Community-supported framework for testing Smalltalk projects on Linux, OS X, and Windows with built-in support for Travis CI and AppVeyor.
It is inspired by builderCI and aims to provide a uniform and easy way to load and test Smalltalk projects.
- Features
- How to enable Travis CI for your Smalltalk project
- How to test your Smalltalk project locally
- List Of Supported Images
- Templates
- Further Configuration
- Contributing
- Projects using smalltalkCI
- Simple configuration via
, andappveyor.yml
(see below for templates) - Compatible across different Smalltalk dialects (Squeak, Pharo, GemStone)
- Runs on Travis CI's container-based infrastructure ("Builds start in seconds")
- Supports Linux, macOS, and Windows and can be run locally (e.g. for debug purposes)
- Exports test results in the JUnit XML format as part of the Travis build log
- Supports coverage testing and publishes results to
- Export your project in a compatible format (e.g. FileTree).
- Enable Travis CI for your repository.
- Create a
and specifiy the Smalltalk image(s) you want your project to be tested against. - Create a
(see below for templates) and specify how to load and test your project. - Push all of this to GitHub and enjoy your fast Smalltalk builds!
You can use smalltalkCI to run your project's tests locally. Just clone or download smalltalkCI and then you are able to initiate a local build in headful mode like this:
/path/to/smalltalkCI/ --headful /path/to/your/projects/.smalltalk.ston
can be one of the supported images. You may also want to
have a look at all supported options.
Please note: All builds will be stored in _builds
within smalltalkCI's
directory. You may want to delete single or all builds if you don't need them as
they can take up a lot of space on your drive.
Squeak | Pharo | GemStone | Moose |
Squeak-trunk |
Pharo-alpha |
GemStone-3.3.x |
Moose-trunk |
Squeak-5.1 |
Pharo-stable |
GemStone-3.2.x |
Moose-6.1 |
Squeak-5.0 |
Pharo-6.0 |
GemStone-3.1.0.x |
Moose-6.0 |
Squeak-4.6 |
Pharo-5.0 |
Gemstone-2.4.x |
Squeak-4.5 |
Pharo-4.0 |
Pharo-3.0 |
The following SmalltalkCISpec
will load BaselineOfMyProject
Metacello/FileTree from the ./packages
directory in Squeak, Pharo, and
GemStone. See below how you can [customize your SmalltalkCISpec
SmalltalkCISpec {
#loading : [
SCIMetacelloLoadSpec {
#baseline : 'MyProject',
#directory : 'packages',
#platforms : [ #squeak, #pharo, #gemstone ]
language: smalltalk
sudo: false
# Select operating system(s)
- linux
- osx
# Select compatible Smalltalk image(s)
- Squeak-trunk
- Squeak-5.1
- Squeak-5.0
- Squeak-4.6
- Squeak-4.5
- Pharo-alpha
- Pharo-stable
- Pharo-6.0
- Pharo-5.0
- Pharo-4.0
- Pharo-3.0
- GemStone-3.3.0
- GemStone-3.2.12
- GemStone-
# Uncomment to enable caching (only useful for GemStone builds (3x faster))
# directories:
CYG_ROOT: C:\cygwin
CYG_BASH: C:\cygwin\bin\bash
CYG_CACHE: C:\cygwin\var\cache\setup
CYG_EXE: C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe
SCI_RUN: /cygdrive/c/smalltalkCI-master/
# Currently, only Squeak and Pharo images are supported on AppVeyor.
- SMALLTALK: Squeak-trunk
- SMALLTALK: Squeak-5.0
- SMALLTALK: Pharo-6.0
- SMALLTALK: Pharo-5.0
# ...
- x86
- '%CYG_EXE% -qnNdO -R "%CYG_ROOT%" -s "%CYG_MIRROR%" -l "%CYG_CACHE%" -P unzip'
- ps: Start-FileDownload "" "C:\"
- 7z x C:\ -oC:\ -y > NULL
build: false
- '%CYG_BASH% -lc "cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER; exec 0</dev/null; $SCI_RUN"'
`.travis.yml` template with multiple smalltalkCI configurations
The build matrix can be expanded with multiple smalltalkCI configuration files
using the smalltalk_config
language: smalltalk
sudo: false
- Squeak-trunk
- Pharo-alpha
- .smalltalk.ston
- .bleedingEdge.ston
The .bleedingEdge.ston
configuration may look like this:
SmalltalkCISpec {
#loading : [
SCIMetacelloLoadSpec {
#load : [ 'CoreWithExtras' ],
#version : #bleedingEdge
Smalltalk | Config | OS |
Squeak-trunk |
.smalltalk.ston |
Linux |
Squeak-trunk |
.bleedingEdge.ston |
Linux |
Pharo-alpha |
.smalltalk.ston |
Linux |
Pharo-alpha |
.bleedingEdge.ston |
Linux |
`.travis.yml` template with additional jobs
It is possible to add additional jobs to the build matrix
using the smalltalk_config
language: smalltalk
sudo: false
os: osx
- Squeak-5.1
- Pharo-6.0
- smalltalk: Squeak-trunk
smalltalk_config: .bleedingEdge.ston
- smalltalk: Pharo-alpha
smalltalk_config: .bleedingEdge.ston
allow_failures: # Allow bleeding edge builds to fail
- smalltalk_config: .bleedingEdge.ston
Smalltalk | Config | OS |
Squeak-5.1 |
.smalltalk.ston |
macOS |
Pharo-6.0 |
.smalltalk.ston |
macOS |
Squeak-trunk |
.bleedingEdge.ston |
macOS |
Pharo-alpha |
.bleedingEdge.ston |
macOS |
`appveyor.yml` template with additional jobs
It is possible to add additional jobs to the
build matrix using environment.matrix
as follows:
CYG_ROOT: C:\cygwin
CYG_BASH: C:\cygwin\bin\bash
CYG_CACHE: C:\cygwin\var\cache\setup
CYG_EXE: C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe
SCI_RUN: /cygdrive/c/SMALLTALKCI-master/
- SMALLTALK: Squeak-5.1
- SMALLTALK: Squeak-trunk
SMALLTALK_CONFIG: .bleedingEdge.ston
- SMALLTALK: Pharo-6.0
- SMALLTALK: Pharo-alpha
SMALLTALK_CONFIG: .bleedingEdge.ston
- x86
- '%CYG_EXE% -qnNdO -R "%CYG_ROOT%" -s "%CYG_MIRROR%" -l "%CYG_CACHE%" -P unzip'
- ps: Start-FileDownload "" "C:\"
- 7z x C:\ -oC:\ -y > NULL
build: false
Smalltalk | Config |
Squeak-5.1 |
.smalltalk.ston |
Squeak-trunk |
.bleedingEdge.ston |
Pharo-6.0 |
.smalltalk.ston |
Pharo-alpha |
.bleedingEdge.ston |
smalltalkCI requires a .smalltalk.ston
configuration file which can be
customized for a project to cover various use cases.
The .smalltalk.ston
must be a valid STON file and has to contain a
single SmalltalkCISpec
This object can hold one or more load specifications in
and configurations for the TestCase selection
in #testing
SmalltalkCISpec {
#loading : [
// List Of Load Specifications...
#testing : {
// TestCase Selection...
A SCIMetacelloLoadSpec
loads a project either via the specified Metacello
or the Metacello
. If a #directory
is specified,
the project will be loaded using FileTree/Metacello
from the given directory.
Otherwise, it will be loaded from the specified #repository
SCIMetacelloLoadSpec {
#baseline : 'MyProject', // Define MC Baseline
#configuration : 'MyProject', // Alternatively, define MC Configuration
#directory : 'packages', // Path to packages if FileTree is used
#repository : '', // Alternatively, define MC repository
#onWarningLog : true, // Log Warning messages to Transcript
#failOn : [ #OCUndeclaredVariableWarning ], // Fail build on provided list of Warnings
#useLatestMetacello : true, // Upgrade Metacello before loading
#load : [ 'default' ], // Define MC load attributes
#platforms : [ #squeak, #pharo, #gemstone ], // Define compatible platforms
#version : '1.0.0' // Define MC version (for MC
// Configurations only)
A SCIMonticelloLoadSpec
loads a project with Monticello. It is
possible to load the latest version of packages from a remote repository
) or specific versions (#versions
SCIMonticelloLoadSpec {
#url : '', // Define URL for repository
#packages : ['MyProject-Core', 'MyProject-Tests'], // Load packages and/or
#versions : ['MyProject-Core-aa.12'], // Load specific versions
#platforms : [ #squeak, #pharo, #gemstone ] // Define compatible platforms
A SCIGoferLoadSpec
works similar to a SCIMonticelloLoadSpec
, but uses
Gofer on top of Monticello to load a project.
SCIGoferLoadSpec {
#url : '', // Define URL for repository
#packages : ['MyProject-Core', 'MyProject-Tests'], // Load packages and/or
#versions : ['MyProject-Core-aa.12'], // Load specific versions
#platforms : [ #squeak, #pharo, #gemstone ] // Define compatible platforms
smalltalkCI runs a list of TestCases during a build.
By default, smalltalkCI will use a list of all TestCases that it has loaded into
the image.
It is possible to adjust this list using the #testing
In general, TestCases can be selected on class-level (#classes
), on
category-level (#categories
), on package-level (#packages
) and on
project-level (#projects
, GemStone only).
expects a list of class name symbols, #categories
and #packages
expect category names and prefixes or package names and prefixes respectively.
The default list can be replaced by a list of all TestCases that are present in
the image by setting #allTestCases
to true
Additionally, it is possible to add (#include
) or remove (#exclude
) classes
from this list.
The list can also be specified explicitly which means that only these
TestCases will run.
SmalltalkCISpec {
#testing : {
// Include specific TestCases
#include : {
#classes : [ #AnotherProjectTestCase ],
#categories : [ 'AnotherProject-Tests' ],
#packages : [ 'AnotherProject.*' ],
#projects : [ 'BaselineOfMyProject' ]
// Exclude specific TestCases from testing
#exclude : {
#classes : [ #AnotherProjectTestCase ],
#categories : [ 'AnotherProject-Tests' ],
#packages : [ 'AnotherProject.*' ],
#projects : [ 'ConfigurationOfMyOtherProject' ]
#allTestCases : true, // Run all TestCases in image
// Define TestCases explicitly
#classes : [ #MyProjectTestCase ],
#categories : [ 'MyProject-*' ],
#packages : [ 'MyProject.*' ],
#projects : [ 'BaselineOfMyProject' ],
// Other options
#defaultTimeout : 30, // In seconds (Squeak-only)
#hidePassingTests : true // Hide passing tests when printing to stdout
smalltalkCI has a couple of command line options that can be useful for debugging purposes or when used locally:
USAGE: [options] /path/to/project/your_smalltalk.ston
This program prepares Smalltalk images/vms, loads projects and runs tests.
--clean Clear cache and delete builds.
-d | --debug Enable debug mode.
-h | --help Show this help text.
--headful Open vm in headful mode and do not close image.
--install Install symlink to this smalltalkCI instance.
--no-tracking Disable collection of anonymous build metrics (Travis CI & AppVeyor only).
-s | --smalltalk Overwrite Smalltalk image selection.
--uninstall Remove symlink to any smalltalkCI instance.
-v | --verbose Enable 'set -x'.
EXAMPLE: -s "Squeak-trunk" --headful /path/to/project/.smalltalk.ston
smalltalkCI collects anonymous build metrics (Smalltalk dialect, CI environment,
build status, build duration) for public repositories when running on Travis CI
or AppVeyor.
This allows to identify build errors caused by smalltalkCI updates and
therefore helps to improve the service. It is possible to opt-out by using the
Jobs on Travis CI timeout if they don't produce output for
more than 10 minutes. In case of long running tests, it
is possible to increase this timeout by setting $SMALLTALK_CI_TIMEOUT
in your
to a value greater than 10:
The above sets the timeout to 30 minutes. Please note that Travis CI enforces a total build timeout of 50 minutes.
By default, the smalltalkCI master branch is used to perform a build. It is
possible to select a different smalltalkCI branch or fork for testing/debugging
purposes by adding the following to the .travis.yml
source: hpi-swa/smalltalkCI
branch: dev
Please feel free to open issues or to send pull requests if you'd like to discuss an idea or a problem.
In alphabetical order:
- @Cormas: Cormas.
- @dalehenrich: obex, tode.
- @DuneSt: Heimdall, MaterialDesignLite, PrismCodeDisplayer.
- @dynacase: borm-editor, borm-model, borm-persistence, class-editor, demo-editor, dynacase, dynacase-model, fsm-editor.
- @HPI-BP2015H: squeak-parable.
- @HPI-SWA-Teaching: Algernon-Launcher.
- @hpi-swa: animations, Ohm-S, vivide.
- @marianopeck: OSSubprocess, FFICHeaderExtractor.
- @pharo-project: pharo-project-proposals.
- @PolyMathOrg: PolyMath.
- @SeasideSt: Grease, Parasol, Seaside.
- @SergeStinckwich: PlayerST.
- @theseion: Fuel.
- @Uko: GitHubcello, QualityAssistant, Renraku.
- @UMMISCO: Kendrick.
- @zecke: osmo-smsc.
- More Projects...
Feel free to send a PR to add your Smalltalk project to the
list. Please add [ci skip]
to your commit message.