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+ "title": "How to quantum just-in-time (QJIT) compile Grover's algorithm with Catalyst",
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "username": "joeycarter"
+ }
+ ],
+ "dateOfPublication": "2024-11-07T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "dateOfLastModification": "2024-11-07T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "categories": [
+ "Algorithms",
+ "Devices and Performance",
+ "How-to",
+ "Quantum Computing"
+ ],
+ "tags": [],
+ "previewImages": [
+ {
+ "type": "thumbnail",
+ "uri": "/_static/demo_thumbnails/regular_demo_thumbnails/thumbnail_qjit_compile_grovers_algorithm_with_catalyst.png"
+ },
+ {
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+ "uri": "/_static/demo_thumbnails/large_demo_thumbnails/thumbnail_large_qjit_compile_grovers_algorithm_with_catalyst.png"
+ }
+ ],
+ "seoDescription": "See how to use Catalyst to just-in-time (QJIT) compile a PennyLane circuit implementing Grover's algorithm.",
+ "doi": "",
+ "references": [
+ {
+ "id": "Grover1996",
+ "type": "article",
+ "title": "A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search",
+ "authors": "L. K. Grover",
+ "year": "1996",
+ "journal": "Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing",
+ "doi": "10.1145/237814.237866"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "NandC2000",
+ "type": "book",
+ "title": "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information",
+ "authors": "M. A. Nielsen, and I. L. Chuang",
+ "year": "2000",
+ "publisher": "Cambridge University Press",
+ "journal": "",
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "basedOnPapers": [],
+ "referencedByPapers": [],
+ "relatedContent": [
+ {
+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_grovers_algorithm",
+ "weight": 1.0
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_how_to_quantum_just_in_time_compile_vqe_catalyst",
+ "weight": 1.0
+ }
+ ]
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+How to quantum just-in-time (QJIT) compile Grover's algorithm with Catalyst
+# `Grover's algorithm `__ is an `oracle
+# `__-based quantum algorithm, first
+# proposed by Lov Grover in 1996 [#Grover1996]_, to solve unstructured search problems using a
+# `quantum computer `__. For example, we could use
+# Grover's algorithm to search for a phone number in a randomly ordered database containing
+# :math:`N` entries and say (with high probability) that the database contains that number by
+# performing :math:`O(\sqrt{N})` queries on the database, whereas a classical search algorithm would
+# require :math:`O(N)` queries to perform the same task.
+# More formally, the *unstructured search problem* is defined as a search for a string of bits in a
+# list containing :math:`N` items given an *oracle access function* :math:`f(x).` This function is
+# defined such that :math:`f(x) = 1` if :math:`x` is the bitstring we are looking for (the
+# *solution*), and :math:`f(x) = 0` otherwise. The generalized form of Grover's algorithm accepts
+# :math:`M` solutions, with :math:`1 \leq M \leq N.`
+# In this tutorial, we will implement the generalized Grover's algorithm using `Catalyst
+# `__, a quantum just-in-time (QJIT) compiler framework
+# for PennyLane, which makes it possible to compile, optimize, and execute hybrid quantum–classical
+# workflows. We will also measure the performance improvement we get from using Catalyst with
+# respect to the native Python implementation and show that the runtime performance of circuits
+# compiled with Catalyst can be approximately an order of magnitude faster.
+# .. figure:: ../_static/demo_thumbnails/opengraph_demo_thumbnails/OGthumbnail_qjit_compile_grovers_algorithm_with_catalyst.png
+# :align: center
+# :width: 70%
+# :target: javascript:void(0)
+# Generalized Grover's algorithm with PennyLane
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# In the :doc:`Grover's Algorithm ` tutorial, we saw how to implement
+# the generalized Grover's algorithm in PennyLane. The procedure is as follows:
+# #. Initialize the system to an equal superposition over all states.
+# #. Perform :math:`r(N, M)` *Grover iterations*:
+# #. Apply the unitary *oracle operator*, :math:`U_\omega,` implemented using
+# :class:`~.pennylane.FlipSign`, for each solution index :math:`\omega.`
+# #. Apply the *Grover diffusion operator*, :math:`U_D,` implemented using
+# :class:`~.pennylane.GroverOperator`.
+# #. Measure the resulting quantum state in the computational basis.
+# We also saw (in Ref. [#NandC2000]_) that the optimal number of Grover iterations to find the
+# solution is given by
+# .. math:: r(N, M) \approx \left \lceil \frac{\pi}{4} \sqrt{\frac{N}{M}} \right \rceil .
+# For simplicity, throughout the rest of this tutorial we will consider the search for the :math:`M
+# = 2` solution states :math:`\vert 0\rangle ^{\otimes n}` and :math:`\vert 1\rangle ^{\otimes n},`
+# where :math:`n = \log_2 N` is the number of qubits, in a "database" of size :math:`N = 2^n`
+# containing all possible :math:`n`-qubit states.
+# First, we'll import the required packages and define the Grover's algorithm circuit, as we did in
+# the :doc:`previous tutorial `.
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import pennylane as qml
+def equal_superposition(wires):
+ for wire in wires:
+ qml.Hadamard(wires=wire)
+def oracle(wires, omega):
+ qml.FlipSign(omega, wires=wires)
+def num_grover_iterations(N, M):
+ return np.ceil(np.sqrt(N / M) * np.pi / 4).astype(int)
+def grover_circuit(num_qubits):
+ wires = list(range(num_qubits))
+ omega = np.array([np.zeros(num_qubits), np.ones(num_qubits)])
+ M = len(omega)
+ N = 2**num_qubits
+ # Initial state preparation
+ equal_superposition(wires)
+ # Grover iterations
+ for _ in range(num_grover_iterations(N, M)):
+ for omg in omega:
+ oracle(wires, omg)
+ qml.templates.GroverOperator(wires)
+ return qml.probs(wires=wires)
+# We'll begin with a circuit defined using the default state-simulator device, ``"default.qubit"``,
+# as our baseline. See the documentation in :func:`~.pennylane.device` for a list of other supported
+# devices. To run our performance benchmarks, we'll increase the number of qubits in our circuit to
+# :math:`n = 12.`
+dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=NUM_QUBITS)
+def circuit_default_qubit():
+ return grover_circuit(NUM_QUBITS)
+results = circuit_default_qubit()
+# Let's quickly confirm that Grover's algorithm correctly identified the solution states
+# :math:`\vert 0\rangle ^{\otimes n}` and :math:`\vert 1\rangle ^{\otimes n}` as the most likely
+# states to be measured.
+def most_probable_states_descending(probs, N):
+ """Returns the indices of the N most probable states in descending order."""
+ if N > len(probs):
+ raise ValueError("N cannot be greater than the length of the probs array.")
+ return np.argsort(probs)[-N:][::-1]
+def print_most_probable_states_descending(probs, N):
+ """Prints the most probable states and their probabilities in descending order."""
+ for i in most_probable_states_descending(probs, N):
+ print(f"Prob of state '{i:0{NUM_QUBITS}b}': {probs[i]:.4g}")
+print_most_probable_states_descending(results, N=2)
+# It worked! We are now ready to QJIT compile our Grover's algorithm circuit.
+# Quantum just-in-time compiling the circuit
+# ------------------------------------------
+# Catalyst is developed natively for `PennyLane's high-performance simulators
+# `__ and, at the time of writing, does not support the
+# ``"default.qubit"`` state-simulator device. Let's first define a new circuit using `Lightning
+# `__, which is a PennyLane plugin that provides more
+# performant state simulators written in C++. See the :doc:`Catalyst documentation
+# ` for the full list of devices supported by Catalyst.
+dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=NUM_QUBITS)
+def circuit_lightning():
+ return grover_circuit(NUM_QUBITS)
+# Then, to QJIT compile our circuit with Catalyst, we simply wrap it with :func:`~pennylane.qjit`.
+circuit_qjit = qml.qjit(circuit_lightning)
+# .. note::
+# The Catalyst :class:`~.qjit` decorator supports capturing control flow when specified using
+# the :func:`~pennylane.for_loop`, :func:`~pennylane.while_loop`, and :func:`~pennylane.cond`
+# functions, or additionally, can automatically capture native Python control flow via
+# experimental :doc:`AutoGraph ` support.
+# In this tutorial, however, you'll notice that our ``grover_circuit`` function is able to use
+# native Python control flow without the need to convert the Python ``for`` loops to the
+# QJIT-compatible :func:`~.for_loop`, for instance, and without using AutoGraph. The reason we
+# are able to do so here is twofold:
+# * The circuit we have compiled, ``circuit_lightning``, is *unparameterized*, meaning it takes
+# in no input arguments. Thus, the control flow of the circuit does not depend on any dynamic
+# variables (whose values are known only at run time).
+# * The ranges of the ``for`` loops depend only on static variables (i.e., constants known at
+# compile time), in this case Python-native numerics and lists, and NumPy arrays.
+# Hence, the complete control flow of the circuit is known at compile time, which allows us to
+# use native Python control-flow statements.
+# See the :doc:`Sharp bits and debugging tips ` section of the Catalyst
+# documentation for more details on this subject.
+# We now have our QJIT object, ``circuit_qjit``. A small detail to note in this case is that because
+# the function ``circuit_lightning`` takes no input arguments, Catalyst will, in fact,
+# *ahead-of-time* (AOT) compile the circuit at instantiation, meaning that when we call this QJIT
+# object for the first time, the compilation will have already taken place, and Catalyst will
+# execute the compiled code. With JIT compilation, by contrast, the compilation is triggered at the
+# first call site rather than at instantiation. See the `Compilation Modes
+# `__
+# documentation in the :doc:`Catalyst Quick Start ` guide for more
+# information on the difference between JIT and AOT compilation.
+# The compilation step will incur some runtime overhead, which we will measure below. Let's first
+# call the compiled circuit and confirm that we get the same results.
+results_qjit = circuit_qjit()
+print_most_probable_states_descending(results_qjit, N=2)
+# Indeed, we get the same results as before: the compiled circuit has correctly identified the
+# solution states :math:`\vert 0\rangle ^{\otimes n}` and :math:`\vert 1\rangle ^{\otimes n}` as the
+# most likely states to be measured. We can also compare the results more rigorously by comparing
+# element-wise the computed probability of every state (within the given floating-point tolerance):
+results_are_equal = np.allclose(results, results_qjit, atol=1e-12)
+print(f"Native-Python and compiled circuits yield same results? {results_are_equal}")
+# Success!
+# Benchmarking
+# ------------
+# Let's start profiling the circuits we have defined. We have four function executions in total to
+# profile:
+# #. Executing the circuit using ``"default.qubit"``.
+# #. Executing the circuit using ``"lightning.qubit"``.
+# #. Compiling the circuit with Catalyst, to measure the AOT compilation overhead.
+# #. Calls to the QJIT-compiled circuit, to measure the circuit execution time.
+# We'll use the `timeit `__ module part of the Python
+# Standard Library to measure the runtimes. To improve the statistical precision of these
+# measurements, we'll repeat the operations for items (2) and (4) five times; item (1) is slow, and
+# item (3) is only run once by construction, so we will not repeat these operations.
+import timeit
+runtimes_native_default = timeit.repeat(
+ "circuit_default_qubit()",
+ globals={"circuit_default_qubit": circuit_default_qubit},
+ number=1,
+ repeat=1,
+runtimes_native_lightning = timeit.repeat(
+ "circuit_lightning()",
+ globals={"circuit_lightning": circuit_lightning},
+ number=1,
+ repeat=NUM_REPS,
+runtimes_compilation = timeit.repeat(
+ "qml.qjit(circuit_lightning)",
+ setup="import pennylane as qml",
+ globals={"circuit_lightning": circuit_lightning},
+ number=1,
+ repeat=1,
+runtimes_qjit_call = timeit.repeat(
+ "_circuit_qjit()",
+ setup="import pennylane as qml; _circuit_qjit = qml.qjit(circuit_lightning);",
+ globals={"circuit_lightning": circuit_lightning},
+ number=1,
+ repeat=NUM_REPS,
+run_names = [
+ "Native (default.qubit)",
+ "Native (lightning.qubit)",
+ "QJIT compilation",
+ "QJIT call",
+run_names_display = [name.replace(" ", "\n", 1) for name in run_names]
+runtimes = [
+ np.mean(runtimes_native_default),
+ np.mean(runtimes_native_lightning),
+ np.mean(runtimes_compilation),
+ np.mean(runtimes_qjit_call),
+def std_err(x):
+ """Standard error = sample standard deviation / sqrt(sample size)"""
+ if len(x) == 1:
+ return np.nan
+ return np.std(x, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(x))
+runtimes_err = [
+ std_err(runtimes_native_default),
+ std_err(runtimes_native_lightning),
+ std_err(runtimes_compilation),
+ std_err(runtimes_qjit_call),
+for i in range(len(run_names)):
+ print(f"{run_names[i]} runtime: ({runtimes[i]:.4g} +/- {runtimes_err[i]:.2g}) s")
+# Let's plot these runtimes as a bar chart to compare them visually.
+fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8.0, 4.8])
+plt.title("Grover's Algorithm Runtime Benchmarks")
+bars = plt.bar(run_names_display, runtimes, color="#70CEFF")
+ run_names_display, runtimes, yerr=runtimes_err, fmt="None", capsize=2.0, c="k"
+plt.bar_label(bars, fmt="{:#.2g} s", padding=5)
+plt.xlabel("Function Executed")
+plt.ylabel("Runtime [s]")
+ 0.98,
+ 0.98,
+ f"Number of qubits, $n = {NUM_QUBITS}$",
+ ha="right",
+ va="top",
+ transform=plt.gca().transAxes,
+# This plot illustrates the power of Catalyst: by simply wrapping our Grover's algorithm circuit as
+# a QJIT-compiled object (or AOT-compiled in this case) with :func:`~pennylane.qjit`, we have
+# achieved execution runtimes approximately an order of magnitude shorter than the PennyLane circuit
+# implemented using the ``"lightning.qubit"`` device.
+# There is one important caveat in this example, however, which is that the compilation step itself
+# takes several times longer than the time it takes to run the circuit using the Lightning state
+# simulator directly. This is an important factor to consider when deciding whether to QJIT compile
+# your own circuits in performance-critical applications. In the case of Grover's algorithm, we only
+# needed to execute the circuit once to obtain the solution, so the runtime incurred in the
+# compilation step offsets the gain in the compiled circuit's execution time. However, should it be
+# necessary to execute your own quantum circuit many times, the runtime savings are compounded with
+# every subsequent call to the compiled circuit. Since the compilation step only needs to be
+# performed once, the *total* runtime of the QJIT workflow may begin to outperform the baseline
+# Lightning workflow as the number of circuit executions increases. [*]_
+# Conclusion
+# -----------
+# This tutorial has demonstrated how to just-in-time compile a quantum circuit implementing the
+# generalized Grover's algorithm using `Catalyst `__.
+# For a circuit with :math:`n = 12` qubits, analogous to a search in a randomly ordered "database"
+# containing :math:`N = 2^{12} = 4096` entries, Catalyst offers a circuit-execution runtime
+# performance approximately an order of magnitude better than the same circuit implemented using the
+# Lightning state-simulator device, with the caveat that the compilation step itself incurs some
+# runtime over the workflow with a direct call to the Lightning-implemented circuit.
+# To learn more about Catalyst and how to use it to compile and optimize your quantum programs and
+# workflows, check out the :doc:`Catalyst Quick Start ` guide.
+# References
+# ----------
+# .. [#Grover1996]
+# L. K. Grover (1996) "A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search". `Proceedings of
+# the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. STOC '96. Philadelphia,
+# Pennsylvania, USA: Association for Computing Machinery: 212–219
+# `__.
+# (arXiv: `9605043 [quant-ph] `__)
+# .. [#NandC2000]
+# M. A. Nielsen, and I. L. Chuang (2000) "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information",
+# Cambridge University Press.
+# Footnotes
+# ---------
+# .. [*]
+# The performance improvements that can be achieved with QJIT compilation will depend on the
+# specific size and topology of your PennyLane circuit.