Writing good pull request descriptions is a great way to help reviewers know what to expect when reviewing code. They're also a great way to help track things that should be done for every change, such as testing, adding unit tests, and updating documentation. Pull request templates can help your developers create great pull request descriptions that meet your organization's standards.
Our current template divides in 3 sections: Description, Ticketing, and Commit changelog.
The Description section is where we should describe what the PR introduces and any major change that could have impact in other parts of the project.
To help contextualize the Description, we can add a Ticketing section to associate a specific PR to an existing ticket in any external platform that can relate to this project. In this template it was added an example for Atlassian.net Jira, but it can be replaced with any other.
Finally, we have the Commit changelog section to allow an extra visibility on the changes done in the Pull Request. This can be more elucidative if the commits are regulated with a semantic standard like Conventional Commits (https://www.conventionalcommits.org).