- node.js
- OLA ( Open Lighting Architecture )
install homebrew then
brew install node
brew install libftdi
brew install libftdi0
git clone https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola.git
cd ola
autoreconf -i
make check
sudo make install
cd ~/.ola
# disable opendmx and usbserial
## run this https://www.enttec.com/?main_menu=Products&pn=70304&show=faq
## and then disable ~/.ola/ola-opendmx.conf and enable ~/.ola/ola-ftdidmx.conf
olad -f
then, open http://localhost:9090/
and set up devices to universe
NOTE: don't stay in DMX Console tab. it also sending dmx signals continuously as long as it's been opened.
git clone https://github.com/Peatix/node-colorsync-ola
open a source code view of running reception screen, and find out the lines like below
var csc = new ColorSyncClient({
server: 'ws://colorsync.peatix.com/5816/reception?uid=5'
, token: 'eUSgNOcQKAlPZWqFDxcVQQJy8ubVCEI5'
, onjoin: function (res) {
run app with the server address and token which get by the step above, and DMX Universe and addresses
$ node ./index.js ws://colorsync.peatix.com/12345/reception/uid=12345 abcdefghogehogehoge <dmxuniverse> <dmxaddress> [<dmxaddress>...]