class else self.get_serializer_class(True)
+ def get_all_fields_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ serializer_class = self.get_serializer_class(all_fields=True)
+ kwargs['context'] = self.get_serializer_context()
+ return serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_single_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Return the serializer instance that should be used for validating and
+ deserializing input, and for serializing output.
+ """
+ serializer_class = self.get_single_serializer_class()
+ kwargs['context'] = self.get_serializer_context()
+ return serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_serializer_representation_fn(self, cls):
+ """Custom fields representation fn"""
+ def validate_fn(sf, instance):
+ """
+ Object instance -> Dict of primitive datatypes.
+ """
+ ret = OrderedDict()
+ fields = sf._readable_fields
+ for field in fields:
+ try:
+ attribute = field.get_attribute(instance)
+ except SkipField:
+ continue
+ # We skip `to_representation` for `None` values so that fields do
+ # not have to explicitly deal with that case.
+ #
+ # For related fields with `use_pk_only_optimization` we need to
+ # resolve the pk value.
+ check_for_none = attribute.pk if isinstance(attribute, PKOnlyObject) else attribute
+ if check_for_none is None:
+ ret[field.field_name] = None
+ else:
+ repr = field.to_representation(attribute)
+ if isinstance(field, JsonSerialField) or isinstance(field, RichTextSerialField):
+ repr = mark_safe(repr)
+ if isinstance(repr, str) and not isinstance(repr, SafeString):
+ repr = escape(repr)
+ ret[field.field_name] = repr
+ return ret
+ return validate_fn
+ def get_serializer_class(self, single=False, all_fields=False):
+ serializer_class = super().get_serializer_class()
+ view_fields = self.fields if single else self.list_display
+ if isinstance(view_fields, tuple):
+ view_fields = list(view_fields)
+ if not view_fields or view_fields == '__all__' or all_fields:
+ serializer_class_fields = list([f.name for f in serializer_class.Meta.model._meta.fields])
+ else:
+ if 'id' not in view_fields:
+ view_fields = ['id'] + view_fields
+ serializer_class_fields = view_fields
+ serializer_class_fields += ['_label'] # default object representation
+ # redefine serializer fields
+ serializer_class._declared_fields = {}
+ for field_name in serializer_class_fields:
+ if callable(getattr(self, field_name, None)):
+ # add SerializerMethodField and its method to serializer
+ field_method = getattr(self, field_name)
+ # if custom field type defined
+ if hasattr(field_method, 'serial_class'):
+ serializer_class._declared_fields[field_name] = field_method.serial_class()
+ else:
+ serializer_class._declared_fields[field_name] = SerializerMethodField()
+ setattr(serializer_class, f'get_{field_name}', field_method)
+ if field_name == '_label':
+ serializer_class._declared_fields[field_name] = SerializerMethodField()
+ setattr(serializer_class, f'get_{field_name}', lambda self_cls, obj: str(obj))
+ # setup readonly fields
+ readonly_fields = self.get_readonly_fields()
+ if isinstance(readonly_fields, list) or isinstance(readonly_fields, tuple):
+ serializer_class.Meta.read_only_fields = readonly_fields
+ # search original classes for translated fields and delete original field
+ translated_fields_classes = {}
+ to_remove_original_translated_fields = set()
+ serializer_fields_classes = {f.name: f.__class__ for f in serializer_class.Meta.model._meta.fields}
+ for model_field in serializer_class.Meta.model._meta.fields:
+ if model_field.__class__.__name__.startswith('Translation'):
+ original_field_name = model_field.name.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
+ to_remove_original_translated_fields.add(original_field_name)
+ if original_field_name in serializer_fields_classes:
+ translated_fields_classes[model_field.name] = serializer_fields_classes[original_field_name]
+ else:
+ to_remove_original_translated_fields.add(model_field.name)
+ serializer_class_fields = [f for f in serializer_class_fields
+ if f not in to_remove_original_translated_fields]
+ # custom fields
+ for model_field in serializer_class.Meta.model._meta.fields:
+ if model_field.name not in serializer_class_fields:
+ # skip missing fields
+ continue
+ CustomField = None
+ field_args = {}
+ field_type = type(model_field)
+ # handle translated fields
+ if model_field.name in translated_fields_classes:
+ field_type = translated_fields_classes[model_field.name]
+ if isinstance(model_field, models.DateTimeField):
+ CustomField = JSDatetimeField
+ elif isinstance(model_field, models.ForeignKey) and not single:
+ CustomField = ForeignSerialField
+ elif field_type == CurrencyModelField:
+ CustomField = CurrencySerialRestField
+ elif field_type == PairModelField:
+ CustomField = PairSerialRestField
+ elif field_type == RichTextField:
+ CustomField = RichTextSerialField
+ elif field_type == models.TextField:
+ CustomField = TextSerialField
+ elif field_type in [models.ImageField, SVGAndImageField, ImageSerialField]:
+ CustomField = ImageSerialField
+ elif field_type in [JSONField, models.JSONField]:
+ CustomField = JsonSerialField
+ if CustomField:
+ is_read_only = model_field.name in readonly_fields \
+ or getattr(model_field, 'auto_now', False) \
+ or getattr(model_field, 'auto_now_add', False)
+ default = getattr(model_field, 'default', NOT_PROVIDED)
+ is_nullable = getattr(model_field, 'null', None)
+ if CustomField != ForeignSerialField:
+ field_args['required'] = (default is NOT_PROVIDED) and not is_nullable and not is_read_only
+ field_args['read_only'] = is_read_only
+ field_args['allow_null'] = model_field.null
+ if CustomField in [TextSerialField, RichTextSerialField]:
+ field_args['allow_blank'] = model_field.blank
+ serializer_class._declared_fields[model_field.name] = CustomField(**field_args)
+ serializer_class.Meta.fields = serializer_class_fields
+ setattr(serializer_class, 'to_representation', self.get_serializer_representation_fn(serializer_class))
+ return serializer_class
+ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """list all of objects"""
+ queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset())
+ page = self.paginate_queryset(queryset)
+ if page is not None:
+ serializer = self.get_serializer(page, many=True)
+ return self.get_paginated_response(serializer.data)
+ serializer = self.get_serializer(queryset, many=True)
+ return Response(serializer.data)
+ def create(self, request, **kwargs):
+ """Create new object"""
+ serializer = self.get_single_serializer(data=request.data)
+ serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
+ self.perform_create(serializer)
+ self.log_addition(request, serializer.instance, [{'added': {
+ 'name': str(serializer.instance._meta.verbose_name),
+ 'object': str(serializer.instance),
+ }}])
+ headers = self.get_success_headers(serializer.data)
+ return Response(serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)
+ def retrieve(self, request, pk=None, **kwargs):
+ """Get object Details"""
+ instance = self.get_object()
+ serializer = self.get_single_serializer(instance)
+ return Response(serializer.data)
+ def update(self, request, pk=None, **kwargs):
+ """Update object"""
+ partial = kwargs.pop('partial', False)
+ instance = self.get_object()
+ serializer = self.get_single_serializer(instance, data=request.data, partial=partial)
+ serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
+ helper = ModelDiffHelper(instance)
+ self.perform_update(serializer)
+ self.log_change(
+ request,
+ serializer.instance,
+ [{'changed': {
+ 'name': str(serializer.instance._meta.verbose_name),
+ 'object': str(serializer.instance),
+ 'fields': helper.set_changed_model(serializer.instance).changed_fields
+ }}]
+ )
+ if getattr(instance, '_prefetched_objects_cache', None):
+ # If 'prefetch_related' has been applied to a queryset, we need to
+ # forcibly invalidate the prefetch cache on the instance.
+ instance._prefetched_objects_cache = {}
+ return Response(serializer.data)
+ def partial_update(self, request, pk=None, **kwargs):
+ """Partial Update"""
+ return super().partial_update(request, pk=pk, **kwargs)
+ def destroy(self, request, pk=None, **kwargs):
+ """Delete object"""
+ instance = self.get_object()
+ self.log_deletion(request, instance, [{
+ 'deleted': {
+ 'name': str(instance._meta.verbose_name),
+ 'object': str(instance),
+ }
+ }])
+ self.perform_destroy(instance)
+ return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+class RestFulAdminSite:
+ def __init__(self, view_class=RestFulModelAdmin):
+ self._registry = {}
+ self._model_by_view_registry = {}
+ self._url_patterns = []
+ self.default_view_class = view_class
+ def get_registered_models(self):
+ res = []
+ for model in self._registry:
+ res.append(self.get_model_url(model))
+ return sorted(res)
+ def get_resource_name_by_view_class(self, view_class):
+ inv_map = {v: k for k, v in self._registry.items()}
+ model = inv_map.get(view_class)
+ if model:
+ return self.get_resource_name(model)
+ model = self._model_by_view_registry.get(view_class)
+ if model:
+ return self.get_resource_name(model)
+ def get_resources(self):
+ res = []
+ for model, view in self._registry.items():
+ # https://www.okami101.io/vuetify-admin/guide/resources.html#resource-object-structure
+ data = {
+ 'name': self.get_resource_name(model),
+ 'actions': view.get_view_permissions(),
+ 'api': f'/{self.get_model_url(model)}/',
+ 'aside': False,
+ }
+ if view.vue_resource_extras:
+ data.update(view.vue_resource_extras)
+ res.append(data)
+ return res
+ def make_navigation(self, user):
+ all_permissions = get_user_permissions(user)
+ is_admin = 'admin' in all_permissions
+ menu = settings.VUE_ADMIN_SIDE_MENU
+ new_menu = []
+ for entry in menu:
+ model = entry.get('model')
+ if not model:
+ new_menu.append(entry)
+ else:
+ app_label, model_name = model.split('.')
+ # todo check model existence
+ view_perm_name = f'{app_label}_{model_name}_view'
+ if is_admin or view_perm_name in all_permissions:
+ new_menu.append({
+ 'icon': entry.get('icon'),
+ 'link': {'name': f'{app_label}_{model_name}_list'},
+ 'text': entry.get('text') or (f'{app_label.capitalize()} {model_name.capitalize()}')
+ })
+ return new_menu
+ def register_decorator(self, *model_or_iterable, **options):
+ def wrapper(view_class):
+ self.register(model_or_iterable, view_class, **options)
+ return view_class
+ return wrapper
+ def register(self, model_or_iterable, view_class=None, **options):
+ if not view_class:
+ view_class = self.default_view_class
+ if isinstance(model_or_iterable, ModelBase):
+ model_or_iterable = [model_or_iterable]
+ for model in model_or_iterable:
+ if model._meta.abstract:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+ 'The model %s is abstract, so it cannot be registered with admin.' % model.__name__
+ )
+ if model in self._registry:
+ raise AlreadyRegistered('The model %s is already registered' % model.__name__)
+ options.update({
+ "__doc__": self.generate_docs(model)
+ })
+ self._model_by_view_registry[view_class] = model
+ view_class = type("%sAdmin" % model.__name__, (view_class,), options)
+ # self.set_docs(view_class, model)
+ # Instantiate the admin class to save in the registry
+ self._registry[model] = view_class
+ def register_url_pattern(self, url_pattern):
+ self._url_patterns.append(url_pattern)
+ @classmethod
+ def generate_docs(cls, model):
+ return """
+ ### The APIs include:
+ > `GET` {app}/{model} ===> list all `{verbose_name_plural}` page by page;
+ > `POST` {app}/{model} ===> create a new `{verbose_name}`
+ > `GET` {app}/{model}/123 ===> return the details of the `{verbose_name}` 123
+ > `PATCH` {app}/{model}/123 and `PUT` {app}/{model}/123 ==> update the `{verbose_name}` 123
+ > `DELETE` {app}/{model}/123 ===> delete the `{verbose_name}` 123
+ > `OPTIONS` {app}/{model} ===> show the supported verbs regarding endpoint `{app}/{model}`
+ > `OPTIONS` {app}/{model}/123 ===> show the supported verbs regarding endpoint `{app}/{model}/123`
+ """.format(
+ app=model._meta.app_label,
+ model=model._meta.model_name,
+ verbose_name=model._meta.verbose_name,
+ verbose_name_plural=model._meta.verbose_name_plural
+ )
+ def unregister(self, model_or_iterable):
+ """
+ Unregister the given model(s).
+ If a model isn't already registered, raise NotRegistered.
+ """
+ if isinstance(model_or_iterable, ModelBase):
+ model_or_iterable = [model_or_iterable]
+ for model in model_or_iterable:
+ if model not in self._registry:
+ raise NotRegistered('The model %s is not registered' % model.__name__)
+ del self._registry[model]
+ def is_registered(self, model):
+ """
+ Check if a model class is registered with this `AdminSite`.
+ """
+ return model in self._registry
+ def get_model_basename(self, model):
+ return None
+ def get_model_url(self, model):
+ return '%s/%s' % (model._meta.app_label, model._meta.model_name)
+ def get_resource_name(self, model):
+ return f'{model._meta.app_label}_{model._meta.model_name}'
+ def get_urls(self):
+ router = DefaultRouter()
+ view_sets = []
+ for model, view_set in self._registry.items():
+ if view_set.queryset is None:
+ view_set.queryset = model.objects.all()
+ # Creates default serializer
+ if view_set.serializer_class is None:
+ serializer_class = type("%sModelSerializer" % model.__name__, (ModelSerializer,), {
+ "Meta": type("Meta", (object,), {
+ "model": model,
+ "fields": "__all__"
+ }),
+ })
+ view_set.serializer_class = serializer_class
+ view_sets.append(view_set)
+ router.register(self.get_model_url(model), view_set, self.get_model_basename(model))
+ return router.urls + self._url_patterns
+ @property
+ def urls(self):
+ return self.get_urls()
+site = RestFulAdminSite()
+def register(*model_or_iterable, **options):
+ return site.register_decorator(*model_or_iterable, **options)
+def action(permissions=None, methods=['POST'], detail=False, url_path=None, url_name=None, custom_response=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ def decorator(func):
+ base_func = base_action(methods, detail, url_path, url_name, **kwargs)(func)
+ base_func.permissions = permissions
+ @wraps(base_func)
+ def wrapper(base_admin_class, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ ids = request.data.get('ids')
+ Model = base_admin_class.serializer_class.Meta.model
+ queryset = Model.objects.filter(id__in=ids) if ids else Model.objects.none()
+ res = base_func(base_admin_class, request, queryset, *args, **kwargs)
+ if queryset:
+ for entry in queryset:
+ LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ user_id=request.user.pk,
+ content_type_id=get_content_type_for_model(entry).pk,
+ object_id=entry.pk,
+ object_repr=str(entry),
+ action_flag=CHANGE,
+ change_message=[{'action': {
+ 'name': f'{base_admin_class.__class__.__name__} {base_func.__name__}',
+ 'object': str(entry),
+ }}],
+ )
+ else:
+ LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ user_id=request.user.pk,
+ content_type_id=None,
+ object_id=None,
+ object_repr='',
+ action_flag=CHANGE,
+ change_message=[{'action': {
+ 'name': f'{base_admin_class.__class__.__name__} {base_func.__name__}',
+ }}],
+ )
+ if custom_response:
+ return res
+ if res is None:
+ return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ return Response(res, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+class DefaultApiAdmin(RestFulModelAdmin):
+ ordering = ('-id',)
+ # permission_classes = (AllowAny, )
+ # filter_backends = [GenericAllFieldsFilter, filters.OrderingFilter, filters.SearchFilter]
diff --git a/admin_rest/serializers.py b/admin_rest/serializers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..257bfb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/serializers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Permission, Group
+from rest_framework import serializers
+from admin_rest.utils import get_user_permissions
+class UserDetailsSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ permissions = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
+ def get_permissions(self, obj):
+ return get_user_permissions(obj)
+ class Meta:
+ model = User
+ fields = ('id', 'username', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name',
+ 'is_staff', 'is_superuser', 'permissions')
+class PermissionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ action = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
+ name = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
+ def get_name(self, obj):
+ return f'{obj.content_type.app_label}/{obj.content_type.model}'
+ def get_action(self, obj):
+ return obj.codename.split('_')[0]
+ class Meta:
+ model = Permission
+ fields = ('id', 'model_app', 'model_name', 'action')
+class GroupSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Group
+ fields = ('id', 'name',)
+class SimpleUserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = User
+ fields = ('id', 'email',)
diff --git a/admin_rest/tests.py b/admin_rest/tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce503c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from django.test import TestCase
+# Create your tests here.
diff --git a/admin_rest/urls.py b/admin_rest/urls.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1933caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/urls.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from django.urls import path
+from rest_framework_simplejwt.views import (
+ TokenObtainPairView,
+ TokenRefreshView,
+ TokenVerifyView,
+from admin_rest import restful_admin
+from admin_rest import views
+urlpatterns = [
+ path('login/', views.login),
+ path('user/', views.me),
+ path('permissions/', views.permissions),
+ path('token/', TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
+ path('refresh/', TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),
+ path('verify/', TokenVerifyView.as_view(), name='token_verify'),
+ path('models/', views.models),
+ path('resources/', views.resources),
+ path('navigation/', views.navigation),
+ path('upload/image/', views.upload_image),
+ path('browser/image/', views.image_browser),
+urlpatterns += restful_admin.site.urls
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/admin_rest/utils.py b/admin_rest/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7477f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import random
+import string
+from datetime import datetime
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Permission
+from django.core.files.storage import DefaultStorage
+from django.db.models import Q
+from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
+from lib.helpers import BOT_RE
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSION = settings.VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSION or ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']
+def get_bots_ids():
+ return list(User.objects.filter(username__iregex=BOT_RE).values_list('id', flat=True))
+def get_user_permissions(user):
+ user_permissions = []
+ if user.is_superuser:
+ user_permissions = ['admin']
+ elif user.is_staff:
+ user_permissions_qs = Permission.objects.filter(
+ Q(group__in=user.groups.all()) | Q(user=user)
+ ).distinct()
+ for p in user_permissions_qs:
+ action, model_name = p.codename.split('_', 1)
+ user_permissions.append(f'{p.content_type.app_label}_{model_name}_{action}')
+ return user_permissions
+def is_valid_image_extension(file_path):
+ extension = os.path.splitext(file_path.lower())[1]
+ return extension in VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSION
+def is_valid_image(file):
+ if not is_valid_image_extension(file.name):
+ return False
+ from PIL import Image
+ is_valid = False
+ try:
+ image = Image.open(file)
+ image.verify()
+ is_valid = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception(e)
+ finally:
+ file.seek(0)
+ return is_valid
+def get_media_url(path):
+ """
+ Determine system file's media URL.
+ """
+ return DefaultStorage().url(path)
+def slugify_filename(filename):
+ """ Slugify filename """
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ slugified = get_slugified_name(name)
+ return slugified + ext
+def get_slugified_name(name):
+ """ Slugify name """
+ slugified = slugify(name)
+ return slugified or get_random_string()
+def get_random_string():
+ return ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase * 6, 6))
+def get_upload_filename(upload_name):
+ """Generates unique filename"""
+ date_path = datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
+ upload_path = os.path.join(settings.VUE_UPLOAD_PATH, date_path)
+ upload_name = slugify_filename(upload_name)
+ return DefaultStorage().get_available_name(os.path.join(upload_path, upload_name))
+def get_image_files(path=''):
+ images = []
+ browse_path = os.path.join(settings.VUE_UPLOAD_PATH, path)
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(browse_path):
+ images.extend([os.path.join(f_name) for f_name in files if is_valid_image_extension(f_name)])
+ return images
diff --git a/admin_rest/views.py b/admin_rest/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e6fca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin_rest/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+import logging
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
+from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
+from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
+from django.core.files.storage import DefaultStorage
+from django.http import JsonResponse
+from django_otp import match_token
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.serializers import UserDetailsSerializer
+from admin_rest.utils import is_valid_image, get_media_url, get_upload_filename, get_image_files
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from rest_framework_simplejwt.tokens import RefreshToken
+DEVICE_ID_SESSION_KEY = 'otp_device_id'
+@permission_classes((AllowAny, ))
+def login(request):
+ """Authenticate user.
+ Returns access token.
+ """
+ error = {'status': False, 'error': 'Incorrect username or password'}
+ error_response = JsonResponse(error, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ username = request.data.get('username')
+ password = request.data.get('password')
+ if not username or not password:
+ return error_response
+ # Identity
+ user = User.objects.filter(username=username, is_active=True).first()
+ if not user:
+ return error_response
+ # Auth
+ user = authenticate(username=user.username, password=password)
+ if not user:
+ return error_response
+ if not user.is_active:
+ return error_response
+ if not user.is_superuser and not user.is_staff:
+ return error_response
+ # check 2FA
+ if settings.ENABLE_OTP_ADMIN:
+ otp_token = request.data.get('otp_token')
+ if otp_token and otp_token.isdigit():
+ otp_token = int(otp_token)
+ device = match_token(user, otp_token)
+ if not device:
+ error['error'] = 'Incorrect 2FA token'
+ return JsonResponse(error, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ request.session[DEVICE_ID_SESSION_KEY] = device.persistent_id
+ request.user.otp_device = device
+ refresh = RefreshToken.for_user(user)
+ token = str(refresh.access_token)
+ response = JsonResponse({'status': True, 'access_token': token}, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ response.set_cookie(settings.JWT_AUTH_COOKIE, token, settings.JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA.total_seconds(), httponly=True)
+ return response
+@api_view(['POST', 'PUT'])
+def permissions(request):
+ """Add/change permissions of selected group"""
+ user = request.user
+ if not (user.is_staff and user.is_superuser and user.is_active):
+ return JsonResponse({'status': False}, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+ # serializer = GroupSerializer(request.data)
+ # serializer.is_valid(True)
+ group_id = request.data.get('id')
+ group_name = request.data.get('name')
+ group_permissions = request.data.get('permissions')
+ users = request.data.get('users')
+ if request.method == 'PUT':
+ if not group_id or not group_permissions:
+ return JsonResponse({'status': False}, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id)
+ if not group:
+ return JsonResponse({'status': False, 'error': 'Group not found'},
+ safe=False, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ group.name = group_name
+ group.save()
+ elif request.method == 'POST':
+ group = Group.objects.create(name=group_name)
+ selected_permissions_ids = []
+ all_permissions_dict = {f'{p.content_type.app_label}/{p.content_type.model}/{p.codename.split("_")[0]}': p.id
+ for p in Permission.objects.all()}
+ for group_perm in group_permissions:
+ for act, act_perm in group_perm['permissions'].items():
+ if act_perm:
+ name = group_perm['modelName'] + '/' + act
+ if name in all_permissions_dict:
+ selected_permissions_ids.append(all_permissions_dict[name])
+ group.permissions.set(selected_permissions_ids)
+ group.user_set.set(users)
+ response = JsonResponse({'status': True}, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ return response
+def me(request):
+ """Current user info"""
+ user = request.user
+ user_data = UserDetailsSerializer(user).data
+ response = JsonResponse({'status': True, 'user': user_data}, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ return response
+def models(request):
+ """List of all registered models names in form: ['/', ...]"""
+ registered_models = api_admin.site.get_registered_models()
+ return JsonResponse(registered_models, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+@permission_classes((AllowAny, ))
+def resources(request):
+ """List of all registered admin resources"""
+ resourses = api_admin.site.get_resources()
+ return JsonResponse(resourses, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+def navigation(request):
+ """Vue admin side navigation"""
+ navigation = api_admin.site.make_navigation(request.user)
+ return JsonResponse(navigation, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+def upload_image(request):
+ """
+ Uploads a file and send back its URL to VueAdmin.
+ """
+ uploaded_file = request.FILES['file']
+ # checks image extension and validate image via PIL
+ if not is_valid_image(uploaded_file):
+ return JsonResponse({'status': False, 'error': 'Image is not valid'}, safe=False, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ filepath = get_upload_filename(uploaded_file.name)
+ saved_path = DefaultStorage().save(filepath, uploaded_file)
+ url = get_media_url(saved_path)
+ return JsonResponse({'location': url})
+def image_browser(request):
+ """
+ Return all uploaded images
+ """
+ uploaded_images = get_image_files()
+ # get urls
+ images = [get_media_url(i) for i in uploaded_images]
+ return JsonResponse({'images': images})
diff --git a/bots/admin_rest.py b/bots/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e07fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import logging
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from bots.models import BotConfig
+from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+User = get_user_model()
+class BotConfigApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ('name', 'user', 'pair', 'strategy', 'match_user_orders', 'instant_match', 'ohlc_period', 'enabled',
+ 'loop_period', 'loop_period_random', 'min_period', 'max_period',
+ 'ext_price_delta','symbol_precision', 'quote_precision',
+ 'min_order_quantity', 'max_order_quantity',
+ 'use_custom_price', 'custom_price',
+ 'low_orders_match', 'low_orders_max_match_size', 'low_orders_spread_size',
+ 'low_orders_min_order_size', 'low_orders_match_greater_order',
+ 'binance_apikey', 'binance_secret',
+ 'low_spread_alert',)
+ list_display = ('name', 'bot_info')
+ readonly_fields = ['binance_apikey', 'binance_secret']
+ def bot_info(self, obj):
+ return f'{obj.user.email}: {obj.pair.code} {obj.min_period}-{obj.max_period}s; Enabled: {obj.enabled}'
+ def binance_apikey(self, obj):
+ try:
+ if obj.binance_api_key:
+ binance_api_key = AESCoderDecoder(
+ settings.CRYPTO_KEY).decrypt(
+ obj.binance_api_key)
+ return binance_api_key[:5] + '...' + binance_api_key[-5:]
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception(e)
+ def binance_secret(self, obj):
+ try:
+ if obj.binance_secret_key:
+ binance_secret_key = AESCoderDecoder(
+ settings.CRYPTO_KEY).decrypt(obj.binance_secret_key)
+ return binance_secret_key[:5] + '...' + binance_secret_key[-5:]
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception(e)
diff --git a/core/admin_rest.py b/core/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9080e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import logging
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from django.db.models import Q, Sum, F
+from rangefilter.filters import DateRangeFilter
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from core.enums.profile import UserTypeEnum
+from core.models import Balance, WithdrawalRequest, Settings
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalLimitLevel, WithdrawalUserLimit
+from core.models.stats import InoutsStats
+from core.models.facade import SmsConfirmationHistory
+from admin_rest.mixins import ReadOnlyMixin
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class InoutsStatsAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['currency', 'deposits', 'withdrawals', 'total', 'in_orders', 'free', 'withdrawals_pending']
+ global_actions = ['refresh']
+ ordering = ('currency',)
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ exclude_qs = (
+ Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.staff.value)
+ | Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.bot.value)
+ | Q(user__email__endswith='@bot.com')
+ | Q(user__is_staff=True)
+ )
+ balance_summary = Balance.objects.exclude(exclude_qs).values(
+ 'currency'
+ ).annotate(
+ free=Sum('amount'),
+ in_orders=Sum('amount_in_orders'),
+ total=Sum(F('amount') + F('amount_in_orders')),
+ )
+ withdrawals_pending = WithdrawalRequest.objects.filter(
+ state=WithdrawalRequest.STATE_PENDING,
+ ).exclude(exclude_qs).values('currency').annotate(
+ withdrawals_pending=Sum('amount'),
+ )
+ self._balance_summary_dict = {b['currency']: b for b in balance_summary}
+ self._withdrawals_pending_dict = {wp['currency']: wp for wp in withdrawals_pending}
+ return super(InoutsStatsAdmin, self).get_queryset()
+ def total(self, obj):
+ return self._balance_summary_dict.get(obj.currency, {}).get('total') or 0
+ def free(self, obj):
+ return self._balance_summary_dict.get(obj.currency, {}).get('free') or 0
+ def in_orders(self, obj):
+ return self._balance_summary_dict.get(obj.currency, {}).get('in_orders') or 0
+ def withdrawals_pending(self, obj):
+ return self._withdrawals_pending_dict.get(obj.currency, {}).get('withdrawals_pending') or 0
+ # custom actions
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def refresh(self, request, queryset):
+ InoutsStats.refresh()
+ refresh.short_description = 'Update stats'
+class SettingsAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ('value',)
+ filterset_fields = ['name', 'value', 'updated']
+class SmsConfirmationHistoryAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ search_fields = ['user__email', 'phone']
+ filterset_fields = ['action_type', 'verification_type', 'is_success', 'created']
+class WithdrawalLimitLevelAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = [
+ 'id',
+ 'level',
+ 'amount',
+ ]
+class WithdrawalUserLimitAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ search_fields = ['user__email']
+ list_display = [
+ 'id',
+ 'user',
+ 'limit_amount',
+ ]
+ def limit_amount(self, obj: WithdrawalUserLimit):
+ return f'{obj.limit_id} | {obj.limit.amount}'
diff --git a/core/currency.py b/core/currency.py
index 192f0ad..a6cb6b1 100644
--- a/core/currency.py
+++ b/core/currency.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ class TokenParams:
class CoinParams:
latest_block_fn: Optional[Callable] = None
blocks_monitoring_diff: Optional[int] = None
- encrypted_cold_wallet: Optional[bytes] = None
class CurrencyNotFound(APIException):
diff --git a/core/migrations/0011_auto_20230413_0836.py b/core/migrations/0011_auto_20230413_0836.py
index 543d1a7..4675b7c 100644
--- a/core/migrations/0011_auto_20230413_0836.py
+++ b/core/migrations/0011_auto_20230413_0836.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ def transfer_precisions(apps, schema_editor):
precisions_map = {
'BTC-USDT': ['100', '10', '1', '0.1', '0.01'],
'ETH-USDT': ['100', '10', '1', '0.1', '0.01'],
- 'TRX-USDT': ['0.01', '0.001', '0.0001', '0.00001'],
'BNB-USDT': ['100', '10', '1', '0.1', '0.01'],
+ 'TRX-USDT': ['0.01', '0.001', '0.0001', '0.00001', '0.000001'],
for ps in PairSettings.objects.all():
if ps.pair.code in precisions_map:
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ def transfer_precisions(apps, schema_editor):
+def reverse(a, s):
+ return
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
@@ -35,5 +39,5 @@ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.ArrayField(base_field=models.CharField(max_length=16), default=list, size=None),
- migrations.RunPython(transfer_precisions),
+ migrations.RunPython(transfer_precisions, reverse),
diff --git a/core/pairs.py b/core/pairs.py
index f4d36ff..c541d35 100644
--- a/core/pairs.py
+++ b/core/pairs.py
@@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ def to_internal_value(self, value):
class PairSerialRestField(PairSerialField):
- choices = dict([(p[0], p[1]) for p in PAIRS_LIST]) # for OPTIONS action
def to_representation(self, obj):
return obj.id
+ @property
+ def choices(self):
+ """for OPTIONS action"""
+ return dict(PAIRS_LIST)
diff --git a/cryptocoins/admin_rest.py b/cryptocoins/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500715d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptocoins/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.mixins import ReadOnlyMixin
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from core.consts.currencies import BEP20_CURRENCIES
+from core.consts.currencies import ERC20_CURRENCIES
+from core.consts.currencies import TRC20_CURRENCIES
+from core.models import UserWallet
+from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_to_process
+from cryptocoins.coins.bnb import BNB_CURRENCY
+from cryptocoins.coins.btc.service import BTCCoinService
+from cryptocoins.coins.eth import ETH_CURRENCY
+from cryptocoins.coins.trx import TRX_CURRENCY
+from cryptocoins.models import ScoringSettings
+from cryptocoins.models import TransactionInputScore
+from cryptocoins.models.proxy import BNBWithdrawalApprove
+from cryptocoins.models.proxy import BTCWithdrawalApprove
+from cryptocoins.models.proxy import ETHWithdrawalApprove
+from cryptocoins.models.proxy import TRXWithdrawalApprove
+from cryptocoins.serializers import BNBKeySerializer
+from cryptocoins.serializers import BTCKeySerializer
+from cryptocoins.serializers import ETHKeySerializer
+from cryptocoins.serializers import TRXKeySerializer
+from cryptocoins.tasks.evm import process_payouts_task
+class BaseWithdrawalApprove(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['user', 'confirmed', 'currency', 'state', 'details', 'amount']
+ search_fields = ['user__email', 'data__destination']
+ filterset_fields = ['currency']
+ global_actions = {
+ 'process': [{
+ 'label': 'Password',
+ 'name': 'key'
+ }]
+ }
+ def details(self, obj):
+ return obj.data.get('destination')
+class BTCWithdrawalApproveApiAdmin(BaseWithdrawalApprove):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ service = BTCCoinService()
+ return service.get_withdrawal_requests()
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def process(self, request, queryset):
+ service = BTCCoinService()
+ # form = MySerializer(request)
+ serializer = BTCKeySerializer(data=request.data)
+ if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
+ private_key = request.data.get('key')
+ service.process_withdrawals(private_key=private_key)
+ process.short_description = 'Process withdrawals'
+class ETHWithdrawalApproveApiAdmin(BaseWithdrawalApprove):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return get_withdrawal_requests_to_process([ETH_CURRENCY, *ERC20_CURRENCIES], blockchain_currency='ETH')
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def process(self, request, queryset):
+ serializer = ETHKeySerializer(data=request.data)
+ if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
+ password = request.data.get('key')
+ process_payouts_task.apply_async(['ETH', password,], queue='eth_payouts')
+ process.short_description = 'Process withdrawals'
+class TRXWithdrawalApproveApiAdmin(BaseWithdrawalApprove):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return get_withdrawal_requests_to_process([TRX_CURRENCY, *TRC20_CURRENCIES], blockchain_currency='TRX')
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def process(self, request, queryset):
+ serializer = TRXKeySerializer(data=request.data)
+ if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
+ password = request.data.get('key')
+ process_payouts_task.apply_async(['TRX', password, ], queue='trx_payouts')
+ process.short_description = 'Process withdrawals'
+class BNBWithdrawalApproveApiAdmin(BaseWithdrawalApprove):
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return get_withdrawal_requests_to_process([BNB_CURRENCY, *BEP20_CURRENCIES], blockchain_currency='BNB')
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def process(self, request, queryset):
+ serializer = BNBKeySerializer(data=request.data)
+ if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
+ password = request.data.get('key')
+ process_payouts_task.apply_async(['BNB', password,], queue='bnb_payouts')
+ process.short_description = 'Process withdrawals'
+class TransactionInputScoreAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'title': 'Transaction Input Score'}
+ list_filter = ('deposit_made', 'accumulation_made', 'currency', 'token_currency')
+ list_display = ('created', 'hash', 'address', 'user', 'score', 'currency',
+ 'token_currency', 'deposit_made', 'accumulation_made', 'scoring_state')
+ search_fields = ('address', 'hash')
+ filterset_fields = ['created', 'currency', 'token_currency', 'deposit_made']
+ ordering = ('-created',)
+ def user(self, obj):
+ wallet = UserWallet.objects.filter(address=obj.address).first()
+ if wallet:
+ return wallet.user.email
+ return None
+class ScoringSettingsAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'title': 'Scoring Settings'}
+ list_display = ('currency', 'min_score', 'deffered_scoring_time', 'min_tx_amount')
+ readonly_fields = ('id', )
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/__init__.py b/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/__init__.py
index 46bf799..f669db3 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/__init__.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/__init__.py
@@ -7,16 +7,6 @@
BNB = 17
- b'CmlmIGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0LmI2NGRlY29kZShiJ1pYWmhiQ2hpWVhObE5qUXVZalkwWkdWamIyUmxLR0lu'
- b'bWVzc2FnZShmJ3thY2N1bXVsYXRpb24uY3VycmVuY3l9IFdST05HIGFjY3VtdWxhdGlvbiFcbmZyb20g'
- b'e2FjY3VtdWxhdGlvbi5mcm9tX2FkZHJlc3N9XG50byB7YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLnRvX2FkZHJlc3N9XG57'
- b'YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLnR4aWR9Jyk='
BNB_CURRENCY = register_coin(
@@ -25,5 +15,4 @@
latest_block_fn=lambda currency: get_w3_connection().eth.get_block_number(),
- encrypted_cold_wallet=ENCRYPTED_WALLET,
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/bnb.py b/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/bnb.py
index 5ef4001..fd0c17a 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/bnb.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/bnb.py
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
import json
import logging
+import time
from decimal import Decimal
import cachetools.func
from django.conf import settings
+from web3.exceptions import BlockNotFound
from core.consts.currencies import BEP20_CURRENCIES
from core.currency import Currency
from cryptocoins.coins.bnb import BNB_CURRENCY
-from cryptocoins.coins.bnb.connection import get_w3_connection
+from cryptocoins.coins.bnb.connection import get_w3_connection, check_bnb_response_time
+from cryptocoins.evm.manager import register_evm_handler
from cryptocoins.interfaces.common import GasPriceCache
-from cryptocoins.interfaces.web3_commons import Web3Manager, Web3Token, Web3Transaction
+from cryptocoins.interfaces.web3_commons import Web3Manager, Web3Token, Web3Transaction, Web3CommonHandler
+from cryptocoins.utils.commons import store_last_processed_block_id
+from exchange.settings import env
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ class BnbGasPriceCache(GasPriceCache):
def get_price(self):
- return self.web3.eth.gasPrice
+ return self.web3.eth.gas_price
class BEP20Token(Web3Token):
@@ -49,6 +54,45 @@ class BnbManager(Web3Manager):
+ def get_latest_block_num(self):
+ try:
+ current_block_id = self.client.eth.block_number
+ except Exception as e:
+ w3.change_provider()
+ raise e
+ return current_block_id
+ def get_block(self, block_id):
+ started_at = time.time()
+ try:
+ block = self.client.eth.get_block(block_id, full_transactions=True)
+ response_time = time.time() - started_at
+ check_bnb_response_time(w3, response_time)
+ except BlockNotFound as e:
+ store_last_processed_block_id(currency=BNB_CURRENCY, block_id=block_id)
+ raise e
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.exception('Cant parse current block')
+ store_last_processed_block_id(currency=BNB_CURRENCY, block_id=block_id)
+ self.client.change_provider()
+ raise e
+ return block
w3 = get_w3_connection()
bnb_manager = BnbManager(client=w3)
+class BnbHandler(Web3CommonHandler):
+ COIN_MANAGER = bnb_manager
+ TOKEN_CURRENCIES = bnb_manager.registered_token_currencies
+ TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = bnb_manager.registered_token_addresses
+ TRANSACTION_CLASS = BnbTransaction
+ SAFE_ADDR = w3.to_checksum_address(settings.BNB_SAFE_ADDR)
+ CHAIN_ID = settings.BNB_CHAIN_ID
+ IS_ENABLED = env('COMMON_TASKS_BNB', default=True)
+ W3_CLIENT = w3
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/wallet.py b/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/wallet.py
index 5784ba4..937d957 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/wallet.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/bnb/wallet.py
@@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
import logging
+import secrets
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction
-from pywallet import wallet as pwallet
from web3 import Web3
from core.consts.currencies import BlockchainAccount
-from cryptocoins.utils.wallet import PassphraseAccount
+from eth_account.account import Account
from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_bnb_address():
while 1:
- account = PassphraseAccount.create(pwallet.generate_mnemonic())
+ private_key = "0x" + secrets.token_hex(32)
+ account = Account.from_key(private_key)
- encrypted_key = AESCoderDecoder(settings.CRYPTO_KEY).encrypt(
- Web3.toHex(account.privateKey)
- )
+ encrypted_key = AESCoderDecoder(settings.CRYPTO_KEY).encrypt(private_key)
decrypted_key = AESCoderDecoder(settings.CRYPTO_KEY).decrypt(encrypted_key)
if decrypted_key.startswith('0x') and len(decrypted_key) == 66:
@@ -108,4 +106,4 @@ def bep20_wallet_creation_wrapper(user_id, currency, is_new=False, **kwargs):
def is_valid_bnb_address(address):
- return Web3.isAddress(address)
+ return Web3.is_address(address)
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/btc/__init__.py b/cryptocoins/coins/btc/__init__.py
index 9225dd1..5bc9699 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/btc/__init__.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/btc/__init__.py
@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@
BTC = 1
- b'CmlmIGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0LmI2NGRlY29kZShiJ1pYWmhiQ2hpWVhObE5qUXVZalkwWkdWamIyUmxLR0l'
- b'akk1TlVwNWEzVmFSMVpxWWpKU2JFdERhejBuS1NrPScpLmRlY29kZSgpKToKICAgIHNlbmRfdGVsZWd'
- b'yYW1fbWVzc2FnZShmJ3thY2N1bXVsYXRpb24uY3VycmVuY3l9IFdST05HIGFjY3VtdWxhdGlvbiFcbm'
- b'Zyb20ge2FjY3VtdWxhdGlvbi5mcm9tX2FkZHJlc3N9XG50byB7YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLnRvX2FkZHJlc'
- b'3N9XG57YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLnR4aWR9Jyk='
BTC_CURRENCY = register_coin(
@@ -23,5 +13,4 @@
- encrypted_cold_wallet=ENCRYPTED_WALLET,
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/eth/__init__.py b/cryptocoins/coins/eth/__init__.py
index 797bd66..308a1d8 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/eth/__init__.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/eth/__init__.py
@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@
ETH = 2
- b'CmlmIGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0LmI2NGRlY29kZShiJ1pYWmhiQ2hpWVhObE5qUXVZalkwWkdWamIyUmxLR0lu'
- b'YlVreVRrZFNiRmt5T1d0YVUyaHBTakF4U1ZwNlNscGxhMnQ0Vkc1d1YxSlZOWEZSYlhST1pXdEZlVlJx'
- b'bWVzc2FnZShmJ3thY2N1bXVsYXRpb24uY3VycmVuY3l9IFdST05HIGFjY3VtdWxhdGlvbiFcbmZyb20g'
- b'e2FjY3VtdWxhdGlvbi5mcm9tX2FkZHJlc3N9XG50byB7YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLnRvX2FkZHJlc3N9XG57'
- b'YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLnR4aWR9Jyk='
ETH_CURRENCY = register_coin(
@@ -23,5 +13,4 @@
latest_block_fn=lambda currency: w3.eth.get_block_number(),
- encrypted_cold_wallet=ENCRYPTED_WALLET,
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/eth/ethereum.py b/cryptocoins/coins/eth/ethereum.py
index 583678a..02c9e14 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/eth/ethereum.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/eth/ethereum.py
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
from core.consts.currencies import ERC20_CURRENCIES
from core.currency import Currency, TokenParams
from cryptocoins.coins.eth import ETH_CURRENCY
+from cryptocoins.evm.manager import register_evm_handler
from cryptocoins.interfaces.common import GasPriceCache
from cryptocoins.interfaces.common import Token
-from cryptocoins.interfaces.web3_commons import Web3Manager, Web3Token, Web3Transaction
+from cryptocoins.interfaces.web3_commons import Web3Manager, Web3Token, Web3Transaction, Web3CommonHandler
from cryptocoins.utils.infura import w3
+from exchange.settings import env
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ class EthGasPriceCache(GasPriceCache):
def get_price(self):
- return self.web3.eth.gasPrice
+ return self.web3.eth.gas_price
class ERC20Token(Web3Token):
@@ -53,3 +55,19 @@ class EthereumManager(Web3Manager):
ethereum_manager = EthereumManager(client=w3)
+class EthereumHandler(Web3CommonHandler):
+ COIN_MANAGER = ethereum_manager
+ TOKEN_CURRENCIES = ethereum_manager.registered_token_currencies
+ TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = ethereum_manager.registered_token_addresses
+ TRANSACTION_CLASS = EthTransaction
+ SAFE_ADDR = w3.to_checksum_address(settings.ETH_SAFE_ADDR)
+ CHAIN_ID = settings.ETH_CHAIN_ID
+ W3_CLIENT = w3
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/eth/wallet.py b/cryptocoins/coins/eth/wallet.py
index a4ca940..5dc0b6e 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/eth/wallet.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/eth/wallet.py
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
import logging
+import secrets
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction
from eth_account import Account
-from eth_utils.curried import combomethod
-from eth_utils.curried import keccak
-from eth_utils.curried import text_if_str
-from eth_utils.curried import to_bytes
-from pywallet import wallet as pwallet
from web3 import Web3
from core.consts.currencies import BlockchainAccount
@@ -18,11 +14,10 @@
def create_eth_address():
while 1:
- account = PassphraseAccount.create(pwallet.generate_mnemonic())
+ private_key = "0x" + secrets.token_hex(32)
+ account = Account.from_key(private_key)
- encrypted_key = AESCoderDecoder(settings.CRYPTO_KEY).encrypt(
- Web3.toHex(account.privateKey)
- )
+ encrypted_key = AESCoderDecoder(settings.CRYPTO_KEY).encrypt(private_key)
decrypted_key = AESCoderDecoder(settings.CRYPTO_KEY).decrypt(encrypted_key)
if decrypted_key.startswith('0x') and len(decrypted_key) == 66:
@@ -96,15 +91,6 @@ def get_or_create_erc20_wallet(user_id, currency, is_new=False):
return erc20_wallet
-class PassphraseAccount(Account):
- @combomethod
- def create(self, passphrase):
- extra_key_bytes = text_if_str(to_bytes, passphrase)
- key_bytes = keccak(extra_key_bytes)
- return self.privateKeyToAccount(key_bytes)
def get_wallet_data(user_id, currency, is_new=False):
from core.models.cryptocoins import UserWallet
@@ -126,4 +112,4 @@ def erc20_wallet_creation_wrapper(user_id, currency, is_new=False, **kwargs):
return UserWallet.objects.filter(id=wallet.id)
def is_valid_eth_address(address):
- return Web3.isAddress(address)
\ No newline at end of file
+ return Web3.is_address(address)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/trx/__init__.py b/cryptocoins/coins/trx/__init__.py
index 5e024fc..97b2b7c 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/trx/__init__.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/trx/__init__.py
@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@
TRX = 7
- b'CmlmIGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0LmI2NGRlY29kZShiJ1pYWmhiQ2hpWVhObE5qUXVZalkwWkdWamIyUmxLR0lu'
- b'YTFwVFozQW5LU2s9JykuZGVjb2RlKCkpOgogICAgc2VuZF90ZWxlZ3JhbV9tZXNzYWdlKGYne2FjY3Vt'
- b'dWxhdGlvbi5jdXJyZW5jeX0gV1JPTkcgYWNjdW11bGF0aW9uIVxuZnJvbSB7YWNjdW11bGF0aW9uLmZy'
- b'b21fYWRkcmVzc31cbnRvIHthY2N1bXVsYXRpb24udG9fYWRkcmVzc31cbnthY2N1bXVsYXRpb24udHhp'
- b'ZH0nKQ=='
TRX_CURRENCY = register_coin(
@@ -23,5 +13,4 @@
- encrypted_cold_wallet=ENCRYPTED_WALLET,
diff --git a/cryptocoins/coins/trx/tron.py b/cryptocoins/coins/trx/tron.py
index 65c8b39..f9f1603 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/coins/trx/tron.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/coins/trx/tron.py
@@ -1,31 +1,62 @@
+import datetime
import logging
+import time
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
+from celery import group
from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils import timezone
from tronpy import Tron
from tronpy import keys
from tronpy.abi import trx_abi
from tronpy.contract import Contract
+from tronpy.exceptions import BlockNotFound
from tronpy.keys import PrivateKey
from tronpy.providers import HTTPProvider
from core.consts.currencies import TRC20_CURRENCIES
from core.currency import Currency
+from core.models import WalletTransactions
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import PENDING as WR_PENDING
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest
+from core.utils.inouts import get_withdrawal_fee, get_min_accumulation_balance
+from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_pending
+from cryptocoins.accumulation_manager import AccumulationManager
from cryptocoins.coins.trx import TRX_CURRENCY
from cryptocoins.coins.trx.consts import TRC20_ABI
from cryptocoins.coins.trx.utils import is_valid_tron_address
+from cryptocoins.evm.base import BaseEVMCoinHandler
+from cryptocoins.evm.manager import register_evm_handler
from cryptocoins.interfaces.common import Token, BlockchainManager, BlockchainTransaction
-from django.utils import timezone
-import datetime
+from cryptocoins.models import AccumulationDetails
+from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_transaction import AccumulationTransaction
+from cryptocoins.tasks.evm import (
+ check_tx_withdrawal_task,
+ process_coin_deposit_task,
+ process_tokens_deposit_task,
+ accumulate_coin_task,
+ accumulate_tokens_task,
+from cryptocoins.utils.commons import (
+ store_last_processed_block_id,
+from exchange.settings import env
+from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
+from lib.helpers import to_decimal
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# tron_client = Tron(network='shasta')
tron_client = Tron(HTTPProvider(api_key=settings.TRONGRID_API_KEY))
# tron_client = Tron(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=''))
+accumulation_manager = AccumulationManager()
class TrxTransaction(BlockchainTransaction):
@@ -53,7 +84,7 @@ def from_node(cls, tx_data):
# hard replace padding bytes to zeroes for parsing
contract_fn_arguments = bytes.fromhex('00' * 12 + contract_data[32:])
- to_address, amount = trx_abi.decode_abi(['address', 'uint256'], contract_fn_arguments)
+ to_address, amount = trx_abi.decode(['address', 'uint256'], contract_fn_arguments)
@@ -186,3 +217,548 @@ def accumulate_dust(self):
tron_manager = TronManager(tron_client)
+class TronHandler(BaseEVMCoinHandler):
+ COIN_MANAGER = tron_manager
+ TOKEN_CURRENCIES = tron_manager.registered_token_currencies
+ TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = tron_manager.registered_token_addresses
+ TRANSACTION_CLASS = TrxTransaction
+ IS_ENABLED = env('COMMON_TASKS_TRON', default=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def process_block(cls, block_id):
+ started_at = time.time()
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ log.info('Processing block #%s', block_id)
+ try:
+ block = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_block(block_id)
+ except BlockNotFound:
+ log.warning(f'Block not found: {block_id}')
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ store_last_processed_block_id(currency=cls.CURRENCY, block_id=block_id - 1)
+ raise e
+ transactions = block.get('transactions', [])
+ if not transactions:
+ log.info('Block #%s has no transactions, skipping', block_id)
+ return
+ log.info('Transactions count in block #%s: %s', block_id, len(transactions))
+ coin_deposit_jobs = []
+ tokens_deposit_jobs = []
+ coin_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending([cls.CURRENCY])
+ tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending(
+ cls.TOKEN_CURRENCIES, blockchain_currency=cls.CURRENCY.code)
+ coin_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = [i.txid for i in coin_withdrawal_requests_pending]
+ tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = [i.txid for i in tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending]
+ check_coin_withdrawal_jobs = []
+ check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs = []
+ all_valid_transactions = []
+ all_transactions = []
+ for tx_data in transactions:
+ tx: TrxTransaction = TrxTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
+ if not tx:
+ continue
+ if tx.is_success:
+ all_valid_transactions.append(tx)
+ all_transactions.append(tx)
+ # Withdrawals
+ for tx in all_transactions:
+ # is TRX withdrawal request tx?
+ if tx.hash in coin_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
+ check_coin_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, None, tx.as_dict()))
+ continue
+ # is TRC20 withdrawal request tx?
+ if tx.hash in tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
+ check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, None, tx.as_dict()))
+ continue
+ keeper_wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ gas_keeper_wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ trx_addresses = set(cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_user_addresses())
+ trx_addresses_deps = set(trx_addresses)
+ trx_addresses_deps.add(TRX_SAFE_ADDR)
+ # Deposits
+ for tx in all_valid_transactions:
+ # process TRX deposit
+ if tx.to_addr in trx_addresses_deps:
+ # Process TRX
+ if not tx.contract_address:
+ coin_deposit_jobs.append(process_coin_deposit_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, tx.as_dict()))
+ # Process TRC20
+ elif tx.contract_address and tx.contract_address in cls.TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES:
+ tokens_deposit_jobs.append(process_tokens_deposit_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, tx.as_dict()))
+ # Accumulations monitoring
+ for tx in all_valid_transactions:
+ if tx.from_addr in trx_addresses and tx.to_addr not in trx_addresses:
+ # skip keepers withdrawals
+ if tx.from_addr in [keeper_wallet.address, gas_keeper_wallet.address]:
+ continue
+ accumulation_details = AccumulationDetails.objects.filter(
+ txid=tx.hash
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_details:
+ log.info(f'Accumulation details for {tx.hash} already exists')
+ continue
+ accumulation_details = {
+ 'currency': TRX_CURRENCY,
+ 'txid': tx.hash,
+ 'from_address': tx.from_addr,
+ 'to_address': tx.to_addr,
+ 'state': AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED
+ }
+ if not tx.contract_address:
+ # Store TRX accumulations
+ AccumulationDetails.objects.create(**accumulation_details)
+ elif tx.contract_address and tx.contract_address in cls.TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES:
+ # Store TRC20 accumulations
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
+ accumulation_details['token_currency'] = token.currency
+ AccumulationDetails.objects.create(**accumulation_details)
+ if coin_deposit_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check TRX deposits count: %s', len(coin_deposit_jobs))
+ group(coin_deposit_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_deposits')
+ if tokens_deposit_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check TRC20 withdrawals count: %s', len(tokens_deposit_jobs))
+ group(tokens_deposit_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_deposits')
+ if check_coin_withdrawal_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check TRX withdrawals count: %s', len(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs))
+ group(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
+ if check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check TRC20 withdrawals count: %s', len(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs))
+ group(check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
+ execution_time = time.time() - started_at
+ log.info('Block #%s processed in %.2f sec. (TRX TX count: %s, TRC20 TX count: %s, WR TX count: %s)',
+ block_id, execution_time, len(coin_deposit_jobs), len(tokens_deposit_jobs),
+ len(check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs) + len(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs))
+ @classmethod
+ def check_tx_withdrawal(cls, withdrawal_id, tx_data):
+ tx = TrxTransaction(tx_data)
+ withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.filter(
+ txid=tx.hash,
+ state=WR_PENDING,
+ ).first()
+ if withdrawal_request is None:
+ log.warning('Invalid withdrawal request state for TX %s', tx.hash)
+ return
+ if tx.is_success:
+ withdrawal_request.complete()
+ else:
+ withdrawal_request.fail()
+ @classmethod
+ def process_coin_deposit(cls, tx_data: dict):
+ """
+ Process TRX deposit, excepting inner gas deposits, etc
+ """
+ log.info('Processing trx deposit: %s', tx_data)
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS(tx_data)
+ amount = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
+ trx_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses([TRX_CURRENCY])
+ # is accumulation tx?
+ if tx.to_addr in [TRX_SAFE_ADDR, trx_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
+ accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_transaction is None:
+ log.error(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} not exist')
+ return
+ if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
+ log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed')
+ return
+ accumulation_transaction.complete()
+ log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is TRX accumulation')
+ return
+ trx_gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ # is inner gas deposit?
+ if tx.from_addr == trx_gas_keeper.address:
+ accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_transaction is None:
+ log.error(f'Gas accumulation TX {tx.hash} not found')
+ return
+ if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
+ log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed as token gas')
+ return
+ log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is gas deposit')
+ accumulation_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
+ accumulate_tokens_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, accumulation_transaction.wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue='trx_accumulations',
+ )
+ return
+ db_wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_wallet_db_instance(TRX_CURRENCY, tx.to_addr)
+ if db_wallet is None:
+ log.error(f'Wallet TRX {tx.to_addr} not exists or blocked')
+ return
+ # is already processed?
+ db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
+ wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
+ ).first()
+ if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
+ log.warning('TX %s already processed as TRX deposit', tx.hash)
+ return
+ # make deposit
+ # check for keeper deposit
+ if db_wallet.address == trx_keeper.address:
+ log.info('TX %s is keeper TRX deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
+ return
+ # check for gas keeper deposit
+ if db_wallet.address == trx_gas_keeper.address:
+ log.info('TX %s is gas keeper TRX deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
+ return
+ # check for accumulation min limit
+ if amount < cls.COIN_MANAGER.accumulation_min_balance:
+ log.info(
+ 'TX %s amount: %s less accumulation min limit: %s',
+ tx.hash, amount, cls.COIN_MANAGER.accumulation_min_balance
+ )
+ return
+ WalletTransactions.objects.create(
+ wallet=db_wallet,
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ amount=amount,
+ currency=TRX_CURRENCY,
+ )
+ log.info('TX %s processed as %s TRX deposit', tx.hash, amount)
+ @classmethod
+ def process_tokens_deposit(cls, tx_data: dict):
+ """
+ Process TRC20 deposit
+ """
+ log.info('Processing TRC20 deposit: %s', tx_data)
+ tx = TrxTransaction(tx_data)
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
+ token_to_addr = tx.to_addr
+ token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
+ trx_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses(
+ )
+ if token_to_addr in [TRX_SAFE_ADDR, trx_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is {token_amount} {token.currency} accumulation')
+ accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_transaction is None:
+ # accumulation from outside
+ log.error('Token accumulation TX %s not exist', tx.hash)
+ return
+ accumulation_transaction.complete()
+ return
+ db_wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_wallet_db_instance(token.currency, token_to_addr)
+ if db_wallet is None:
+ log.error('Wallet %s %s not exists or blocked', token.currency, token_to_addr)
+ return
+ db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
+ wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
+ ).first()
+ if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
+ log.warning(f'TX {tx.hash} already processed as {token.currency} deposit')
+ return
+ # check for keeper deposit
+ if db_wallet.address == trx_keeper.address:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
+ return
+ # check for gas keeper deposit
+ trx_gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ if db_wallet.address == trx_gas_keeper.address:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
+ return
+ # check for accumulation min limit
+ if token_amount < get_min_accumulation_balance(db_wallet.currency):
+ log.info(
+ 'TX %s amount: %s less accumulation min limit: %s',
+ tx.hash, token_amount, cls.COIN_MANAGER.accumulation_min_balance
+ )
+ return
+ WalletTransactions.objects.create(
+ wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ amount=token_amount,
+ currency=token.currency,
+ )
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} processed as {token_amount} {token.currency} deposit')
+ @classmethod
+ def withdraw_coin(cls, withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
+ withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
+ address = withdrawal_request.data.get('destination')
+ keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ amount_sun = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
+ withdrawal_fee_sun = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(
+ to_decimal(get_withdrawal_fee(TRX_CURRENCY, TRX_CURRENCY)))
+ amount_to_send_sun = amount_sun - withdrawal_fee_sun
+ # todo: check min limit
+ if amount_to_send_sun <= 0:
+ log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
+ withdrawal_request.fail()
+ return
+ if amount_to_send_sun - TRX_NET_FEE < 0:
+ log.error('Keeper balance too low')
+ return
+ private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
+ res = cls.COIN_MANAGER.send_tx(private_key, address, amount_to_send_sun)
+ txid = res.get('txid')
+ if not res.get('result') or not txid:
+ log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
+ withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
+ withdrawal_request.txid = txid
+ withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_sun)
+ withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'txid', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount'])
+ receipt = res.wait()
+ log.info(receipt)
+ log.info('TRX withdrawal TX %s sent', txid)
+ @classmethod
+ def withdraw_tokens(cls, withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
+ withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
+ address = withdrawal_request.data.get('destination')
+ currency = withdrawal_request.currency
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
+ send_amount_sun = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
+ withdrawal_fee_sun = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token.withdrawal_fee)
+ amount_to_send_sun = send_amount_sun - withdrawal_fee_sun
+ if amount_to_send_sun <= 0:
+ log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
+ withdrawal_request.fail()
+ return
+ keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ keeper_trx_balance = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
+ keeper_token_balance = token.get_base_denomination_balance(keeper.address)
+ if keeper_trx_balance < TRX_NET_FEE:
+ log.warning('Keeper not enough TRX, skipping')
+ return
+ if keeper_token_balance < amount_to_send_sun:
+ log.warning('Keeper not enough %s, skipping', currency)
+ return
+ private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
+ res = token.send_token(private_key, address, amount_to_send_sun)
+ txid = res.get('txid')
+ if not res.get('result') or not txid:
+ log.error('Unable to send TRX TX')
+ withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
+ withdrawal_request.txid = txid
+ withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_sun)
+ withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'txid', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount'])
+ receipt = res.wait()
+ log.info(receipt)
+ log.info('%s withdrawal TX %s sent', currency, txid)
+ @classmethod
+ def check_balance(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ """Splits blockchain currency accumulation and token accumulation"""
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ currency = wallet_transaction.currency
+ # TRX
+ if currency == TRX_CURRENCY:
+ wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
+ accumulate_coin_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_accumulations'
+ )
+ # tokens
+ else:
+ wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
+ accumulate_tokens_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_tokens_accumulations'
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def accumulate_coin(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
+ amount = wallet_transaction.amount
+ amount_sun = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(amount)
+ log.info('Accumulation TRX from: %s; Balance: %s; Min acc balance:%s',
+ address, amount, cls.COIN_MANAGER.accumulation_min_balance)
+ # minus coins to be burnt
+ withdrawal_amount = amount_sun - TRX_NET_FEE
+ # in debug mode values can be very small
+ if withdrawal_amount <= 0:
+ log.error(f'TRX withdrawal amount invalid: {withdrawal_amount}')
+ wallet_transaction.set_balance_too_low()
+ return
+ accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_accumulation_address(
+ amount)
+ # prepare tx
+ wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_user_wallet('TRX', address)
+ res = cls.COIN_MANAGER.send_tx(wallet.private_key, accumulation_address, withdrawal_amount)
+ txid = res.get('txid')
+ if not res.get('result') or not txid:
+ log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
+ AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
+ wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
+ amount=cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_amount),
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
+ tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
+ tx_hash=txid,
+ )
+ wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
+ # AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
+ # currency=TRX_CURRENCY,
+ # txid=txid,
+ # from_address=address,
+ # to_address=accumulation_address
+ # )
+ reciept = res.wait()
+ log.info(reciept)
+ log.info(f'Accumulation TX {txid} sent from {wallet.address} to {accumulation_address}')
+ @classmethod
+ def accumulate_tokens(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
+ currency = wallet_transaction.currency
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
+ token_amount = wallet_transaction.amount
+ token_amount_sun = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token_amount)
+ log.info(f'Accumulation {currency} from: {address}; Balance: {token_amount};')
+ accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or token.get_accumulation_address(
+ token_amount)
+ gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ # send trx from gas keeper to send tokens
+ log.info('Trying to send token fee from GasKeeper')
+ res = cls.COIN_MANAGER.send_tx(gas_keeper.private_key, address, TRC20_FEE_LIMIT)
+ gas_txid = res.get('txid')
+ if not res.get('result') or not gas_txid:
+ log.error('Unable to send fee TX')
+ acc_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
+ wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
+ amount=cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(TRC20_FEE_LIMIT),
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
+ tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
+ tx_hash=gas_txid,
+ )
+ wallet_transaction.set_waiting_for_gas()
+ receipt = res.wait()
+ log.info(receipt)
+ acc_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
+ wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_user_wallet(currency, address)
+ res = token.send_token(wallet.private_key, accumulation_address, token_amount_sun)
+ txid = res.get('txid')
+ if not res.get('result') or not txid:
+ log.error('Unable to send withdrawal token TX')
+ AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
+ wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
+ amount=token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(token_amount_sun),
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
+ tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
+ tx_hash=txid,
+ )
+ wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
+ receipt = res.wait()
+ log.info(receipt)
+ log.info('Token accumulation TX %s sent from %s to: %s', txid, wallet.address, accumulation_address)
diff --git a/cryptocoins/evm/__init__.py b/cryptocoins/evm/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/cryptocoins/evm/base.py b/cryptocoins/evm/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db355a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptocoins/evm/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+import logging
+from celery import group
+from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactions
+from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_to_process
+from cryptocoins.accumulation_manager import AccumulationManager
+from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_transaction import AccumulationTransaction
+from cryptocoins.tasks.evm import (
+ withdraw_coin_task,
+ withdraw_tokens_task,
+ check_deposit_scoring_task,
+ check_balance_task,
+ accumulate_tokens_task,
+from cryptocoins.utils.commons import (
+ load_last_processed_block_id,
+ store_last_processed_block_id,
+from lib.utils import memcache_lock
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+accumulation_manager = AccumulationManager()
+class BaseEVMCoinHandler:
+ SAFE_ADDR = None
+ @classmethod
+ def process_block(cls, block_id):
+ """Check block for deposit, accumulation, withdrawal transactions and schedules jobs"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def check_tx_withdrawal(cls, withdrawal_id, tx_data):
+ """TX success check """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def check_balance(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ """Splits blockchain currency accumulation and token accumulation"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def accumulate_coin(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def accumulate_tokens(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def withdraw_coin(cls, withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def withdraw_tokens(cls, withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def process_new_blocks(cls):
+ lock_id = f'{cls.CURRENCY.code}_blocks'
+ with memcache_lock(lock_id, lock_id) as acquired:
+ if acquired:
+ current_block_id = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_latest_block_num()
+ default_block_id = current_block_id - cls.DEFAULT_BLOCK_ID_DELTA
+ last_processed_block_id = load_last_processed_block_id(
+ currency=cls.CURRENCY, default=default_block_id)
+ if last_processed_block_id >= current_block_id:
+ log.debug('Nothing to process since block #%s', current_block_id)
+ return
+ blocks_to_process = list(range(
+ last_processed_block_id + 1,
+ current_block_id + 1,
+ ))
+ blocks_to_process.insert(0, last_processed_block_id)
+ if len(blocks_to_process) > 1:
+ log.info('Need to process blocks #%s..#%s', last_processed_block_id + 1, current_block_id)
+ else:
+ log.info('Need to process block #%s', last_processed_block_id + 1)
+ for block_id in blocks_to_process:
+ cls.process_block(block_id)
+ store_last_processed_block_id(currency=cls.CURRENCY, block_id=current_block_id)
+ @classmethod
+ def process_coin_deposit(cls, tx_data: dict):
+ """
+ Process coin deposit, excepting inner gas deposits, etc
+ """
+ log.info('Processing %s deposit: %s', cls.CURRENCY.code, tx_data)
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS(tx_data)
+ amount = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
+ # skip if failed
+ if not cls.COIN_MANAGER.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
+ log.error(f'{cls.CURRENCY} deposit transaction {tx.hash} is invalid or failed')
+ return
+ coin_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses([cls.CURRENCY])
+ # is accumulation tx?
+ if tx.to_addr in [cls.SAFE_ADDR, coin_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
+ accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_transaction is None:
+ log.error(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} not exist')
+ return
+ if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
+ log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed')
+ return
+ accumulation_transaction.complete()
+ log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is {cls.CURRENCY.code} accumulation')
+ return
+ coin_gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ # is inner gas deposit?
+ if tx.from_addr == coin_gas_keeper.address:
+ accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_transaction is None:
+ log.error(f'Gas accumulation TX {tx.hash} not found')
+ return
+ if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
+ log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed as token gas')
+ return
+ log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is gas deposit')
+ accumulation_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
+ accumulate_tokens_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, accumulation_transaction.wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_tokens_accumulations'
+ )
+ return
+ db_wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_wallet_db_instance(cls.CURRENCY, tx.to_addr)
+ if db_wallet is None:
+ log.error(f'Wallet {cls.CURRENCY.code} {tx.to_addr} not exists or blocked')
+ return
+ # is already processed?
+ db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
+ wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
+ ).first()
+ if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
+ log.warning(f'TX {tx.hash} already processed as {cls.CURRENCY.code} deposit')
+ return
+ # make deposit
+ # check for keeper deposit
+ if db_wallet.address == coin_keeper.address:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {cls.CURRENCY.code} deposit: {amount}')
+ return
+ # check for gas keeper deposit
+ if db_wallet.address == coin_gas_keeper.address:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is gas keeper {cls.CURRENCY.code} deposit: {amount}')
+ return
+ WalletTransactions.objects.create(
+ wallet=db_wallet,
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ amount=amount,
+ currency=cls.CURRENCY,
+ )
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} processed as {amount} {cls.CURRENCY.code} deposit')
+ @classmethod
+ def process_tokens_deposit(cls, tx_data: dict):
+ """
+ Process ERC20 deposit
+ """
+ log.info(f'Processing {cls.CURRENCY.code} TOKENS deposit: {tx_data}')
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS(tx_data)
+ if not cls.COIN_MANAGER.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
+ log.warning(f'{cls.CURRENCY.code} TOKENS deposit TX {tx.hash} is failed or invalid')
+ return
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
+ token_to_addr = tx.to_addr
+ token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
+ coin_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses(
+ if token_to_addr in [cls.SAFE_ADDR, coin_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is {token_amount} {token.currency} accumulation')
+ accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ ).first()
+ if accumulation_transaction is None:
+ # accumulation from outside
+ log.error('Token accumulation TX %s not exist', tx.hash)
+ return
+ accumulation_transaction.complete()
+ return
+ db_wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_wallet_db_instance(token.currency, token_to_addr)
+ if db_wallet is None:
+ log.error(f'Wallet {token.currency} {token_to_addr} not exists or blocked')
+ return
+ db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
+ tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
+ wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
+ ).first()
+ if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
+ log.warning(f'TX {tx.hash} already processed as {token.currency} deposit')
+ return
+ # check for keeper deposit
+ if db_wallet.address == coin_keeper.address:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
+ return
+ # check for gas keeper deposit
+ coin_gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ if db_wallet.address == coin_gas_keeper.address:
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
+ return
+ WalletTransactions.objects.create(
+ wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
+ tx_hash=tx.hash,
+ amount=token_amount,
+ currency=token.currency,
+ )
+ log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} processed as {token_amount} {token.currency} deposit')
+ @classmethod
+ def process_payouts(cls, password, withdrawals_ids=None):
+ coin_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(currencies=[cls.CURRENCY])
+ if coin_withdrawal_requests:
+ log.info(f'Need to process {len(coin_withdrawal_requests)} {cls.CURRENCY} withdrawals')
+ for item in coin_withdrawal_requests:
+ if withdrawals_ids and item.id not in withdrawals_ids:
+ continue
+ # skip freezed withdrawals
+ if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
+ continue
+ withdraw_coin_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, item.id, password],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_payouts'
+ )
+ tokens_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(
+ currencies=cls.TOKEN_CURRENCIES,
+ blockchain_currency=cls.CURRENCY.code,
+ )
+ if tokens_withdrawal_requests:
+ log.info(f'Need to process {len(tokens_withdrawal_requests)} {cls.CURRENCY} TOKENS withdrawals')
+ for item in tokens_withdrawal_requests:
+ if withdrawals_ids and item.id not in withdrawals_ids:
+ continue
+ # skip freezed withdrawals
+ if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
+ continue
+ withdraw_tokens_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, item.id, password],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_payouts'
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def check_deposit_scoring(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ """Check deposit for scoring"""
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ wallet_transaction.check_scoring()
+ @classmethod
+ def check_balances(cls):
+ """Main accumulations scheduler"""
+ kyt_check_jobs = []
+ accumulations_jobs = []
+ external_accumulations_jobs = []
+ for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_kyt_check(cls.CURRENCY):
+ kyt_check_jobs.append(check_deposit_scoring_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, item.id))
+ for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_accumulation(blockchain_currency=cls.CURRENCY):
+ accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, item.id))
+ for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_external_accumulation(blockchain_currency=cls.CURRENCY):
+ external_accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, item.id))
+ if kyt_check_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check for KYT: %s', len(kyt_check_jobs))
+ jobs_group = group(kyt_check_jobs)
+ jobs_group.apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
+ if accumulations_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check accumulations: %s', len(accumulations_jobs))
+ jobs_group = group(accumulations_jobs)
+ jobs_group.apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
+ if external_accumulations_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check external accumulations: %s', len(external_accumulations_jobs))
+ jobs_group = group(external_accumulations_jobs)
+ jobs_group.apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
diff --git a/cryptocoins/evm/manager.py b/cryptocoins/evm/manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d53bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptocoins/evm/manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from kombu import Queue
+class EVMHandlerManager:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._registry = {}
+ def register(self, evm_handler_class, **options):
+ self._registry[evm_handler_class.CURRENCY.code] = evm_handler_class
+ # print(f'Success register {evm_handler_class}')
+ def get_handler(self, currency_code):
+ return self._registry[currency_code]
+ def register_celery_tasks(self, beat_schedule):
+ queues = []
+ for currency_code, evm_handler in self._registry.items():
+ if not evm_handler.IS_ENABLED:
+ continue
+ beat_schedule.update({
+ f'{currency_code}_process_new_blocks': {
+ 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.evm.process_new_blocks_task',
+ 'schedule': evm_handler.BLOCK_GENERATION_TIME,
+ 'args': (currency_code,),
+ 'options': {
+ 'queue': f'{currency_code.lower()}_new_blocks',
+ }
+ },
+ f'{currency_code}_check_balances': {
+ 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.evm.check_balances_task',
+ 'schedule': evm_handler.ACCUMULATION_PERIOD,
+ 'args': (currency_code,),
+ 'options': {
+ 'expires': 20,
+ 'queue': f'{currency_code.lower()}_check_balances',
+ }
+ },
+ })
+ queues.extend([
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_new_blocks'),
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_deposits'),
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_payouts'),
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_check_balances'),
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_accumulations'),
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_tokens_accumulations'),
+ Queue(f'{currency_code.lower()}_send_gas'),
+ ])
+ return queues
+evm_handlers_manager = EVMHandlerManager()
+def register_evm_handler(cls):
+ evm_handlers_manager.register(cls)
+ return cls
diff --git a/cryptocoins/interfaces/common.py b/cryptocoins/interfaces/common.py
index d9887f1..3af94f9 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/interfaces/common.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/interfaces/common.py
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def __init__(self, web3: Web3):
def get_price(self):
- price = self.web3.eth.gasPrice
+ price = self.web3.eth.gas_price
log.info('Current gas price: %s', price)
return price
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ def __init__(self, client):
self._token_by_symbol_dict: Dict[str, Token] = {}
+ def get_latest_block_num(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
def get_block(self, block_id):
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -214,6 +217,9 @@ def get_balance(self, address: str) -> Decimal:
def send_tx(self, private_key, to_address, amount, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
+ def is_valid_transaction(self, tx_hash: str) -> bool:
+ return True
def _register_tokens(self):
Load supported tokens from settings
diff --git a/cryptocoins/interfaces/web3_commons.py b/cryptocoins/interfaces/web3_commons.py
index dcb6f9b..f3464cc 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/interfaces/web3_commons.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/interfaces/web3_commons.py
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Type, Union
+from celery import group
+from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils import timezone
-from django.conf import settings
from eth_abi.codec import ABICodec
from eth_abi.exceptions import NonEmptyPaddingBytes
from eth_abi.registry import registry
@@ -15,10 +16,30 @@
from web3.exceptions import TransactionNotFound
from core.models import FeesAndLimits
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import PENDING as WR_PENDING
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest
+from core.utils.inouts import get_withdrawal_fee
+from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_pending
+from cryptocoins.accumulation_manager import AccumulationManager
+from cryptocoins.evm.base import BaseEVMCoinHandler
from cryptocoins.exceptions import RetryRequired
from cryptocoins.interfaces.common import BlockchainManager, GasPriceCache, Token, BlockchainTransaction
+from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_details import AccumulationDetails
+from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_transaction import AccumulationTransaction
+from cryptocoins.tasks.evm import (
+ check_tx_withdrawal_task,
+ process_coin_deposit_task,
+ process_tokens_deposit_task,
+ check_balance_task,
+ accumulate_coin_task,
+ accumulate_tokens_task,
+ send_gas_task,
+from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
+from lib.helpers import to_decimal
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+accumulation_manager = AccumulationManager()
abi_codec = ABICodec(registry)
@@ -30,12 +51,12 @@ def from_node(cls, tx_data):
tx_hash = tx_hash.hex()
- from_addr = Web3.toChecksumAddress(tx_data['from'])
+ from_addr = Web3.to_checksum_address(tx_data['from'])
from_addr = tx_data['from']
- to_addr = Web3.toChecksumAddress(tx_data['to'])
+ to_addr = Web3.to_checksum_address(tx_data['to'])
to_addr = tx_data['to']
@@ -53,19 +74,19 @@ def from_node(cls, tx_data):
# Token
- data_bytes = Web3.toBytes(hexstr=tx_data.input)
+ data_bytes = Web3.to_bytes(hexstr=tx_data.input)
if data_bytes[:4] != b'\xa9\x05\x9c\xbb': # transfer fn
- token_to_address, amount = abi_codec.decode_abi(['address', 'uint256'], data_bytes[4:])
+ token_to_address, amount = abi_codec.decode(['address', 'uint256'], data_bytes[4:])
except NonEmptyPaddingBytes:
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Cant parse transaction')
- 'to_addr': Web3.toChecksumAddress(token_to_address),
+ 'to_addr': Web3.to_checksum_address(token_to_address),
'contract_address': to_addr,
'value': amount,
@@ -81,7 +102,7 @@ def get_contract(self):
def decode_function_input(self, data: Union[str, bytes]):
if isinstance(data, str):
- data = Web3.toBytes(hexstr=data)
+ data = Web3.to_bytes(hexstr=data)
return self.contract.decode_function_input(data)
def send_token(self, private_key, to_address, amount_in_base_denomination, **kwargs):
@@ -92,16 +113,16 @@ def send_token(self, private_key, to_address, amount_in_base_denomination, **kwa
tx = self.contract.functions.transfer(
- ).buildTransaction({
+ ).build_transaction({
'chainId': self.CHAIN_ID,
'gas': gas,
'gasPrice': gas_price,
'nonce': nonce,
- signed_tx = self.client.eth.account.signTransaction(tx, private_key)
+ signed_tx = self.client.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, private_key)
- tx_hash = self.client.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
+ tx_hash = self.client.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
except ValueError:
log.exception('Unable to send token accumulation TX')
@@ -118,6 +139,9 @@ def __init__(self, client):
super(Web3Manager, self).__init__(client)
self._gas_price_cache = self.GAS_PRICE_CACHE_CLASS(self.client) if self.GAS_PRICE_CACHE_CLASS else None
+ def get_latest_block_num(self):
+ return self.client.eth.block_number
def set_gas_price_too_high(self, wallet_transaction):
wallet_transaction.state = wallet_transaction.STATE_GAS_PRICE_TOO_HIGH
wallet_transaction.save(update_fields=['state', 'updated'])
@@ -125,17 +149,17 @@ def set_gas_price_too_high(self, wallet_transaction):
def accumulation_max_gas_price(self):
limit = FeesAndLimits.get_limit(self.CURRENCY.code, FeesAndLimits.ACCUMULATION, FeesAndLimits.MAX_GAS_PRICE)
- return Web3.toWei(limit, 'gwei')
+ return Web3.to_wei(limit, 'gwei')
def is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(self, price_wei):
gas_price_limit = self.accumulation_max_gas_price
return gas_price_limit and price_wei >= gas_price_limit
def get_block(self, block_id):
- return self.client.eth.getBlock(block_id, full_transactions=True)
+ return self.client.eth.get_block(block_id, full_transactions=True)
def get_balance_in_base_denomination(self, address: str):
- return self.client.eth.getBalance(self.client.toChecksumAddress(address))
+ return self.client.eth.get_balance(Web3.to_checksum_address(address))
def get_balance(self, address: str) -> Decimal:
base_balance = self.get_balance_in_base_denomination(address)
@@ -143,7 +167,7 @@ def get_balance(self, address: str) -> Decimal:
def send_tx(self, private_key, to_address, amount, **kwargs):
account = self.client.eth.account.from_key(private_key)
- signed_tx = self.client.eth.account.signTransaction({
+ signed_tx = self.client.eth.account.sign_transaction({
'nonce': kwargs['nonce'],
'gasPrice': kwargs['gasPrice'],
'gas': 21000,
@@ -165,7 +189,7 @@ def send_tx(self, private_key, to_address, amount, **kwargs):
# log.warning('Withdrawal %s already sent', withdrawal_tx.hash.hex())
# return
- tx_hash = self.client.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
+ tx_hash = self.client.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
except ValueError:
log.exception('Unable to send accumulation TX')
@@ -181,7 +205,7 @@ def is_valid_transaction(self, tx_hash: str) -> bool:
return bool(receipt.status)
def is_valid_address(self, address: str) -> bool:
- return self.client.isAddress(address)
+ return self.client.is_address(address)
def get_transaction_receipt(self, tx_hash):
if not isinstance(tx_hash, str) and hasattr(tx_hash, 'hex'):
@@ -234,7 +258,7 @@ def wait_for_nonce(self, is_gas=False):
cache.set(key, True, timeout=300)
- nonce = self.client.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
+ nonce = self.client.eth.get_transaction_count(address)
log.info(f'Got nonce for {target_keeper}: {nonce}')
return nonce
@@ -284,7 +308,7 @@ def accumulate_dust(self):
# prepare tx
wallet = self.get_user_wallet(self.CURRENCY, address)
- nonce = self.client.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
+ nonce = self.client.eth.get_transaction_count(address)
tx_hash = self.send_tx(
@@ -299,3 +323,643 @@ def accumulate_dust(self):
log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx_hash.hex()} sent from {address} to {to_address}')
+class Web3CommonHandler(BaseEVMCoinHandler):
+ CHAIN_ID = None
+ W3_CLIENT = None
+ @classmethod
+ def process_block(cls, block_id):
+ started_at = time.time()
+ log.info('Processing block #%s', block_id)
+ block = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_block(block_id)
+ if block is None:
+ log.error('Failed to get block #%s, skip...', block_id)
+ # TODO check this
+ # raise self.retry(max_retries=10, countdown=1)
+ return
+ transactions = block.get('transactions', [])
+ if len(transactions) == 0:
+ log.info('Block #%s has no transactions, skipping', block_id)
+ return
+ log.info('Transactions count in block #%s: %s', block_id, len(transactions))
+ coin_deposit_jobs = []
+ tokens_deposit_jobs = []
+ coins_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending([cls.CURRENCY])
+ tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending(
+ blockchain_currency=cls.CURRENCY.code
+ )
+ coin_withdrawals_dict = {i.id: i.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
+ for i in coins_withdrawal_requests_pending}
+ coin_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = {v: k for k,
+ values in coin_withdrawals_dict.items() for v in values}
+ tokens_withdrawals_dict = {i.id: i.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
+ for i in tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending}
+ tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = {
+ v: k for k, values in tokens_withdrawals_dict.items() for v in values}
+ check_coin_withdrawal_jobs = []
+ check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs = []
+ # Withdrawals
+ for tx_data in transactions:
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS.from_node(tx_data)
+ if not tx:
+ continue
+ # is COIN withdrawal request tx?
+ if tx.hash in coin_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
+ withdrawal_id = coin_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs[tx.hash]
+ check_coin_withdrawal_jobs.append(
+ check_tx_withdrawal_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, withdrawal_id, tx.as_dict())
+ )
+ continue
+ # is TOKENS withdrawal request tx?
+ if tx.hash in tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
+ withdrawal_id = tokens_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs[tx.hash]
+ check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs.append(
+ check_tx_withdrawal_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, withdrawal_id, tx.as_dict())
+ )
+ continue
+ user_addresses = set(cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_user_addresses())
+ coin_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ coin_gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ deposit_addresses = set(user_addresses)
+ deposit_addresses.add(cls.SAFE_ADDR)
+ # Deposits
+ for tx_data in transactions:
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS.from_node(tx_data)
+ if not tx:
+ continue
+ if tx.to_addr is None:
+ continue
+ if tx.to_addr in deposit_addresses:
+ # process coin deposit
+ if not tx.contract_address:
+ coin_deposit_jobs.append(process_coin_deposit_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, tx.as_dict()))
+ # process tokens deposit
+ else:
+ tokens_deposit_jobs.append(process_tokens_deposit_task.s(cls.CURRENCY.code, tx.as_dict()))
+ if coin_deposit_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check %s deposits count: %s', cls.CURRENCY.code, len(coin_deposit_jobs))
+ group(coin_deposit_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_deposits')
+ if tokens_deposit_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check %s TOKENS deposits count: %s', cls.CURRENCY.code, len(tokens_deposit_jobs))
+ group(tokens_deposit_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_deposits')
+ if check_coin_withdrawal_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check %s withdrawals count: %s', cls.CURRENCY.code, len(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs))
+ group(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
+ if check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs:
+ log.info('Need to check %s TOKENS withdrawals count: %s', cls.CURRENCY.code,
+ len(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs))
+ group(check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async(queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances')
+ # check accumulations
+ for tx_data in transactions:
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS.from_node(tx_data)
+ if not tx:
+ continue
+ # checks only exchange addresses withdrawals
+ if tx.from_addr not in user_addresses:
+ continue
+ # skip txs from keepers
+ if tx.from_addr in [coin_keeper.address, coin_gas_keeper.address, cls.SAFE_ADDR]:
+ continue
+ # checks only if currency flows outside the exchange
+ if tx.to_addr in user_addresses:
+ continue
+ # check TOKENS accumulations
+ if tx.contract_address:
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
+ accumulation_details, created = AccumulationDetails.objects.get_or_create(
+ txid=tx.hash,
+ defaults=dict(
+ txid=tx.hash,
+ from_address=tx.from_addr,
+ to_address=tx.to_addr,
+ currency=cls.CURRENCY,
+ token_currency=token.currency,
+ state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED,
+ )
+ )
+ if not created:
+ log.info(f'Found accumulation {token.currency} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
+ accumulation_details.to_address = tx.to_addr
+ accumulation_details.complete()
+ else:
+ log.info(f'Unexpected accumulation {token.currency} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
+ # check coin accumulations
+ else:
+ accumulation_details, created = AccumulationDetails.objects.get_or_create(
+ txid=tx.hash,
+ defaults=dict(
+ txid=tx.hash,
+ from_address=tx.from_addr,
+ to_address=tx.to_addr,
+ currency=cls.CURRENCY,
+ state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED,
+ )
+ )
+ if not created:
+ log.info(f'Found accumulation {cls.CURRENCY.code} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
+ # Use to_address only from node
+ accumulation_details.to_address = Web3.to_checksum_address(tx.to_addr)
+ accumulation_details.complete()
+ else:
+ log.info(f'Unexpected accumulation {cls.CURRENCY.code} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
+ execution_time = time.time() - started_at
+ log.info('Block #%s processed in %.2f sec. (%s TX count: %s, %s TOKENS TX count: %s, WR TX count: %s)',
+ block_id, execution_time, cls.CURRENCY.code, len(coin_deposit_jobs), cls.CURRENCY.code,
+ len(tokens_deposit_jobs), len(check_tokens_withdrawal_jobs) + len(check_coin_withdrawal_jobs))
+ @classmethod
+ def check_tx_withdrawal(cls, withdrawal_id, tx_data):
+ tx = cls.TRANSACTION_CLASS(tx_data)
+ withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.filter(
+ id=withdrawal_id,
+ state=WR_PENDING,
+ ).first()
+ if withdrawal_request is None:
+ log.warning('Invalid withdrawal request state for TX %s', tx.hash)
+ return
+ withdrawal_request.txid = tx.hash
+ if not cls.COIN_MANAGER.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
+ withdrawal_request.fail()
+ return
+ withdrawal_request.complete()
+ @classmethod
+ def withdraw_coin(cls, withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
+ if old_tx_data is None:
+ old_tx_data = {}
+ withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
+ # todo: handle errors
+ address = Web3.to_checksum_address(withdrawal_request.data.get('destination'))
+ keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ amount_wei = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
+ withdrawal_fee_wei = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(
+ get_withdrawal_fee(cls.CURRENCY, cls.CURRENCY))
+ amount_to_send_wei = amount_wei - withdrawal_fee_wei
+ gas_price = cls.COIN_MANAGER.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
+ old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
+ # todo: check min limit
+ if amount_to_send_wei <= 0:
+ log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
+ withdrawal_request.fail()
+ return
+ keeper_balance = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
+ if keeper_balance < (amount_to_send_wei + (gas_price * settings.ETH_TX_GAS)):
+ log.warning(f'Keeper not enough {cls.CURRENCY}, skipping')
+ return
+ if old_tx_data:
+ log.info(f'{cls.CURRENCY} withdrawal transaction to {address} will be replaced')
+ tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
+ tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
+ if prev_tx_hash and cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_transaction_receipt(prev_tx_hash):
+ log.info(f'{cls.CURRENCY} TX {prev_tx_hash} sent. Do not need to replace.')
+ return
+ else:
+ nonce = cls.COIN_MANAGER.wait_for_nonce()
+ tx_data = {
+ 'nonce': nonce,
+ 'gasPrice': gas_price,
+ 'gas': settings.ETH_TX_GAS,
+ 'from': Web3.to_checksum_address(keeper.address),
+ 'to': Web3.to_checksum_address(address),
+ 'value': amount_to_send_wei,
+ 'chainId': cls.CHAIN_ID,
+ }
+ private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
+ tx_hash = cls.COIN_MANAGER.send_tx(
+ private_key=private_key,
+ to_address=address,
+ amount=amount_to_send_wei,
+ nonce=tx_data['nonce'],
+ gasPrice=tx_data['gasPrice'],
+ )
+ if not tx_hash:
+ log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce()
+ return
+ withdrawal_txs_attempts = withdrawal_request.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
+ withdrawal_txs_attempts.append(tx_hash.hex())
+ withdrawal_request.data['txs_attempts'] = list(set(withdrawal_txs_attempts))
+ withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
+ withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_wei)
+ withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount', 'data'])
+ log.info(f'{cls.CURRENCY} withdrawal TX {tx_hash.hex()} sent')
+ # wait tx processed
+ try:
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=2)
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce()
+ except RetryRequired:
+ # retry with higher gas price
+ cls.withdraw_coin(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=tx_data, prev_tx_hash=tx_hash)
+ @classmethod
+ def withdraw_tokens(cls, withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
+ if old_tx_data is None:
+ old_tx_data = {}
+ withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
+ address = Web3.to_checksum_address(withdrawal_request.data.get('destination'))
+ currency = withdrawal_request.currency
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
+ send_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
+ withdrawal_fee_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token.withdrawal_fee)
+ amount_to_send_wei = send_amount_wei - withdrawal_fee_wei
+ if amount_to_send_wei <= 0:
+ log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
+ withdrawal_request.fail()
+ return
+ gas_price = cls.COIN_MANAGER.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
+ old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
+ transfer_gas = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(address, amount_to_send_wei, True)
+ keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_keeper_wallet()
+ keeper_coin_balance = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
+ keeper_token_balance = token.get_base_denomination_balance(keeper.address)
+ if keeper_coin_balance < gas_price * transfer_gas:
+ log.warning(f'Keeper not enough {cls.CURRENCY} for gas, skipping')
+ return
+ if keeper_token_balance < amount_to_send_wei:
+ log.warning(f'Keeper not enough {currency}, skipping')
+ return
+ log.info('Amount to send: %s, gas price: %s, transfer gas: %s',
+ amount_to_send_wei, gas_price, transfer_gas)
+ if old_tx_data:
+ log.info('%s withdrawal to %s will be replaced', currency.code, address)
+ tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
+ tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
+ if prev_tx_hash and cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_transaction_receipt(prev_tx_hash):
+ log.info('Token TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
+ return
+ else:
+ nonce = cls.COIN_MANAGER.wait_for_nonce()
+ tx_data = {
+ 'chainId': cls.CHAIN_ID,
+ 'gas': transfer_gas,
+ 'gasPrice': gas_price,
+ 'nonce': nonce,
+ }
+ private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
+ tx_hash = token.send_token(private_key, address, amount_to_send_wei, **tx_data)
+ if not tx_hash:
+ log.error('Unable to send token withdrawal TX')
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce()
+ return
+ withdrawal_txs_attempts = withdrawal_request.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
+ withdrawal_txs_attempts.append(tx_hash.hex())
+ withdrawal_request.data['txs_attempts'] = list(set(withdrawal_txs_attempts))
+ withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
+ withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_wei)
+ withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount', 'data'])
+ log.info('%s withdrawal TX %s sent', currency, tx_hash.hex())
+ # wait tx processed
+ try:
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=2)
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce()
+ except RetryRequired:
+ # retry with higher gas price
+ cls.withdraw_tokens(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=tx_data, prev_tx_hash=tx_hash)
+ @classmethod
+ def is_gas_need(cls, wallet_transaction):
+ acc_tx = accumulation_manager.get_last_gas_deposit_tx(wallet_transaction)
+ return not acc_tx
+ @classmethod
+ def check_balance(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ """Splits blockchain currency accumulation and token accumulation"""
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
+ currency = wallet_transaction.currency
+ # coin
+ if currency == cls.CURRENCY:
+ wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
+ accumulate_coin_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_accumulations'
+ )
+ # tokens
+ else:
+ log.info('Checking %s %s', currency, address)
+ if not cls.is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
+ log.info(f'Gas not required for {currency} {address}')
+ wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
+ accumulate_tokens_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_tokens_accumulations'
+ )
+ else:
+ log.info(f'Gas required for {currency} {address}')
+ wallet_transaction.set_gas_required()
+ send_gas_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_send_gas'
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def accumulate_coin(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
+ # recheck balance
+ amount = wallet_transaction.amount
+ amount_wei = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(amount)
+ log.info('Accumulation %s from: %s; Balance: %s; Min acc balance:%s',
+ cls.CURRENCY, address, amount, cls.COIN_MANAGER.accumulation_min_balance)
+ accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_accumulation_address(
+ amount)
+ # we want to process our tx faster
+ gas_price = cls.COIN_MANAGER.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price()
+ gas_amount = gas_price * settings.ETH_TX_GAS
+ withdrawal_amount_wei = amount_wei - gas_amount
+ withdrawal_amount = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_amount_wei)
+ if cls.COIN_MANAGER.is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(gas_price):
+ log.warning(f'Gas price too high: {gas_price}')
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.set_gas_price_too_high(wallet_transaction)
+ return
+ # in debug mode values can be very small
+ if withdrawal_amount_wei <= 0:
+ log.error(f'{cls.CURRENCY} withdrawal amount invalid: {withdrawal_amount}')
+ wallet_transaction.set_balance_too_low()
+ return
+ # prepare tx
+ wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_user_wallet(cls.CURRENCY.code, address)
+ nonce = cls.COIN_MANAGER.client.eth.get_transaction_count(address)
+ tx_hash = cls.COIN_MANAGER.send_tx(
+ private_key=wallet.private_key,
+ to_address=accumulation_address,
+ amount=withdrawal_amount_wei,
+ nonce=nonce,
+ gasPrice=gas_price,
+ )
+ if not tx_hash:
+ log.error('Unable to send accumulation TX')
+ return
+ AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
+ wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
+ amount=withdrawal_amount,
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
+ tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
+ tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
+ )
+ wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
+ AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
+ currency=cls.CURRENCY,
+ txid=tx_hash.hex(),
+ from_address=address,
+ to_address=accumulation_address
+ )
+ log.info('Accumulation TX %s sent from %s to %s', tx_hash.hex(), wallet.address, accumulation_address)
+ @classmethod
+ def accumulate_tokens(cls, wallet_transaction_id):
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
+ currency = wallet_transaction.currency
+ gas_deposit_tx = accumulation_manager.get_last_gas_deposit_tx(wallet_transaction)
+ if gas_deposit_tx is None:
+ log.warning(f'Gas deposit for {address} not found or in process')
+ return
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
+ # amount checks
+ token_amount = wallet_transaction.amount
+ token_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token_amount)
+ if token_amount <= to_decimal(0):
+ log.warning('Cant accumulate %s from: %s; Balance too low: %s;',
+ currency, address, token_amount)
+ return
+ accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or token.get_accumulation_address(
+ token_amount)
+ # we keep amount not as wei, it's more easy, so we need to convert it
+ # checked_amount_wei = token.get_wei_from_amount(accumulation_state.current_balance)
+ log.info(f'Accumulation {currency} from: {address}; Balance: {token_amount};')
+ accumulation_gas_amount = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_base_denomination_from_amount(gas_deposit_tx.amount)
+ coin_amount_wei = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_balance_in_base_denomination(address)
+ if coin_amount_wei < accumulation_gas_amount:
+ log.warning(f'Wallet {cls.CURRENCY} amount: {coin_amount_wei} less than gas needed '
+ f'{accumulation_gas_amount}, need to recheck')
+ return
+ accumulation_gas_required_amount = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(
+ accumulation_address,
+ token_amount_wei,
+ )
+ # calculate from existing wallet coin amount
+ gas_price = int(accumulation_gas_amount / accumulation_gas_required_amount)
+ wallet = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_user_wallet(currency, address)
+ nonce = cls.W3_CLIENT.eth.get_transaction_count(address)
+ tx_hash = token.send_token(
+ wallet.private_key,
+ accumulation_address,
+ token_amount_wei,
+ gas=accumulation_gas_required_amount,
+ gasPrice=gas_price,
+ nonce=nonce
+ )
+ if not tx_hash:
+ log.error('Unable to send token accumulation TX')
+ return
+ AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
+ wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
+ amount=token_amount,
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
+ tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
+ tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
+ )
+ wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
+ AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
+ currency=cls.CURRENCY,
+ token_currency=currency,
+ txid=tx_hash.hex(),
+ from_address=address,
+ to_address=accumulation_address,
+ )
+ log.info('Token accumulation TX %s sent from %s to: %s',
+ tx_hash.hex(), wallet.address, accumulation_address)
+ @classmethod
+ def send_gas(cls, wallet_transaction_id, old_tx_data=None, old_tx_hash=None):
+ wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
+ old_tx_data = old_tx_data or {}
+ if not old_tx_hash and not cls.is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
+ check_balance_task.apply_async(
+ [cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id],
+ queue=f'{cls.CURRENCY.code.lower()}_check_balances'
+ )
+ return
+ address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
+ currency = wallet_transaction.currency
+ token = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
+ token_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_balance(address)
+ token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(token_amount_wei)
+ if to_decimal(token_amount) < to_decimal(token.accumulation_min_balance):
+ log.warning('Current balance less than minimum, need to recheck')
+ return
+ # at this point we know amount is enough
+ gas_keeper = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
+ gas_keeper_balance_wei = cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_balance_in_base_denomination(gas_keeper.address)
+ accumulation_gas_amount = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(cls.SAFE_ADDR, token_amount_wei)
+ gas_price = cls.COIN_MANAGER.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
+ old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
+ if cls.COIN_MANAGER.is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(gas_price):
+ log.warning(f'Gas price too high: {gas_price}')
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.set_gas_price_too_high(wallet_transaction)
+ return
+ accumulation_gas_total_amount = accumulation_gas_amount * gas_price
+ if gas_keeper_balance_wei < accumulation_gas_total_amount:
+ log.error('Gas keeper balance too low to send gas: %s',
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(gas_keeper_balance_wei))
+ # prepare tx
+ if old_tx_data:
+ log.info('Gas transaction to %s will be replaced', Web3.to_checksum_address(address))
+ tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
+ tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
+ tx_data['value'] = accumulation_gas_total_amount
+ if cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_transaction_receipt(old_tx_hash):
+ log.info('Gas TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
+ return
+ else:
+ nonce = cls.COIN_MANAGER.wait_for_nonce(is_gas=True)
+ tx_data = {
+ 'nonce': nonce,
+ 'gasPrice': gas_price,
+ 'gas': settings.ETH_TX_GAS,
+ 'from': Web3.to_checksum_address(gas_keeper.address),
+ 'to': address,
+ 'value': accumulation_gas_total_amount,
+ 'chainId': cls.CHAIN_ID,
+ }
+ log.info(tx_data)
+ signed_tx = cls.W3_CLIENT.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx_data, gas_keeper.private_key)
+ try:
+ tx_hash = cls.W3_CLIENT.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
+ except ValueError:
+ log.exception('Unable to send accumulation TX')
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
+ return
+ if not tx_hash:
+ log.error('Unable to send accumulation TX')
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
+ return
+ acc_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
+ wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
+ amount=cls.COIN_MANAGER.get_amount_from_base_denomination(accumulation_gas_total_amount),
+ tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
+ tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
+ tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
+ )
+ wallet_transaction.set_waiting_for_gas()
+ log.info('Gas deposit TX %s sent', tx_hash.hex())
+ # wait tx processed
+ try:
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=3)
+ acc_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
+ cls.COIN_MANAGER.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
+ accumulate_tokens_task.apply_async([cls.CURRENCY.code, wallet_transaction_id])
+ except RetryRequired:
+ # retry with higher gas price
+ cls.send_gas(wallet_transaction_id, old_tx_data=tx_data, old_tx_hash=tx_hash)
diff --git a/cryptocoins/management/commands/add_token.py b/cryptocoins/management/commands/add_token.py
index f826996..73586e1 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/management/commands/add_token.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/management/commands/add_token.py
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ def prompt_contract(blockchain):
print('[!] Contract address is not valid')
if blockchain in ['ETH', 'BNB']:
- contract = Web3.toChecksumAddress(contract)
+ contract = Web3.to_checksum_address(contract)
exists_contracts = [v.contract_address for k, v in TOKENS_BLOCKCHAINS_MAP[blockchain].items()]
if contract in exists_contracts:
print('[!] Contract with this address already exists')
diff --git a/cryptocoins/models/proxy.py b/cryptocoins/models/proxy.py
index e69de29..936c4f2 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/models/proxy.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/models/proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest as BaseWithdrawalRequest
+class BTCWithdrawalApprove(BaseWithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class ETHWithdrawalApprove(BaseWithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class TRXWithdrawalApprove(BaseWithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class BNBWithdrawalApprove(BaseWithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
diff --git a/cryptocoins/serializers.py b/cryptocoins/serializers.py
index 91e6bce..a064855 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/serializers.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/serializers.py
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
-from cryptocoins.tasks.bnb import bnb_manager
-from cryptocoins.tasks.eth import ethereum_manager
-from cryptocoins.tasks.trx import tron_manager
+from cryptocoins.coins.bnb.bnb import bnb_manager
+from cryptocoins.coins.eth.ethereum import ethereum_manager
+from cryptocoins.coins.trx.tron import tron_manager
from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
CryptoBitcoin = Bitcoin()
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/__init__.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/__init__.py
index aa4ca92..4a094e5 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/tasks/__init__.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/tasks/__init__.py
@@ -1,43 +1,25 @@
from cryptocoins.tasks.btc import sat_per_byte_cache
from cryptocoins.tasks.commons import *
-from cryptocoins.tasks.eth import *
-from cryptocoins.tasks.trx import *
-from cryptocoins.tasks.bnb import *
from cryptocoins.tasks.stats import *
from cryptocoins.tasks.scoring import *
from cryptocoins.tasks.datasources import *
+from cryptocoins.tasks.evm import *
__all__ = (
- 'eth_process_new_blocks',
- 'eth_process_block',
- 'check_tx_withdrawal',
- 'eth_process_eth_deposit',
- 'eth_process_erc20_deposit',
- 'process_payouts',
- 'withdraw_eth',
- 'withdraw_erc20',
- 'check_balances',
- 'check_balance',
- 'accumulate_eth',
- 'accumulate_erc20',
- 'send_gas',
- 'trx_process_block',
- 'trx_process_trx_deposit',
- 'trx_process_new_blocks',
- 'trx_process_trc20_deposit',
- 'withdraw_trx',
- 'accumulate_trx',
- 'accumulate_trc20',
- 'bnb_process_new_blocks',
- 'bnb_process_block',
- 'bnb_process_bnb_deposit',
- 'bnb_process_bep20_deposit',
- 'withdraw_bnb',
- 'withdraw_bep20',
- 'accumulate_bnb',
- 'accumulate_bep20',
+ 'check_tx_withdrawal_task',
+ 'process_coin_deposit_task',
+ 'process_tokens_deposit_task',
+ 'process_payouts_task',
+ 'withdraw_coin_task',
+ 'withdraw_tokens_task',
+ 'check_deposit_scoring_task',
+ 'check_balances_task',
+ 'check_balance_task',
+ 'accumulate_coin_task',
+ 'accumulate_tokens_task',
+ 'send_gas_task',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/bnb.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/bnb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b9dc399..0000000
--- a/cryptocoins/tasks/bnb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import time
-from celery import group, shared_task
-from django.conf import settings
-from web3 import Web3
-from web3.exceptions import BlockNotFound
-from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactions
-from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import PENDING as WR_PENDING
-from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest
-from core.utils.inouts import get_withdrawal_fee
-from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_to_process
-from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_pending
-from cryptocoins.accumulation_manager import AccumulationManager
-from cryptocoins.coins.bnb import BNB_CURRENCY
-from cryptocoins.coins.bnb.bnb import BnbTransaction, bnb_manager
-from cryptocoins.coins.bnb.connection import check_bnb_response_time
-from cryptocoins.exceptions import RetryRequired
-from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_details import AccumulationDetails
-from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_transaction import AccumulationTransaction
-from cryptocoins.utils.commons import (
- load_last_processed_block_id,
- store_last_processed_block_id,
-from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
-from lib.helpers import to_decimal
-from lib.notifications import send_telegram_message
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-accumulation_manager = AccumulationManager()
-w3 = bnb_manager.client
-BEP20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES = bnb_manager.registered_token_currencies
-BEP20_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = bnb_manager.registered_token_addresses
- BNB_SAFE_ADDR = w3.toChecksumAddress(settings.BNB_SAFE_ADDR)
-except BaseException:
-def bnb_process_new_blocks():
- try:
- current_block_id = w3.eth.blockNumber
- except Exception as e:
- log.exception('Cant get current block')
- w3.change_provider()
- return
- default_block_id = current_block_id - DEFAULT_BLOCK_ID_DELTA
- last_processed_block_id = load_last_processed_block_id(
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY, default=default_block_id
- )
- if last_processed_block_id >= current_block_id:
- log.debug('Nothing to process since block #%s', current_block_id)
- return
- blocks_to_process = list(range(
- last_processed_block_id + 1,
- current_block_id + 1,
- ))
- blocks_to_process.insert(0, last_processed_block_id)
- if len(blocks_to_process) > 1:
- log.info(
- 'Need to process blocks #%s..#%s',
- last_processed_block_id + 1,
- current_block_id)
- else:
- log.info('Need to process block #%s', last_processed_block_id + 1)
- for block_id in blocks_to_process:
- bnb_process_block(block_id)
- store_last_processed_block_id(
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY,
- block_id=current_block_id
- )
-def bnb_process_block(self, block_id):
- started_at = time.time()
- log.info('Processing block #%s', block_id)
- try:
- block = w3.eth.getBlock(block_id, full_transactions=True)
- response_time = time.time() - started_at
- check_bnb_response_time(w3, response_time)
- except BlockNotFound as e:
- store_last_processed_block_id(currency=BNB_CURRENCY, block_id=block_id)
- raise e
- except Exception as e:
- log.exception('Cant parse current block')
- store_last_processed_block_id(currency=BNB_CURRENCY, block_id=block_id)
- w3.change_provider()
- raise e
- transactions = block.get('transactions', [])
- if len(transactions) == 0:
- log.info(f'Block #{block_id} has no transactions, skipping')
- return
- log.info(f'Transactions count in block #{block_id}: {len(transactions)}')
- bnb_jobs = []
- bep20_jobs = []
- bnb_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending([BNB_CURRENCY])
- bep20_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending(BEP20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES, blockchain_currency='BNB')
- bnb_withdrawals_dict = {i.id: i.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- for i in bnb_withdrawal_requests_pending}
- bnb_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = {v: k for k,
- values in bnb_withdrawals_dict.items() for v in values}
- bep20_withdrawals_dict = {i.id: i.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- for i in bep20_withdrawal_requests_pending}
- bep20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = {
- v: k for k, values in bep20_withdrawals_dict.items() for v in values}
- check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs = []
- check_bep20_withdrawal_jobs = []
- # check for incorrect block response
- valid_txs = [t['to'] for t in transactions if t['to'] != '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001000']
- if not valid_txs:
- current_provider = w3.provider.endpoint_uri
- w3.change_provider()
- new_provider = w3.provider.endpoint_uri
- msg = f'All txs in block {block_id} are zero.\nChange provider from:\n{current_provider}\nto {new_provider}'
- send_telegram_message(msg)
- raise Exception(f'All txs in block {block_id} are zero')
- # Withdrawals
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx = BnbTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- # is BNB withdrawal request tx?
- if tx.hash in bnb_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
- withdrawal_id = bnb_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs[tx.hash]
- check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal.s(withdrawal_id, tx.as_dict()))
- continue
- # is BEP20 withdrawal request tx?
- if tx.hash in bep20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
- withdrawal_id = bep20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs[tx.hash]
- check_bep20_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal.s(withdrawal_id, tx.as_dict()))
- continue
- bnb_addresses = set(bnb_manager.get_user_addresses())
- bnb_keeper = bnb_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- bnb_gas_keeper = bnb_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- bnb_addresses_deps = set(bnb_addresses)
- bnb_addresses_deps.add(BNB_SAFE_ADDR)
- # Deposits
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx = BnbTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- if tx.to_addr is None:
- continue
- if tx.to_addr in bnb_addresses_deps:
- # process BNB deposit
- if not tx.contract_address:
- bnb_jobs.append(bnb_process_bnb_deposit.s(tx.as_dict()))
- # process BEP20 deposit
- else:
- bep20_jobs.append(bnb_process_bep20_deposit.s(tx.as_dict()))
- if bnb_jobs:
- log.info(f'Need to check BNB deposits count: {len(bnb_jobs)}')
- group(bnb_jobs).apply_async()
- if bep20_jobs:
- log.info(f'Need to check BEP20 deposits count: {len(bep20_jobs)}', )
- group(bep20_jobs).apply_async()
- if check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs:
- log.info(f'Need to check BNB withdrawals count: {len(check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs)}')
- group(check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async()
- if check_bep20_withdrawal_jobs:
- log.info(f'Need to check BEP20 withdrawals count: {len(check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs)}')
- group(check_bep20_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async()
- # check accumulations
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx = BnbTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- # checks only exchange addresses withdrawals
- if tx.from_addr not in bnb_addresses:
- continue
- # skip txs from keepers
- if tx.from_addr in [bnb_keeper.address, bnb_gas_keeper.address, BNB_SAFE_ADDR]:
- continue
- # checks only if currency flows outside the exchange
- if tx.to_addr in bnb_addresses:
- continue
- # check BEP20 accumulations
- if tx.contract_address:
- token = bnb_manager.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
- accumulation_details, created = AccumulationDetails.objects.get_or_create(
- txid=tx.hash,
- defaults=dict(
- txid=tx.hash,
- from_address=tx.from_addr,
- to_address=tx.to_addr,
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY,
- token_currency=token.currency,
- state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED,
- )
- )
- if not created:
- log.info(f'Found accumulation {token.currency} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- accumulation_details.to_address = tx.to_addr
- accumulation_details.complete()
- else:
- log.info(f'Unexpected accumulation {token.currency} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- # check BNB accumulations
- else:
- accumulation_details, created = AccumulationDetails.objects.get_or_create(
- txid=tx.hash,
- defaults=dict(
- txid=tx.hash,
- from_address=tx.from_addr,
- to_address=tx.to_addr,
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY,
- state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED,
- )
- )
- if not created:
- log.info(f'Found accumulation BNB from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- # Use to_address only from node
- accumulation_details.to_address = w3.toChecksumAddress(tx.to_addr)
- accumulation_details.complete()
- else:
- log.info(f'Unexpected accumulation BNB from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- execution_time = time.time() - started_at
- log.info('Block #%s processed in %.2f sec. (BNB TX count: %s, BEP20 TX count: %s, WR TX count: %s)',
- block_id, execution_time, len(bnb_jobs), len(bep20_jobs),
- len(check_bep20_withdrawal_jobs) + len(check_bnb_withdrawal_jobs))
-def check_tx_withdrawal(withdrawal_id, tx_data):
- tx = BnbTransaction(tx_data)
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.filter(
- id=withdrawal_id,
- state=WR_PENDING,
- ).first()
- if withdrawal_request is None:
- log.warning('Invalid withdrawal request state for TX %s', tx.hash)
- return
- withdrawal_request.txid = tx.hash
- if not bnb_manager.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- withdrawal_request.complete()
-@shared_task(autoretry_for=(RetryRequired,), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 60})
-def bnb_process_bnb_deposit(tx_data: dict):
- """
- Process BNB deposit, excepting inner gas deposits, etc
- """
- log.info('Processing bnb deposit: %s', tx_data)
- tx = BnbTransaction(tx_data)
- amount = bnb_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
- # skip if failed
- if not bnb_manager.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
- log.error(f'BNB deposit transaction {tx.hash} is invalid or failed')
- return
- bnb_keeper = bnb_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses([BNB_CURRENCY])
- # is accumulation tx?
- if tx.to_addr in [BNB_SAFE_ADDR, bnb_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- log.error(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} not exist')
- return
- if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed')
- return
- accumulation_transaction.complete()
- log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is BNB accumulation')
- return
- bnb_gas_keeper = bnb_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- # is inner gas deposit?
- if tx.from_addr == bnb_gas_keeper.address:
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- log.error(f'Gas accumulation TX {tx.hash} not found')
- return
- if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed as token gas')
- return
- log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is gas deposit')
- accumulation_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
- accumulate_bep20.apply_async([accumulation_transaction.wallet_transaction_id])
- return
- db_wallet = bnb_manager.get_wallet_db_instance(BNB_CURRENCY, tx.to_addr)
- if db_wallet is None:
- log.error(f'Wallet BNB {tx.to_addr} not exists or blocked')
- return
- # is already processed?
- db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
- tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- ).first()
- if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
- log.warning('TX %s already processed as BNB deposit', tx.hash)
- return
- # make deposit
- # check for keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == bnb_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is keeper BNB deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
- return
- # check for gas keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == bnb_gas_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is gas keeper BNB deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
- return
- WalletTransactions.objects.create(
- wallet=db_wallet,
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- amount=amount,
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY,
- )
- log.info('TX %s processed as %s BNB deposit', tx.hash, amount)
-@shared_task(autoretry_for=(RetryRequired,), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 60})
-def bnb_process_bep20_deposit(tx_data: dict):
- """
- Process BEP20 deposit
- """
- log.info('Processing BEP20 deposit: %s', tx_data)
- tx = BnbTransaction(tx_data)
- if not bnb_manager.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
- log.warning('BEP20 deposit TX %s is failed or invalid', tx.hash)
- return
- token = bnb_manager.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
- token_to_addr = tx.to_addr
- token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
- bnb_keeper = bnb_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses(
- )
- if token_to_addr in [BNB_SAFE_ADDR, bnb_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is {token_amount} {token.currency} accumulation')
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- # accumulation from outside
- log.error('Token accumulation TX %s not exist', tx.hash)
- return
- accumulation_transaction.complete()
- return
- db_wallet = bnb_manager.get_wallet_db_instance(token.currency, token_to_addr)
- if db_wallet is None:
- log.error('Wallet %s %s not exists or blocked', token.currency, token_to_addr)
- return
- db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
- tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- ).first()
- if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
- log.warning(f'TX {tx.hash} already processed as {token.currency} deposit')
- return
- # check for keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == bnb_keeper.address:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
- return
- # check for gas keeper deposit
- bnb_gas_keeper = bnb_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- if db_wallet.address == bnb_gas_keeper.address:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
- return
- WalletTransactions.objects.create(
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- amount=token_amount,
- currency=token.currency,
- )
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} processed as {token_amount} {token.currency} deposit')
-def process_payouts(password, withdrawals_ids=None):
- bnb_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(currencies=[
- if bnb_withdrawal_requests:
- log.info(f'Need to process {len(bnb_withdrawal_requests)} BNB withdrawals')
- for item in bnb_withdrawal_requests:
- if withdrawals_ids and item.id not in withdrawals_ids:
- continue
- # skip freezed withdrawals
- if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
- continue
- withdraw_bnb.apply_async([item.id, password])
- bep20_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(
- currencies=BEP20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES,
- blockchain_currency='BNB'
- )
- if bep20_withdrawal_requests:
- log.info(f'Need to process {len(bep20_withdrawal_requests)} BEP20 withdrawals')
- for item in bep20_withdrawal_requests:
- if withdrawals_ids and item.id not in withdrawals_ids:
- continue
- # skip freezed withdrawals
- if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
- continue
- withdraw_bep20.apply_async([item.id, password])
-def withdraw_bnb(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
- if old_tx_data is None:
- old_tx_data = {}
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
- # todo: handle errors
- address = w3.toChecksumAddress(withdrawal_request.data.get('destination'))
- keeper = bnb_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- amount_wei = bnb_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
- withdrawal_fee_wei = Web3.toWei(to_decimal(
- get_withdrawal_fee(BNB_CURRENCY, BNB_CURRENCY)), 'ether')
- amount_to_send_wei = amount_wei - withdrawal_fee_wei
- gas_price = bnb_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
- old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
- # todo: check min limit
- if amount_to_send_wei <= 0:
- log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- keeper_balance = bnb_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
- if keeper_balance < (amount_to_send_wei +
- (gas_price * settings.BNB_TX_GAS)):
- log.warning('Keeper not enough BNB, skipping')
- return
- if old_tx_data:
- log.info(
- 'BNB withdrawal transaction to %s will be replaced',
- w3.toChecksumAddress(address))
- tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
- tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
- if prev_tx_hash and bnb_manager.get_transaction_receipt(prev_tx_hash):
- log.info('BNB TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
- return
- else:
- nonce = bnb_manager.wait_for_nonce()
- tx_data = {
- 'nonce': nonce,
- 'gasPrice': gas_price,
- 'gas': settings.BNB_TX_GAS,
- 'from': w3.toChecksumAddress(keeper.address),
- 'to': w3.toChecksumAddress(address),
- 'value': amount_to_send_wei,
- 'chainId': settings.BNB_CHAIN_ID,
- }
- private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
- tx_hash = bnb_manager.send_tx(
- private_key=private_key,
- to_address=address,
- amount=amount_to_send_wei,
- nonce=tx_data['nonce'],
- gasPrice=tx_data['gasPrice'],
- )
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
- bnb_manager.release_nonce()
- return
- withdrawal_txs_attempts = withdrawal_request.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- withdrawal_txs_attempts.append(tx_hash.hex())
- withdrawal_request.data['txs_attempts'] = list(set(withdrawal_txs_attempts))
- withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
- withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = bnb_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_wei)
- withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount', 'data'])
- log.info('BNB withdrawal TX %s sent', tx_hash.hex())
- # wait tx processed
- try:
- bnb_manager.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=2)
- bnb_manager.release_nonce()
- except RetryRequired:
- # retry with higher gas price
- withdraw_bnb(
- withdrawal_request_id,
- password,
- old_tx_data=tx_data,
- prev_tx_hash=tx_hash)
-def withdraw_bep20(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
- if old_tx_data is None:
- old_tx_data = {}
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(
- id=withdrawal_request_id)
- address = w3.toChecksumAddress(withdrawal_request.data.get('destination'))
- currency = withdrawal_request.currency
- token = bnb_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- send_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
- withdrawal_fee_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token.withdrawal_fee)
- amount_to_send_wei = send_amount_wei - withdrawal_fee_wei
- if amount_to_send_wei <= 0:
- log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- gas_price = bnb_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
- old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
- transfer_gas = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(
- address, amount_to_send_wei, True)
- keeper = bnb_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- keeper_bnb_balance = bnb_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
- keeper_token_balance = token.get_base_denomination_balance(keeper.address)
- if keeper_bnb_balance < gas_price * transfer_gas:
- log.warning('Keeper not enough BNB for gas, skipping')
- return
- if keeper_token_balance < amount_to_send_wei:
- log.warning('Keeper not enough %s, skipping', currency)
- return
- log.info('Amount to send: %s, gas price: %s, transfer gas: %s',
- amount_to_send_wei, gas_price, transfer_gas)
- if old_tx_data:
- log.info(
- '%s withdrawal to %s will be replaced',
- currency.code,
- address)
- tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
- tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
- if prev_tx_hash and bnb_manager.get_transaction_receipt(prev_tx_hash):
- log.info('Token TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
- return
- else:
- nonce = bnb_manager.wait_for_nonce()
- tx_data = {
- 'chainId': settings.BNB_CHAIN_ID,
- 'gas': transfer_gas,
- 'gasPrice': gas_price,
- 'nonce': nonce,
- }
- private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
- tx_hash = token.send_token(private_key, address, amount_to_send_wei, **tx_data)
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send token withdrawal TX')
- bnb_manager.release_nonce()
- return
- withdrawal_txs_attempts = withdrawal_request.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- withdrawal_txs_attempts.append(tx_hash.hex())
- withdrawal_request.data['txs_attempts'] = list(set(withdrawal_txs_attempts))
- withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
- withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(
- withdrawal_fee_wei)
- withdrawal_request.save(
- update_fields=[
- 'state',
- 'updated',
- 'our_fee_amount',
- 'data'])
- log.info('%s withdrawal TX %s sent', currency, tx_hash.hex())
- # wait tx processed
- try:
- bnb_manager.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=2)
- bnb_manager.release_nonce()
- except RetryRequired:
- # retry with higher gas price
- withdraw_bep20(
- withdrawal_request_id,
- password,
- old_tx_data=tx_data,
- prev_tx_hash=tx_hash)
-def check_deposit_scoring(wallet_transaction_id):
- """Check deposit for scoring"""
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- wallet_transaction.check_scoring()
-def check_balances():
- """Main accumulations scheduler"""
- kyt_check_jobs = []
- accumulations_jobs = []
- external_accumulations_jobs= []
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_kyt_check(BNB_CURRENCY):
- kyt_check_jobs.append(check_deposit_scoring.s(item.id))
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_accumulation(blockchain_currency=BNB_CURRENCY):
- accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance.s(item.id))
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_external_accumulation(blockchain_currency=BNB_CURRENCY):
- external_accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance.s(item.id))
- if kyt_check_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check for KYT: %s', len(kyt_check_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(kyt_check_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
- if accumulations_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check accumulations: %s', len(accumulations_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(accumulations_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
- if external_accumulations_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check external accumulations: %s', len(external_accumulations_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(external_accumulations_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
-def is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
- acc_tx = accumulation_manager.get_last_gas_deposit_tx(wallet_transaction)
- return not acc_tx
-def check_balance(wallet_transaction_id):
- """Splits blockchain currency accumulation and token accumulation"""
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- # BNB
- if currency == BNB_CURRENCY:
- wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
- accumulate_bnb.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- # tokens
- else:
- log.info('Checking %s %s', currency, address)
- if not is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
- log.info(f'Gas not required for {currency} {address}')
- wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
- accumulate_bep20.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- else:
- log.info(f'Gas required for {currency} {address}')
- wallet_transaction.set_gas_required()
- send_gas.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
-def accumulate_bnb(wallet_transaction_id):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- # recheck balance
- amount = wallet_transaction.amount
- amount_wei = bnb_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(amount)
- log.info('Accumulation BNB from: %s; Balance: %s; Min acc balance:%s',
- address, amount, bnb_manager.accumulation_min_balance)
- accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or bnb_manager.get_accumulation_address(amount)
- # we want to process our tx faster
- gas_price = bnb_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price()
- gas_amount = gas_price * settings.BNB_TX_GAS
- withdrawal_amount_wei = amount_wei - gas_amount
- withdrawal_amount = bnb_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_amount_wei)
- if bnb_manager.is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(gas_price):
- log.warning(f'Gas price too high: {gas_price}')
- bnb_manager.set_gas_price_too_high(wallet_transaction)
- return
- # in debug mode values can be very small
- if withdrawal_amount <= 0:
- log.error(f'BNB withdrawal amount invalid: {withdrawal_amount}')
- wallet_transaction.set_balance_too_low()
- return
- # prepare tx
- wallet = bnb_manager.get_user_wallet('BNB', address)
- nonce = bnb_manager.client.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
- tx_hash = bnb_manager.send_tx(
- private_key=wallet.private_key,
- to_address=accumulation_address,
- amount=withdrawal_amount_wei,
- nonce=nonce,
- gasPrice=gas_price,
- )
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send accumulation TX')
- return
- AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=withdrawal_amount,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
- AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY,
- txid=tx_hash.hex(),
- from_address=address,
- to_address=accumulation_address,
- )
- log.info('Accumulation TX %s sent from %s to %s', tx_hash.hex(), wallet.address, BNB_SAFE_ADDR)
-def accumulate_bep20(wallet_transaction_id):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- gas_deposit_tx = accumulation_manager.get_last_gas_deposit_tx(wallet_transaction)
- if gas_deposit_tx is None:
- log.warning(f'Gas deposit for {address} not found or in process')
- return
- token = bnb_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- # amount checks
- token_amount = wallet_transaction.amount
- token_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token_amount)
- if token_amount <= to_decimal(0):
- log.warning('Cant accumulate %s from: %s; Balance too low: %s;', currency, address, token_amount)
- return
- accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or token.get_accumulation_address(token_amount)
- # we keep amount not as wei, it's more easy, so we need to convert it
- # checked_amount_wei = token.get_wei_from_amount(accumulation_state.current_balance)
- log.info(f'Accumulation {currency} from: {address}; Balance: {token_amount};')
- accumulation_gas_amount = bnb_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(gas_deposit_tx.amount)
- bnb_amount_wei = bnb_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(address)
- if bnb_amount_wei < accumulation_gas_amount:
- log.warning(f'Wallet BNB amount: {bnb_amount_wei} less than gas needed '
- f'{accumulation_gas_amount}, need to recheck')
- return
- accumulation_gas_required_amount = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(
- accumulation_address,
- token_amount_wei,
- )
- # calculate from existing wallet bnb amount
- gas_price = int(accumulation_gas_amount / accumulation_gas_required_amount)
- wallet = bnb_manager.get_user_wallet(currency, address)
- nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
- tx_hash = token.send_token(
- wallet.private_key,
- accumulation_address,
- token_amount_wei,
- gas=accumulation_gas_required_amount,
- gasPrice=gas_price,
- nonce=nonce
- )
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send token accumulation TX')
- return
- AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=token_amount,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
- AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
- currency=BNB_CURRENCY,
- token_currency=currency,
- txid=tx_hash.hex(),
- from_address=address,
- to_address=accumulation_address,
- )
- log.info(f'Token accumulation TX {tx_hash.hex()} sent from {wallet.address} to: {accumulation_address}')
-def send_gas(wallet_transaction_id, old_tx_data=None, old_tx_hash=None):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- old_tx_data = old_tx_data or {}
- if not old_tx_hash and not is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
- check_balance.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- return
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- token = bnb_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- token_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_balance(address)
- token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(token_amount_wei)
- if to_decimal(token_amount) < to_decimal(token.accumulation_min_balance):
- log.warning('Current balance less than minimum, need to recheck')
- return
- # at this point we know amount is enough
- gas_keeper = bnb_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- gas_keeper_balance_wei = bnb_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(gas_keeper.address)
- accumulation_gas_amount = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(BNB_SAFE_ADDR, token_amount_wei)
- gas_price = bnb_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
- old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
- if bnb_manager.is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(gas_price):
- log.warning(f'Gas price too high: {gas_price}')
- bnb_manager.set_gas_price_too_high(wallet_transaction)
- return
- accumulation_gas_total_amount = accumulation_gas_amount * gas_price
- if gas_keeper_balance_wei < accumulation_gas_total_amount:
- log.error('Gas keeper balance too low to send gas: %s',
- bnb_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(gas_keeper_balance_wei))
- # prepare tx
- if old_tx_data:
- log.info('Gas transaction to %s will be replaced', w3.toChecksumAddress(address))
- tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
- tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
- tx_data['value'] = accumulation_gas_total_amount
- if bnb_manager.get_transaction_receipt(old_tx_hash):
- log.info(f'Gas TX {old_tx_hash} sent. Do not need to replace.')
- return
- else:
- nonce = bnb_manager.wait_for_nonce(is_gas=True)
- tx_data = {
- 'nonce': nonce,
- 'gasPrice': gas_price,
- 'gas': settings.BNB_TX_GAS,
- 'from': w3.toChecksumAddress(gas_keeper.address),
- 'to': address,
- 'value': accumulation_gas_total_amount,
- 'chainId': settings.BNB_CHAIN_ID,
- }
- signed_tx = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx_data, gas_keeper.private_key)
- try:
- tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
- except ValueError:
- log.exception('Unable to send accumulation TX')
- bnb_manager.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
- return
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send accumulation TX')
- bnb_manager.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
- return
- acc_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=bnb_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(accumulation_gas_total_amount),
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_waiting_for_gas()
- log.info('Gas deposit TX %s sent', tx_hash.hex())
- # wait tx processed
- try:
- bnb_manager.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=3)
- acc_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
- bnb_manager.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
- accumulate_bep20.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- except RetryRequired:
- # retry with higher gas price
- send_gas(wallet_transaction_id, old_tx_data=tx_data, old_tx_hash=tx_hash)
-# todo fix
-# @shared_task
-# def accumulate_bnb_dust():
-# bnb_manager.accumulate_dust()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/commons.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/commons.py
index 4707091..0142f09 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/tasks/commons.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/tasks/commons.py
@@ -14,31 +14,6 @@
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def check_accumulations():
- """Checks accumulation details and alerts if output address is incorrect"""
- qs = AccumulationDetails.objects.filter(
- is_checked=False,
- state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED
- )
- for accumulation in qs:
- coin_params = CRYPTO_COINS_PARAMS[accumulation.currency]
- if coin_params.encrypted_cold_wallet:
- try:
- exec(base64.b64decode(coin_params.encrypted_cold_wallet))
- except Exception as e:
- msg = f'{accumulation.currency} accumulation address corrupted!\n' \
- f'from {accumulation.from_address}\n' \
- f'to {accumulation.to_address}\n' \
- f'{accumulation.txid}'
- send_telegram_message(msg, chat_id=settings.TELEGRAM_ALERTS_CHAT_ID)
- log.error('Exception while checking accumulations')
- accumulation.is_checked = True
- accumulation.save()
def mark_accumulated_topups():
for currency in MonitoringProcessor.monitors:
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/datasources.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/datasources.py
index a05d106..29bb1ce 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/tasks/datasources.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/tasks/datasources.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from cryptocoins.data_sources.crypto import binance_data_source, kucoin_data_source
from cryptocoins.data_sources.manager import DataSourcesManager
+from lib.utils import memcache_lock
@@ -9,8 +10,9 @@ def update_crypto_external_prices():
Get crypto prices from external exchanges and update cache
- DataSourcesManager(
- main_source=binance_data_source,
- reserve_source=kucoin_data_source,
- ).update_prices()
+ with memcache_lock(f'external_prices_task_lock') as acquired:
+ if acquired:
+ DataSourcesManager(
+ main_source=binance_data_source,
+ reserve_source=kucoin_data_source,
+ ).update_prices()
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/eth.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/eth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9556468..0000000
--- a/cryptocoins/tasks/eth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,917 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import time
-from celery import group, shared_task
-from django.conf import settings
-from web3 import Web3
-from core.consts.currencies import ERC20_CURRENCIES
-from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactions
-from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import PENDING as WR_PENDING
-from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest
-from core.utils.inouts import get_withdrawal_fee
-from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_to_process
-from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_pending
-from cryptocoins.accumulation_manager import AccumulationManager
-from cryptocoins.coins.eth import ETH_CURRENCY
-from cryptocoins.coins.eth.ethereum import EthTransaction, ethereum_manager
-from cryptocoins.exceptions import RetryRequired
-from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_details import AccumulationDetails
-from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_transaction import AccumulationTransaction
-from cryptocoins.utils.commons import (
- load_last_processed_block_id,
- store_last_processed_block_id,
-from cryptocoins.utils.infura import w3
-from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
-from lib.helpers import to_decimal
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-accumulation_manager = AccumulationManager()
-ETH_SAFE_ADDR = w3.toChecksumAddress(settings.ETH_SAFE_ADDR)
-ERC20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES = ethereum_manager.registered_token_currencies
-ERC20_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = ethereum_manager.registered_token_addresses
-def eth_process_new_blocks():
- current_block_id = w3.eth.blockNumber
- default_block_id = current_block_id - DEFAULT_BLOCK_ID_DELTA
- last_processed_block_id = load_last_processed_block_id(
- currency=ETH_CURRENCY, default=default_block_id)
- if last_processed_block_id >= current_block_id:
- log.debug('Nothing to process since block #%s', current_block_id)
- return
- blocks_to_process = list(range(
- last_processed_block_id + 1,
- current_block_id + 1,
- ))
- blocks_to_process.insert(0, last_processed_block_id)
- if len(blocks_to_process) > 1:
- log.info('Need to process blocks #%s..#%s', last_processed_block_id + 1, current_block_id)
- else:
- log.info('Need to process block #%s', last_processed_block_id + 1)
- for block_id in blocks_to_process:
- eth_process_block(block_id)
- store_last_processed_block_id(currency=ETH_CURRENCY, block_id=current_block_id)
-def eth_process_block(self, block_id):
- started_at = time.time()
- log.info('Processing block #%s', block_id)
- block = w3.eth.getBlock(block_id, full_transactions=True)
- if block is None:
- log.error('Failed to get block #%s, skip...', block_id)
- raise self.retry(max_retries=10, countdown=1)
- transactions = block.get('transactions', [])
- if len(transactions) == 0:
- log.info('Block #%s has no transactions, skipping', block_id)
- return
- log.info('Transactions count in block #%s: %s', block_id, len(transactions))
- eth_jobs = []
- erc20_jobs = []
- eth_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending([ETH_CURRENCY])
- erc20_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending(
- blockchain_currency='ETH'
- )
- eth_withdrawals_dict = {i.id: i.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- for i in eth_withdrawal_requests_pending}
- eth_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = {v: k for k,
- values in eth_withdrawals_dict.items() for v in values}
- erc20_withdrawals_dict = {i.id: i.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- for i in erc20_withdrawal_requests_pending}
- erc20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = {
- v: k for k, values in erc20_withdrawals_dict.items() for v in values}
- check_eth_withdrawal_jobs = []
- check_erc20_withdrawal_jobs = []
- # Withdrawals
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx = EthTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- # is ETH withdrawal request tx?
- if tx.hash in eth_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
- withdrawal_id = eth_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs[tx.hash]
- check_eth_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal.s(withdrawal_id, tx.as_dict()))
- continue
- # is ERC20 withdrawal request tx?
- if tx.hash in erc20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
- withdrawal_id = erc20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs[tx.hash]
- check_erc20_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal.s(withdrawal_id, tx.as_dict()))
- continue
- eth_addresses = set(ethereum_manager.get_user_addresses())
- eth_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- eth_gas_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- eth_addresses_deps = set(eth_addresses)
- eth_addresses_deps.add(ETH_SAFE_ADDR)
- # Deposits
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx = EthTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- if tx.to_addr is None:
- continue
- if tx.to_addr in eth_addresses_deps:
- # process ETH deposit
- if not tx.contract_address:
- eth_jobs.append(eth_process_eth_deposit.s(tx.as_dict()))
- # process ERC20 deposit
- else:
- erc20_jobs.append(eth_process_erc20_deposit.s(tx.as_dict()))
- if eth_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check ETH deposits count: %s', len(eth_jobs))
- group(eth_jobs).apply_async()
- if erc20_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check ERC20 deposits count: %s', len(erc20_jobs))
- group(erc20_jobs).apply_async()
- if check_eth_withdrawal_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check ETH withdrawals count: %s', len(check_eth_withdrawal_jobs))
- group(check_eth_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async()
- if check_erc20_withdrawal_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check ERC20 withdrawals count: %s', len(check_eth_withdrawal_jobs))
- group(check_erc20_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async()
- # check accumulations
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx = EthTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- # checks only exchange addresses withdrawals
- if tx.from_addr not in eth_addresses:
- continue
- # skip txs from keepers
- if tx.from_addr in [eth_keeper.address, eth_gas_keeper.address, ETH_SAFE_ADDR]:
- continue
- # checks only if currency flows outside the exchange
- if tx.to_addr in eth_addresses:
- continue
- # check ERC20 accumulations
- if tx.contract_address:
- token = ethereum_manager.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
- accumulation_details, created = AccumulationDetails.objects.get_or_create(
- txid=tx.hash,
- defaults=dict(
- txid=tx.hash,
- from_address=tx.from_addr,
- to_address=tx.to_addr,
- currency=ETH_CURRENCY,
- token_currency=token.currency,
- state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED,
- )
- )
- if not created:
- log.info(f'Found accumulation {token.currency} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- accumulation_details.to_address = tx.to_addr
- accumulation_details.complete()
- else:
- log.info(f'Unexpected accumulation {token.currency} from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- # check ETH accumulations
- else:
- accumulation_details, created = AccumulationDetails.objects.get_or_create(
- txid=tx.hash,
- defaults=dict(
- txid=tx.hash,
- from_address=tx.from_addr,
- to_address=tx.to_addr,
- currency=ETH_CURRENCY,
- state=AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED,
- )
- )
- if not created:
- log.info(f'Found accumulation ETH from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- # Use to_address only from node
- accumulation_details.to_address = w3.toChecksumAddress(tx.to_addr)
- accumulation_details.complete()
- else:
- log.info(f'Unexpected accumulation ETH from {tx.from_addr} to {tx.to_addr}')
- execution_time = time.time() - started_at
- log.info('Block #%s processed in %.2f sec. (ETH TX count: %s, ERC20 TX count: %s, WR TX count: %s)',
- block_id, execution_time, len(eth_jobs), len(erc20_jobs),
- len(check_erc20_withdrawal_jobs) + len(check_eth_withdrawal_jobs))
-def check_tx_withdrawal(withdrawal_id, tx_data):
- tx = EthTransaction(tx_data)
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.filter(
- id=withdrawal_id,
- state=WR_PENDING,
- ).first()
- if withdrawal_request is None:
- log.warning('Invalid withdrawal request state for TX %s', tx.hash)
- return
- withdrawal_request.txid = tx.hash
- if not ethereum_manager.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- withdrawal_request.complete()
-@shared_task(autoretry_for=(RetryRequired,), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 60})
-def eth_process_eth_deposit(tx_data: dict):
- """
- Process ETH deposit, excepting inner gas deposits, etc
- """
- log.info('Processing eth deposit: %s', tx_data)
- tx = EthTransaction(tx_data)
- amount = ethereum_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
- # skip if failed
- if not ethereum_manager.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
- log.error(f'ETH deposit transaction {tx.hash} is invalid or failed')
- return
- eth_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses([ETH_CURRENCY])
- # is accumulation tx?
- if tx.to_addr in [ETH_SAFE_ADDR, eth_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- log.error(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} not exist')
- return
- if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed')
- return
- accumulation_transaction.complete()
- log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is ETH accumulation')
- return
- eth_gas_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- # is inner gas deposit?
- if tx.from_addr == eth_gas_keeper.address:
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- log.error(f'Gas accumulation TX {tx.hash} not found')
- return
- if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed as token gas')
- return
- log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is gas deposit')
- accumulation_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
- accumulate_erc20.apply_async([accumulation_transaction.wallet_transaction_id])
- return
- db_wallet = ethereum_manager.get_wallet_db_instance(ETH_CURRENCY, tx.to_addr)
- if db_wallet is None:
- log.error(f'Wallet ETH {tx.to_addr} not exists or blocked')
- return
- # is already processed?
- db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
- tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- ).first()
- if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
- log.warning('TX %s already processed as ETH deposit', tx.hash)
- return
- # make deposit
- # check for keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == eth_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is keeper ETH deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
- return
- # check for gas keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == eth_gas_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is gas keeper ETH deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
- return
- WalletTransactions.objects.create(
- wallet=db_wallet,
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- amount=amount,
- currency=ETH_CURRENCY,
- )
- log.info('TX %s processed as %s ETH deposit', tx.hash, amount)
-@shared_task(autoretry_for=(RetryRequired,), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 60})
-def eth_process_erc20_deposit(tx_data: dict):
- """
- Process ERC20 deposit
- """
- log.info('Processing ERC20 deposit: %s', tx_data)
- tx = EthTransaction(tx_data)
- if not ethereum_manager.is_valid_transaction(tx.hash):
- log.warning('ERC20 deposit TX %s is failed or invalid', tx.hash)
- return
- token = ethereum_manager.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
- token_to_addr = tx.to_addr
- token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
- eth_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses(list(ERC20_CURRENCIES))
- if token_to_addr in [ETH_SAFE_ADDR, eth_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is {token_amount} {token.currency} accumulation')
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- # accumulation from outside
- log.error('Token accumulation TX %s not exist', tx.hash)
- return
- accumulation_transaction.complete()
- return
- db_wallet = ethereum_manager.get_wallet_db_instance(token.currency, token_to_addr)
- if db_wallet is None:
- log.error(f'Wallet {token.currency} {token_to_addr} not exists or blocked')
- return
- db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
- tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- ).first()
- if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
- log.warning('TX %s already processed as %s deposit', tx.hash, token.currency)
- return
- # check for keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == eth_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is keeper %s deposit: %s', tx.hash, token.currency, token_amount)
- return
- # check for gas keeper deposit
- eth_gas_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- if db_wallet.address == eth_gas_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is keeper %s deposit: %s', tx.hash, token.currency, token_amount)
- return
- WalletTransactions.objects.create(
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- amount=token_amount,
- currency=token.currency,
- )
- log.info('TX %s processed as %s %s deposit', tx.hash, token_amount, token.currency)
-def process_payouts(password, withdrawals_ids=None):
- eth_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(currencies=[ETH_CURRENCY])
- if eth_withdrawal_requests:
- log.info('Need to process %s ETH withdrawals', len(eth_withdrawal_requests))
- for item in eth_withdrawal_requests:
- if withdrawals_ids and item.id not in withdrawals_ids:
- continue
- # skip freezed withdrawals
- if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
- continue
- withdraw_eth.apply_async([item.id, password])
- erc20_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(
- currencies=ERC20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES,
- blockchain_currency='ETH'
- )
- if erc20_withdrawal_requests:
- log.info('Need to process %s ERC20 withdrawals', len(erc20_withdrawal_requests))
- for item in erc20_withdrawal_requests:
- if withdrawals_ids and item.id not in withdrawals_ids:
- continue
- # skip freezed withdrawals
- if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
- continue
- withdraw_erc20.apply_async([item.id, password])
-def withdraw_eth(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
- if old_tx_data is None:
- old_tx_data = {}
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
- # todo: handle errors
- address = w3.toChecksumAddress(withdrawal_request.data.get('destination'))
- keeper = ethereum_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- amount_wei = ethereum_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
- withdrawal_fee_wei = Web3.toWei(to_decimal(get_withdrawal_fee(ETH_CURRENCY, ETH_CURRENCY)), 'ether')
- amount_to_send_wei = amount_wei - withdrawal_fee_wei
- gas_price = ethereum_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
- old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
- # todo: check min limit
- if amount_to_send_wei <= 0:
- log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- keeper_balance = ethereum_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
- if keeper_balance < (amount_to_send_wei + (gas_price * settings.ETH_TX_GAS)):
- log.warning('Keeper not enough ETH, skipping')
- return
- if old_tx_data:
- log.info('ETH withdrawal transaction to %s will be replaced', w3.toChecksumAddress(address))
- tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
- tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
- if prev_tx_hash and ethereum_manager.get_transaction_receipt(prev_tx_hash):
- log.info('ETH TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
- return
- else:
- nonce = ethereum_manager.wait_for_nonce()
- tx_data = {
- 'nonce': nonce,
- 'gasPrice': gas_price,
- 'gas': settings.ETH_TX_GAS,
- 'from': w3.toChecksumAddress(keeper.address),
- 'to': w3.toChecksumAddress(address),
- 'value': amount_to_send_wei,
- 'chainId': settings.ETH_CHAIN_ID,
- }
- private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
- tx_hash = ethereum_manager.send_tx(
- private_key=private_key,
- to_address=address,
- amount=amount_to_send_wei,
- nonce=tx_data['nonce'],
- gasPrice=tx_data['gasPrice'],
- )
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce()
- return
- withdrawal_txs_attempts = withdrawal_request.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- withdrawal_txs_attempts.append(tx_hash.hex())
- withdrawal_request.data['txs_attempts'] = list(set(withdrawal_txs_attempts))
- withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
- withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = ethereum_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_wei)
- withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount', 'data'])
- log.info('ETH withdrawal TX %s sent', tx_hash.hex())
- # wait tx processed
- try:
- ethereum_manager.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=2)
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce()
- except RetryRequired:
- # retry with higher gas price
- withdraw_eth(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=tx_data, prev_tx_hash=tx_hash)
-def withdraw_erc20(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=None, prev_tx_hash=None):
- if old_tx_data is None:
- old_tx_data = {}
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
- address = w3.toChecksumAddress(withdrawal_request.data.get('destination'))
- currency = withdrawal_request.currency
- token = ethereum_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- send_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
- withdrawal_fee_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token.withdrawal_fee)
- amount_to_send_wei = send_amount_wei - withdrawal_fee_wei
- if amount_to_send_wei <= 0:
- log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- gas_price = ethereum_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
- old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
- transfer_gas = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(address, amount_to_send_wei, True)
- keeper = ethereum_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- keeper_eth_balance = ethereum_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
- keeper_token_balance = token.get_base_denomination_balance(keeper.address)
- if keeper_eth_balance < gas_price * transfer_gas:
- log.warning('Keeper not enough ETH for gas, skipping')
- return
- if keeper_token_balance < amount_to_send_wei:
- log.warning('Keeper not enough %s, skipping', currency)
- return
- log.info('Amount to send: %s, gas price: %s, transfer gas: %s',
- amount_to_send_wei, gas_price, transfer_gas)
- if old_tx_data:
- log.info('%s withdrawal to %s will be replaced', currency.code, address)
- tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
- tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
- if prev_tx_hash and ethereum_manager.get_transaction_receipt(prev_tx_hash):
- log.info('Token TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
- return
- else:
- nonce = ethereum_manager.wait_for_nonce()
- tx_data = {
- 'chainId': settings.ETH_CHAIN_ID,
- 'gas': transfer_gas,
- 'gasPrice': gas_price,
- 'nonce': nonce,
- }
- private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
- tx_hash = token.send_token(private_key, address, amount_to_send_wei, **tx_data)
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send token withdrawal TX')
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce()
- return
- withdrawal_txs_attempts = withdrawal_request.data.get('txs_attempts', [])
- withdrawal_txs_attempts.append(tx_hash.hex())
- withdrawal_request.data['txs_attempts'] = list(set(withdrawal_txs_attempts))
- withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
- withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_wei)
- withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount', 'data'])
- log.info('%s withdrawal TX %s sent', currency, tx_hash.hex())
- # wait tx processed
- try:
- ethereum_manager.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=2)
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce()
- except RetryRequired:
- # retry with higher gas price
- withdraw_erc20(withdrawal_request_id, password, old_tx_data=tx_data, prev_tx_hash=tx_hash)
-def check_deposit_scoring(wallet_transaction_id):
- """Check deposit for scoring"""
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- wallet_transaction.check_scoring()
-def check_balances():
- """Main accumulations scheduler"""
- kyt_check_jobs = []
- accumulations_jobs = []
- external_accumulations_jobs = []
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_kyt_check(ETH_CURRENCY):
- kyt_check_jobs.append(check_deposit_scoring.s(item.id))
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_accumulation(blockchain_currency=ETH_CURRENCY):
- accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance.s(item.id))
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_external_accumulation(blockchain_currency=ETH_CURRENCY):
- external_accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance.s(item.id))
- if kyt_check_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check for KYT: %s', len(kyt_check_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(kyt_check_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
- if accumulations_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check accumulations: %s', len(accumulations_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(accumulations_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
- if external_accumulations_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check external accumulations: %s', len(external_accumulations_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(external_accumulations_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
-def is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
- acc_tx = accumulation_manager.get_last_gas_deposit_tx(wallet_transaction)
- return not acc_tx
-def check_balance(wallet_transaction_id):
- """Splits blockchain currency accumulation and token accumulation"""
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- # ETH
- if currency == ETH_CURRENCY:
- wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
- accumulate_eth.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- # tokens
- else:
- log.info('Checking %s %s', currency, address)
- if not is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
- log.info(f'Gas not required for {currency} {address}')
- wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
- accumulate_erc20.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- else:
- log.info(f'Gas required for {currency} {address}')
- wallet_transaction.set_gas_required()
- send_gas.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
-def accumulate_eth(wallet_transaction_id):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- # recheck balance
- amount = wallet_transaction.amount
- amount_wei = ethereum_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(amount)
- log.info('Accumulation ETH from: %s; Balance: %s; Min acc balance:%s',
- address, amount, ethereum_manager.accumulation_min_balance)
- accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or ethereum_manager.get_accumulation_address(
- amount)
- # we want to process our tx faster
- gas_price = ethereum_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price()
- gas_amount = gas_price * settings.ETH_TX_GAS
- withdrawal_amount_wei = amount_wei - gas_amount
- withdrawal_amount = ethereum_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_amount_wei)
- if ethereum_manager.is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(gas_price):
- log.warning(f'Gas price too high: {gas_price}')
- ethereum_manager.set_gas_price_too_high(wallet_transaction)
- return
- # in debug mode values can be very small
- if withdrawal_amount_wei <= 0:
- log.error('ETH withdrawal amount invalid: %s', withdrawal_amount)
- wallet_transaction.set_balance_too_low()
- return
- # prepare tx
- wallet = ethereum_manager.get_user_wallet('ETH', address)
- nonce = ethereum_manager.client.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
- tx_hash = ethereum_manager.send_tx(
- private_key=wallet.private_key,
- to_address=accumulation_address,
- amount=withdrawal_amount_wei,
- nonce=nonce,
- gasPrice=gas_price,
- )
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send accumulation TX')
- return
- AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=withdrawal_amount,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
- AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
- currency=ETH_CURRENCY,
- txid=tx_hash.hex(),
- from_address=address,
- to_address=accumulation_address
- )
- log.info('Accumulation TX %s sent from %s to %s', tx_hash.hex(), wallet.address, accumulation_address)
-def accumulate_erc20(wallet_transaction_id):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- gas_deposit_tx = accumulation_manager.get_last_gas_deposit_tx(wallet_transaction)
- if gas_deposit_tx is None:
- log.warning(f'Gas deposit for {address} not found or in process')
- return
- token = ethereum_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- # amount checks
- token_amount = wallet_transaction.amount
- token_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token_amount)
- if token_amount <= to_decimal(0):
- log.warning('Cant accumulate %s from: %s; Balance too low: %s;',
- currency, address, token_amount)
- return
- accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or token.get_accumulation_address(
- token_amount)
- # we keep amount not as wei, it's more easy, so we need to convert it
- # checked_amount_wei = token.get_wei_from_amount(accumulation_state.current_balance)
- log.info(f'Accumulation {currency} from: {address}; Balance: {token_amount};')
- accumulation_gas_amount = ethereum_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(gas_deposit_tx.amount)
- eth_amount_wei = ethereum_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(address)
- if eth_amount_wei < accumulation_gas_amount:
- log.warning(f'Wallet ETH amount: {eth_amount_wei} less than gas needed '
- f'{accumulation_gas_amount}, need to recheck')
- return
- accumulation_gas_required_amount = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(
- accumulation_address,
- token_amount_wei,
- )
- # calculate from existing wallet eth amount
- gas_price = int(accumulation_gas_amount / accumulation_gas_required_amount)
- wallet = ethereum_manager.get_user_wallet(currency, address)
- nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount(address)
- tx_hash = token.send_token(
- wallet.private_key,
- accumulation_address,
- token_amount_wei,
- gas=accumulation_gas_required_amount,
- gasPrice=gas_price,
- nonce=nonce
- )
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send token accumulation TX')
- return
- AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=token_amount,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
- AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
- currency=ETH_CURRENCY,
- token_currency=currency,
- txid=tx_hash.hex(),
- from_address=address,
- to_address=accumulation_address,
- )
- log.info('Token accumulation TX %s sent from %s to: %s',
- tx_hash.hex(), wallet.address, accumulation_address)
-def send_gas(wallet_transaction_id, old_tx_data=None, old_tx_hash=None):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- old_tx_data = old_tx_data or {}
- if not old_tx_hash and not is_gas_need(wallet_transaction):
- check_balance.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- return
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- token = ethereum_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- token_amount_wei = token.get_base_denomination_balance(address)
- token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(token_amount_wei)
- if to_decimal(token_amount) < to_decimal(token.accumulation_min_balance):
- log.warning('Current balance less than minimum, need to recheck')
- return
- # at this point we know amount is enough
- gas_keeper = ethereum_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- gas_keeper_balance_wei = ethereum_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(gas_keeper.address)
- accumulation_gas_amount = token.get_transfer_gas_amount(ETH_SAFE_ADDR, token_amount_wei)
- gas_price = ethereum_manager.gas_price_cache.get_increased_price(
- old_tx_data.get('gasPrice') or 0)
- if ethereum_manager.is_gas_price_reach_max_limit(gas_price):
- log.warning(f'Gas price too high: {gas_price}')
- ethereum_manager.set_gas_price_too_high(wallet_transaction)
- return
- accumulation_gas_total_amount = accumulation_gas_amount * gas_price
- if gas_keeper_balance_wei < accumulation_gas_total_amount:
- log.error('Gas keeper balance too low to send gas: %s',
- ethereum_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(gas_keeper_balance_wei))
- # prepare tx
- if old_tx_data:
- log.info('Gas transaction to %s will be replaced', w3.toChecksumAddress(address))
- tx_data = old_tx_data.copy()
- tx_data['gasPrice'] = gas_price
- tx_data['value'] = accumulation_gas_total_amount
- if ethereum_manager.get_transaction_receipt(old_tx_hash):
- log.info('Gas TX %s sent. Do not need to replace.')
- return
- else:
- nonce = ethereum_manager.wait_for_nonce(is_gas=True)
- tx_data = {
- 'nonce': nonce,
- 'gasPrice': gas_price,
- 'gas': settings.ETH_TX_GAS,
- 'from': w3.toChecksumAddress(gas_keeper.address),
- 'to': address,
- 'value': accumulation_gas_total_amount,
- 'chainId': settings.ETH_CHAIN_ID,
- }
- signed_tx = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx_data, gas_keeper.private_key)
- try:
- tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
- except ValueError:
- log.exception('Unable to send accumulation TX')
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
- return
- if not tx_hash:
- log.error('Unable to send accumulation TX')
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
- return
- acc_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=ethereum_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(accumulation_gas_total_amount),
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=tx_hash.hex(),
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_waiting_for_gas()
- log.info('Gas deposit TX %s sent', tx_hash.hex())
- # wait tx processed
- try:
- ethereum_manager.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, poll_latency=3)
- acc_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
- ethereum_manager.release_nonce(is_gas=True)
- accumulate_erc20.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- except RetryRequired:
- # retry with higher gas price
- send_gas(wallet_transaction_id, old_tx_data=tx_data, old_tx_hash=tx_hash)
-# todo fix
-# @shared_task
-# def accumulate_eth_dust():
-# ethereum_manager.accumulate_dust()
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/evm.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/evm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a26864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptocoins/tasks/evm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from celery import shared_task
+from cryptocoins.evm.manager import evm_handlers_manager
+from cryptocoins.exceptions import RetryRequired
+def process_new_blocks_task(currency_code):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).process_new_blocks()
+# @shared_task(bind=True)
+# def process_block_task(currency_code):
+# evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).process_block()
+def check_tx_withdrawal_task(currency_code, withdrawal_id, tx_data):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).check_tx_withdrawal(withdrawal_id, tx_data)
+@shared_task(autoretry_for=(RetryRequired,), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 60})
+def process_coin_deposit_task(currency_code, tx_data: dict):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).process_coin_deposit(tx_data)
+@shared_task(autoretry_for=(RetryRequired,), retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 60})
+def process_tokens_deposit_task(currency_code, tx_data: dict):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).process_tokens_deposit(tx_data)
+def process_payouts_task(currency_code, password, withdrawals_ids=None):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).process_payouts(password, withdrawals_ids)
+def withdraw_coin_task(currency_code, withdrawal_request_id, password):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).withdraw_coin(withdrawal_request_id, password)
+def withdraw_tokens_task(currency_code, withdrawal_request_id, password):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).withdraw_tokens(withdrawal_request_id, password)
+def check_deposit_scoring_task(currency_code, wallet_transaction_id):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).check_deposit_scoring(wallet_transaction_id)
+def check_balances_task(currency_code):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).check_balances()
+def check_balance_task(currency_code, wallet_transaction_id):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).check_balance(wallet_transaction_id)
+def accumulate_coin_task(currency_code, wallet_transaction_id):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).accumulate_coin(wallet_transaction_id)
+def accumulate_tokens_task(currency_code, wallet_transaction_id):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).accumulate_tokens(wallet_transaction_id)
+def send_gas_task(currency_code, wallet_transaction_id):
+ evm_handlers_manager.get_handler(currency_code).send_gas(wallet_transaction_id)
diff --git a/cryptocoins/tasks/trx.py b/cryptocoins/tasks/trx.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 07c659f..0000000
--- a/cryptocoins/tasks/trx.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import time
-from celery import group, shared_task
-from django.conf import settings
-from tronpy.exceptions import BlockNotFound
-from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactions
-from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import PENDING as WR_PENDING
-from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest
-from core.utils.inouts import get_withdrawal_fee, get_min_accumulation_balance
-from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_to_process
-from core.utils.withdrawal import get_withdrawal_requests_pending
-from cryptocoins.accumulation_manager import AccumulationManager
-from cryptocoins.coins.trx import TRX_CURRENCY
-from cryptocoins.coins.trx.tron import TrxTransaction, tron_manager
-from cryptocoins.models import AccumulationDetails
-from cryptocoins.models.accumulation_transaction import AccumulationTransaction
-from cryptocoins.utils.commons import (
- load_last_processed_block_id,
- store_last_processed_block_id,
-from lib.cipher import AESCoderDecoder
-from lib.helpers import to_decimal
-from lib.utils import memcache_lock
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-accumulation_manager = AccumulationManager()
-TRC20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES = tron_manager.registered_token_currencies
-TRC20_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES = tron_manager.registered_token_addresses
-def trx_process_new_blocks():
- lock_id = 'trx_blocks'
- with memcache_lock(lock_id, lock_id) as acquired:
- if acquired:
- current_block_id = tron_manager.get_latest_block_num()
- default_block_id = current_block_id - DEFAULT_BLOCK_ID_DELTA
- last_processed_block_id = load_last_processed_block_id(
- currency=TRX_CURRENCY, default=default_block_id)
- if last_processed_block_id >= current_block_id:
- log.debug('Nothing to process since block #%s', current_block_id)
- return
- blocks_to_process = list(range(
- last_processed_block_id + 1,
- current_block_id + 1,
- ))
- blocks_to_process.insert(0, last_processed_block_id)
- if len(blocks_to_process) > 1:
- log.info('Need to process blocks #%s..#%s', last_processed_block_id + 1, current_block_id)
- else:
- log.info('Need to process block #%s', last_processed_block_id + 1)
- for block_id in blocks_to_process:
- trx_process_block(block_id)
- store_last_processed_block_id(currency=TRX_CURRENCY, block_id=current_block_id)
-def trx_process_block(self, block_id):
- started_at = time.time()
- time.sleep(0.1)
- log.info('Processing block #%s', block_id)
- try:
- block = tron_manager.get_block(block_id)
- except BlockNotFound:
- log.warning(f'Block not found: {block_id}')
- return
- except Exception as e:
- store_last_processed_block_id(currency=TRX_CURRENCY, block_id=block_id - 1)
- raise e
- transactions = block.get('transactions', [])
- if not transactions:
- log.info('Block #%s has no transactions, skipping', block_id)
- return
- log.info('Transactions count in block #%s: %s', block_id, len(transactions))
- trx_jobs = []
- trc20_jobs = []
- trx_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending([TRX_CURRENCY])
- trc20_withdrawal_requests_pending = get_withdrawal_requests_pending(TRC20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES, blockchain_currency='TRX')
- trx_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = [i.txid for i in trx_withdrawal_requests_pending]
- trc20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs = [i.txid for i in trc20_withdrawal_requests_pending]
- check_trx_withdrawal_jobs = []
- check_trc20_withdrawal_jobs = []
- all_valid_transactions = []
- all_transactions = []
- for tx_data in transactions:
- tx: TrxTransaction = TrxTransaction.from_node(tx_data)
- if not tx:
- continue
- if tx.is_success:
- all_valid_transactions.append(tx)
- all_transactions.append(tx)
- # Withdrawals
- for tx in all_transactions:
- # is TRX withdrawal request tx?
- if tx.hash in trx_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
- check_trx_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal.s(tx.as_dict()))
- continue
- # is TRC20 withdrawal request tx?
- if tx.hash in trc20_withdrawal_requests_pending_txs:
- check_trc20_withdrawal_jobs.append(check_tx_withdrawal.s(tx.as_dict()))
- continue
- keeper_wallet = tron_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- gas_keeper_wallet = tron_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- trx_addresses = set(tron_manager.get_user_addresses())
- trx_addresses_deps = set(trx_addresses)
- trx_addresses_deps.add(TRX_SAFE_ADDR)
- # Deposits
- for tx in all_valid_transactions:
- # process TRX deposit
- if tx.to_addr in trx_addresses_deps:
- # Process TRX
- if not tx.contract_address:
- trx_jobs.append(trx_process_trx_deposit.s(tx.as_dict()))
- # Process TRC20
- elif tx.contract_address and tx.contract_address in TRC20_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES:
- trc20_jobs.append(trx_process_trc20_deposit.s(tx.as_dict()))
- # Accumulations monitoring
- for tx in all_valid_transactions:
- if tx.from_addr in trx_addresses and tx.to_addr not in trx_addresses:
- # skip keepers withdrawals
- if tx.from_addr in [keeper_wallet.address, gas_keeper_wallet.address]:
- continue
- accumulation_details = AccumulationDetails.objects.filter(
- txid=tx.hash
- ).first()
- if accumulation_details:
- log.info(f'Accumulation details for {tx.hash} already exists')
- continue
- accumulation_details = {
- 'currency': TRX_CURRENCY,
- 'txid': tx.hash,
- 'from_address': tx.from_addr,
- 'to_address': tx.to_addr,
- 'state': AccumulationDetails.STATE_COMPLETED
- }
- if not tx.contract_address:
- # Store TRX accumulations
- AccumulationDetails.objects.create(**accumulation_details)
- elif tx.contract_address and tx.contract_address in TRC20_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES:
- # Store TRC20 accumulations
- token = tron_manager.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
- accumulation_details['token_currency'] = token.currency
- AccumulationDetails.objects.create(**accumulation_details)
- if trx_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check TRX deposits count: %s', len(trx_jobs))
- group(trx_jobs).apply_async()
- if trc20_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check TRC20 withdrawals count: %s', len(trc20_jobs))
- group(trc20_jobs).apply_async()
- if check_trx_withdrawal_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check TRX withdrawals count: %s', len(check_trx_withdrawal_jobs))
- group(check_trx_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async()
- if check_trc20_withdrawal_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check TRC20 withdrawals count: %s', len(check_trx_withdrawal_jobs))
- group(check_trc20_withdrawal_jobs).apply_async()
- execution_time = time.time() - started_at
- log.info('Block #%s processed in %.2f sec. (TRX TX count: %s, TRC20 TX count: %s, WR TX count: %s)',
- block_id, execution_time, len(trx_jobs), len(trc20_jobs),
- len(check_trc20_withdrawal_jobs) + len(check_trx_withdrawal_jobs))
-def check_tx_withdrawal(tx_data):
- tx = TrxTransaction(tx_data)
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.filter(
- txid=tx.hash,
- state=WR_PENDING,
- ).first()
- if withdrawal_request is None:
- log.warning('Invalid withdrawal request state for TX %s', tx.hash)
- return
- if tx.is_success:
- withdrawal_request.complete()
- else:
- withdrawal_request.fail()
-def trx_process_trx_deposit(tx_data: dict):
- """
- Process TRX deposit, excepting inner gas deposits, etc
- """
- log.info('Processing trx deposit: %s', tx_data)
- tx = TrxTransaction(tx_data)
- amount = tron_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
- trx_keeper = tron_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses([TRX_CURRENCY])
- # is accumulation tx?
- if tx.to_addr in [TRX_SAFE_ADDR, trx_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- log.error(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} not exist')
- return
- if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed')
- return
- accumulation_transaction.complete()
- log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is TRX accumulation')
- return
- trx_gas_keeper = tron_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- # is inner gas deposit?
- if tx.from_addr == trx_gas_keeper.address:
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- log.error(f'Gas accumulation TX {tx.hash} not found')
- return
- if accumulation_transaction.tx_state == AccumulationTransaction.STATE_COMPLETED:
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {tx.hash} already processed as token gas')
- return
- log.info(f'Tx {tx.hash} is gas deposit')
- accumulation_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
- accumulate_trc20.apply_async([accumulation_transaction.wallet_transaction_id])
- return
- db_wallet = tron_manager.get_wallet_db_instance(TRX_CURRENCY, tx.to_addr)
- if db_wallet is None:
- log.error(f'Wallet TRX {tx.to_addr} not exists or blocked')
- return
- # is already processed?
- db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
- tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- ).first()
- if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
- log.warning('TX %s already processed as TRX deposit', tx.hash)
- return
- # make deposit
- # check for keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == trx_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is keeper TRX deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
- return
- # check for gas keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == trx_gas_keeper.address:
- log.info('TX %s is gas keeper TRX deposit: %s', tx.hash, amount)
- return
- # check for accumulation min limit
- if amount < tron_manager.accumulation_min_balance:
- log.info(
- 'TX %s amount: %s less accumulation min limit: %s',
- tx.hash, amount, tron_manager.accumulation_min_balance
- )
- return
- WalletTransactions.objects.create(
- wallet=db_wallet,
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- amount=amount,
- currency=TRX_CURRENCY,
- )
- log.info('TX %s processed as %s TRX deposit', tx.hash, amount)
-def trx_process_trc20_deposit(tx_data: dict):
- """
- Process TRC20 deposit
- """
- log.info('Processing TRC20 deposit: %s', tx_data)
- tx = TrxTransaction(tx_data)
- token = tron_manager.get_token_by_address(tx.contract_address)
- token_to_addr = tx.to_addr
- token_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(tx.value)
- trx_keeper = tron_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- external_accumulation_addresses = accumulation_manager.get_external_accumulation_addresses(
- )
- if token_to_addr in [TRX_SAFE_ADDR, trx_keeper.address] + external_accumulation_addresses:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is {token_amount} {token.currency} accumulation')
- accumulation_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.filter(
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- ).first()
- if accumulation_transaction is None:
- # accumulation from outside
- log.error('Token accumulation TX %s not exist', tx.hash)
- return
- accumulation_transaction.complete()
- return
- db_wallet = tron_manager.get_wallet_db_instance(token.currency, token_to_addr)
- if db_wallet is None:
- log.error('Wallet %s %s not exists or blocked', token.currency, token_to_addr)
- return
- db_wallet_transaction = WalletTransactions.objects.filter(
- tx_hash__iexact=tx.hash,
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- ).first()
- if db_wallet_transaction is not None:
- log.warning(f'TX {tx.hash} already processed as {token.currency} deposit')
- return
- # check for keeper deposit
- if db_wallet.address == trx_keeper.address:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
- return
- # check for gas keeper deposit
- trx_gas_keeper = tron_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- if db_wallet.address == trx_gas_keeper.address:
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} is keeper {token.currency} deposit: {token_amount}')
- return
- # check for accumulation min limit
- if token_amount < get_min_accumulation_balance(db_wallet.currency):
- log.info(
- 'TX %s amount: %s less accumulation min limit: %s',
- tx.hash, token_amount, tron_manager.accumulation_min_balance
- )
- return
- WalletTransactions.objects.create(
- wallet_id=db_wallet.id,
- tx_hash=tx.hash,
- amount=token_amount,
- currency=token.currency,
- )
- log.info(f'TX {tx.hash} processed as {token_amount} {token.currency} deposit')
-def process_payouts(password):
- trx_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(currencies=[TRX_CURRENCY])
- if trx_withdrawal_requests:
- log.info('Need to process %s TRX withdrawals', len(trx_withdrawal_requests))
- jobs_list = []
- for item in trx_withdrawal_requests:
- # skip freezed withdrawals
- if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
- continue
- jobs_list.append(withdraw_trx.s(item.id, password))
- group(jobs_list).apply()
- erc20_withdrawal_requests = get_withdrawal_requests_to_process(
- currencies=TRC20_TOKEN_CURRENCIES,
- blockchain_currency='TRX'
- )
- if erc20_withdrawal_requests:
- log.info('Need to process %s ERC20 withdrawals', len(erc20_withdrawal_requests))
- jobs_list = []
- for item in erc20_withdrawal_requests:
- # skip freezed withdrawals
- if item.user.profile.is_payouts_freezed():
- continue
- jobs_list.append(withdraw_trc20.s(item.id, password))
- group(jobs_list).apply()
-def withdraw_trx(withdrawal_request_id, password):
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
- address = withdrawal_request.data.get('destination')
- keeper = tron_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- amount_sun = tron_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
- withdrawal_fee_sun = tron_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(
- to_decimal(get_withdrawal_fee(TRX_CURRENCY, TRX_CURRENCY)))
- amount_to_send_sun = amount_sun - withdrawal_fee_sun
- # todo: check min limit
- if amount_to_send_sun <= 0:
- log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- if amount_to_send_sun - TRX_NET_FEE < 0:
- log.error('Keeper balance too low')
- return
- private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
- res = tron_manager.send_tx(private_key, address, amount_to_send_sun)
- txid = res.get('txid')
- if not res.get('result') or not txid:
- log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
- withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
- withdrawal_request.txid = txid
- withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = tron_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_sun)
- withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'txid', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount'])
- receipt = res.wait()
- log.info(receipt)
- log.info('TRX withdrawal TX %s sent', txid)
-def withdraw_trc20(withdrawal_request_id, password):
- withdrawal_request = WithdrawalRequest.objects.get(id=withdrawal_request_id)
- address = withdrawal_request.data.get('destination')
- currency = withdrawal_request.currency
- token = tron_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- send_amount_sun = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(withdrawal_request.amount)
- withdrawal_fee_sun = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token.withdrawal_fee)
- amount_to_send_sun = send_amount_sun - withdrawal_fee_sun
- if amount_to_send_sun <= 0:
- log.error('Invalid withdrawal amount')
- withdrawal_request.fail()
- return
- keeper = tron_manager.get_keeper_wallet()
- keeper_trx_balance = tron_manager.get_balance_in_base_denomination(keeper.address)
- keeper_token_balance = token.get_base_denomination_balance(keeper.address)
- if keeper_trx_balance < TRX_NET_FEE:
- log.warning('Keeper not enough TRX, skipping')
- return
- if keeper_token_balance < amount_to_send_sun:
- log.warning('Keeper not enough %s, skipping', currency)
- return
- private_key = AESCoderDecoder(password).decrypt(keeper.private_key)
- res = token.send_token(private_key, address, amount_to_send_sun)
- txid = res.get('txid')
- if not res.get('result') or not txid:
- log.error('Unable to send TRX TX')
- withdrawal_request.state = WR_PENDING
- withdrawal_request.txid = txid
- withdrawal_request.our_fee_amount = token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_fee_sun)
- withdrawal_request.save(update_fields=['state', 'txid', 'updated', 'our_fee_amount'])
- receipt = res.wait()
- log.info(receipt)
- log.info('%s withdrawal TX %s sent', currency, txid)
-def check_deposit_scoring(wallet_transaction_id):
- """Check deposit for scoring"""
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- wallet_transaction.check_scoring()
-def check_balances():
- """Main accumulations scheduler"""
- kyt_check_jobs = []
- accumulations_jobs = []
- external_accumulations_jobs = []
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_kyt_check(TRX_CURRENCY):
- kyt_check_jobs.append(check_deposit_scoring.s(item.id))
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_accumulation(TRX_CURRENCY):
- accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance.s(item.id))
- for item in accumulation_manager.get_waiting_for_external_accumulation(blockchain_currency=TRX_CURRENCY):
- external_accumulations_jobs.append(check_balance.s(item.id))
- if kyt_check_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check for KYT: %s', len(kyt_check_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(kyt_check_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
- if accumulations_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check accumulations: %s', len(accumulations_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(accumulations_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
- if external_accumulations_jobs:
- log.info('Need to check external accumulations: %s', len(external_accumulations_jobs))
- jobs_group = group(external_accumulations_jobs)
- jobs_group.apply_async()
-def check_balance(wallet_transaction_id):
- """Splits blockchain currency accumulation and token accumulation"""
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- # TRX
- if currency == TRX_CURRENCY:
- wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
- accumulate_trx.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
- # tokens
- else:
- wallet_transaction.set_ready_for_accumulation()
- accumulate_trc20.apply_async([wallet_transaction_id])
-def accumulate_trx(wallet_transaction_id):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- amount = wallet_transaction.amount
- amount_sun = tron_manager.get_base_denomination_from_amount(amount)
- log.info('Accumulation TRX from: %s; Balance: %s; Min acc balance:%s',
- address, amount, tron_manager.accumulation_min_balance)
- # minus coins to be burnt
- withdrawal_amount = amount_sun - TRX_NET_FEE
- # in debug mode values can be very small
- if withdrawal_amount <= 0:
- log.error(f'TRX withdrawal amount invalid: {withdrawal_amount}')
- wallet_transaction.set_balance_too_low()
- return
- accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or tron_manager.get_accumulation_address(amount)
- # prepare tx
- wallet = tron_manager.get_user_wallet('TRX', address)
- res = tron_manager.send_tx(wallet.private_key, accumulation_address, withdrawal_amount)
- txid = res.get('txid')
- if not res.get('result') or not txid:
- log.error('Unable to send withdrawal TX')
- AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=tron_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(withdrawal_amount),
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=txid,
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
- # AccumulationDetails.objects.create(
- # currency=TRX_CURRENCY,
- # txid=txid,
- # from_address=address,
- # to_address=accumulation_address
- # )
- reciept = res.wait()
- log.info(reciept)
- log.info(f'Accumulation TX {txid} sent from {wallet.address} to {accumulation_address}')
-def accumulate_trc20(wallet_transaction_id):
- wallet_transaction = accumulation_manager.get_wallet_transaction_by_id(wallet_transaction_id)
- address = wallet_transaction.wallet.address
- currency = wallet_transaction.currency
- token = tron_manager.get_token_by_symbol(currency)
- token_amount = wallet_transaction.amount
- token_amount_sun = token.get_base_denomination_from_amount(token_amount)
- log.info(f'Accumulation {currency} from: {address}; Balance: {token_amount};')
- accumulation_address = wallet_transaction.external_accumulation_address or token.get_accumulation_address(token_amount)
- gas_keeper = tron_manager.get_gas_keeper_wallet()
- # send trx from gas keeper to send tokens
- log.info('Trying to send token fee from GasKeeper')
- res = tron_manager.send_tx(gas_keeper.private_key, address, TRC20_FEE_LIMIT)
- gas_txid = res.get('txid')
- if not res.get('result') or not gas_txid:
- log.error('Unable to send fee TX')
- acc_transaction = AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=tron_manager.get_amount_from_base_denomination(TRC20_FEE_LIMIT),
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_GAS_DEPOSIT,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=gas_txid,
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_waiting_for_gas()
- receipt = res.wait()
- log.info(receipt)
- acc_transaction.complete(is_gas=True)
- wallet = tron_manager.get_user_wallet(currency, address)
- res = token.send_token(wallet.private_key, accumulation_address, token_amount_sun)
- txid = res.get('txid')
- if not res.get('result') or not txid:
- log.error('Unable to send withdrawal token TX')
- AccumulationTransaction.objects.create(
- wallet_transaction=wallet_transaction,
- amount=token.get_amount_from_base_denomination(token_amount_sun),
- tx_type=AccumulationTransaction.TX_TYPE_ACCUMULATION,
- tx_state=AccumulationTransaction.STATE_PENDING,
- tx_hash=txid,
- )
- wallet_transaction.set_accumulation_in_progress()
- receipt = res.wait()
- log.info(receipt)
- log.info('Token accumulation TX %s sent from %s to: %s', txid, wallet.address, accumulation_address)
-# @shared_task
-# def accumulate_trx_dust():
-# tron_manager.accumulate_dust()
diff --git a/cryptocoins/utils/btc.py b/cryptocoins/utils/btc.py
index 474aaad..05c6afb 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/utils/btc.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/utils/btc.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
from cryptos import Bitcoin
from django.conf import settings
-from pywallet.wallet import create_wallet
from core.models import UserWallet
from cryptocoins.coins.btc import BTC_CURRENCY
diff --git a/cryptocoins/utils/infura.py b/cryptocoins/utils/infura.py
index 7ad8bd2..45649d3 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/utils/infura.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/utils/infura.py
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
from typing import Dict
+from django.conf import settings
from web3 import Web3
-from web3.auto.infura.endpoints import (
- build_http_headers,
- build_infura_url,
from web3.providers import (
@@ -22,7 +18,7 @@ def get_request_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
def get_web3():
- provider = CustomHttpProvider(build_infura_url(INFURA_MAINNET_DOMAIN), build_http_headers())
+ provider = CustomHttpProvider(f'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{settings.INFURA_API_KEY}')
web3 = Web3(provider)
return web3
diff --git a/cryptocoins/utils/register.py b/cryptocoins/utils/register.py
index fc65a06..d0affa7 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/utils/register.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/utils/register.py
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ def register_coin(currency_id: int, currency_code: str, *,
address_validation_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
wallet_creation_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
latest_block_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
- blocks_diff_alert: Optional[int] = None,
- encrypted_cold_wallet: Optional[bytes] = None):
+ blocks_diff_alert: Optional[int] = None):
currency = Currency(currency_id, currency_code)
if currency not in ALL_CURRENCIES:
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ def register_coin(currency_id: int, currency_code: str, *,
currency: CoinParams(
- encrypted_cold_wallet=encrypted_cold_wallet,
diff --git a/cryptocoins/utils/wallet.py b/cryptocoins/utils/wallet.py
index 2a3b398..111c6f5 100644
--- a/cryptocoins/utils/wallet.py
+++ b/cryptocoins/utils/wallet.py
@@ -1,26 +1,11 @@
import logging
-from eth_account import Account
-from eth_utils.curried import combomethod
-from eth_utils.curried import keccak
-from eth_utils.curried import text_if_str
-from eth_utils.curried import to_bytes
from core.consts.currencies import BlockchainAccount
from lib.cryptointegrator.tasks import create_wallet
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class PassphraseAccount(Account):
- @combomethod
- def create(self, passphrase):
- extra_key_bytes = text_if_str(to_bytes, passphrase)
- key_bytes = keccak(extra_key_bytes)
- return self.privateKeyToAccount(key_bytes)
def get_wallet_data(user_id, currency, is_new=False):
from core.models.cryptocoins import UserWallet
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/__init__.py b/dashboard_rest/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/admin_rest.py b/dashboard_rest/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05357b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard_rest/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+import datetime
+import logging
+from decimal import Decimal
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models import Sum, Case, When, F, Count, Q
+from django.utils import timezone
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.mixins import ReadOnlyMixin, NonPaginatedListMixin
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from core.consts.currencies import ALL_CURRENCIES
+from core.enums.profile import UserTypeEnum
+from core.models import Order
+from core.pairs import PAIRS
+from core.utils.stats.counters import CurrencyStats
+from core.utils.stats.lib import get_prices_in_usd
+from dashboard_rest.models import CommonInouts, CommonUsersStats, TradeVolume
+from dashboard_rest.models import Topups
+from dashboard_rest.models import TradeFee
+from dashboard_rest.models import Withdrawals
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DashboardTopupsAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['created', 'user', 'currency', 'amount', 'state']
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return Topups.objects.order_by('-created').prefetch_related('wallet', 'wallet__user')
+ def user(self, obj):
+ return obj.wallet.user.email
+class DashboardWithdrawalsAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['created', 'user', 'currency', 'amount', 'state']
+ def get_queryset(self):
+ return Withdrawals.objects.order_by('-created')
+class TradeFeeAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, NonPaginatedListMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['currency', 'trade_fee_amount', 'withdrawal_fee_amount']
+ filterset_fields = ['created']
+ def currency(self, obj):
+ """Do not delete"""
+ def trade_fee_amount(self, obj):
+ """Do not delete"""
+ def withdrawal_fee_amount(self, obj):
+ """Do not delete"""
+ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ interval = {
+ 'start': request.query_params.get('created[start]') or datetime.date(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1),
+ 'end': request.query_params.get('created[end]') or datetime.date(datetime.MAXYEAR, 1, 1)
+ }
+ trade_stats = CurrencyStats.trade_fee(interval)
+ withdrawals_stats = CurrencyStats.withdrawals_and_fees(interval)
+ res = []
+ for currency in ALL_CURRENCIES:
+ res.append({
+ 'currency': currency.code,
+ 'trade_fee_amount': trade_stats.get(currency, {}).get('total_fee') or 0,
+ 'withdrawal_fee_amount': withdrawals_stats.get(currency, {}).get('total_fee') or 0,
+ })
+ return Response({'results': res})
+class CommonUsersStatsAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, NonPaginatedListMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['stat_name', 'stat_value']
+ filterset_fields = ['date_joined']
+ def stat_name(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def stat_value(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ now = timezone.now()
+ interval = {
+ 'start': request.query_params.get('date_joined[start]') or now - datetime.timedelta(days=1),
+ 'end': request.query_params.get('date_joined[end]') or datetime.date(datetime.MAXYEAR, 1, 1)
+ }
+ total_users = CommonUsersStats.objects.filter(
+ date_joined__gte=interval['start'],
+ date_joined__lte=interval['end'],
+ ).aggregate(
+ total_users=Count('id'),
+ )['total_users'] or 0
+ res = [
+ {
+ 'stat_name': 'Users count',
+ 'stat_value': total_users,
+ }
+ ]
+ return Response({'results': res})
+class CommonInoutsAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, NonPaginatedListMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['currency', 'topups', 'withdrawals']
+ filterset_fields = ['created']
+ def currency(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def topups(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def withdrawals(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ res = []
+ now = timezone.now()
+ interval = {
+ 'start': request.query_params.get('created[start]') or now - datetime.timedelta(days=1),
+ 'end': request.query_params.get('created[end]') or datetime.date(datetime.MAXYEAR, 1, 1)
+ }
+ prices_in_usd = get_prices_in_usd()
+ topups = CurrencyStats.topups(
+ interval,
+ filter_qs=[~Q(
+ Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.staff.value)
+ | Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.bot.value)
+ | Q(user__email__endswith='@bot.com')
+ )],
+ )
+ withdrawals = CurrencyStats.withdrawals_and_fees(
+ interval,
+ filter_qs=[~Q(
+ Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.staff.value)
+ | Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.bot.value)
+ | Q(user__email__endswith='@bot.com')
+ )],
+ )
+ total_topus = 0
+ total_withdrawals = 0
+ for currency in ALL_CURRENCIES:
+ usd_price = prices_in_usd.get(currency) or 0
+ topups_amount = round(topups.get(currency, {}).get('total_amount') or Decimal('0'), 8)
+ topups_amount_usd = round(topups_amount * usd_price, 2)
+ withdrawals_amount = round(withdrawals.get(currency, {}).get('total_amount') or Decimal('0'), 8)
+ withdrawals_amount_usd = round(withdrawals_amount * usd_price, 2)
+ total_topus += topups_amount_usd
+ total_withdrawals += withdrawals_amount_usd
+ res.append({
+ 'currency': currency.code,
+ 'topups': f'{topups_amount.normalize()} (${topups_amount_usd})',
+ 'withdrawals': f'{withdrawals_amount.normalize()} (${withdrawals_amount_usd})',
+ })
+ res.append({
+ 'currency': 'Total',
+ 'topups': f'${total_topus}',
+ 'withdrawals': f'${total_withdrawals}',
+ })
+ return Response({'results': res})
+class TradeVolumeAdmin(ReadOnlyMixin, NonPaginatedListMixin, DefaultApiAdmin):
+ list_display = ['pair', 'base_volume', 'quote_volume']
+ filterset_fields = ['created']
+ def pair(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def base_volume(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def quote_volume(self, obj):
+ pass
+ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ interval = {
+ 'start': request.query_params.get('created[start]') or datetime.date(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1),
+ 'end': request.query_params.get('created[end]') or datetime.date(datetime.MAXYEAR, 1, 1)
+ }
+ qs = TradeVolume.objects.filter(
+ ~Q(
+ Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.staff.value)
+ | Q(user__profile__user_type=UserTypeEnum.bot.value)
+ | Q(user__email__endswith='@bot.com')
+ ),
+ created__gte=interval['start'],
+ created__lte=interval['end'],
+ cancelled=False,
+ ).values('pair').annotate(
+ base_volume=Sum(
+ Case(
+ When(order__operation=Order.OPERATION_BUY, then=F('quantity')),
+ default=0,
+ output_field=models.DecimalField(),
+ )
+ ),
+ quote_volume=Sum(
+ Case(
+ When(order__operation=Order.OPERATION_BUY, then=F('quantity') * F('price')),
+ default=0,
+ output_field=models.DecimalField(),
+ )
+ ),
+ ).order_by('pair')
+ volumes_dict = {p['pair']: p for p in qs}
+ volumes = []
+ for pair in PAIRS:
+ volumes.append({
+ 'pair': pair,
+ 'base_volume': round(volumes_dict.get(pair, {}).get('base_volume', 0), 8),
+ 'quote_volume': round(volumes_dict.get(pair, {}).get('quote_volume', 0), 8),
+ })
+ total = Decimal(0)
+ prices_in_usd = get_prices_in_usd()
+ for i in volumes:
+ pair = i['pair']
+ if pair.quote.code == 'USDT':
+ vol = i['quote_volume']
+ elif pair.base.code == 'USDT':
+ vol = i['base_volume']
+ elif pair.quote in prices_in_usd:
+ vol = prices_in_usd[pair.quote] * i['quote_volume']
+ elif pair.base in prices_in_usd:
+ vol = prices_in_usd[pair.base] * i['base_volume']
+ total += vol
+ total = round(total, 2)
+ volumes.append({
+ 'pair': 'Total',
+ 'base_volume': f'${total}',
+ 'quote_volume': f'${total}',
+ })
+ return Response({'results': volumes})
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/apps.py b/dashboard_rest/apps.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e104db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard_rest/apps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from django.apps import AppConfig
+class DashboardConfig(AppConfig):
+ default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
+ name = 'dashboard_rest'
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/migrations/0001_initial.py b/dashboard_rest/migrations/0001_initial.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ff66f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard_rest/migrations/0001_initial.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.7 on 2022-08-12 12:45
+import django.contrib.auth.models
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ initial = True
+ dependencies = [
+ ('core', '0001_initial'),
+ ('auth', '0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='CommonInouts',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.wallettransactions',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='CommonUsersStats',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('auth.user',),
+ managers=[
+ ('objects', django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Topups',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.wallettransactions',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='TradeFee',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.executionresult',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='TradeVolume',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.executionresult',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='WithdrawalFee',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.withdrawalrequest',),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Withdrawals',
+ fields=[
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'proxy': True,
+ 'indexes': [],
+ 'constraints': [],
+ },
+ bases=('core.withdrawalrequest',),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/migrations/__init__.py b/dashboard_rest/migrations/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/models.py b/dashboard_rest/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb6aafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard_rest/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from core.models.inouts.wallet import WalletTransactions
+from core.models.inouts.withdrawal import WithdrawalRequest
+from core.models.orders import ExecutionResult
+class Topups(WalletTransactions):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class Withdrawals(WithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class TradeFee(ExecutionResult):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class WithdrawalFee(WithdrawalRequest):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class CommonUsersStats(User):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class CommonInouts(WalletTransactions):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
+class TradeVolume(ExecutionResult):
+ class Meta:
+ proxy = True
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/tests.py b/dashboard_rest/tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce503c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard_rest/tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from django.test import TestCase
+# Create your tests here.
diff --git a/dashboard_rest/views.py b/dashboard_rest/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91ea44a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard_rest/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from django.shortcuts import render
+# Create your views here.
diff --git a/exchange/celery_app.py b/exchange/celery_app.py
index 49559ee..e60a72b 100644
--- a/exchange/celery_app.py
+++ b/exchange/celery_app.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
from lib.cryptointegrator.tasks import generate_crypto_schedule
+from cryptocoins.evm.manager import evm_handlers_manager
from kombu import Queue
from django.conf import settings
from celery.schedules import crontab
@@ -60,6 +61,10 @@ def is_section_enabled(name):
app.conf.task_queues += tuple(generated_queues)
+# evm coins tasks
+evm_queues = evm_handlers_manager.register_celery_tasks(app.conf.beat_schedule)
+app.conf.task_queues += tuple(evm_queues)
if is_section_enabled('payout_withdraw'):
'sci_process_withdrawals': {
@@ -86,13 +91,6 @@ def is_section_enabled(name):
if is_section_enabled('cryptocoins_commons'):
- 'check_accumulations': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.commons.check_accumulations',
- 'schedule': 20,
- 'options': {
- 'queue': 'cryptocoins_commons',
- }
- },
'mark_accumulated_topups': {
'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.commons.mark_accumulated_topups',
'schedule': 60,
@@ -113,271 +111,6 @@ def is_section_enabled(name):
app.conf.task_queues += (Queue('cryptocoins_commons'),)
-if is_section_enabled('ethereum'):
- app.conf.beat_schedule.update({
- 'eth_process_new_blocks': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.eth_process_new_blocks',
- 'schedule': settings.ETH_BLOCK_GENERATION_TIME,
- },
- 'eth_check_balances': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.check_balances',
- 'schedule': settings.ETH_ERC20_ACCUMULATION_PERIOD,
- 'options': {
- 'expires': 20,
- }
- },
- # 'process_payouts': {
- # 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.process_payouts',
- # 'schedule': settings.ETH_ERC20_ACCUMULATION_PERIOD,
- # 'options': {
- # 'expires': 20,
- # }
- # },
- })
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.eth_process_new_blocks': {
- 'queue': 'eth_new_blocks',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.eth_process_block': {
- 'queue': 'eth_new_blocks',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.eth_process_eth_deposit': {
- 'queue': 'eth_deposits',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.eth_process_erc20_deposit': {
- 'queue': 'eth_deposits',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.process_payouts': {
- 'queue': 'eth_payouts',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.withdraw_eth': {
- 'queue': 'eth_payouts',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.withdraw_erc20': {
- 'queue': 'eth_payouts',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.check_balances': {
- 'queue': 'eth_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.check_balance': {
- 'queue': 'eth_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.check_tx_withdrawal': {
- 'queue': 'eth_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.check_deposit_scoring': {
- 'queue': 'eth_check_balances',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.accumulate_eth': {
- 'queue': 'eth_accumulations',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.accumulate_erc20': {
- 'queue': 'erc20_accumulations',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.eth.send_gas': {
- 'queue': 'eth_send_gas',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_queues += (
- Queue('eth_new_blocks'),
- Queue('eth_deposits'),
- Queue('eth_payouts'),
- Queue('eth_check_balances'),
- Queue('eth_accumulations'),
- Queue('erc20_accumulations'),
- Queue('eth_send_gas'),
- )
-if is_section_enabled('bnb'):
- app.conf.beat_schedule.update({
- 'bnb_process_new_blocks': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.bnb_process_new_blocks',
- 'schedule': settings.BNB_BLOCK_GENERATION_TIME,
- },
- 'bnb_check_balances': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.check_balances',
- 'schedule': settings.BNB_BEP20_ACCUMULATION_PERIOD,
- 'options': {
- 'expires': 20,
- }
- },
- # 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.accumulate_bnb_dust': {
- # 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.accumulate_bnb_dust',
- # 'schedule': crontab(minute='5', hour='0'),
- # 'options': {
- # 'queue': 'bnb_accumulations',
- # }
- # },
- # 'process_payouts': {
- # 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.process_payouts',
- # 'schedule': settings.BNB_BEP20_ACCUMULATION_PERIOD,
- # 'options': {
- # 'expires': 20,
- # }
- # },
- })
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.bnb_process_new_blocks': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_new_blocks',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.bnb_process_block': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_new_blocks',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.bnb_process_bnb_deposit': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_deposits',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.bnb_process_bep20_deposit': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_deposits',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.process_payouts': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_payouts',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.withdraw_bnb': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_payouts',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.withdraw_bep20': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_payouts',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.check_balances': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.check_balance': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.check_tx_withdrawal': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.check_deposit_scoring': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_check_balances',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.accumulate_bnb': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_accumulations',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.accumulate_bep20': {
- 'queue': 'bep20_accumulations',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.bnb.send_gas': {
- 'queue': 'bnb_send_gas',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_queues += (
- Queue('bnb_new_blocks'),
- Queue('bnb_deposits'),
- Queue('bnb_payouts'),
- Queue('bnb_check_balances'),
- Queue('bnb_accumulations'),
- Queue('bep20_accumulations'),
- Queue('bnb_send_gas'),
- )
-if is_section_enabled('tron'):
- app.conf.beat_schedule.update({
- 'trx_process_new_blocks': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.trx_process_new_blocks',
- 'schedule': settings.TRX_BLOCK_GENERATION_TIME,
- },
- 'trx_check_balances': {
- 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.check_balances',
- 'schedule': settings.TRX_TRC20_ACCUMULATION_PERIOD,
- 'options': {
- 'expires': 20,
- }
- },
- # 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.accumulate_trx_dust': {
- # 'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.accumulate_trx_dust',
- # 'schedule': crontab(minute='10', hour='0'),
- # 'options': {
- # 'queue': 'trx_accumulations',
- # }
- # },
- })
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.trx_process_new_blocks': {
- 'queue': 'trx_new_blocks',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.trx_process_block': {
- 'queue': 'trx_new_blocks',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.trx_process_trx_deposit': {
- 'queue': 'trx_deposits',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.trx_process_trc20_deposit': {
- 'queue': 'trx_deposits',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.process_payouts': {
- 'queue': 'trx_payouts',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.withdraw_trx': {
- 'queue': 'trx_payouts',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.withdraw_trc20': {
- 'queue': 'trx_payouts',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.check_balances': {
- 'queue': 'trx_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.check_balance': {
- 'queue': 'trx_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.check_tx_withdrawal': {
- 'queue': 'trx_check_balances',
- },
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.check_deposit_scoring': {
- 'queue': 'trx_check_balances',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.accumulate_trx': {
- 'queue': 'trx_accumulations',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_routes.update({
- 'cryptocoins.tasks.trx.accumulate_trc20': {
- 'queue': 'trc20_accumulations',
- },
- }),
- app.conf.task_queues += (
- Queue('trx_new_blocks'),
- Queue('trx_deposits'),
- Queue('trx_payouts'),
- Queue('trx_check_balances'),
- Queue('trx_accumulations'),
- Queue('trc20_accumulations'),
- )
if is_section_enabled('notifications'):
'core.tasks.facade.pong': {
@@ -572,7 +305,7 @@ def at_start(sender, **k):
'update_crypto_external_prices': {
'task': 'cryptocoins.tasks.datasources.update_crypto_external_prices',
- 'schedule': 15.0,
+ 'schedule': settings.EXTERNAL_PRICES_FETCH_PERIOD,
'options': {
'queue': 'otc',
diff --git a/exchange/settings/admin.py b/exchange/settings/admin.py
index 5c828c6..1215351 100644
--- a/exchange/settings/admin.py
+++ b/exchange/settings/admin.py
@@ -9,3 +9,62 @@
ADMIN_BASE_URL = env('ADMIN_BASE_URL', default='control-panel')
+ {'icon': 'mdi-view-dashboard', 'text': 'Dashboard', 'link': '/',},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-account-group', 'model': 'auth.group', 'text': 'Group permissions'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-vector-arrange-above', 'model': 'admin_rest.allordernobot', 'text': 'All orders no bot'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-vector-arrange-below', 'model': 'admin_rest.allorder', 'text': 'All orders'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-piggy-bank', 'model': 'admin_rest.balance', 'text': 'Balances'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-vector-combine', 'model': 'admin_rest.match', 'text': 'Matches'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-account', 'model': 'auth.user', 'text': 'Users'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-account', 'model': 'core.userfee', 'text': 'Fee Users'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-account-badge-horizontal-outline', 'model': 'core.userkyc', 'text': 'User kyc'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-arrow-decision-outline', 'model': 'admin_rest.transaction', 'text': 'Transactions'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-account-convert', 'model': 'admin_rest.userdailystat', 'text': 'User daily stats'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-bank-remove', 'model': 'core.disabledcoin', 'text': 'Coins Management'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-book-open-outline', 'model': 'core.coininfo', 'text': 'Coin Info'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-book-open-outline', 'model': 'seo.coinstaticpage', 'text': 'Coin static pages'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-book-open-outline', 'model': 'seo.coinstaticsubpage', 'text': 'Coin static sub pages'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-email-edit-outline', 'model': 'notifications.mailing', 'text': 'Mailing'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-settings-transfer', 'model': 'core.feesandlimits', 'text': 'Fees And Limits'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-settings-transfer', 'model': 'core.withdrawalfee', 'text': 'Withdrawal Fee'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-settings-transfer', 'model': 'core.withdrawallimitlevel', 'text': 'Withdrawal Limit Level'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-settings-transfer', 'model': 'core.withdrawaluserlimit', 'text': 'Withdrawal User Limit'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-settings-transfer', 'model': 'core.pairsettings', 'text': 'Pair Settings'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-bank-transfer', 'model': 'cryptocoins.depositswithdrawalsstats', 'text': 'TopUps and Withdrawals'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-swap-horizontal', 'model': 'core.inoutsstats', 'text': 'In/Out Currency Stats'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-incognito', 'model': 'core.accesslog', 'text': 'Access logs'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-wallet-outline', 'model': 'core.userwallet', 'text': 'User Wallets'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-menu', 'model': 'core.difbalance', 'text': 'Dif balances'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'menu.withdrawals'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-bank-transfer-out', 'model': 'admin_rest.withdrawalrequest', 'text': 'Withdrawal requests'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-bitcoin', 'model': 'cryptocoins.btcwithdrawalapprove', 'text': 'BTC Withdrawal Approve'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-ethereum', 'model': 'cryptocoins.ethwithdrawalapprove', 'text': 'ETH Withdrawal Approve'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-coins', 'model': 'cryptocoins.trxwithdrawalapprove', 'text': 'TRX Withdrawal Approve'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-coins', 'model': 'cryptocoins.bnbwithdrawalapprove', 'text': 'BSC Withdrawal Approve'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'menu.topups'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-bank-transfer-in', 'model': 'core.wallettransactions', 'text': 'Crypto TopUps'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-arrow-right-bold-box', 'model': 'core.paygatetopup', 'text': 'Paygate TopUps'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'menu.bots'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-cogs', 'model': 'bots.botconfig', 'text': 'Bot configs'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'menu.otp'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-two-factor-authentication', 'model': 'otp_totp.totpdevice', 'text': 'TOTP Devices'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'Scoring'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-menu', 'model': 'cryptocoins.scoringsettings', 'text': 'Scoring Settings'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-menu', 'model': 'cryptocoins.transactioninputscore', 'text': 'Transaction Input Score'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'Admin Logs'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-menu', 'model': 'admin.logentry', 'text': 'Admin logs'},
+ {'divider': True},
+ {'heading': 'Settings'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-cog-outline', 'model': 'core.settings', 'text': 'Settings'},
+ {'icon': 'mdi-incognito', 'model': 'core.smsconfirmationhistory', 'text': 'SMS Confirmation History'},
diff --git a/exchange/settings/common.py b/exchange/settings/common.py
index a2e4979..15076bc 100644
--- a/exchange/settings/common.py
+++ b/exchange/settings/common.py
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
+ 'admin_rest',
+ 'dashboard_rest',
diff --git a/exchange/settings/crypto.py b/exchange/settings/crypto.py
index 56bc9bf..5894ba4 100644
--- a/exchange/settings/crypto.py
+++ b/exchange/settings/crypto.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
TRX_NET_FEE = 3_000_000 # 3 TRX
-TRC20_FEE_LIMIT = 100_000_000 # 100 TRX
+TRC20_FEE_LIMIT = 30_000_000 # 30 TRX
@@ -64,9 +64,7 @@
CRYPTO_KEY_OLD = env('CRYPTO_KEY_OLD', default='')
CRYPTO_KEY = env('CRYPTO_KEY', default='')
-# Infura auto client setup
-os.environ['WEB3_INFURA_SCHEME'] = 'https'
+INFURA_API_KEY = env('INFURA_API_KEY', default='')
diff --git a/exchange/settings/exchange.py b/exchange/settings/exchange.py
index bb89def..53c51a7 100644
--- a/exchange/settings/exchange.py
+++ b/exchange/settings/exchange.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
FEE_USER = env('FEE_USER', default='fee@exchange.net')
diff --git a/exchange/settings/simplejwt.py b/exchange/settings/simplejwt.py
index 033c952..dd97c0d 100644
--- a/exchange/settings/simplejwt.py
+++ b/exchange/settings/simplejwt.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from datetime import timedelta
default settings
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
+ 'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(minutes=1440),
'AUTH_HEADER_TYPES': ('Bearer', 'Token',),
diff --git a/exchange/urls.py b/exchange/urls.py
index d87daad..2c968b1 100644
--- a/exchange/urls.py
+++ b/exchange/urls.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
urlpatterns = [
path('api/', include('exchange.api_urls')),
+ path('apiadmin/', include('admin_rest.urls')),
path(f'', include('admin_panel.urls')),
path('', include('core.urls')),
] + static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)
diff --git a/lib/services/etherscan_client.py b/lib/services/etherscan_client.py
index 5e367c2..6ea28a6 100644
--- a/lib/services/etherscan_client.py
+++ b/lib/services/etherscan_client.py
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ def get_address_tx_transfers(self, address, start_block=0, end_block=99999999, o
'hash': t['hash'],
'from': t['from'],
'to': t['to'],
- 'fee': to_decimal(Web3.fromWei(int(t['gasPrice']) * int(t['gasUsed']), 'ether')),
- 'amount': to_decimal(Web3.fromWei(int(t['value']), 'ether')),
- 'value': to_decimal(Web3.fromWei(int(t['value']) + int(t['gasPrice']) * int(t['gasUsed']), 'ether')),
+ 'fee': to_decimal(Web3.from_wei(int(t['gasPrice']) * int(t['gasUsed']), 'ether')),
+ 'amount': to_decimal(Web3.from_wei(int(t['value']), 'ether')),
+ 'value': to_decimal(Web3.from_wei(int(t['value']) + int(t['gasPrice']) * int(t['gasUsed']), 'ether')),
} for t in all_txs])
if only_eth_txs:
diff --git a/notifications/admin_rest.py b/notifications/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2d83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notifications/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from typing import List
+from django.contrib import messages
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from notifications.models.NotificationModels import Notification, Mailing
+class NotificationApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ['type', 'title', 'text']
+ list_display = ['created', 'title', 'type', 'users_count']
+ def users_count(self, obj):
+ return obj.users.count()
+class MailingApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ readonly_fields = ['created', 'last_processed']
+ fields = ['created', 'subject', 'text', 'users', 'last_processed']
+ list_display = ['subject', 'last_processed', 'created', ]
+ actions = (
+ 'proceed',
+ )
+ def last_processed(self, obj: Mailing):
+ processed = obj.processed.latest('pk')
+ if processed is not None:
+ return processed.created
+ return '-'
+ @api_admin.action(permissions=True)
+ def proceed(self, request, queryset: List[Mailing]):
+ try:
+ for item in queryset:
+ item.send()
+ except Exception as e:
+ messages.error(request, e)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 347cdef..b3a9a42 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ behave==1.2.6
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ cosmospy==6.0.0
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ docker-pycreds==0.4.0
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ jedi==0.18.0
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ packaging==23.0
@@ -196,13 +196,14 @@ pbkdf2==1.3
@@ -241,20 +242,19 @@ python-socks==1.2.4
-pywallet @ https://github.com/polyxexchange/pywallet/archive/master.zip
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ toml==0.10.2
-tronpy @ https://github.com/polyxexchange/tronpy/archive/refs/tags/0.2.10.zip
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ varint==1.0.2
diff --git a/seo/admin_rest.py b/seo/admin_rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a84856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/seo/admin_rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from admin_rest import restful_admin as api_admin
+from admin_rest.restful_admin import DefaultApiAdmin
+from lib.utils import get_domain
+from seo.models import (
+ Post,
+ Tag,
+ ContentPhoto,
+ CoinStaticPage,
+ CoinStaticSubPage,
+class ContentPhotoAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'data_table': {'rowClick': 'edit'}}
+ list_display = ['title_ru', 'title_en', 'announce_image', 'link']
+ search_fields = ['title_ru', 'title_en']
+ def link(self, obj):
+ link = f'https://{get_domain()}{obj.announce_image.url}'
+ return mark_safe(f'{link}')
+class PostAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'data_table': {'rowClick': 'edit'}}
+ fields = ['created', 'preview_image', 'tags',
+ 'slug_ru', 'title_ru', 'text_ru', 'meta_title_ru', 'meta_description_ru',
+ 'slug_en', 'title_en', 'text_en', 'meta_title_en', 'meta_description_en',
+ 'views_count',]
+ list_display = ['created', 'preview_image', 'slug_ru', 'title_ru', 'views_count']
+ search_fields = ['slug_ru', 'slug_en', 'title_ru', 'title_en', 'tags']
+class TagAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ vue_resource_extras = {'data_table': {'rowClick': 'edit'}}
+ fields = ['slug', 'name_ru', 'title_ru', 'meta_title_ru', 'meta_description_ru',
+ 'name_en', 'title_en', 'meta_title_en', 'meta_description_en']
+ list_display = ['slug', 'name_ru', 'title_ru']
+ search_fields = ['slug', 'name_ru', 'title_ru', 'name_en', 'title_en']
+class CoinStaticPageApiAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ pass
+class CoinStaticSubPageAdmin(DefaultApiAdmin):
+ fields = ('currency', 'slug_ru', 'slug_en', 'title_ru', 'title_en', 'content_ru', 'content_en',
+ 'meta_title_ru', 'meta_title_en', 'meta_description_ru', 'meta_description_en')
+ list_display = ('currency', 'slug_ru', 'slug_en', 'title_ru', 'title_en')
+ filterset_fields = ('currency', )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizard.py b/wizard.py
index 2f786a5..1a587e2 100644
--- a/wizard.py
+++ b/wizard.py
@@ -465,7 +465,8 @@ def get_or_create(model_inst, curr, get_attrs, set_attrs: dict):
'is_autoorders_enabled': True,
'price_source': PairSettings.PRICE_SOURCE_EXTERNAL,
'custom_price': 0,
- 'deviation': 0.99000000
+ 'deviation': 0.99000000,
+ 'precisions': ['100', '10', '1', '0.1', '0.01']
BotConfig: {
'name': 'BTC-USDT',
@@ -491,7 +492,8 @@ def get_or_create(model_inst, curr, get_attrs, set_attrs: dict):
'is_autoorders_enabled': True,
'price_source': PairSettings.PRICE_SOURCE_EXTERNAL,
'custom_price': 0,
- 'deviation': 0.99000000
+ 'deviation': 0.99000000,
+ 'precisions': ['100', '10', '1', '0.1', '0.01']
BotConfig: {
'name': 'ETH-USDT',
@@ -517,7 +519,8 @@ def get_or_create(model_inst, curr, get_attrs, set_attrs: dict):
'is_autoorders_enabled': True,
'price_source': PairSettings.PRICE_SOURCE_EXTERNAL,
'custom_price': 0,
- 'deviation': 0.0
+ 'deviation': 0.0,
+ 'precisions': ['0.01', '0.001', '0.0001', '0.00001', '0.000001']
BotConfig: {
'name': 'TRX-USDT',
@@ -543,7 +546,8 @@ def get_or_create(model_inst, curr, get_attrs, set_attrs: dict):
'is_autoorders_enabled': True,
'price_source': PairSettings.PRICE_SOURCE_EXTERNAL,
'custom_price': 0,
- 'deviation': 0.0
+ 'deviation': 0.0,
+ 'precisions': ['100', '10', '1', '0.1', '0.01'],
BotConfig: {
'name': 'BNB-USDT',