Discord Server (discord.gg/yvycWW8RgR) | Website (pocket-relay.pages.dev)
- What What this software is
- Downloads Download links to the client
- Building Instructions for building manually
- Credits Project credits
This is a tool for patching your Mass Effect 3 client and adding a Plugin Client automatically
You can download the latest version below:
Download Windows Download Linux
Guide for manually compiling the client executable from source
- Rust & Cargo Rust version 1.80.0 or newer is required in order to compile the client you can install both of these using Rustup which you can install using the guide Here
- Git Git is required to clone the github repository to your system. You can ignore this step if you manually download the latest source archive from github directly Here
If you want skip all the steps and just have a list of commands to paste in for the default setup you can paste the following command into your terminal. (This is using the bash syntax for multiple commands)
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/PocketRelay/PocketRelayPluginInstaller.git pocket-relay-plugin-installer && cd pocket-relay-plugin-installer && cargo build --release
If you have already directly downloaded the repository source code from GitHub you can skip this step.
First you will need to clone the GitHub repository for the installer. The following command will clone only the latest code changes from the GitHub repository
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/PocketRelay/PocketRelayPluginInstaller.git pocket-relay-plugin-installer
In order to build the installer using commands you will need to open the installer source code directory that you’ve just cloned within your terminal. You can do that using the cd command. The following command will set your current directory to the installer source code:
cd pocket-relay-plugin-installer
The above command will only work if you run it in the same place that you’ve cloned the repository to
Now to compile the installer source into a binary that you can run you need to run the following command:
cargo build --release
Once the installer building finishes you can now find the installer executable which will be located in the following folder
If you are on Windows the file will be named pocket-relay-plugin-installer.exe and if you are on Linux it will be named pocket-relay-plugin-installer
This project also includes a Makefile.toml for cargo make
however its more intended for maintainers only in order to do cross compiling, building multiple versions in parallel, signing builds, etc
Requires installing https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make
cargo make -t build-all
cargo make -t build-windows
When building for Windows on a Windows host you can sign the executable by providing a SIGN_FILE
(File path to the .pfx file to use for signing) and SIGN_PASSWORD
(The password to the .pdf file) you will also need to obtain a copy of signtool.exe and set the SIGNTOOL_PATH
to be the path to that file
After doing that Windows builds will be signed using the provided credentials
cargo make -t build-linux
This repository contains files from https://github.com/Erik-JS/masseffect-binkw32 in the /src/resources directory as they are embedded in client in order to patch the game
The Pocket Relay software, in all its forms, is not supported, endorsed, or provided by BioWare or Electronic Arts. Mass Effect is a registered trademark of Bioware/EA International (Studio and Publishing), Ltd in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Mass Effect art, images, and lore are the sole property of Bioware/EA International (Studio and Publishing), Ltd and are reproduced here to assist the Mass Effect player community. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.