Smart charger for universal Li-Ion battery pack charging
- 1 to 12S Li-Ion charging
- Storage mode charging (no discharging)
- User friendly menu
- Safety features for battery, charger ans power supply protection
- Charge current ramp up
- End of charge detection
- Web server for remote monitoring and control (using Wifi)
- FW update OTA (using Wifi)
- 5V hacked on the USB charger -> pin 5V
- 0V hacked on the USB charger -> pin GND
- CLK -> pin 22
- Data -> pin 21
- RST -> pin 27
- GND -> GND
- Vin -> 5V bus
- Down button -> pin 13
- Enter button -> pin 14
- Up button -> pin 12
- Common pin -> GND
- Tx (yellow wire) -> pin 16
- Rx (black wire) -> pin 17
- GND (green wire) -> GND
- 3.3V from DPS (red) -> DO NOT CONNECT (isolate it instead)
- Signal -> pin 26
- Vdd -> 5V bus
- GND -> GND