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+ "title": "How to use quantum arithmetic operators",
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "username": "gmlejarza"
+ },
+ {
+ "username": "KetPuntoG"
+ }
+ ],
+ "dateOfPublication": "2024-11-05T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "dateOfLastModification": "2024-11-05T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "categories": [
+ "Quantum Computing",
+ "Algorithms",
+ "How-to"
+ ],
+ "tags": [],
+ "previewImages": [
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+ ],
+ "seoDescription": "Learn how to use the quantum arithmetic operators of PennyLane.",
+ "doi": "",
+ "references": [
+ {
+ "id": "shor_exp",
+ "type": "article",
+ "title": "Shor's Factoring Algorithm and Modular Exponentiation Operators",
+ "authors": "Robert L Singleton Jr",
+ "year": "2023",
+ "publisher": "",
+ "url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09122/"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "sanders",
+ "type": "article",
+ "title": "Black-box quantum state preparation without arithmetic",
+ "authors": "Yuval R. Sanders, Guang Hao Low, Artur Scherer, Dominic W. Berry",
+ "year": "2018",
+ "publisher": "",
+ "url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.03206/"
+ }
+ ],
+ "basedOnPapers": [],
+ "referencedByPapers": [],
+ "relatedContent": [
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+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_qft_arithmetics",
+ "weight": 1.0
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+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_how_to_use_registers",
+ "weight": 1.0
+ }
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+How to use quantum arithmetic operators
+Classical computers handle arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and exponentiation with ease.
+For instance, you can multiply large numbers on your phone in milliseconds!
+`Quantum computers `__ can handle these operations too, but their true value lies beyond basic calculations.
+Quantum arithmetic plays a crucial role in more advanced quantum algorithms,
+serving as fundamental building blocks in their design and execution. For example:
+1. In `Shor's algorithm `__ quantum arithmetic is crucial for performing modular exponentiation [#shor_exp]_.
+2. :doc:`Grover's algorithm ` might need to use quantum arithmetic to construct oracles, as shown in `this related demo `_.
+3. Loading data or preparing initial states on a quantum computer often requires several quantum arithmetic operations [#sanders]_.
+With PennyLane, you will see how easy it is to build quantum arithmetic operations as subroutines for your algorithms.
+Knowing your way around these operators could be just the thing to streamline your algorithm design!
+.. figure:: ../_static/demo_thumbnails/opengraph_demo_thumbnails/OGthumbnail_how_to_use_quantum_arithmetic_operators.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 70%
+ :target: javascript:void(0)
+In-place and out-place arithmetic operations
+Let's begin by defining the terms *in-place* and *out-place* in the context of arithmetic operators.
+In-place operators, like the :class:`~.pennylane.Adder` and :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier`, directly modify the original quantum state by updating a
+specific register's state. In contrast, out-place operators, such as the :class:`~.pennylane.OutAdder` and :class:`~.pennylane.OutMultiplier`,
+combine multiple states and store the result in a new register, leaving the original states unchanged. Both kinds of operators are
+illustrated in the following figure.
+.. figure:: ../_static/demonstration_assets/how_to_use_quantum_arithmetic_operators/in_outplace.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 90%
+In quantum computing, all arithmetic operations are inherently `modular `_.
+The default behavior in PennyLane is to perform operations modulo :math:`2^n`,
+where :math:`n` is the number of wires in the register. For example, if :math:`n=6`, we have :math:`(32 + 43) = 75 = 11 \mod 64`, (since :math:`2^6 = 64`).
+That means that quantum registers of :math:`n` wires can represent numbers up to :math:`2^n`.
+However, users can specify a custom value smaller than this default. It's important to keep this modular behavior
+in mind when working with quantum arithmetic, as using
+too few qubits in a quantum register could lead to overflow issues. We will come back to this point later.
+Addition operators
+There are two addition operators in PennyLane: :class:`~.pennylane.Adder` and :class:`~.pennylane.OutAdder`.
+The :class:`~.pennylane.Adder` operator performs an in-place operation, adding an integer value :math:`k` to the state of the wires :math:`|x \rangle`. It is defined as:
+.. math::
+ \text{Adder}(k) |x \rangle = | x+k \rangle.
+On the other hand, the :class:`~.pennylane.OutAdder` operator performs an out-place operation, where the states of two
+wires, :math:`|x \rangle` and :math:`|y \rangle`, are
+added together and the result is stored in a third register:
+.. math::
+ \text{OutAdder} |x \rangle |y \rangle |0 \rangle = |x \rangle |y \rangle |x + y \rangle.
+To implement these operators in PennyLane, the first step is to define the `registers of wires `_
+we will work with. We define wires for input registers, the output register, and also additional ``work_wires`` that will be important when we later discuss the :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier` operator.
+import pennylane as qml
+# we indicate the name of the registers and their number of qubits.
+wires = qml.registers({"x": 4, "y":4, "output":6,"work_wires": 4})
+# Now, we write a circuit to prepare the state :math:`|x \rangle|y \rangle|0 \rangle`, which will be needed for the out-place
+# operation, where we initialize specific values to :math:`x` and :math:`y`. Note that in this example we use computational basis states, but
+# you could introduce any quantum state as input.
+def product_basis_state(x=0,y=0):
+ qml.BasisState(x, wires=wires["x"])
+ qml.BasisState(y, wires=wires["y"])
+dev = qml.device("default.qubit", shots=1)
+def circuit(x,y):
+ product_basis_state(x, y)
+ return [qml.sample(wires=wires[name]) for name in ["x", "y", "output"]]
+# Since the arithmetic operations are deterministic, a single shot is enough to sample
+# from the circuit and extract the expected state in the output register.
+# Next, for understandability, we will use an auxiliary function that will
+# take one sample from the circuit and return the associated decimal number.
+def state_to_decimal(binary_array):
+ # Convert a binary array to a decimal number
+ return sum(bit * (2 ** idx) for idx, bit in enumerate(reversed(binary_array)))
+# In this example we are setting :math:`x=1` and :math:`y=4` and checking that the results are as expected.
+output = circuit(x=1,y=4)
+print("x register: ", output[0]," (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(output[0]), " (decimal)")
+print("y register: ", output[1]," (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(output[1]), " (decimal)")
+print("output register: ", output[2]," (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(output[2]), " (decimal)")
+# Now we can implement an example for the :class:`~.pennylane.Adder` operator. We will add the integer :math:`5` to the ``wires["x"]`` register
+# that stores the state :math:`|x \rangle=|1 \rangle`.
+def circuit(x):
+ product_basis_state(x) # |x>
+ qml.Adder(5, wires["x"]) # |x+5>
+ return qml.sample(wires=wires["x"])
+print(circuit(x=1), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=1))," (decimal)")
+# We obtained the result :math:`5+1=6`, as expected. At this point, it's worth taking a moment to look
+# at the decomposition of the circuit into quantum gates and operators.
+fig, _ = qml.draw_mpl(circuit, decimals = 2, style = "pennylane", level='device')(x=1)
+# From the :class:`~.pennylane.Adder` circuit we can see that the addition is performed
+# in the Fourier basis. This includes a quantum Fourier transformation (QFT) followed by rotations to perform the addition, and
+# concludes with an inverse QFT transformation. A more detailed explanation on the decomposition of arithmetic operators can be found in
+# `the PennyLane Demo on quantum arithmetic with the QFT `_.
+# Now, let's see an example for the :class:`~.pennylane.OutAdder` operator to add the states
+# :math:`|x \rangle` and :math:`|y \rangle` to the output register.
+def circuit(x,y):
+ product_basis_state(x, y) # |x> |y> |0>
+ qml.OutAdder(wires["x"], wires["y"], wires["output"]) # |x> |y> |x+y>
+ return qml.sample(wires=wires["output"])
+print(circuit(x=2,y=3), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=2,y=3)), " (decimal)")
+# We obtained the result :math:`2+3=5`, as expected.
+# Multiplication operators
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# There are two multiplication operators in PennyLane: the :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier` and the :class:`~.pennylane.OutMultiplier`.
+# The class :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier` performs an in-place operation, multiplying the state of the wires :math:`|x \rangle` by an integer :math:`k`. It is defined as:
+# .. math::
+# \text{Multiplier}(k) |x \rangle = | kx \rangle.
+# The :class:`~.pennylane.OutMultiplier` performs an out-place operation, where the states of two
+# registers, :math:`|x \rangle` and :math:`|y \rangle`,
+# are multiplied together and the result is stored in a third register:
+# .. math::
+# \text{OutMultiplier} |x \rangle |y \rangle |0 \rangle = |x \rangle |y \rangle |xy \rangle.
+# We proceed to implement these operators in PennyLane. First, let's see an example for the
+# :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier` operator. We will multiply the state :math:`|x \rangle=|2 \rangle` by
+# the integer :math:`k=3`:
+def circuit(x):
+ product_basis_state(x) # |x>
+ qml.Multiplier(3, wires["x"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"]) # |3x>
+ return qml.sample(wires=wires["x"])
+print(circuit(x=2), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=2))," (decimal)")
+# We got the expected result of :math:`3 \cdot 2 = 6`.
+# Now, let's look at an example using the :class:`~.pennylane.OutMultiplier` operator to multiply the states :math:`|x \rangle` and
+# :math:`|y \rangle`, storing the result in the output register.
+def circuit(x,y):
+ product_basis_state(x, y) # |x> |y> |0>
+ qml.OutMultiplier(wires["x"], wires["y"], wires["output"]) # |x> |y> |xy>
+ return qml.sample(wires=wires["output"])
+print(circuit(x=4,y=2), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=4,y=2))," (decimal)")
+# Nice! Modular subtraction and division can also be implemented as the inverses of addition and
+# multiplication, respectively. The inverse of a quantum circuit can be implemented with the
+# :func:`~.pennylane.adjoint` operator. Let's see an example of modular subtraction.
+def circuit(x):
+ product_basis_state(x) # |x>
+ qml.adjoint(qml.Adder(3, wires["x"])) # |x-3>
+ return qml.sample(wires=wires["x"])
+print(circuit(x=6), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=6)), " (decimal)")
+# As predicted, this gives us :math:`6-3=3`.
+# Implementing a polynomial on a quantum computer
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Now that you are familiar with these operations, let's take it a step further and see how we can use them for something more complicated.
+# We will explore how to implement a polynomial function on a quantum computer using basic arithmetic.
+# In particular, we will use :math:`f(x,y)= 4 + 3xy + 5 x+ 3 y` as an example, where the variables :math:`x` and
+# :math:`y` are integer values. Therefore, the operator we want to build is:
+# .. math::
+# U|x\rangle |y\rangle |0\rangle = |x\rangle |y\rangle |4 + 3xy + 5x + 3y\rangle.
+# We will show how to implement this circuit in two different ways: first, by concatenating simple modular arithmetic operators,
+# and finally, using the :class:`~.pennylane.OutPoly` operator.
+# Concatenating arithmetic operations
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Let's start by defining the arithmetic operations to apply the function :math:`f(x,y) = 4 + 3xy + 5x + 3y` into a quantum state.
+# First, we need to define a function that will add the term :math:`3xy` to the output register. We will use
+# the :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier` and :class:`~.pennylane.OutMultiplier` operators for this. Also, we will employ the
+# adjoint function to undo certain multiplications, since :math:`U` does not modify the input registers.
+def adding_3xy():
+ # |x> ---> |3x>
+ qml.Multiplier(3, wires["x"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"])
+ # |3x>|y>|0> ---> |3x>|y>|3xy>
+ qml.OutMultiplier(wires["x"], wires["y"], wires["output"])
+ # We return the x-register to its original value using the adjoint operation
+ # |3x>|y>|3xy> ---> |x>|y>|3xy>
+ qml.adjoint(qml.Multiplier)(3, wires["x"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"])
+# Then we need to add the term :math:`5x + 3y` to the output register, which can be done by using the
+# :class:`~.pennylane.Multiplier` and :class:`~.pennylane.OutAdder` operators.
+def adding_5x_3y():
+ # |x>|y> ---> |5x>|3y>
+ qml.Multiplier(5, wires["x"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"])
+ qml.Multiplier(3, wires["y"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"])
+ # |5x>|3y>|0> ---> |5x>|3y>|5x + 3y>
+ qml.OutAdder(wires["x"], wires["y"], wires["output"])
+ # We return the x and y registers to their original value using the adjoint operation
+ # |5x>|3y>|5x + 3y> ---> |x>|y>|5x + 3y>
+ qml.adjoint(qml.Multiplier)(5, wires["x"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"])
+ qml.adjoint(qml.Multiplier)(3, wires["y"], work_wires=wires["work_wires"])
+# Now we can combine all these circuits to implement the transformation by the polynomial :math:`f(x,y)= 4 + 3xy + 5 x+ 3 y`.
+def circuit(x,y):
+ product_basis_state(x, y) # |x> |y> |0>
+ qml.Adder(4, wires["output"]) # |x> |y> |4>
+ adding_3xy() # |x> |y> |4 + 3xy>
+ adding_5x_3y() # |x> |y> |4 + 3xy + 5x + 3y>
+ return qml.sample(wires=wires["output"])
+print(circuit(x=1,y=4), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=1,y=4)), " (decimal)")
+# Cool, we get the correct result, :math:`f(1,4)=33`.
+# At this point, it's interesting to consider what would happen if we had chosen a smaller number of wires for the output.
+# For instance, if we had selected one wire fewer, we would have obtained the result :math:`33 \mod 2^5 = 1`.
+wires = qml.registers({"x": 4, "y": 4, "output": 5,"work_wires": 4})
+print(circuit(x=1,y=4), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit(x=1,y=4)), " (decimal)")
+# With one fewer wire, we get :math:`1`, just like we predicted. Remember, we are working with modular arithmetic!
+# Using the OutPoly function
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# There is a more direct method to apply polynomial transformations in PennyLane:
+# using :class:`~.pennylane.OutPoly`.
+# This operator automatically takes care of all the arithmetic under the hood.
+# Let's check out how to apply a function like :math:`f(x, y)` using :class:`~.pennylane.OutPoly`.
+# We will start by explicitly defining our function.
+def f(x, y):
+ return 4 + 3*x*y + 5*x + 3*y
+# Now, we create a quantum circuit using :class:`~.pennylane.OutPoly`.
+wires = qml.registers({"x": 4, "y":4, "output":6})
+def circuit_with_Poly(x,y):
+ product_basis_state(x, y) # |x> |y> |0>
+ qml.OutPoly(
+ f,
+ input_registers= [wires["x"], wires["y"]],
+ output_wires = wires["output"]) # |x> |y> |4 + 3xy + 5x + 3y>
+ return qml.sample(wires = wires["output"])
+print(circuit_with_Poly(x=1,y=4), " (binary) ---> ", state_to_decimal(circuit_with_Poly(x=1,y=4)), " (decimal)")
+# You can decide, depending on the problem you are tackling, whether to go for the versatility
+# of defining your own arithmetic operations or the convenience of using the :class:`~.pennylane.OutPoly` function.
+# Conclusion
+# ------------------------------------------
+# Understanding and implementing quantum arithmetic is a key step toward unlocking the full potential
+# of quantum computing. By leveraging quantum arithmetic operations in PennyLane, you can streamline
+# the coding of your quantum algorithms. So,
+# whether you choose to customize your arithmetic operations or take advantage of the built-in
+# convenience offered by PennyLane
+# operators, you are now equipped to tackle the exciting quantum challenges ahead.
+# References
+# ----------
+# .. [#shor_exp]
+# Robert L Singleton Jr
+# "Shor's Factoring Algorithm and Modular Exponentiation Operators.",
+# `arXiv:2306.09122 `__, 2023.
+# .. [#sanders]
+# Yuval R. Sanders, Guang Hao Low, Artur Scherer, Dominic W. Berry
+# "Black-box quantum state preparation without arithmetic.",
+# `arXiv:1807.03206 `__, 2018.