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+A plugin that generates Youtube videos based on IDs. It can be used in your theme, or in your Markdown.
+### Features
+* use in Markdown
+* use in templates with Twig
+* auto grab the title
+### Installation
+* Install [Phile](https://github.com/PhileCMS/Phile)
+* Clone this repo into `plugins/phileYoutube`
+* add `$config['plugins']['phileYoutube'] = array('active' => true);` to your `config.php`
+### Markdown Usage
+You can use this plugin in your Markdown files. It allows videos to be easy rendered without using any HTML in your Markdown.
+#### Basic Examples:
+Put the code in there. Watch the HTML spew out.
+### Theme Usage
+There will now be a new twig function called `youtube`. It takes a YouTube ID, and renders the HTML for the video!
+#### Basic Examples:
+Put the code in there. Watch the HTML spew out. *Assumes you have set `Video: 8GLMe371RuI` in your pages meta*.
+{{ youtube(meta.video) }}
+#### Config
+Here are the settings. See the above output for where everything goes.
+'wrapper_class' => 'youtube-video', // parent class for iframe
+'title_class' => 'youtube-title', // div clas for video title
+'show_title' => true, // get the title
+'title_tag' => 'h2', // wrap the title in this tag, can be false for none
+'video_height' => 480, // standard height
+'video_width' => 853 // standard width
+**Fixed heights and widths?**
+Because clients are crazy and will try to add a video at a bad size. I like to control what they are doing in the theme. I know what size will work better than they do.
+### Why Use?
+Clients are crazy. You want to make sure the HTML output is good and not a huge mess. Also autofetching the title is sweet.
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
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+ 'youtube-video', // parent class for iframe
+ 'title_class' => 'youtube-title', // div clas for video title
+ 'show_title' => true, // get the title
+ 'title_tag' => 'h2', // wrap the title in this tag, can be false for none
+ 'video_height' => 480, // standard height
+ 'video_width' => 853 // standard width
diff --git a/plugin.php b/plugin.php
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+settings['show_title']) {
+ // returns a single line of XML that contains the video title.
+ // Not a giant request. Use '@' to suppress errors.
+ $videoTitle = @file_get_contents("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/{$id}?v=2&fields=title");
+ // look for that title tag and get the insides
+ preg_match("/(.+?)<\/title>/is", $videoTitle, $titleOfVideo);
+ $tags = array('','');
+ if ($this->settings['title_tag']) {
+ $tags = array("<{$this->settings['title_tag']}>", "{$this->settings['title_tag']}>");
+ }
+ $title = "settings['title_class']}\">{$tags[0]}{$titleOfVideo[1]}{$tags[1]}
+ }
+ return "settings['wrapper_class']}\">{$title}
+ }
+ public function on($eventKey, $data = null) {
+ if ($eventKey == 'template_engine_registered') {
+ $youtube = new Twig_SimpleFunction('youtube', function ($id) {
+ return $this->get_video($id);
+ });
+ $data['engine']->addFunction($youtube);
+ } else if ($eventKey == 'after_parse_content') {
+ // store the starting content
+ $content = $data['content'];
+ // this parse happens after the markdown
+ // which means that the potential ID is wrapped
+ // in p tags
+ $regex = "/()(youtube)=(.*?)(<\/p>)/";
+ // add the modified content back in the data
+ $data['content'] = preg_replace_callback($regex, function($matches) {
+ return $this->get_video($matches[3]);
+ }, $content);
+ }
+ }