- Fix for typo in localisation (thanks @nugmanoff)
- Fix for crash replacing multiple objects (thanks @stefanrenne)
- Support subfolders in native folder parsing (recurse into them)
- Added "But" (thanks @jmp)
- Added package.swift (thanks @t-unit)
- Bugfix for macOS test targets (thanks @cyrusingraham)
- Fix case where incorrect number of ranges reported (thanks @jcavar)
- Update to Swift 5
- Update to cocoapods 1.7.0
- Use bundler to help dependency management
- Add
step(exactly: String)
to explicitly exactly match a step instead of using regexes (fixes #142) - Add regex options to step definitions (thanks @ilyapuchka)
- fix for name property on PageObject (thanks @ilyapuchka)
- Xcode 10 support
- Support for named matches
- Add descriptions to feature files
- Improvements to logging
- Feature file localisation support
- Highlight correct lien in feature files for failing tests
- Track unused steps
- Introduce PageObject
- Pass arbitary object in/out of a step (thanks @ilyapuchka)
- Automatically take screenshots of failing tests (thanks @ilyapuchka)
- Show error step location as well as assertion failure location (thanks @ilyapuchka)
- Fix to point step definitions at the current test instance
- Update to Swift 4.1, and validate using cocoapods 1.5.0
- Fix swift 4 warnings about String.characters
- Swift 4
- Fix for +initialize unavailable in Xcode 9.1 in Swift
- Wrap execution of each step in XCTContext's runActivity method so we get better logging within Xcode of native Gherkin.
- Fix for crash enumerating all classes to find steps
- Clearer failure message when step isn't found
- Allow Double and Bool as closure types in step definitions
- Allow mix of closure parameter types in step definitions with two matches
- Update .travis.yml to Xcode 8.3
- Update CocoaPods version in .travis.yml to 1.2.0
Please prefer 0.10.2
- Fix for Xcode 8.2
- Added Swift 3 and Xcode 8 support
- XCTestCase setUp and tearDown methods support for NativeTestCase scenarios
- Improved integration with Xcode Test Navigator
- Explicitly disable bitcode (thanks @kerrmarin)
- Better newline handling for features created on other systems (thanks @smaljaar)
- Added forms of the step definition method with single and double string match parameters
- Added ability to parse Background gherkin keyword (thanks to @smaljaar)
- Added ability to create a native test case from a file instead of a directory (thanks @Rabursky)
- Add ability to specify set up code for native tests (thanks @Rabursky)
- Fix for parsing native feature files with comments / whitespace (thanks to @smaljaar)
- Add better debugging for native feature file migration (thanks to @smaljaar)
- Remove bitcode post install script from podfile and migrate to pod 1.0.x syntax
- Add xcode-ui example (and tests)
- Add OSX as a target in the podspec (thanks to @pat2man)
- Remove foundation from the strings extensions (thanks to @dfrib)
- Make debug use NSLog instead of print - get thread safety
- Make the print step definitions debug method not need an instance of XCTestCase in scope
- Fixed another issue in camelcaseify, added tests
- Fixed bug in camelcaseify function, added tests
- Add shared examples
- Fix crash when steps contain optional matching groups and one of them doesn't match
- printing the steps is case-insensitive order
- Calling printStepDefinitions now returns the steps even if you haven't run any yet. Previously this would only output the steps after the first step had run
- Make console color default disabled
- Allow concurrent tests to work using associated objects instead of global state
- Add support for native feature files
- Initial release