diff --git a/Examples/1.HelloWorld/FMXCli/FMXClient.dproj b/Examples/1.HelloWorld/FMXCli/FMXClient.dproj
index 37d5299b..fd8c24e2 100644
--- a/Examples/1.HelloWorld/FMXCli/FMXClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/1.HelloWorld/FMXCli/FMXClient.dproj
@@ -575,21 +575,19 @@
- Default-736h@3x.png
- FMXClient
- ic_launcher.png
+ Default-736h@3x.png
@@ -598,8 +596,9 @@
+ FMXClient
@@ -636,8 +635,9 @@
+ ic_launcher.png
diff --git a/Examples/11.ZDBDemo_SmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchDataClient.dproj b/Examples/11.ZDBDemo_SmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchDataClient.dproj
index 767aa36b..289638d8 100644
--- a/Examples/11.ZDBDemo_SmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchDataClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/11.ZDBDemo_SmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchDataClient.dproj
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
@@ -393,9 +393,9 @@
- FMXBatchDataClient
+ FMXBatchDataClient.exe
@@ -459,6 +459,11 @@
+ true
@@ -475,11 +480,6 @@
- true
@@ -611,14 +611,14 @@
- FMXBatchDataClient.exe
+ FMXBatchDataClient
diff --git a/Examples/12.ZDBDemo_PictureAndSmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchPictureDataClient.dproj b/Examples/12.ZDBDemo_PictureAndSmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchPictureDataClient.dproj
index ead5abed..79116150 100644
--- a/Examples/12.ZDBDemo_PictureAndSmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchPictureDataClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/12.ZDBDemo_PictureAndSmallJson/FMXBatchDataClient/FMXBatchPictureDataClient.dproj
@@ -387,9 +387,8 @@
- Default-Landscape@2x.png
@@ -403,15 +402,13 @@
- Info.plist
- FMXBatchPictureDataClient
@@ -480,12 +477,12 @@
@@ -584,50 +581,53 @@
+ Default-Landscape@2x.png
- Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png
+ FMXBatchPictureDataClient
- Default-736h@3x.png
+ Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png
+ Info.plist
+ Default-736h@3x.png
diff --git a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.dpr b/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.dpr
deleted file mode 100644
index c53c7a4c..00000000
--- a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.dpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-program DMDemo;
- System.StartUpCopy,
- FMX.Forms,
- DMDemoFrm in 'DMDemoFrm.pas' {DMDemoForm},
- UserDataModuleUnit in 'UserDataModuleUnit.pas',
- NumberBase in '..\..\Source\NumberBase.pas';
-{$R *.res}
- System.ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;
- Application.Initialize;
- Application.CreateForm(TDMDemoForm, DMDemoForm);
- Application.Run;
diff --git a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.dproj b/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.dproj
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe15dca..00000000
--- a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.dproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1478 +0,0 @@
- {911765D4-0C2E-4D12-AB7C-84B2991CEB03}
- 19.2
- DMDemo.dpr
- True
- Release
- Win32
- 37915
- Application
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Cfg_1
- true
- true
- true
- Cfg_1
- true
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- true
- Cfg_2
- true
- true
- true
- Cfg_2
- true
- true
- true
- Cfg_2
- true
- true
- true
- Cfg_2
- true
- true
- true
- $(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICNS.icns
- true
- $(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICON.ico
- System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;$(DCC_Namespace)
- DMDemo
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
- .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
- false
- false
- false
- false
- false
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_144x144.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_48x48.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_36x36.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_72x72.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_960x720.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_96x96.png
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- true
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_470x320.png
- Debug
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_640x480.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_24x24.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_36x36.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_48x48.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_72x72.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_96x96.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_192x192.png
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- Debug
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_144x144.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_48x48.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_72x72.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_96x96.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_470x320.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_SplashImage_640x480.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_24x24.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_36x36.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_48x48.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_72x72.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_NotificationIcon_96x96.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Android\FM_LauncherIcon_192x192.png
- $(MSBuildProjectName)
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_152x152.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_180x180.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_120x120.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
- iPhoneAndiPad
- true
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- Debug
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_120x120.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_83.5x83.5.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_167x167.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_3x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_3x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_1024x1024.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_NotificationIcon_60x60.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SettingIcon_87x87.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_NotificationIcon_40x40.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SettingIcon_58x58.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_NotificationIcon_40x40.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_152x152.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_180x180.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_120x120.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_80x80.png
- iPhoneAndiPad
- true
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SpotlightSearchIcon_120x120.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_83.5x83.5.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_ApplicationIcon_167x167.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_3x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImageDark_3x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImage_2x.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_LaunchImageDark_2x.png
- 10.0
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_NotificationIcon_60x60.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SettingIcon_87x87.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_NotificationIcon_40x40.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SettingIcon_58x58.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_NotificationIcon_40x40.png
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- Debug
- true
- true
- Base
- true
- DBXSqliteDriver;RESTComponents;DataSnapServerMidas;DBXInterBaseDriver;emsclientfiredac;DataSnapFireDAC;tethering;FireDACMSSQLDriver;bindcompfmx;DBXOracleDriver;inetdb;FmxTeeUI;emsedge;FireDACIBDriver;fmx;fmxdae;FireDACDBXDriver;dbexpress;IndyCore;dsnap;DataSnapCommon;emsclient;FireDACCommon;RESTBackendComponents;soapserver;bindengine;DBXMySQLDriver;FireDACOracleDriver;CloudService;FireDACMySQLDriver;DBXFirebirdDriver;FireDACCommonODBC;FireDACCommonDriver;DataSnapClient;inet;bindcompdbx;IndyIPCommon;IndyIPServer;IndySystem;fmxFireDAC;FireDAC;emshosting;FireDACSqliteDriver;FireDACPgDriver;ibmonitor;FireDACASADriver;FireDACTDataDriver;FMXTee;soaprtl;DbxCommonDriver;ibxpress;DataSnapServer;xmlrtl;soapmidas;DataSnapNativeClient;fmxobj;ibxbindings;rtl;FireDACDSDriver;DbxClientDriver;DBXSybaseASADriver;CustomIPTransport;bindcomp;DBXInformixDriver;IndyIPClient;dbxcds;FireDACODBCDriver;DataSnapIndy10ServerTransport;dsnapxml;DataSnapProviderClient;dbrtl;inetdbxpress;FireDACMongoDBDriver;IndyProtocols;fmxase;$(DCC_UsePackage);$(DCC_UsePackage)
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- Debug
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\Windows\UWP\delphi_UwpDefault_44.png
- 1033
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- true
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- Debug
- DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
- true
- false
- true
- true
- true
- true
- false
- true
- 1033
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- true
- PerMonitor
- false
- RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
- 0
- 0
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- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_NotificationIcon_40x40.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPhone\FM_SettingIcon_58x58.png
- $(BDS)\bin\Artwork\iOS\iPad\FM_NotificationIcon_40x40.png
- true
- PerMonitor
- true
- PerMonitor
- MainSource
- fmx
- Cfg_2
- Base
- Base
- Cfg_1
- Base
- Delphi.Personality.12
- Application
- Embarcadero Git Integration
- Embarcadero C++Builder Office 2000 Servers Package
- Embarcadero C++Builder Office XP Servers Package
- Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
- Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
- true
- DMDemo.exe
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- true
- 1
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- 0
- classes
- 1
- classes
- 1
- res\xml
- 1
- res\xml
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
- 1
- library\lib\mips
- 1
- library\lib\mips
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
- 1
- library\lib\arm64-v8a
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
- 1
- res\drawable
- 1
- res\drawable
- 1
- res\values
- 1
- res\values
- 1
- res\values-v21
- 1
- res\values-v21
- 1
- res\values
- 1
- res\values
- 1
- res\drawable
- 1
- res\drawable
- 1
- res\drawable-xxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-ldpi
- 1
- res\drawable-ldpi
- 1
- res\drawable-mdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-mdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-hdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-hdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-mdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-mdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-hdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-hdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-xxxhdpi
- 1
- res\drawable-small
- 1
- res\drawable-small
- 1
- res\drawable-normal
- 1
- res\drawable-normal
- 1
- res\drawable-large
- 1
- res\drawable-large
- 1
- res\drawable-xlarge
- 1
- res\drawable-xlarge
- 1
- res\values
- 1
- res\values
- 1
- 1
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- 0
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- .framework
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- .framework
- 0
- 1
- .dylib
- 1
- .dylib
- 1
- .dylib
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- .dylib
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- .dylib
- 0
- .dll;.bpl
- 1
- .dylib
- 1
- .dylib
- 1
- .dylib
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- .dylib
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- .dylib
- 0
- .bpl
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- Contents\Resources\StartUp\
- 0
- Contents\Resources\StartUp\
- 0
- 0
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\
- 1
- ..\
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen
- 64
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen
- 64
- 1
- 1
- 1
- ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
- 1
- ..\
- 1
- ..\
- 1
- Contents
- 1
- Contents
- 1
- Contents\Resources
- 1
- Contents\Resources
- 1
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
- 1
- library\lib\arm64-v8a
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- Contents\MacOS
- 1
- 0
- library\lib\armeabi-v7a
- 1
- 1
- 1
- Assets
- 1
- Assets
- 1
- Assets
- 1
- Assets
- 1
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- 12
diff --git a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.res b/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.res
deleted file mode 100644
index 61545412..00000000
Binary files a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemo.res and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemoFrm.fmx b/Examples/14.DM/DMDemoFrm.fmx
deleted file mode 100644
index 82e140a5..00000000
--- a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemoFrm.fmx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-object DMDemoForm: TDMDemoForm
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Caption = #31070#32463#21270#25968#27169#24341#25806#28436#31034'...'
- ClientHeight = 392
- ClientWidth = 643
- FormFactor.Width = 320
- FormFactor.Height = 480
- FormFactor.Devices = [Desktop]
- DesignerMasterStyle = 0
diff --git a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemoFrm.pas b/Examples/14.DM/DMDemoFrm.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 62bd7ad9..00000000
--- a/Examples/14.DM/DMDemoFrm.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-unit DMDemoFrm;
- System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants,
- FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs;
- TDMDemoForm = class(TForm)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- DMDemoForm: TDMDemoForm;
-{$R *.fmx}
diff --git a/Examples/14.DM/UserDataModuleUnit.pas b/Examples/14.DM/UserDataModuleUnit.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ff99eb9d..00000000
--- a/Examples/14.DM/UserDataModuleUnit.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-unit UserDataModuleUnit;
-uses CoreClasses, Geometry2DUnit, NumberBase;
- TUserDM = class;
- TUserDMItem = class(TCoreClassObject)
- private
- FOwner: TUserDM;
- FName : string;
- FValue: TNumberModule;
- FIncreaseFromCoreLogic : TNumberModule;
- FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic: TNumberModule;
- FReduceFromCoreLogic : TNumberModule;
- FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic : TNumberModule;
- FIncreaseFromInternal : TNumberModule;
- FIncreasePercentageFromInternal: TNumberModule;
- FReduceFromInternal : TNumberModule;
- FReducePercentageFromInternal : TNumberModule;
- FIncreaseFromDefine : TNumberModule;
- FIncreasePercentageFromDefine: TNumberModule;
- FReduceFromDefine : TNumberModule;
- FReducePercentageFromDefine : TNumberModule;
- FLastFinalValue : Variant;
- FNeedRecalcFinalValue: Boolean;
- procedure ChangeEvent(Sender: TNumberModuleEventInterface; NewValue: Variant);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TUserDM; AName: string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Owner: TUserDM read FOwner;
- property name: string read FName;
- function GetFinalValue: Variant;
- property FinalValue: Variant read GetFinalValue;
- property Value: TNumberModule read FValue;
- property IncreaseFromCoreLogic: TNumberModule read FIncreaseFromCoreLogic;
- property IncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic: TNumberModule read FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic;
- property ReduceFromCoreLogic: TNumberModule read FReduceFromCoreLogic;
- property ReducePercentageFromCoreLogic: TNumberModule read FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic;
- property IncreaseFromInternal: TNumberModule read FIncreaseFromInternal;
- property IncreasePercentageFromInternal: TNumberModule read FIncreasePercentageFromInternal;
- property ReduceFromInternal: TNumberModule read FReduceFromInternal;
- property ReducePercentageFromInternal: TNumberModule read FReducePercentageFromInternal;
- property IncreaseFromDefine: TNumberModule read FIncreaseFromDefine;
- property IncreasePercentageFromDefine: TNumberModule read FIncreasePercentageFromDefine;
- property ReduceFromDefine: TNumberModule read FReduceFromDefine;
- property ReducePercentageFromDefine: TNumberModule read FReducePercentageFromDefine;
- end;
- TUserDM = class(TCoreClassObject)
- private
- FDataItemList : TCoreClassListForObj;
- FNMList : TNumberModuleList;
- FNMAutomatedManager: TNMAutomatedManager;
- FUpdateCounter : Integer;
- protected
- procedure NumberItemChange(Sender: TUserDMItem);
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure InitData;
- procedure Progress(deltaTime: Double); {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- procedure BeginUpdate; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- procedure EndUpdate; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- procedure RebuildAssociate; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- procedure Clear;
- procedure DeletePostFlag(Flag: TCoreClassPersistent); {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- end;
-procedure TUserDMItem.ChangeEvent(Sender: TNumberModuleEventInterface; NewValue: Variant);
- FNeedRecalcFinalValue := True;
- FOwner.NumberItemChange(Self);
-constructor TUserDMItem.Create(AOwner: TUserDM; AName: string);
- Assert(not AOwner.FNMList.Exists(AName));
- inherited Create;
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FOwner.FDataItemList.Add(Self);
- FName := AName;
- FValue := FOwner.FNMList[FName];
- FIncreaseFromCoreLogic := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.IncreaseFromCoreLogic'];
- FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.IncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic'];
- FReduceFromCoreLogic := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.ReduceFromCoreLogic'];
- FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.ReducePercentageFromCoreLogic'];
- FIncreaseFromInternal := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.IncreaseFromInternal'];
- FIncreasePercentageFromInternal := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.IncreasePercentageFromInternal'];
- FReduceFromInternal := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.ReduceFromInternal'];
- FReducePercentageFromInternal := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.ReducePercentageFromInternal'];
- FIncreaseFromDefine := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.IncreaseFromDefine'];
- FIncreasePercentageFromDefine := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.IncreasePercentageFromDefine'];
- FReduceFromDefine := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.ReduceFromDefine'];
- FReducePercentageFromDefine := FOwner.FNMList[FName + '.ReducePercentageFromDefine'];
- FValue.OriginValue := 0;
- FIncreaseFromCoreLogic.OriginValue := 0;
- FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic.OriginValue := 0;
- FReduceFromCoreLogic.OriginValue := 0;
- FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic.OriginValue := 0;
- FIncreaseFromInternal.OriginValue := 0;
- FIncreasePercentageFromInternal.OriginValue := 0;
- FReduceFromInternal.OriginValue := 0;
- FReducePercentageFromInternal.OriginValue := 0;
- FIncreaseFromDefine.OriginValue := 0;
- FIncreasePercentageFromDefine.OriginValue := 0;
- FReduceFromDefine.OriginValue := 0;
- FReducePercentageFromDefine.OriginValue := 0;
- FValue.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FIncreaseFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FReduceFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FIncreaseFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FIncreasePercentageFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FReduceFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FReducePercentageFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FIncreaseFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FIncreasePercentageFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FReduceFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- FReducePercentageFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := @ChangeEvent;
- {$ELSE}
- FValue.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FIncreaseFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FReduceFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FIncreaseFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FIncreasePercentageFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FReduceFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FReducePercentageFromInternal.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FIncreaseFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FIncreasePercentageFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FReduceFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- FReducePercentageFromDefine.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := ChangeEvent;
- {$ENDIF}
- FLastFinalValue := 0;
- FNeedRecalcFinalValue := True;
-destructor TUserDMItem.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TUserDMItem.GetFinalValue: Variant;
- vInc, vDec, vIncP, vDecP, v: Variant;
- if FNeedRecalcFinalValue then
- begin
- vInc := FIncreaseFromCoreLogic.AsValue +
- FIncreaseFromInternal.AsValue +
- FIncreaseFromDefine.AsValue;
- vDec := FReduceFromCoreLogic.AsValue +
- FReduceFromInternal.AsValue +
- FReduceFromDefine.AsValue;
- vIncP := FIncreasePercentageFromCoreLogic.AsValue +
- FIncreasePercentageFromInternal.AsValue +
- FIncreasePercentageFromDefine.AsValue;
- vDecP := FReducePercentageFromCoreLogic.AsValue +
- FReducePercentageFromInternal.AsValue +
- FReducePercentageFromDefine.AsValue;
- v := FValue.AsValue + (vInc - vDec);
- FLastFinalValue := v + v * ((vIncP - vDecP) * 0.01);
- FNeedRecalcFinalValue := False;
- end;
- Result := FLastFinalValue;
-procedure TUserDM.NumberItemChange(Sender: TUserDMItem);
- if FUpdateCounter > 0 then
- Exit;
- RebuildAssociate;
-constructor TUserDM.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FDataItemList := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- FNMList := TNumberModuleList.Create;
- FNMAutomatedManager := TNMAutomatedManager.Create;
- FUpdateCounter := 0;
- InitData;
- RebuildAssociate;
-destructor TUserDM.Destroy;
- Clear;
- DisposeObject(FNMAutomatedManager);
- DisposeObject(FNMList);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TUserDM.InitData;
-procedure TUserDM.Progress(deltaTime: Double);
- FNMAutomatedManager.Progress(deltaTime);
-procedure TUserDM.BeginUpdate;
- inc(FUpdateCounter);
-procedure TUserDM.EndUpdate;
- Dec(FUpdateCounter);
- if FUpdateCounter <= 0 then
- begin
- FUpdateCounter := 0;
- RebuildAssociate;
- end;
-procedure TUserDM.RebuildAssociate;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FDataItemList.Count - 1 do
- TUserDMItem(FDataItemList[i]).FNeedRecalcFinalValue := True;
-procedure TUserDM.Clear;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FDataItemList.Count - 1 do
- DisposeObject(FDataItemList[i]);
- FDataItemList.Clear;
- FNMAutomatedManager.Clear;
- FNMList.Clear;
-procedure TUserDM.DeletePostFlag(Flag: TCoreClassPersistent);
- FNMAutomatedManager.Delete(Flag);
diff --git a/Examples/15.100KConnectingOnVM/VMClient/VMCliFrm.pas b/Examples/15.100KConnectingOnVM/VMClient/VMCliFrm.pas
index f3fded20..622ca869 100644
--- a/Examples/15.100KConnectingOnVM/VMClient/VMCliFrm.pas
+++ b/Examples/15.100KConnectingOnVM/VMClient/VMCliFrm.pas
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ procedure TVMCliForm.CreateVMButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
ClientTunnel.ClientIO.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize := 8192;
- ClientTunnel.ClientIO.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer := 8 * 1024 * 1024;
ClientTunnel.ClientIO.p2pVMTunnel.QuietMode := False;
for i := low(ClientWithVM) to high(ClientWithVM) do
diff --git a/Examples/16.DoubleTunnelAuthOnVM/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient.dproj b/Examples/16.DoubleTunnelAuthOnVM/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient.dproj
index 53227dbf..52e20839 100644
--- a/Examples/16.DoubleTunnelAuthOnVM/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/16.DoubleTunnelAuthOnVM/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient/VMDoubleAuthFMXClient.dproj
@@ -360,6 +360,12 @@
+ ic_launcher.png
+ true
@@ -371,12 +377,6 @@
- ic_launcher.png
- true
diff --git a/Examples/2.DelayModel/FMXCli/FMXDRClient.dproj b/Examples/2.DelayModel/FMXCli/FMXDRClient.dproj
index 1e526954..a9103c8d 100644
--- a/Examples/2.DelayModel/FMXCli/FMXDRClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/2.DelayModel/FMXCli/FMXDRClient.dproj
@@ -372,9 +372,8 @@
- ic_launcher.png
@@ -390,8 +389,9 @@
+ ic_launcher.png
@@ -412,20 +412,20 @@
+ splash_image.png
- splash_image.png
diff --git a/Examples/24.XNat/FMXLanNat/XLanMobile.dproj b/Examples/24.XNat/FMXLanNat/XLanMobile.dproj
index 7c29cdf7..640b90dd 100644
--- a/Examples/24.XNat/FMXLanNat/XLanMobile.dproj
+++ b/Examples/24.XNat/FMXLanNat/XLanMobile.dproj
@@ -371,11 +371,6 @@
- true
@@ -394,6 +389,17 @@
+ true
+ splash_image.png
+ true
@@ -416,12 +422,6 @@
- splash_image.png
- true
diff --git a/Examples/25.Compressor/ARMCPUTest.dproj b/Examples/25.Compressor/ARMCPUTest.dproj
index dff044c7..079660fe 100644
--- a/Examples/25.Compressor/ARMCPUTest.dproj
+++ b/Examples/25.Compressor/ARMCPUTest.dproj
@@ -372,17 +372,17 @@
diff --git a/Examples/30.XNAT virtual server/XNATMobileServer.dproj b/Examples/30.XNAT virtual server/XNATMobileServer.dproj
index e55c73e3..53b9aa29 100644
--- a/Examples/30.XNAT virtual server/XNATMobileServer.dproj
+++ b/Examples/30.XNAT virtual server/XNATMobileServer.dproj
@@ -333,6 +333,12 @@
+ ic_launcher.png
+ true
@@ -384,12 +390,6 @@
- ic_launcher.png
- true
diff --git a/Examples/4.DoubleTunnelAuth/FMXDCli/FMXADClient.dproj b/Examples/4.DoubleTunnelAuth/FMXDCli/FMXADClient.dproj
index 9a3237e9..2f172b09 100644
--- a/Examples/4.DoubleTunnelAuth/FMXDCli/FMXADClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/4.DoubleTunnelAuth/FMXDCli/FMXADClient.dproj
@@ -360,9 +360,8 @@
- libFMXDClient.so
@@ -389,29 +388,24 @@
- ic_launcher.png
- true
+ ic_launcher.png
@@ -423,6 +417,11 @@
+ true
@@ -461,36 +460,37 @@
- FMXADClient.exe
+ libFMXDClient.so
+ libFMXADClient.so
- classes.dex
+ FMXADClient.exe
+ classes.dex
- libFMXADClient.so
diff --git a/Examples/49.AdvanceEventBridge/2.InternetServ/InternetServ.dpr b/Examples/49.AdvanceEventBridge/2.InternetServ/InternetServ.dpr
index e2c00a9d..51a1fea5 100644
--- a/Examples/49.AdvanceEventBridge/2.InternetServ/InternetServ.dpr
+++ b/Examples/49.AdvanceEventBridge/2.InternetServ/InternetServ.dpr
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ begin
if DatabasePhyCli.RemoteInited then
DatabaseConnecting := True;
- ProgressCadencer.PostExecuteC_NP(2, DoDelayConnectToDatabaseService);
+ SysPost.PostExecuteC_NP(2, DoDelayConnectToDatabaseService);
{$ENDREGION 'p2pVMԶ첽¼ܶʱص'}
{$REGION '첽¼'}
diff --git a/Examples/5.Cloud2.0/FMXClient2.0/ACFMXClient.dproj b/Examples/5.Cloud2.0/FMXClient2.0/ACFMXClient.dproj
index b1f8d6c4..ee1033d5 100644
--- a/Examples/5.Cloud2.0/FMXClient2.0/ACFMXClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/5.Cloud2.0/FMXClient2.0/ACFMXClient.dproj
@@ -360,15 +360,15 @@
- ACFMXClient.exe
+ ACFMXClient.rsm
- ACFMXClient.rsm
+ ACFMXClient.exe
diff --git a/Examples/6.MyServerInMobile/FMXServer/FMXServer.dproj b/Examples/6.MyServerInMobile/FMXServer/FMXServer.dproj
index 0f98d4ed..4e2070f9 100644
--- a/Examples/6.MyServerInMobile/FMXServer/FMXServer.dproj
+++ b/Examples/6.MyServerInMobile/FMXServer/FMXServer.dproj
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
@@ -371,11 +371,6 @@
- true
@@ -388,6 +383,11 @@
+ true
@@ -400,29 +400,29 @@
+ true
- true
@@ -466,6 +466,11 @@
+ true
@@ -489,11 +494,6 @@
- true
diff --git a/Examples/7.AnonyousFunctionWorkOnClient/FMXCli/FMXAFDRClient.dproj b/Examples/7.AnonyousFunctionWorkOnClient/FMXCli/FMXAFDRClient.dproj
index 181cb3fd..87e6a357 100644
--- a/Examples/7.AnonyousFunctionWorkOnClient/FMXCli/FMXAFDRClient.dproj
+++ b/Examples/7.AnonyousFunctionWorkOnClient/FMXCli/FMXAFDRClient.dproj
@@ -360,8 +360,9 @@
+ ic_launcher.png
@@ -474,18 +475,18 @@
- libFMXAFDRClient.so
+ libFMXAFDRClient.so
@@ -574,21 +575,20 @@
- classes.dex
- libFMXAFDRClient.so
+ classes.dex
- ic_launcher.png
+ libFMXAFDRClient.so
diff --git a/Examples/Only compiler/All.groupproj b/Examples/Only compiler/All.groupproj
index 8786a169..fbb3977c 100644
--- a/Examples/Only compiler/All.groupproj
+++ b/Examples/Only compiler/All.groupproj
@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@
@@ -377,15 +374,6 @@
@@ -1332,13 +1320,13 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fde54647..2bc06f2e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ ZSERVER4D是一套高级通讯系统的地基平台,它偏向于开发工艺
## 功能
+**ZServer4D为SAAS自动化群集构建的基础支持库**,详见 https://github.com/PassByYou888/zCloud
支持运行平台Android,IOS,Win32/64,Linux,OSX,物联网IOT(任意版本的linux均能支持,包括树莓1-3代,香橙,高通,三星,小序列cpu mips linux)
diff --git a/Source/CommunicationFramework.pas b/Source/CommunicationFramework.pas
index 6e0c4e2f..3c23e6ab 100644
--- a/Source/CommunicationFramework.pas
+++ b/Source/CommunicationFramework.pas
@@ -47,15 +47,14 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TIPV4 = array [0 .. 3] of Byte;
TIPV6 = array [0 .. 7] of Word;
- TConsoleMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString) of object;
- TConsoleParamMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: SystemString) of object;
+ TConsoleMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString) of object;
+ TConsoleParamMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString) of object;
TConsoleFailedMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: SystemString) of object;
- TStreamMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
- TStreamParamMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
+ TStreamMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
+ TStreamParamMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
TStreamFailedMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
TStateCall = procedure(const State: Boolean);
TStateMethod = procedure(const State: Boolean) of object;
@@ -71,10 +70,10 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TIONotifyMethod = procedure(P_IO: TPeerIO) of object;
TProgressBackgroundProc = procedure();
TProgressBackgroundMethod = procedure() of object;
- TStreamEventBridgeEventC = procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
- TStreamEventBridgeEventM = procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
- TConsoleEventBridgeEventC = procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString);
- TConsoleEventBridgeEventM = procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString) of object;
+ TStreamEventBridgeEventC = procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
+ TStreamEventBridgeEventM = procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine) of object;
+ TConsoleEventBridgeEventC = procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString);
+ TConsoleEventBridgeEventM = procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString) of object;
TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventC = procedure(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client);
TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventM = procedure(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client) of object;
TCommandStreamCall = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine);
@@ -91,11 +90,11 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TCommandCompleteBufferMethod = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt) of object;
- TConsoleProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString) is nested;
- TConsoleParamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: SystemString) is nested;
+ TConsoleProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString) is nested;
+ TConsoleParamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString) is nested;
TConsoleFailedProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: SystemString) is nested;
- TStreamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
- TStreamParamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
+ TStreamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
+ TStreamParamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
TStreamFailedProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
TStateProc = procedure(const State: Boolean) is nested;
TIOStateProc = procedure(P_IO: TPeerIO; State: Boolean) is nested;
@@ -103,8 +102,8 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TNotifyProc = procedure() is nested;
TDataNotifyProc = procedure(data: TCoreClassObject) is nested;
TIONotifyProc = procedure(P_IO: TPeerIO) is nested;
- TStreamEventBridgeEventP = procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
- TConsoleEventBridgeEventP = procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString) is nested;
+ TStreamEventBridgeEventP = procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
+ TConsoleEventBridgeEventP = procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString) is nested;
TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventP = procedure(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client) is nested;
TCommandStreamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine) is nested;
TCommandConsoleProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: SystemString; var OutData: SystemString) is nested;
@@ -113,11 +112,11 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TCommandBigStreamProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TCoreClassStream; BigStreamTotal, BigStreamCompleteSize: Int64) is nested;
TCommandCompleteBufferProc = procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt) is nested;
- TConsoleProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString);
- TConsoleParamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: SystemString);
+ TConsoleProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString);
+ TConsoleParamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString);
TConsoleFailedProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: SystemString);
- TStreamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
- TStreamParamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ TStreamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
+ TStreamParamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
TStreamFailedProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
TStateProc = reference to procedure(const State: Boolean);
TIOStateProc = reference to procedure(P_IO: TPeerIO; State: Boolean);
@@ -125,8 +124,8 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TNotifyProc = reference to procedure();
TDataNotifyProc = reference to procedure(data: TCoreClassObject);
TIONotifyProc = reference to procedure(P_IO: TPeerIO);
- TStreamEventBridgeEventP = reference to procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
- TConsoleEventBridgeEventP = reference to procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString);
+ TStreamEventBridgeEventP = reference to procedure(Sender: TStreamEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
+ TConsoleEventBridgeEventP = reference to procedure(Sender: TConsoleEventBridge; SourceIO, BridgeIO: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString);
TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventP = reference to procedure(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client);
TCommandStreamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine);
TCommandConsoleProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: SystemString; var OutData: SystemString);
@@ -135,6 +134,11 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client = class;
TCommandBigStreamProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TCoreClassStream; BigStreamTotal, BigStreamCompleteSize: Int64);
TCommandCompleteBufferProc = reference to procedure(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt);
+ TIO_ID_List_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TIO_ID_List = class(TIO_ID_List_Decl)
+ public
+ end;
TOnStateStruct = record
OnCall: TStateCall;
@@ -145,6 +149,18 @@ TOnStateStruct = record
POnStateStruct = ^TOnStateStruct;
+ TOnResultBridge = class
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure DoConsoleEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString); virtual;
+ procedure DoConsoleParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString); virtual;
+ procedure DoConsoleFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: SystemString); virtual;
+ procedure DoStreamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ end;
TStateParamBridge = class
OnNotifyC: TParamStateCall;
@@ -153,7 +169,7 @@ TStateParamBridge = class
Param1: Pointer;
Param2: TObject;
OnStateMethod: TStateMethod;
- constructor Create;
+ constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure DoStateResult(const State: Boolean);
@@ -659,8 +675,6 @@ TPeerIO = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
procedure P2PVMAuthSuccess(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM);
{ automated P2PVM }
- FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence: Integer;
- FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence_Successed: Integer;
FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDoneCall: TIOStateCall;
FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDoneMethod: TIOStateMethod;
FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDoneProc: TIOStateProc;
@@ -690,13 +704,13 @@ TPeerIO = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
procedure SendByte(v: Byte);
procedure SendWord(v: Word);
procedure SendVerifyCode(buff: Pointer; siz: NativeInt);
- procedure SendEncryptBuffer(buff: PByte; siz: NativeInt; cs: TCipherSecurity);
- procedure SendEncryptMemoryStream(Stream: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+ procedure SendEncryptBuffer(buff: PByte; siz: NativeInt; CS: TCipherSecurity);
+ procedure SendEncryptMemoryStream(Stream: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
- procedure InternalSendConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
- procedure InternalSendStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
- procedure InternalSendDirectConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
- procedure InternalSendDirectStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+ procedure InternalSendConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
+ procedure InternalSendStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
+ procedure InternalSendDirectConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
+ procedure InternalSendDirectStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
procedure InternalSendBigStreamHeader(Cmd: SystemString; streamSiz: Int64);
procedure InternalSendBigStreamBuff(var Queue: TQueueData);
procedure InternalSendCompleteBufferHeader(Cmd: SystemString; buffSiz, compSiz: Cardinal);
@@ -764,6 +778,7 @@ TPeerIO = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
{ p2pVM Tunnel support }
property p2pVM: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM read FP2PVMTunnel;
property p2pVMTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM read FP2PVMTunnel;
+ function p2pVMTunnelReadyOk: Boolean;
{ p2pVM build safe Auth token }
procedure BuildP2PAuthToken; overload;
procedure BuildP2PAuthTokenC(const OnResult: TNotifyCall);
@@ -878,11 +893,13 @@ TPeerIO = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
property UserAutoFreeObjects: THashObjectList read GetUserAutoFreeObjects;
property UserData: Pointer read FUserData write FUserData;
property UserValue: Variant read FUserValue write FUserValue;
+ { custom class }
property UserDefine: TPeerIOUserDefine read FUserDefine;
+ property IODefine: TPeerIOUserDefine read FUserDefine;
property Define: TPeerIOUserDefine read FUserDefine;
+ { custom special class }
property UserSpecial: TPeerIOUserSpecial read FUserSpecial;
+ property IOSpecial: TPeerIOUserSpecial read FUserSpecial;
property Special: TPeerIOUserSpecial read FUserSpecial;
{ hash code }
@@ -890,7 +907,7 @@ TPeerIO = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
function VerifyHashCode(const hs: THashSecurity; buff: Pointer; siz: Integer; var Code: TBytes): Boolean;
{ encrypt }
- procedure Encrypt(cs: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal; var k: TCipherKeyBuffer; enc: Boolean);
+ procedure Encrypt(CS: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal; var k: TCipherKeyBuffer; enc: Boolean);
{ TimeOut Tick }
function StopCommunicationTime: TTimeTick;
@@ -932,7 +949,7 @@ TPeerIO = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
{ wait send cmd }
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
{ send bigstream }
procedure SendBigStream(Cmd: SystemString; BigStream: TCoreClassStream; StartPos: Int64; DoneAutoFree: Boolean); overload;
@@ -1022,6 +1039,7 @@ TAutomatedP2PVMClientData = record
Client: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client;
IPV6: SystemString;
Port: Word;
+ RequestConnecting: Boolean;
PAutomatedP2PVMClientData = ^TAutomatedP2PVMClientData;
@@ -1069,6 +1087,7 @@ TCommunicationFramework = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
FCipherSecurityArray: TCipherSecurityArray;
FHashSecurity: THashSecurity;
FMaxCompleteBufferSize: Cardinal;
+ FCompleteBufferCompressionCondition: Cardinal;
FPrintParams: THashVariantList;
FPostProgress: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
FFrameworkIsServer: Boolean;
@@ -1124,7 +1143,7 @@ TCommunicationFramework = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
{ private vm and protocol stack support }
procedure BuildP2PAuthTokenResult_OnIOIDLE(Sender: TCoreClassObject);
- procedure CommandResult_BuildP2PAuthToken(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure CommandResult_BuildP2PAuthToken(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure Command_BuildP2PAuthToken(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure Command_InitP2PTunnel(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: SystemString);
procedure Command_CloseP2PTunnel(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: SystemString);
@@ -1209,12 +1228,17 @@ TCommunicationFramework = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
property OnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_M: TOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_M read FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_M write FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_M;
property OnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_P: TOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_P read FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_P write FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_P;
{ automated P2PVM client api }
- function AutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone(P_IO: TPeerIO): Boolean;
- procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Open(P_IO: TPeerIO);
+ function AutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone(P_IO: TPeerIO): Boolean; overload;
+ function AutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone(): Boolean; overload;
+ procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Open(P_IO: TPeerIO); overload;
+ procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Open(); overload;
procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Open_C(P_IO: TPeerIO; const OnResult: TIOStateCall);
procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Open_M(P_IO: TPeerIO; const OnResult: TIOStateMethod);
procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Open_P(P_IO: TPeerIO; const OnResult: TIOStateProc);
- procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Close(P_IO: TPeerIO);
+ procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Close(P_IO: TPeerIO); overload;
+ procedure AutomatedP2PVM_Close(); overload;
+ function p2pVMTunnelReadyOk(P_IO: TPeerIO): Boolean; overload;
+ function p2pVMTunnelReadyOk(): Boolean; overload;
{ IO Big Stream interface }
property OnBigStreamInterface: IOnBigStreamInterface read FOnBigStreamInterface write FOnBigStreamInterface;
@@ -1271,8 +1295,13 @@ TCommunicationFramework = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
procedure Error(const v: SystemString; const Args: array of const); overload;
procedure Error(const v: SystemString); overload;
procedure ErrorParam(v: SystemString; Args: SystemString);
+ procedure PrintError(const v: SystemString; const Args: array of const); overload;
+ procedure PrintError(const v: SystemString); overload;
+ procedure PrintErrorParam(v: SystemString; Args: SystemString);
procedure Warning(const v: SystemString);
procedure WarningParam(v: SystemString; Args: SystemString);
+ procedure PrintWarning(const v: SystemString);
+ procedure PrintWarningParam(v: SystemString; Args: SystemString);
{ register command for server/client }
function DeleteRegistedCMD(Cmd: SystemString): Boolean;
@@ -1322,8 +1351,10 @@ TCommunicationFramework = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
property CompleteBufferCompressed: Boolean read FCompleteBufferCompressed write FCompleteBufferCompressed;
property HashSecurity: THashSecurity read FHashSecurity;
property MaxCompleteBufferSize: Cardinal read FMaxCompleteBufferSize write FMaxCompleteBufferSize;
- { large-scale IO support }
- property ProgressMaxDelay: TTimeTick read FProgressMaxDelay write FProgressMaxDelay;
+ property CompleteBufferCompressionCondition: Cardinal read FCompleteBufferCompressionCondition write FCompleteBufferCompressionCondition;
+ property ProgressMaxDelay: TTimeTick read FProgressMaxDelay write FProgressMaxDelay; { large-scale IO support }
+ procedure CopyParamFrom(Source: TCommunicationFramework);
+ procedure CopyParamTo(Dest: TCommunicationFramework);
{ state }
property CMDWithThreadRuning: Integer read FCMDWithThreadRuning;
@@ -1457,7 +1488,7 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkServer = class(TCommunicationFramework)
{ wait send }
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString; overload; virtual;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); overload; virtual;
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); overload; virtual;
{ send bigstream }
procedure SendBigStream(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; BigStream: TCoreClassStream; StartPos: Int64; DoneAutoFree: Boolean); overload;
@@ -1495,7 +1526,7 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkServer = class(TCommunicationFramework)
{ wait send }
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString; overload;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); overload;
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); overload;
{ send bigstream }
procedure SendBigStream(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd: SystemString; BigStream: TCoreClassStream; StartPos: Int64; DoneAutoFree: Boolean); overload;
@@ -1564,7 +1595,10 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkClient = class(TCommunicationFramework)
FIgnoreProcessConnectedAndDisconnect: Boolean;
FLastConnectIsSuccessed: Boolean;
- procedure StreamResult_CipherModel(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ FRequestTime: TTimeTick;
+ FReponseTime: TTimeTick;
+ procedure StreamResult_CipherModel(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure DoConnected(Sender: TPeerIO); virtual;
procedure DoDisconnect(Sender: TPeerIO); virtual;
@@ -1589,16 +1623,21 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkClient = class(TCommunicationFramework)
FOnWaitResultCall: TStateCall;
FOnWaitResultMethod: TStateMethod;
FOnWaitResultProc: TStateProc;
- procedure ConsoleResult_Wait(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString);
+ procedure ConsoleResult_Wait(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString);
function GetWaitTimeout(const t: TTimeTick): TTimeTick;
+ private
+ { IO_IDLE_Trace_And_FreeSelf }
+ procedure Do_IO_IDLE_FreeSelf(Data_: TCoreClassObject);
constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure DelayFreeSelf;
- { IO Idle Trace }
+ { IO IDLE Trace }
procedure IO_IDLE_TraceC(data: TCoreClassObject; const OnNotify: TDataNotifyCall);
procedure IO_IDLE_TraceM(data: TCoreClassObject; const OnNotify: TDataNotifyMethod);
procedure IO_IDLE_TraceP(data: TCoreClassObject; const OnNotify: TDataNotifyProc);
+ procedure IO_IDLE_Trace_And_FreeSelf(Additional_Object_: TCoreClassObject);
{ OnReceiveBuffer work on Protocol is cpCustom }
procedure OnReceiveBuffer(const buffer: PByte; const Size: NativeInt; var FillDone: Boolean); virtual;
@@ -1613,6 +1652,9 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkClient = class(TCommunicationFramework)
{ ServerState must be connected successfully. }
function ServerState: PCommunicationFramework_ServerState;
+ { net delay time }
+ property ReponseTime: TTimeTick read FReponseTime;
{ mainLoop }
procedure Progress; override;
@@ -1653,10 +1695,9 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkClient = class(TCommunicationFramework)
{ disconnect }
procedure Disconnect; virtual;
- { delay close on now }
- procedure DelayClose; overload;
- { delay close on custom delay of double time }
- procedure DelayClose(const t: Double); overload;
+ { delay close IO }
+ procedure DelayCloseIO; overload;
+ procedure DelayCloseIO(const t: Double); overload;
{ sync wait reponse }
function Wait(TimeOut_: TTimeTick): SystemString; overload;
@@ -1703,7 +1744,7 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkClient = class(TCommunicationFramework)
{ wait send }
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString; virtual;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); virtual;
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); virtual;
{ send bigstream }
procedure SendBigStream(Cmd: SystemString; BigStream: TCoreClassStream; StartPos: Int64; DoneAutoFree: Boolean); overload;
@@ -1814,11 +1855,11 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server = class(TCommunicationFrameworkServer)
{ service method }
procedure ProgressStopServiceWithPerVM(SenderVM: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM);
procedure StopService; override;
- function StartService(Host: SystemString; Port: Word): Boolean; override;
+ function StartService(Host_: SystemString; Port: Word): Boolean; override;
{ sync }
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString; override;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); override;
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); override;
TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_ClientList = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
@@ -1906,7 +1947,6 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM = class(TCoreClassObject)
FFrameworkPool: TUInt32HashObjectList;
FFrameworkListenPool: TCoreClassList;
FMaxVMFragmentSize: Cardinal;
- FMaxRealBuffer: Cardinal;
FQuietMode: Boolean;
FReceiveStream: TMemoryStream64;
FSendStream: TMemoryStream64;
@@ -1959,7 +1999,6 @@ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM = class(TCoreClassObject)
{ p2p VM Peformance support }
{ MaxVMFragmentSize see also MTU }
property MaxVMFragmentSize: Cardinal read FMaxVMFragmentSize write FMaxVMFragmentSize;
- property MaxRealBuffer: Cardinal read FMaxRealBuffer write FMaxRealBuffer;
property QuietMode: Boolean read FQuietMode write FQuietMode;
{ p2p VM safe Support }
@@ -2064,7 +2103,7 @@ TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableServer = class(TCommunicationFrameworkServ
procedure TriggerQueueData(v: PQueueData); override;
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString; override;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); override;
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); override;
TCommunicationFramework_StableServer = class(TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableServer)
@@ -2112,12 +2151,12 @@ TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient = class(TCommunicationFrameworkClie
procedure SetPhysicsClient(const Value: TCommunicationFrameworkClient);
{ connection }
- procedure BuildStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure BuildStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure AsyncConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure PostConnection(Sender: TNPostExecute);
{ reconnection }
- procedure OpenStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure OpenStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure AsyncReconnectionResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure PostReconnection(Sender: TNPostExecute);
procedure Reconnection;
@@ -2349,6 +2388,7 @@ function StrToIPv6(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean): TIPV6; overload;
function IPv6ToStr(const IPv6Addr: TIPV6): U_String;
function IsIPv4(const s: U_String): Boolean;
function IsIPV6(const s: U_String): Boolean;
+function MakeRandomIPV6(): TIPV6;
function CompareIPV4(const IP1, IP2: TIPV4): Boolean;
function CompareIPV6(const IP1, IP2: TIPV6): Boolean;
@@ -2400,25 +2440,24 @@ procedure DoExecuteResult(c: TPeerIO; const QueuePtr: PQueueData; const AResultT
C_DataTailToken: Cardinal = $F1F1F1F1;
{ send flush buffer }
- C_SendFlushSize: NativeInt = 16 * 1024; { flush size = 16k byte }
+ C_SendFlushSize: NativeInt = 32 * 1024; { flush size = 32k byte }
{ max complete buffer }
- C_MaxCompleteBufferSize: NativeInt = 64 * 1024 * 1024; { 64M, 0 = infinity }
+ C_MaxCompleteBufferSize: Cardinal = 64 * 1024 * 1024; { 64M, 0 = infinity }
+ { complete buffer compression condition }
+ C_CompleteBufferCompressionCondition: Cardinal = 1024;
{ sequence packet model Packet MTU }
- C_SequencePacketMTU: Word = {$IFDEF Delphi}1536{$ELSE Delphi}20000{$ENDIF Delphi};
+ C_SequencePacketMTU: Word = 1024;
{ P2PVM Fragment size }
- C_P2PVM_MaxVMFragmentSize: Cardinal = {$IFDEF Delphi}8192{$ELSE Delphi}20000{$ENDIF Delphi};
- { P2PVM Max Real buffer }
- C_P2PVM_MaxRealBuffer: Cardinal = 2048 * 1024;
+ C_P2PVM_MaxVMFragmentSize: Cardinal = 1536;
{ DoStatus ID }
C_DoStatusID: Integer = $0FFFFFFF;
{ vm auth token size }
- C_VMAuthSize: Integer = 256;
+ C_VMAuthSize: Integer = 16;
{ BigStream fragment size }
C_BigStream_ChunkSize: NativeInt = 1024 * 1024;
@@ -2430,6 +2469,9 @@ procedure DoExecuteResult(c: TPeerIO; const QueuePtr: PQueueData; const AResultT
ProgressBackgroundProc: TProgressBackgroundProc = nil;
ProgressBackgroundMethod: TProgressBackgroundMethod = nil;
+ { random ipv6 seed }
+ V_IPV6_Seed: UInt64 = 0;
{ system }
C_CipherModel: SystemString = '__@CipherModel';
C_Wait: SystemString = '__@Wait';
@@ -2553,7 +2595,7 @@ TWaitSendConsoleCmdIntf = class(TCoreClassObject)
Failed: Boolean;
constructor Create;
procedure DoConsoleFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: SystemString);
- procedure DoConsoleParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: SystemString);
+ procedure DoConsoleParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString);
TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf = class(TCoreClassObject)
@@ -2564,7 +2606,7 @@ TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf = class(TCoreClassObject)
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure DoStreamFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
- procedure DoStreamParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure DoStreamParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor TWaitSendConsoleCmdIntf.Create;
@@ -2581,9 +2623,9 @@ procedure TWaitSendConsoleCmdIntf.DoConsoleFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Point
Failed := True;
-procedure TWaitSendConsoleCmdIntf.DoConsoleParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: SystemString);
+procedure TWaitSendConsoleCmdIntf.DoConsoleParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString);
- NewResult := ResultData;
+ NewResult := Result_;
Done := True;
Failed := False;
@@ -2608,9 +2650,9 @@ procedure TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf.DoStreamFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer
Failed := True;
-procedure TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf.DoStreamParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf.DoStreamParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
- NewResult.Assign(ResultData);
+ NewResult.Assign(Result_);
Done := True;
Failed := False;
@@ -2712,7 +2754,7 @@ function StrToIPv4(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean): TIPV4;
dotCount: Integer;
NumVal: Integer;
Len: Integer;
- Ch: Char;
+ CH: SystemChar;
FillPtrByte(@Result[0], SizeOf(Result), 0);
Success := False;
@@ -2724,17 +2766,17 @@ function StrToIPv4(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean): TIPV4;
NumVal := -1;
for i := 1 to Len do
- Ch := n[i];
- if CharIn(Ch, c0to9) then
+ CH := n[i];
+ if CharIn(CH, c0to9) then
if NumVal < 0 then
- NumVal := Ord(Ch) - Ord('0')
+ NumVal := Ord(CH) - Ord('0')
- NumVal := NumVal * 10 + Ord(Ch) - Ord('0');
+ NumVal := NumVal * 10 + Ord(CH) - Ord('0');
if NumVal > 255 then
- else if Ch = '.' then
+ else if CH = '.' then
if (NumVal > -1) and (dotCount < 3) then
Result[dotCount] := NumVal
@@ -2768,7 +2810,7 @@ function StrToIPv6(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean; var ScopeID: Cardina
ColonCnt: Integer;
i: Integer;
NumVal: Integer;
- Ch: Char;
+ CH: SystemChar;
SLen: Integer;
OmitPos: Integer;
OmitCnt: Integer;
@@ -2790,7 +2832,8 @@ function StrToIPv6(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean; var ScopeID: Cardina
OmitPos := n.GetPos('::') - 1;
if OmitPos > -1 then
OmitCnt := 8 - ColonCnt
- else begin
+ else
+ begin
OmitCnt := 0; { Make the compiler happy }
if (n.First = Colon) or (n.Last = Colon) then
@@ -2803,9 +2846,9 @@ function StrToIPv6(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean; var ScopeID: Cardina
ScopeFlag := False;
while i < SLen do
- Ch := n.buff[i];
+ CH := n.buff[i];
- if Ch = Percent then
+ if CH = Percent then
if ScopeFlag then
@@ -2819,7 +2862,7 @@ function StrToIPv6(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean; var ScopeID: Cardina
NumVal := -1;
- else if Ch = Colon then
+ else if CH = Colon then
if ScopeFlag then
@@ -2838,27 +2881,27 @@ function StrToIPv6(const s: U_String; var Success: Boolean; var ScopeID: Cardina
if ColonCnt > 7 then
- else if CharIn(Ch, c0to9) then
+ else if CharIn(CH, c0to9) then
if NumVal < 0 then
- NumVal := (Ord(Ch) - Ord('0'))
+ NumVal := (Ord(CH) - Ord('0'))
else if ScopeFlag then
- NumVal := NumVal * 10 + (Ord(Ch) - Ord('0'))
+ NumVal := NumVal * 10 + (Ord(CH) - Ord('0'))
- NumVal := NumVal * 16 + (Ord(Ch) - Ord('0'));
+ NumVal := NumVal * 16 + (Ord(CH) - Ord('0'));
if (NumVal > high(Word)) or (PartCnt > 4) then
- else if CharIn(Ch, cAtoZ) then
+ else if CharIn(CH, cAtoZ) then
if ScopeFlag then
if NumVal < 0 then
- NumVal := ((Ord(Ch) and 15) + 9)
+ NumVal := ((Ord(CH) and 15) + 9)
- NumVal := NumVal * 16 + ((Ord(Ch) and 15) + 9);
+ NumVal := NumVal * 16 + ((Ord(CH) and 15) + 9);
if (NumVal > high(Word)) or (PartCnt > 4) then
@@ -2972,7 +3015,7 @@ function IsIPv4(const s: U_String): Boolean;
i: Integer;
DotCnt: Integer;
NumVal: Integer;
- Ch: Char;
+ CH: SystemChar;
n := umlDeleteChar(s, [#32, #0, #9, #13, #10]);
Result := False;
@@ -2980,17 +3023,17 @@ function IsIPv4(const s: U_String): Boolean;
NumVal := -1;
for i := 1 to n.Len do
- Ch := n[i];
- if CharIn(Ch, c0to9) then
+ CH := n[i];
+ if CharIn(CH, c0to9) then
if NumVal = -1 then
- NumVal := Ord(Ch) - Ord('0')
+ NumVal := Ord(CH) - Ord('0')
- NumVal := NumVal * 10 + Ord(Ch) - Ord('0');
+ NumVal := NumVal * 10 + Ord(CH) - Ord('0');
if NumVal > 255 then
- else if Ch = '.' then
+ else if CH = '.' then
if (DotCnt > 3) or (NumVal = -1) then
@@ -3011,6 +3054,18 @@ function IsIPV6(const s: U_String): Boolean;
StrToIPv6(s, Result, ScopeID);
+function MakeRandomIPV6(): TIPV6;
+ tmp: array [0 .. 31] of Byte;
+ PTimeTick(@tmp[0])^ := GetTimeTick();
+ PInt64(@tmp[8])^ := MT19937Rand64($7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);
+ PDouble(@tmp[16])^ := umlNow();
+ PInt64(@tmp[24])^ := V_IPV6_Seed;
+ AtomInc(V_IPV6_Seed);
+ PMD5(@Result)^ := umlMD5(@tmp[0], 32);
function CompareIPV4(const IP1, IP2: TIPV4): Boolean;
Result := PCardinal(@IP1[0])^ = PCardinal(@IP2[0])^;
@@ -3044,7 +3099,7 @@ function TranslateBindAddr(addr: SystemString): SystemString;
procedure ExtractHostAddress(var Host: U_String; var Port: Word);
- if Host.Exists(':') then
+ if Host.GetCharCount(':') = 1 then
Port := umlStrToInt(umlGetLastStr(Host, ':'), Port);
Host := umlDeleteLastStr(Host, ':');
@@ -3650,6 +3705,46 @@ procedure TOnStateStruct.Init;
OnProc := nil;
+constructor TOnResultBridge.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+destructor TOnResultBridge.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TOnResultBridge.DoConsoleEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString);
+procedure TOnResultBridge.DoConsoleParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: SystemString);
+procedure TOnResultBridge.DoConsoleFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: SystemString);
+procedure TOnResultBridge.DoStreamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TOnResultBridge.DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TOnResultBridge.DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor TStateParamBridge.Create;
inherited Create;
@@ -4712,7 +4807,6 @@ function TPeerIO.FillSequencePacketTo(const buff: Pointer; siz: Int64; ExtractDe
p: PSequencePacket;
head: Byte;
echoSiz: Word;
- echoBuff: TBytes;
ResendNumber, DoneNumber: Cardinal;
fastSwap, n: TMemoryStream64;
hashMatched: Boolean;
@@ -4773,15 +4867,9 @@ function TPeerIO.FillSequencePacketTo(const buff: Pointer; siz: Int64; ExtractDe
if fastSwap.Position + echoSiz > fastSwap.Size then
- SetLength(echoBuff, echoSiz);
+ DoSequencePacketEchoKeepAlive(fastSwap.PositionAsPtr(), echoSiz);
if echoSiz > 0 then
- begin
- fastSwap.ReadPtr(@echoBuff[0], echoSiz);
- DoSequencePacketEchoKeepAlive(@echoBuff[0], echoSiz);
- SetLength(echoBuff, 0);
- end
- else
- DoSequencePacketEchoKeepAlive(nil, 0);
+ fastSwap.Position := fastSwap.Position + echoSiz;
else if head = C_Sequence_RequestResend then
@@ -5039,19 +5127,19 @@ procedure TPeerIO.SendVerifyCode(buff: Pointer; siz: NativeInt);
Send(@Code[0], Length(Code));
-procedure TPeerIO.SendEncryptBuffer(buff: PByte; siz: NativeInt; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+procedure TPeerIO.SendEncryptBuffer(buff: PByte; siz: NativeInt; CS: TCipherSecurity);
- SendByte(Byte(cs));
- Encrypt(cs, buff, siz, FCipherKey, True);
+ SendByte(Byte(CS));
+ Encrypt(CS, buff, siz, FCipherKey, True);
Send(buff, siz);
-procedure TPeerIO.SendEncryptMemoryStream(Stream: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+procedure TPeerIO.SendEncryptMemoryStream(Stream: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
- SendEncryptBuffer(Stream.Memory, Stream.Size, cs);
+ SendEncryptBuffer(Stream.Memory, Stream.Size, CS);
-procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
@@ -5059,12 +5147,12 @@ procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecu
SendVerifyCode(buff.Memory, buff.Size);
- SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, cs);
+ SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, CS);
-procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
@@ -5072,12 +5160,12 @@ procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecur
SendVerifyCode(buff.Memory, buff.Size);
- SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, cs);
+ SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, CS);
-procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendDirectConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendDirectConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
@@ -5085,12 +5173,12 @@ procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendDirectConsoleBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCiph
SendVerifyCode(buff.Memory, buff.Size);
- SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, cs);
+ SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, CS);
-procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendDirectStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCipherSecurity);
+procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendDirectStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; CS: TCipherSecurity);
@@ -5098,7 +5186,7 @@ procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendDirectStreamBuff(buff: TMemoryStream64; cs: TCiphe
SendVerifyCode(buff.Memory, buff.Size);
- SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, cs);
+ SendEncryptMemoryStream(buff, CS);
@@ -5201,19 +5289,19 @@ procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendCompleteBufferHeader(Cmd: SystemString; buffSiz, c
procedure TPeerIO.InternalSendCompleteBufferBuff(var Queue: TQueueData);
- sour, dest: TMemoryStream64;
+ sour, Dest: TMemoryStream64;
- if FOwnerFramework.FCompleteBufferCompressed then
+ if FOwnerFramework.FCompleteBufferCompressed and (Queue.BufferSize > OwnerFramework.FCompleteBufferCompressionCondition) then
sour := TMemoryStream64.Create;
sour.SetPointerWithProtectedMode(Queue.buffer, Queue.BufferSize);
- dest := TMemoryStream64.Create;
- ParallelCompressMemory(scmZLIB_Fast, sour, dest);
- InternalSendCompleteBufferHeader(Queue.Cmd, Queue.BufferSize, dest.Size);
- Send(dest.Memory, dest.Size);
+ Dest := TMemoryStream64.Create;
+ ParallelCompressMemory(scmZLIB_Fast, sour, Dest);
+ InternalSendCompleteBufferHeader(Queue.Cmd, Queue.BufferSize, Dest.Size);
+ Send(Dest.Memory, Dest.Size);
- DisposeObject(dest);
+ DisposeObject(Dest);
@@ -5743,7 +5831,7 @@ function TPeerIO.FillCompleteBufferBuffer(CurrentActiveThread_: TCoreClassThread
leftSize: Cardinal;
tmpStream: TMemoryStream64;
- dest: TMemoryStream64;
+ Dest: TMemoryStream64;
leftSize := FCompleteBufferTotal - FCompleteBufferCompleted;
if leftSize > FReceivedBuffer.Size then
@@ -5772,11 +5860,11 @@ function TPeerIO.FillCompleteBufferBuffer(CurrentActiveThread_: TCoreClassThread
if FCompleteBufferCompressedSize > 0 then
- dest := TMemoryStream64.Create;
- ParallelDecompressStream(FCompleteBufferReceivedStream, dest);
+ Dest := TMemoryStream64.Create;
+ ParallelDecompressStream(FCompleteBufferReceivedStream, Dest);
- dest.Position := 0;
- FCompleteBufferReceivedStream := dest;
+ Dest.Position := 0;
+ FCompleteBufferReceivedStream := Dest;
IO_SyncMethod(CurrentActiveThread_, Sync, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Sync_ExecuteCompleteBuffer);
@@ -6654,7 +6742,7 @@ constructor TPeerIO.Create(OwnerFramework_: TCommunicationFramework; IOInterface
- InitSequencePacketModel(512, 1024);
+ InitSequencePacketModel(512, $FFFF);
FP2PVMTunnel := nil;
SetLength(FP2PAuthToken, $FF);
@@ -6680,8 +6768,6 @@ constructor TPeerIO.Create(OwnerFramework_: TCommunicationFramework; IOInterface
OnVMAuthResultIOMethod := nil;
OnVMAuthResultIOProc := nil;
- FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence := 0;
- FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence_Successed := 0;
FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDoneCall := nil;
FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDoneMethod := nil;
FOnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDoneProc := nil;
@@ -6782,7 +6868,8 @@ destructor TPeerIO.Destroy;
function TPeerIO.IOBusy: Boolean;
- Result := (IOSendBuffer.Size > 0) or
+ Result :=
+ (IOSendBuffer.Size > 0) or
(SendingSequencePacketHistory.Count > 0) or
(SequencePacketReceivedPool.Count > 0) or
(FQueueList.Count > 0) or
@@ -6852,6 +6939,11 @@ procedure TPeerIO.IO_IDLE_TraceP(data: TCoreClassObject; OnNotify: TDataNotifyPr
FOwnerFramework.ProgressEngine.PostExecuteM(0.1, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}FOwnerFramework.IDLE_Trace_Execute).Data5 := p;
+function TPeerIO.p2pVMTunnelReadyOk: Boolean;
+ Result := (FP2PVMTunnel <> nil) and (FP2PVMTunnel.WasAuthed);
procedure TPeerIO.BuildP2PAuthToken;
de: TDataFrameEngine;
@@ -6860,7 +6952,7 @@ procedure TPeerIO.BuildP2PAuthToken;
FSequencePacketSignal := False;
de := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
- de.WriteInteger(umlRandomRange(-maxInt, maxInt));
+ de.WriteInteger(umlRandomRange(-MaxInt, MaxInt));
SendStreamCmdM(C_BuildP2PAuthToken, de, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}FOwnerFramework.CommandResult_BuildP2PAuthToken);
InternalProcessAllSendCmd(nil, False, False);
@@ -6948,9 +7040,9 @@ procedure TPeerIO.OpenP2PVMTunnel(vmHashPoolSize: Integer; SendRemoteRequest: Bo
procedure TPeerIO.OpenP2PVMTunnel(SendRemoteRequest: Boolean; const AuthToken: SystemString);
if FOwnerFramework.FFrameworkIsClient then
- OpenP2PVMTunnel(8192, SendRemoteRequest, AuthToken)
+ OpenP2PVMTunnel(16384, SendRemoteRequest, AuthToken)
- OpenP2PVMTunnel(16, SendRemoteRequest, AuthToken);
+ OpenP2PVMTunnel(64, SendRemoteRequest, AuthToken);
procedure TPeerIO.OpenP2PVMTunnelC(SendRemoteRequest: Boolean; const AuthToken: SystemString; const OnResult: TStateCall);
@@ -7185,8 +7277,8 @@ procedure TPeerIO.Progress;
- if (not FTimeOutProcessDone) and (OwnerFramework.TimeOutKeepAlive) and (IsSequencePacketModel) and (FSequencePacketSignal) and
- (GetTimeTick() - LastCommunicationTick_KeepAlive > 2000) and (WriteBufferEmpty) then
+ if (not FTimeOutProcessDone) and (OwnerFramework.FTimeOutKeepAlive) and (IsSequencePacketModel) and (FSequencePacketSignal) and
+ (GetTimeTick() - LastCommunicationTick_KeepAlive > 1000) and (WriteBufferEmpty) then
SendSequencePacketKeepAlive(nil, 0);
@@ -7435,7 +7527,7 @@ function TPeerIO.VerifyHashCode(const hs: THashSecurity; buff: Pointer; siz: Int
-procedure TPeerIO.Encrypt(cs: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal; var k: TCipherKeyBuffer; enc: Boolean);
+procedure TPeerIO.Encrypt(CS: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal; var k: TCipherKeyBuffer; enc: Boolean);
if Size = 0 then
@@ -7445,11 +7537,11 @@ procedure TPeerIO.Encrypt(cs: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal;
if enc then
if FEncryptInstance <> nil then
- if (FEncryptInstance.CipherSecurity <> cs) or (not TCipher.CompareKey(FEncryptInstance.LastGenerateKey, k)) then
+ if (FEncryptInstance.CipherSecurity <> CS) or (not TCipher.CompareKey(FEncryptInstance.LastGenerateKey, k)) then
if FEncryptInstance = nil then
- FEncryptInstance := CreateCipherClassFromBuffer(cs, k);
+ FEncryptInstance := CreateCipherClassFromBuffer(CS, k);
FEncryptInstance.CBC := True;
FEncryptInstance.ProcessTail := True;
@@ -7458,11 +7550,11 @@ procedure TPeerIO.Encrypt(cs: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal;
if FDecryptInstance <> nil then
- if (FDecryptInstance.CipherSecurity <> cs) or (not TCipher.CompareKey(FDecryptInstance.LastGenerateKey, k)) then
+ if (FDecryptInstance.CipherSecurity <> CS) or (not TCipher.CompareKey(FDecryptInstance.LastGenerateKey, k)) then
if FDecryptInstance = nil then
- FDecryptInstance := CreateCipherClassFromBuffer(cs, k);
+ FDecryptInstance := CreateCipherClassFromBuffer(CS, k);
FDecryptInstance.CBC := True;
FDecryptInstance.ProcessTail := True;
@@ -7472,12 +7564,12 @@ procedure TPeerIO.Encrypt(cs: TCipherSecurity; DataPtr: Pointer; Size: Cardinal;
if FOwnerFramework.FUsedParallelEncrypt then
- SequEncryptCBC(cs, DataPtr, Size, k, enc, True)
+ SequEncryptCBC(CS, DataPtr, Size, k, enc, True)
- SequEncryptCBCWithDirect(cs, DataPtr, Size, k, enc, True);
+ SequEncryptCBCWithDirect(CS, DataPtr, Size, k, enc, True);
- if cs <> TCipherSecurity.csNone then
+ if CS <> TCipherSecurity.csNone then
@@ -7653,12 +7745,12 @@ function TPeerIO.WaitSendConsoleCmd(Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTi
Result := '';
-procedure TPeerIO.WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+procedure TPeerIO.WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
if FOwnerFramework.InheritsFrom(TCommunicationFrameworkServer) then
- TCommunicationFrameworkServer(FOwnerFramework).WaitSendStreamCmd(Self, Cmd, StreamData, ResultData, Timeout)
+ TCommunicationFrameworkServer(FOwnerFramework).WaitSendStreamCmd(Self, Cmd, StreamData, Result_, Timeout)
else if FOwnerFramework.InheritsFrom(TCommunicationFrameworkClient) then
- TCommunicationFrameworkClient(FOwnerFramework).WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd, StreamData, ResultData, Timeout);
+ TCommunicationFrameworkClient(FOwnerFramework).WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd, StreamData, Result_, Timeout);
procedure TPeerIO.SendBigStream(Cmd: SystemString; BigStream: TCoreClassStream; StartPos: Int64; DoneAutoFree: Boolean);
@@ -7762,6 +7854,7 @@ procedure TAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.AddClient(Client: TCommunicationFrameworkWit
p^.Client := Client;
p^.IPV6 := IPV6;
p^.Port := Port;
+ p^.RequestConnecting := False;
@@ -8130,12 +8223,12 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.BuildP2PAuthTokenResult_OnIOIDLE(Sender: TCore
P_IO.OnVMBuildAuthModelResultIOProc := nil;
-procedure TCommunicationFramework.CommandResult_BuildP2PAuthToken(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.CommandResult_BuildP2PAuthToken(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
i: Integer;
arr: TDataFrameArrayInteger;
- arr := ResultData.ReadArrayInteger(0);
+ arr := Result_.ReadArrayInteger(0);
SetLength(Sender.FP2PAuthToken, arr.Count * 4);
for i := 0 to arr.Count - 1 do
PInteger(@Sender.FP2PAuthToken[i * 4])^ := arr[i];
@@ -8281,9 +8374,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.InitAutomatedP2PVM;
procedure TCommunicationFramework.FreeAutomatedP2PVM;
- FAutomatedP2PVMServiceBind.Clean;
- FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Clean;
@@ -8308,11 +8399,13 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.DoAutomatedP2PVMClient_Request(IO_ID: Cardinal
if P_IO.OwnerFramework <> Self then
- P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence := 0;
- P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence_Successed := 0;
- if FAutomatedP2PVMClient and (FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count > 0) then
- P_IO.BuildP2PAuthTokenIO_M({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AutomatedP2PVMClient_BuildP2PAuthTokenResult)
+ if FAutomatedP2PVMClient then
+ begin
+ if P_IO.p2pVMTunnelReadyOk then
+ AutomatedP2PVMClient_OpenP2PVMTunnelResult(P_IO, True)
+ else
+ P_IO.BuildP2PAuthTokenIO_M({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AutomatedP2PVMClient_BuildP2PAuthTokenResult);
+ end
Error('AutomatedP2PVMClient is false, on do AutomatedP2PVMClient_Request dont work.');
@@ -8327,6 +8420,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClient_OpenP2PVMTunnelResult(P_I
p: PAutomatedP2PVMClientData;
i: Integer;
+ IsRequestConnecting_: Boolean;
if not VMauthState then
@@ -8339,23 +8433,44 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClient_OpenP2PVMTunnelResult(P_I
for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
- if (FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count > P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence) then
+ for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
- p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence];
- p^.Client.AsyncConnectM(p^.IPV6, p^.Port, nil, P_IO, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AutomatedP2PVMClient_ConnectionResult);
- end
- else
+ p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[i];
+ if (not p^.Client.Connected) and (not p^.RequestConnecting) then
+ begin
+ p^.Client.AsyncConnectM(p^.IPV6, p^.Port, p, P_IO, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AutomatedP2PVMClient_ConnectionResult);
+ p^.RequestConnecting := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { check all connection done. }
+ IsRequestConnecting_ := False;
+ for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
- { all connection done. }
- AutomatedP2PVMClient_Done(P_IO);
+ p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[i];
+ if (p^.RequestConnecting) or (not p^.Client.Connected) then
+ IsRequestConnecting_ := True;
+ if not IsRequestConnecting_ then
+ AutomatedP2PVMClient_Done(P_IO);
procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClient_ConnectionResult(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const ConnectionState: Boolean);
P_IO: TPeerIO;
p: PAutomatedP2PVMClientData;
+ i: Integer;
+ IsRequestConnecting_: Boolean;
+ p := Param1;
+ p^.RequestConnecting := False;
+ if not ConnectionState then
+ begin
+ Error('Automated P2PVM connection failed.');
+ exit;
+ end;
if not FPeerIO_HashPool.ExistsObject(Param2) then
Error('Automated P2PVM IO failed.');
@@ -8363,19 +8478,27 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClient_ConnectionResult(Param1:
P_IO := TPeerIO(Param2);
- inc(P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence);
- if ConnectionState then
- inc(P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence_Successed);
- if (FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count > P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence) then
+ for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
- p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence];
- p^.Client.AsyncConnectM(p^.IPV6, p^.Port, nil, P_IO, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AutomatedP2PVMClient_ConnectionResult);
- end
- else
+ p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[i];
+ if (not p^.Client.Connected) and (not p^.RequestConnecting) then
+ begin
+ p^.Client.AsyncConnectM(p^.IPV6, p^.Port, p, P_IO, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AutomatedP2PVMClient_ConnectionResult);
+ p^.RequestConnecting := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { check all connection done. }
+ IsRequestConnecting_ := False;
+ for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
- { all connection done. }
- AutomatedP2PVMClient_Done(P_IO);
+ p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[i];
+ if (p^.RequestConnecting) or (not p^.Client.Connected) then
+ IsRequestConnecting_ := True;
+ if not IsRequestConnecting_ then
+ AutomatedP2PVMClient_Done(P_IO);
procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClient_Delay_Done(Sender: TNPostExecute);
@@ -8492,12 +8615,13 @@ constructor TCommunicationFramework.Create(HashPoolSize: Integer);
FBigStreamSwapSpaceTriggerSize := C_BigStream_SwapSpace_Trigger;
FEnabledAtomicLockAndMultiThread := True;
FTimeOutKeepAlive := True;
- FQuietMode := False;
+ FQuietMode := {$IFDEF Communication_QuietMode}True{$ELSE Communication_QuietMode}False{$ENDIF Communication_QuietMode};
SetLength(FCipherSecurityArray, 0);
FSendDataCompressed := False;
FCompleteBufferCompressed := False;
FHashSecurity := THashSecurity.hsNone;
FMaxCompleteBufferSize := C_MaxCompleteBufferSize;
+ FCompleteBufferCompressionCondition := C_CompleteBufferCompressionCondition;
FPeerIOUserDefineClass := TPeerIOUserDefine;
FPeerIOUserSpecialClass := TPeerIOUserSpecial;
@@ -8599,7 +8723,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.p2pVMTunnelAuth(Sender: TPeerIO; const Token:
if FVMInterface <> nil then
FVMInterface.p2pVMTunnelAuth(Sender, Token, Accept);
- if (FAutomatedP2PVMService) and (FAutomatedP2PVMServiceBind.Count > 0) then
+ if (not Accept) and (FAutomatedP2PVMService) then
Accept := CompareQuantumCryptographyPassword(FAutomatedP2PVMAuthToken, Token);
@@ -8637,14 +8761,42 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.p2pVMTunnelClose(Sender: TPeerIO; p2pVMTunnel:
function TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone(P_IO: TPeerIO): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PAutomatedP2PVMClientData;
- Result := (P_IO <> nil) and (P_IO.FAutomatedP2PVMClient_Connection_Sequence_Successed = FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count);
+ Result := False;
+ if P_IO = nil then
+ exit;
+ if not P_IO.p2pVMTunnelReadyOk then
+ exit;
+ { check all connection done. }
+ for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[i];
+ if (p^.RequestConnecting) or (not p^.Client.Connected) then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+function TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone(): Boolean;
+ if FFrameworkIsClient and (TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO <> nil) then
+ Result := AutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone(TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO)
+ else
+ Result := False;
procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVM_Open(P_IO: TPeerIO);
- if FAutomatedP2PVMClient and (FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count > 0) then
- FPostProgress.PostExecuteM(FAutomatedP2PVMClientDelayBoot, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoAutomatedP2PVMClient_DelayRequest).Data3 := P_IO.ID;
+ FPostProgress.PostExecuteM(FAutomatedP2PVMClientDelayBoot, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoAutomatedP2PVMClient_DelayRequest).Data3 := P_IO.ID;
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVM_Open();
+ if FFrameworkIsClient and (TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO <> nil) then
+ AutomatedP2PVM_Open(TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO);
procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVM_Open_C(P_IO: TPeerIO; const OnResult: TIOStateCall);
@@ -8672,10 +8824,45 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVM_Open_P(P_IO: TPeerIO; const OnR
procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVM_Close(P_IO: TPeerIO);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PAutomatedP2PVMClientData;
+ if P_IO = nil then
+ exit;
+ if FAutomatedP2PVMClient then
+ for i := 0 to FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ p := FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind[i];
+ if p^.Client.Connected then
+ begin
+ p^.Client.Disconnect;
+ P_IO.p2pVMTunnel.UninstallLogicFramework(p^.Client);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.AutomatedP2PVM_Close();
+ if FFrameworkIsClient and (TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO <> nil) then
+ AutomatedP2PVM_Close(TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO);
+function TCommunicationFramework.p2pVMTunnelReadyOk(P_IO: TPeerIO): Boolean;
+ Result := (P_IO <> nil) and P_IO.p2pVMTunnelReadyOk;
+function TCommunicationFramework.p2pVMTunnelReadyOk(): Boolean;
+ if FFrameworkIsClient and (TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO <> nil) then
+ Result := p2pVMTunnelReadyOk(TCommunicationFrameworkClient(Self).ClientIO)
+ else
+ Result := False;
procedure TCommunicationFramework.SwitchMaxPerformance;
FFastEncrypt := True;
@@ -9040,6 +9227,25 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.ErrorParam(v: SystemString; Args: SystemString
DoError(Format(v, [Args]));
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.PrintError(const v: SystemString; const Args: array of const);
+ try
+ Error(Format(v, Args));
+ except
+ Error('print error. ' + v);
+ end;
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.PrintError(const v: SystemString);
+ DoError(v);
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.PrintErrorParam(v, Args: SystemString);
+ DoError(Format(v, [Args]));
procedure TCommunicationFramework.Warning(const v: SystemString);
@@ -9050,6 +9256,16 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework.WarningParam(v: SystemString; Args: SystemStri
DoWarning(Format(v, [Args]));
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.PrintWarning(const v: SystemString);
+ DoWarning(v);
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.PrintWarningParam(v, Args: SystemString);
+ DoWarning(Format(v, [Args]));
function TCommunicationFramework.DeleteRegistedCMD(Cmd: SystemString): Boolean;
Result := FCommandList.Exists(Cmd);
@@ -9391,6 +9607,30 @@ function TCommunicationFramework.GetRandomCipherSecurity: TCipherSecurity;
Result := csNone;
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.CopyParamFrom(Source: TCommunicationFramework);
+ FastEncrypt := Source.FastEncrypt;
+ UsedParallelEncrypt := Source.UsedParallelEncrypt;
+ SyncOnResult := Source.SyncOnResult;
+ SyncOnCompleteBuffer := Source.SyncOnCompleteBuffer;
+ BigStreamMemorySwapSpace := Source.BigStreamMemorySwapSpace;
+ BigStreamSwapSpaceTriggerSize := Source.BigStreamSwapSpaceTriggerSize;
+ EnabledAtomicLockAndMultiThread := Source.EnabledAtomicLockAndMultiThread;
+ TimeOutKeepAlive := Source.TimeOutKeepAlive;
+ QuietMode := Source.QuietMode;
+ IdleTimeOut := Source.IdleTimeOut;
+ SendDataCompressed := Source.SendDataCompressed;
+ CompleteBufferCompressed := Source.CompleteBufferCompressed;
+ MaxCompleteBufferSize := Source.MaxCompleteBufferSize;
+ CompleteBufferCompressionCondition := Source.CompleteBufferCompressionCondition;
+ ProgressMaxDelay := Source.ProgressMaxDelay;
+procedure TCommunicationFramework.CopyParamTo(Dest: TCommunicationFramework);
+ Dest.CopyParamFrom(Self);
function TCommunicationFrameworkServer.CanExecuteCommand(Sender: TPeerIO; Cmd: SystemString): Boolean;
if IsSystemCMD(Cmd) then
@@ -10141,7 +10381,7 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendConsoleCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const C
P_IO.FWaitSendBusy := False;
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
waitIntf: TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf;
timetick: TTimeTick;
@@ -10185,10 +10425,10 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const C
if waitIntf.Done then
- if (ResultData <> nil) and (not waitIntf.Failed) then
+ if (Result_ <> nil) and (not waitIntf.Failed) then
- ResultData.Assign(waitIntf.NewResult);
- ResultData.Reader.index := 0;
+ Result_.Assign(waitIntf.NewResult);
+ Result_.Reader.index := 0;
@@ -10381,9 +10621,9 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendConsoleCmd(IO_ID: Cardinal; const
Result := WaitSendConsoleCmd(PeerIO[IO_ID], Cmd, ConsoleData, Timeout);
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
- WaitSendStreamCmd(PeerIO[IO_ID], Cmd, StreamData, ResultData, Timeout);
+ WaitSendStreamCmd(PeerIO[IO_ID], Cmd, StreamData, Result_, Timeout);
procedure TCommunicationFrameworkServer.SendBigStream(IO_ID: Cardinal; const Cmd: SystemString; BigStream: TCoreClassStream; StartPos: Int64; DoneAutoFree: Boolean);
@@ -10544,49 +10784,50 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework_ServerState.Reset;
ProgressMaxDelay := 0;
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.StreamResult_CipherModel(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.StreamResult_CipherModel(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
arr: TDataFrameArrayByte;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
+ FReponseTime := GetTimeTick - FRequestTime;
{ index 0: my remote id }
- Sender.ID := ResultData.Reader.ReadCardinal;
+ Sender.ID := Result_.Reader.ReadCardinal;
{ index 1: Encrypt }
- Sender.SendCipherSecurity := TCipherSecurity(ResultData.Reader.ReadByte);
+ Sender.SendCipherSecurity := TCipherSecurity(Result_.Reader.ReadByte);
{ index 2: Encrypt CipherKey }
- arr := ResultData.Reader.ReadArrayByte;
+ arr := Result_.Reader.ReadArrayByte;
SetLength(Sender.FCipherKey, arr.Count);
{ index 3: remote inited time md5 }
- if ResultData.Reader.IsEnd then
+ if Result_.Reader.IsEnd then
Warning('protocol version upgrade zserver from https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D');
- FInitedTimeMD5 := ResultData.Reader.ReadMD5();
- if ResultData.Reader.IsEnd then
+ FInitedTimeMD5 := Result_.Reader.ReadMD5();
+ if Result_.Reader.IsEnd then
Warning('protocol version upgrade zserver from https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D');
- FServerState.UsedParallelEncrypt := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.SyncOnResult := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.SyncOnCompleteBuffer := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.EnabledAtomicLockAndMultiThread := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.TimeOutKeepAlive := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.QuietMode := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.IdleTimeOut := ResultData.Reader.ReadUInt64();
- FServerState.SendDataCompressed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.CompleteBufferCompressed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool();
- FServerState.MaxCompleteBufferSize := ResultData.Reader.ReadCardinal();
- FServerState.ProgressMaxDelay := ResultData.Reader.ReadUInt64();
+ FServerState.UsedParallelEncrypt := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.SyncOnResult := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.SyncOnCompleteBuffer := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.EnabledAtomicLockAndMultiThread := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.TimeOutKeepAlive := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.QuietMode := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.IdleTimeOut := Result_.Reader.ReadUInt64();
+ FServerState.SendDataCompressed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.CompleteBufferCompressed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool();
+ FServerState.MaxCompleteBufferSize := Result_.Reader.ReadCardinal();
+ FServerState.ProgressMaxDelay := Result_.Reader.ReadUInt64();
@@ -10597,7 +10838,9 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.StreamResult_CipherModel(Sender: TPeerIO
- AutomatedP2PVM_Open(Sender);
+ if (FAutomatedP2PVMClient and (FAutomatedP2PVMClientBind.Count > 0)) or
+ (FAutomatedP2PVMService and (FAutomatedP2PVMServiceBind.Count > 0)) then
+ AutomatedP2PVM_Open(Sender);
@@ -10648,6 +10891,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DoConnected(Sender: TPeerIO);
+ FRequestTime := GetTimeTick;
@@ -10724,7 +10968,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.FillCustomBuffer(Sender: TPeerIO; const
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.ConsoleResult_Wait(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: SystemString);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.ConsoleResult_Wait(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: SystemString);
if FWaiting then
@@ -10749,11 +10993,18 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.ConsoleResult_Wait(Sender: TPeerIO; Resu
function TCommunicationFrameworkClient.GetWaitTimeout(const t: TTimeTick): TTimeTick;
if t = 0 then
- Result := 1000 * 60 * 5
+ Result := 1000 * 60 * 30
Result := t;
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.Do_IO_IDLE_FreeSelf(Data_: TCoreClassObject);
+ if Self is TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client then
+ TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client(Self).CloneClientAutoFree := False;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, Self, Data_);
constructor TCommunicationFrameworkClient.Create;
inherited Create(1);
@@ -10779,6 +11030,8 @@ constructor TCommunicationFrameworkClient.Create;
FIgnoreProcessConnectedAndDisconnect := False;
FLastConnectIsSuccessed := False;
+ FRequestTime := 0;
+ FReponseTime := 0;
FOnWaitResultCall := nil;
FOnWaitResultMethod := nil;
@@ -10803,6 +11056,11 @@ destructor TCommunicationFrameworkClient.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DelayFreeSelf;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, Self, nil);
procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.IO_IDLE_TraceC(data: TCoreClassObject; const OnNotify: TDataNotifyCall);
if ClientIO = nil then
@@ -10827,6 +11085,11 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.IO_IDLE_TraceP(data: TCoreClassObject; c
ClientIO.IO_IDLE_TraceP(data, OnNotify);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.IO_IDLE_Trace_And_FreeSelf(Additional_Object_: TCoreClassObject);
+ IO_IDLE_TraceM(Additional_Object_, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_IO_IDLE_FreeSelf);
procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.OnReceiveBuffer(const buffer: PByte; const Size: NativeInt; var FillDone: Boolean);
@@ -11042,7 +11305,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.Disconnect;
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DelayClose;
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DelayCloseIO;
if ClientIO <> nil then
@@ -11051,7 +11314,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DelayClose;
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DelayClose(const t: Double);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.DelayCloseIO(const t: Double);
if ClientIO <> nil then
@@ -11702,7 +11965,7 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkClient.WaitSendConsoleCmd(Cmd, ConsoleData: Syst
ClientIO.FWaitSendBusy := False;
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
waitIntf: TWaitSendStreamCmdIntf;
timetick: TTimeTick;
@@ -11755,10 +12018,10 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkClient.WaitSendStreamCmd(Cmd: SystemString; Str
if waitIntf.Done then
- if (ResultData <> nil) and (not waitIntf.Failed) then
+ if (Result_ <> nil) and (not waitIntf.Failed) then
- ResultData.Assign(waitIntf.NewResult);
- ResultData.Reader.index := 0;
+ Result_.Assign(waitIntf.NewResult);
+ Result_.Reader.index := 0;
@@ -11931,20 +12194,24 @@ procedure TP2PVM_PeerIO.CreateAfter;
FDestroySyncRemote := True;
if not FOwnerFramework.FQuietMode then
- Print('VM-IO Create %d', [ID]);
+ FOwnerFramework.Print('VM-IO Create %d', [ID]);
destructor TP2PVM_PeerIO.Destroy;
i: Integer;
c_: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client;
+ LID: Cardinal;
+ LID := 0;
if Connected then
if (FDestroySyncRemote) and (FLinkVM <> nil) then
FLinkVM.SendDisconnect(Remote_frameworkID, Remote_p2pID);
+ LID := ID;
if not FOwnerFramework.FQuietMode then
- Print('VMClientIO %d disconnect', [ID]);
+ FOwnerFramework.Print('VMClientIO %d disconnect', [LID]);
if FOwnerFramework is TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client then
c_ := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client(FOwnerFramework);
@@ -11963,7 +12230,7 @@ destructor TP2PVM_PeerIO.Destroy;
if not FOwnerFramework.FQuietMode then
- Print('VM-IO Destroy %d', [ID]);
+ FOwnerFramework.Print('VM-IO Destroy %d', [LID]);
inherited Destroy;
@@ -12033,6 +12300,8 @@ procedure TP2PVM_PeerIO.WriteBufferClose;
function TP2PVM_PeerIO.GetPeerIP: SystemString;
Result := IPv6ToStr(FIP).Text;
+ if (FLinkVM <> nil) and (FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO <> nil) then
+ Result := FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO.PeerIP + '(' + Result + ')';
function TP2PVM_PeerIO.WriteBufferEmpty: Boolean;
@@ -12281,7 +12550,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.StopService;
-function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.StartService(Host: SystemString; Port: Word): Boolean;
+function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.StartService(Host_: SystemString; Port: Word): Boolean;
SI: Cardinal;
@@ -12291,10 +12560,14 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.StartService(Host: SystemString
Result := False;
- IPV6 := StrToIPv6(Host, Result, SI);
- if not Result then
- exit;
+ if umlTrimSpace(Host_).L = 0 then
+ IPV6 := MakeRandomIPV6()
+ else
+ begin
+ IPV6 := StrToIPv6(Host_, Result, SI);
+ if not Result then
+ exit;
+ end;
LP := FindListen(IPV6, Port);
if LP = nil then
@@ -12336,7 +12609,7 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.WaitSendConsoleCmd(P_IO: TPeerI
RaiseInfo('WaitSend no Suppport VM server');
-procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
RaiseInfo('WaitSend no Suppport VM server');
@@ -12407,9 +12680,14 @@ destructor TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Destroy;
while i < FP2PVM_ClonePool.Count do
if FP2PVM_ClonePool[i].FP2PVM_CloneClientAutoFree then
- DisposeObject(FP2PVM_ClonePool[i])
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(FP2PVM_ClonePool[i]);
+ end
+ begin
+ FP2PVM_ClonePool[i].FP2PVM_CloneOwner := nil;
+ end;
@@ -12432,14 +12710,7 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.CloneConnectC(OnResult: TP2PVM_
bridge_ := TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventBridge.Create(Self);
bridge_.NewClient := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
// copy parameter
- bridge_.NewClient.FastEncrypt := FastEncrypt;
- bridge_.NewClient.TimeOutKeepAlive := TimeOutKeepAlive;
- bridge_.NewClient.TimeOutIDLE := TimeOutIDLE;
- bridge_.NewClient.SendDataCompressed := SendDataCompressed;
- bridge_.NewClient.CompleteBufferCompressed := CompleteBufferCompressed;
- bridge_.NewClient.SyncOnResult := SyncOnResult;
- bridge_.NewClient.SyncOnCompleteBuffer := SyncOnCompleteBuffer;
- bridge_.NewClient.QuietMode := QuietMode;
+ bridge_.NewClient.CopyParamFrom(Self);
// init event
bridge_.OnResultC := OnResult;
bridge_.NewClient.FP2PVM_CloneOwner := Self;
@@ -12461,14 +12732,7 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.CloneConnectM(OnResult: TP2PVM_
bridge_ := TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventBridge.Create(Self);
bridge_.NewClient := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
// copy parameter
- bridge_.NewClient.FastEncrypt := FastEncrypt;
- bridge_.NewClient.TimeOutKeepAlive := TimeOutKeepAlive;
- bridge_.NewClient.TimeOutIDLE := TimeOutIDLE;
- bridge_.NewClient.SendDataCompressed := SendDataCompressed;
- bridge_.NewClient.CompleteBufferCompressed := CompleteBufferCompressed;
- bridge_.NewClient.SyncOnResult := SyncOnResult;
- bridge_.NewClient.SyncOnCompleteBuffer := SyncOnCompleteBuffer;
- bridge_.NewClient.QuietMode := QuietMode;
+ bridge_.NewClient.CopyParamFrom(Self);
// init event
bridge_.OnResultM := OnResult;
bridge_.NewClient.FP2PVM_CloneOwner := Self;
@@ -12490,14 +12754,7 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.CloneConnectP(OnResult: TP2PVM_
bridge_ := TP2PVM_CloneConnectEventBridge.Create(Self);
bridge_.NewClient := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
// copy parameter
- bridge_.NewClient.FastEncrypt := FastEncrypt;
- bridge_.NewClient.TimeOutKeepAlive := TimeOutKeepAlive;
- bridge_.NewClient.TimeOutIDLE := TimeOutIDLE;
- bridge_.NewClient.SendDataCompressed := SendDataCompressed;
- bridge_.NewClient.CompleteBufferCompressed := CompleteBufferCompressed;
- bridge_.NewClient.SyncOnResult := SyncOnResult;
- bridge_.NewClient.SyncOnCompleteBuffer := SyncOnCompleteBuffer;
- bridge_.NewClient.QuietMode := QuietMode;
+ bridge_.NewClient.CopyParamFrom(Self);
// init event
bridge_.OnResultP := OnResult;
bridge_.NewClient.FP2PVM_CloneOwner := Self;
@@ -12580,7 +12837,9 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Progress;
for i := 0 to FP2PVM_ClonePool.Count - 1 do
if FP2PVM_ClonePool[i].FP2PVM_CloneClientAutoProgress then
+ begin
+ end;
@@ -12614,16 +12873,14 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnect(addr: SystemStrin
FOnP2PVMAsyncConnectNotifyProc := nil;
if (FLinkVM = nil) or (FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO = nil) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no VM connect');
+ Error('no VM connect');
if not FLinkVM.WasAuthed then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('VM no auth');
+ Error('VM no auth');
@@ -12632,8 +12889,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnect(addr: SystemStrin
if not r then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
+ Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
@@ -12641,8 +12897,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnect(addr: SystemStrin
p := FLinkVM.FindListen(IPV6, Port);
if p = nil then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
@@ -12672,16 +12927,14 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectC(addr: SystemStri
FOnP2PVMAsyncConnectNotifyProc := nil;
if (FLinkVM = nil) or (FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO = nil) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no VM connect');
+ Error('no VM connect');
if not FLinkVM.WasAuthed then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('VM no auth');
+ Error('VM no auth');
@@ -12690,8 +12943,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectC(addr: SystemStri
if not r then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
+ Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
@@ -12699,8 +12951,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectC(addr: SystemStri
p := FLinkVM.FindListen(IPV6, Port);
if p = nil then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
@@ -12731,16 +12982,14 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectM(addr: SystemStri
if (FLinkVM = nil) or (FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO = nil) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no VM connect');
+ Error('no VM connect');
if not FLinkVM.WasAuthed then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('VM no auth');
+ Error('VM no auth');
@@ -12749,8 +12998,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectM(addr: SystemStri
if not r then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
+ Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
@@ -12758,8 +13006,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectM(addr: SystemStri
p := FLinkVM.FindListen(IPV6, Port);
if p = nil then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
@@ -12790,16 +13037,14 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectP(addr: SystemStri
if (FLinkVM = nil) or (FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO = nil) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no VM connect');
+ Error('no VM connect');
if not FLinkVM.WasAuthed then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('VM no auth');
+ Error('VM no auth');
@@ -12808,8 +13053,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectP(addr: SystemStri
if not r then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
+ Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
@@ -12817,8 +13061,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.AsyncConnectP(addr: SystemStri
p := FLinkVM.FindListen(IPV6, Port);
if p = nil then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
@@ -12849,15 +13092,13 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Connect(addr: SystemString; Por
FOnP2PVMAsyncConnectNotifyProc := nil;
if (FLinkVM = nil) or (FLinkVM.FPhysicsIO = nil) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no VM connect');
+ Error('no VM connect');
if not FLinkVM.WasAuthed then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('VM no auth');
+ Error('VM no auth');
@@ -12865,16 +13106,14 @@ function TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Connect(addr: SystemString; Por
if not Result then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
+ Error('ipv6 format error! %s', [addr]);
p := FLinkVM.FindListen(IPV6, Port);
if p = nil then
- if not FQuietMode then
- Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ Error('no remote listen %s port:%d', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
@@ -13041,7 +13280,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.SyncProcessReceiveBuff;
FReceiveStream := sourStream;
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('VM Authentication Success');
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('VM Authentication Success');
else if FAuthWaiting then
@@ -13101,9 +13340,9 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.SyncProcessReceiveBuff;
ReceivedLogicFragmentData(fPk.FrameworkID, fPk.p2pID, fPk.buff, fPk.buffSiz)
else if fPk.pkType = C_p2pVM_PhysicsFragmentData then
ReceivedPhysicsFragmentData(fPk.FrameworkID, fPk.p2pID, fPk.buff, fPk.buffSiz)
- else if not FQuietMode then
+ else
- DoStatus('VM protocol header errror');
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('VM protocol header errror');
DoStatus(@fPk, SizeOf(fPk), 40);
@@ -13124,7 +13363,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.SyncProcessReceiveBuff;
if p64 > 0 then
- sourStream := TMemoryStream64.Create;
+ sourStream := TMemoryStream64.CustomCreate(8192);
FReceiveStream.Position := p64;
if FReceiveStream.Size - FReceiveStream.Position > 0 then
sourStream.CopyFrom(FReceiveStream, FReceiveStream.Size - FReceiveStream.Position);
@@ -13171,8 +13410,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedEcho(const FrameworkID, p2pID
if siz <> SizeOf(TBuf) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('echoing protocol with buffer error!');
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('echoing protocol with buffer error!');
if buff <> nil then
if not FQuietMode then
DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
@@ -13223,8 +13461,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedListen(const FrameworkID, p2p
if siz <> SizeOf(TBuf) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('listen protocol with buffer error!');
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('listen protocol with buffer error!');
if buff <> nil then
if not FQuietMode then
DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
@@ -13237,8 +13474,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedListen(const FrameworkID, p2p
if p2pID <> 0 then
- if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('listen protocol error! IO ID:%d', [p2pID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('listen protocol error! IO ID:%d', [p2pID]);
@@ -13282,8 +13518,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedListenState(const FrameworkID
if siz <> SizeOf(TBuf) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('Virtual listen state protocol with buffer error!');
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('Virtual listen state protocol with buffer error!');
if buff <> nil then
if not FQuietMode then
DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
@@ -13296,8 +13531,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedListenState(const FrameworkID
if p2pID <> 0 then
- if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('Virtual listen state protocol error! IO ID:%d', [p2pID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('Virtual listen state protocol error! IO ID:%d', [p2pID]);
@@ -13318,13 +13552,13 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedListenState(const FrameworkID
LP^.Listening := True;
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('Virtual Remote Listen state Activted "%s port:%d"', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('Virtual Remote Listen state Activted "%s port:%d"', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
DeleteListen(IPV6, Port);
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('Virtual Remote Listen state Close "%s port:%d"', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('Virtual Remote Listen state Close "%s port:%d"', [IPv6ToStr(IPV6).Text, Port]);
c := TCommunicationFramework(FFrameworkPool[FrameworkID]);
@@ -13350,12 +13584,9 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedConnecting(const FrameworkID,
if siz <> SizeOf(TBuf) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- begin
- DoStatus('connect request with buffer error!');
- if buff <> nil then
- DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
- end;
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('connect request with buffer error!');
+ if buff <> nil then
+ DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
p := @buff^;
@@ -13367,8 +13598,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedConnecting(const FrameworkID,
if p2pID <> 0 then
SendDisconnect(Remote_frameworkID, Remote_p2pID);
- if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('connect request with protocol error! IO ID:%d', [p2pID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('connect request with protocol error! IO ID:%d', [p2pID]);
@@ -13402,12 +13632,9 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedConnectedReponse(const Framew
if siz <> SizeOf(TBuf) then
- if not FQuietMode then
- begin
- DoStatus('connect request with buffer error!');
- if buff <> nil then
- DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
- end;
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('connect request with buffer error!');
+ if buff <> nil then
+ DoStatus(buff, siz, 40);
@@ -13422,7 +13649,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedConnectedReponse(const Framew
TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client(c).VMConnectSuccessed(Self, Remote_frameworkID, Remote_p2pID, FrameworkID);
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('connecting reponse from frameworkID: %d p2pID: %d', [Remote_frameworkID, Remote_p2pID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('connecting reponse from frameworkID: %d p2pID: %d', [Remote_frameworkID, Remote_p2pID]);
@@ -13444,14 +13671,14 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedDisconnect(const FrameworkID,
if LocalVMc = nil then
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('disconnect protocol no p2pID:%d', [p2pID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('disconnect protocol no p2pID:%d', [p2pID]);
LocalVMc.FDestroySyncRemote := False;
else if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('disconnect protocol no frameworkID: %d', [FrameworkID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('disconnect protocol no frameworkID: %d', [FrameworkID]);
procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedLogicFragmentData(const FrameworkID, p2pID: Cardinal; const buff: PByte; const siz: Cardinal);
@@ -13469,9 +13696,9 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedLogicFragmentData(const Frame
LocalVMc.SaveReceiveBuffer(buff, siz);
LocalVMc.FillRecvBuffer(nil, False, False);
- else if not FQuietMode then
+ else
- DoStatus('fragment Data p2pID error: p2pID:%d buffer size:%d', [p2pID, siz]);
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('fragment Data p2pID error: p2pID:%d buffer size:%d', [p2pID, siz]);
DoStatus(buff, umlMin(siz, 164), 40);
@@ -13483,14 +13710,14 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ReceivedLogicFragmentData(const Frame
LocalVMc.SaveReceiveBuffer(buff, siz);
LocalVMc.FillRecvBuffer(nil, False, False);
- else if not FQuietMode then
+ else
- DoStatus('LocalVM [%d] error: no interface', [FrameworkID]);
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('LocalVM [%d] error: no interface', [FrameworkID]);
- else if not FQuietMode then
+ else
- DoStatus('fragment Data frameworkID error: frameworkID:%d buffer size:%d', [FrameworkID, siz]);
+ FPhysicsIO.PrintError('fragment Data frameworkID error: frameworkID:%d buffer size:%d', [FrameworkID, siz]);
DoStatus(buff, umlMin(siz, 164), 40);
@@ -13532,27 +13759,18 @@ constructor TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.Create(HashPoolSize: Integer);
inherited Create;
FCritical := TCritical.Create;
FPhysicsIO := nil;
FAuthWaiting := False;
FAuthed := False;
FAuthSending := False;
FFrameworkPool := TUInt32HashObjectList.CustomCreate(HashPoolSize);
FFrameworkPool.AutoFreeData := False;
FFrameworkPool.AccessOptimization := False;
FFrameworkListenPool := TCoreClassList.Create;
FMaxVMFragmentSize := C_P2PVM_MaxVMFragmentSize;
- FMaxRealBuffer := C_P2PVM_MaxRealBuffer;
- FQuietMode := False;
- FReceiveStream := TMemoryStream64.Create;
- FSendStream := TMemoryStream64.Create;
+ FQuietMode := {$IFDEF Communication_QuietMode}True{$ELSE Communication_QuietMode}False{$ENDIF Communication_QuietMode};
+ FReceiveStream := TMemoryStream64.CustomCreate(8192);
+ FSendStream := TMemoryStream64.CustomCreate(8192);
FWaitEchoList := TCoreClassList.Create;
FVMID := 0;
OnAuthSuccessOnesNotify := nil;
@@ -13568,12 +13786,9 @@ destructor TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.Destroy;
if FPhysicsIO <> nil then
@@ -13638,26 +13853,31 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.Progress;
{ fragment Packet }
- repeat
- lsiz := FSendStream.Size;
- if (FFrameworkPool.Count > 0) then
- begin
- i := 0;
- p := FFrameworkPool.FirstPtr;
- while i < FFrameworkPool.Count do
+ while True do
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lsiz := FSendStream.Size;
+ if (FFrameworkPool.Count > 0) then
- TCommunicationFramework(p^.data).FastProgressPeerIOM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoProcessPerClientFragmentSend);
- inc(i);
- p := p^.Next;
+ i := 0;
+ p := FFrameworkPool.FirstPtr;
+ while i < FFrameworkPool.Count do
+ begin
+ TCommunicationFramework(p^.data).FastProgressPeerIOM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoProcessPerClientFragmentSend);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
- end;
- until (FSendStream.Size = lsiz) or (FSendStream.Size > FMaxRealBuffer);
+ until (FSendStream.Size = lsiz);
- if FSendStream.Size > 0 then
- begin
- SendVMBuffer(FSendStream.Memory, FSendStream.Size);
- FSendStream.Clear;
- end
+ if FSendStream.Size > 0 then
+ begin
+ SendVMBuffer(FSendStream.Memory, FSendStream.Size);
+ FSendStream.Clear;
+ end
+ else
+ Break;
+ end;
procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.ProgressCommunicationFrameworkC(const OnBackcall: TCommunicationFrameworkListCall);
@@ -13742,7 +13962,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.OpenP2PVMTunnel(c: TPeerIO);
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('Open VM P2P Tunnel ' + FPhysicsIO.PeerIP);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('Open VM P2P Tunnel ' + FPhysicsIO.PeerIP);
procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.CloseP2PVMTunnel;
@@ -13796,7 +14016,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.CloseP2PVMTunnel;
if not FQuietMode then
- DoStatus('Close VM P2P Tunnel ' + FPhysicsIO.PeerIP);
+ FPhysicsIO.Print('Close VM P2P Tunnel ' + FPhysicsIO.PeerIP);
FPhysicsIO := nil;
@@ -13822,7 +14042,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.InstallLogicFramework(c: TCommunicati
if TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server(c).FFrameworkWithVM_ID <> 0 then
if FFrameworkPool.Exists(TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server(c).FFrameworkWithVM_ID) then
- RaiseInfo('P2PVM server is installed');
+ exit;
@@ -13847,7 +14067,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM.InstallLogicFramework(c: TCommunicati
if TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client(c).FFrameworkWithVM_ID <> 0 then
if FFrameworkPool.Exists(TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client(c).FFrameworkWithVM_ID) then
- RaiseInfo('P2PVM client is installed');
+ exit;
@@ -14615,7 +14835,7 @@ function TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableServer.WaitSendConsoleCmd(P_IO: TPe
procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(P_IO: TPeerIO;
- const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+ const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
RaiseInfo('WaitSend no Suppport');
@@ -14740,7 +14960,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.SetPhysicsClient(const Valu
-procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.BuildStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.BuildStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r_token, r_id: Cardinal;
cSec: TCipherSecurity;
@@ -14748,12 +14968,12 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.BuildStableIO_Result(Sender
i: Integer;
k: TCipherKeyBuffer;
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
- r_token := ResultData.Reader.ReadCardinal;
- r_id := ResultData.Reader.ReadCardinal;
- cSec := TCipherSecurity(ResultData.Reader.ReadByte);
- arry := ResultData.Reader.ReadArrayByte;
+ r_token := Result_.Reader.ReadCardinal;
+ r_id := Result_.Reader.ReadCardinal;
+ cSec := TCipherSecurity(Result_.Reader.ReadByte);
+ arry := Result_.Reader.ReadArrayByte;
SetLength(k, arry.Count);
for i := 0 to arry.Count - 1 do
k[i] := arry[i];
@@ -14788,7 +15008,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.BuildStableIO_Result(Sender
- Sender.PrintError(ResultData.Reader.ReadString);
+ Sender.PrintError(Result_.Reader.ReadString);
@@ -14823,19 +15043,19 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.PostConnection(Sender: TNPo
FPhysicsClient.AsyncConnectM(FConnection_Addr, FConnection_Port, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}AsyncConnectResult);
-procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.OpenStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.OpenStableIO_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r_token, r_id: Cardinal;
cSec: TCipherSecurity;
arry: TDataFrameArrayByte;
k: TCipherKeyBuffer;
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
- r_token := ResultData.Reader.ReadCardinal;
- r_id := ResultData.Reader.ReadCardinal;
- cSec := TCipherSecurity(ResultData.Reader.ReadByte);
- arry := ResultData.Reader.ReadArrayByte;
+ r_token := Result_.Reader.ReadCardinal;
+ r_id := Result_.Reader.ReadCardinal;
+ cSec := TCipherSecurity(Result_.Reader.ReadByte);
+ arry := Result_.Reader.ReadArrayByte;
SetLength(k, arry.Count);
@@ -14866,7 +15086,7 @@ procedure TCommunicationFramework_CustomStableClient.OpenStableIO_Result(Sender:
- Sender.PrintError(ResultData.Reader.ReadString);
+ Sender.PrintError(Result_.Reader.ReadString);
FStableClientIO.WaitConnecting := False;
diff --git a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO.pas b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO.pas
index 706d2122..e89a5d39 100644
--- a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO.pas
+++ b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO.pas
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel = class(TPeerIOUserDefine)
TDTService = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
FRecvTunnel, FSendTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkServer;
+ FFileSystem: Boolean;
FRootPath, FPublicPath: SystemString;
FUserDB: THashTextEngine;
FAllowRegisterNewUser: Boolean;
@@ -121,28 +122,21 @@ TDTService = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
procedure Command_GetPublicFileList(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateFileList(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateDirectoryList(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_CreatePrivateDirectory(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPublicFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPublicFileMD5(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateFileMD5(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPublicFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetUserPrivateFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPublicFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetUserPrivateFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_PostPublicFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_PostPrivateFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_PostFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TCoreClassStream; BigStreamTotal, BigStreamCompleteSize: Int64); virtual;
procedure Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPublicFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_GetPrivateFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
@@ -213,6 +207,7 @@ TDTService = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
property AllowRegisterNewUser: Boolean read FAllowRegisterNewUser write FAllowRegisterNewUser;
property AllowSaveUserInfo: Boolean read FAllowSaveUserInfo write FAllowSaveUserInfo;
+ property FileSystem: Boolean read FFileSystem write FFileSystem;
{ private store space }
property RootPath: SystemString read FRootPath write FRootPath;
{ public store space }
@@ -295,6 +290,7 @@ TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel = class(TPeerIOUserDefine)
TDTClient = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInterface)
FSendTunnel, FRecvTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
+ FFileSystem: Boolean;
FCurrentStream: TCoreClassStream;
FCurrentReceiveStreamFileName: SystemString;
FAutoFreeTunnel: Boolean;
@@ -317,20 +313,20 @@ TDTClient = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInt
procedure Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_PostFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt); virtual;
- procedure GetPublicFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetPrivateFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetPublicFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetPrivateFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetPublicFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetPrivateFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetPublicFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetPrivateFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetPublicFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetPrivateFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetPublicFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetPrivateFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ Downloading file fragment data from the server asynchronously and triggering notifications when completed }
- procedure GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ GetCurrentCadencer result proc }
- procedure GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ batch stream suppport }
procedure Command_NewBatchStream(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
@@ -351,11 +347,11 @@ TDTClient = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInt
FAsyncOnResultProc: TStateProc;
procedure AsyncSendConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure AsyncRecvConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure UserLogin_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
- procedure RegisterUser_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure RegisterUser_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure RegisterUser_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
- procedure TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure TunnelLink_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkClient); virtual;
@@ -567,7 +563,7 @@ TDTClient = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInt
procedure GetBatchStreamStateM(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnResult: TStreamParamMethod); overload;
procedure GetBatchStreamStateP(OnResult: TStreamProc); overload;
procedure GetBatchStreamStateP(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnResult: TStreamParamProc); overload;
- function GetBatchStreamState(ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; TimeOut_: TTimeTick): Boolean; overload;
+ function GetBatchStreamState(Result_: TDataFrameEngine; TimeOut_: TTimeTick): Boolean; overload;
procedure RegisterCommand; virtual;
procedure UnRegisterCommand; virtual;
@@ -655,6 +651,9 @@ TDT_P2PVM_Client = class(TCoreClassObject)
TDT_P2PVM_ClientPool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service = class;
+ TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service_Class = class of TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service;
TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
function GetQuietMode: Boolean;
@@ -672,23 +671,26 @@ TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
constructor Create(ServiceClass_: TDTServiceClass; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkServer;
P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_,
- P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress; virtual;
- procedure StartService();
- procedure StopService();
+ procedure StartService(); virtual;
+ procedure StopService(); virtual;
property QuietMode: Boolean read GetQuietMode write SetQuietMode;
TDT_P2PVM_Custom_ServicePool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client = class;
+ TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_Class = class of TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client;
+ TOn_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink = procedure(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client) of object;
TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
OnConnectResultState: TDT_P2PVM_OnState;
Connecting: Boolean;
Reconnection: Boolean;
procedure DoLoginResult(const state: Boolean);
- procedure DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
function GetQuietMode: Boolean;
procedure SetQuietMode(const Value: Boolean);
@@ -704,17 +706,19 @@ TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
DTClient: TDTClient;
LastUser, LastPasswd: SystemString;
AutomatedConnection: Boolean;
+ OnTunnelLink: TOn_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
constructor Create(ClientClass_: TDTClientClass; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_,
- P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress; virtual;
- procedure Connect(User, passwd: SystemString);
- procedure Connect_C(User, passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateCall);
- procedure Connect_M(User, passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateMethod);
- procedure Connect_P(User, passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateProc);
- procedure Disconnect;
+ procedure DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure Connect(User, passwd: SystemString); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_C(User, passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateCall); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_M(User, passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateMethod); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_P(User, passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateProc); virtual;
+ procedure Disconnect; virtual;
property QuietMode: Boolean read GetQuietMode write SetQuietMode;
@@ -1242,8 +1246,11 @@ procedure TDTService.UserLoginSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecv
procedure TDTService.UserLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel);
- if Assigned(FOnLinkSuccess) then
- FOnLinkSuccess(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnLinkSuccess) then
+ FOnLinkSuccess(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService.UserCreateDirectorySuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel; dn: SystemString);
@@ -1256,8 +1263,11 @@ procedure TDTService.UserPostFileSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForR
procedure TDTService.UserOut(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel);
- if Assigned(FOnUserOut) then
- FOnUserOut(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnUserOut) then
+ FOnUserOut(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService.Command_UserLogin(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataFrameEngine);
@@ -1424,6 +1434,7 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataF
OutData.WriteString(Format('need login or register', []));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1431,6 +1442,7 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataF
OutData.WriteString(Format('send tunnel Illegal:%d', [SendID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1438,6 +1450,7 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataF
OutData.WriteString(Format('recv tunnel Illegal:%d', [RecvID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1445,6 +1458,7 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataF
OutData.WriteString(Format('recv tunnel Illegal:%d-%d', [Sender.ID, RecvID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1456,6 +1470,7 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDataF
OutData.WriteString(Format('tunnel link success! recv:%d <-> send:%d', [RecvID, SendID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1564,6 +1579,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPublicFileList(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
i: Integer;
n: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1589,6 +1606,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateFileList(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData
i: Integer;
n: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1615,6 +1634,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateDirectoryList(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Ou
i: Integer;
n: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1638,6 +1659,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_CreatePrivateDirectory(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel;
dn, fulldn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1669,6 +1692,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPublicFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel;
fullfn, fileName: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1694,6 +1719,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel;
fullfn, fileName, dn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1723,6 +1750,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPublicFileMD5(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1768,6 +1797,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateFileMD5(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1816,6 +1847,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPublicFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDa
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1874,6 +1907,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TD
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1933,6 +1968,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetUserPrivateFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -1996,6 +2033,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPublicFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: T
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2055,6 +2094,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2115,6 +2156,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetUserPrivateFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutDa
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2177,6 +2220,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_PostPublicFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFr
FSize: Int64;
fullfn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2230,6 +2275,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_PostPrivateFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataF
FSize: Int64;
fullfn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2287,6 +2334,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_PostFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TCoreClassStream;
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2313,6 +2362,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEng
ClientMD5, MD5: TMD5;
fn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LoginSuccessed then
@@ -2357,6 +2408,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPublicFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData,
mem_: TMemoryStream64;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -2424,6 +2477,8 @@ procedure TDTService.Command_GetPrivateFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData,
mem_: TMemoryStream64;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -2622,6 +2677,7 @@ constructor TDTService.Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkS
FRecvTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
FSendTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
+ FFileSystem := True;
FRootPath := umlCurrentPath;
FPublicPath := FRootPath;
FUserDB := THashTextEngine.Create(20 * 10000);
@@ -3357,15 +3413,15 @@ procedure TDTClient.Command_PostFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte;
-procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
Existed: Boolean;
fSiz: Int64;
p := PGetFileInfoStruct(Param1);
- Existed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
- fSiz := ResultData.Reader.ReadInt64;
+ Existed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
+ fSiz := Result_.Reader.ReadInt64;
if p <> nil then
if Assigned(p^.OnCompleteCall) then
@@ -3379,15 +3435,15 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1:
-procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
Existed: Boolean;
fSiz: Int64;
p := PGetFileInfoStruct(Param1);
- Existed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
- fSiz := ResultData.Reader.ReadInt64;
+ Existed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
+ fSiz := Result_.Reader.ReadInt64;
if p <> nil then
if Assigned(p^.OnCompleteCall) then
@@ -3401,16 +3457,16 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1
-procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileMD5Struct;
successed: Boolean;
MD5: TMD5;
p := PFileMD5Struct(Param1);
- successed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
+ successed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
if successed then
- MD5 := ResultData.Reader.ReadMD5
+ MD5 := Result_.Reader.ReadMD5
MD5 := NullMD5;
if p <> nil then
@@ -3426,16 +3482,16 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1:
-procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileMD5Struct;
successed: Boolean;
MD5: TMD5;
p := PFileMD5Struct(Param1);
- successed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
+ successed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
if successed then
- MD5 := ResultData.Reader.ReadMD5
+ MD5 := Result_.Reader.ReadMD5
MD5 := NullMD5;
if p <> nil then
@@ -3451,51 +3507,51 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1:
-procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
FRecvFileing := True;
FRecvFileName := InData.ReadString(0);
- Sender.Print('GetPublicFile failed:%s', [ResultData.Reader.ReadString]);
+ Sender.Print('GetPublicFile failed:%s', [Result_.Reader.ReadString]);
p := Param1;
-procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
FRecvFileing := True;
FRecvFileName := InData.ReadString(0);
- Sender.Print('GetPrivateFile failed:%s', [ResultData.Reader.ReadString]);
+ Sender.Print('GetPrivateFile failed:%s', [Result_.Reader.ReadString]);
p := Param1;
-procedure TDTClient.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
@@ -3503,11 +3559,11 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param
-procedure TDTClient.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
servTime: Double;
- servTime := ResultData.Reader.ReadDouble;
+ servTime := Result_.Reader.ReadDouble;
FServerDelay := FCadencerEngine.CurrentTime - FLastCadencerTime;
@@ -3698,17 +3754,17 @@ procedure TDTClient.AsyncRecvConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
FAsyncOnResultProc := nil;
-procedure TDTClient.UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r: Boolean;
p: POnStateStruct;
p := Param1;
r := False;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- r := ResultData.ReadBool(0);
- FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(ResultData.ReadString(1));
+ r := Result_.ReadBool(0);
+ FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(Result_.ReadString(1));
if Assigned(p^.OnCall) then
@@ -3736,17 +3792,17 @@ procedure TDTClient.UserLogin_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2:
-procedure TDTClient.RegisterUser_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.RegisterUser_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r: Boolean;
p: POnStateStruct;
p := Param1;
r := False;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- r := ResultData.ReadBool(0);
- FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(ResultData.ReadString(1));
+ r := Result_.ReadBool(0);
+ FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(Result_.ReadString(1));
if Assigned(p^.OnCall) then
@@ -3774,20 +3830,24 @@ procedure TDTClient.RegisterUser_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Para
-procedure TDTClient.TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient.TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r: Boolean;
p: POnStateStruct;
p := Param1;
r := False;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- r := ResultData.ReadBool(0);
- FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(ResultData.ReadString(1));
+ r := Result_.ReadBool(0);
+ FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(Result_.ReadString(1));
if r then
+ if Result_.Count >= 2 then
+ FFileSystem := Result_.ReadBool(2)
+ else
+ FFileSystem := True;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).Client := Self;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).RecvTunnel := TClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel(FRecvTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine);
@@ -3837,6 +3897,7 @@ constructor TDTClient.Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkCl
FRecvTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
FSendTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
+ FFileSystem := False;
FCurrentStream := nil;
FCurrentReceiveStreamFileName := '';
@@ -4145,6 +4206,10 @@ function TDTClient.TunnelLink: Boolean;
if Result then
+ if resDE.Count >= 2 then
+ FFileSystem := resDE.ReadBool(2)
+ else
+ FFileSystem := True;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).Client := Self;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).RecvTunnel := TClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel(FRecvTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine);
@@ -4453,6 +4518,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileList(Filter: SystemString; lst: TCoreClassStrin
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4475,6 +4542,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileList(Filter, RemoteDirectory: SystemString; ls
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4503,6 +4572,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateDirectoryList(Filter, RemoteDirectory: SystemStrin
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4532,6 +4603,8 @@ function TDTClient.CreatePrivateDirectory(RemoteDirectory: SystemString): Boolea
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
Result := False;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4559,6 +4632,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileInfoC(fileName: SystemString; const UserData: P
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4583,6 +4658,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileInfoM(fileName: SystemString; const UserData: P
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4607,6 +4684,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileInfoP(fileName: SystemString; const UserData: P
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4631,6 +4710,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileInfoC(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4656,6 +4737,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileInfoM(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4681,6 +4764,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileInfoP(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4708,6 +4793,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileMD5C(fileName: SystemString; const StartPos, En
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4737,6 +4824,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileMD5M(fileName: SystemString; const StartPos, En
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4766,6 +4855,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileMD5P(fileName: SystemString; const StartPos, En
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4796,6 +4887,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileMD5C(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4826,6 +4919,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileMD5M(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4856,6 +4951,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileMD5P(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4909,6 +5006,8 @@ function TDTClient.GetPublicFile(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; saveTo
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
Result := False;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4945,6 +5044,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; save
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4971,6 +5072,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; save
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -4997,6 +5100,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; save
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5023,6 +5128,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileAsC(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Start
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5050,6 +5157,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileAsM(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Start
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5077,6 +5186,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileAsP(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Start
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5133,6 +5244,8 @@ function TDTClient.GetPrivateFile(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; Remot
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
Result := False;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5174,6 +5287,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; Rem
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5201,6 +5316,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; Rem
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5228,6 +5345,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; Rem
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5255,6 +5374,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileAsC(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Star
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5283,6 +5404,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileAsM(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Star
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5311,6 +5434,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileAsP(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Star
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5368,6 +5493,8 @@ function TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFile(UserID, fileName: SystemString; StartPos:
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
Result := False;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5411,6 +5538,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFileC(UserID, fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5440,6 +5569,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFileM(UserID, fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5469,6 +5600,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFileP(UserID, fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5498,6 +5631,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFileAsC(UserID, fileName, saveFileName: System
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5528,6 +5663,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFileAsM(UserID, fileName, saveFileName: System
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5558,6 +5695,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetUserPrivateFileAsP(UserID, fileName, saveFileName: System
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5588,6 +5727,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileFragmentDataC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos,
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5620,6 +5761,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileFragmentDataM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos,
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5652,6 +5795,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPublicFileFragmentDataP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos,
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5684,6 +5829,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileFragmentDataC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5716,6 +5863,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileFragmentDataM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5748,6 +5897,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetPrivateFileFragmentDataP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5778,6 +5929,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedDownloadPublicFileC(remoteFile, localFile: U_String
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadPublicFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadPublicFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -5791,6 +5944,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedDownloadPublicFileM(remoteFile, localFile: U_String
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadPublicFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadPublicFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -5804,6 +5959,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedDownloadPublicFileP(remoteFile, localFile: U_String
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadPublicFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadPublicFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -5817,6 +5974,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedDownloadPrivateFileC(remoteFile, RemoteDirectory, l
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadPrivateFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadPrivateFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.RemoteDirectory := RemoteDirectory;
@@ -5831,6 +5990,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedDownloadPrivateFileM(remoteFile, RemoteDirectory, l
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadPrivateFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadPrivateFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.RemoteDirectory := RemoteDirectory;
@@ -5845,6 +6006,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedDownloadPrivateFileP(remoteFile, RemoteDirectory, l
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadPrivateFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadPrivateFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.RemoteDirectory := RemoteDirectory;
@@ -5866,6 +6029,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.PostFileToPublic(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64);
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not umlFileExists(fileName) then
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5908,6 +6073,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.PostFileToPrivate(fileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemString; S
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not umlFileExists(fileName) then
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
@@ -5950,6 +6117,12 @@ procedure TDTClient.PostStreamToPrivate(RemoteFileName, RemoteDirectory: SystemS
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ begin
+ if doneFreeStream then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+ Exit;
+ end;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if doneFreeStream then
@@ -5985,6 +6158,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedUploadFileToPublic(localFile: U_String);
tmp: TAutomatedUploadPublicFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedUploadPublicFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
tmp.Client := Self;
@@ -5996,6 +6171,8 @@ procedure TDTClient.AutomatedUploadFileToPrivate(localFile, RemoteDirectory: U_S
tmp: TAutomatedUploadPrivateFile_Struct;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedUploadPrivateFile_Struct.Create;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
tmp.RemoteDirectory := RemoteDirectory;
@@ -6136,13 +6313,13 @@ procedure TDTClient.GetBatchStreamStateP(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnRes
-function TDTClient.GetBatchStreamState(ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; TimeOut_: TTimeTick): Boolean;
+function TDTClient.GetBatchStreamState(Result_: TDataFrameEngine; TimeOut_: TTimeTick): Boolean;
de: TDataFrameEngine;
de := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
- SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_GetBatchStreamState, de, ResultData, TimeOut_);
- Result := ResultData.Count > 0;
+ SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_GetBatchStreamState, de, Result_, TimeOut_);
+ Result := Result_.Count > 0;
@@ -6218,9 +6395,9 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTServiceClass);
PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := True;
RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
- RecvTunnel.Name := 'Recv';
+ RecvTunnel.Name := 'R';
SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
- SendTunnel.Name := 'Send';
+ SendTunnel.Name := 'S';
PhysicsTunnel.PrefixName := 'Physics';
PhysicsTunnel.Name := 'p2pVM';
@@ -6366,9 +6543,9 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClientClass);
AutomatedConnection := True;
RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
- RecvTunnel.Name := 'Recv';
+ RecvTunnel.Name := 'R';
SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
- SendTunnel.Name := 'Send';
+ SendTunnel.Name := 'S';
PhysicsTunnel.PrefixName := 'Physics';
PhysicsTunnel.Name := 'p2pVM';
@@ -6505,12 +6682,12 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTServiceClass; Phys
Bind_P2PVM_Send_Port := umlStrToInt(P2PVM_Send_Port_);
RecvTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.Create;
- RecvTunnel.QuietMode := True;
+ RecvTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
RecvTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Recv_Name_;
SendTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.Create;
- SendTunnel.QuietMode := True;
+ SendTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
SendTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Send_Name_;
@@ -6520,6 +6697,7 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTServiceClass; Phys
+ Bind_PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := True;
@@ -6570,24 +6748,6 @@ procedure TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.DoLoginResult(const state: Boolean);
DTClient.TunnelLinkM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoTunnelLinkResult);
-procedure TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnCall) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnCall(state);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnMethod) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnMethod(state);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnProc) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnProc(state);
- OnConnectResultState.Init;
- Connecting := False;
- if state then
- begin
- if AutomatedConnection then
- Reconnection := True;
- end;
function TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.GetQuietMode: Boolean;
Result := RecvTunnel.QuietMode and SendTunnel.QuietMode;
@@ -6618,11 +6778,11 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClientClass; Physics
// local
RecvTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
- RecvTunnel.QuietMode := True;
+ RecvTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
RecvTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Recv_Name_;
SendTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
- SendTunnel.QuietMode := True;
+ SendTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DT';
SendTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Send_Name_;
DTClient := ClientClass_.Create(RecvTunnel, SendTunnel);
@@ -6631,6 +6791,7 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClientClass; Physics
LastUser := '';
LastPasswd := '';
AutomatedConnection := True;
+ OnTunnelLink := nil;
// automated p2pVM
Bind_PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMBindClient.AddClient(RecvTunnel, Bind_P2PVM_Recv_IP6, Bind_P2PVM_Recv_Port);
@@ -6657,6 +6818,27 @@ procedure TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.Progress;
Connect(LastUser, LastPasswd);
+procedure TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnCall) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnCall(state);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnMethod) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnMethod(state);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnProc) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnProc(state);
+ OnConnectResultState.Init;
+ Connecting := False;
+ if state then
+ begin
+ if AutomatedConnection then
+ Reconnection := True;
+ if Assigned(OnTunnelLink) then
+ OnTunnelLink(Self);
+ end;
procedure TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.Connect(User, passwd: SystemString);
if Connecting then
diff --git a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth.pas b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth.pas
index daeb23ce..bf37418b 100644
--- a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth.pas
+++ b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth.pas
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ TDTService_NoAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
FRecvTunnel, FSendTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkServer;
FCadencerEngine: TCadencer;
FProgressEngine: TNProgressPost;
+ FFileSystem: Boolean;
FFileReceiveDirectory: SystemString;
{ event }
FOnLinkSuccess: TNoAuth_OnLinkSuccess;
@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ TDTService_NoAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
property PostRun: TNProgressPost read FProgressEngine;
property PostExecute: TNProgressPost read FProgressEngine;
+ property FileSystem: Boolean read FFileSystem write FFileSystem;
property FileReceiveDirectory: SystemString read FFileReceiveDirectory write FFileReceiveDirectory;
property PublicFileDirectory: SystemString read FFileReceiveDirectory write FFileReceiveDirectory;
@@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth = class(TPeerIOUserDefine)
TDTClient_NoAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInterface)
FSendTunnel, FRecvTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
+ FFileSystem: Boolean;
FAutoFreeTunnel: Boolean;
FLinkOk: Boolean;
FWaitCommandTimeout: Cardinal;
@@ -237,16 +240,16 @@ TDTClient_NoAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkCl
procedure Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_PostFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt); virtual;
- procedure GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ Downloading files from the server asynchronously and triggering notifications when completed }
- procedure GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ Downloading file fragment data from the server asynchronously and triggering notifications when completed }
- procedure GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ batch stream suppport }
procedure Command_NewBatchStream(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
@@ -263,12 +266,13 @@ TDTClient_NoAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkCl
FAsyncOnResultProc: TStateProc;
procedure AsyncSendConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure AsyncRecvConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure TunnelLink_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkClient); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ property FileSystem: Boolean read FFileSystem;
// free recveive+send tunnel from destroy, default is false
property AutoFreeTunnel: Boolean read FAutoFreeTunnel write FAutoFreeTunnel;
@@ -375,7 +379,7 @@ TDTClient_NoAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkCl
procedure GetBatchStreamStateM(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnResult: TStreamParamMethod); overload;
procedure GetBatchStreamStateP(OnResult: TStreamProc); overload;
procedure GetBatchStreamStateP(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnResult: TStreamParamProc); overload;
- function GetBatchStreamState(ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean; overload;
+ function GetBatchStreamState(Result_: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean; overload;
procedure RegisterCommand; virtual;
procedure UnRegisterCommand; virtual;
@@ -459,6 +463,9 @@ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Client = class(TCoreClassObject)
TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_ClientPool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service = class;
+ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service_Class = class of TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service;
TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
function GetQuietMode: Boolean;
@@ -476,22 +483,25 @@ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
constructor Create(ServiceClass_: TDTService_NoAuthClass; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkServer;
P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_,
- P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress; virtual;
- procedure StartService();
- procedure StopService();
+ procedure StartService(); virtual;
+ procedure StopService(); virtual;
property QuietMode: Boolean read GetQuietMode write SetQuietMode;
TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_ServicePool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client = class;
+ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_Class = class of TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client;
+ TOn_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink = procedure(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client) of object;
TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
OnConnectResultState: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_OnState;
Connecting: Boolean;
Reconnection: Boolean;
- procedure DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
function GetQuietMode: Boolean;
procedure SetQuietMode(const Value: Boolean);
@@ -506,17 +516,20 @@ TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
RecvTunnel, SendTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client;
DTClient: TDTClient_NoAuth;
AutomatedConnection: Boolean;
+ OnTunnelLink: TOn_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
constructor Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_NoAuthClass; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_,
- P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress; virtual;
- procedure Connect();
- procedure Connect_C(OnResult: TStateCall);
- procedure Connect_M(OnResult: TStateMethod);
- procedure Connect_P(OnResult: TStateProc);
- procedure Disconnect;
+ procedure DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure AutoCheckPhysicsTunnelAndConnect;
+ procedure Connect(); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_C(OnResult: TStateCall); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_M(OnResult: TStateMethod); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_P(OnResult: TStateProc); virtual;
+ procedure Disconnect; virtual;
property QuietMode: Boolean read GetQuietMode write SetQuietMode;
@@ -797,14 +810,20 @@ function TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth.LinkOk: Boolean;
procedure TDTService_NoAuth.UserLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
- if Assigned(FOnLinkSuccess) then
- FOnLinkSuccess(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnLinkSuccess) then
+ FOnLinkSuccess(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService_NoAuth.UserOut(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
- if Assigned(FOnUserOut) then
- FOnUserOut(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnUserOut) then
+ FOnUserOut(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService_NoAuth.UserPostFileSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth; fn: SystemString);
@@ -825,6 +844,7 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
OutData.WriteString(Format('send tunnel Illegal:%d', [SendID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -832,6 +852,7 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
OutData.WriteString(Format('recv tunnel Illegal:%d', [RecvID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -839,6 +860,7 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
OutData.WriteString(Format('recv tunnel Illegal:%d-%d', [Sender.ID, RecvID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -852,6 +874,7 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
OutData.WriteString(Format('tunnel link success! recv:%d <-> send:%d', [RecvID, SendID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -867,6 +890,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_GetFileTime(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth;
fullfn, fileName: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -888,6 +913,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_GetFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth;
fullfn, fileName: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -915,6 +942,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_GetFileMD5(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -961,6 +990,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_GetFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TD
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1017,6 +1048,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_GetFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData:
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1072,6 +1105,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_PostFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataF
FSize: Int64;
fullfn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1116,6 +1151,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_PostFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TCoreClass
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1137,6 +1174,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataF
ClientMD5, MD5: TMD5;
fn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1176,6 +1215,8 @@ procedure TDTService_NoAuth.Command_GetFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData,
mem_: TMemoryStream64;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1372,6 +1413,7 @@ constructor TDTService_NoAuth.Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFra
FCadencerEngine.OnProgress := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}CadencerProgress;
FProgressEngine := TNProgressPost.Create;
+ FFileSystem := True;
FFileReceiveDirectory := umlCurrentPath;
if not umlDirectoryExists(FFileReceiveDirectory) then
@@ -1784,11 +1826,11 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.Command_PostFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData:
-procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
servTime: Double;
- servTime := ResultData.Reader.ReadDouble;
+ servTime := Result_.Reader.ReadDouble;
FServerDelay := FCadencerEngine.CurrentTime - FLastCadencerTime;
@@ -1797,15 +1839,15 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Resu
-procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_NoAuth;
Existed: Boolean;
fSiz: Int64;
p := PGetFileInfoStruct_NoAuth(Param1);
- Existed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
- fSiz := ResultData.Reader.ReadInt64;
+ Existed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
+ fSiz := Result_.Reader.ReadInt64;
if p <> nil then
if Assigned(p^.OnCompleteCall) then
@@ -1819,16 +1861,16 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1
-procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileMD5Struct_NoAuth;
successed: Boolean;
MD5: TMD5;
p := PFileMD5Struct_NoAuth(Param1);
- successed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
+ successed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
if successed then
- MD5 := ResultData.Reader.ReadMD5
+ MD5 := Result_.Reader.ReadMD5
MD5 := NullMD5;
if p <> nil then
@@ -1844,28 +1886,28 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1:
-procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
- Sender.Print('get file failed:%s', [ResultData.Reader.ReadString]);
+ Sender.Print('get file failed:%s', [Result_.Reader.ReadString]);
p := Param1;
-procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_NoAuth;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
@@ -2047,20 +2089,24 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.AsyncRecvConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
FAsyncOnResultProc := nil;
-procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r: Boolean;
p: POnStateStruct;
p := Param1;
r := False;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- r := ResultData.ReadBool(0);
- FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(ResultData.ReadString(1));
+ r := Result_.ReadBool(0);
+ FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(Result_.ReadString(1));
if r then
+ if Result_.Count >= 2 then
+ FFileSystem := Result_.ReadBool(2)
+ else
+ FFileSystem := True;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).Client := Self;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).RecvTunnel := TClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth(FRecvTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine);
@@ -2110,6 +2156,8 @@ constructor TDTClient_NoAuth.Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFram
FRecvTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
FSendTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
+ FFileSystem := False;
FAutoFreeTunnel := False;
FLinkOk := False;
@@ -2357,6 +2405,10 @@ function TDTClient_NoAuth.TunnelLink: Boolean;
if Result then
+ if resDE.Count >= 2 then
+ FFileSystem := resDE.ReadBool(2)
+ else
+ FFileSystem := True;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).Client := Self;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).RecvTunnel := TClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth(FRecvTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine);
@@ -2470,6 +2522,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileTimeM(RemoteFilename: SystemString; OnCallResu
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2485,6 +2539,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileTimeP(RemoteFilename: SystemString; OnCallResu
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2502,6 +2558,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileInfoC(fileName: SystemString; const UserData:
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2527,6 +2585,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileInfoM(fileName: SystemString; const UserData:
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2552,6 +2612,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileInfoP(fileName: SystemString; const UserData:
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2579,6 +2641,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileMD5C(fileName: SystemString; const StartPos, E
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2609,6 +2673,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileMD5M(fileName: SystemString; const StartPos, E
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2639,6 +2705,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileMD5P(fileName: SystemString; const StartPos, E
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2707,6 +2775,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; sav
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2734,6 +2804,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; sav
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2761,6 +2833,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; sav
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2788,6 +2862,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileAsC(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Star
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2816,6 +2892,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileAsM(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Star
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2844,6 +2922,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileAsP(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString; Star
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2873,6 +2953,8 @@ function TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFile(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64; saveT
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
Result := False;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2904,6 +2986,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileFragmentDataC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2936,6 +3020,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileFragmentDataM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2968,6 +3054,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetFileFragmentDataP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2998,6 +3086,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.AutomatedDownloadFileC(remoteFile, localFile: U_Strin
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_NoAuth.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -3011,6 +3101,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.AutomatedDownloadFileM(remoteFile, localFile: U_Strin
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_NoAuth.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -3024,6 +3116,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.AutomatedDownloadFileP(remoteFile, localFile: U_Strin
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_NoAuth.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -3039,6 +3133,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.PostFile(fileName: SystemString);
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not umlFileExists(fileName) then
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3072,6 +3168,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.PostFile(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64);
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
if not umlFileExists(fileName) then
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3104,9 +3202,10 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.PostFile(fn: SystemString; stream: TCoreClassStream;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
MD5: TMD5;
- if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) then
+ if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) or (not FFileSystem) then
- DisposeObject(stream);
+ if doneFreeStream then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
@@ -3134,9 +3233,10 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.PostFile(fn: SystemString; stream: TCoreClassStream;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
MD5: TMD5;
- if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) then
+ if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) or (not FFileSystem) then
- DisposeObject(stream);
+ if doneFreeStream then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
@@ -3163,6 +3263,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.AutomatedUploadFile(localFile: U_String);
tmp: TAutomatedUploadFile_Struct_NoAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ Exit;
tmp := TAutomatedUploadFile_Struct_NoAuth.Create;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
tmp.Client := Self;
@@ -3302,13 +3404,13 @@ procedure TDTClient_NoAuth.GetBatchStreamStateP(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject
-function TDTClient_NoAuth.GetBatchStreamState(ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean;
+function TDTClient_NoAuth.GetBatchStreamState(Result_: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean;
de: TDataFrameEngine;
de := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
- SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_GetBatchStreamState, de, ResultData, ATimeOut);
- Result := ResultData.Count > 0;
+ SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_GetBatchStreamState, de, Result_, ATimeOut);
+ Result := Result_.Count > 0;
@@ -3383,10 +3485,10 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTService_NoAuthClas
PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
- RecvTunnel.Name := 'Recv';
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
- SendTunnel.Name := 'Send';
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
+ RecvTunnel.Name := 'R';
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
+ SendTunnel.Name := 'S';
PhysicsTunnel.PrefixName := 'Physics';
PhysicsTunnel.Name := 'p2pVM';
@@ -3510,10 +3612,10 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_NoAuthClass);
AutomatedConnection := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
- RecvTunnel.Name := 'Recv';
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
- SendTunnel.Name := 'Send';
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
+ RecvTunnel.Name := 'R';
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
+ SendTunnel.Name := 'S';
PhysicsTunnel.PrefixName := 'Physics';
PhysicsTunnel.Name := 'p2pVM';
@@ -3642,13 +3744,13 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTService_NoA
Bind_P2PVM_Send_Port := umlStrToInt(P2PVM_Send_Port_);
RecvTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.Create;
- RecvTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
+ RecvTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
RecvTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Recv_Name_;
SendTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.Create;
- SendTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
+ SendTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
SendTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Send_Name_;
DTService := ServiceClass_.Create(RecvTunnel, SendTunnel);
@@ -3657,6 +3759,7 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTService_NoA
+ Bind_PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := True;
@@ -3689,24 +3792,6 @@ procedure TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service.StopService;
-procedure TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnCall) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnCall(state);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnMethod) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnMethod(state);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnProc) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnProc(state);
- OnConnectResultState.Init;
- Connecting := False;
- if state then
- begin
- if AutomatedConnection then
- Reconnection := True;
- end;
function TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.GetQuietMode: Boolean;
Result := RecvTunnel.QuietMode and SendTunnel.QuietMode;
@@ -3737,17 +3822,18 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_NoAuth
// local
RecvTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
- RecvTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
+ RecvTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
RecvTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Recv_Name_;
SendTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
- SendTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTNoAuth';
+ SendTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'NA';
SendTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Send_Name_;
DTClient := ClientClass_.Create(RecvTunnel, SendTunnel);
AutomatedConnection := True;
+ OnTunnelLink := nil;
// automated p2pVM
Bind_PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMBindClient.AddClient(RecvTunnel, Bind_P2PVM_Recv_IP6, Bind_P2PVM_Recv_Port);
@@ -3774,6 +3860,33 @@ procedure TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.Progress;
+procedure TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnCall) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnCall(state);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnMethod) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnMethod(state);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnProc) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnProc(state);
+ OnConnectResultState.Init;
+ Connecting := False;
+ if state then
+ begin
+ if AutomatedConnection then
+ Reconnection := True;
+ if Assigned(OnTunnelLink) then
+ OnTunnelLink(Self);
+ end;
+procedure TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.AutoCheckPhysicsTunnelAndConnect;
+ AutomatedConnection := True;
+ Reconnection := True;
procedure TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.Connect;
if Connecting then
diff --git a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_ServMan.pas b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_ServMan.pas
index b4365c8e..5035d957 100644
--- a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_ServMan.pas
+++ b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_ServMan.pas
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ procedure TServerManager_Client.AntiIdle(WorkLoad: Word);
function TServerManager_Client.EnabledServer(const Regname, ManServAddr, RegAddr: SystemString; const RegRecvPort, RegSendPort: Word; ServerType: TServerType): Boolean;
- SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine;
+ SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine;
ConnectInfo.Regname := Regname;
ConnectInfo.ManServAddr := ManServAddr;
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ function TServerManager_Client.EnabledServer(const Regname, ManServAddr, RegAddr
Result := False;
SendData := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
- ResultData := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ Result_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
@@ -336,16 +336,16 @@ function TServerManager_Client.EnabledServer(const Regname, ManServAddr, RegAddr
DoStatus('send enabled cmd:%s %s [n:%s][addr:%s][r:%d][s:%d][w:%d]', [ManServAddr, serverType2Str(ServerType), Regname, RegAddr, RegRecvPort, RegSendPort, 0]);
- SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_EnabledServer, SendData, ResultData, 5000);
+ SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_EnabledServer, SendData, Result_, 5000);
- if ResultData.Count = 2 then
+ if Result_.Count = 2 then
- Result := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
- DoStatus(ResultData.Reader.ReadString);
+ Result := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
+ DoStatus(Result_.Reader.ReadString);
- DisposeObject(ResultData);
+ DisposeObject(Result_);
function TServerManager_ClientPool.GetItems(index: Integer): TServerManager_Client;
diff --git a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_VirtualAuth.pas b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_VirtualAuth.pas
index e6426f96..5e4c2397 100644
--- a/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_VirtualAuth.pas
+++ b/Source/CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_VirtualAuth.pas
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ TDTService_VirtualAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
FLoginUserDefineIOList: THashObjectList;
FCadencerEngine: TCadencer;
FProgressEngine: TNProgressPost;
+ FFileSystem: Boolean;
FFileReceiveDirectory: SystemString;
{ event }
FOnUserAuth: TVirtualAuth_OnAuth;
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ TDTService_VirtualAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
property PostRun: TNProgressPost read FProgressEngine;
property PostExecute: TNProgressPost read FProgressEngine;
+ property FileSystem: Boolean read FFileSystem write FFileSystem;
property FileReceiveDirectory: SystemString read FFileReceiveDirectory write FFileReceiveDirectory;
property PublicFileDirectory: SystemString read FFileReceiveDirectory write FFileReceiveDirectory;
@@ -242,6 +244,7 @@ TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_VirtualAuth = class(TPeerIOUserDefine)
TDTClient_VirtualAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInterface)
FSendTunnel, FRecvTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
+ FFileSystem: Boolean;
FAutoFreeTunnel: Boolean;
FLinkOk: Boolean;
FWaitCommandTimeout: Cardinal;
@@ -265,16 +268,16 @@ TDTClient_VirtualAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFramew
procedure Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
procedure Command_PostFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt); virtual;
- procedure GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
- procedure GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ Downloading files from the server asynchronously and triggering notifications when completed }
- procedure GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ Downloading file fragment data from the server asynchronously and triggering notifications when completed }
- procedure GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
+ procedure GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
{ batch stream suppport }
procedure Command_NewBatchStream(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDataFrameEngine); virtual;
@@ -291,9 +294,9 @@ TDTClient_VirtualAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFramew
FAsyncOnResultProc: TStateProc;
procedure AsyncSendConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure AsyncRecvConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure UserLogin_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
- procedure TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure TunnelLink_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkClient); virtual;
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ TDTClient_VirtualAuth = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFramew
procedure GetBatchStreamStateM(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnResult: TStreamParamMethod); overload;
procedure GetBatchStreamStateP(OnResult: TStreamProc); overload;
procedure GetBatchStreamStateP(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; OnResult: TStreamParamProc); overload;
- function GetBatchStreamState(ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean; overload;
+ function GetBatchStreamState(Result_: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean; overload;
procedure RegisterCommand; virtual;
procedure UnRegisterCommand; virtual;
@@ -494,6 +497,9 @@ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Client = class(TCoreClassObject)
TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_ClientPool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service = class;
+ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service_Class = class of TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service;
TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
function GetQuietMode: Boolean;
@@ -511,23 +517,26 @@ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
constructor Create(ServiceClass_: TDTService_VirtualAuthClass; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkServer;
P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_,
- P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress; virtual;
- procedure StartService();
- procedure StopService();
+ procedure StartService(); virtual;
+ procedure StopService(); virtual;
property QuietMode: Boolean read GetQuietMode write SetQuietMode;
TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_ServicePool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client = class;
+ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_Class = class of TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client;
+ TOn_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink = procedure(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client) of object;
TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
OnConnectResultState: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_OnState;
Connecting: Boolean;
Reconnection: Boolean;
procedure DoLoginResult(const state: Boolean);
- procedure DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
function GetQuietMode: Boolean;
procedure SetQuietMode(const Value: Boolean);
@@ -543,17 +552,19 @@ TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
DTClient: TDTClient_VirtualAuth;
LastUser, LastPasswd: SystemString;
AutomatedConnection: Boolean;
+ OnTunnelLink: TOn_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
constructor Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_VirtualAuthClass; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_,
- P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: SystemString); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress; virtual;
- procedure Connect(User, Passwd: SystemString);
- procedure Connect_C(User, Passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateCall);
- procedure Connect_M(User, Passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateMethod);
- procedure Connect_P(User, Passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateProc);
- procedure Disconnect;
+ procedure DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure Connect(User, Passwd: SystemString); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_C(User, Passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateCall); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_M(User, Passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateMethod); virtual;
+ procedure Connect_P(User, Passwd: SystemString; OnResult: TStateProc); virtual;
+ procedure Disconnect; virtual;
property QuietMode: Boolean read GetQuietMode write SetQuietMode;
@@ -945,8 +956,11 @@ function TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth.LinkOk: Boolean;
procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.UserAuth(Sender: TVirtualAuthIO);
- if Assigned(FOnUserAuth) then
- FOnUserAuth(Self, Sender);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnUserAuth) then
+ FOnUserAuth(Self, Sender);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.UserLoginSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
@@ -955,14 +969,20 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.UserLoginSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserD
procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.UserLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
- if Assigned(FOnLinkSuccess) then
- FOnLinkSuccess(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnLinkSuccess) then
+ FOnLinkSuccess(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.UserOut(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
- if Assigned(FOnUserOut) then
- FOnUserOut(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnUserOut) then
+ FOnUserOut(Self, UserDefineIO);
+ except
+ end;
procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.UserPostFileSuccess(UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth; fn: SystemString);
@@ -1030,6 +1050,7 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
OutData.WriteString(Format('need login or register', []));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1037,6 +1058,7 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
OutData.WriteString(Format('send tunnel Illegal:%d', [SendID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1044,6 +1066,7 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
OutData.WriteString(Format('recv tunnel Illegal:%d', [RecvID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1051,6 +1074,7 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
OutData.WriteString(Format('recv tunnel Illegal:%d-%d', [Sender.ID, RecvID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1064,6 +1088,7 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_TunnelLink(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
OutData.WriteString(Format('tunnel link success! recv:%d <-> send:%d', [RecvID, SendID]));
+ OutData.WriteBool(FFileSystem);
@@ -1079,6 +1104,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_GetFileTime(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Ou
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth;
fullfn, fileName: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1100,6 +1127,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_GetFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Ou
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth;
fullfn, fileName: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1127,6 +1156,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_GetFileMD5(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, Out
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1172,6 +1203,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_GetFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutDat
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1228,6 +1261,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_GetFileAs(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutD
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1283,6 +1318,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_PostFileInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: T
FSize: Int64;
fullfn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1327,6 +1364,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_PostFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TCore
UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1348,6 +1387,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_PostFileOver(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: T
ClientMD5, MD5: TMD5;
fn: SystemString;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1387,6 +1428,8 @@ procedure TDTService_VirtualAuth.Command_GetFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; In
mem_: TMemoryStream64;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
UserDefineIO := GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender);
if not UserDefineIO.LinkOk then
@@ -1585,6 +1628,7 @@ constructor TDTService_VirtualAuth.Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicati
FCadencerEngine.OnProgress := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}CadencerProgress;
FProgressEngine := TNProgressPost.Create;
+ FFileSystem := True;
FFileReceiveDirectory := umlCurrentPath;
if not umlDirectoryExists(FFileReceiveDirectory) then
@@ -2011,11 +2055,11 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.Command_PostFileFragmentData(Sender: TPeerIO; In
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
servTime: Double;
- servTime := ResultData.Reader.ReadDouble;
+ servTime := Result_.Reader.ReadDouble;
FServerDelay := FCadencerEngine.CurrentTime - FLastCadencerTime;
@@ -2024,15 +2068,15 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetCurrentCadencer_StreamResult(Sender: TPeerIO;
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_VirtualAuth;
Existed: Boolean;
fSiz: Int64;
p := PGetFileInfoStruct_VirtualAuth(Param1);
- Existed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
- fSiz := ResultData.Reader.ReadInt64;
+ Existed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
+ fSiz := Result_.Reader.ReadInt64;
if p <> nil then
if Assigned(p^.OnCompleteCall) then
@@ -2046,16 +2090,16 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileInfo_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; P
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileMD5Struct_VirtualAuth;
successed: Boolean;
MD5: TMD5;
p := PFileMD5Struct_VirtualAuth(Param1);
- successed := ResultData.Reader.ReadBool;
+ successed := Result_.Reader.ReadBool;
if successed then
- MD5 := ResultData.Reader.ReadMD5
+ MD5 := Result_.Reader.ReadMD5
MD5 := NullMD5;
if p <> nil then
@@ -2071,28 +2115,28 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileMD5_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Pa
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFile_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
- Sender.Print('get file failed:%s', [ResultData.Reader.ReadString]);
+ Sender.Print('get file failed:%s', [Result_.Reader.ReadString]);
p := Param1;
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileFragmentData_StreamParamResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; InData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_VirtualAuth;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
@@ -2274,17 +2318,17 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.AsyncRecvConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
FAsyncOnResultProc := nil;
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.UserLogin_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r: Boolean;
p: POnStateStruct;
p := Param1;
r := False;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- r := ResultData.ReadBool(0);
- FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(ResultData.ReadString(1));
+ r := Result_.ReadBool(0);
+ FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(Result_.ReadString(1));
if Assigned(p^.OnCall) then
@@ -2312,20 +2356,24 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.UserLogin_OnFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Poin
-procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.TunnelLink_OnResult(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
r: Boolean;
p: POnStateStruct;
p := Param1;
r := False;
- if ResultData.Count > 0 then
+ if Result_.Count > 0 then
- r := ResultData.ReadBool(0);
- FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(ResultData.ReadString(1));
+ r := Result_.ReadBool(0);
+ FSendTunnel.ClientIO.Print(Result_.ReadString(1));
if r then
+ if Result_.Count >= 2 then
+ FFileSystem := Result_.ReadBool(2)
+ else
+ FFileSystem := True;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_VirtualAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).Client := Self;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_VirtualAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).RecvTunnel := TClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth(FRecvTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine);
@@ -2375,6 +2423,7 @@ constructor TDTClient_VirtualAuth.Create(RecvTunnel_, SendTunnel_: TCommunicatio
FRecvTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
FSendTunnel.DoubleChannelFramework := Self;
+ FFileSystem := False;
FAutoFreeTunnel := False;
FLinkOk := False;
@@ -2649,6 +2698,10 @@ function TDTClient_VirtualAuth.TunnelLink: Boolean;
if Result then
+ if resDE.Count >= 2 then
+ FFileSystem := resDE.ReadBool(2)
+ else
+ FFileSystem := True;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_VirtualAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).Client := Self;
TClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_VirtualAuth(FSendTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine).RecvTunnel := TClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth(FRecvTunnel.ClientIO.UserDefine);
@@ -2828,6 +2881,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileTimeM(RemoteFilename: SystemString; OnCal
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2843,6 +2898,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileTimeP(RemoteFilename: SystemString; OnCal
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2860,6 +2917,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileInfoC(fileName: SystemString; const UserD
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2885,6 +2944,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileInfoM(fileName: SystemString; const UserD
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2910,6 +2971,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileInfoP(fileName: SystemString; const UserD
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PGetFileInfoStruct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2937,6 +3000,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileMD5C(fileName: SystemString; const StartP
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2967,6 +3032,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileMD5M(fileName: SystemString; const StartP
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -2997,6 +3064,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileMD5P(fileName: SystemString; const StartP
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileMD5Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3050,6 +3119,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileC(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3077,6 +3148,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileM(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3104,6 +3177,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileP(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3131,6 +3206,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileAsC(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3159,6 +3236,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileAsM(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3187,6 +3266,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileAsP(fileName, saveFileName: SystemString;
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PRemoteFileBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3216,6 +3297,8 @@ function TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFile(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64;
sendDE, resDE: TDataFrameEngine;
Result := False;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3247,6 +3330,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileFragmentDataC(fileName: SystemString; Sta
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3279,6 +3364,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileFragmentDataM(fileName: SystemString; Sta
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3311,6 +3398,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetFileFragmentDataP(fileName: SystemString; Sta
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
p: PFileFragmentDataBackcall_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
if not FRecvTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3341,6 +3430,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.AutomatedDownloadFileC(remoteFile, localFile: U_
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -3354,6 +3445,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.AutomatedDownloadFileM(remoteFile, localFile: U_
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -3367,6 +3460,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.AutomatedDownloadFileP(remoteFile, localFile: U_
tmp: TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
tmp := TAutomatedDownloadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth.Create;
tmp.remoteFile := remoteFile;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
@@ -3382,6 +3477,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.PostFile(fileName: SystemString);
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not umlFileExists(fileName) then
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3415,6 +3512,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.PostFile(fileName: SystemString; StartPos: Int64
fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
MD5: TMD5;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
if not umlFileExists(fileName) then
if not FSendTunnel.Connected then
@@ -3447,9 +3546,10 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.PostFile(fn: SystemString; stream: TCoreClassStr
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
MD5: TMD5;
- if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) then
+ if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) or (not FFileSystem) then
- DisposeObject(stream);
+ if doneFreeStream then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
@@ -3477,9 +3577,10 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.PostFile(fn: SystemString; stream: TCoreClassStr
sendDE: TDataFrameEngine;
MD5: TMD5;
- if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) then
+ if (not FSendTunnel.Connected) or (not FRecvTunnel.Connected) or (not FFileSystem) then
- DisposeObject(stream);
+ if doneFreeStream then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
@@ -3506,6 +3607,8 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.AutomatedUploadFile(localFile: U_String);
tmp: TAutomatedUploadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth;
+ if not FFileSystem then
+ exit;
tmp := TAutomatedUploadFile_Struct_VirtualAuth.Create;
tmp.localFile := localFile;
tmp.Client := Self;
@@ -3645,13 +3748,13 @@ procedure TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetBatchStreamStateP(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TO
-function TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetBatchStreamState(ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean;
+function TDTClient_VirtualAuth.GetBatchStreamState(Result_: TDataFrameEngine; ATimeOut: TTimeTick): Boolean;
de: TDataFrameEngine;
de := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
- SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_GetBatchStreamState, de, ResultData, ATimeOut);
- Result := ResultData.Count > 0;
+ SendTunnel.WaitSendStreamCmd(C_GetBatchStreamState, de, Result_, ATimeOut);
+ Result := Result_.Count > 0;
@@ -3726,10 +3829,10 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTService_Virtu
PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
- RecvTunnel.Name := 'Recv';
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
- SendTunnel.Name := 'Send';
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
+ RecvTunnel.Name := 'R';
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
+ SendTunnel.Name := 'S';
PhysicsTunnel.PrefixName := 'Physics';
PhysicsTunnel.Name := 'p2pVM';
@@ -3874,10 +3977,10 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_VirtualA
AutomatedConnection := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
- RecvTunnel.Name := 'Recv';
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
- SendTunnel.Name := 'Send';
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
+ RecvTunnel.Name := 'R';
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
+ SendTunnel.Name := 'S';
PhysicsTunnel.PrefixName := 'Physics';
PhysicsTunnel.Name := 'p2pVM';
@@ -4014,13 +4117,13 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTServic
Bind_P2PVM_Send_Port := umlStrToInt(P2PVM_Send_Port_);
RecvTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.Create;
- RecvTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
+ RecvTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
RecvTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Recv_Name_;
SendTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Server.Create;
- SendTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
+ SendTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
SendTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Send_Name_;
DTService := ServiceClass_.Create(RecvTunnel, SendTunnel);
@@ -4029,6 +4132,7 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service.Create(ServiceClass_: TDTServic
+ Bind_PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := True;
@@ -4079,24 +4183,6 @@ procedure TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.DoLoginResult(const state: Boolean
DTClient.TunnelLinkM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoTunnelLinkResult);
-procedure TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnCall) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnCall(state);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnMethod) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnMethod(state);
- if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnProc) then
- OnConnectResultState.OnProc(state);
- OnConnectResultState.Init;
- Connecting := False;
- if state then
- begin
- if AutomatedConnection then
- Reconnection := True;
- end;
function TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.GetQuietMode: Boolean;
Result := RecvTunnel.QuietMode and SendTunnel.QuietMode;
@@ -4127,12 +4213,12 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_V
// local
RecvTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
- RecvTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
+ RecvTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ RecvTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
RecvTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Recv_Name_;
SendTunnel := TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client.Create;
- SendTunnel.QuietMode := True;
- SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'DTVirtualAuth';
+ SendTunnel.QuietMode := PhysicsTunnel_.QuietMode;
+ SendTunnel.PrefixName := 'VA';
SendTunnel.Name := P2PVM_Send_Name_;
DTClient := ClientClass_.Create(RecvTunnel, SendTunnel);
@@ -4140,6 +4226,7 @@ constructor TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.Create(ClientClass_: TDTClient_V
LastUser := '';
LastPasswd := '';
AutomatedConnection := True;
+ OnTunnelLink := nil;
// automated p2pVM
Bind_PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMBindClient.AddClient(RecvTunnel, Bind_P2PVM_Recv_IP6, Bind_P2PVM_Recv_Port);
@@ -4166,6 +4253,27 @@ procedure TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.Progress;
Connect(LastUser, LastPasswd);
+procedure TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.DoTunnelLinkResult(const state: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnCall) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnCall(state);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnMethod) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnMethod(state);
+ if Assigned(OnConnectResultState.OnProc) then
+ OnConnectResultState.OnProc(state);
+ OnConnectResultState.Init;
+ Connecting := False;
+ if state then
+ begin
+ if AutomatedConnection then
+ Reconnection := True;
+ if Assigned(OnTunnelLink) then
+ OnTunnelLink(Self);
+ end;
procedure TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.Connect(User, Passwd: SystemString);
if Connecting then
diff --git a/Source/CoreClasses.pas b/Source/CoreClasses.pas
index 617c9f74..948299dd 100644
--- a/Source/CoreClasses.pas
+++ b/Source/CoreClasses.pas
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ interface
PTimeTick = ^TTimeTick;
TSeekOrigin = Classes.TSeekOrigin;
TNotify = Classes.TNotifyEvent;
+ TArrayBool = Array of Boolean;
TArrayInt64 = Array of Int64;
TArrayUInt64 = Array of UInt64;
TInt64Buffer = Array [0 .. MaxInt div SizeOf(Int64) - 1] of Int64;
@@ -642,6 +643,8 @@ {$IFDEF FPC}generic{$ENDIF FPC}TLineProcessor = class
CPU64 = {$IFDEF CPU64}True{$ELSE CPU64}False{$IFEND CPU64};
X64 = CPU64;
// timetick define
C_Tick_Second = TTimeTick(1000);
C_Tick_Minute = TTimeTick(C_Tick_Second) * 60;
diff --git a/Source/DTC40.pas b/Source/DTC40.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f60b454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/DTC40.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,4084 @@
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * cloud 4.0 framework * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * https://zpascal.net * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAI * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/PascalString * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zRasterization * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/CoreCipher * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zSound * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zChinese * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zExpression * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zGameWare * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAnalysis * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FFMPEG-Header * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zTranslate * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+unit DTC40;
+{$INCLUDE zDefine.inc}
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
+ System.IOUtils,
+ CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO, UnicodeMixedLib, ListEngine,
+ Geometry2DUnit, DataFrameEngine, ZJson,
+ NotifyObjectBase, CoreCipher, MemoryStream64,
+ CommunicationFramework, PhysicsIO,
+ CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO,
+ CommunicationFrameworkDataStoreService,
+ CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_VirtualAuth,
+ CommunicationFrameworkDataStoreService_VirtualAuth,
+ CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth,
+ CommunicationFrameworkDataStoreService_NoAuth;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsService = class;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool = class;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel = class;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool = class;
+ TDTC40_Info = class;
+ TDTC40_InfoList = class;
+ TDTC40_Custom_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool = class;
+ TDTC40_Custom_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool = class;
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client = class;
+{$REGION 'PhysicsService'}
+ TDTC40_DependNetworkString = U_StringArray;
+ TDTC40_DependNetworkInfo = record
+ Typ: U_String;
+ Param: U_String;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray = array of TDTC40_DependNetworkInfo;
+ IDTC40_PhysicsService_Event = interface
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsService_Build_Network(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsService; Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsService_Start(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsService);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsService_Stop(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsService);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsService_LinkSuccess(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsService; Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service; Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsService_UserOut(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsService; Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service; Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ end;
+ { automated physics service }
+ TDTC40_PhysicsService = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
+ private
+ FActivted: Boolean;
+ procedure cmd_QueryInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ public
+ PhysicsAddr: U_String;
+ PhysicsPort: Word;
+ PhysicsTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkServer;
+ AutoFreePhysicsTunnel: Boolean;
+ DependNetworkServicePool: TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool;
+ OnEvent: IDTC40_PhysicsService_Event;
+ { api }
+ constructor Create(PhysicsAddr_: U_String; PhysicsPort_: Word; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkServer); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; virtual;
+ function BuildDependNetwork(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray): Boolean; overload;
+ function BuildDependNetwork(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkString): Boolean; overload;
+ function BuildDependNetwork(const Depend_: U_String): Boolean; overload;
+ property Activted: Boolean read FActivted;
+ procedure StartService; virtual;
+ procedure StopService; virtual;
+ { event }
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess(Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service; Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ procedure DoUserOut(Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service; Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ end;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool = class(TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool_Decl)
+ public
+ procedure Progress;
+ function ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'PhysicsService'}
+{$REGION 'PhysicsTunnel'}
+ TDCT40_OnQueryResultC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ TDCT40_OnQueryResultM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList) of object;
+ TDCT40_OnQueryResultP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList) is nested;
+ TDCT40_OnQueryResultP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ TDCT40_QueryResultData = class
+ private
+ procedure DoStreamParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ procedure DoStreamFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ procedure DoRun;
+ public
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ L: TDTC40_InfoList;
+ OnResultC: TDCT40_OnQueryResultC;
+ OnResultM: TDCT40_OnQueryResultM;
+ OnResultP: TDCT40_OnQueryResultP;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor = class
+ private
+ procedure DCT40_OnCheckDepend(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ procedure DCT40_OnAutoP2PVMConnectionDone(Sender: TCommunicationFramework; P_IO: TPeerIO);
+ procedure DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ procedure DoRun(const state: Boolean);
+ public
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ OnCall: TStateCall;
+ OnMethod: TStateMethod;
+ OnProc: TStateProc;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event = interface
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Connected(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Disconnect(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Build_Network(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; Custom_Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client);
+ procedure DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Client_Connected(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; Custom_Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client);
+ end;
+ { automated tunnel }
+ TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject, ICommunicationFrameworkClientInterface)
+ private
+ IsConnecting: Boolean;
+ BuildNetworkIsDone: Boolean;
+ OfflineTime: TTimeTick;
+ procedure DoDelayConnect();
+ procedure DoConnectOnResult(const state: Boolean);
+ procedure DoConnectAndQuery(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const state: Boolean);
+ procedure DoConnectAndCheckDepend(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const state: Boolean);
+ procedure DoConnectAndBuildDependNetwork(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const state: Boolean);
+ protected
+ procedure ClientConnected(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkClient); virtual;
+ procedure ClientDisconnect(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkClient); virtual;
+ public
+ PhysicsAddr: U_String;
+ PhysicsPort: Word;
+ p2pVM_Auth: U_String;
+ PhysicsTunnel: TCommunicationFrameworkClient;
+ DependNetworkInfoArray: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray;
+ DependNetworkClientPool: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool;
+ OnEvent: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event;
+ { api }
+ constructor Create(Addr_: U_String; Port_: Word);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; virtual;
+ function ResetDepend(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray): Boolean; overload;
+ function ResetDepend(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkString): Boolean; overload;
+ function ResetDepend(const Depend_: U_String): Boolean; overload;
+ function CheckDepend(): Boolean;
+ function CheckDependC(OnResult: TStateCall): Boolean;
+ function CheckDependM(OnResult: TStateMethod): Boolean;
+ function CheckDependP(OnResult: TStateProc): Boolean;
+ function BuildDependNetwork(): Boolean;
+ function BuildDependNetworkC(OnResult: TStateCall): Boolean;
+ function BuildDependNetworkM(OnResult: TStateMethod): Boolean;
+ function BuildDependNetworkP(OnResult: TStateProc): Boolean;
+ procedure QueryInfoC(OnResult: TDCT40_OnQueryResultC);
+ procedure QueryInfoM(OnResult: TDCT40_OnQueryResultM);
+ procedure QueryInfoP(OnResult: TDCT40_OnQueryResultP);
+ function DependNetworkIsConnected: Boolean;
+ { event }
+ procedure DoClientConnected(Custom_Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client);
+ end;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool = class(TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool_Decl)
+ public
+ { find addr }
+ function ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ function GetPhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ { get or create from addr }
+ function GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; overload;
+ function GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word;
+ const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray; const OnEvent_: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; overload;
+ function GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word;
+ const Depend_: U_String; const OnEvent_: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; overload;
+ { get or create from define }
+ function GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(dispInfo: TDTC40_Info): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; overload;
+ function GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(dispInfo: TDTC40_Info;
+ const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray; const OnEvent_: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; overload;
+ { progress }
+ procedure Progress;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'PhysicsTunnel'}
+{$REGION 'infoDefine'}
+ TDTC40_Info = class
+ private
+ Ignored: Boolean;
+ LastUpdateTimeTick: TTimeTick;
+ procedure MakeHash;
+ public
+ { share }
+ OnlyInstance: Boolean;
+ ServiceTyp: U_String;
+ PhysicsAddr: U_String;
+ PhysicsPort: Word;
+ p2pVM_Auth: U_String;
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr: U_String;
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port: Word;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr: U_String;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port: Word;
+ Workload, MaxWorkload: Integer;
+ AliveTime: TTimeTick;
+ Hash: TMD5;
+ { client translate }
+ property p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr: U_String read p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr;
+ property p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port: Word read p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port;
+ property p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr: U_String read p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr;
+ property p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port: Word read p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port;
+ { api }
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Assign(source: TDTC40_Info);
+ function Clone: TDTC40_Info;
+ procedure Load(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+ procedure Save(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+ function Same(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ function SameServiceTyp(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ function SamePhysicsAddr(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean; overload;
+ function SamePhysicsAddr(Data_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel): Boolean; overload;
+ function SamePhysicsAddr(Data_: TDTC40_PhysicsService): Boolean; overload;
+ function SameP2PVMAddr(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ function ReadyDTC40Client: Boolean;
+ function GetOrCreateDTC40Client(Param_: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_InfoList_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_InfoList = class(TDTC40_InfoList_Decl)
+ public
+ AutoFree: Boolean;
+ constructor Create(AutoFree_: Boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Remove(obj: TDTC40_Info);
+ procedure Delete(index: Integer);
+ procedure Clear;
+ class procedure SortWorkLoad(L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ function IsOnlyInstance(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ function GetServiceTypNum(ServiceTyp: U_String): Integer;
+ function SearchService(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_InfoList;
+ function ExistsService(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ function ExistsServiceAndPhysicsTunnel(ServiceTyp: U_String; PhysicsTunnel_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel): Boolean;
+ function FindSame(Data_: TDTC40_Info): TDTC40_Info;
+ function FindHash(Hash: TMD5): TDTC40_Info;
+ function ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ procedure RemovePhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word);
+ function OverwriteInfo(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ function MergeFromDF(D: TDFE): Boolean;
+ procedure SaveToDF(D: TDFE);
+ procedure UpdateAlive(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService); overload;
+ procedure UpdateAlive(PhysicsTunnel_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel); overload;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'infoDefine'}
+{$REGION 'p2pVMCustomService'}
+ TDTC40_Custom_Service = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
+ private
+ FLastSafeCheckTime: TTimeTick;
+ public
+ SafeCheckTime: TTimeTick;
+ Param: U_String;
+ ParamList: THashStringList;
+ ServiceInfo: TDTC40_Info;
+ DTC40PhysicsService: TDTC40_PhysicsService;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SafeCheck; virtual;
+ procedure Progress; virtual;
+ procedure SetWorkload(Workload_, MaxWorkload_: Integer);
+ procedure UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+ function GetHash: TMD5;
+ property Hash: TMD5 read GetHash;
+ { event }
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess(Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ procedure DoUserOut(Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Custom_Service_Class = class of TDTC40_Custom_Service;
+ TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array = array of TDTC40_Custom_Service;
+ TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool = class(TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool_Decl)
+ private
+ FIPV6_Seed: Word;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure Progress;
+ procedure MakeP2PVM_IPv6_Port(var ip6, port: U_String);
+ function GetServiceFromHash(Hash: TMD5): TDTC40_Custom_Service;
+ function ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ function ExistsOnlyInstance(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ function GetDTC40Array: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ function GetFromServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ function GetFromPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ function GetFromClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'p2pVMCustomService'}
+{$REGION 'p2pVMCustomClient'}
+ TDTC40_Custom_Client = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
+ public
+ Param: U_String;
+ ParamList: THashStringList;
+ ClientInfo: TDTC40_Info;
+ DTC40PhysicsTunnel: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; virtual;
+ procedure Connect; virtual;
+ function Connected: Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure Disconnect; virtual;
+ function GetHash: TMD5;
+ property Hash: TMD5 read GetHash;
+ { event }
+ procedure DoClientConnected;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class = class of TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array = array of TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventC = procedure(Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client);
+ TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventM = procedure(Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client) of object;
+ TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventP = procedure(Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client) is nested;
+ TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventP = reference to procedure(Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client);
+ TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait = class
+ private
+ procedure DoRun;
+ public
+ Pool_: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool;
+ ServiceTyp_: U_String;
+ TimeOut_: TTimeTick;
+ OnCall: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventC;
+ OnMethod: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventM;
+ OnProc: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventP;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool = class(TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Decl)
+ private
+ public
+ procedure Progress;
+ function ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ function ExistsServiceInfo(info_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ function ExistsServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ function ExistsClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ function ExistsConnectedClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ function ExistsConnectedServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ function GetClientFromHash(Hash: TMD5): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ function GetDTC40Array: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ function GetFromServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ function GetFromPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ function GetFromClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ procedure WaitConnectedDoneC(ServiceTyp: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; OnResult: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventC);
+ procedure WaitConnectedDoneM(ServiceTyp: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; OnResult: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventM);
+ procedure WaitConnectedDoneP(ServiceTyp: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; OnResult: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventP);
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'p2pVMCustomClient'}
+{$REGION 'DispatchService'}
+ TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork = class
+ public
+ PhysicsAddr: U_String;
+ PhysicsPort: Word;
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure DoRun; virtual;
+ end;
+ TOnServiceInfoChange = procedure(Sender: TCoreClassObject; ServiceInfoList: TDTC40_InfoList) of object;
+ // dispatch service
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ private
+ FOnServiceInfoChange: TOnServiceInfoChange;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient: Boolean;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient_TimeTick: TTimeTick;
+ DelayCheck_Working: Boolean;
+ procedure cmd_UpdateServiceInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_UpdateServiceState(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_IgnoreChange(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_RequestUpdate(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_RemovePhysicsNetwork(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure Prepare_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ procedure UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ procedure DoDelayCheckLocalServiceInfo;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service;
+ ServiceInfoList: TDTC40_InfoList;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure IgnoreChangeToAllClient(Hash: TMD5; Ignored: Boolean);
+ procedure UpdateServiceStateToAllClient;
+ { event }
+ property OnServiceInfoChange: TOnServiceInfoChange read FOnServiceInfoChange write FOnServiceInfoChange;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'DispatchService'}
+{$REGION 'DispatchClient'}
+ // dispatch client
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ private
+ FOnServiceInfoChange: TOnServiceInfoChange;
+ DelayCheck_Working: Boolean;
+ procedure cmd_UpdateServiceInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_UpdateServiceState(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_IgnoreChange(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_RemovePhysicsNetwork(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client);
+ procedure DoDelayCheckLocalServiceInfo;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client;
+ ServiceInfoList: TDTC40_InfoList;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ procedure PostLocalServiceInfo(forcePost_: Boolean);
+ procedure RequestUpdate();
+ procedure IgnoreChangeToService(Hash: TMD5; Ignored: Boolean);
+ procedure UpdateLocalServiceState;
+ procedure RemovePhysicsNetwork(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word);
+ { event }
+ property OnServiceInfoChange: TOnServiceInfoChange read FOnServiceInfoChange write FOnServiceInfoChange;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'DispatchClient'}
+{$REGION 'RegistedData'}
+ TDTC40_RegistedData = record
+ ServiceTyp: U_String;
+ ServiceClass: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Class;
+ ClientClass: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class;
+ end;
+ PDTC40_RegistedData = ^TDTC40_RegistedData;
+ TDTC40_RegistedDataList_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_RegistedDataList = class(TDTC40_RegistedDataList_Decl)
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clean;
+ procedure Print;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'RegistedData'}
+{$REGION 'DTC40NoAuthModel'}
+ TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ protected
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth); virtual;
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth); virtual;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service;
+ DTNoAuthService: TDTService_NoAuth;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client); virtual;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client;
+ DTNoAuthClient: TDTClient_NoAuth;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ protected
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth); virtual;
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth); virtual;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service;
+ DTNoAuthService: TDataStoreService_NoAuth;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_DataStoreNoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client); virtual;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client;
+ DTNoAuthClient: TDataStoreClient_NoAuth;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'DTC40NoAuthModel'}
+{$REGION 'DTC40VirtualAuthModel'}
+ TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ protected
+ procedure DoUserAuth_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; AuthIO: TVirtualAuthIO); virtual;
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth); virtual;
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth); virtual;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service;
+ DTVirtualAuthService: TDTService_VirtualAuth;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client); virtual;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client;
+ DTVirtualAuthClient: TDTClient_VirtualAuth;
+ UserName, Password: U_String;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ protected
+ procedure DoUserAuth_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; AuthIO: TVirtualAuthIO); virtual;
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth); virtual;
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth); virtual;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service;
+ DTVirtualAuthService: TDataStoreService_VirtualAuth;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client); virtual;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client;
+ DTVirtualAuthClient: TDataStoreClient_VirtualAuth;
+ UserName, Password: U_String;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'DTC40VirtualAuthModel'}
+{$REGION 'DTC40BuildInAuthModel'}
+ TDTC40_Base_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ protected
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel); virtual;
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel); virtual;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service;
+ DTService: TDTService;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SafeCheck; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client); virtual;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client;
+ DTClient: TDTClient;
+ UserName, Password: U_String;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service = class(TDTC40_Custom_Service)
+ protected
+ procedure DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel); virtual;
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel); virtual;
+ public
+ Service: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service;
+ DTService: TDataStoreService;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SafeCheck; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client = class(TDTC40_Custom_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure Do_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client); virtual;
+ public
+ Client: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client;
+ DTClient: TDataStoreClient;
+ UserName, Password: U_String;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ function Connected: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ end;
+{$ENDREGION 'DTC40BuildInAuthModel'}
+ { quiet mode, defualt is false }
+ DTC40_QuietMode: Boolean;
+ { physics service safeCheck time, default is 10 minute }
+ DTC40_SafeCheckTime: TTimeTick;
+ { physics service timeout, default is 1 minute }
+ DTC40_PhysicsServiceTimeout: TTimeTick;
+ { physics tunnel timeout, default is 15 seconds }
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelTimeout: TTimeTick;
+ { kill dead physics connection timeout, default is 1 minute }
+ DTC40_KillDeadPhysicsConnectionTimeout: TTimeTick;
+ { kill IDC fault timeout, default is 1 hours }
+ DTC40_KillIDCFaultTimeout: TTimeTick;
+ { root path, default is current Directory }
+ DTC40_RootPath: U_String;
+ { p2pVM default password }
+ DTC40_Password: SystemString = 'DTC40@ZSERVER';
+ { PhysicsTunnel interface }
+ DTC40_PhysicsClientClass: TCommunicationFrameworkClientClass;
+ { automated matched }
+ DTC40_Registed: TDTC40_RegistedDataList;
+ { physics service pool }
+ DTC40_PhysicsServicePool: TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool;
+ { custom service pool }
+ DTC40_ServicePool: TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool;
+ { physics tunnel pool }
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool;
+ { custom client pool }
+ DTC40_ClientPool: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool;
+procedure C40Progress; { DTC40 main progress }
+{ free all DTC40 system }
+procedure C40Clean;
+{ print state }
+procedure C40PrintRegistation;
+function C40ExistsPhysicsNetwork(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+{ Kill physics tunnel }
+procedure C40RemovePhysics(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word;
+ Remove_P2PVM_Client_, Remove_Physics_Client_, RemoveP2PVM_Service_, Remove_Physcis_Service_: Boolean); overload;
+procedure C40RemovePhysics(Tunnel_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel); overload;
+procedure C40RemovePhysics(Service_: TDTC40_PhysicsService); overload;
+procedure C40CheckAndKillDeadPhysicsTunnel();
+{ register }
+function RegisterC40(ServiceTyp: U_String; ServiceClass: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Class; ClientClass: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): Boolean;
+function FindRegistedC40(ServiceTyp: U_String): PDTC40_RegistedData;
+{ misc }
+function ExtractDependInfo(info: U_String): TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray; overload;
+function ExtractDependInfo(arry: TDTC40_DependNetworkString): TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray; overload;
+ C40Progress_Working: Boolean = False;
+procedure C40Progress;
+ if C40Progress_Working then
+ exit;
+ C40Progress_Working := True;
+ try
+ CheckThread;
+ DTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Progress;
+ DTC40_ServicePool.Progress;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Progress;
+ DTC40_ClientPool.Progress;
+ C40CheckAndKillDeadPhysicsTunnel();
+ finally
+ C40Progress_Working := False;
+ end;
+procedure C40Clean;
+ while DTC40_ClientPool.Count > 0 do
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_ClientPool[0]);
+ while DTC40_ServicePool.Count > 0 do
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_ServicePool[0]);
+ DTC40_ServicePool.FIPV6_Seed := 1;
+ while DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Count > 0 do
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool[0]);
+ while DTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Count > 0 do
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_PhysicsServicePool[0]);
+procedure C40PrintRegistation;
+ DTC40_Registed.Print;
+function C40ExistsPhysicsNetwork(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ Result := True;
+ if
+ DTC40_PhysicsServicePool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort) or
+ DTC40_ServicePool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort) or
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort) or
+ DTC40_ClientPool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+procedure C40RemovePhysics(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word;
+ Remove_P2PVM_Client_, Remove_Physics_Client_, RemoveP2PVM_Service_, Remove_Physcis_Service_: Boolean);
+ i: Integer;
+ if Remove_P2PVM_Client_ then
+ begin
+ try
+ { remove client }
+ i := 0;
+ while i < DTC40_ClientPool.Count do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@DTC40_ClientPool[i].ClientInfo.PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = DTC40_ClientPool[i].ClientInfo.PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_ClientPool[i]);
+ i := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(i);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ { remove dispatch info }
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ClientPool.Count - 1 do
+ if DTC40_ClientPool[i] is TDTC40_Dispatch_Client then
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Client(DTC40_ClientPool[i]).ServiceInfoList.RemovePhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ if Remove_Physics_Client_ then
+ begin
+ try
+ { remove physics tunnel }
+ i := 0;
+ while i < DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Count do
+ begin
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool[i]);
+ i := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ if RemoveP2PVM_Service_ then
+ begin
+ try
+ { remove service }
+ i := 0;
+ while i < DTC40_ServicePool.Count do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo.PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo.PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_ServicePool[i]);
+ i := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(i);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ { remove service info }
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ if DTC40_ServicePool[i] is TDTC40_Dispatch_Service then
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Service(DTC40_ServicePool[i]).ServiceInfoList.RemovePhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ if Remove_Physcis_Service_ then
+ begin
+ try
+ { remove physics service }
+ i := 0;
+ while i < DTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Count do
+ begin
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@DTC40_PhysicsServicePool[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = DTC40_PhysicsServicePool[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(DTC40_PhysicsServicePool[i]);
+ i := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure C40RemovePhysics(Tunnel_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel);
+ C40RemovePhysics(Tunnel_.PhysicsAddr, Tunnel_.PhysicsPort, True, True, False, False);
+procedure C40RemovePhysics(Service_: TDTC40_PhysicsService);
+ C40RemovePhysics(Service_.PhysicsAddr, Service_.PhysicsPort, True, True, True, True);
+procedure C40CheckAndKillDeadPhysicsTunnel();
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ i := 0;
+ while i < DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Count do
+ begin
+ tmp := DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool[i];
+ if (not tmp.PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited) and (not tmp.BuildNetworkIsDone) and
+ (tmp.OfflineTime > 0) and (GetTimeTick - tmp.OfflineTime > DTC40_KillDeadPhysicsConnectionTimeout) then
+ begin
+ C40RemovePhysics(tmp);
+ i := 0;
+ end
+ else if (not tmp.PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited) and (tmp.BuildNetworkIsDone) and
+ (tmp.OfflineTime > 0) and (GetTimeTick - tmp.OfflineTime > DTC40_KillIDCFaultTimeout) then
+ begin
+ C40RemovePhysics(tmp);
+ i := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+function RegisterC40(ServiceTyp: U_String; ServiceClass: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Class; ClientClass: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PDTC40_RegistedData;
+ Result := False;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_Registed.Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceTyp.Same(@DTC40_Registed[i]^.ServiceTyp) then
+ begin
+ RaiseInfo('"%s" repeat registion.', [ServiceTyp.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ new(p);
+ p^.ServiceTyp := ServiceTyp;
+ p^.ServiceClass := ServiceClass;
+ p^.ClientClass := ClientClass;
+ DTC40_Registed.Add(p);
+ Result := True;
+function FindRegistedC40(ServiceTyp: U_String): PDTC40_RegistedData;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_Registed.Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceTyp.Same(@DTC40_Registed[i]^.ServiceTyp) then
+ begin
+ Result := DTC40_Registed[i];
+ exit;
+ end;
+function ExtractDependInfo(info: U_String): TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray;
+ tmp: TDTC40_DependNetworkString;
+ umlGetSplitArray(info, tmp, '|<>');
+ Result := ExtractDependInfo(tmp);
+function ExtractDependInfo(arry: TDTC40_DependNetworkString): TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray;
+ i: Integer;
+ info_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfo;
+ SetLength(Result, Length(arry));
+ for i := 0 to Length(arry) - 1 do
+ begin
+ info_.Typ := umlTrimSpace(umlGetFirstStr(arry[i], '@'));
+ info_.Param := umlTrimSpace(umlDeleteFirstStr(arry[i], '@'));
+ Result[i] := info_;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsService.cmd_QueryInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ i: Integer;
+ L: TDTC40_InfoList;
+ L := TDTC40_InfoList.Create(False);
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ if L.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo) = nil then
+ L.Add(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ L.SaveToDF(OutData);
+ DisposeObject(L);
+constructor TDTC40_PhysicsService.Create(PhysicsAddr_: U_String; PhysicsPort_: Word; PhysicsTunnel_: TCommunicationFrameworkServer);
+ inherited Create;
+ FActivted := False;
+ PhysicsAddr := umlTrimSpace(PhysicsAddr_);
+ PhysicsPort := PhysicsPort_;
+ PhysicsTunnel := PhysicsTunnel_;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMAuthToken := DTC40_Password;
+ PhysicsTunnel.TimeOutKeepAlive := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.IdleTimeOut := DTC40_PhysicsServiceTimeout;
+ PhysicsTunnel.RegisterStream('QueryInfo').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_QueryInfo;
+ PhysicsTunnel.PrintParams['QueryInfo'] := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.QuietMode := DTC40_QuietMode;
+ AutoFreePhysicsTunnel := False;
+ DependNetworkServicePool := TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Create;
+ OnEvent := nil;
+ DTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Add(Self);
+destructor TDTC40_PhysicsService.Destroy;
+ DTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Remove(Self);
+ PhysicsTunnel.DeleteRegistedCMD('QueryInfo');
+ DisposeObject(DependNetworkServicePool);
+ if AutoFreePhysicsTunnel then
+ DisposeObject(PhysicsTunnel);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsService.Progress;
+ PhysicsTunnel.Progress;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsService.BuildDependNetwork(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PDTC40_RegistedData;
+ tmp: TDTC40_Custom_Service;
+ Result := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('');
+ for i := 0 to Length(Depend_) - 1 do
+ begin
+ p := FindRegistedC40(Depend_[i].Typ);
+ if p = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no found Registed service "%s"', [Depend_[i].Typ.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := p^.ServiceClass.Create(Self, p^.ServiceTyp, Depend_[i].Param);
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('Build Depend service "%s" instance class "%s"', [tmp.ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text, tmp.ClassName]);
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('service %s p2pVM Received tunnel ip %s port: %d', [tmp.ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text, tmp.ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr.Text, tmp.ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port]);
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('service %s p2pVM Send tunnel ip %s port: %d', [tmp.ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text, tmp.ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr.Text, tmp.ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port]);
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('');
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsService_Build_Network(Self, tmp);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsService.BuildDependNetwork(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkString): Boolean;
+ Result := BuildDependNetwork(ExtractDependInfo(Depend_));
+function TDTC40_PhysicsService.BuildDependNetwork(const Depend_: U_String): Boolean;
+ Result := BuildDependNetwork(ExtractDependInfo(Depend_));
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsService.StartService;
+ FActivted := PhysicsTunnel.StartService(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ if FActivted then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('Physics Service "%s" Listening successed, internet addr: %s port: %d', [PhysicsTunnel.ClassName, PhysicsAddr.Text, PhysicsPort]);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsService_Start(Self);
+ end
+ else
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('Physics Service "%s" Listening failed, internet addr: %s port: %d', [PhysicsTunnel.ClassName, PhysicsAddr.Text, PhysicsPort]);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsService.StopService;
+ if not FActivted then
+ exit;
+ PhysicsTunnel.StopService;
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('Physics Service "%s" Listening Stop.', [PhysicsTunnel.ClassName]);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsService_Stop(Self);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsService.DoLinkSuccess(Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service; Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsService_LinkSuccess(Self, Custom_Service_, Trigger_);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsService.DoUserOut(Custom_Service_: TDTC40_Custom_Service; Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsService_UserOut(Self, Custom_Service_, Trigger_);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Progress;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Items[i].Progress;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultData.DoStreamParam(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ L.MergeFromDF(Result_);
+ DoRun;
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultData.DoStreamFailed(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ DoRun;
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultData.DoRun;
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(DTC40_PhysicsTunnel, L);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(DTC40_PhysicsTunnel, L);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(DTC40_PhysicsTunnel, L);
+ except
+ end;
+ Free;
+constructor TDCT40_QueryResultData.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := nil;
+ L := TDTC40_InfoList.Create(True);
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+destructor TDCT40_QueryResultData.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.DCT40_OnCheckDepend(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ i: Integer;
+ state: Boolean;
+ state := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if L.ExistsService(Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) then
+ begin
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('Check addr %s port:%d service "%s" passed.', [Sender.PhysicsAddr.Text, Sender.PhysicsPort, Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('failed! Check addr %s port:%d no found service "%s".', [Sender.PhysicsAddr.Text, Sender.PhysicsPort, Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ state := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DoRun(state);
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.DCT40_OnAutoP2PVMConnectionDone(Sender: TCommunicationFramework; P_IO: TPeerIO);
+ i: Integer;
+ Sender.AutomatedP2PVMClient := True;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkClientPool.Count - 1 do
+ with DTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkClientPool[i] do
+ if not Connected then
+ Connect;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel.BuildNetworkIsDone := True;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel.OfflineTime := 0;
+ DoRun(True);
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork(Sender: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel; L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ i, j: Integer;
+ found_: Integer;
+ tmp: TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ found_ := 0;
+ for i := 0 to Length(Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if L.ExistsService(Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) then
+ inc(found_);
+ if found_ = 0 then
+ begin
+ DoRun(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('');
+ for i := 0 to Length(Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ for j := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if L[j].SamePhysicsAddr(Sender) and L[j].ServiceTyp.Same(@Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) and
+ (not Sender.DependNetworkClientPool.ExistsServiceInfo(L[j])) then
+ begin
+ tmp := L[j].GetOrCreateDTC40Client(Sender.DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Param);
+ if tmp <> nil then
+ begin
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('build "%s" network done.', [L[j].ServiceTyp.Text]);
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('"%s" network physics address "%s" physics port "%d" DCT40 Class:%s',
+ [L[j].ServiceTyp.Text, Sender.PhysicsAddr.Text, Sender.PhysicsPort, tmp.ClassName]);
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('"%s" network p2pVM Received Tunnel IPV6 "%s" Port:%d',
+ [L[j].ServiceTyp.Text, L[j].p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr.Text, L[j].PhysicsPort]);
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('"%s" network p2pVM Send Tunnel IPV6 "%s" Port:%d',
+ [L[j].ServiceTyp.Text, L[j].p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr.Text, L[j].PhysicsPort]);
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('');
+ if Assigned(DTC40_PhysicsTunnel.OnEvent) then
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel.OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Build_Network(DTC40_PhysicsTunnel, tmp);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('build "%s" network error.', [L[j].ServiceTyp.Text]);
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.Print('');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.OnAutomatedP2PVMClientConnectionDone_M := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DCT40_OnAutoP2PVMConnectionDone;
+ Sender.PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVM_Open(Sender.PhysicsTunnel.ClientIO);
+procedure TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.DoRun(const state: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(OnCall) then
+ OnCall(state);
+ if Assigned(OnMethod) then
+ OnMethod(state);
+ if Assigned(OnProc) then
+ OnProc(state);
+ Free;
+constructor TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := nil;
+ OnCall := nil;
+ OnMethod := nil;
+ OnProc := nil;
+destructor TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DoDelayConnect;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectOnResult);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DoConnectOnResult(const state: Boolean);
+ if state then
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('Physics Tunnel "%s" connection successed, internet addr: %s port: %d', [PhysicsTunnel.ClassName, PhysicsAddr.Text, PhysicsPort])
+ else
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('Physics Tunnel "%s" connection failed, internet addr: %s port: %d', [PhysicsTunnel.ClassName, PhysicsAddr.Text, PhysicsPort]);
+ IsConnecting := False;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DoConnectAndQuery(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const state: Boolean);
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultData;
+ DoConnectOnResult(state);
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultData(Param2);
+ if state then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('QueryInfo', nil, nil, nil, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParam, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailed);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ tmp.DoRun;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DoConnectAndCheckDepend(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const state: Boolean);
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ DoConnectOnResult(state);
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor(Param2);
+ if state then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnCheckDepend);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ tmp.DoRun(state);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DoConnectAndBuildDependNetwork(Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; const state: Boolean);
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ DoConnectOnResult(state);
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor(Param2);
+ if state then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ tmp.DoRun(state);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.ClientConnected(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkClient);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Connected(Self);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.ClientDisconnect(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkClient);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Disconnect(Self);
+constructor TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Create(Addr_: U_String; Port_: Word);
+ i: Integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ IsConnecting := False;
+ BuildNetworkIsDone := False;
+ OfflineTime := GetTimeTick;
+ PhysicsAddr := umlTrimSpace(Addr_);
+ PhysicsPort := Port_;
+ PhysicsTunnel := DTC40_PhysicsClientClass.Create;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMAuthToken := DTC40_Password;
+ PhysicsTunnel.TimeOutKeepAlive := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.IdleTimeOut := DTC40_PhysicsTunnelTimeout;
+ PhysicsTunnel.SyncOnResult := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.SyncOnCompleteBuffer := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.SwitchDefaultPerformance;
+ PhysicsTunnel.OnInterface := Self;
+ PhysicsTunnel.PrintParams['QueryInfo'] := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.QuietMode := DTC40_QuietMode;
+ p2pVM_Auth := PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMAuthToken;
+ SetLength(DependNetworkInfoArray, 0);
+ DependNetworkClientPool := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.Create;
+ OnEvent := nil;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Add(Self);
+destructor TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Destroy;
+ OnEvent := nil;
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Remove(Self);
+ PhysicsAddr := '';
+ SetLength(DependNetworkInfoArray, 0);
+ DisposeObject(DependNetworkClientPool);
+ DisposeObject(PhysicsTunnel);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Progress;
+ PhysicsTunnel.Progress;
+ { check state and reconnection }
+ if BuildNetworkIsDone and (not IsConnecting) and (not PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited) then
+ begin
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.PostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(1.0, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDelayConnect);
+ end;
+ { check offline state }
+ if (OfflineTime = 0) and (not PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited) then
+ OfflineTime := GetTimeTick;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.ResetDepend(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(DependNetworkInfoArray, Length(Depend_));
+ for i := 0 to Length(Depend_) - 1 do
+ DependNetworkInfoArray[i] := Depend_[i];
+ Result := False;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.ResetDepend(const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkString): Boolean;
+ Result := ResetDepend(ExtractDependInfo(Depend_));
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.ResetDepend(const Depend_: U_String): Boolean;
+ Result := ResetDepend(ExtractDependInfo(Depend_));
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.CheckDepend(): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnCheckDepend);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndCheckDepend);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.CheckDependC(OnResult: TStateCall): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ if Assigned(OnResult) then
+ OnResult(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnCall := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnCheckDepend);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndCheckDepend);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.CheckDependM(OnResult: TStateMethod): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ if Assigned(OnResult) then
+ OnResult(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnMethod := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnCheckDepend);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndCheckDepend);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.CheckDependP(OnResult: TStateProc): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ if Assigned(OnResult) then
+ OnResult(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnProc := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnCheckDepend);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndCheckDepend);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.BuildDependNetwork: Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ if BuildNetworkIsDone then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndBuildDependNetwork);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.BuildDependNetworkC(OnResult: TStateCall): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ if BuildNetworkIsDone then
+ begin
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnCall := OnResult;
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVM_Open();
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ if Assigned(OnResult) then
+ OnResult(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnCall := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndBuildDependNetwork);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.BuildDependNetworkM(OnResult: TStateMethod): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ if BuildNetworkIsDone then
+ begin
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnMethod := OnResult;
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVM_Open();
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ if Assigned(OnResult) then
+ OnResult(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnMethod := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndBuildDependNetwork);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.BuildDependNetworkP(OnResult: TStateProc): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ if BuildNetworkIsDone then
+ begin
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnProc := OnResult;
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVM_Open();
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Length(DependNetworkInfoArray) - 1 do
+ if FindRegistedC40(DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ) = nil then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.Print('no registed "%s"', [DependNetworkInfoArray[i].Typ.Text]);
+ if Assigned(OnResult) then
+ OnResult(False);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultAndDependProcessor.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnProc := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ QueryInfoM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DCT40_OnBuildDependNetwork);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndBuildDependNetwork);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.QueryInfoC(OnResult: TDCT40_OnQueryResultC);
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultData;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultData.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('QueryInfo', nil, nil, nil, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParam, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailed);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndQuery);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.QueryInfoM(OnResult: TDCT40_OnQueryResultM);
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultData;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultData.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('QueryInfo', nil, nil, nil, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParam, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailed);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndQuery);
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.QueryInfoP(OnResult: TDCT40_OnQueryResultP);
+ tmp: TDCT40_QueryResultData;
+ tmp := TDCT40_QueryResultData.Create;
+ tmp.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel := Self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ if PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ begin
+ PhysicsTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('QueryInfo', nil, nil, nil, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParam, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailed);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ IsConnecting := True;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMService := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMClient := False;
+ PhysicsTunnel.AsyncConnectM(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, nil, tmp, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoConnectAndQuery);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkIsConnected: Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if IsConnecting then
+ exit;
+ if not PhysicsTunnel.RemoteInited then
+ exit;
+ if not BuildNetworkIsDone then
+ exit;
+ for i := 0 to DependNetworkClientPool.Count - 1 do
+ if not DependNetworkClientPool[i].Connected then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.DoClientConnected(Custom_Client_: TDTC40_Custom_Client);
+ if Assigned(OnEvent) then
+ OnEvent.DTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Client_Connected(Self, Custom_Client_);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetPhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ Result := Items[i];
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ Result := GetPhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ if Result = nil then
+ Result := TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Create(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word;
+ const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray; const OnEvent_: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ Result := GetPhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ if Result = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Create(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ Result.OnEvent := OnEvent_;
+ Result.ResetDepend(Depend_);
+ Result.BuildDependNetwork();
+ end;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word;
+ const Depend_: U_String; const OnEvent_: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ Result := GetPhysicsTunnel(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ if Result = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Create(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort);
+ Result.OnEvent := OnEvent_;
+ Result.ResetDepend(Depend_);
+ Result.BuildDependNetwork();
+ end;
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(dispInfo: TDTC40_Info): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ Result := GetPhysicsTunnel(dispInfo.PhysicsAddr, dispInfo.PhysicsPort);
+ if Result = nil then
+ Result := TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Create(dispInfo.PhysicsAddr, dispInfo.PhysicsPort);
+function TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(dispInfo: TDTC40_Info;
+ const Depend_: TDTC40_DependNetworkInfoArray; const OnEvent_: IDTC40_PhysicsTunnel_Event): TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel;
+ Result := GetPhysicsTunnel(dispInfo.PhysicsAddr, dispInfo.PhysicsPort);
+ if Result = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel.Create(dispInfo.PhysicsAddr, dispInfo.PhysicsPort);
+ Result.OnEvent := OnEvent_;
+ Result.ResetDepend(Depend_);
+ Result.BuildDependNetwork();
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Progress;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Items[i].Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Info.MakeHash;
+ n: U_String;
+ buff: TBytes;
+ n := umlTrimSpace(PhysicsAddr) + '_' + umlIntToStr(PhysicsPort) + '_' + p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr + '_' + p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr;
+ n := n.LowerText;
+ buff := n.Bytes;
+ n := '';
+ Hash := umlMD5(@buff[0], Length(buff));
+ SetLength(buff, 0);
+constructor TDTC40_Info.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Ignored := False;
+ LastUpdateTimeTick := GetTimeTick();
+ OnlyInstance := False;
+ ServiceTyp := '';
+ PhysicsAddr := '';
+ PhysicsPort := 0;
+ p2pVM_Auth := '';
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr := '';
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port := 0;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr := '';
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port := 0;
+ Workload := 0;
+ MaxWorkload := 0;
+ AliveTime := 0;
+ Hash := NullMD5;
+destructor TDTC40_Info.Destroy;
+ ServiceTyp := '';
+ PhysicsAddr := '';
+ p2pVM_Auth := '';
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr := '';
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr := '';
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Info.Assign(source: TDTC40_Info);
+ Ignored := source.Ignored;
+ LastUpdateTimeTick := source.LastUpdateTimeTick;
+ OnlyInstance := source.OnlyInstance;
+ ServiceTyp := source.ServiceTyp;
+ PhysicsAddr := source.PhysicsAddr;
+ PhysicsPort := source.PhysicsPort;
+ p2pVM_Auth := source.p2pVM_Auth;
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr := source.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr;
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port := source.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr := source.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port := source.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port;
+ Workload := source.Workload;
+ MaxWorkload := source.MaxWorkload;
+ AliveTime := source.AliveTime;
+ Hash := source.Hash;
+function TDTC40_Info.Clone: TDTC40_Info;
+ Result := TDTC40_Info.Create;
+ Result.Assign(Self);
+procedure TDTC40_Info.Load(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+ D: TDFE;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.LoadFromStream(stream);
+ OnlyInstance := D.R.ReadBool;
+ ServiceTyp := D.R.ReadString;
+ PhysicsAddr := D.R.ReadString;
+ PhysicsPort := D.R.ReadWord;
+ p2pVM_Auth := D.R.ReadString;
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr := D.R.ReadString;
+ p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port := D.R.ReadWord;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr := D.R.ReadString;
+ p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port := D.R.ReadWord;
+ Workload := D.R.ReadInteger;
+ MaxWorkload := D.R.ReadInteger;
+ AliveTime := D.R.ReadUInt64;
+ Hash := D.R.ReadMD5;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_Info.Save(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+ D: TDFE;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteBool(OnlyInstance);
+ D.WriteString(ServiceTyp);
+ D.WriteString(PhysicsAddr);
+ D.WriteWord(PhysicsPort);
+ D.WriteString(p2pVM_Auth);
+ D.WriteString(p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr);
+ D.WriteWord(p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port);
+ D.WriteString(p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr);
+ D.WriteWord(p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port);
+ D.WriteInteger(Workload);
+ D.WriteInteger(MaxWorkload);
+ D.WriteUInt64(AliveTime);
+ D.WriteMD5(Hash);
+ D.FastEncodeTo(stream);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+function TDTC40_Info.Same(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if not ServiceTyp.Same(@Data_.ServiceTyp) then
+ exit;
+ if not PhysicsAddr.Same(@Data_.PhysicsAddr) then
+ exit;
+ if PhysicsPort <> Data_.PhysicsPort then
+ exit;
+ if not p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr.Same(@Data_.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr) then
+ exit;
+ if p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port <> Data_.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port then
+ exit;
+ if not p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr.Same(@Data_.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr) then
+ exit;
+ if p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port <> Data_.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_Info.SameServiceTyp(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ Result := ServiceTyp.Same(@Data_.ServiceTyp);
+function TDTC40_Info.SamePhysicsAddr(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if not PhysicsAddr.Same(@Data_.PhysicsAddr) then
+ exit;
+ if PhysicsPort <> Data_.PhysicsPort then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_Info.SamePhysicsAddr(Data_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if not PhysicsAddr.Same(@Data_.PhysicsAddr) then
+ exit;
+ if PhysicsPort <> Data_.PhysicsPort then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_Info.SamePhysicsAddr(Data_: TDTC40_PhysicsService): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if not PhysicsAddr.Same(@Data_.PhysicsAddr) then
+ exit;
+ if PhysicsPort <> Data_.PhysicsPort then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_Info.SameP2PVMAddr(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if not p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr.Same(@Data_.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr) then
+ exit;
+ if p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port <> Data_.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port then
+ exit;
+ if not p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr.Same(@Data_.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr) then
+ exit;
+ if p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port <> Data_.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port then
+ exit;
+ Result := True;
+function TDTC40_Info.ReadyDTC40Client: Boolean;
+ p: PDTC40_RegistedData;
+ p := FindRegistedC40(ServiceTyp);
+ Result := (p <> nil) and (p^.ClientClass <> nil);
+function TDTC40_Info.GetOrCreateDTC40Client(Param_: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ p: PDTC40_RegistedData;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ClientPool.Count - 1 do
+ if Same(DTC40_ClientPool[i].ClientInfo) then
+ begin
+ Result := DTC40_ClientPool[i];
+ exit;
+ end;
+ p := FindRegistedC40(ServiceTyp);
+ if p <> nil then
+ Result := p^.ClientClass.Create(Self, Param_);
+constructor TDTC40_InfoList.Create(AutoFree_: Boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ AutoFree := AutoFree_;
+destructor TDTC40_InfoList.Destroy;
+ Clear;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.Remove(obj: TDTC40_Info);
+ if AutoFree then
+ DisposeObject(obj);
+ inherited Remove(obj);
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.Delete(index: Integer);
+ if AutoFree then
+ DisposeObject(Items[index]);
+ inherited Delete(index);
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.Clear;
+ i: Integer;
+ if AutoFree then
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ DisposeObject(Items[i]);
+ inherited Clear;
+class procedure TDTC40_InfoList.SortWorkLoad(L: TDTC40_InfoList);
+ function Compare_(Left, Right: TDTC40_Info): ShortInt;
+ begin
+ Result := CompareFloat(Left.Workload / Left.MaxWorkload, Right.Workload / Right.MaxWorkload);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := CompareGeoInt(Right.MaxWorkload, Left.MaxWorkload);
+ end;
+ procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TDTC40_InfoList; L, R: Integer);
+ var
+ i, j: Integer;
+ p: TDTC40_Info;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ i := L;
+ j := R;
+ p := Arry_[(L + R) shr 1];
+ repeat
+ while Compare_(Arry_[i], p) < 0 do
+ inc(i);
+ while Compare_(Arry_[j], p) > 0 do
+ dec(j);
+ if i <= j then
+ begin
+ if i <> j then
+ Arry_.Exchange(i, j);
+ inc(i);
+ dec(j);
+ end;
+ until i > j;
+ if L < j then
+ fastSort_(Arry_, L, j);
+ L := i;
+ until i >= R;
+ end;
+ if L.Count > 1 then
+ fastSort_(L, 0, L.Count - 1);
+function TDTC40_InfoList.IsOnlyInstance(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlMultipleMatch(True, ServiceTyp, Items[i].ServiceTyp) and Items[i].OnlyInstance then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.GetServiceTypNum(ServiceTyp: U_String): Integer;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlMultipleMatch(True, ServiceTyp, Items[i].ServiceTyp) then
+ inc(Result);
+function TDTC40_InfoList.SearchService(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_InfoList;
+ L: TDTC40_InfoList;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_InfoList.Create(False);
+ { filter }
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlMultipleMatch(True, ServiceTyp, Items[i].ServiceTyp) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ { sort }
+ TDTC40_InfoList.SortWorkLoad(L);
+ Result := L;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.ExistsService(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlMultipleMatch(True, ServiceTyp, Items[i].ServiceTyp) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.ExistsServiceAndPhysicsTunnel(ServiceTyp: U_String; PhysicsTunnel_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlMultipleMatch(True, ServiceTyp, Items[i].ServiceTyp) and (Items[i].SamePhysicsAddr(PhysicsTunnel_)) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.FindSame(Data_: TDTC40_Info): TDTC40_Info;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i].Same(Data_) then
+ begin
+ Result := Items[i];
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.FindHash(Hash: TMD5): TDTC40_Info;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlCompareMD5(Hash, Items[i].Hash) then
+ begin
+ Result := Items[i];
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.RemovePhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word);
+ i: Integer;
+ i := 0;
+ while i < Count do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].PhysicsPort) then
+ Delete(i)
+ else
+ inc(i);
+function TDTC40_InfoList.OverwriteInfo(Data_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ found_: TDTC40_Info;
+ Result := False;
+ found_ := FindSame(Data_);
+ if found_ <> nil then
+ begin
+ if found_ <> Data_ then
+ found_.Assign(Data_);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if AutoFree then
+ begin
+ Add(Data_.Clone);
+ Result := True;
+ end
+ else
+ DoStatus('not autofree a memory leak.');
+ end;
+function TDTC40_InfoList.MergeFromDF(D: TDFE): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ m64: TMS64;
+ tmp, found_: TDTC40_Info;
+ Result := False;
+ while D.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ m64 := TMS64.Create;
+ D.R.ReadStream(m64);
+ m64.Position := 0;
+ tmp := TDTC40_Info.Create;
+ tmp.Load(m64);
+ DisposeObject(m64);
+ found_ := FindSame(tmp);
+ if found_ <> nil then
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(tmp);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if not AutoFree then
+ begin
+ DoStatus('not autofree a memory leak.');
+ end
+ else if (tmp.OnlyInstance) and (GetServiceTypNum(tmp.ServiceTyp) > 0) then
+ begin
+ DoStatus('"%s" is only instance.', [tmp.ServiceTyp.Text]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Add(tmp);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.SaveToDF(D: TDFE);
+ i: Integer;
+ m64: TMS64;
+ m64 := TMS64.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if not Items[i].Ignored then
+ begin
+ Items[i].Save(m64);
+ D.WriteStream(m64);
+ m64.Clear;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(m64);
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.UpdateAlive(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ with Items[i] do
+ if SamePhysicsAddr(PhysicsService_) then
+ begin
+ LastUpdateTimeTick := GetTimeTick;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_InfoList.UpdateAlive(PhysicsTunnel_: TDTC40_PhysicsTunnel);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ with Items[i] do
+ if SamePhysicsAddr(PhysicsTunnel_) then
+ begin
+ LastUpdateTimeTick := GetTimeTick;
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_Custom_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ P2PVM_Recv_Name_, P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_: U_String;
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_, P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_: U_String;
+ tmp: TPascalStringList;
+ inherited Create;
+ FLastSafeCheckTime := GetTimeTick;
+ SafeCheckTime := DTC40_SafeCheckTime;
+ Param := Param_;
+ DTC40PhysicsService := PhysicsService_;
+ P2PVM_Recv_Name_ := ServiceTyp + 'R';
+ DTC40_ServicePool.MakeP2PVM_IPv6_Port(P2PVM_Recv_IP6_, P2PVM_Recv_Port_);
+ P2PVM_Send_Name_ := ServiceTyp + 'S';
+ DTC40_ServicePool.MakeP2PVM_IPv6_Port(P2PVM_Send_IP6_, P2PVM_Send_Port_);
+ ServiceInfo := TDTC40_Info.Create;
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp := ServiceTyp;
+ ServiceInfo.PhysicsAddr := DTC40PhysicsService.PhysicsAddr;
+ ServiceInfo.PhysicsPort := DTC40PhysicsService.PhysicsPort;
+ ServiceInfo.p2pVM_Auth := DTC40PhysicsService.PhysicsTunnel.AutomatedP2PVMAuthToken;
+ ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr := P2PVM_Recv_IP6_;
+ ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port := umlStrToInt(P2PVM_Recv_Port_);
+ ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr := P2PVM_Send_IP6_;
+ ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port := umlStrToInt(P2PVM_Send_Port_);
+ SetWorkload(0, 100);
+ ServiceInfo.MakeHash;
+ ParamList := THashStringList.Create;
+ try
+ tmp := TPascalStringList.Create;
+ umlSeparatorText(Param, tmp, ',;' + #13#10);
+ ParamList.ImportFromStrings(tmp);
+ DisposeObject(tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DTC40_ServicePool.Add(Self);
+ DTC40PhysicsService.DependNetworkServicePool.Add(Self);
+destructor TDTC40_Custom_Service.Destroy;
+ DTC40PhysicsService.DependNetworkServicePool.Remove(Self);
+ DTC40_ServicePool.Remove(Self);
+ DisposeObject(ServiceInfo);
+ DisposeObject(ParamList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Service.SafeCheck;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Service.Progress;
+ if GetTimeTick - FLastSafeCheckTime > SafeCheckTime then
+ begin
+ SafeCheck;
+ FLastSafeCheckTime := GetTimeTick;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Service.SetWorkload(Workload_, MaxWorkload_: Integer);
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := MaxWorkload_;
+ ServiceInfo.MaxWorkload := MaxWorkload_;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Service.UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+ i: Integer;
+ dps: TDTC40_Dispatch_Service;
+ dpc: TDTC40_Dispatch_Client;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if DTC40_ServicePool[i] is TDTC40_Dispatch_Service then
+ begin
+ dps := TDTC40_Dispatch_Service(DTC40_ServicePool[i]);
+ if dps.ServiceInfoList.OverwriteInfo(ServiceInfo) then
+ dps.Prepare_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ClientPool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if DTC40_ClientPool[i] is TDTC40_Dispatch_Client then
+ begin
+ dpc := TDTC40_Dispatch_Client(DTC40_ClientPool[i]);
+ if dpc.ServiceInfoList.OverwriteInfo(ServiceInfo) and dpc.Connected then
+ dpc.PostLocalServiceInfo(True);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TDTC40_Custom_Service.GetHash: TMD5;
+ Result := ServiceInfo.Hash;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Service.DoLinkSuccess(Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ DTC40PhysicsService.DoLinkSuccess(Self, Trigger_);
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Service.DoUserOut(Trigger_: TCoreClassObject);
+ DTC40PhysicsService.DoUserOut(Self, Trigger_);
+constructor TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FIPV6_Seed := 1;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Progress;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Items[i].Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.MakeP2PVM_IPv6_Port(var ip6, port: U_String);
+ tmp: TIPV6;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to 7 do
+ tmp[i] := FIPV6_Seed;
+ inc(FIPV6_Seed);
+ port := '1';
+ ip6 := IPV6ToStr(tmp);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.GetServiceFromHash(Hash: TMD5): TDTC40_Custom_Service;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlCompareMD5(Hash, Items[i].ServiceInfo.Hash) then
+ Result := Items[i];
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].ServiceInfo.PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].ServiceInfo.PhysicsPort) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.ExistsOnlyInstance(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i].ServiceInfo.OnlyInstance and ServiceTyp.Same(@Items[i].ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.GetDTC40Array: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(Result, Count);
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Result[i] := Items[i];
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.GetFromServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ L: TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceTyp.Same(@Items[i].ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ Result := L.GetDTC40Array;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.GetFromPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ L: TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if (PhysicsPort = Items[i].ServiceInfo.PhysicsPort) and PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].ServiceInfo.PhysicsAddr) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ Result := L.GetDTC40Array;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.GetFromClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Service_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Service_Array;
+ L: TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i].InheritsFrom(Class_) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ Result := L.GetDTC40Array;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+constructor TDTC40_Custom_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ tmp: TPascalStringList;
+ inherited Create;
+ Param := Param_;
+ ClientInfo := TDTC40_Info.Create;
+ ClientInfo.Assign(source_);
+ ParamList := THashStringList.Create;
+ try
+ tmp := TPascalStringList.Create;
+ umlSeparatorText(Param, tmp, ',;' + #13#10);
+ ParamList.ImportFromStrings(tmp);
+ DisposeObject(tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DTC40_ClientPool.Add(Self);
+ DTC40PhysicsTunnel := DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(ClientInfo);
+ DTC40PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkClientPool.Add(Self);
+destructor TDTC40_Custom_Client.Destroy;
+ DTC40_ClientPool.Remove(Self);
+ DTC40PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkClientPool.Remove(Self);
+ DisposeObject(ClientInfo);
+ DisposeObject(ParamList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Client.Connect;
+function TDTC40_Custom_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Client.Disconnect;
+function TDTC40_Custom_Client.GetHash: TMD5;
+ Result := ClientInfo.Hash;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_Client.DoClientConnected;
+ DTC40PhysicsTunnel.DoClientConnected(Self);
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait.DoRun;
+ found_: TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ found_ := Pool_.ExistsConnectedServiceTyp(ServiceTyp_);
+ if (found_ <> nil) then
+ begin
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnCall) then
+ OnCall(found_);
+ if Assigned(OnMethod) then
+ OnMethod(found_);
+ if Assigned(OnProc) then
+ OnProc(found_);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(0.5, Self, nil);
+ end
+ else
+ SystemPostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(0.1, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoRun);
+constructor TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Pool_ := nil;
+ ServiceTyp_ := '';
+ TimeOut_ := 0;
+ OnCall := nil;
+ OnMethod := nil;
+ OnProc := nil;
+destructor TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.Progress;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Items[i].Progress;
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.ExistsPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].ClientInfo.PhysicsAddr) and (PhysicsPort = Items[i].ClientInfo.PhysicsPort) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.ExistsServiceInfo(info_: TDTC40_Info): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if info_.Same(Items[i].ClientInfo) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.ExistsServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceTyp.Same(@Items[i].ClientInfo.ServiceTyp) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.ExistsClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i].InheritsFrom(Class_) then
+ exit(Items[i]);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.ExistsConnectedClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i].InheritsFrom(Class_) and Items[i].Connected then
+ exit(Items[i]);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.ExistsConnectedServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceTyp.Same(@Items[i].ClientInfo.ServiceTyp) and Items[i].Connected then
+ exit(Items[i]);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.GetClientFromHash(Hash: TMD5): TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if umlCompareMD5(Hash, Items[i].ClientInfo.Hash) then
+ Result := Items[i];
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.GetDTC40Array: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(Result, Count);
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Result[i] := Items[i];
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.GetFromServiceTyp(ServiceTyp: U_String): TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ L: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceTyp.Same(@Items[i].ClientInfo.ServiceTyp) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ Result := L.GetDTC40Array;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.GetFromPhysicsAddr(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word): TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ L: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if (PhysicsPort = Items[i].ClientInfo.PhysicsPort) and PhysicsAddr.Same(@Items[i].ClientInfo.PhysicsAddr) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ Result := L.GetDTC40Array;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+function TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.GetFromClass(Class_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Class): TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ L: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.Create;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if Items[i].InheritsFrom(Class_) then
+ L.Add(Items[i]);
+ Result := L.GetDTC40Array;
+ DisposeObject(L);
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.WaitConnectedDoneC(ServiceTyp: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; OnResult: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventC);
+ tmp: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait;
+ tmp := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait.Create;
+ tmp.Pool_ := Self;
+ tmp.ServiceTyp_ := ServiceTyp;
+ tmp.TimeOut_ := GetTimeTick + TimeOut_;
+ tmp.OnCall := OnResult;
+ SystemPostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(0.1, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoRun);
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.WaitConnectedDoneM(ServiceTyp: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; OnResult: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventM);
+ tmp: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait;
+ tmp := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait.Create;
+ tmp.Pool_ := Self;
+ tmp.ServiceTyp_ := ServiceTyp;
+ tmp.TimeOut_ := GetTimeTick + TimeOut_;
+ tmp.OnMethod := OnResult;
+ SystemPostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(0.1, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoRun);
+procedure TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.WaitConnectedDoneP(ServiceTyp: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; OnResult: TOn_DTC40_Custom_Client_EventP);
+ tmp: TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait;
+ tmp := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool_Wait.Create;
+ tmp.Pool_ := Self;
+ tmp.ServiceTyp_ := ServiceTyp;
+ tmp.TimeOut_ := GetTimeTick + TimeOut_;
+ tmp.OnProc := OnResult;
+ SystemPostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(0.1, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoRun);
+constructor TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork.Create;
+ PhysicsAddr := '';
+ PhysicsPort := 0;
+procedure TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork.DoRun;
+ C40RemovePhysics(PhysicsAddr, PhysicsPort, True, True, True, True);
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, Self);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.cmd_UpdateServiceInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ if ServiceInfoList.MergeFromDF(InData) then
+ begin
+ Prepare_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ if Assigned(FOnServiceInfoChange) then
+ FOnServiceInfoChange(Self, ServiceInfoList);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.cmd_UpdateServiceState(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ D: TDFE;
+ Hash: TMD5;
+ Workload, MaxWorkload: Integer;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ i: Integer;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ InData.R.ReadDataFrame(D);
+ Hash := D.R.ReadMD5;
+ Workload := D.R.ReadInteger;
+ MaxWorkload := D.R.ReadInteger;
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindHash(Hash);
+ if (info_ <> nil) then
+ begin
+ info_.Workload := Workload;
+ info_.MaxWorkload := MaxWorkload;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ if info_ <> nil then
+ info_.Assign(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.cmd_IgnoreChange(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ Hash: TMD5;
+ Ignored: Boolean;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ Hash := InData.R.ReadMD5;
+ Ignored := InData.R.ReadBool;
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindHash(Hash);
+ if (info_ <> nil) and (info_.Ignored <> Ignored) then
+ begin
+ info_.Ignored := Ignored;
+ IgnoreChangeToAllClient(info_.Hash, info_.Ignored);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.cmd_RequestUpdate(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ Prepare_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.cmd_RemovePhysicsNetwork(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ tmp: TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork;
+ Arry_: TIO_Array;
+ ID_: Cardinal;
+ IO_: TPeerIO;
+ IODef_: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth;
+ tmp := TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork.Create;
+ tmp.PhysicsAddr := InData.R.ReadString;
+ tmp.PhysicsPort := InData.R.ReadWord;
+ SysPost.PostExecuteM_NP(2.0, tmp.DoRun);
+ if C40ExistsPhysicsNetwork(tmp.PhysicsAddr, tmp.PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ Service.RecvTunnel.GetIO_Array(Arry_);
+ for ID_ in Arry_ do
+ begin
+ IO_ := Service.RecvTunnel[ID_];
+ if (IO_ <> nil) and (IO_ <> Sender) and TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth(IO_.UserDefine).LinkOk then
+ begin
+ IODef_ := TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth(IO_.UserDefine);
+ IODef_.SendTunnel.Owner.SendDirectStreamCmd('RemovePhysicsNetwork', InData);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.Prepare_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient := True;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient_TimeTick := GetTimeTick + 5000;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ D: TDFE;
+ Arry_: TIO_Array;
+ ID_: Cardinal;
+ IO_: TPeerIO;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ ServiceInfoList.SaveToDF(D);
+ Service.SendTunnel.GetIO_Array(Arry_);
+ for ID_ in Arry_ do
+ begin
+ IO_ := Service.SendTunnel[ID_];
+ if (IO_ <> nil) and TPeerClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(IO_.UserDefine).LinkOk then
+ IO_.SendDirectStreamCmd('UpdateServiceInfo', D);
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.DoDelayCheckLocalServiceInfo;
+ i: Integer;
+ isChange_: Boolean;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ DelayCheck_Working := False;
+ isChange_ := False;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ if info_ = nil then
+ begin
+ ServiceInfoList.Add(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo.Clone);
+ isChange_ := True;
+ end
+ else
+ info_.Assign(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ end;
+ if isChange_ then
+ begin
+ Prepare_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ UpdateServiceStateToAllClient;
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ i: Integer;
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ FOnServiceInfoChange := nil;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient := False;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient_TimeTick := 0;
+ DelayCheck_Working := False;
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service.Create(TDTService_NoAuth, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory);
+ Service.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('UpdateServiceInfo').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_UpdateServiceInfo;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('UpdateServiceState').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_UpdateServiceState;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('IgnoreChange').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_IgnoreChange;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('RequestUpdate').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_RequestUpdate;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('RemovePhysicsNetwork').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_RemovePhysicsNetwork;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceInfo'] := False;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceState'] := False;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['IgnoreChange'] := False;
+ Service.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['RequestUpdate'] := False;
+ Service.SendTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceInfo'] := False;
+ Service.SendTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceState'] := False;
+ Service.SendTunnel.PrintParams['IgnoreChange'] := False;
+ Service.SendTunnel.PrintParams['RequestUpdate'] := False;
+ { register local service. }
+ ServiceInfoList := TDTC40_InfoList.Create(True);
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceInfoList.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo) = nil then
+ ServiceInfoList.Add(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo.Clone);
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ DisposeObject(ServiceInfoList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ if FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient and (GetTimeTick > FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient_TimeTick) then
+ begin
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient := False;
+ FWaiting_UpdateServerInfoToAllClient_TimeTick := 0;
+ UpdateServerInfoToAllClient;
+ end;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+ if not DelayCheck_Working then
+ begin
+ DelayCheck_Working := True;
+ DTC40PhysicsService.PhysicsTunnel.PostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(2.0, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDelayCheckLocalServiceInfo);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.IgnoreChangeToAllClient(Hash: TMD5; Ignored: Boolean);
+ D: TDFE;
+ Arry_: TIO_Array;
+ ID_: Cardinal;
+ IO_: TPeerIO;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteMD5(Hash);
+ D.WriteBool(Ignored);
+ Service.SendTunnel.GetIO_Array(Arry_);
+ for ID_ in Arry_ do
+ begin
+ IO_ := Service.SendTunnel[ID_];
+ if (IO_ <> nil) and TPeerClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(IO_.UserDefine).LinkOk then
+ IO_.SendDirectStreamCmd('IgnoreChange', D);
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Service.UpdateServiceStateToAllClient;
+ i: Integer;
+ D, tmp: TDFE;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ Arry_: TIO_Array;
+ ID_: Cardinal;
+ IO_: TPeerIO;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ info_ := DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo;
+ tmp := TDFE.Create;
+ tmp.WriteMD5(info_.Hash);
+ tmp.WriteInteger(info_.Workload);
+ tmp.WriteInteger(info_.MaxWorkload);
+ D.WriteDataFrame(tmp);
+ DisposeObject(tmp);
+ end;
+ Service.SendTunnel.GetIO_Array(Arry_);
+ for ID_ in Arry_ do
+ begin
+ IO_ := Service.SendTunnel[ID_];
+ if (IO_ <> nil) and TPeerClientUserDefineForSendTunnel_NoAuth(IO_.UserDefine).LinkOk then
+ IO_.SendDirectStreamCmd('UpdateServiceState', D);
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.cmd_UpdateServiceInfo(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ i: Integer;
+ Arry_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ cc: TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ if ServiceInfoList.MergeFromDF(InData) then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnServiceInfoChange) then
+ FOnServiceInfoChange(Self, ServiceInfoList);
+ { broadcast to all service }
+ Arry_ := DTC40_ClientPool.GetFromClass(TDTC40_Dispatch_Client);
+ for cc in Arry_ do
+ if (cc <> Self) and (cc.Connected) then
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Client(cc).Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('UpdateServiceInfo', InData);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.cmd_UpdateServiceState(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ D: TDFE;
+ Hash: TMD5;
+ Workload, MaxWorkload: Integer;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ i: Integer;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ InData.R.ReadDataFrame(D);
+ Hash := D.R.ReadMD5;
+ Workload := D.R.ReadInteger;
+ MaxWorkload := D.R.ReadInteger;
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindHash(Hash);
+ if (info_ <> nil) then
+ begin
+ info_.Workload := Workload;
+ info_.MaxWorkload := MaxWorkload;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ if info_ <> nil then
+ info_.Assign(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.cmd_IgnoreChange(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ Hash: TMD5;
+ Ignored: Boolean;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ Arry_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ cc: TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ Hash := InData.R.ReadMD5;
+ Ignored := InData.R.ReadBool;
+ info_ := ServiceInfoList.FindHash(Hash);
+ if (info_ <> nil) then
+ begin
+ info_.Ignored := Ignored;
+ end;
+ { broadcast to all service }
+ Arry_ := DTC40_ClientPool.GetFromClass(TDTC40_Dispatch_Client);
+ for cc in Arry_ do
+ if (cc <> Self) and (cc.Connected) then
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Client(cc).Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('IgnoreChange', InData);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.cmd_RemovePhysicsNetwork(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ tmp: TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork;
+ Arry_: TDTC40_Custom_Client_Array;
+ cc: TDTC40_Custom_Client;
+ tmp := TOnRemovePhysicsNetwork.Create;
+ tmp.PhysicsAddr := InData.R.ReadString;
+ tmp.PhysicsPort := InData.R.ReadWord;
+ SysPost.PostExecuteM_NP(2.0, tmp.DoRun);
+ if C40ExistsPhysicsNetwork(tmp.PhysicsAddr, tmp.PhysicsPort) then
+ begin
+ { broadcast to all service }
+ Arry_ := DTC40_ClientPool.GetFromClass(TDTC40_Dispatch_Client);
+ for cc in Arry_ do
+ if (cc <> Self) and (cc.Connected) then
+ TDTC40_Dispatch_Client(cc).Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('RemovePhysicsNetwork', InData);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client);
+ PostLocalServiceInfo(True);
+ RequestUpdate();
+ DoClientConnected();
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.DoDelayCheckLocalServiceInfo;
+ i: Integer;
+ DelayCheck_Working := False;
+ PostLocalServiceInfo(False);
+ UpdateLocalServiceState;
+ { check and build network }
+ for i := 0 to ServiceInfoList.Count - 1 do
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(ServiceInfoList[i], DTC40PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkInfoArray, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.OnEvent);
+constructor TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ i: Integer;
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ FOnServiceInfoChange := nil;
+ DelayCheck_Working := False;
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDTClient_NoAuth, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('UpdateServiceInfo').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_UpdateServiceInfo;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('UpdateServiceState').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_UpdateServiceState;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('IgnoreChange').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_IgnoreChange;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('RemovePhysicsNetwork').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_RemovePhysicsNetwork;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceInfo'] := False;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceState'] := False;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['IgnoreChange'] := False;
+ Client.RecvTunnel.PrintParams['RequestUpdate'] := False;
+ Client.SendTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceInfo'] := False;
+ Client.SendTunnel.PrintParams['UpdateServiceState'] := False;
+ Client.SendTunnel.PrintParams['IgnoreChange'] := False;
+ Client.SendTunnel.PrintParams['RequestUpdate'] := False;
+ { register local service. }
+ ServiceInfoList := TDTC40_InfoList.Create(True);
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ if ServiceInfoList.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo) = nil then
+ ServiceInfoList.Add(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo.Clone);
+ { check and build network }
+ for i := 0 to ServiceInfoList.Count - 1 do
+ DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.GetOrCreatePhysicsTunnel(ServiceInfoList[i], DTC40PhysicsTunnel.DependNetworkInfoArray, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.OnEvent);
+destructor TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ DisposeObject(ServiceInfoList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+ if not DelayCheck_Working then
+ begin
+ DelayCheck_Working := True;
+ DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel.PostProgress.PostExecuteM_NP(2.0, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDelayCheckLocalServiceInfo);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect();
+function TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.PostLocalServiceInfo(forcePost_: Boolean);
+ i: Integer;
+ isChange_: Boolean;
+ info: TDTC40_Info;
+ D: TDFE;
+ isChange_ := False;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ info := ServiceInfoList.FindSame(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ if info = nil then
+ begin
+ ServiceInfoList.Add(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo.Clone);
+ isChange_ := True;
+ end
+ else
+ info.Assign(DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo);
+ end;
+ if isChange_ or forcePost_ then
+ begin
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ ServiceInfoList.SaveToDF(D);
+ Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('UpdateServiceInfo', D);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.RequestUpdate;
+ Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('RequestUpdate');
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.IgnoreChangeToService(Hash: TMD5; Ignored: Boolean);
+ D: TDFE;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteMD5(Hash);
+ D.WriteBool(Ignored);
+ Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('IgnoreChange', D);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.UpdateLocalServiceState;
+ i: Integer;
+ D, tmp: TDFE;
+ info_: TDTC40_Info;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to DTC40_ServicePool.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ info_ := DTC40_ServicePool[i].ServiceInfo;
+ tmp := TDFE.Create;
+ tmp.WriteMD5(info_.Hash);
+ tmp.WriteInteger(info_.Workload);
+ tmp.WriteInteger(info_.MaxWorkload);
+ D.WriteDataFrame(tmp);
+ DisposeObject(tmp);
+ end;
+ Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('UpdateServiceState', D);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_Dispatch_Client.RemovePhysicsNetwork(PhysicsAddr: U_String; PhysicsPort: Word);
+ D: TDFE;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteString(PhysicsAddr);
+ D.WriteWord(PhysicsPort);
+ Client.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('RemovePhysicsNetwork', D);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+destructor TDTC40_RegistedDataList.Destroy;
+ Clean;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_RegistedDataList.Clean;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Items[i]^.ServiceTyp := '';
+ Dispose(Items[i]);
+ end;
+ inherited Clear;
+procedure TDTC40_RegistedDataList.Print;
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PDTC40_RegistedData;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ p := Items[i];
+ DoStatus('Type "%s" Service "%s" Client "%s"', [p^.ServiceTyp.Text, p^.ServiceClass.ClassName, p^.ClientClass.ClassName]);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+constructor TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service.Create(TDTService_NoAuth, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory);
+ DTNoAuthService := Service.DTService;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client);
+ DoClientConnected();
+constructor TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDTClient_NoAuth, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ DTNoAuthClient := Client.DTClient;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect();
+function TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+constructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Service.Create(TDataStoreService_NoAuth, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory);
+ DTNoAuthService := Service.DTService as TDataStoreService_NoAuth;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_DataStoreNoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client);
+ DoClientConnected();
+constructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_NoAuth_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDataStoreClient_NoAuth, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_DataStoreNoAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ DTNoAuthClient := Client.DTClient as TDataStoreClient_NoAuth;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect();
+function TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service.DoUserAuth_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; AuthIO: TVirtualAuthIO);
+ AuthIO.Accept;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+constructor TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service.Create(TDTService_VirtualAuth, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnUserAuth := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserAuth_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory);
+ DTVirtualAuthService := Service.DTService;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client);
+ DoClientConnected();
+constructor TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDTClient_VirtualAuth, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ DTVirtualAuthClient := Client.DTClient;
+ UserName := umlMD5ToStr(ClientInfo.Hash);
+ Password := UserName;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect(UserName, Password);
+function TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service.DoUserAuth_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; AuthIO: TVirtualAuthIO);
+ AuthIO.Accept;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_VirtualAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_VirtualAuth);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+constructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Service.Create(TDataStoreService_VirtualAuth, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnUserAuth := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserAuth_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicFileDirectory);
+ DTVirtualAuthService := Service.DTService as TDataStoreService_VirtualAuth;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client);
+ DoClientConnected();
+constructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDataStoreClient_VirtualAuth, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_VirtualAuth_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ DTVirtualAuthClient := Client.DTClient as TDataStoreClient_VirtualAuth;
+ UserName := umlMD5ToStr(ClientInfo.Hash);
+ Password := UserName;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect(UserName, Password);
+function TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+constructor TDTC40_Base_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service.Create(TDTService, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.AllowRegisterNewUser := True;
+ Service.DTService.AllowSaveUserInfo := True;
+ Service.DTService.PublicPath := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ Service.DTService.RootPath := Service.DTService.PublicPath;
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicPath) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicPath);
+ DTService := Service.DTService;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Service.SafeCheck;
+ inherited SafeCheck;
+ Service.DTService.SaveUserDB;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client);
+ DoClientConnected();
+constructor TDTC40_Base_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDTClient, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ DTClient := Client.DTClient;
+ UserName := umlMD5ToStr(ClientInfo.Hash);
+ Password := UserName;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect(UserName, Password);
+function TDTC40_Base_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service.DoLinkSuccess_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel);
+ DoLinkSuccess(UserDefineIO);
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel);
+ DoUserOut(UserDefineIO);
+constructor TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM service }
+ Service := TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Service.Create(TDataStoreService, PhysicsService_.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_RecvTunnel_Port),
+ ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ServiceInfo.p2pVM_SendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Service.DTService.OnLinkSuccess := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoLinkSuccess_Event;
+ Service.DTService.OnUserOut := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoUserOut_Event;
+ Service.DTService.AllowRegisterNewUser := True;
+ Service.DTService.AllowSaveUserInfo := True;
+ Service.DTService.PublicPath := umlCombinePath(DTC40_RootPath, ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text);
+ Service.DTService.RootPath := Service.DTService.PublicPath;
+ if not umlDirectoryExists(Service.DTService.PublicPath) then
+ umlCreateDirectory(Service.DTService.PublicPath);
+ DTService := Service.DTService as TDataStoreService;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Service);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service.SafeCheck;
+ inherited SafeCheck;
+ Service.DTService.SaveUserDB;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Service.Progress;
+ ServiceInfo.Workload := Service.DTService.TotalLinkCount * 2;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Do_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink(Sender: TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client);
+ DoClientConnected();
+constructor TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ { custom p2pVM client }
+ Client := TDT_P2PVM_Custom_Client.Create(
+ TDataStoreClient, DTC40PhysicsTunnel.PhysicsTunnel,
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'R', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientRecvTunnel_Port),
+ ClientInfo.ServiceTyp + 'S', ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Addr, umlIntToStr(ClientInfo.p2pVM_ClientSendTunnel_Port)
+ );
+ Client.OnTunnelLink := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Do_DT_P2PVM_Custom_Client_TunnelLink;
+ DTClient := Client.DTClient as TDataStoreClient;
+ UserName := umlMD5ToStr(ClientInfo.Hash);
+ Password := UserName;
+destructor TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(Client);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Progress;
+ inherited Progress;
+ Client.Progress;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Connect;
+ inherited Connect;
+ Client.Connect(UserName, Password);
+function TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Connected: Boolean;
+ Result := Client.DTClient.LinkOk;
+procedure TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client.Disconnect;
+ inherited Disconnect;
+ Client.Disconnect;
+// init
+ProgressBackgroundProc := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}C40Progress;
+DTC40_QuietMode := False;
+DTC40_SafeCheckTime := 1000 * 60 * 10;
+DTC40_PhysicsServiceTimeout := 1000 * 60;
+DTC40_PhysicsTunnelTimeout := 15 * 1000;
+DTC40_KillDeadPhysicsConnectionTimeout := 1000 * 60;
+DTC40_KillIDCFaultTimeout := 1000 * 60 * 60;
+DTC40_RootPath := umlCurrentPath;
+DTC40_RootPath := TPath.GetLibraryPath;
+DTC40_PhysicsClientClass := PhysicsIO.TPhysicsClient;
+DTC40_Registed := TDTC40_RegistedDataList.Create;
+DTC40_PhysicsServicePool := TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool.Create;
+DTC40_ServicePool := TDTC40_Custom_ServicePool.Create;
+DTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool := TDTC40_PhysicsTunnelPool.Create;
+DTC40_ClientPool := TDTC40_Custom_ClientPool.Create;
+// build-in registration
+RegisterC40('DP', TDTC40_Dispatch_Service, TDTC40_Dispatch_Client);
+RegisterC40('NA', TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service, TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client);
+RegisterC40('DNA', TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Service, TDTC40_Base_DataStoreNoAuth_Client);
+RegisterC40('VA', TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Service, TDTC40_Base_VirtualAuth_Client);
+RegisterC40('DVA', TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Service, TDTC40_Base_DataStoreVirtualAuth_Client);
+RegisterC40('D', TDTC40_Base_Service, TDTC40_Base_Client);
+RegisterC40('DD', TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Service, TDTC40_Base_DataStore_Client);
diff --git a/Source/DTC40_FS.pas b/Source/DTC40_FS.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44dace83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/DTC40_FS.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * cloud 4.0 File System * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * https://zpascal.net * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAI * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/PascalString * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zRasterization * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/CoreCipher * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zSound * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zChinese * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zExpression * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zGameWare * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAnalysis * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FFMPEG-Header * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zTranslate * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+unit DTC40_FS;
+{$INCLUDE zDefine.inc}
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
+ CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO, UnicodeMixedLib, ListEngine,
+ Geometry2DUnit, DataFrameEngine, ZJson,
+ NotifyObjectBase, CoreCipher, MemoryStream64,
+ ObjectData, ObjectDataManager, ItemStream,
+ CommunicationFramework, PhysicsIO, CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth, DTC40;
+ TDTC40_FS_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_FS_Service = class(TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service)
+ protected
+ // init build-in data
+ IsLoading: Boolean;
+ procedure DoLoading();
+ protected
+ // command
+ procedure cmd_FS_PostFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt);
+ procedure cmd_FS_GetFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ public
+ DTC40_FS_FileName: U_String;
+ FileNameHash: THashVariantList;
+ FileMD5Hash: THashVariantList;
+ StoreEng: TObjectDataManager;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SafeCheck; override;
+ end;
+ TON_FS_PostFile_DoneC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; Token: U_String);
+ TON_FS_PostFile_DoneM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; Token: U_String) of object;
+ TON_FS_PostFile_DoneP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; Token: U_String) is nested;
+ TON_FS_PostFile_DoneP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; Token: U_String);
+ TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel = class
+ public
+ p2pClient: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client;
+ Client: TDTC40_FS_Client;
+ Token: U_String;
+ stream: TMS64;
+ OnResultC: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneC;
+ OnResultM: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneM;
+ OnResultP: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneP;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure DoIDLE_Trace_Event(data_: TCoreClassObject);
+ procedure DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndPostFile(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client);
+ end;
+ TON_FS_GetFile_DoneC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; stream: TMS64; Token: U_String; Successed: Boolean);
+ TON_FS_GetFile_DoneM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; stream: TMS64; Token: U_String; Successed: Boolean) of object;
+ TON_FS_GetFile_DoneP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; stream: TMS64; Token: U_String; Successed: Boolean) is nested;
+ TON_FS_GetFile_DoneP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_FS_Client; stream: TMS64; Token: U_String; Successed: Boolean);
+ TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel = class
+ public
+ p2pClient: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client;
+ Client: TDTC40_FS_Client;
+ Token: U_String;
+ Token_is_MD5: Boolean;
+ OnResultC: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneC;
+ OnResultM: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneM;
+ OnResultP: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneP;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure cmd_Save(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt);
+ procedure cmd_Error(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: SystemString);
+ procedure DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndGetFile(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client);
+ end;
+ TDTC40_FS_Client = class(TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client)
+ public
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // post file
+ procedure FS_PostFile(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean);
+ procedure FS_PostFile_C(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneC);
+ procedure FS_PostFile_M(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneM);
+ procedure FS_PostFile_P(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneP);
+ // get file
+ procedure FS_GetFile_C(Token: U_String; Token_is_MD5: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneC);
+ procedure FS_GetFile_M(Token: U_String; Token_is_MD5: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneM);
+ procedure FS_GetFile_P(Token: U_String; Token_is_MD5: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneP);
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Service.DoLoading;
+ sr: TItemSearch;
+ M64: TMS64;
+ IsLoading := True;
+ DoStatus('extract FileSystem hash.');
+ try
+ if StoreEng.ItemFastFindFirst(StoreEng.RootField, '*', sr) then
+ begin
+ M64 := TMS64.CustomCreate(8 * 1024 * 1024);
+ repeat
+ StoreEng.ItemReadToStream(sr.HeaderPOS, M64);
+ FileNameHash.Add(M64.ReadString, sr.HeaderPOS);
+ FileMD5Hash.Add(umlMD5String(M64.PosAsPtr, M64.Size - M64.Size), sr.HeaderPOS);
+ M64.Clear;
+ until not StoreEng.ItemFastFindNext(sr);
+ DisposeObject(M64);
+ end;
+ DoStatus('extract FileSystem Done.');
+ except
+ end;
+ IsLoading := False;
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Service.cmd_FS_PostFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt);
+ M64: TMS64;
+ Token: U_String;
+ md5_: U_String;
+ itmHnd: TItemHandle;
+ M64 := TMS64.Create;
+ M64.Mapping(InData, DataSize);
+ Token := M64.ReadString;
+ md5_ := umlMD5String(M64.PosAsPtr, M64.Size - M64.Position);
+ Sender.Print('post file md5 %s', [md5_.Text]);
+ DisposeObject(M64);
+ try
+ StoreEng.ItemFastCreate(StoreEng.RootField, Token, '', itmHnd);
+ StoreEng.ItemWrite(itmHnd, DataSize, InData^);
+ FileNameHash.Add(Token, itmHnd.Item.RHeader.CurrentHeader);
+ FileMD5Hash.Add(md5_, itmHnd.Item.RHeader.CurrentHeader);
+ StoreEng.ItemClose(itmHnd);
+ except
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Service.cmd_FS_GetFile(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ Token: U_String;
+ Token_is_MD5: Boolean;
+ itmPos: Int64;
+ IO_ID: Cardinal;
+ IO_: TPeerIO;
+ itmStream: TItemStream;
+ M64: TMem64;
+ Token := InData.R.ReadString;
+ Token_is_MD5 := InData.R.ReadBool;
+ IO_ID := InData.R.ReadCardinal;
+ IO_ := DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel[IO_ID];
+ if IO_ = nil then
+ exit;
+ if Token_is_MD5 then
+ itmPos := FileMD5Hash.GetDefaultValue(Token, 0)
+ else
+ itmPos := FileNameHash.GetDefaultValue(Token, 0);
+ if itmPos = 0 then
+ begin
+ IO_.SendDirectConsoleCmd('Error', PFormat('no found file "%s"', [Token.Text]));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ itmStream := TItemStream.Create(StoreEng, itmPos);
+ M64 := TMem64.Create;
+ M64.Size := itmStream.Size;
+ M64.CopyFrom(itmStream, itmStream.Size);
+ DisposeObject(itmStream);
+ if M64.Size > 0 then
+ begin
+ IO_.SendCompleteBuffer('Save', M64.Memory, M64.Size, True);
+ M64.DiscardMemory;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DisposeObject(M64);
+ IO_.SendDirectConsoleCmd('Error', PFormat('warning: empty file "%s"', [Token.Text]));
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_FS_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.CompleteBufferCompressed := False;
+ // max complete buffer 128M
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.MaxCompleteBufferSize := 128 * 1024 * 1024;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterCompleteBuffer('FS_PostFile').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_FS_PostFile;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('FS_GetFile').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_FS_GetFile;
+ ServiceInfo.OnlyInstance := True;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+ FileNameHash := THashVariantList.CustomCreate(1024 * 1024);
+ FileMD5Hash := THashVariantList.CustomCreate(1024 * 1024);
+ DTC40_FS_FileName := umlCombineFileName(DTNoAuthService.PublicFileDirectory, PFormat('DTC40_%s.OX', [ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text]));
+ if umlFileExists(DTC40_FS_FileName) then
+ begin
+ StoreEng := ObjectDataMarshal.Open(DTC40_FS_FileName, False);
+ DoStatus('Open DB file: %s', [DTC40_FS_FileName.Text]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ StoreEng := ObjectDataMarshal.NewDB(200, DTC40_FS_FileName, False);
+ DoStatus('create new DB file: %s', [DTC40_FS_FileName.Text]);
+ end;
+ StoreEng.OverWriteItem := False;
+ DoLoading;
+destructor TDTC40_FS_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(FileNameHash);
+ DisposeObject(FileMD5Hash);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Service.SafeCheck;
+ inherited SafeCheck;
+ DoStatus('Update FileSystem IO.');
+ StoreEng.UpdateIO;
+ DoStatus('Update FileSystem IO Done.');
+constructor TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ p2pClient := nil;
+ Client := nil;
+ Token := '';
+ stream := TMS64.Create;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+destructor TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.DoIDLE_Trace_Event(data_: TCoreClassObject);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, Token);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, Token);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, Token);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, data_, Self);
+procedure TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndPostFile(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client);
+ p2pClient := Sender;
+ Sender.SendCompleteBuffer('FS_PostFile', stream.Memory, stream.Size, True);
+ stream.DiscardMemory;
+ Sender.IO_IDLE_TraceM(Sender, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoIDLE_Trace_Event);
+constructor TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ p2pClient := nil;
+ Client := nil;
+ Token := '';
+ Token_is_MD5 := False;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+destructor TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.cmd_Save(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: PByte; DataSize: NativeInt);
+ tmp1, tmp2: TMS64;
+ tmp_token_: U_String;
+ tmp1 := TMS64.Create;
+ tmp1.Mapping(InData, DataSize);
+ tmp_token_ := tmp1.ReadString;
+ tmp2 := TMS64.Create;
+ tmp2.Mapping(tmp1.PosAsPtr, tmp1.Size - tmp1.Position);
+ Sender.Print('get file md5 %s', [umlStreamMD5String(tmp2).Text]);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp2, tmp_token_, True);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp2, tmp_token_, True);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp2, tmp_token_, True);
+ except
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(tmp1);
+ DisposeObject(tmp2);
+ p2pClient.IO_IDLE_Trace_And_FreeSelf(Self);
+procedure TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.cmd_Error(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: SystemString);
+ Sender.PrintError(InData);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil, Token, True);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil, Token, True);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil, Token, True);
+ except
+ end;
+ p2pClient.IO_IDLE_Trace_And_FreeSelf(Self);
+procedure TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndGetFile(Sender: TCommunicationFrameworkWithP2PVM_Client);
+ d: TDFE;
+ p2pClient := Sender;
+ Sender.RegisterCompleteBuffer('Save').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Save;
+ Sender.RegisterDirectConsole('Error').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Error;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(Token);
+ d.WriteBool(Token_is_MD5);
+ d.WriteCardinal(Sender.ClientIO.ID);
+ Client.DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('FS_GetFile', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+constructor TDTC40_FS_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+destructor TDTC40_FS_Client.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_PostFile(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel;
+ if stream.Size = 0 then
+ begin
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.stream.WriteString(Token);
+ stream.Position := 0;
+ tmp.stream.CopyFrom(stream, stream.Size);
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndPostFile);
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_PostFile_C(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneC);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel;
+ if stream.Size = 0 then
+ begin
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ tmp.stream.WriteString(Token);
+ stream.Position := 0;
+ tmp.stream.CopyFrom(stream, stream.Size);
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndPostFile);
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_PostFile_M(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneM);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel;
+ if stream.Size = 0 then
+ begin
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ tmp.stream.WriteString(Token);
+ stream.Position := 0;
+ tmp.stream.CopyFrom(stream, stream.Size);
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndPostFile);
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_PostFile_P(Token: U_String; stream: TCoreClassStream; doneFree: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_PostFile_DoneP);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel;
+ if stream.Size = 0 then
+ begin
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Post_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ tmp.stream.WriteString(Token);
+ stream.Position := 0;
+ tmp.stream.CopyFrom(stream, stream.Size);
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndPostFile);
+ if doneFree then
+ DisposeObject(stream);
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_GetFile_C(Token: U_String; Token_is_MD5: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneC);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.Token_is_MD5 := Token_is_MD5;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndGetFile);
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_GetFile_M(Token: U_String; Token_is_MD5: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneM);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.Token_is_MD5 := Token_is_MD5;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndGetFile);
+procedure TDTC40_FS_Client.FS_GetFile_P(Token: U_String; Token_is_MD5: Boolean; OnResult: TON_FS_GetFile_DoneP);
+ tmp: TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel;
+ tmp := TFS_Temp_Get_File_Tunnel.Create;
+ tmp.Client := Self;
+ tmp.Token := Token;
+ tmp.Token_is_MD5 := Token_is_MD5;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ Client.SendTunnel.CloneConnectM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoP2PVM_CloneConnectAndGetFile);
+RegisterC40('FS', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS0', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS1', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS2', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS3', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS4', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS5', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS6', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS7', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS8', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
+RegisterC40('FS9', TDTC40_FS_Service, TDTC40_FS_Client);
diff --git a/Source/DTC40_UserDB.pas b/Source/DTC40_UserDB.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7d3e27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/DTC40_UserDB.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * cloud 4.0 User Database * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * https://zpascal.net * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAI * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/PascalString * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zRasterization * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/CoreCipher * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zSound * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zChinese * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zExpression * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zGameWare * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAnalysis * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FFMPEG-Header * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zTranslate * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+unit DTC40_UserDB;
+{$INCLUDE zDefine.inc}
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
+ CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO, UnicodeMixedLib,
+ Geometry2DUnit, DataFrameEngine,
+ ZJson, GHashList,
+ NotifyObjectBase, CoreCipher, MemoryStream64,
+ ObjectData, ObjectDataManager, ItemStream,
+ CommunicationFramework, PhysicsIO, CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth, DTC40;
+ TDTC40_UserDB_Client = class;
+ TJsonHashList = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC}TGenericHashList;
+ TDTC40_UserDB_Service = class(TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service)
+ protected
+ // init build-in data
+ IsLoading: Boolean;
+ IsSaveing: Boolean;
+ procedure DoLoading();
+ procedure DoBackground_Save(thSender: TCompute);
+ private
+ procedure cmd_Usr_Find(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_Usr_Reg(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_Usr_Get(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_Usr_Post(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_Usr_Remove(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ public
+ UserIdentifierHash: TJsonHashList;
+ UserJsonList: TZJL;
+ DTC40_UserDB_FileName: U_string;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_string); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SafeCheck; override;
+ function MatchIdentifier(Identifier_: U_string; j: TZJ): Boolean;
+ function ExistsIdentifier(j: TZJ): Boolean;
+ function ExtractJsonToHash(j: TZJ): Boolean;
+ procedure LoadUserDB;
+ procedure SaveUserDBAsDFE(DFE: TDFE);
+ procedure CleanLoseJson;
+ end;
+ TON_Usr_FindC = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL);
+ TON_Usr_FindM = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL) of object;
+ TON_Usr_FindP = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL) is nested;
+ TON_Usr_FindP = reference to procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL);
+ TOnUsrFind = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_UserDB_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_Usr_FindC;
+ OnResultM: TON_Usr_FindM;
+ OnResultP: TON_Usr_FindP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_Usr_RegC = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool);
+ TON_Usr_RegM = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool) of object;
+ TON_Usr_RegP = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool) is nested;
+ TON_Usr_RegP = reference to procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool);
+ TOnUsrReg = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_UserDB_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_Usr_RegC;
+ OnResultM: TON_Usr_RegM;
+ OnResultP: TON_Usr_RegP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_Usr_GetC = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL);
+ TON_Usr_GetM = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL) of object;
+ TON_Usr_GetP = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL) is nested;
+ TON_Usr_GetP = reference to procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; List: TZJL);
+ TOnUsrGet = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_UserDB_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_Usr_GetC;
+ OnResultM: TON_Usr_GetM;
+ OnResultP: TON_Usr_GetP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_Usr_PostC = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool);
+ TON_Usr_PostM = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool) of object;
+ TON_Usr_PostP = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool) is nested;
+ TON_Usr_PostP = reference to procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool);
+ TOnUsrPost = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_UserDB_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_Usr_PostC;
+ OnResultM: TON_Usr_PostM;
+ OnResultP: TON_Usr_PostP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_Usr_RemoveC = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool);
+ TON_Usr_RemoveM = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool) of object;
+ TON_Usr_RemoveP = procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool) is nested;
+ TON_Usr_RemoveP = reference to procedure(sender: TDTC40_UserDB_Client; States: TArrayBool);
+ TOnUsrRemove = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_UserDB_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_Usr_RemoveC;
+ OnResultM: TON_Usr_RemoveM;
+ OnResultP: TON_Usr_RemoveP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_UserDB_Client = class(TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client)
+ public
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_string); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Usr_FindC(Identifier_: SystemString; MaxResult: Integer; OnResult: TON_Usr_FindC);
+ procedure Usr_FindM(Identifier_: SystemString; MaxResult: Integer; OnResult: TON_Usr_FindM);
+ procedure Usr_FindP(Identifier_: SystemString; MaxResult: Integer; OnResult: TON_Usr_FindP);
+ procedure Usr_RegC(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RegC);
+ procedure Usr_RegM(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RegM);
+ procedure Usr_RegP(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RegP);
+ procedure Usr_GetC(Identifier_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_Usr_GetC);
+ procedure Usr_GetM(Identifier_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_Usr_GetM);
+ procedure Usr_GetP(Identifier_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_Usr_GetP);
+ procedure Usr_PostC(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_PostC);
+ procedure Usr_PostM(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_PostM);
+ procedure Usr_PostP(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_PostP);
+ procedure Usr_RemoveC(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RemoveC);
+ procedure Usr_RemoveM(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RemoveM);
+ procedure Usr_RemoveP(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RemoveP);
+ end;
+function GetIdentifier(j: TZJ): TZJArry;
+function GetIdentifier(j: TZJ): TZJArry;
+ Result := j.A['Identifier'];
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.DoLoading;
+ IsLoading := True;
+ IsSaveing := False;
+ try
+ LoadUserDB;
+ except
+ end;
+ IsLoading := False;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.DoBackground_Save(thSender: TCompute);
+ D: TDFE;
+ try
+ D := TDFE(thSender.UserObject);
+ D.SaveToFile(DTC40_UserDB_FileName);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+ DoStatus('Save User Database Done.');
+ except
+ end;
+ IsSaveing := False;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.cmd_Usr_Find(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ Identifier_: SystemString;
+ MaxResult: Integer;
+ L: TZJL;
+ procedure fpc_Progress_(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TZJ);
+ begin
+ if (MaxResult <= 0) or (L.Count < MaxResult) then
+ if MatchIdentifier(Identifier_, Obj) then
+ if not L.IndexOf(Obj) < 0 then
+ L.Add(Obj);
+ end;
+ i: Integer;
+ L := TZJL.Create(False);
+ Identifier_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ MaxResult := InData.R.ReadInteger;
+ UserIdentifierHash.ProgressP(@fpc_Progress_);
+ UserIdentifierHash.ProgressP(
+ procedure(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TZJ)
+ begin
+ if (MaxResult <= 0) or (L.Count < MaxResult) then
+ if MatchIdentifier(Identifier_, Obj) then
+ if not L.IndexOf(Obj) < 0 then
+ L.Add(Obj);
+ end);
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ OutData.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ DisposeObject(L);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.cmd_Usr_Reg(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ j: TZJ;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ j := TZJ.Create;
+ InData.R.ReadJson(j);
+ if (not ExistsIdentifier(j)) and ExtractJsonToHash(j) then
+ begin
+ UserJsonList.Add(j);
+ OutData.WriteBool(True);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ OutData.WriteBool(False);
+ DisposeObject(j);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.cmd_Usr_Get(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ Identifier_: U_string;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ Identifier_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if UserIdentifierHash.Exists(Identifier_) then
+ begin
+ OutData.WriteJson(UserIdentifierHash[Identifier_]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ OutData.WriteBool(False);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.cmd_Usr_Post(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ j: TZJ;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ j := TZJ.Create;
+ InData.R.ReadJson(j);
+ if ExtractJsonToHash(j) then
+ begin
+ UserJsonList.Add(j);
+ OutData.WriteBool(True);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ OutData.WriteBool(False);
+ DisposeObject(j);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.cmd_Usr_Remove(sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ j: TZJ;
+ arry: TZJArry;
+ i: Integer;
+ found_: Integer;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ j := TZJ.Create;
+ InData.R.ReadJson(j);
+ arry := GetIdentifier(j);
+ found_ := 0;
+ for i := 0 to arry.Count - 1 do
+ if (arry.S[i] <> '') and UserIdentifierHash.Exists(arry.S[i]) then
+ begin
+ UserIdentifierHash.Delete(arry.S[i]);
+ inc(found_);
+ end;
+ OutData.WriteBool(found_ > 0);
+ DisposeObject(j);
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_UserDB_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_string);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ ServiceInfo.OnlyInstance := True;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('Usr_Find').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Usr_Find;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('Usr_Reg').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Usr_Reg;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('Usr_Get').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Usr_Get;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('Usr_Post').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Usr_Post;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('Usr_Remove').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_Usr_Remove;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+ UserIdentifierHash := TJsonHashList.Create(False, 1024 * 1024, nil);
+ UserIdentifierHash.AccessOptimization := True;
+ UserIdentifierHash.IgnoreCase := False;
+ UserJsonList := TZJL.Create(True);
+ DTC40_UserDB_FileName := umlCombineFileName(DTNoAuthService.PublicFileDirectory, PFormat('DTC40_%s.DFE', [ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text]));
+ DoLoading;
+destructor TDTC40_UserDB_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(UserIdentifierHash);
+ DisposeObject(UserJsonList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.SafeCheck;
+ D: TDFE;
+ inherited SafeCheck;
+ if IsSaveing then
+ exit;
+ IsSaveing := True;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ DoStatus('Extract User Json.');
+ SaveUserDBAsDFE(D);
+ DoStatus('Save User Database.');
+ TCompute.RunM(nil, D, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoBackground_Save);
+function TDTC40_UserDB_Service.MatchIdentifier(Identifier_: U_string; j: TZJ): Boolean;
+ arry: TZJArry;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ arry := GetIdentifier(j);
+ for i := 0 to arry.Count - 1 do
+ if umlMultipleMatch(True, Identifier_, arry.S[i]) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_UserDB_Service.ExistsIdentifier(j: TZJ): Boolean;
+ arry: TZJArry;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ arry := GetIdentifier(j);
+ for i := 0 to arry.Count - 1 do
+ if (arry.S[i] <> '') and UserIdentifierHash.Exists(arry.S[i]) then
+ exit;
+ Result := False;
+function TDTC40_UserDB_Service.ExtractJsonToHash(j: TZJ): Boolean;
+ arry: TZJArry;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TZJ;
+ Result := False;
+ arry := GetIdentifier(j);
+ if arry.Count = 0 then
+ exit;
+ for i := 0 to arry.Count - 1 do
+ if (arry.S[i] <> '') then
+ begin
+ tmp := UserIdentifierHash[arry.S[i]];
+ if (tmp <> nil) then
+ tmp.Assign(j)
+ else
+ UserIdentifierHash.Add(arry.S[i], j);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.LoadUserDB;
+ D: TDFE;
+ j: TZJ;
+ if not umlFileExists(DTC40_UserDB_FileName) then
+ exit;
+ UserJsonList.Clear;
+ UserIdentifierHash.Clear;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ try
+ DoStatus('Load user database "%s"', [DTC40_UserDB_FileName.Text]);
+ D.LoadFromFile(DTC40_UserDB_FileName);
+ DoStatus('extract user Database.');
+ while D.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ j := TZJ.Create;
+ D.R.ReadJson(j);
+ if not ExtractJsonToHash(j) then
+ DTC40PhysicsService.PhysicsTunnel.Error('error json'#13#10'%s', [j.ToJSONString(True).Text]);
+ end;
+ DoStatus('extract user Database done.');
+ except
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.SaveUserDBAsDFE(DFE: TDFE);
+ procedure fpc_Progress_(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TZJ);
+ begin
+ if ExistsIdentifier(Obj) then
+ Obj.Tag := 1;
+ end;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to UserJsonList.Count - 1 do
+ UserJsonList[i].Tag := 0;
+ UserIdentifierHash.ProgressP(@fpc_Progress_);
+ UserIdentifierHash.ProgressP(
+ procedure(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TZJ)
+ begin
+ if ExistsIdentifier(Obj) then
+ Obj.Tag := 1;
+ end);
+ for i := 0 to UserJsonList.Count - 1 do
+ if UserJsonList[i].Tag = 1 then
+ DFE.WriteJson(UserJsonList[i]);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Service.CleanLoseJson;
+ procedure fpc_Progress_(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TZJ);
+ begin
+ if ExistsIdentifier(Obj) then
+ Obj.Tag := 1;
+ end;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to UserJsonList.Count - 1 do
+ UserJsonList[i].Tag := 0;
+ UserIdentifierHash.ProgressP(@fpc_Progress_);
+ UserIdentifierHash.ProgressP(
+ procedure(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TZJ)
+ begin
+ if ExistsIdentifier(Obj) then
+ Obj.Tag := 1;
+ end);
+ i := 0;
+ while i < UserJsonList.Count do
+ if UserJsonList[i].Tag <> 1 then
+ begin
+ UserJsonList.Delete(i);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ UserJsonList[i].Tag := 0;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+constructor TOnUsrFind.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TOnUsrFind.DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ tmp: TZJL;
+ j: TZJ;
+ tmp := TZJL.Create(True);
+ while Result_.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ j := TZJ.Create;
+ Result_.R.ReadJson(j);
+ tmp.Add(j);
+ end;
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self, tmp);
+procedure TOnUsrFind.DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TOnUsrReg.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TOnUsrReg.DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ tmp: TArrayBool;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(tmp, Result_.Count);
+ for i := 0 to Result_.Count - 1 do
+ tmp[i] := Result_.ReadBool(i);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TOnUsrReg.DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TOnUsrGet.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TOnUsrGet.DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ tmp: TZJL;
+ j: TZJ;
+ tmp := TZJL.Create(True);
+ while Result_.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ j := TZJ.Create;
+ Result_.R.ReadJson(j);
+ tmp.Add(j);
+ end;
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self, tmp);
+procedure TOnUsrGet.DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TOnUsrPost.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TOnUsrPost.DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ tmp: TArrayBool;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(tmp, Result_.Count);
+ for i := 0 to Result_.Count - 1 do
+ tmp[i] := Result_.ReadBool(i);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TOnUsrPost.DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TOnUsrRemove.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TOnUsrRemove.DoStreamParamEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ tmp: TArrayBool;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(tmp, Result_.Count);
+ for i := 0 to Result_.Count - 1 do
+ tmp[i] := Result_.ReadBool(i);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TOnUsrRemove.DoStreamFailedEvent(sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_string);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+destructor TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_FindC(Identifier_: SystemString; MaxResult: Integer; OnResult: TON_Usr_FindC);
+ D: TDFE;
+ tmp: TOnUsrFind;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteString(Identifier_);
+ D.WriteInteger(MaxResult);
+ tmp := TOnUsrFind.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Find', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_FindM(Identifier_: SystemString; MaxResult: Integer; OnResult: TON_Usr_FindM);
+ D: TDFE;
+ tmp: TOnUsrFind;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteString(Identifier_);
+ D.WriteInteger(MaxResult);
+ tmp := TOnUsrFind.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Find', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_FindP(Identifier_: SystemString; MaxResult: Integer; OnResult: TON_Usr_FindP);
+ D: TDFE;
+ tmp: TOnUsrFind;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ D.WriteString(Identifier_);
+ D.WriteInteger(MaxResult);
+ tmp := TOnUsrFind.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Find', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_RegC(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RegC);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrReg;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrReg.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Reg', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_RegM(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RegM);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrReg;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrReg.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Reg', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_RegP(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RegP);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrReg;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrReg.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Reg', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_GetC(Identifier_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_Usr_GetC);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrGet;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(Identifier_) - 1 do
+ D.WriteString(Identifier_[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrGet.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Get', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_GetM(Identifier_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_Usr_GetM);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrGet;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(Identifier_) - 1 do
+ D.WriteString(Identifier_[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrGet.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Get', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_GetP(Identifier_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_Usr_GetP);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrGet;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(Identifier_) - 1 do
+ D.WriteString(Identifier_[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrGet.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Get', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_PostC(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_PostC);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrPost;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrPost.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Post', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_PostM(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_PostM);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrPost;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrPost.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Post', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_PostP(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_PostP);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrPost;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrPost.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Post', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_RemoveC(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RemoveC);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrRemove;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrRemove.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Remove', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_RemoveM(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RemoveM);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrRemove;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrRemove.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Remove', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+procedure TDTC40_UserDB_Client.Usr_RemoveP(L: TZJL; OnResult: TON_Usr_RemoveP);
+ D: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TOnUsrRemove;
+ D := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to L.Count - 1 do
+ D.WriteJson(L[i]);
+ tmp := TOnUsrRemove.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('Usr_Remove', D, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(D);
+RegisterC40('UserDB', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB0', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB1', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB2', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB3', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB4', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB5', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB6', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB7', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB8', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
+RegisterC40('UserDB9', TDTC40_UserDB_Service, TDTC40_UserDB_Client);
diff --git a/Source/DTC40_Var.pas b/Source/DTC40_Var.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d79bf767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/DTC40_Var.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1348 @@
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * cloud 4.0 Network Variant * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * https://zpascal.net * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAI * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/PascalString * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zRasterization * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/CoreCipher * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zSound * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zChinese * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zExpression * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zGameWare * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAnalysis * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FFMPEG-Header * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zTranslate * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+unit DTC40_Var;
+{$INCLUDE zDefine.inc}
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
+ CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO, UnicodeMixedLib,
+ Geometry2DUnit, DataFrameEngine,
+ TextParsing, zExpression, OpCode,
+ ZJson, GHashList, NumberBase,
+ NotifyObjectBase, CoreCipher, MemoryStream64,
+ ObjectData, ObjectDataManager, ItemStream,
+ CommunicationFramework, PhysicsIO, CommunicationFrameworkDoubleTunnelIO_NoAuth, DTC40;
+ TDTC40_Var_Service = class;
+ TDTC40_Var_Client = class;
+ TDTC40_PhysicsServicePool_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool = class(TNumberModulePool)
+ public
+ Name: U_String;
+ Service: TDTC40_Var_Service;
+ Client: TDTC40_Var_Client;
+ IO_ID_List: TIO_ID_List;
+ IsTemp, IsFreeing: Boolean;
+ LifeTime, OverTime: TTimeTick;
+ LastAccessTime: TDateTime;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure DoNMChange(Sender: TNumberModule; OLD_, New_: Variant); override;
+ end;
+ TOnDTC40_Var_NM_Change = procedure(NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool; NM: TNumberModule) of object;
+ TOnDTC40_Var_NMPool_Event = procedure(NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool) of object;
+ TVAR_Service_NMBigPool = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC}TGenericHashList;
+ TDTC40_Var_NumberModulePool_List = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define = class(TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth)
+ public
+ NM_List: TDTC40_Var_NumberModulePool_List;
+ constructor Create(Owner_: TPeerIO); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Var_Service = class(TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Service)
+ protected
+ // init build-in data
+ IsLoading: Boolean;
+ IsSaveing: Boolean;
+ procedure DoLoading();
+ procedure DoBackground_Save(thSender: TCompute);
+ protected
+ procedure DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth); override;
+ protected
+ procedure cmd_NM_Init(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_InitAsTemp(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Remove(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Get(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_GetValue(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Open(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Close(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_CloseAll(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Change(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Keep(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ procedure cmd_NM_Script(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ protected
+ ProgressTempNMList: TDTC40_Var_NumberModulePool_List;
+ procedure Progress_NMPool(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ public
+ DTC40_Var_FileName: U_String;
+ NMBigPool: TVAR_Service_NMBigPool;
+ OnChange: TOnDTC40_Var_NM_Change;
+ OnRemove: TOnDTC40_Var_NMPool_Event;
+ constructor Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SafeCheck; override;
+ procedure Progress; override;
+ function GetNM(Name_: U_String): TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ procedure RemoveNumberModulePool(NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ procedure SaveNMBigPoolAsDFE(DFE: TDFE);
+ procedure PrintError(v: SystemString); overload;
+ procedure PrintError(v: SystemString; const Args: array of const); overload;
+ end;
+ TON_NM_GetC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ TON_NM_GetM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool) of object;
+ TON_NM_GetP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool) is nested;
+ TON_NM_GetP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ TON_NM_Get = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_Var_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_NM_GetC;
+ OnResultM: TON_NM_GetM;
+ OnResultP: TON_NM_GetP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_NM_GetValueC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NM: TNumberModule);
+ TON_NM_GetValueM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NM: TNumberModule) of object;
+ TON_NM_GetValueP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NM: TNumberModule) is nested;
+ TON_NM_GetValueP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NM: TNumberModule);
+ TON_NM_GetValue = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_Var_Client;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ OnResultC: TON_NM_GetValueC;
+ OnResultM: TON_NM_GetValueM;
+ OnResultP: TON_NM_GetValueP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_NM_OpenC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ TON_NM_OpenM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool) of object;
+ TON_NM_OpenP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool) is nested;
+ TON_NM_OpenP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ TON_NM_Open = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_Var_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_NM_OpenC;
+ OnResultM: TON_NM_OpenM;
+ OnResultP: TON_NM_OpenP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TON_NM_ScriptC = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; Result_: TExpressionValueVector);
+ TON_NM_ScriptM = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; Result_: TExpressionValueVector) of object;
+ TON_NM_ScriptP = procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; Result_: TExpressionValueVector) is nested;
+ TON_NM_ScriptP = reference to procedure(Sender: TDTC40_Var_Client; Result_: TExpressionValueVector);
+ TON_NM_Script = class(TOnResultBridge)
+ public
+ Client: TDTC40_Var_Client;
+ OnResultC: TON_NM_ScriptC;
+ OnResultM: TON_NM_ScriptM;
+ OnResultP: TON_NM_ScriptP;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE); override;
+ procedure DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE); override;
+ end;
+ TDTC40_Var_Client = class(TDTC40_Base_NoAuth_Client)
+ protected
+ procedure cmd_NM_Change(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ public
+ NMBigPool: TVAR_Service_NMBigPool;
+ OnChange: TOnDTC40_Var_NM_Change;
+ constructor Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetNM(Name_: U_String): TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ procedure NM_Init(Name_: U_String; Open_: Boolean; NMPool_: TNumberModulePool);
+ procedure NM_InitAsTemp(Name_: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; Open_: Boolean; NMPool_: TNumberModulePool);
+ procedure NM_Remove(Name_: U_String);
+ procedure NM_GetC(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetC);
+ procedure NM_GetM(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetM);
+ procedure NM_GetP(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetP);
+ procedure NM_GetValueC(NMName_: U_String; ValueNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetValueC);
+ procedure NM_GetValueM(NMName_: U_String; ValueNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetValueM);
+ procedure NM_GetValueP(NMName_: U_String; ValueNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetValueP);
+ procedure NM_OpenC(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_OpenC);
+ procedure NM_OpenM(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_OpenM);
+ procedure NM_OpenP(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_OpenP);
+ procedure NM_Close(NMNames_: U_StringArray);
+ procedure NM_CloseAll;
+ procedure NM_Change(NMName_, ValueName_: U_String; Variant_: Variant);
+ procedure NM_Keep(NMName_: U_String);
+ procedure NM_ScriptC(NMName_: U_String; ExpressionTexts_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_ScriptC);
+ procedure NM_ScriptM(NMName_: U_String; ExpressionTexts_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_ScriptM);
+ procedure NM_ScriptP(NMName_: U_String; ExpressionTexts_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_ScriptP);
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Name := '';
+ Service := nil;
+ IO_ID_List := TIO_ID_List.Create;
+ IsTemp := False;
+ IsFreeing := False;
+ LifeTime := 0;
+ OverTime := 0;
+ LastAccessTime := 0;
+destructor TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(IO_ID_List);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool.DoNMChange(Sender: TNumberModule; OLD_, New_: Variant);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ inherited DoNMChange(Sender, OLD_, New_);
+ if (Service <> nil) and (IO_ID_List.Count > 0) then
+ begin
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(Name);
+ d.WriteString(Sender.Name);
+ d.WriteNM(Sender);
+ for i := 0 to IO_ID_List.Count - 1 do
+ Service.DTNoAuthService.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd(IO_ID_List[i], 'NM_Change', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+ try
+ if Assigned(Service.OnChange) then
+ Service.OnChange(self, Sender);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Client <> nil then
+ begin
+ try
+ if Assigned(Client.OnChange) then
+ Client.OnChange(self, Sender);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define.Create(Owner_: TPeerIO);
+ inherited Create(Owner_);
+ NM_List := TDTC40_Var_NumberModulePool_List.Create;
+destructor TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(NM_List);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.DoLoading;
+ d: TDFE;
+ NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IsLoading := True;
+ IsSaveing := False;
+ NMBigPool.Clear;
+ // run
+ try
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ if umlFileExists(DTC40_Var_FileName) then
+ begin
+ d.LoadFromFile(DTC40_Var_FileName);
+ DoStatus('Load Variant database "%s"', [DTC40_Var_FileName.Text]);
+ end;
+ DoStatus('extract variant Database.');
+ while d.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NMPool_ := GetNM(d.R.ReadString);
+ d.R.ReadNMPool(NMPool_);
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(d);
+ DoStatus('extract variant Database done.');
+ except
+ end;
+ // done
+ IsLoading := False;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.DoBackground_Save(thSender: TCompute);
+ d: TDFE;
+ try
+ d := TDFE(thSender.UserObject);
+ d.SaveToFile(DTC40_Var_FileName);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+ DoStatus('Save Variant Database Done.');
+ except
+ end;
+ IsSaveing := False;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.DoUserOut_Event(Sender: TDTService_NoAuth; UserDefineIO: TPeerClientUserDefineForRecvTunnel_NoAuth);
+ IO_Def_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ i: Integer;
+ inherited DoUserOut_Event(Sender, UserDefineIO);
+ IO_Def_ := UserDefineIO as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ for i := 0 to IO_Def_.NM_List.Count - 1 do
+ IO_Def_.NM_List[i].IO_ID_List.Remove(IO_Def_.SendTunnelID);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Init(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ Open_: Boolean;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ PrintError('repeat number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // open change
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ Open_ := InData.R.ReadBool;
+ if Open_ then
+ begin
+ if IODef_.NM_List.IndexOf(NM) < 0 then
+ IODef_.NM_List.Add(NM);
+ if NM.IO_ID_List.IndexOf(IODef_.SendTunnelID) < 0 then
+ NM.IO_ID_List.Add(IODef_.SendTunnelID);
+ end;
+ // load NM
+ InData.R.ReadNMPool(NM);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_InitAsTemp(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM_TimeOut: TTimeTick;
+ Open_: Boolean;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ NM_TimeOut := InData.R.ReadUInt64;
+ if NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ PrintError('repeat number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // init temp NM
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ NM.IsTemp := True;
+ NM.LifeTime := NM_TimeOut;
+ NM.OverTime := GetTimeTick + NM.LifeTime;
+ // open change
+ Open_ := InData.R.ReadBool;
+ if Open_ then
+ begin
+ if IODef_.NM_List.IndexOf(NM) < 0 then
+ IODef_.NM_List.Add(NM);
+ if NM.IO_ID_List.IndexOf(IODef_.SendTunnelID) < 0 then
+ NM.IO_ID_List.Add(IODef_.SendTunnelID);
+ end;
+ // load NM
+ InData.R.ReadNMPool(NM);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Remove(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if not NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnRemove) then
+ OnRemove(GetNM(NM_Name));
+ except
+ end;
+ NMBigPool.Delete(NM_Name);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Get(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ OutData.WriteString(NM_Name);
+ OutData.WriteNMPool(NM);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_GetValue(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ VName_: U_String;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if not NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ VName_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if NM.Exists(VName_) then
+ begin
+ OutData.WriteString(VName_);
+ OutData.WriteNM(NM[VName_]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s" Name "%s"', [NM_Name.Text, VName_.Text]);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Open(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ OutData.WriteString(NM_Name);
+ OutData.WriteNMPool(NM);
+ if IODef_.NM_List.IndexOf(NM) < 0 then
+ IODef_.NM_List.Add(NM);
+ if NM.IO_ID_List.IndexOf(IODef_.SendTunnelID) < 0 then
+ NM.IO_ID_List.Add(IODef_.SendTunnelID);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Close(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ NM.IO_ID_List.Remove(IODef_.SendTunnelID);
+ IODef_.NM_List.Remove(NM);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_CloseAll(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ i: Integer;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to IODef_.NM_List.Count - 1 do
+ IODef_.NM_List[i].IO_ID_List.Remove(IODef_.SendTunnelID);
+ IODef_.NM_List.Clear;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Change(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ VName_: U_String;
+ v: Variant;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if not NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ VName_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ v := InData.R.ReadVariant;
+ if NM.Exists(VName_) then
+ NM[VName_].CurrentValue := v
+ else
+ NM[VName_].OriginValue := v;
+ if NM.IsTemp then
+ NM.OverTime := GetTimeTick + NM.LifeTime;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Keep(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if not NMBigPool.Exists(NM_Name) then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no exists number module "%s"', [NM_Name.Text]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ if NM.IsTemp then
+ NM.OverTime := GetTimeTick + NM.LifeTime;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.cmd_NM_Script(Sender: TPeerIO; InData, OutData: TDFE);
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ NM_Name: U_String;
+ NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ Exp_: U_String;
+ Vec_: TExpressionValueVector;
+ i: Integer;
+ IODef_ := DTNoAuthService.GetUserDefineRecvTunnel(Sender) as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ if not IODef_.LinkOk then
+ begin
+ PrintError('no link');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ NM_Name := InData.R.ReadString;
+ NM := GetNM(NM_Name);
+ try
+ while InData.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ Exp_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ if NM.IsVectorScript(Exp_) then
+ begin
+ Vec_ := NM.RunVectorScript(Exp_);
+ for i := 0 to length(Vec_) - 1 do
+ OutData.WriteVariant(Vec_[i]);
+ SetLength(Vec_, 0);
+ end
+ else
+ OutData.WriteVariant(NM.RunScript(Exp_));
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+ if NM.IsTemp then
+ NM.OverTime := GetTimeTick + NM.LifeTime;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.Progress_NMPool(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ if (Obj.IsTemp) and (not Obj.IsFreeing) and (Obj.OverTime < GetTimeTick) then
+ begin
+ Obj.IsFreeing := True;
+ ProgressTempNMList.Add(Obj);
+ end;
+constructor TDTC40_Var_Service.Create(PhysicsService_: TDTC40_PhysicsService; ServiceTyp, Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(PhysicsService_, ServiceTyp, Param_);
+ ServiceInfo.OnlyInstance := True;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_Init').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Init;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_InitAsTemp').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_InitAsTemp;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_Remove').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Remove;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('NM_Get').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Get;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('NM_GetValue').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_GetValue;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('NM_Open').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Open;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_Close').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Close;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_CloseAll').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_CloseAll;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_Change').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Change;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_Keep').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Keep;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.RegisterStream('NM_Script').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Script;
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.PeerIOUserDefineClass := TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ UpdateToGlobalDispatch;
+ ProgressTempNMList := TDTC40_Var_NumberModulePool_List.Create;
+ DTC40_Var_FileName := umlCombineFileName(DTNoAuthService.PublicFileDirectory, PFormat('DTC40_%s.DFE', [ServiceInfo.ServiceTyp.Text]));
+ NMBigPool := TVAR_Service_NMBigPool.Create(True, 1024 * 1024, nil);
+ OnChange := nil;
+ OnRemove := nil;
+ if umlFileExists(DTC40_Var_FileName) then
+ DoLoading();
+destructor TDTC40_Var_Service.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(ProgressTempNMList);
+ DisposeObject(NMBigPool);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.SafeCheck;
+ d: TDFE;
+ inherited SafeCheck;
+ if IsSaveing then
+ exit;
+ DoStatus('Extract Variant data.');
+ IsSaveing := True;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ SaveNMBigPoolAsDFE(d);
+ DoStatus('Save Variant Database.');
+ TCompute.RunM(nil, d, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoBackground_Save);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.Progress;
+ i: Integer;
+ inherited Progress;
+ ProgressTempNMList.Clear;
+ NMBigPool.ProgressM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}Progress_NMPool);
+ try
+ for i := 0 to ProgressTempNMList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnRemove) then
+ OnRemove(ProgressTempNMList[i]);
+ except
+ end;
+ RemoveNumberModulePool(ProgressTempNMList[i]);
+ NMBigPool.Delete(ProgressTempNMList[i].Name);
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+ ProgressTempNMList.Clear;
+function TDTC40_Var_Service.GetNM(Name_: U_String): TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ Result := NMBigPool[Name_];
+ if Result = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool.Create;
+ Result.Name := Name_;
+ Result.Service := self;
+ NMBigPool.FastAdd(Name_, Result);
+ end;
+ Result.LastAccessTime := umlNow;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.RemoveNumberModulePool(NM: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ Arry: TIO_Array;
+ ID_: Cardinal;
+ IO_: TPeerIO;
+ IODef_: TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ DoStatus('remove NM "%s"', [NM.Name.Text]);
+ DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel.GetIO_Array(Arry);
+ for ID_ in Arry do
+ begin
+ IO_ := DTNoAuthService.RecvTunnel[ID_];
+ if IO_ <> nil then
+ begin
+ IODef_ := IO_.IODefine as TDTC40_Var_Service_IO_Define;
+ IODef_.NM_List.Remove(NM);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.SaveNMBigPoolAsDFE(DFE: TDFE);
+ procedure fpc_Progress_(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool);
+ begin
+ if Obj.IsTemp then
+ exit;
+ DFE.WriteString(Obj.Name);
+ DFE.WriteNMPool(Obj);
+ end;
+ NMBigPool.ProgressP(@fpc_Progress_);
+ NMBigPool.ProgressP(
+ procedure(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool)
+ begin
+ if Obj.IsTemp then
+ exit;
+ DFE.WriteString(Obj.Name);
+ DFE.WriteNMPool(Obj);
+ end);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.PrintError(v: SystemString);
+ DTC40PhysicsService.PhysicsTunnel.PrintError(v);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Service.PrintError(v: SystemString; const Args: array of const);
+ PrintError(PFormat(v, Args));
+constructor TON_NM_Get.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TON_NM_Get.DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ NM_Pool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ while Result_.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NM_Pool_ := Client.GetNM(Result_.R.ReadString);
+ Result_.R.ReadNMPool(NM_Pool_);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, NM_Pool_);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, NM_Pool_);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, NM_Pool_);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TON_NM_Get.DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TON_NM_GetValue.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ NM_Name := '';
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TON_NM_GetValue.DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ NM_Pool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ NM_: TNumberModule;
+ NM_Pool_ := Client.GetNM(NM_Name);
+ while Result_.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NM_ := NM_Pool_[Result_.R.ReadString];
+ Result_.R.ReadNM(NM_);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, NM_);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, NM_);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, NM_);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TON_NM_GetValue.DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TON_NM_Open.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TON_NM_Open.DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ NM_Pool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ while Result_.R.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ NM_Pool_ := Client.GetNM(Result_.R.ReadString);
+ Result_.R.ReadNMPool(NM_Pool_);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, NM_Pool_);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, NM_Pool_);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, NM_Pool_);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TON_NM_Open.DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, nil);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, nil);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+constructor TON_NM_Script.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ Client := nil;
+ OnResultC := nil;
+ OnResultM := nil;
+ OnResultP := nil;
+procedure TON_NM_Script.DoStreamParamEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData, Result_: TDFE);
+ tmp: TExpressionValueVector;
+ i: Integer;
+ SetLength(tmp, Result_.Count);
+ for i := 0 to Result_.Count - 1 do
+ tmp[i] := Result_.ReadVariant(i);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ SetLength(tmp, 0);
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TON_NM_Script.DoStreamFailedEvent(Sender: TPeerIO; Param1: Pointer; Param2: TObject; SendData: TDFE);
+ tmp: TExpressionValueVector;
+ SetLength(tmp, 0);
+ try
+ if Assigned(OnResultC) then
+ OnResultC(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultM) then
+ OnResultM(Client, tmp);
+ if Assigned(OnResultP) then
+ OnResultP(Client, tmp);
+ except
+ end;
+ DelayFreeObject(1.0, self);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.cmd_NM_Change(Sender: TPeerIO; InData: TDFE);
+ NMPoolName_, ValueName_: U_String;
+ NMPool_: TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ NM_: TNumberModule;
+ NMPoolName_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ ValueName_ := InData.R.ReadString;
+ NMPool_ := GetNM(NMPoolName_);
+ NM_ := NMPool_[ValueName_];
+ InData.R.ReadNM(NM_);
+ NM_.DoChange;
+constructor TDTC40_Var_Client.Create(source_: TDTC40_Info; Param_: U_String);
+ inherited Create(source_, Param_);
+ DTNoAuthClient.RecvTunnel.RegisterDirectStream('NM_Change').OnExecute := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}cmd_NM_Change;
+ NMBigPool := TVAR_Service_NMBigPool.Create(True, 1024, nil);
+ OnChange := nil;
+destructor TDTC40_Var_Client.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(NMBigPool);
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TDTC40_Var_Client.GetNM(Name_: U_String): TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool;
+ Result := NMBigPool[Name_];
+ if Result = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := TDTC40_VarService_NM_Pool.Create;
+ Result.Name := Name_;
+ Result.Client := self;
+ NMBigPool.FastAdd(Name_, Result);
+ end;
+ Result.LastAccessTime := umlNow;
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_Init(Name_: U_String; Open_: Boolean; NMPool_: TNumberModulePool);
+ d: TDFE;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(Name_);
+ d.WriteBool(Open_);
+ d.WriteNMPool(NMPool_);
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_Init', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_InitAsTemp(Name_: U_String; TimeOut_: TTimeTick; Open_: Boolean; NMPool_: TNumberModulePool);
+ d: TDFE;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(Name_);
+ d.WriteUInt64(TimeOut_);
+ d.WriteBool(Open_);
+ d.WriteNMPool(NMPool_);
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_InitAsTemp', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_Remove(Name_: U_String);
+ d: TDFE;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(Name_);
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_Remove', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_GetC(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetC);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Get;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Get.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Get', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_GetM(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetM);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Get;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Get.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Get', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_GetP(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetP);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Get;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Get.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Get', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_GetValueC(NMName_: U_String; ValueNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetValueC);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_GetValue;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ for i := 0 to length(ValueNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(ValueNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_GetValue.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.NM_Name := NMName_;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_GetValue', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_GetValueM(NMName_: U_String; ValueNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetValueM);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_GetValue;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ for i := 0 to length(ValueNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(ValueNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_GetValue.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.NM_Name := NMName_;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_GetValue', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_GetValueP(NMName_: U_String; ValueNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_GetValueP);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_GetValue;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ for i := 0 to length(ValueNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(ValueNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_GetValue.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.NM_Name := NMName_;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_GetValue', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_OpenC(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_OpenC);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Open;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Open.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Open', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_OpenM(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_OpenM);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Open;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Open.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Open', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_OpenP(NMNames_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_OpenP);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Open;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Open.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Open', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_Close(NMNames_: U_StringArray);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ for i := 0 to length(NMNames_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(NMNames_[i]);
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_Close', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_CloseAll;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_CloseAll');
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_Change(NMName_, ValueName_: U_String; Variant_: Variant);
+ d: TDFE;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ d.WriteString(ValueName_);
+ d.WriteVariant(Variant_);
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_Change', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_Keep(NMName_: U_String);
+ d: TDFE;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendDirectStreamCmd('NM_Keep', d);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_ScriptC(NMName_: U_String; ExpressionTexts_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_ScriptC);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Script;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ for i := 0 to length(ExpressionTexts_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(ExpressionTexts_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Script.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultC := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Script', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_ScriptM(NMName_: U_String; ExpressionTexts_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_ScriptM);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Script;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ for i := 0 to length(ExpressionTexts_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(ExpressionTexts_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Script.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultM := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Script', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+procedure TDTC40_Var_Client.NM_ScriptP(NMName_: U_String; ExpressionTexts_: U_StringArray; OnResult: TON_NM_ScriptP);
+ d: TDFE;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp: TON_NM_Script;
+ d := TDFE.Create;
+ d.WriteString(NMName_);
+ for i := 0 to length(ExpressionTexts_) - 1 do
+ d.WriteString(ExpressionTexts_[i]);
+ tmp := TON_NM_Script.Create;
+ tmp.Client := self;
+ tmp.OnResultP := OnResult;
+ DTNoAuthClient.SendTunnel.SendStreamCmdM('NM_Script', d, nil, nil,
+{$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamParamEvent, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}tmp.DoStreamFailedEvent);
+ DisposeObject(d);
+RegisterC40('Var', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var0', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var1', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var2', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var3', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var4', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var5', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var6', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var7', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var8', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
+RegisterC40('Var9', TDTC40_Var_Service, TDTC40_Var_Client);
diff --git a/Source/DataFrameEngine.pas b/Source/DataFrameEngine.pas
index 777b0b82..d07978f2 100644
--- a/Source/DataFrameEngine.pas
+++ b/Source/DataFrameEngine.pas
@@ -17,11 +17,6 @@
{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
{ ****************************************************************************** }
- update history
- 2017-12-6
- added supported pointer
unit DataFrameEngine;
@@ -29,10 +24,10 @@
-uses SysUtils, CoreClasses, Types,
+uses SysUtils, CoreClasses, Types, Variants,
ListEngine, MemoryStream64, CoreCipher,
DoStatusIO, GeometryLib, TextDataEngine, Geometry2DUnit, Geometry3DUnit,
- ZJson,
+ ZJson, NumberBase,
@@ -229,15 +224,16 @@ TDataFrameArrayByte = class sealed(TDataFrameBase)
procedure Clear;
procedure Add(v: Byte);
- procedure AddPtrBuff(p: PByte; Size: Integer);
+ procedure AddPtrBuff(p: PByte; Size_: Integer);
procedure AddI64(v: Int64);
procedure AddU64(v: UInt64);
procedure Addi(v: Integer);
procedure AddWord(v: Word);
- function Count: Integer;
+ function Count: Int64;
+ property Size: Int64 read Count;
procedure WriteArray(const a: array of Byte);
procedure SetArray(const a: array of Byte);
- procedure SetBuff(p: PByte; Size: Integer);
+ procedure SetBuff(p: PByte; Size_: Integer);
procedure GetBuff(p: PByte);
procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream); override;
@@ -458,6 +454,8 @@ TDataFrameEngineReader = class(TCoreClassObject)
function ReadVec2: TVec2;
function ReadRectV2: TRectV2;
function ReadPointer: UInt64;
+ procedure ReadNM(output: TNumberModule);
+ procedure ReadNMPool(output: TNumberModulePool);
// auto read from stream data
procedure Read(var Buf_; Count_: Int64); overload;
// read as TDataFrameBase
@@ -466,11 +464,11 @@ TDataFrameEngineReader = class(TCoreClassObject)
function Current: TDataFrameBase;
+ TRunTimeDataType = (rdtString, rdtInteger, rdtLongWord, rdtWORD, rdtByte, rdtSingle, rdtDouble,
+ rdtArrayInteger, rdtArraySingle, rdtArrayDouble, rdtStream, rdtVariant, rdtInt64, rdtArrayShortInt, rdtCardinal, rdtUInt64, rdtArrayByte,
+ rdtArrayInt64);
TDataFrameEngine = class(TCoreClassObject)
- public type
- TRunTimeDataType = (rdtString, rdtInteger, rdtLongWord, rdtWORD, rdtByte, rdtSingle, rdtDouble,
- rdtArrayInteger, rdtArraySingle, rdtArrayDouble, rdtStream, rdtVariant, rdtInt64, rdtArrayShortInt, rdtCardinal, rdtUInt64, rdtArrayByte,
- rdtArrayInt64);
FDataList: TCoreClassListForObj;
FReader: TDataFrameEngineReader;
@@ -556,6 +554,8 @@ TDataFrameEngine = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure WriteRectV2(v: TRectV2);
procedure WritePointer(v: Pointer); overload;
procedure WritePointer(v: UInt64); overload;
+ procedure WriteNM(NM: TNumberModule);
+ procedure WriteNMPool(NMPool: TNumberModulePool);
// auto append new stream and write
procedure write(const Buf_; Count_: Int64);
@@ -608,6 +608,8 @@ TDataFrameEngine = class(TCoreClassObject)
function ReadVec2(index_: Integer): TVec2;
function ReadRectV2(index_: Integer): TRectV2;
function ReadPointer(index_: Integer): UInt64;
+ procedure ReadNM(index_: Integer; output: TNumberModule);
+ procedure ReadNMPool(index_: Integer; output: TNumberModulePool);
// read from stream data
procedure Read(index_: Integer; var Buf_; Count_: Int64); overload;
// read as TDataFrameBase
@@ -671,6 +673,9 @@ TDataFrameEngine = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
procedure SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+ procedure LoadFromFile(fileName_: U_String);
+ procedure SaveToFile(fileName_: U_String);
property Data[index_: Integer]: TDataFrameBase read GetData; default;
property List: TCoreClassListForObj read FDataList;
@@ -733,6 +738,8 @@ TDataWriter = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure WriteVec2(v: TVec2);
procedure WriteRectV2(v: TRectV2);
procedure WritePointer(v: Pointer);
+ procedure WriteNM(NM: TNumberModule);
+ procedure WriteNMPool(NMPool: TNumberModulePool);
procedure write(const Buf_; Count_: Int64);
@@ -790,6 +797,8 @@ TDataReader = class(TCoreClassObject)
function ReadVec2: TVec2;
function ReadRectV2: TRectV2;
function ReadPointer: UInt64;
+ procedure ReadNM(output: TNumberModule);
+ procedure ReadNMPool(output: TNumberModulePool);
procedure Read(var Buf_; Count_: Int64);
@@ -1275,10 +1284,10 @@ procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.Add(v: Byte);
-procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.AddPtrBuff(p: PByte; Size: Integer);
+procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.AddPtrBuff(p: PByte; Size_: Integer);
FBuffer.Position := FBuffer.Size;
- FBuffer.WritePtr(p, Size);
+ FBuffer.WritePtr(p, Size_);
procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.AddI64(v: Int64);
@@ -1301,7 +1310,7 @@ procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.AddWord(v: Word);
AddPtrBuff(@v, C_Word_Size);
-function TDataFrameArrayByte.Count: Integer;
+function TDataFrameArrayByte.Count: Int64;
Result := FBuffer.Size;
@@ -1319,10 +1328,10 @@ procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.SetArray(const a: array of Byte);
AddPtrBuff(@a[0], length(a));
-procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.SetBuff(p: PByte; Size: Integer);
+procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.SetBuff(p: PByte; Size_: Integer);
- AddPtrBuff(p, Size);
+ AddPtrBuff(p, Size_);
procedure TDataFrameArrayByte.GetBuff(p: PByte);
@@ -1751,6 +1760,7 @@ procedure TDataFrameVariant.LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
vt := TVarType(StreamReadUInt16(stream));
case vt of
+ varEmpty, varNull: FBuffer := NULL;
varSmallInt: FBuffer := StreamReadInt16(stream);
varInteger: FBuffer := StreamReadInt32(stream);
varSingle: FBuffer := StreamReadSingle(stream);
@@ -1775,6 +1785,7 @@ procedure TDataFrameVariant.SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
vt := TVarData(FBuffer).VType;
StreamWriteUInt16(stream, Word(vt));
case vt of
+ varEmpty, varNull:;
varSmallInt: StreamWriteInt16(stream, FBuffer);
varInteger: StreamWriteInt32(stream, FBuffer);
varSingle: StreamWriteSingle(stream, FBuffer);
@@ -1806,6 +1817,7 @@ procedure TDataFrameVariant.SaveToJson(jarry: TZ_JsonArray; index_: Integer);
function TDataFrameVariant.ComputeEncodeSize: Int64;
case TVarData(FBuffer).VType of
+ varEmpty, varNull: Result := 2 + 0;
varSmallInt: Result := 2 + 2;
varInteger: Result := 2 + 4;
varSingle: Result := 2 + 4;
@@ -2208,6 +2220,18 @@ function TDataFrameEngineReader.ReadPointer: UInt64;
+procedure TDataFrameEngineReader.ReadNM(output: TNumberModule);
+ FOwner.ReadNM(FIndex, output);
+ inc(FIndex);
+procedure TDataFrameEngineReader.ReadNMPool(output: TNumberModulePool);
+ FOwner.ReadNMPool(FIndex, output);
+ inc(FIndex);
procedure TDataFrameEngineReader.Read(var Buf_; Count_: Int64);
FOwner.Read(FIndex, Buf_, Count_);
@@ -2544,7 +2568,7 @@ function TDataFrameEngine.WriteArrayByte: TDataFrameArrayByte;
procedure TDataFrameEngine.WriteMD5(md5: TMD5);
- WriteArrayByte.WriteArray(md5);
+ WriteArrayByte.SetBuff(@md5[0], SizeOf(TMD5));
function TDataFrameEngine.WriteArraySingle: TDataFrameArraySingle;
@@ -2865,6 +2889,68 @@ procedure TDataFrameEngine.WritePointer(v: UInt64);
+procedure TDataFrameEngine.WriteNM(NM: TNumberModule);
+ D_: TDataFrameEngine;
+ D_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ D_.WriteString(NM.Name);
+ D_.WriteString(NM.SymbolName);
+ D_.WriteString(NM.Description);
+ D_.WriteString(NM.DetailDescription);
+ D_.WriteVariant(NM.OriginValue);
+ D_.WriteVariant(NM.CurrentValue);
+ WriteDataFrame(D_);
+ DisposeObject(D_);
+procedure TDataFrameEngine.WriteNMPool(NMPool: TNumberModulePool);
+ D_: TDataFrameEngine;
+ procedure fpc_progress_(const Name: PSystemString; NM: TNumberModule);
+ var
+ Tmp_: TDataFrameEngine;
+ begin
+ Tmp_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.Name);
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.SymbolName);
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.Description);
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.DetailDescription);
+ Tmp_.WriteVariant(NM.OriginValue);
+ Tmp_.WriteVariant(NM.CurrentValue);
+ D_.WriteDataFrame(Tmp_);
+ DisposeObject(Tmp_);
+ end;
+ D_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ NMPool.List.ProgressP(@fpc_progress_);
+ NMPool.List.ProgressP(procedure(const Name: PSystemString; NM: TNumberModule)
+ var
+ Tmp_: TDataFrameEngine;
+ begin
+ Tmp_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.Name);
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.SymbolName);
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.Description);
+ Tmp_.WriteString(NM.DetailDescription);
+ Tmp_.WriteVariant(NM.OriginValue);
+ Tmp_.WriteVariant(NM.CurrentValue);
+ D_.WriteDataFrame(Tmp_);
+ DisposeObject(Tmp_);
+ end);
+ WriteDataFrame(D_);
+ DisposeObject(D_);
// append new stream and write
procedure TDataFrameEngine.write(const Buf_; Count_: Int64);
@@ -3228,12 +3314,9 @@ function TDataFrameEngine.ReadArrayByte(index_: Integer): TDataFrameArrayByte;
function TDataFrameEngine.ReadMD5(index_: Integer): TMD5;
- i: Integer;
with ReadArrayByte(index_) do
- for i := low(TMD5) to high(TMD5) do
- Result[i] := Buffer[i];
+ GetBuff(@Result[0]);
function TDataFrameEngine.ReadArraySingle(index_: Integer): TDataFrameArraySingle;
@@ -3644,6 +3727,56 @@ function TDataFrameEngine.ReadPointer(index_: Integer): UInt64;
Result := ReadUInt64(index_);
+procedure TDataFrameEngine.ReadNM(index_: Integer; output: TNumberModule);
+ D_: TDataFrameEngine;
+ D_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ ReadDataFrame(index_, D_);
+ output.Name := D_.Reader.ReadString;
+ output.SymbolName := D_.Reader.ReadString;
+ output.Description := D_.Reader.ReadString;
+ output.DetailDescription := D_.Reader.ReadString;
+ output.DirectOriginValue := D_.Reader.ReadVariant;
+ output.DirectCurrentValue := D_.Reader.ReadVariant;
+ DisposeObject(D_);
+procedure TDataFrameEngine.ReadNMPool(index_: Integer; output: TNumberModulePool);
+ D_, Tmp_: TDataFrameEngine;
+ DM: TNumberModule;
+ N_: SystemString;
+ L_: TCoreClassListForObj;
+ i: Integer;
+ L_ := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
+ D_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ ReadDataFrame(index_, D_);
+ while D_.Reader.NotEnd do
+ begin
+ Tmp_ := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ D_.Reader.ReadDataFrame(Tmp_);
+ N_ := Tmp_.Reader.ReadString;
+ DM := output[N_];
+ DM.Name := N_;
+ DM.SymbolName := Tmp_.Reader.ReadString;
+ DM.Description := Tmp_.Reader.ReadString;
+ DM.DetailDescription := Tmp_.Reader.ReadString;
+ DM.DirectOriginValue := Tmp_.Reader.ReadVariant;
+ DM.DirectCurrentValue := Tmp_.Reader.ReadVariant;
+ L_.Add(DM);
+ DisposeObject(Tmp_);
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(D_);
+ for i := 0 to L_.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ DM := TNumberModule(L_[i]);
+ DM.DoChange;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(L_);
procedure TDataFrameEngine.Read(index_: Integer; var Buf_; Count_: Int64);
s: TMS64;
@@ -4772,6 +4905,24 @@ procedure TDataFrameEngine.SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+procedure TDataFrameEngine.LoadFromFile(fileName_: U_String);
+ fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
+ fs := TCoreClassFileStream.Create(fileName_, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
+ LoadFromStream(fs);
+ DisposeObject(fs);
+procedure TDataFrameEngine.SaveToFile(fileName_: U_String);
+ fs: TCoreClassFileStream;
+ fs := TCoreClassFileStream.Create(fileName_, fmCreate);
+ SaveToStream(fs);
+ DisposeObject(fs);
constructor TDataWriter.Create(Stream_: TCoreClassStream);
inherited Create;
@@ -5053,6 +5204,16 @@ procedure TDataWriter.WritePointer(v: Pointer);
+procedure TDataWriter.WriteNM(NM: TNumberModule);
+ FEngine.WriteNM(NM);
+procedure TDataWriter.WriteNMPool(NMPool: TNumberModulePool);
+ FEngine.WriteNMPool(NMPool);
procedure TDataWriter.write(const Buf_; Count_: Int64);
FEngine.write(Buf_, Count_);
@@ -5356,6 +5517,16 @@ function TDataReader.ReadPointer: UInt64;
Result := FEngine.Reader.ReadPointer;
+procedure TDataReader.ReadNM(output: TNumberModule);
+ FEngine.Reader.ReadNM(output);
+procedure TDataReader.ReadNMPool(output: TNumberModulePool);
+ FEngine.Reader.ReadNMPool(output);
procedure TDataReader.Read(var Buf_; Count_: Int64);
FEngine.Reader.Read(Buf_, Count_);
diff --git a/Source/GHashList.pas b/Source/GHashList.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..daf7b89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/GHashList.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * Generic hash Library * }
+{ * https://zpascal.net * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAI * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/PascalString * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zRasterization * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/CoreCipher * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zSound * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zChinese * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zExpression * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zGameWare * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAnalysis * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FFMPEG-Header * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zTranslate * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
+{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+unit GHashList;
+{$INCLUDE zDefine.inc}
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
+ DoStatusIO,
+ CoreClasses, PascalStrings, UnicodeMixedLib, ListEngine;
+ generic TGenericHashList = class(TCoreClassObject)
+ TGenericHashList = class(TCoreClassObject)
+ public type
+ TRefClass_ = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC}TGenericHashList;
+ TGebnericHashChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TCoreClassObject; Name: SystemString; OLD_, New_: T_) of object;
+ PGebnericHashListData = ^TGebnericHashListData;
+ TGebnericHashListData = record
+ Obj: T_;
+ OnChnage: TGebnericHashChangeEvent;
+ end;
+ TGebnericHashListLoopCall = procedure(const Name_: PSystemString; Obj_: T_);
+ TGebnericHashListLoopMethod = procedure(const Name_: PSystemString; Obj_: T_) of object;
+ TGebnericHashListLoopProc = procedure(const Name_: PSystemString; Obj_: T_) is nested;
+ TGebnericHashListLoopProc = reference to procedure(const Name_: PSystemString; Obj_: T_);
+ private
+ FAutoFreeObject: Boolean;
+ FHashList: THashList;
+ FIncremental: NativeInt;
+ Default_Null_Value: T_;
+ function GetCount: NativeInt;
+ function GetIgnoreCase: Boolean;
+ procedure SetIgnoreCase(const Value: Boolean);
+ function GetKeyValue(const Name: SystemString): T_;
+ procedure SetKeyValue(const Name: SystemString; const Value: T_);
+ function GetOnChange(const Name: SystemString): TGebnericHashChangeEvent;
+ procedure SetOnChange(const Name: SystemString; const AValue: TGebnericHashChangeEvent);
+ function GetAccessOptimization: Boolean;
+ procedure SetAccessOptimization(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure DefaultDataFreeProc(p: Pointer);
+ protected
+ public
+ constructor Create(AutoFreeData_: Boolean; HashPoolSize_: Integer; Default_Null_Value_: T_);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Assign(sour: TRefClass_);
+ procedure ProgressC(const OnProgress: TGebnericHashListLoopCall);
+ procedure ProgressM(const OnProgress: TGebnericHashListLoopMethod);
+ procedure ProgressP(const OnProgress: TGebnericHashListLoopProc);
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure GetNameList(OutputList: TCoreClassStrings); overload;
+ procedure GetNameList(OutputList: TListString); overload;
+ procedure GetNameList(OutputList: TListPascalString); overload;
+ procedure GetListData(OutputList: TCoreClassStrings); overload;
+ procedure GetListData(OutputList: TListString); overload;
+ procedure GetListData(OutputList: TListPascalString); overload;
+ procedure GetAsList(OutputList: TCoreClassListForObj);
+ function GetObjAsName(Obj: T_): SystemString;
+ procedure Delete(const Name: SystemString);
+ function Add(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: T_): T_;
+ function FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: T_): T_;
+ function Find(const Name: SystemString): T_;
+ function Exists(const Name: SystemString): Boolean;
+ function ExistsObject(Obj: T_): Boolean;
+ procedure CopyFrom(const Source: TRefClass_);
+ function ReName(OLD_, New_: SystemString): Boolean;
+ function MakeName: SystemString;
+ function MakeRefName(RefrenceName: SystemString): SystemString;
+ property AccessOptimization: Boolean read GetAccessOptimization write SetAccessOptimization;
+ property IgnoreCase: Boolean read GetIgnoreCase write SetIgnoreCase;
+ property AutoFreeObject: Boolean read FAutoFreeObject write FAutoFreeObject;
+ property Count: NativeInt read GetCount;
+ property KeyValue[const Name: SystemString]: T_ read GetKeyValue write SetKeyValue; default;
+ property NameValue[const Name: SystemString]: T_ read GetKeyValue write SetKeyValue;
+ property OnChange[const Name: SystemString]: TGebnericHashChangeEvent read GetOnChange write SetOnChange;
+ property HashList: THashList read FHashList;
+ end;
+procedure Test_GListEngine;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetCount: NativeInt;
+ Result := FHashList.Count;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetIgnoreCase: Boolean;
+ Result := FHashList.IgnoreCase;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.SetIgnoreCase(const Value: Boolean);
+ FHashList.IgnoreCase := Value;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetKeyValue(const Name: SystemString): T_;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ pObjData := FHashList.NameValue[Name];
+ if pObjData <> nil then
+ Result := pObjData^.Obj as T_
+ else
+ Result := Default_Null_Value;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.SetKeyValue(const Name: SystemString; const Value: T_);
+ Add(Name, Value);
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetOnChange(const Name: SystemString): TGebnericHashChangeEvent;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ pObjData := FHashList.NameValue[Name];
+ if pObjData <> nil then
+ Result := pObjData^.OnChnage
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.SetOnChange(const Name: SystemString; const AValue: TGebnericHashChangeEvent);
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ pObjData := FHashList.NameValue[Name];
+ if pObjData = nil then
+ begin
+ new(pObjData);
+ pObjData^.OnChnage := AValue;
+ pObjData^.Obj := Default_Null_Value;
+ FHashList.Add(Name, pObjData, False);
+ end
+ else
+ pObjData^.OnChnage := AValue;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetAccessOptimization: Boolean;
+ Result := FHashList.AccessOptimization;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.SetAccessOptimization(const Value: Boolean);
+ FHashList.AccessOptimization := Value;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.DefaultDataFreeProc(p: Pointer);
+ Dispose(PGebnericHashListData(p));
+constructor TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Create(AutoFreeData_: Boolean; HashPoolSize_: Integer; Default_Null_Value_: T_);
+ inherited Create;
+ FHashList := THashList.CustomCreate(HashPoolSize_);
+ FHashList.AutoFreeData := True;
+ FHashList.OnFreePtr := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DefaultDataFreeProc;
+ FAutoFreeObject := AutoFreeData_;
+ FIncremental := 0;
+ Default_Null_Value := Default_Null_Value_;
+destructor TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Destroy;
+ Clear;
+ DisposeObject(FHashList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Assign(sour: TRefClass_);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ Clear;
+ if sour.HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := sour.HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < sour.HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ FastAdd(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.ProgressC(const OnProgress: TGebnericHashListLoopCall);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ try
+ OnProgress(@p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ except
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.ProgressM(const OnProgress: TGebnericHashListLoopMethod);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ try
+ OnProgress(@p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ except
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.ProgressP(const OnProgress: TGebnericHashListLoopProc);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ try
+ OnProgress(@p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ except
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Clear;
+ lst: TCoreClassList;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ i: Integer;
+ if AutoFreeObject then
+ begin
+ lst := TCoreClassList.Create;
+ FHashList.GetListData(lst);
+ if lst.Count > 0 then
+ for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
+ with PHashListData(lst[i])^ do
+ begin
+ pObjData := Data;
+ if pObjData <> nil then
+ if pObjData^.Obj <> Default_Null_Value then
+ begin
+ try
+ DisposeObject(pObjData^.Obj);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(lst);
+ end;
+ FHashList.Clear;
+ FIncremental := 0;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetNameList(OutputList: TCoreClassStrings);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.AddObject(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetNameList(OutputList: TListString);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.Add(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetNameList(OutputList: TListPascalString);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.Add(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetListData(OutputList: TCoreClassStrings);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.AddObject(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetListData(OutputList: TListString);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.Add(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetListData(OutputList: TListPascalString);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.Add(p^.OriginName, PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetAsList(OutputList: TCoreClassListForObj);
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ OutputList.Clear;
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ OutputList.Add(PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj);
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.GetObjAsName(Obj: T_): SystemString;
+ i: Integer;
+ p: PHashListData;
+ Result := '';
+ if HashList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ i := 0;
+ p := HashList.FirstPtr;
+ while i < HashList.Count do
+ begin
+ if PGebnericHashListData(p^.Data)^.Obj = Obj then
+ begin
+ Result := p^.OriginName;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ p := p^.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Delete(const Name: SystemString);
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ if AutoFreeObject then
+ begin
+ pObjData := FHashList.NameValue[Name];
+ if pObjData <> nil then
+ begin
+ if pObjData^.Obj <> Default_Null_Value then
+ begin
+ try
+ DisposeObject(pObjData^.Obj);
+ pObjData^.Obj := Default_Null_Value;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FHashList.Delete(Name);
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Add(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: T_): T_;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ pObjData := FHashList.NameValue[Name];
+ if pObjData <> nil then
+ begin
+ try
+ if Assigned(pObjData^.OnChnage) then
+ pObjData^.OnChnage(Self, Name, pObjData^.Obj, Obj_);
+ except
+ end;
+ if (FAutoFreeObject) and (pObjData^.Obj <> Default_Null_Value) then
+ begin
+ try
+ DisposeObject(pObjData^.Obj);
+ pObjData^.Obj := Default_Null_Value;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ new(pObjData);
+ pObjData^.OnChnage := nil;
+ FHashList.Add(Name, pObjData, False);
+ end;
+ pObjData^.Obj := Obj_;
+ Result := Obj_;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: T_): T_;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ new(pObjData);
+ pObjData^.OnChnage := nil;
+ FHashList.Add(Name, pObjData, False);
+ pObjData^.Obj := Obj_;
+ Result := Obj_;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Find(const Name: SystemString): T_;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ pObjData := FHashList.Find(Name);
+ if pObjData <> nil then
+ Result := pObjData^.Obj
+ else
+ Result := Default_Null_Value;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.Exists(const Name: SystemString): Boolean;
+ Result := FHashList.Exists(Name);
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.ExistsObject(Obj: T_): Boolean;
+ lst: TCoreClassList;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ lst := TCoreClassList.Create;
+ FHashList.GetListData(lst);
+ if lst.Count > 0 then
+ for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ with PHashListData(lst[i])^ do
+ begin
+ if PGebnericHashListData(Data)^.Obj = Obj then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(lst);
+procedure TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.CopyFrom(const Source: TRefClass_);
+ lst: TCoreClassList;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ i: Integer;
+ lst := TCoreClassList.Create;
+ Source.HashList.GetListData(lst);
+ if lst.Count > 0 then
+ for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ with PHashListData(lst[i])^ do
+ if Data <> nil then
+ begin
+ pObjData := Data;
+ NameValue[OriginName] := pObjData^.Obj;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DisposeObject(lst);
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.ReName(OLD_, New_: SystemString): Boolean;
+ pObjData: PGebnericHashListData;
+ pObjData := FHashList.NameValue[OLD_];
+ Result := (OLD_ <> New_) and (pObjData <> nil) and (FHashList.NameValue[New_] = nil);
+ if Result then
+ begin
+ Add(New_, pObjData^.Obj);
+ FHashList.Delete(OLD_);
+ end;
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.MakeName: SystemString;
+ repeat
+ inc(FIncremental);
+ Result := umlIntToStr(FIncremental);
+ until not Exists(Result);
+function TGenericHashList{$IFNDEF FPC}{$ENDIF FPC}.MakeRefName(RefrenceName: SystemString): SystemString;
+ Result := RefrenceName;
+ if not Exists(Result) then
+ Exit;
+ repeat
+ inc(FIncremental);
+ Result := RefrenceName + umlIntToStr(FIncremental);
+ until not Exists(Result);
+procedure Test_GListEngine;
+ TSL = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC}TGenericHashList;
+ L: TSL;
+ L := TSL.Create(True, 100, nil);
+ L.Add('abc', TCoreClassStringList.Create).Text := '1'#10'2'#10'3';
+ L.Add('abc1', TCoreClassStringList.Create).Text := '11'#10'222'#10'33';
+ L.Add('abc2', TCoreClassStringList.Create).Text := '111'#10'222'#10'333';
+ L.Add('abc3', TCoreClassStringList.Create).Text := '1111'#10'2222'#10'3333';
+ DoStatus(L['abc'][0]);
+ DoStatus(L['abc'][1]);
+ DoStatus(L['abc'][2]);
+ DoStatus(L['abc1'][0]);
+ DoStatus(L['abc2'][0]);
+ DoStatus(L['abc3'][0]);
+ DisposeObject(L);
diff --git a/Source/Geometry2DUnit.pas b/Source/Geometry2DUnit.pas
index 09ee401b..d13313aa 100644
--- a/Source/Geometry2DUnit.pas
+++ b/Source/Geometry2DUnit.pas
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ function Rectf(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat): TRectf;
{$ENDREGION 'BaseType define'}
-function FAbs(const v: Single): Single; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function FAbs(const v: Double): Double; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function FAbs(const V: Single): Single; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function FAbs(const V: Double): Double; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Clamp(const Value_, Min_, Max_: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MaxF(const v1, v2: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MinF(const v1, v2: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@ function LineV2(const l: TLineV2_P): TLineV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inli
function LineV2(const l: PLineV2_P): TLineV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function LineV2(const l: PLineV2): TLineV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundVec2(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundVec2(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakePointf(const pt: TVec2): TPointf; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function IsZero(const v: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function IsZero(const V: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function IsZero(const pt: TVec2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function IsZero(const r: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function IsZero(const R: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function IsNan(const pt: TVec2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function IsNan(const X, Y: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function HypotX(const X, Y: Extended): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointNorm(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointNegate(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointNorm(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointNegate(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2Norm(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2Negate(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Vec2Norm(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Vec2Negate(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function vec2Inv(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-procedure SetVec2(var v: TVec2; const vSrc: TVec2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function vec2Inv(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+procedure SetVec2(var V: TVec2; const vSrc: TVec2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2Direction(sour, dest: TVec2): TVec2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectDirection(sour, dest: TRectV2): TRectV2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ function Vec2Div(const v1: TVec2; const v2: TGeoFloat): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF
function Vec2Div(const v1, v2: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2Div(const v1: TGeoFloat; const v2: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointNormalize(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2Normalize(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointNormalize(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Vec2Normalize(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointLength(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2Length(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointLength(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Vec2Length(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-procedure PointScale(var v: TVec2; factor: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+procedure PointScale(var V: TVec2; factor: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function PointDotProduct(const v1, v2: TVec2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Distance(const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ function Vec2Lerp(const v1, v2: TVec2; t: TGeoFloat): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF I
function Vec2LerpTo(const sour, dest: TVec2; const d: TGeoFloat): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure SwapPoint(var v1, v2: TVec2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure SwapVec2(var v1, v2: TVec2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Pow(v: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Pow(const v, n: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Pow(V: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Pow(const V, n: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MiddleVec2(const pt1, pt2: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2Middle(const pt1, pt2: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -269,21 +269,21 @@ function Vec2Rotation(const axis: TVec2; const Dist, Angle: TGeoFloat): TVec2; o
function Vec2Rotation(const axis, pt: TVec2; const Angle: TGeoFloat): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const Angle: TGeoFloat; const pt: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const axis: TVec2; const Angle: TGeoFloat; const pt: TVec2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const axis: TVec2; const Angle: TGeoFloat; const r: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectRotation(const axis: TVec2; const r: TRectV2; const Angle: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
+function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const axis: TVec2; const Angle: TGeoFloat; const R: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectRotation(const axis: TVec2; const R: TRectV2; const Angle: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
function CircleInCircle(const cp1, cp2: TVec2; const r1, r2: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function CircleInRect(const cp: TVec2; const radius: TGeoFloat; r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function CircleInRect(const cp: TVec2; const radius: TGeoFloat; R: TRectV2): Boolean;
function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoInt; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoInt): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointInRect(const X, Y: TGeoInt; const r: TRect): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointInRect(const pt: TPoint; const r: TRect): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointInRect(const pt: TVec2; const r: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const r: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointInRect(const X, Y: TGeoInt; const R: TRect): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointInRect(const pt: TPoint; const R: TRect): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointInRect(const pt: TVec2; const R: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const R: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoInt; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoInt): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2InRect(const pt: TVec2; const r: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const r: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Vec2InRect(const pt: TVec2; const R: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const R: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectToRectIntersect(const x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: TGeoFloat): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectToRectIntersect(const x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: TGeoInt): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectToRectIntersect(const r1, r2: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ function MakeRectV2(const X, Y, radius: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF I
function MakeRectV2(const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakeRectV2(const p1, p2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakeRectV2(const X, Y: TGeoFloat; const p2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function MakeRectV2(const r: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function MakeRectV2(const r: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function MakeRectV2(const R: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function MakeRectV2(const R: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectV2(): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectV2(const centre: TVec2; const width, height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -313,34 +313,34 @@ function RectV2(const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INL
function RectV2(const p1, p2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectV2(const p1, p2: TPointf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectV2(const X, Y: TGeoFloat; const p2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectV2(const r: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectV2(const r: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectV2(const r: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectV2(const R: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectV2(const R: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectV2(const R: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakeRect(const centre: TVec2; const width, height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakeRect(const X, Y, radius: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakeRect(const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MakeRect(const p1, p2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function MakeRect(const r: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function MakeRect(const r: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function MakeRect(const R: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function MakeRect(const R: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundRect(const r: TRectV2): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundRectV2(const r: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundRect(const R: TRectV2): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundRectV2(const R: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Rect2Rect(const r: TRectV2): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Rect2Rect(const r: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Rect2Rect(const R: TRectV2): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Rect2Rect(const R: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectMake(const X, Y, radius: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectMake(const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectMake(const p1, p2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectMake(const r: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectMake(const r: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectMake(const R: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectMake(const R: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectAdd(const r: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectAdd(const R: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectAdd(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectSub(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectSub(const r: TRectV2; pt: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectSub(const R: TRectV2; pt: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectMul(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectMul(const r1: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -350,20 +350,20 @@ function RectDiv(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM}
function RectDiv(const r1: TRectV2; f2: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectDiv(const r1: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectOffset(const r: TRectV2; Offset: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectSizeLerp(const r: TRectV2; const rSizeLerp: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectCenScale(const r: TRectV2; const rSizeScale: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectEdge(const r: TRectV2; const Edge: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectEdge(const r: TRectV2; const Edge: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectCentre(const r: TRectV2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectCentre(const r: TRect): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectCentre(const r: TRectf): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectOffset(const R: TRectV2; Offset: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectSizeLerp(const R: TRectV2; const rSizeLerp: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectCenScale(const R: TRectV2; const rSizeScale: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectEdge(const R: TRectV2; const Edge: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectEdge(const R: TRectV2; const Edge: TVec2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectCentre(const R: TRectV2): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectCentre(const R: TRect): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectCentre(const R: TRectf): TVec2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Tri(const v1, v2, v3: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function TriAdd(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function TriSub(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function TriMul(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function TriDiv(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function TriAdd(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function TriSub(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function TriMul(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function TriDiv(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function TriCentre(const t: TTriangle): TVec2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function TriExpand(const t: TTriangle; Dist: TGeoFloat): TTriangle;
function TriRound(const t: TTriangle): TTriangle; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -374,45 +374,45 @@ function RectTransform(const sour, dest, sour_rect: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload;
function RectTransform(const sour, dest: TRectV2; const sour_rect: TRect): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectTransform(const sour, dest: TRectV2; const sour_rect: TRectf): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectScaleSpace(const r: TRectV2; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectScaleSpace(const r: TRect; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoInt): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function CalibrationRectInRect(const r, Area: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function CalibrationRectInRect(const r, Area: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectScaleSpace(const R: TRectV2; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectScaleSpace(const R: TRect; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoInt): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function CalibrationRectInRect(const R, Area: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function CalibrationRectInRect(const R, Area: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure FixRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoInt); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure FixRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function FixRect(r: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function FixRect(r: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function FixRect(R: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function FixRect(R: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure FixedRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoInt); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure FixedRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function FixedRect(r: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function FixedRect(r: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function FixedRect(R: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function FixedRect(R: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure ForwardRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoInt); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure ForwardRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function ForwardRect(r: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function ForwardRect(r: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function MakeRect(const r: TRectV2): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function MakeRectf(const r: TRectV2): TRectf; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectWidth(const r: TRectV2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectHeight(const r: TRectV2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectWidth(const r: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectHeight(const r: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectWidth(const r: TRectf): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectHeight(const r: TRectf): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundWidth(const r: TRectV2): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundHeight(const r: TRectV2): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundWidth(const r: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundHeight(const r: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundWidth(const r: TRectf): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RoundHeight(const r: TRectf): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectArea(const r: TRectV2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectArea(const r: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectSize(const r: TRectV2): TVec2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function RectSizeR(const r: TRectV2): TRectV2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function ForwardRect(R: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function ForwardRect(R: TRect): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function MakeRect(const R: TRectV2): TRect; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function MakeRectf(const R: TRectV2): TRectf; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectWidth(const R: TRectV2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectHeight(const R: TRectV2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectWidth(const R: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectHeight(const R: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectWidth(const R: TRectf): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectHeight(const R: TRectf): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundWidth(const R: TRectV2): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundHeight(const R: TRectV2): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundWidth(const R: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundHeight(const R: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundWidth(const R: TRectf): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RoundHeight(const R: TRectf): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectArea(const R: TRectV2): TGeoFloat; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectArea(const R: TRect): TGeoInt; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectSize(const R: TRectV2): TVec2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function RectSizeR(const R: TRectV2): TRectV2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectFit(const sour, dest: TRectV2; const Bound: Boolean): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectFit(const sour, dest: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function RectFit(const width, height: TGeoFloat; const bk: TRectV2): TRectV2; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ procedure ProjectionPoint(const Srcx, Srcy, Dstx, Dsty, Dist: TGeoFloat; out Nx,
procedure ProjectionPoint(const Srcx, Srcy, Srcz, Dstx, Dsty, Dstz, Dist: TGeoFloat; out Nx, Ny, Nz: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure ProjectionPoint(const Px, Py, Angle, Distance: TGeoFloat; out Nx, Ny: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function GetCicleRadiusInPolyEdge(r: TGeoFloat; PolySlices: TGeoInt): TGeoFloat; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function GetCicleRadiusInPolyEdge(R: TGeoFloat; PolySlices: TGeoInt): TGeoFloat; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure Circle2LineIntersectionPoint(const lb, le, cp: TVec2; const radius: TGeoFloat;
out pt1in, pt2in: Boolean; out ICnt: TGeoInt; out pt1, pt2: TVec2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -525,8 +525,8 @@ function CircleCollision(const p1, p2: TVec2; const r1, r2: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
function Detect_Circle2CirclePoint(const p1, p2: TVec2; const r1, r2: TGeoFloat; out op1, op2: TVec2): Boolean;
// circle 2 line collision
-function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const r: TGeoFloat; const lb, le: TVec2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
-function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const r: TGeoFloat; const l: TLineV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const R: TGeoFloat; const lb, le: TVec2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const R: TGeoFloat; const l: TLineV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function SameLinePtr(const lb1, le1, lb2, le2: PVec2): Boolean;
@@ -552,13 +552,13 @@ TV2Rect4 = record
function TransformToRect(Box: TRectV2; Edge: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function TransformToRect(Box: TRectV2; Angle, Edge: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function TransformToRect(Box: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Angle, Edge: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function Add(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function Sub(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function Mul(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function Mul(v: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function Add(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function Sub(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function Mul(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function Mul(V: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function Div_(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function Div_(v: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function Div_(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function Div_(V: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function MoveTo(Position: TVec2): TV2Rect4; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function BoundRect: TRectV2; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function BoundRectf: TRectf; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -567,32 +567,32 @@ TV2Rect4 = record
function Transform(X, Y: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Expands(Dist: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
function InHere(pt: TVec2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- function InHere(r: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ function InHere(R: TRectV2): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function GetArrayVec2: TArrayVec2;
function GetNear(pt: TVec2): TVec2;
- function GetNearLine(const v: TVec2; out lb, le: PVec2): TVec2; overload;
- function GetNearLine(const v: TVec2): TVec2; overload;
+ function GetNearLine(const V: TVec2; out lb, le: PVec2): TVec2; overload;
+ function GetNearLine(const V: TVec2): TVec2; overload;
function Projection(const sour, dest: TRectV2; const sourAxis, destAxis: TVec2; const sourAngle, destAngle: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Projection(const sour, dest: TRectV2; sourAngle, destAngle: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Projection(const sour, dest: TRectV2): TV2Rect4; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function RebuildVertex(const buff: TArrayVec2): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function RebuildVertex(const buff: TVec2List): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Init(r: TRectV2): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Init(r: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Init(r: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Init(r: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Init(r: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Init(r: TRect): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Init(R: TRectV2): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Init(R: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Init(R: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Init(R: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Init(R: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Init(R: TRect): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Init(CenPos: TVec2; width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Init(width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Init(width, height: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Init(): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Create(r: TRectV2): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Create(r: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Create(r: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Create(r: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Create(r: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- class function Create(r: TRect): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Create(R: TRectV2): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Create(R: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Create(R: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Create(R: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Create(R: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ class function Create(R: TRect): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Create(CenPos: TVec2; width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Create(width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
class function Create(width, height: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4; overload; static; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -644,15 +644,15 @@ TVec2List = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure Add(pt: TPoint); overload;
procedure Add(pt: TPointf); overload;
procedure Add(v2l: TVec2List); overload;
- procedure Add(r: TRectV2); overload;
- procedure Add(r: TRect); overload;
- procedure Add(r: TRectf); overload;
- procedure Add(r: TV2Rect4); overload;
+ procedure Add(R: TRectV2); overload;
+ procedure Add(R: TRect); overload;
+ procedure Add(R: TRectf); overload;
+ procedure Add(R: TV2Rect4); overload;
procedure Add(arry: TArrayV2Rect4); overload;
procedure AddSubdivision(nbCount: TGeoInt; pt: TVec2); overload;
procedure AddSubdivisionWithDistance(avgDist: TGeoFloat; pt: TVec2); overload;
procedure AddCirclePoint(count_: Cardinal; axis: TVec2; dist_: TGeoFloat);
- procedure AddRectangle(r: TRectV2);
+ procedure AddRectangle(R: TRectV2);
procedure Insert(idx: TGeoInt; X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
procedure Insert(idx: TGeoInt; pt: TVec2); overload;
procedure Delete(idx: TGeoInt); overload;
@@ -691,8 +691,8 @@ TVec2List = class(TCoreClassObject)
function Area: TGeoFloat;
function InHere(pt: TVec2): Boolean; overload;
- function InRect(r: TRectV2): Boolean;
- function Rect2Intersect(r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+ function InRect(R: TRectV2): Boolean;
+ function Rect2Intersect(R: TRectV2): Boolean;
procedure RotateAngle(axis: TVec2; Angle: TGeoFloat); overload;
procedure Scale(Scale_: TGeoFloat); overload;
@@ -732,13 +732,13 @@ TVec2List = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure CutLineBeginPtToIdx(const pt: TVec2; const toidx: TGeoInt);
procedure Transform(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure Transform(v: TVec2); overload;
+ procedure Transform(V: TVec2); overload;
procedure Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure Mul(v: TVec2); overload;
- procedure Mul(v: TGeoFloat); overload;
+ procedure Mul(V: TVec2); overload;
+ procedure Mul(V: TGeoFloat); overload;
procedure FDiv(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure FDiv(v: TVec2); overload;
- procedure FDiv(v: TGeoFloat); overload;
+ procedure FDiv(V: TVec2); overload;
+ procedure FDiv(V: TGeoFloat); overload;
property Points[index: TGeoInt]: PVec2 read GetPoints; default;
function First: PVec2;
@@ -826,12 +826,12 @@ T2DPolygonGraph = class(TCoreClassObject)
function Line2Intersect(const lb, le: TVec2; output: T2DPolygon): Boolean;
function GetNearLine(const pt: TVec2; out output: T2DPolygon; out lb, le: TGeoInt): TVec2;
procedure Transform(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure Transform(v: TVec2); overload;
+ procedure Transform(V: TVec2); overload;
procedure Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure Mul(v: TVec2); overload;
- procedure Mul(v: TGeoFloat); overload;
+ procedure Mul(V: TVec2); overload;
+ procedure Mul(V: TGeoFloat); overload;
procedure FDiv(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure FDiv(v: TVec2); overload;
+ procedure FDiv(V: TVec2); overload;
procedure VertexReduction(Epsilon_: TGeoFloat); overload;
procedure Reduction(Epsilon_: TGeoFloat); overload;
@@ -893,10 +893,10 @@ TDeflectionPolygon = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure AddPoint(pt: TVec2); overload;
procedure AddPoint(X, Y: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure AddRectangle(r: TRectV2); overload;
+ procedure AddRectangle(R: TRectV2); overload;
procedure AddCirclePoint(count_: Cardinal; axis: TVec2; dist_: TGeoFloat);
procedure Add(angle_, dist_: TGeoFloat); overload;
- procedure AddRectangle(r: TV2Rect4); overload;
+ procedure AddRectangle(R: TV2Rect4); overload;
procedure AddRectangle(arry: TArrayV2Rect4); overload;
procedure Insert(idx: TGeoInt; angle_, dist_: TGeoFloat); overload;
procedure InsertPoint(idx: TGeoInt; pt: TVec2); overload;
@@ -942,9 +942,9 @@ TDeflectionPolygon = class(TCoreClassObject)
function GetNearLine(const pt: TVec2; const ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; out lb, le: TGeoInt): TVec2; overload;
function GetNearLine(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; const pt: TVec2; const ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; out lb, le: TGeoInt): TVec2; overload;
- function Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean): Boolean; overload;
- function Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean; overload;
- function Collision2Circle(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean; overload;
+ function Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; R: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean): Boolean; overload;
+ function Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; R: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean; overload;
+ function Collision2Circle(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; cp: TVec2; R: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean; overload;
function PolygonIntersect(Poly_: TDeflectionPolygon): Boolean; overload;
function PolygonIntersect(vl_: TVec2List): Boolean; overload;
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ TDeflectionPolygonLines = class(TCoreClassPersistent)
procedure Assign(Source: TCoreClassPersistent); override;
property Items[index: TGeoInt]: PDeflectionPolygonLine read GetItems; default;
- function Add(v: TDeflectionPolygonLine): TGeoInt; overload;
+ function Add(V: TDeflectionPolygonLine): TGeoInt; overload;
function Add(lb, le: TVec2): TGeoInt; overload;
function Add(lb, le: TVec2; idx1, idx2: TGeoInt; polygon: TDeflectionPolygon): TGeoInt; overload;
function Count: TGeoInt;
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ TRectPacking = class(TCoreClassPersistent)
procedure Clear;
procedure Add(const X, Y, width, height: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; X, Y, width, height: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
- procedure Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; r: TRectV2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ procedure Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; R: TRectV2); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
procedure Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; width, height: TGeoFloat); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Data1Exists(const Data1: Pointer): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
function Data2Exists(const Data2: TCoreClassObject): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_ASM} inline; {$ENDIF}
@@ -1291,9 +1291,9 @@ TLinkedList = record
{$ENDREGION 'Hausdorf'}
-function ArrayVec2(const v: TArrayVec2): TArrayVec2; overload;
-function ArrayVec2(const r: TRectV2): TArrayVec2; overload;
-function ArrayVec2(const r: TV2Rect4): TArrayVec2; overload;
+function ArrayVec2(const V: TArrayVec2): TArrayVec2; overload;
+function ArrayVec2(const R: TRectV2): TArrayVec2; overload;
+function ArrayVec2(const R: TV2Rect4): TArrayVec2; overload;
function ArrayVec2(const l: TLineV2): TArrayVec2; overload;
function ArrayVec2(const t: TTriangle): TArrayVec2; overload;
function ArrayBoundRect(arry: TArrayVec2): TRectV2; overload;
@@ -1353,20 +1353,20 @@ function Rectf(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat): TRectf;
-function FAbs(const v: Single): Single;
+function FAbs(const V: Single): Single;
- if v < 0 then
- Result := -v
+ if V < 0 then
+ Result := -V
- Result := v;
+ Result := V;
-function FAbs(const v: Double): Double;
+function FAbs(const V: Double): Double;
- if v < 0 then
- Result := -v
+ if V < 0 then
+ Result := -V
- Result := v;
+ Result := V;
function Clamp(const Value_, Min_, Max_: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat;
@@ -1582,10 +1582,10 @@ function LineV2(const l: PLineV2): TLineV2;
Result := l^;
-function RoundVec2(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function RoundVec2(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
- Result[0] := Round(v[0]);
- Result[1] := Round(v[1]);
+ Result[0] := Round(V[0]);
+ Result[1] := Round(V[1]);
function MakePointf(const pt: TVec2): TPointf;
@@ -1594,9 +1594,9 @@ function MakePointf(const pt: TVec2): TPointf;
Result.Y := pt[1];
-function IsZero(const v: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
+function IsZero(const V: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
- Result := IsEqual(v, 0, C_Epsilon);
+ Result := IsEqual(V, 0, C_Epsilon);
function IsZero(const pt: TVec2): Boolean;
@@ -1604,9 +1604,9 @@ function IsZero(const pt: TVec2): Boolean;
Result := IsEqual(pt[0], 0, C_Epsilon) and IsEqual(pt[1], 0, C_Epsilon);
-function IsZero(const r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function IsZero(const R: TRectV2): Boolean;
- Result := IsZero(r[0]) and IsZero(r[1]);
+ Result := IsZero(R[0]) and IsZero(R[1]);
function IsNan(const pt: TVec2): Boolean;
@@ -1641,38 +1641,38 @@ function HypotX(const X, Y: Extended): TGeoFloat;
Result := TempY * Sqrt(1 + Sqr(TempX / TempY));
-function PointNorm(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
+function PointNorm(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
- Result := v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1];
+ Result := V[0] * V[0] + V[1] * V[1];
-function PointNegate(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function PointNegate(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
- Result[0] := -v[0];
- Result[1] := -v[1];
+ Result[0] := -V[0];
+ Result[1] := -V[1];
-function Vec2Norm(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
+function Vec2Norm(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
- Result := v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1];
+ Result := V[0] * V[0] + V[1] * V[1];
-function Vec2Negate(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function Vec2Negate(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
- Result[0] := -v[0];
- Result[1] := -v[1];
+ Result[0] := -V[0];
+ Result[1] := -V[1];
-function vec2Inv(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function vec2Inv(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
- Result[0] := v[1];
- Result[1] := v[0];
+ Result[0] := V[1];
+ Result[1] := V[0];
-procedure SetVec2(var v: TVec2; const vSrc: TVec2);
+procedure SetVec2(var V: TVec2; const vSrc: TVec2);
- v[0] := vSrc[0];
- v[1] := vSrc[1];
+ V[0] := vSrc[0];
+ V[1] := vSrc[1];
function Vec2Direction(sour, dest: TVec2): TVec2;
@@ -1853,52 +1853,52 @@ function Vec2Div(const v1: TGeoFloat; const v2: TVec2): TVec2;
Result[1] := v1 / v2[1];
-function PointNormalize(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function PointNormalize(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
InvLen: TGeoFloat;
vn: TGeoFloat;
- vn := PointNorm(v);
+ vn := PointNorm(V);
if vn = 0 then
- SetVec2(Result, v)
+ SetVec2(Result, V)
InvLen := 1 / Sqrt(vn);
- Result[0] := v[0] * InvLen;
- Result[1] := v[1] * InvLen;
+ Result[0] := V[0] * InvLen;
+ Result[1] := V[1] * InvLen;
-function Vec2Normalize(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function Vec2Normalize(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
InvLen: TGeoFloat;
vn: TGeoFloat;
- vn := PointNorm(v);
+ vn := PointNorm(V);
if vn = 0 then
- SetVec2(Result, v)
+ SetVec2(Result, V)
InvLen := 1 / Sqrt(vn);
- Result[0] := v[0] * InvLen;
- Result[1] := v[1] * InvLen;
+ Result[0] := V[0] * InvLen;
+ Result[1] := V[1] * InvLen;
-function PointLength(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
+function PointLength(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
- Result := Sqrt(PointNorm(v));
+ Result := Sqrt(PointNorm(V));
-function Vec2Length(const v: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
+function Vec2Length(const V: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
- Result := Sqrt(Vec2Norm(v));
+ Result := Sqrt(Vec2Norm(V));
-procedure PointScale(var v: TVec2; factor: TGeoFloat);
+procedure PointScale(var V: TVec2; factor: TGeoFloat);
- v[0] := v[0] * factor;
- v[1] := v[1] * factor;
+ V[0] := V[0] * factor;
+ V[1] := V[1] * factor;
function PointDotProduct(const v1, v2: TVec2): TGeoFloat;
@@ -2014,30 +2014,30 @@ function Vec2LerpTo(const sour, dest: TVec2; const d: TGeoFloat): TVec2;
procedure SwapPoint(var v1, v2: TVec2);
- v: TVec2;
+ V: TVec2;
- v := v1;
+ V := v1;
v1 := v2;
- v2 := v;
+ v2 := V;
procedure SwapVec2(var v1, v2: TVec2);
- v: TVec2;
+ V: TVec2;
- v := v1;
+ V := v1;
v1 := v2;
- v2 := v;
+ v2 := V;
-function Pow(v: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat;
+function Pow(V: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat;
- Result := v * v;
+ Result := V * V;
-function Pow(const v, n: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat;
+function Pow(const V, n: TGeoFloat): TGeoFloat;
- Result := Math.Power(v, n);
+ Result := Math.Power(V, n);
function MiddleVec2(const pt1, pt2: TVec2): TVec2;
@@ -2211,16 +2211,16 @@ function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const axis: TVec2; const Angle: TGe
Result := Vec2Rotation(axis, pt, NormalizeDegAngle(Vec2Angle(axis, pt) - Angle));
-function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const axis: TVec2; const Angle: TGeoFloat; const r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function Vec2Rotation(const sour_r: TRectV2; const axis: TVec2; const Angle: TGeoFloat; const R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
- Result[0] := Vec2Rotation(sour_r, axis, Angle, r[0]);
- Result[1] := Vec2Rotation(sour_r, axis, Angle, r[1]);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Rotation(sour_r, axis, Angle, R[0]);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Rotation(sour_r, axis, Angle, R[1]);
-function RectRotation(const axis: TVec2; const r: TRectV2; const Angle: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
+function RectRotation(const axis: TVec2; const R: TRectV2; const Angle: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
- Result[0] := Vec2Rotation(axis, r[0], Angle);
- Result[1] := Vec2Rotation(axis, r[1], Angle);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Rotation(axis, R[0], Angle);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Rotation(axis, R[1], Angle);
function CircleInCircle(const cp1, cp2: TVec2; const r1, r2: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
@@ -2228,10 +2228,10 @@ function CircleInCircle(const cp1, cp2: TVec2; const r1, r2: TGeoFloat): Boolean
Result := (r2 - (PointDistance(cp1, cp2) + r1) >= Zero);
-function CircleInRect(const cp: TVec2; const radius: TGeoFloat; r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function CircleInRect(const cp: TVec2; const radius: TGeoFloat; R: TRectV2): Boolean;
- FixRect(r[0, 0], r[0, 1], r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- Result := PointInRect(cp, MakeRect(Vec2Sub(r[0], radius), Vec2Add(r[1], radius)));
+ FixRect(R[0, 0], R[0, 1], R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ Result := PointInRect(cp, MakeRect(Vec2Sub(R[0], radius), Vec2Add(R[1], radius)));
function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
@@ -2244,24 +2244,24 @@ function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoInt; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoInt): Bool
Result := ((x1 <= Px) and (Px <= x2) and (y1 <= Py) and (Py <= y2)) or ((x2 <= Px) and (Px <= x1) and (y2 <= Py) and (Py <= y1));
-function PointInRect(const X, Y: TGeoInt; const r: TRect): Boolean;
+function PointInRect(const X, Y: TGeoInt; const R: TRect): Boolean;
- Result := PointInRect(X, Y, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);
+ Result := PointInRect(X, Y, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom);
-function PointInRect(const pt: TPoint; const r: TRect): Boolean;
+function PointInRect(const pt: TPoint; const R: TRect): Boolean;
- Result := PointInRect(pt.X, pt.Y, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);
+ Result := PointInRect(pt.X, pt.Y, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom);
-function PointInRect(const pt: TVec2; const r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function PointInRect(const pt: TVec2; const R: TRectV2): Boolean;
- Result := PointInRect(pt[0], pt[1], r[0, 0], r[0, 1], r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Result := PointInRect(pt[0], pt[1], R[0, 0], R[0, 1], R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
-function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function PointInRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const R: TRectV2): Boolean;
- Result := PointInRect(Px, Py, r[0, 0], r[0, 1], r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Result := PointInRect(Px, Py, R[0, 0], R[0, 1], R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
@@ -2274,14 +2274,14 @@ function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoInt; const x1, y1, x2, y2: TGeoInt): Boole
Result := ((x1 <= Px) and (Px <= x2) and (y1 <= Py) and (Py <= y2)) or ((x2 <= Px) and (Px <= x1) and (y2 <= Py) and (Py <= y1));
-function Vec2InRect(const pt: TVec2; const r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function Vec2InRect(const pt: TVec2; const R: TRectV2): Boolean;
- Result := Vec2InRect(pt[0], pt[1], r[0, 0], r[0, 1], r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Result := Vec2InRect(pt[0], pt[1], R[0, 0], R[0, 1], R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
-function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function Vec2InRect(const Px, Py: TGeoFloat; const R: TRectV2): Boolean;
- Result := Vec2InRect(Px, Py, r[0, 0], r[0, 1], r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Result := Vec2InRect(Px, Py, R[0, 0], R[0, 1], R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
function RectToRectIntersect(const x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: TGeoFloat): Boolean;
@@ -2385,20 +2385,20 @@ function MakeRectV2(const X, Y: TGeoFloat; const p2: TVec2): TRectV2;
Result[1] := p2;
-function MakeRectV2(const r: TRect): TRectV2;
+function MakeRectV2(const R: TRect): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function MakeRectV2(const r: TRectf): TRectV2;
+function MakeRectV2(const R: TRectf): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
function RectV2(): TRectV2;
@@ -2448,25 +2448,25 @@ function RectV2(const X, Y: TGeoFloat; const p2: TVec2): TRectV2;
Result[1] := p2;
-function RectV2(const r: TRect): TRectV2;
+function RectV2(const R: TRect): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function RectV2(const r: TRectf): TRectV2;
+function RectV2(const R: TRectf): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function RectV2(const r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function RectV2(const R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
- Result := FixedRect(r);
+ Result := FixedRect(R);
function MakeRect(const centre: TVec2; const width, height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
@@ -2499,52 +2499,52 @@ function MakeRect(const p1, p2: TVec2): TRectV2;
Result[1] := p2;
-function MakeRect(const r: TRect): TRectV2;
+function MakeRect(const R: TRect): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function MakeRect(const r: TRectf): TRectV2;
+function MakeRect(const R: TRectf): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function RoundRect(const r: TRectV2): TRect;
+function RoundRect(const R: TRectV2): TRect;
- Result.Left := Round(r[0, 0]);
- Result.Top := Round(r[0, 1]);
- Result.Right := Round(r[1, 0]);
- Result.Bottom := Round(r[1, 1]);
+ Result.Left := Round(R[0, 0]);
+ Result.Top := Round(R[0, 1]);
+ Result.Right := Round(R[1, 0]);
+ Result.Bottom := Round(R[1, 1]);
-function RoundRectV2(const r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function RoundRectV2(const R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := Round(r[0, 0]);
- Result[0, 1] := Round(r[0, 1]);
- Result[1, 0] := Round(r[1, 0]);
- Result[1, 1] := Round(r[1, 1]);
+ Result[0, 0] := Round(R[0, 0]);
+ Result[0, 1] := Round(R[0, 1]);
+ Result[1, 0] := Round(R[1, 0]);
+ Result[1, 1] := Round(R[1, 1]);
-function Rect2Rect(const r: TRectV2): TRect;
+function Rect2Rect(const R: TRectV2): TRect;
- Result.Left := Round(r[0, 0]);
- Result.Top := Round(r[0, 1]);
- Result.Right := Round(r[1, 0]);
- Result.Bottom := Round(r[1, 1]);
+ Result.Left := Round(R[0, 0]);
+ Result.Top := Round(R[0, 1]);
+ Result.Right := Round(R[1, 0]);
+ Result.Bottom := Round(R[1, 1]);
-function Rect2Rect(const r: TRect): TRectV2;
+function Rect2Rect(const R: TRect): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
function RectMake(const X, Y, radius: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
@@ -2569,26 +2569,26 @@ function RectMake(const p1, p2: TVec2): TRectV2;
Result[1] := p2;
-function RectMake(const r: TRect): TRectV2;
+function RectMake(const R: TRect): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function RectMake(const r: TRectf): TRectV2;
+function RectMake(const R: TRectf): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r.Left;
- Result[0, 1] := r.Top;
- Result[1, 0] := r.Right;
- Result[1, 1] := r.Bottom;
+ Result[0, 0] := R.Left;
+ Result[0, 1] := R.Top;
+ Result[1, 0] := R.Right;
+ Result[1, 1] := R.Bottom;
-function RectAdd(const r: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2;
+function RectAdd(const R: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2;
- Result[0] := Vec2Add(r[0], v2);
- Result[1] := Vec2Add(r[1], v2);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Add(R[0], v2);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Add(R[1], v2);
function RectAdd(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2;
@@ -2603,10 +2603,10 @@ function RectSub(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2;
Result[1] := Vec2Sub(r1[1], r2[1]);
-function RectSub(const r: TRectV2; pt: TVec2): TRectV2;
+function RectSub(const R: TRectV2; pt: TVec2): TRectV2;
- Result[0] := Vec2Sub(r[0], pt);
- Result[1] := Vec2Sub(r[1], pt);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Sub(R[0], pt);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Sub(R[1], pt);
function RectMul(const r1, r2: TRectV2): TRectV2;
@@ -2645,57 +2645,57 @@ function RectDiv(const r1: TRectV2; v2: TVec2): TRectV2;
Result[1] := Vec2Div(r1[1], v2);
-function RectOffset(const r: TRectV2; Offset: TVec2): TRectV2;
+function RectOffset(const R: TRectV2; Offset: TVec2): TRectV2;
- Result[0] := Vec2Add(r[0], Offset);
- Result[1] := Vec2Add(r[1], Offset);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Add(R[0], Offset);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Add(R[1], Offset);
-function RectSizeLerp(const r: TRectV2; const rSizeLerp: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
+function RectSizeLerp(const R: TRectV2; const rSizeLerp: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
- Result[0] := r[0];
- Result[1] := PointLerp(r[0], r[1], rSizeLerp);
+ Result[0] := R[0];
+ Result[1] := PointLerp(R[0], R[1], rSizeLerp);
-function RectCenScale(const r: TRectV2; const rSizeScale: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
+function RectCenScale(const R: TRectV2; const rSizeScale: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
cen, siz: TVec2;
- cen := PointLerp(r[0], r[1], 0.5);
- siz := Vec2Mul(RectSize(r), rSizeScale);
+ cen := PointLerp(R[0], R[1], 0.5);
+ siz := Vec2Mul(RectSize(R), rSizeScale);
Result[0] := Vec2Sub(cen, Vec2Mul(siz, 0.5));
Result[1] := Vec2Add(cen, Vec2Mul(siz, 0.5));
-function RectEdge(const r: TRectV2; const Edge: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
+function RectEdge(const R: TRectV2; const Edge: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r[0, 0] - Edge;
- Result[0, 1] := r[0, 1] - Edge;
- Result[1, 0] := r[1, 0] + Edge;
- Result[1, 1] := r[1, 1] + Edge;
+ Result[0, 0] := R[0, 0] - Edge;
+ Result[0, 1] := R[0, 1] - Edge;
+ Result[1, 0] := R[1, 0] + Edge;
+ Result[1, 1] := R[1, 1] + Edge;
-function RectEdge(const r: TRectV2; const Edge: TVec2): TRectV2;
+function RectEdge(const R: TRectV2; const Edge: TVec2): TRectV2;
- Result[0, 0] := r[0, 0] - Edge[0];
- Result[0, 1] := r[0, 1] - Edge[1];
- Result[1, 0] := r[1, 0] + Edge[0];
- Result[1, 1] := r[1, 1] + Edge[1];
+ Result[0, 0] := R[0, 0] - Edge[0];
+ Result[0, 1] := R[0, 1] - Edge[1];
+ Result[1, 0] := R[1, 0] + Edge[0];
+ Result[1, 1] := R[1, 1] + Edge[1];
-function RectCentre(const r: TRectV2): TVec2;
+function RectCentre(const R: TRectV2): TVec2;
- Result := PointLerp(r[0], r[1], 0.5);
+ Result := PointLerp(R[0], R[1], 0.5);
-function RectCentre(const r: TRect): TVec2;
+function RectCentre(const R: TRect): TVec2;
- Result := RectCentre(RectV2(r));
+ Result := RectCentre(RectV2(R));
-function RectCentre(const r: TRectf): TVec2;
+function RectCentre(const R: TRectf): TVec2;
- Result := RectCentre(RectV2(r));
+ Result := RectCentre(RectV2(R));
function Tri(const v1, v2, v3: TVec2): TTriangle;
@@ -2705,32 +2705,32 @@ function Tri(const v1, v2, v3: TVec2): TTriangle;
Result[2] := v3;
-function TriAdd(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle;
+function TriAdd(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle;
- Result[0] := Vec2Add(t[0], v);
- Result[1] := Vec2Add(t[1], v);
- Result[2] := Vec2Add(t[2], v);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Add(t[0], V);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Add(t[1], V);
+ Result[2] := Vec2Add(t[2], V);
-function TriSub(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle;
+function TriSub(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle;
- Result[0] := Vec2Sub(t[0], v);
- Result[1] := Vec2Sub(t[1], v);
- Result[2] := Vec2Sub(t[2], v);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Sub(t[0], V);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Sub(t[1], V);
+ Result[2] := Vec2Sub(t[2], V);
-function TriMul(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle;
+function TriMul(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle;
- Result[0] := Vec2Mul(t[0], v);
- Result[1] := Vec2Mul(t[1], v);
- Result[2] := Vec2Mul(t[2], v);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Mul(t[0], V);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Mul(t[1], V);
+ Result[2] := Vec2Mul(t[2], V);
-function TriDiv(const t: TTriangle; v: TVec2): TTriangle;
+function TriDiv(const t: TTriangle; V: TVec2): TTriangle;
- Result[0] := Vec2Div(t[0], v);
- Result[1] := Vec2Div(t[1], v);
- Result[2] := Vec2Div(t[2], v);
+ Result[0] := Vec2Div(t[0], V);
+ Result[1] := Vec2Div(t[1], V);
+ Result[2] := Vec2Div(t[2], V);
function TriCentre(const t: TTriangle): TVec2;
@@ -2747,7 +2747,7 @@ function TriExpand(const t: TTriangle; Dist: TGeoFloat): TTriangle;
lpt, pt, rpt: TVec2;
ln, rn: TVec2;
- dx, dy, f, r: TGeoFloat;
+ dx, dy, f, R: TGeoFloat;
Cx, Cy: TGeoFloat;
if idx > 0 then
@@ -2777,11 +2777,11 @@ function TriExpand(const t: TTriangle; Dist: TGeoFloat): TTriangle;
// compute the expand edge
dx := (ln[0] + rn[0]);
dy := (ln[1] + rn[1]);
- r := (ln[0] * dx) + (ln[1] * dy);
- if r = 0 then
- r := 1;
- Cx := (dx * Dist / r);
- Cy := (dy * Dist / r);
+ R := (ln[0] * dx) + (ln[1] * dy);
+ if R = 0 then
+ R := 1;
+ Cx := (dx * Dist / R);
+ Cy := (dy * Dist / R);
Result[0] := pt[0] + Cx;
Result[1] := pt[1] + Cy;
@@ -2825,14 +2825,14 @@ function RectTransform(const sour, dest: TRectV2; const sour_rect: TRectf): TRec
Result := RectProjection(sour, dest, RectV2(sour_rect));
-function RectScaleSpace(const r: TRectV2; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
+function RectScaleSpace(const R: TRectV2; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoFloat): TRectV2;
k: TGeoFloat;
w, h, nw, nh: TGeoFloat;
d: TVec2;
k := SS_width / SS_height;
- Result := ForwardRect(r);
+ Result := ForwardRect(R);
w := RectWidth(Result);
h := RectHeight(Result);
@@ -2855,16 +2855,16 @@ function RectScaleSpace(const r: TRectV2; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoFloat):
Result := FixRect(Result);
-function RectScaleSpace(const r: TRect; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoInt): TRect;
+function RectScaleSpace(const R: TRect; const SS_width, SS_height: TGeoInt): TRect;
- Result := MakeRect(RectScaleSpace(RectV2(r), SS_width, SS_height));
+ Result := MakeRect(RectScaleSpace(RectV2(R), SS_width, SS_height));
-function CalibrationRectInRect(const r, Area: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function CalibrationRectInRect(const R, Area: TRectV2): TRectV2;
nr: TRectV2;
- nr := ForwardRect(r);
+ nr := ForwardRect(R);
if nr[0, 0] < Area[0, 0] then
nr := RectOffset(nr, vec2(Area[0, 0] - nr[0, 0], 0));
@@ -2878,9 +2878,9 @@ function CalibrationRectInRect(const r, Area: TRectV2): TRectV2;
Result := Clip(nr, Area);
-function CalibrationRectInRect(const r, Area: TRect): TRect;
+function CalibrationRectInRect(const R, Area: TRect): TRect;
- Result := MakeRect(CalibrationRectInRect(RectV2(r), RectV2(Area)));
+ Result := MakeRect(CalibrationRectInRect(RectV2(R), RectV2(Area)));
procedure FixRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoInt);
@@ -2899,15 +2899,15 @@ procedure FixRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat);
Swap(Right, Left);
-function FixRect(r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function FixRect(R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
- Result := r;
+ Result := R;
FixRect(Result[0, 0], Result[0, 1], Result[1, 0], Result[1, 1]);
-function FixRect(r: TRect): TRect;
+function FixRect(R: TRect): TRect;
- Result := r;
+ Result := R;
FixRect(Result.Left, Result.Top, Result.Right, Result.Bottom);
@@ -2927,15 +2927,15 @@ procedure FixedRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat);
Swap(Right, Left);
-function FixedRect(r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function FixedRect(R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
- Result := r;
+ Result := R;
FixedRect(Result[0, 0], Result[0, 1], Result[1, 0], Result[1, 1]);
-function FixedRect(r: TRect): TRect;
+function FixedRect(R: TRect): TRect;
- Result := r;
+ Result := R;
FixedRect(Result.Left, Result.Top, Result.Right, Result.Bottom);
@@ -2955,152 +2955,152 @@ procedure ForwardRect(var Left, Top, Right, Bottom: TGeoFloat);
Swap(Right, Left);
-function ForwardRect(r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function ForwardRect(R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
- Result := r;
+ Result := R;
ForwardRect(Result[0, 0], Result[0, 1], Result[1, 0], Result[1, 1]);
-function ForwardRect(r: TRect): TRect;
+function ForwardRect(R: TRect): TRect;
- Result := r;
+ Result := R;
ForwardRect(Result.Left, Result.Top, Result.Right, Result.Bottom);
-function MakeRect(const r: TRectV2): TRect;
+function MakeRect(const R: TRectV2): TRect;
- Result.Left := Round(r[0, 0]);
- Result.Top := Round(r[0, 1]);
- Result.Right := Round(r[1, 0]);
- Result.Bottom := Round(r[1, 1]);
+ Result.Left := Round(R[0, 0]);
+ Result.Top := Round(R[0, 1]);
+ Result.Right := Round(R[1, 0]);
+ Result.Bottom := Round(R[1, 1]);
-function MakeRectf(const r: TRectV2): TRectf;
+function MakeRectf(const R: TRectV2): TRectf;
- Result.Left := r[0, 0];
- Result.Top := r[0, 1];
- Result.Right := r[1, 0];
- Result.Bottom := r[1, 1];
+ Result.Left := R[0, 0];
+ Result.Top := R[0, 1];
+ Result.Right := R[1, 0];
+ Result.Bottom := R[1, 1];
-function RectWidth(const r: TRectV2): TGeoFloat;
+function RectWidth(const R: TRectV2): TGeoFloat;
- if r[1, 0] > r[0, 0] then
- Result := r[1, 0] - r[0, 0]
+ if R[1, 0] > R[0, 0] then
+ Result := R[1, 0] - R[0, 0]
- Result := r[0, 0] - r[1, 0];
+ Result := R[0, 0] - R[1, 0];
-function RectHeight(const r: TRectV2): TGeoFloat;
+function RectHeight(const R: TRectV2): TGeoFloat;
- if r[1, 1] > r[0, 1] then
- Result := r[1, 1] - r[0, 1]
+ if R[1, 1] > R[0, 1] then
+ Result := R[1, 1] - R[0, 1]
- Result := r[0, 1] - r[1, 1];
+ Result := R[0, 1] - R[1, 1];
-function RectWidth(const r: TRect): TGeoInt;
+function RectWidth(const R: TRect): TGeoInt;
- if r.Right > r.Left then
- Result := r.Right - r.Left
+ if R.Right > R.Left then
+ Result := R.Right - R.Left
- Result := r.Left - r.Right;
+ Result := R.Left - R.Right;
-function RectHeight(const r: TRect): TGeoInt;
+function RectHeight(const R: TRect): TGeoInt;
- if r.Bottom > r.Top then
- Result := r.Bottom - r.Top
+ if R.Bottom > R.Top then
+ Result := R.Bottom - R.Top
- Result := r.Top - r.Bottom;
+ Result := R.Top - R.Bottom;
-function RectWidth(const r: TRectf): TGeoFloat;
+function RectWidth(const R: TRectf): TGeoFloat;
- if r.Right > r.Left then
- Result := r.Right - r.Left
+ if R.Right > R.Left then
+ Result := R.Right - R.Left
- Result := r.Left - r.Right;
+ Result := R.Left - R.Right;
-function RectHeight(const r: TRectf): TGeoFloat;
+function RectHeight(const R: TRectf): TGeoFloat;
- if r.Bottom > r.Top then
- Result := r.Bottom - r.Top
+ if R.Bottom > R.Top then
+ Result := R.Bottom - R.Top
- Result := r.Top - r.Bottom;
+ Result := R.Top - R.Bottom;
-function RoundWidth(const r: TRectV2): TGeoInt;
+function RoundWidth(const R: TRectV2): TGeoInt;
- if r[1, 0] > r[0, 0] then
- Result := Round(r[1, 0] - r[0, 0])
+ if R[1, 0] > R[0, 0] then
+ Result := Round(R[1, 0] - R[0, 0])
- Result := Round(r[0, 0] - r[1, 0]);
+ Result := Round(R[0, 0] - R[1, 0]);
-function RoundHeight(const r: TRectV2): TGeoInt;
+function RoundHeight(const R: TRectV2): TGeoInt;
- if r[1, 1] > r[0, 1] then
- Result := Round(r[1, 1] - r[0, 1])
+ if R[1, 1] > R[0, 1] then
+ Result := Round(R[1, 1] - R[0, 1])
- Result := Round(r[0, 1] - r[1, 1]);
+ Result := Round(R[0, 1] - R[1, 1]);
-function RoundWidth(const r: TRect): TGeoInt;
+function RoundWidth(const R: TRect): TGeoInt;
- if r.Right > r.Left then
- Result := r.Right - r.Left
+ if R.Right > R.Left then
+ Result := R.Right - R.Left
- Result := r.Left - r.Right;
+ Result := R.Left - R.Right;
-function RoundHeight(const r: TRect): TGeoInt;
+function RoundHeight(const R: TRect): TGeoInt;
- if r.Bottom > r.Top then
- Result := r.Bottom - r.Top
+ if R.Bottom > R.Top then
+ Result := R.Bottom - R.Top
- Result := r.Top - r.Bottom;
+ Result := R.Top - R.Bottom;
-function RoundWidth(const r: TRectf): TGeoInt;
+function RoundWidth(const R: TRectf): TGeoInt;
- if r.Right > r.Left then
- Result := Round(r.Right - r.Left)
+ if R.Right > R.Left then
+ Result := Round(R.Right - R.Left)
- Result := Round(r.Left - r.Right);
+ Result := Round(R.Left - R.Right);
-function RoundHeight(const r: TRectf): TGeoInt;
+function RoundHeight(const R: TRectf): TGeoInt;
- if r.Bottom > r.Top then
- Result := Round(r.Bottom - r.Top)
+ if R.Bottom > R.Top then
+ Result := Round(R.Bottom - R.Top)
- Result := Round(r.Top - r.Bottom);
+ Result := Round(R.Top - R.Bottom);
-function RectArea(const r: TRectV2): TGeoFloat;
+function RectArea(const R: TRectV2): TGeoFloat;
- Result := RectWidth(r) * RectHeight(r);
+ Result := RectWidth(R) * RectHeight(R);
-function RectArea(const r: TRect): TGeoInt;
+function RectArea(const R: TRect): TGeoInt;
- Result := RoundWidth(r) * RoundHeight(r);
+ Result := RoundWidth(R) * RoundHeight(R);
-function RectSize(const r: TRectV2): TVec2;
+function RectSize(const R: TRectV2): TVec2;
n: TRectV2;
- n := FixRect(r);
+ n := FixRect(R);
Result := Vec2Sub(n[1], n[0]);
-function RectSizeR(const r: TRectV2): TRectV2;
+function RectSizeR(const R: TRectV2): TRectV2;
Result[0] := ZeroVec2;
- Result[1] := RectSize(r)
+ Result[1] := RectSize(R)
function RectFit(const sour, dest: TRectV2; const Bound: Boolean): TRectV2;
@@ -4201,9 +4201,9 @@ procedure ProjectionPoint(const Px, Py, Angle, Distance: TGeoFloat; out Nx, Ny:
Ny := Py + dy;
-function GetCicleRadiusInPolyEdge(r: TGeoFloat; PolySlices: TGeoInt): TGeoFloat;
+function GetCicleRadiusInPolyEdge(R: TGeoFloat; PolySlices: TGeoInt): TGeoFloat;
- Result := r / Sin((180 - 360 / PolySlices) * 0.5 / 180 * pi);
+ Result := R / Sin((180 - 360 / PolySlices) * 0.5 / 180 * pi);
procedure Circle2LineIntersectionPoint(const lb, le, cp: TVec2; const radius: TGeoFloat;
@@ -4398,24 +4398,24 @@ function Detect_Circle2CirclePoint(const p1, p2: TVec2; const r1, r2: TGeoFloat;
// circle 2 line collision
-function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const r: TGeoFloat; const lb, le: TVec2): Boolean;
+function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const R: TGeoFloat; const lb, le: TVec2): Boolean;
lineCen, v1, v2: TVec2;
lineCen := PointLerp(lb, le, 0.5);
- if Detect_Circle2Circle(cp, lineCen, r, PointDistance(lb, le) * 0.5) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Circle(cp, lineCen, R, PointDistance(lb, le) * 0.5) then
v1 := Vec2Sub(lb, cp);
v2 := Vec2Sub(le, cp);
- Result := GreaterThanOrEqual(((r * r) * PointLayDistance(v1, v2) - Sqr(v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0])), Zero);
+ Result := GreaterThanOrEqual(((R * R) * PointLayDistance(v1, v2) - Sqr(v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0])), Zero);
Result := False;
-function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const r: TGeoFloat; const l: TLineV2): Boolean;
+function Detect_Circle2Line(const cp: TVec2; const R: TGeoFloat; const l: TLineV2): Boolean;
- Result := Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, l[0], l[1]);
+ Result := Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, l[0], l[1]);
function SameLinePtr(const lb1, le1, lb2, le2: PVec2): Boolean;
@@ -4554,36 +4554,36 @@ function TV2Rect4.TransformToRect(Box: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Angle, Edge: TGeoFl
Result.LeftBottom := RectProjectionRotationDest(boxSelf, nArea, axis, Angle, LeftBottom);
-function TV2Rect4.Add(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
+function TV2Rect4.Add(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
- Result.LeftTop := Vec2Add(LeftTop, v);
- Result.RightTop := Vec2Add(RightTop, v);
- Result.RightBottom := Vec2Add(RightBottom, v);
- Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Add(LeftBottom, v);
+ Result.LeftTop := Vec2Add(LeftTop, V);
+ Result.RightTop := Vec2Add(RightTop, V);
+ Result.RightBottom := Vec2Add(RightBottom, V);
+ Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Add(LeftBottom, V);
-function TV2Rect4.Sub(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
+function TV2Rect4.Sub(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
- Result.LeftTop := Vec2Sub(LeftTop, v);
- Result.RightTop := Vec2Sub(RightTop, v);
- Result.RightBottom := Vec2Sub(RightBottom, v);
- Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Sub(LeftBottom, v);
+ Result.LeftTop := Vec2Sub(LeftTop, V);
+ Result.RightTop := Vec2Sub(RightTop, V);
+ Result.RightBottom := Vec2Sub(RightBottom, V);
+ Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Sub(LeftBottom, V);
-function TV2Rect4.Mul(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
+function TV2Rect4.Mul(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
- Result.LeftTop := Vec2Mul(LeftTop, v);
- Result.RightTop := Vec2Mul(RightTop, v);
- Result.RightBottom := Vec2Mul(RightBottom, v);
- Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Mul(LeftBottom, v);
+ Result.LeftTop := Vec2Mul(LeftTop, V);
+ Result.RightTop := Vec2Mul(RightTop, V);
+ Result.RightBottom := Vec2Mul(RightBottom, V);
+ Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Mul(LeftBottom, V);
-function TV2Rect4.Mul(v: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+function TV2Rect4.Mul(V: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- Result.LeftTop := Vec2Mul(LeftTop, v);
- Result.RightTop := Vec2Mul(RightTop, v);
- Result.RightBottom := Vec2Mul(RightBottom, v);
- Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Mul(LeftBottom, v);
+ Result.LeftTop := Vec2Mul(LeftTop, V);
+ Result.RightTop := Vec2Mul(RightTop, V);
+ Result.RightBottom := Vec2Mul(RightBottom, V);
+ Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Mul(LeftBottom, V);
function TV2Rect4.Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
@@ -4594,20 +4594,20 @@ function TV2Rect4.Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Mul(LeftBottom, X, Y);
-function TV2Rect4.Div_(v: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
+function TV2Rect4.Div_(V: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
- Result.LeftTop := Vec2Div(LeftTop, v);
- Result.RightTop := Vec2Div(RightTop, v);
- Result.RightBottom := Vec2Div(RightBottom, v);
- Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Div(LeftBottom, v);
+ Result.LeftTop := Vec2Div(LeftTop, V);
+ Result.RightTop := Vec2Div(RightTop, V);
+ Result.RightBottom := Vec2Div(RightBottom, V);
+ Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Div(LeftBottom, V);
-function TV2Rect4.Div_(v: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+function TV2Rect4.Div_(V: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- Result.LeftTop := Vec2Div(LeftTop, v);
- Result.RightTop := Vec2Div(RightTop, v);
- Result.RightBottom := Vec2Div(RightBottom, v);
- Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Div(LeftBottom, v);
+ Result.LeftTop := Vec2Div(LeftTop, V);
+ Result.RightTop := Vec2Div(RightTop, V);
+ Result.RightBottom := Vec2Div(RightBottom, V);
+ Result.LeftBottom := Vec2Div(LeftBottom, V);
function TV2Rect4.MoveTo(Position: TVec2): TV2Rect4;
@@ -4671,12 +4671,12 @@ function TV2Rect4.InHere(pt: TVec2): Boolean;
SetLength(buff, 0);
-function TV2Rect4.InHere(r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function TV2Rect4.InHere(R: TRectV2): Boolean;
buff: TArrayVec2;
buff := GetArrayVec2;
- Result := PointInPolygon(r[0], buff) and PointInPolygon(r[1], buff);
+ Result := PointInPolygon(R[0], buff) and PointInPolygon(R[1], buff);
SetLength(buff, 0);
@@ -4724,7 +4724,7 @@ function TV2Rect4.GetNear(pt: TVec2): TVec2;
-function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const v: TVec2; out lb, le: PVec2): TVec2;
+function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const V: TVec2; out lb, le: PVec2): TVec2;
Arry_: array [0 .. 4] of PVec2;
i: TGeoInt;
@@ -4743,8 +4743,8 @@ function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const v: TVec2; out lb, le: PVec2): TVec2;
for i := 1 to 4 do
pt2 := Arry_[i];
- opt := ClosestPointOnSegmentFromPoint(pt1^, pt2^, v);
- d2 := PointDistance(v, opt);
+ opt := ClosestPointOnSegmentFromPoint(pt1^, pt2^, V);
+ d2 := PointDistance(V, opt);
if (i = 1) or (d2 < d) then
Result := opt;
@@ -4756,7 +4756,7 @@ function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const v: TVec2; out lb, le: PVec2): TVec2;
-function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
+function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const V: TVec2): TVec2;
Arry_: array [0 .. 4] of PVec2;
i: TGeoInt;
@@ -4775,8 +4775,8 @@ function TV2Rect4.GetNearLine(const v: TVec2): TVec2;
for i := 1 to 4 do
pt2 := Arry_[i];
- opt := ClosestPointOnSegmentFromPoint(pt1^, pt2^, v);
- d2 := PointDistance(v, opt);
+ opt := ClosestPointOnSegmentFromPoint(pt1^, pt2^, V);
+ d2 := PointDistance(V, opt);
if (i = 1) or (d2 < d) then
Result := opt;
@@ -4842,67 +4842,67 @@ class function TV2Rect4.RebuildVertex(const buff: TVec2List): TV2Rect4;
-class function TV2Rect4.Init(r: TRectV2): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Init(R: TRectV2): TV2Rect4;
with Result do
- LeftTop := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightTop := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightBottom := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- LeftBottom := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ LeftTop := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightTop := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightBottom := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ LeftBottom := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
-class function TV2Rect4.Init(r: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Init(R: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
with Result do
- LeftTop := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightTop := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightBottom := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- LeftBottom := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ LeftTop := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightTop := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightBottom := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ LeftBottom := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
if Ang <> 0 then
Result := Result.Rotation(axis, Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Init(r: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Init(R: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
with Result do
- LeftTop := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightTop := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightBottom := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- LeftBottom := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ LeftTop := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightTop := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightBottom := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ LeftBottom := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
if Ang <> 0 then
Result := Result.Rotation(Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Init(r: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Init(R: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- Result := Init(MakeRectV2(r), Ang);
+ Result := Init(MakeRectV2(R), Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Init(r: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Init(R: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- Result := Init(MakeRectV2(r), Ang);
+ Result := Init(MakeRectV2(R), Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Init(r: TRect): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Init(R: TRect): TV2Rect4;
- Result := Init(MakeRectV2(r), 0);
+ Result := Init(MakeRectV2(R), 0);
class function TV2Rect4.Init(CenPos: TVec2; width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- r: TRectV2;
+ R: TRectV2;
- r[0, 0] := CenPos[0] - width * 0.5;
- r[0, 1] := CenPos[1] - height * 0.5;
- r[1, 0] := CenPos[0] + width * 0.5;
- r[1, 1] := CenPos[1] + height * 0.5;
- Result := Init(r, Ang);
+ R[0, 0] := CenPos[0] - width * 0.5;
+ R[0, 1] := CenPos[1] - height * 0.5;
+ R[1, 0] := CenPos[0] + width * 0.5;
+ R[1, 1] := CenPos[1] + height * 0.5;
+ Result := Init(R, Ang);
class function TV2Rect4.Init(width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
@@ -4926,67 +4926,67 @@ class function TV2Rect4.Init(): TV2Rect4;
-class function TV2Rect4.Create(r: TRectV2): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Create(R: TRectV2): TV2Rect4;
with Result do
- LeftTop := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightTop := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightBottom := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- LeftBottom := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ LeftTop := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightTop := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightBottom := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ LeftBottom := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
-class function TV2Rect4.Create(r: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Create(R: TRectV2; axis: TVec2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
with Result do
- LeftTop := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightTop := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightBottom := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- LeftBottom := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ LeftTop := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightTop := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightBottom := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ LeftBottom := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
if Ang <> 0 then
Result := Result.Rotation(axis, Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Create(r: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Create(R: TRectV2; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
with Result do
- LeftTop := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightTop := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- RightBottom := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- LeftBottom := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ LeftTop := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightTop := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ RightBottom := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ LeftBottom := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
if Ang <> 0 then
Result := Result.Rotation(Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Create(r: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Create(R: TRectf; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- Result := Create(MakeRectV2(r), Ang);
+ Result := Create(MakeRectV2(R), Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Create(r: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Create(R: TRect; Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- Result := Create(MakeRectV2(r), Ang);
+ Result := Create(MakeRectV2(R), Ang);
-class function TV2Rect4.Create(r: TRect): TV2Rect4;
+class function TV2Rect4.Create(R: TRect): TV2Rect4;
- Result := Create(MakeRectV2(r), 0);
+ Result := Create(MakeRectV2(R), 0);
class function TV2Rect4.Create(CenPos: TVec2; width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
- r: TRectV2;
+ R: TRectV2;
- r[0, 0] := CenPos[0] - width * 0.5;
- r[0, 1] := CenPos[1] - height * 0.5;
- r[1, 0] := CenPos[0] + width * 0.5;
- r[1, 1] := CenPos[1] + height * 0.5;
- Result := Create(r, Ang);
+ R[0, 0] := CenPos[0] - width * 0.5;
+ R[0, 1] := CenPos[1] - height * 0.5;
+ R[1, 0] := CenPos[0] + width * 0.5;
+ R[1, 1] := CenPos[1] + height * 0.5;
+ Result := Create(R, Ang);
class function TV2Rect4.Create(width, height, Ang: TGeoFloat): TV2Rect4;
@@ -5133,30 +5133,30 @@ procedure TVec2List.Add(v2l: TVec2List);
-procedure TVec2List.Add(r: TRectV2);
+procedure TVec2List.Add(R: TRectV2);
- Add(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- Add(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- Add(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- Add(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Add(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ Add(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ Add(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ Add(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
-procedure TVec2List.Add(r: TRect);
+procedure TVec2List.Add(R: TRect);
- Add(RectV2(r));
+ Add(RectV2(R));
-procedure TVec2List.Add(r: TRectf);
+procedure TVec2List.Add(R: TRectf);
- Add(RectV2(r));
+ Add(RectV2(R));
-procedure TVec2List.Add(r: TV2Rect4);
+procedure TVec2List.Add(R: TV2Rect4);
- Add(r.LeftTop);
- Add(r.RightTop);
- Add(r.RightBottom);
- Add(r.LeftBottom);
+ Add(R.LeftTop);
+ Add(R.RightTop);
+ Add(R.RightBottom);
+ Add(R.LeftBottom);
procedure TVec2List.Add(arry: TArrayV2Rect4);
@@ -5209,12 +5209,12 @@ procedure TVec2List.AddCirclePoint(count_: Cardinal; axis: TVec2; dist_: TGeoFlo
Add(PointRotation(axis, dist_, 360 / count_ * i));
-procedure TVec2List.AddRectangle(r: TRectV2);
+procedure TVec2List.AddRectangle(R: TRectV2);
- Add(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- Add(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- Add(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- Add(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Add(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ Add(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ Add(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ Add(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
procedure TVec2List.Insert(idx: TGeoInt; X, Y: TGeoFloat);
@@ -5464,15 +5464,15 @@ procedure TVec2List.LoadFromStream(stream: TMemoryStream64);
c: TGeoInt;
i: TGeoInt;
- v: TVec2;
+ V: TVec2;
c := stream.ReadInt32;
for i := 0 to c - 1 do
- v[0] := stream.ReadSingle;
- v[1] := stream.ReadSingle;
- Add(v);
+ V[0] := stream.ReadSingle;
+ V[1] := stream.ReadSingle;
+ Add(V);
@@ -5618,27 +5618,27 @@ function TVec2List.InHere(pt: TVec2): Boolean;
-function TVec2List.InRect(r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function TVec2List.InRect(R: TRectV2): Boolean;
i: TGeoInt;
Result := False;
for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result := Result or PointInRect(Points[i]^, r);
+ Result := Result or PointInRect(Points[i]^, R);
-function TVec2List.Rect2Intersect(r: TRectV2): Boolean;
+function TVec2List.Rect2Intersect(R: TRectV2): Boolean;
i: TGeoInt;
r4: TV2Rect4;
Result := False;
for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result := Result or PointInRect(Points[i]^, r);
+ Result := Result or PointInRect(Points[i]^, R);
if not Result then
- r4 := TV2Rect4.Init(r);
+ r4 := TV2Rect4.Init(R);
Result := Result or Line2Intersect(r4.LeftTop, r4.RightTop, True);
Result := Result or Line2Intersect(r4.RightTop, r4.RightBottom, True);
Result := Result or Line2Intersect(r4.RightBottom, r4.LeftBottom, True);
@@ -5919,7 +5919,7 @@ procedure TVec2List.ConvexHull;
procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothInSideClosed(output: TVec2List);
i, j, idx, pre: TGeoInt;
- ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2, v: TVec2;
+ ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2, V: TVec2;
t: TGeoFloat;
if Count < 3 then
@@ -5946,12 +5946,12 @@ procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothInSideClosed(output: TVec2List);
while j <= pre do
t := j / pre;
- v := Vec2Mul(ptPrev2, Interpolation_InSide(t + 1));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptPrev, Interpolation_InSide(t)));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptNext, Interpolation_InSide(t - 1)));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptNext2, Interpolation_InSide(t - 2)));
- if not IsNan(v) then
- output.Add(v);
+ V := Vec2Mul(ptPrev2, Interpolation_InSide(t + 1));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptPrev, Interpolation_InSide(t)));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptNext, Interpolation_InSide(t - 1)));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptNext2, Interpolation_InSide(t - 2)));
+ if not IsNan(V) then
+ output.Add(V);
@@ -5972,7 +5972,7 @@ procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothInSideClosed;
procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothOutSideClosed(output: TVec2List);
i, j, idx, pre: TGeoInt;
- ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2, v: TVec2;
+ ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2, V: TVec2;
t: TGeoFloat;
if Count < 3 then
@@ -5999,12 +5999,12 @@ procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothOutSideClosed(output: TVec2List);
while j <= pre do
t := j / pre;
- v := Vec2Mul(ptPrev2, Interpolation_OutSide(t + 1));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptPrev, Interpolation_OutSide(t)));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptNext, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 1)));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptNext2, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 2)));
- if not IsNan(v) then
- output.Add(v);
+ V := Vec2Mul(ptPrev2, Interpolation_OutSide(t + 1));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptPrev, Interpolation_OutSide(t)));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptNext, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 1)));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptNext2, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 2)));
+ if not IsNan(V) then
+ output.Add(V);
@@ -6027,7 +6027,7 @@ procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothOpened(output: TVec2List);
EndCoeff = 0;
i, j, idx, pre: TGeoInt;
- ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2, v: TVec2;
+ ptPrev, ptPrev2, ptNext, ptNext2, V: TVec2;
t: TGeoFloat;
if Count < 3 then
@@ -6063,12 +6063,12 @@ procedure TVec2List.SplineSmoothOpened(output: TVec2List);
while j <= pre do
t := j / pre;
- v := Vec2Mul(ptPrev2, Interpolation_OutSide(t + 1));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptPrev, Interpolation_OutSide(t)));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptNext, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 1)));
- v := Vec2Add(v, Vec2Mul(ptNext2, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 2)));
- if not IsNan(v) then
- output.Add(v);
+ V := Vec2Mul(ptPrev2, Interpolation_OutSide(t + 1));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptPrev, Interpolation_OutSide(t)));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptNext, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 1)));
+ V := Vec2Add(V, Vec2Mul(ptNext2, Interpolation_OutSide(t - 2)));
+ if not IsNan(V) then
+ output.Add(V);
@@ -6320,15 +6320,15 @@ procedure TVec2List.SortOfNear(const lb, le: TVec2);
Result := CompareFloat(d1, d2);
- procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, r: TGeoInt);
+ procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, R: TGeoInt);
i, j: TGeoInt;
p: Pointer;
i := l;
- j := r;
- p := Arry_[(l + r) shr 1];
+ j := R;
+ p := Arry_[(l + R) shr 1];
while Compare_(Arry_[i], p) < 0 do
@@ -6345,7 +6345,7 @@ procedure TVec2List.SortOfNear(const lb, le: TVec2);
if l < j then
fastSort_(Arry_, l, j);
l := i;
- until i >= r;
+ until i >= R;
@@ -6364,15 +6364,15 @@ procedure TVec2List.SortOfNear(const pt: TVec2);
Result := CompareFloat(d1, d2);
- procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, r: TGeoInt);
+ procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, R: TGeoInt);
i, j: TGeoInt;
p: Pointer;
i := l;
- j := r;
- p := Arry_[(l + r) shr 1];
+ j := R;
+ p := Arry_[(l + R) shr 1];
while Compare_(Arry_[i], p) < 0 do
@@ -6389,7 +6389,7 @@ procedure TVec2List.SortOfNear(const pt: TVec2);
if l < j then
fastSort_(Arry_, l, j);
l := i;
- until i >= r;
+ until i >= R;
@@ -6592,9 +6592,9 @@ procedure TVec2List.Transform(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
-procedure TVec2List.Transform(v: TVec2);
+procedure TVec2List.Transform(V: TVec2);
- Transform(v[0], v[1]);
+ Transform(V[0], V[1]);
procedure TVec2List.Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
@@ -6610,14 +6610,14 @@ procedure TVec2List.Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
-procedure TVec2List.Mul(v: TVec2);
+procedure TVec2List.Mul(V: TVec2);
- Mul(v[0], v[1]);
+ Mul(V[0], V[1]);
-procedure TVec2List.Mul(v: TGeoFloat);
+procedure TVec2List.Mul(V: TGeoFloat);
- Mul(v, v);
+ Mul(V, V);
procedure TVec2List.FDiv(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
@@ -6633,14 +6633,14 @@ procedure TVec2List.FDiv(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
-procedure TVec2List.FDiv(v: TVec2);
+procedure TVec2List.FDiv(V: TVec2);
- FDiv(v[0], v[1]);
+ FDiv(V[0], V[1]);
-procedure TVec2List.FDiv(v: TGeoFloat);
+procedure TVec2List.FDiv(V: TGeoFloat);
- FDiv(v, v);
+ FDiv(V, V);
function TVec2List.First: PVec2;
@@ -6691,7 +6691,7 @@ function TVec2List.GetExpands(idx: TGeoInt; ExpandDist: TGeoFloat): TVec2;
lpt, pt, rpt: TVec2;
ln, rn: TVec2;
- dx, dy, f, r: TGeoFloat;
+ dx, dy, f, R: TGeoFloat;
Cx, Cy: TGeoFloat;
if (ExpandDist = 0) or (Count < 2) then
@@ -6727,11 +6727,11 @@ function TVec2List.GetExpands(idx: TGeoInt; ExpandDist: TGeoFloat): TVec2;
// compute the expand edge
dx := (ln[0] + rn[0]);
dy := (ln[1] + rn[1]);
- r := (ln[0] * dx) + (ln[1] * dy);
- if r = 0 then
- r := 1;
- Cx := (dx * ExpandDist / r);
- Cy := (dy * ExpandDist / r);
+ R := (ln[0] * dx) + (ln[1] * dy);
+ if R = 0 then
+ R := 1;
+ Cx := (dx * ExpandDist / R);
+ Cy := (dy * ExpandDist / R);
Result[0] := pt[0] + Cx;
Result[1] := pt[1] + Cy;
@@ -7155,9 +7155,9 @@ procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Transform(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
Collapses[i].Transform(X, Y);
-procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Transform(v: TVec2);
+procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Transform(V: TVec2);
- Transform(v[0], v[1]);
+ Transform(V[0], V[1]);
procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
@@ -7169,14 +7169,14 @@ procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Mul(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
Collapses[i].Mul(X, Y);
-procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Mul(v: TVec2);
+procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Mul(V: TVec2);
- Mul(v[0], v[1]);
+ Mul(V[0], V[1]);
-procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Mul(v: TGeoFloat);
+procedure T2DPolygonGraph.Mul(V: TGeoFloat);
- Mul(v, v);
+ Mul(V, V);
procedure T2DPolygonGraph.FDiv(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
@@ -7188,9 +7188,9 @@ procedure T2DPolygonGraph.FDiv(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
Collapses[i].FDiv(X, Y);
-procedure T2DPolygonGraph.FDiv(v: TVec2);
+procedure T2DPolygonGraph.FDiv(V: TVec2);
- FDiv(v[0], v[1]);
+ FDiv(V[0], V[1]);
procedure T2DPolygonGraph.VertexReduction(Epsilon_: TGeoFloat);
@@ -7454,12 +7454,12 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddPoint(X, Y: TGeoFloat);
Add(PointAngle(FPosition, pt), PointDistance(FPosition, pt));
-procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddRectangle(r: TRectV2);
+procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddRectangle(R: TRectV2);
- AddPoint(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- AddPoint(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- AddPoint(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- AddPoint(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ AddPoint(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ AddPoint(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ AddPoint(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ AddPoint(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddCirclePoint(count_: Cardinal; axis: TVec2; dist_: TGeoFloat);
@@ -7483,12 +7483,12 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygon.Add(angle_, dist_: TGeoFloat);
-procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddRectangle(r: TV2Rect4);
+procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddRectangle(R: TV2Rect4);
- AddPoint(r.LeftTop);
- AddPoint(r.RightTop);
- AddPoint(r.RightBottom);
- AddPoint(r.LeftBottom);
+ AddPoint(R.LeftTop);
+ AddPoint(R.RightTop);
+ AddPoint(R.RightBottom);
+ AddPoint(R.LeftBottom);
procedure TDeflectionPolygon.AddRectangle(arry: TArrayV2Rect4);
@@ -8461,42 +8461,42 @@ function TDeflectionPolygon.GetNearLine(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; const pt: TV
-function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean): Boolean;
+function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; R: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean): Boolean;
i: TGeoInt;
curpt, destpt: TVec2;
- if (Detect_Circle2Circle(FPosition, cp, FMaxRadius * FScale, r)) and (Count > 0) then
+ if (Detect_Circle2Circle(FPosition, cp, FMaxRadius * FScale, R)) and (Count > 0) then
Result := True;
curpt := Points[0];
for i := 1 to Count - 1 do
destpt := Points[i];
- if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, curpt, destpt) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, curpt, destpt) then
curpt := destpt;
if ClosedPolyMode and (Count >= 3) then
- if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, curpt, Points[0]) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, curpt, Points[0]) then
Result := False;
-function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean;
+function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; R: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean;
i: TGeoInt;
curpt, destpt: TVec2;
Result := False;
- if (Detect_Circle2Circle(FPosition, cp, FMaxRadius * FScale, r)) and (Count > 0) then
+ if (Detect_Circle2Circle(FPosition, cp, FMaxRadius * FScale, R)) and (Count > 0) then
curpt := Points[0];
for i := 1 to Count - 1 do
destpt := Points[i];
- if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, curpt, destpt) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, curpt, destpt) then
OutputLine.Add(curpt, destpt, i - 1, i, Self);
Result := True;
@@ -8504,7 +8504,7 @@ function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPoly
curpt := destpt;
if ClosedPolyMode and (Count >= 3) then
- if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, curpt, Points[0]) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, curpt, Points[0]) then
OutputLine.Add(curpt, Points[0], Count - 1, 0, Self);
Result := True;
@@ -8512,19 +8512,19 @@ function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPoly
-function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; cp: TVec2; r: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean;
+function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; cp: TVec2; R: TGeoFloat; ClosedPolyMode: Boolean; OutputLine: TDeflectionPolygonLines): Boolean;
i: TGeoInt;
curpt, destpt: TVec2;
Result := False;
- if (Detect_Circle2Circle(FPosition, cp, FMaxRadius * FScale + ExpandDistance_, r)) and (Count > 0) then
+ if (Detect_Circle2Circle(FPosition, cp, FMaxRadius * FScale + ExpandDistance_, R)) and (Count > 0) then
curpt := Expands[0, ExpandDistance_];
for i := 1 to Count - 1 do
destpt := Expands[i, ExpandDistance_];
- if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, curpt, destpt) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, curpt, destpt) then
OutputLine.Add(curpt, destpt, i - 1, i, Self);
Result := True;
@@ -8532,7 +8532,7 @@ function TDeflectionPolygon.Collision2Circle(ExpandDistance_: TGeoFloat; cp: TVe
curpt := destpt;
if ClosedPolyMode and (Count >= 3) then
- if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, r, curpt, Expands[0, ExpandDistance_]) then
+ if Detect_Circle2Line(cp, R, curpt, Expands[0, ExpandDistance_]) then
OutputLine.Add(curpt, Expands[0, ExpandDistance_], Count - 1, 0, Self);
Result := True;
@@ -8696,7 +8696,7 @@ function TDeflectionPolygon.GetExpands(idx: TGeoInt; ExpandDist: TGeoFloat): TVe
lpt, pt, rpt: TVec2;
ln, rn: TVec2;
- dx, dy, f, r: TGeoFloat;
+ dx, dy, f, R: TGeoFloat;
Cx, Cy: TGeoFloat;
if (ExpandDist = 0) or (Count < 2) then
@@ -8732,11 +8732,11 @@ function TDeflectionPolygon.GetExpands(idx: TGeoInt; ExpandDist: TGeoFloat): TVe
// compute the expand edge
dx := (ln[0] + rn[0]);
dy := (ln[1] + rn[1]);
- r := (ln[0] * dx) + (ln[1] * dy);
- if r = 0 then
- r := 1;
- Cx := (dx * ExpandDist / r);
- Cy := (dy * ExpandDist / r);
+ R := (ln[0] * dx) + (ln[1] * dy);
+ if R = 0 then
+ R := 1;
+ Cx := (dx * ExpandDist / R);
+ Cy := (dy * ExpandDist / R);
if FExpandMode = emConcave then
@@ -9029,12 +9029,12 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygonLines.Assign(Source: TCoreClassPersistent);
-function TDeflectionPolygonLines.Add(v: TDeflectionPolygonLine): TGeoInt;
+function TDeflectionPolygonLines.Add(V: TDeflectionPolygonLine): TGeoInt;
p: PDeflectionPolygonLine;
- p^ := v;
+ p^ := V;
Result := FList.Add(p);
p^.index := Result;
@@ -9176,15 +9176,15 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygonLines.SortOfNear(const pt: TVec2);
Result := CompareFloat(d1, d2);
- procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, r: TGeoInt);
+ procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, R: TGeoInt);
i, j: TGeoInt;
p: Pointer;
i := l;
- j := r;
- p := Arry_[(l + r) shr 1];
+ j := R;
+ p := Arry_[(l + R) shr 1];
while Compare_(Arry_[i], p) < 0 do
@@ -9201,7 +9201,7 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygonLines.SortOfNear(const pt: TVec2);
if l < j then
fastSort_(Arry_, l, j);
l := i;
- until i >= r;
+ until i >= R;
@@ -9224,15 +9224,15 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygonLines.SortOfFar(const pt: TVec2);
Result := CompareFloat(d2, d1);
- procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, r: TGeoInt);
+ procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, R: TGeoInt);
i, j: TGeoInt;
p: Pointer;
i := l;
- j := r;
- p := Arry_[(l + r) shr 1];
+ j := R;
+ p := Arry_[(l + R) shr 1];
while Compare_(Arry_[i], p) < 0 do
@@ -9249,7 +9249,7 @@ procedure TDeflectionPolygonLines.SortOfFar(const pt: TVec2);
if l < j then
fastSort_(Arry_, l, j);
l := i;
- until i >= r;
+ until i >= R;
@@ -9593,7 +9593,7 @@ function TRectPacking.Pack(width, height: TGeoFloat; var X, Y: TGeoFloat): Boole
i: TGeoInt;
p: PRectPackData;
- r, b: TGeoFloat;
+ R, b: TGeoFloat;
MaxWidth := Max(MaxWidth, width);
MaxHeight := Max(MaxHeight, height);
@@ -9607,13 +9607,13 @@ function TRectPacking.Pack(width, height: TGeoFloat; var X, Y: TGeoFloat): Boole
X := p^.Rect[0, 0];
Y := p^.Rect[0, 1];
- r := X + width;
+ R := X + width;
b := Y + height;
- MaxWidth := Max(MaxWidth, Max(width, r));
+ MaxWidth := Max(MaxWidth, Max(width, R));
MaxHeight := Max(MaxHeight, Max(height, b));
Add(X, b, width, p^.Rect[1, 1] - b);
- Add(r, Y, p^.Rect[1, 0] - r, height);
- Add(r, b, p^.Rect[1, 0] - r, p^.Rect[1, 1] - b);
+ Add(R, Y, p^.Rect[1, 0] - R, height);
+ Add(R, b, p^.Rect[1, 0] - R, p^.Rect[1, 1] - b);
Result := True;
@@ -9685,9 +9685,9 @@ procedure TRectPacking.Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; X, Y, width,
-procedure TRectPacking.Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; r: TRectV2);
+procedure TRectPacking.Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; R: TRectV2);
- Add(Data1, Data2, 0, 0, RectWidth(r), RectHeight(r));
+ Add(Data1, Data2, 0, 0, RectWidth(R), RectHeight(R));
procedure TRectPacking.Add(Data1: Pointer; Data2: TCoreClassObject; width, height: TGeoFloat);
@@ -9724,15 +9724,15 @@ procedure TRectPacking.Build(SpaceWidth, SpaceHeight: TGeoFloat);
Result := CompareFloat(RectArea(PRectPackData(Right)^.Rect), RectArea(PRectPackData(Left)^.Rect));
- procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, r: TGeoInt);
+ procedure fastSort_(var Arry_: TCoreClassPointerList; l, R: TGeoInt);
i, j: TGeoInt;
p: Pointer;
i := l;
- j := r;
- p := Arry_[(l + r) shr 1];
+ j := R;
+ p := Arry_[(l + R) shr 1];
while Compare_(Arry_[i], p) < 0 do
@@ -9749,7 +9749,7 @@ procedure TRectPacking.Build(SpaceWidth, SpaceHeight: TGeoFloat);
if l < j then
fastSort_(Arry_, l, j);
l := i;
- until i >= r;
+ until i >= R;
@@ -10493,31 +10493,31 @@ class procedure THausdorf.Test2;
-function ArrayVec2(const v: TArrayVec2): TArrayVec2;
+function ArrayVec2(const V: TArrayVec2): TArrayVec2;
i: Integer;
- SetLength(Result, length(v));
- for i := 0 to length(v) - 1 do
- Result[i] := v[i];
+ SetLength(Result, length(V));
+ for i := 0 to length(V) - 1 do
+ Result[i] := V[i];
-function ArrayVec2(const r: TRectV2): TArrayVec2;
+function ArrayVec2(const R: TRectV2): TArrayVec2;
SetLength(Result, 4);
- Result[0] := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[0, 1]);
- Result[1] := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[0, 1]);
- Result[2] := PointMake(r[1, 0], r[1, 1]);
- Result[3] := PointMake(r[0, 0], r[1, 1]);
+ Result[0] := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ Result[1] := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[0, 1]);
+ Result[2] := PointMake(R[1, 0], R[1, 1]);
+ Result[3] := PointMake(R[0, 0], R[1, 1]);
-function ArrayVec2(const r: TV2Rect4): TArrayVec2;
+function ArrayVec2(const R: TV2Rect4): TArrayVec2;
SetLength(Result, 4);
- Result[0] := r.LeftTop;
- Result[1] := r.RightTop;
- Result[2] := r.RightBottom;
- Result[3] := r.LeftBottom;
+ Result[0] := R.LeftTop;
+ Result[1] := R.RightTop;
+ Result[2] := R.RightBottom;
+ Result[3] := R.LeftBottom;
function ArrayVec2(const l: TLineV2): TArrayVec2;
diff --git a/Source/ListEngine.pas b/Source/ListEngine.pas
index 6ff69231..c6d19e15 100644
--- a/Source/ListEngine.pas
+++ b/Source/ListEngine.pas
@@ -16,20 +16,6 @@
{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/InfiniteIoT * }
{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/FastMD5 * }
{ ****************************************************************************** }
- update history
- 2017-11-26
- "String" define change as "SystemString"
- 2017-12-5
- added support int64 hash object : TInt64HashObjectList
- added support pointer-NativeUInt hash : TPointerHashNativeUIntList
- 2018-4-17
- added support big StringList with TListString and TListPascalString
unit ListEngine;
{$INCLUDE zDefine.inc}
@@ -567,7 +553,7 @@ TPointerHashNativeUIntList = class(TCoreClassObject)
{$ENDREGION 'TPointerHashNativeUIntList'}
{$REGION 'THashObjectList'}
- THashObjectChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: THashObjectList; Name: SystemString; _OLD, _New: TCoreClassObject) of object;
+ THashObjectChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: THashObjectList; Name: SystemString; OLD_, New_: TCoreClassObject) of object;
THashObjectListData = record
Obj: TCoreClassObject;
@@ -627,8 +613,8 @@ THashObjectList = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure GetAsList(OutputList: TCoreClassListForObj);
function GetObjAsName(Obj: TCoreClassObject): SystemString;
procedure Delete(const Name: SystemString);
- function Add(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
- function FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
+ function Add(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
+ function FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
function Find(const Name: SystemString): TCoreClassObject;
function Exists(const Name: SystemString): Boolean;
function ExistsObject(Obj: TCoreClassObject): Boolean;
@@ -650,7 +636,7 @@ THashObjectList = class(TCoreClassObject)
{$ENDREGION 'THashObjectList'}
{$REGION 'THashStringList'}
- THashStringChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: THashStringList; Name: SystemString; _OLD, _New: SystemString) of object;
+ THashStringChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: THashStringList; Name: SystemString; OLD_, New_: SystemString) of object;
THashStringListData = record
v: SystemString;
@@ -786,7 +772,7 @@ THashStringTextStream = class(TCoreClassObject)
PHashStringList = ^THashStringList;
{$ENDREGION 'THashStringList'}
{$REGION 'THashVariantList'}
- THashVariantChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: THashVariantList; Name: SystemString; _OLD, _New: Variant) of object;
+ THashVariantChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: THashVariantList; Name: SystemString; OLD_, New_: Variant) of object;
THashVariantListData = record
v: Variant;
@@ -6227,7 +6213,7 @@ procedure THashObjectList.Delete(const Name: SystemString);
-function THashObjectList.Add(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
+function THashObjectList.Add(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
pObjData: PHashObjectListData;
@@ -6236,7 +6222,7 @@ function THashObjectList.Add(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassObject
if Assigned(pObjData^.OnChnage) then
- pObjData^.OnChnage(Self, Name, pObjData^.Obj, _Object);
+ pObjData^.OnChnage(Self, Name, pObjData^.Obj, Obj_);
@@ -6256,11 +6242,11 @@ function THashObjectList.Add(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassObject
FHashList.Add(Name, pObjData, False);
- pObjData^.Obj := _Object;
- Result := _Object;
+ pObjData^.Obj := Obj_;
+ Result := Obj_;
-function THashObjectList.FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
+function THashObjectList.FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; Obj_: TCoreClassObject): TCoreClassObject;
pObjData: PHashObjectListData;
@@ -6268,8 +6254,8 @@ function THashObjectList.FastAdd(const Name: SystemString; _Object: TCoreClassOb
pObjData^.OnChnage := nil;
FHashList.Add(Name, pObjData, False);
- pObjData^.Obj := _Object;
- Result := _Object;
+ pObjData^.Obj := Obj_;
+ Result := Obj_;
function THashObjectList.Find(const Name: SystemString): TCoreClassObject;
diff --git a/Source/NotifyObjectBase.pas b/Source/NotifyObjectBase.pas
index 150d5b11..fa0201bf 100644
--- a/Source/NotifyObjectBase.pas
+++ b/Source/NotifyObjectBase.pas
@@ -37,14 +37,9 @@ TNotifyBase = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure RegisterNotify(v: TNotifyBase);
procedure UnRegisterNotify(v: TNotifyBase);
- // trigger
procedure DoExecute(const State: Variant); virtual;
- // on execute
procedure NotifyExecute(Sender: TNotifyBase; const State: Variant); virtual;
@@ -105,34 +100,26 @@ TNProgressPost = class(TCoreClassInterfacedObject)
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure ResetPost;
function PostExecute(): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecute(DataEng: TDataFrameEngine): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecute(Delay: Double): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecute(Delay: Double; DataEng: TDataFrameEngine): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteM(DataEng: TDataFrameEngine; OnExecuteMethod: TNPostExecuteMethod): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteM(Delay: Double; DataEng: TDataFrameEngine; OnExecuteMethod: TNPostExecuteMethod): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteM(Delay: Double; OnExecuteMethod: TNPostExecuteMethod): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteM_NP(Delay: Double; OnExecuteMethod: TNPostExecuteMethod_NP): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteC(DataEng: TDataFrameEngine; OnExecuteCall: TNPostExecuteCall): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteC(Delay: Double; DataEng: TDataFrameEngine; OnExecuteCall: TNPostExecuteCall): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteC(Delay: Double; OnExecuteCall: TNPostExecuteCall): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteC_NP(Delay: Double; OnExecuteCall: TNPostExecuteCall_NP): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteP(DataEng: TDataFrameEngine; OnExecuteProc: TNPostExecuteProc): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteP(Delay: Double; DataEng: TDataFrameEngine; OnExecuteProc: TNPostExecuteProc): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteP(Delay: Double; OnExecuteProc: TNPostExecuteProc): TNPostExecute; overload;
function PostExecuteP_NP(Delay: Double; OnExecuteProc: TNPostExecuteProc_NP): TNPostExecute; overload;
+ procedure PostDelayFreeObject(Delay: Double; Obj1_, Obj2_: TCoreClassObject);
procedure Delete(p: TNPostExecute); overload; virtual;
procedure Progress(deltaTime: Double);
property Paused: Boolean read FPaused write FPaused;
property Busy: Boolean read FBusy;
property CurrentExecute: TNPostExecute read FCurrentExecute;
@@ -146,14 +133,17 @@ TNProgressPostWithCadencer = class(TNProgressPost, ICadencerProgressInterface)
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Progress;
property CadencerEngine: TCadencer read FCadencerEngine;
- ProgressCadencer: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
+ SystemPostProgress: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
+function SysPostProgress: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
+function SysPost: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
+procedure DelayFreeObject(Delay: Double; Obj1_, Obj2_: TCoreClassObject); overload;
+procedure DelayFreeObject(Delay: Double; Obj1_: TCoreClassObject); overload;
@@ -169,7 +159,33 @@ procedure DoCheckThreadSynchronize();
- ProgressCadencer.Progress;
+ SystemPostProgress.Progress;
+function SysPostProgress: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
+ Result := SystemPostProgress;
+function SysPost: TNProgressPostWithCadencer;
+ Result := SystemPostProgress;
+procedure DelayFreeObject(Delay: Double; Obj1_, Obj2_: TCoreClassObject);
+ SystemPostProgress.PostDelayFreeObject(Delay, Obj1_, Obj2_);
+procedure DelayFreeObject(Delay: Double; Obj1_: TCoreClassObject);
+ SystemPostProgress.PostDelayFreeObject(Delay, Obj1_, nil);
+procedure DoDelayFreeObject(Sender: TNPostExecute);
+ DisposeObject(Sender.Data1);
+ DisposeObject(Sender.Data2);
procedure TNotifyBase.DeleteSaveNotifyIntf(p: TNotifyBase);
@@ -277,7 +293,6 @@ destructor TNPostExecute.Destroy;
if FOwner.CurrentExecute = Self then
FOwner.FBreakProgress := True;
i := 0;
while i < FOwner.FPostExecuteList.Count do
@@ -495,6 +510,16 @@ function TNProgressPost.PostExecuteP_NP(Delay: Double; OnExecuteProc: TNPostExec
Result.OnExecuteProc_NP := OnExecuteProc;
+procedure TNProgressPost.PostDelayFreeObject(Delay: Double; Obj1_, Obj2_: TCoreClassObject);
+ tmp: TNPostExecute;
+ tmp := PostExecute(Delay);
+ tmp.Data1 := Obj1_;
+ tmp.Data2 := Obj2_;
+ tmp.OnExecuteCall := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDelayFreeObject;
procedure TNProgressPost.Delete(p: TNPostExecute);
i: Integer;
@@ -609,11 +634,11 @@ initialization
Hooked_OnCheckThreadSynchronize := CoreClasses.OnCheckThreadSynchronize;
CoreClasses.OnCheckThreadSynchronize := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoCheckThreadSynchronize;
-ProgressCadencer := TNProgressPostWithCadencer.Create;
+SystemPostProgress := TNProgressPostWithCadencer.Create;
CoreClasses.OnCheckThreadSynchronize := Hooked_OnCheckThreadSynchronize;
diff --git a/Source/NumberBase.pas b/Source/NumberBase.pas
index 5c353269..2a432b8a 100644
--- a/Source/NumberBase.pas
+++ b/Source/NumberBase.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
+{ * Number Module system, create by.qq600585 * }
+{ ****************************************************************************** }
{ * https://zpascal.net * }
{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/zAI * }
{ * https://github.com/PassByYou888/ZServer4D * }
@@ -20,82 +23,84 @@
-uses ListEngine, CoreClasses, DataFrameEngine, PascalStrings;
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
+ CoreClasses, GHashList, ListEngine, PascalStrings, TextParsing, zExpression, OpCode;
- TNumberModuleHookInterface = class;
- TNumberModuleEventInterface = class;
- TNumberModuleList = class;
- TNumberModule = class;
+ TNumberModuleHookPool = class;
+ TNumberModuleEventPool = class;
+ TNumberModulePool = class;
+ TNumberModule = class;
+ TNumberModuleHookPoolList = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TNumberModuleEventPoolList = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TNumberModulePool_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC}TGenericHashList;
- TNumberModuleHook = procedure(Sender: TNumberModuleHookInterface; OldValue: Variant; var NewValue: Variant) of object;
+ TNumberModuleHook = procedure(Sender: TNumberModuleHookPool; OLD_: Variant; var New_: Variant) of object;
- TNumberModuleHookInterface = class(TCoreClassObject)
+ TNumberModuleHookPool = class(TCoreClassObject)
FOwner: TNumberModule;
- FOwnerList: TCoreClassListForObj;
+ FOwnerList: TNumberModuleHookPoolList;
FOnCurrentDMHook: TNumberModuleHook;
+ FTag: SystemString;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TNumberModule; AOwnerList: TCoreClassListForObj);
+ constructor Create(Owner_: TNumberModule; OwnerList_: TNumberModuleHookPoolList);
destructor Destroy; override;
property Owner: TNumberModule read FOwner;
property OnCurrentDMHook: TNumberModuleHook read FOnCurrentDMHook write FOnCurrentDMHook;
+ property Tag: SystemString read FTag write FTag;
- TNumberModuleEvent = procedure(Sender: TNumberModuleEventInterface; NewValue: Variant) of object;
+ TNumberModuleEvent = procedure(Sender: TNumberModuleEventPool; New_: Variant) of object;
- TNumberModuleEventInterface = class(TCoreClassObject)
+ TNumberModuleEventPool = class(TCoreClassObject)
FOwner: TNumberModule;
- FOwnerList: TCoreClassListForObj;
+ FOwnerList: TNumberModuleEventPoolList;
FOnCurrentDMEvent: TNumberModuleEvent;
+ FTag: SystemString;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TNumberModule; AOwnerList: TCoreClassListForObj);
+ constructor Create(Owner_: TNumberModule; OwnerList_: TNumberModuleEventPoolList);
destructor Destroy; override;
property Owner: TNumberModule read FOwner;
property OnCurrentDMEvent: TNumberModuleEvent read FOnCurrentDMEvent write FOnCurrentDMEvent;
+ property Tag: SystemString read FTag write FTag;
- TNumberModuleNotifyEvent = procedure();
- TNumberModuleChangeEvent = procedure(const OldValue, NewValue: Variant);
+ TNumberModuleChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TNumberModule; OLD_, New_: Variant);
TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
- FOwner: TNumberModuleList;
+ FOwner: TNumberModulePool;
FName, FSymbolName, FDescription, FDetailDescription: SystemString;
- FCurrentValueHookList: TCoreClassListForObj;
- FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList: TCoreClassListForObj;
+ FCurrentValueHookPool: TNumberModuleHookPoolList;
+ FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool: TNumberModuleEventPoolList;
FCurrentValue: Variant;
FOriginValue: Variant;
- FCustomObjects: THashObjectList;
- FCustomValues: THashVariantList;
FEnabledHook: Boolean;
FEnabledEvent: Boolean;
FOnChange: TNumberModuleChangeEvent;
+ // prop
procedure SetName(const Value: SystemString);
function GetCurrentValue: Variant;
procedure SetCurrentValue(const Value: Variant);
function GetOriginValue: Variant;
procedure SetOriginValue(const Value: Variant);
- function GetCustomObjects: THashObjectList;
- function GetCustomValues: THashVariantList;
- private
- procedure DoCurrentValueHook(OldValue: Variant; NewValue: Variant);
+ // change
+ procedure DoCurrentValueHook(const OLD_, New_: Variant);
procedure Clear;
+ // opRunTime
+ procedure DoRegOpProc();
+ procedure DoRemoveOpProc();
+ function OP_DoProc(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ // get current
function GetCurrentAsCardinal: Cardinal;
function GetCurrentAsDouble: Double;
function GetCurrentAsInt64: Int64;
@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
function GetCurrentAsSingle: Single;
function GetCurrentAsString: SystemString;
function GetCurrentAsBool: Boolean;
+ // set current
procedure SetCurrentAsCardinal(const Value: Cardinal);
procedure SetCurrentAsDouble(const Value: Double);
procedure SetCurrentAsInt64(const Value: Int64);
@@ -111,7 +116,7 @@ TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure SetCurrentAsSingle(const Value: Single);
procedure SetCurrentAsString(const Value: SystemString);
procedure SetCurrentAsBool(const Value: Boolean);
+ // get origin
function GetOriginAsCardinal: Cardinal;
function GetOriginAsDouble: Double;
function GetOriginAsInt64: Int64;
@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
function GetOriginAsSingle: Single;
function GetOriginAsString: SystemString;
function GetOriginAsBool: Boolean;
+ // set origin
procedure SetOriginAsCardinal(const Value: Cardinal);
procedure SetOriginAsDouble(const Value: Double);
procedure SetOriginAsInt64(const Value: Int64);
@@ -128,31 +133,29 @@ TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure SetOriginAsString(const Value: SystemString);
procedure SetOriginAsBool(const Value: Boolean);
- constructor Create(AOwner: TNumberModuleList);
+ UserObject: TCoreClassObject;
+ UserData: Pointer;
+ UserVariant: Variant;
+ Tag: Integer;
+ constructor Create(Owner_: TNumberModulePool);
destructor Destroy; override;
- // value changed
- procedure UpdateValue;
- // reg hook interface
- function RegisterCurrentValueHook: TNumberModuleHookInterface;
+ // base prop
+ property OnChange: TNumberModuleChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
+ property EnabledHook: Boolean read FEnabledHook write FEnabledHook;
+ property EnabledEvent: Boolean read FEnabledEvent write FEnabledEvent;
+ property Owner: TNumberModulePool read FOwner;
+ property Name: SystemString read FName write SetName;
+ property SymbolName: SystemString read FSymbolName write FSymbolName;
+ property Description: SystemString read FDescription write FDescription;
+ property DetailDescription: SystemString read FDetailDescription write FDetailDescription;
+ // api
+ procedure DoChange;
+ function RegisterCurrentValueHook: TNumberModuleHookPool;
procedure CopyHookInterfaceFrom(sour: TNumberModule);
- // reg change after event
- function RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent: TNumberModuleEventInterface;
+ function RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent: TNumberModuleEventPool;
procedure CopyChangeAfterEventInterfaceFrom(sour: TNumberModule);
- // copy
procedure Assign(sour: TNumberModule);
- // use hook change
- property CurrentValue: Variant read GetCurrentValue write SetCurrentValue;
- property OriginValue: Variant read GetOriginValue write SetOriginValue;
- property CurrentAsSingle: Single read GetCurrentAsSingle write SetCurrentAsSingle;
- property CurrentAsDouble: Double read GetCurrentAsDouble write SetCurrentAsDouble;
- property CurrentAsInteger: Integer read GetCurrentAsInteger write SetCurrentAsInteger;
- property CurrentAsInt64: Int64 read GetCurrentAsInt64 write SetCurrentAsInt64;
- property CurrentAsCardinal: Cardinal read GetCurrentAsCardinal write SetCurrentAsCardinal;
- property CurrentAsString: SystemString read GetCurrentAsString write SetCurrentAsString;
- property CurrentAsBool: Boolean read GetCurrentAsBool write SetCurrentAsBool;
+ // current
property AsValue: Variant read GetCurrentValue write SetCurrentValue;
property AsSingle: Single read GetCurrentAsSingle write SetCurrentAsSingle;
property AsDouble: Double read GetCurrentAsDouble write SetCurrentAsDouble;
@@ -161,7 +164,16 @@ TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
property AsCardinal: Cardinal read GetCurrentAsCardinal write SetCurrentAsCardinal;
property AsString: SystemString read GetCurrentAsString write SetCurrentAsString;
property AsBool: Boolean read GetCurrentAsBool write SetCurrentAsBool;
+ property CurrentValue: Variant read GetCurrentValue write SetCurrentValue;
+ property CurrentAsSingle: Single read GetCurrentAsSingle write SetCurrentAsSingle;
+ property CurrentAsDouble: Double read GetCurrentAsDouble write SetCurrentAsDouble;
+ property CurrentAsInteger: Integer read GetCurrentAsInteger write SetCurrentAsInteger;
+ property CurrentAsInt64: Int64 read GetCurrentAsInt64 write SetCurrentAsInt64;
+ property CurrentAsCardinal: Cardinal read GetCurrentAsCardinal write SetCurrentAsCardinal;
+ property CurrentAsString: SystemString read GetCurrentAsString write SetCurrentAsString;
+ property CurrentAsBool: Boolean read GetCurrentAsBool write SetCurrentAsBool;
+ // origin
+ property OriginValue: Variant read GetOriginValue write SetOriginValue;
property OriginAsSingle: Single read GetOriginAsSingle write SetOriginAsSingle;
property OriginAsDouble: Double read GetOriginAsDouble write SetOriginAsDouble;
property OriginAsInteger: Integer read GetOriginAsInteger write SetOriginAsInteger;
@@ -169,157 +181,99 @@ TNumberModule = class(TCoreClassObject)
property OriginAsCardinal: Cardinal read GetOriginAsCardinal write SetOriginAsCardinal;
property OriginAsString: SystemString read GetOriginAsString write SetOriginAsString;
property OriginAsBool: Boolean read GetOriginAsBool write SetOriginAsBool;
- // skip hook
- property DirectCurrentValue: Variant read FCurrentValue write FCurrentValue;
+ // direct,no trigger
property DirectValue: Variant read FCurrentValue write FCurrentValue;
+ property DirectCurrentValue: Variant read FCurrentValue write FCurrentValue;
property DirectOriginValue: Variant read FOriginValue write FOriginValue;
- // custom object
- property CustomObjects: THashObjectList read GetCustomObjects;
- // custom value
- property CustomValues: THashVariantList read GetCustomValues;
- property EnabledHook: Boolean read FEnabledHook write FEnabledHook;
- property EnabledEvent: Boolean read FEnabledEvent write FEnabledEvent;
- property Owner: TNumberModuleList read FOwner;
- property Name: SystemString read FName write SetName;
- property SymbolName: SystemString read FSymbolName write FSymbolName;
- property Description: SystemString read FDescription write FDescription;
- property DetailDescription: SystemString read FDetailDescription write FDetailDescription;
- TGetDMAsString = function(key: SystemString; DM: TNumberModule): SystemString;
+ TGetDMAsString = function(key: SystemString; NM: TNumberModule): SystemString;
- TNumberModuleList = class(TCoreClassObject)
+ TNumberModulePool = class(TCoreClassObject)
- FList: THashObjectList;
- function GetItems(AName: SystemString): TNumberModule;
+ FList: TNumberModulePool_Decl;
+ FExpOpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime;
+ function OP_DoNewNM(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ procedure SwapInstance_Progress(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TNumberModule);
+ procedure RebuildOpRunTime_Progress(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TNumberModule);
+ procedure DoChangeAll_Progress(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TNumberModule);
+ function GetExpOpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime;
- constructor Create;
+ constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Delete(AName: SystemString);
- function Exists(AName: SystemString): Boolean;
- function ExistsIntf(ADM: TNumberModule): Boolean;
- procedure Clear;
- function Macro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; out output: SystemString): Boolean;
- function ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; OnDM2Text: TGetDMAsString; out output: SystemString): Boolean;
- procedure Assign(Source: TNumberModuleList); // create by 2011-6-17
- // can merge current
- procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+ // instance
+ procedure SwapInstance(source: TNumberModulePool);
+ // script
+ procedure RebuildOpRunTime;
+ property ExpOpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime read GetExpOpRunTime;
+ function IsVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString; TS_: TTextStyle): Boolean; overload;
+ function IsVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString): Boolean; overload;
+ function RunScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString; TS_: TTextStyle): Variant; overload;
+ function RunScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString): Variant; overload;
+ function RunVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString; TS_: TTextStyle): TExpressionValueVector; overload;
+ function RunVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString): TExpressionValueVector; overload;
+ // trigger
+ procedure DoNMChange(Sender: TNumberModule; OLD_, New_: Variant); virtual;
+ // api
+ procedure Delete(Name_: SystemString); virtual;
+ function Exists(Name_: SystemString): Boolean; virtual;
+ function ExistsIntf(NM_: TNumberModule): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure Clear; virtual;
+ function Macro(const text_, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; out output: SystemString): Boolean; virtual;
+ function ManualMacro(const text_, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; OnDM2Text: TGetDMAsString; out output: SystemString): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure Assign(source: TNumberModulePool); virtual;
+ procedure DoChangeAll; virtual;
+ // load and merge from DFE
+ procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream); virtual;
// save
- procedure SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
- // laod form text, auto merge current
- procedure LoadFromVariantList(v: THashVariantList);
+ procedure SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream); virtual;
+ // load merge current from HashVariant
+ procedure LoadFromVariantList(L: THashVariantList); virtual;
// save as text
- procedure SaveToVariantList(v: THashVariantList);
- property Items[AName: SystemString]: TNumberModule read GetItems; default;
- property List: THashObjectList read FList;
- end;
- TNMAutomatedManager = class;
- TNumberProcessStyle = (npsInc, npsDec, npsIncMul, npsDecMul);
- TNumberProcessingData = record
- token: TCoreClassObject;
- opValue: Variant;
- Style: TNumberProcessStyle;
- CancelDelayTime: Double;
- Overlap: Boolean;
- TypeID: Integer;
- Priority: Cardinal;
- Processed: Boolean;
- end;
- PDMProcessingData = ^TNumberProcessingData;
- TNMAutomated = class(TCoreClassPersistent)
- private
- FOwner: TNMAutomatedManager;
- FDMSource: TNumberModule;
- FCurrentValueHookIntf: TNumberModuleHookInterface;
- FCurrentValueCalcList: TCoreClassList;
- protected
- procedure DMCurrentValueHook(Sender: TNumberModuleHookInterface; OldValue: Variant; var NewValue: Variant);
- private
- function GetCurrentValueCalcData(token: TCoreClassObject): PDMProcessingData;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TNMAutomatedManager; ADMSource: TNumberModule);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Owner: TNMAutomatedManager read FOwner write FOwner;
- procedure Progress(deltaTime: Double);
- procedure ChangeProcessStyle(token: TCoreClassObject;
- opValue: Variant; Style: TNumberProcessStyle; CancelDelayTime: Double; Overlap: Boolean; TypeID: Integer; Priority: Cardinal);
- procedure Cancel(token: TCoreClassObject);
- procedure Clear;
- end;
- TNMAutomatedManager = class(TCoreClassPersistent)
- private
- FList: TCoreClassListForObj;
- function GetOrCreate(ADMSource: TNumberModule): TNMAutomated;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Progress(deltaTime: Double);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure PostAutomatedProcess(Style: TNumberProcessStyle;
- ADMSource: TNumberModule; token: TCoreClassPersistent;
- opValue: Variant; Overlap: Boolean; TypeID: Integer; Priority: Cardinal);
- procedure PostAutomatedDelayCancelProcess(Style: TNumberProcessStyle;
- ADMSource: TNumberModule; token: TCoreClassPersistent;
- opValue: Variant; Overlap: Boolean; TypeID: Integer; Priority: Cardinal; CancelDelayTime: Double);
- procedure Delete(ADMSource: TNumberModule; token: TCoreClassObject); overload;
- procedure Delete(token: TCoreClassObject); overload;
+ procedure SaveToVariantList(L: THashVariantList); virtual;
+ function GetItems(Name_: SystemString): TNumberModule; virtual;
+ property Items[Name_: SystemString]: TNumberModule read GetItems; default;
+ property List: TNumberModulePool_Decl read FList;
+ class procedure test;
-uses SysUtils, Variants, UnicodeMixedLib, DoStatusIO;
+uses SysUtils, Variants,
+ UnicodeMixedLib, DataFrameEngine, DoStatusIO;
-function __GetDMAsString(key: SystemString; DM: TNumberModule): SystemString;
+function __GetNMAsString(key: SystemString; NM: TNumberModule): SystemString;
if key = '' then
- Result := DM.CurrentAsString
+ Result := NM.CurrentAsString
else if SameText(key, 'Value') then
- Result := DM.CurrentAsString
+ Result := NM.CurrentAsString
else if SameText(key, 'Origin') then
- Result := DM.OriginAsString
+ Result := NM.OriginAsString
else if SameText(key, 'Name') then
- Result := DM.Name
+ Result := NM.Name
else if SameText(key, 'Symbol') then
- Result := DM.SymbolName
+ Result := NM.SymbolName
else if SameText(key, 'Description') then
- Result := DM.Description
+ Result := NM.Description
else if SameText(key, 'Detail') then
- Result := DM.DetailDescription
+ Result := NM.DetailDescription
- Result := DM.CurrentAsString;
+ Result := NM.CurrentAsString;
-constructor TNumberModuleHookInterface.Create(AOwner: TNumberModule; AOwnerList: TCoreClassListForObj);
+constructor TNumberModuleHookPool.Create(Owner_: TNumberModule; OwnerList_: TNumberModuleHookPoolList);
inherited Create;
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FOwnerList := AOwnerList;
+ FOwner := Owner_;
+ FOwnerList := OwnerList_;
FOnCurrentDMHook := nil;
+ FTag := '';
if FOwnerList <> nil then
-destructor TNumberModuleHookInterface.Destroy;
+destructor TNumberModuleHookPool.Destroy;
i: Integer;
@@ -335,17 +289,18 @@ destructor TNumberModuleHookInterface.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
-constructor TNumberModuleEventInterface.Create(AOwner: TNumberModule; AOwnerList: TCoreClassListForObj);
+constructor TNumberModuleEventPool.Create(Owner_: TNumberModule; OwnerList_: TNumberModuleEventPoolList);
inherited Create;
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FOwnerList := AOwnerList;
+ FOwner := Owner_;
+ FOwnerList := OwnerList_;
FOnCurrentDMEvent := nil;
+ FTag := '';
if FOwnerList <> nil then
-destructor TNumberModuleEventInterface.Destroy;
+destructor TNumberModuleEventPool.Destroy;
i: Integer;
@@ -369,6 +324,7 @@ procedure TNumberModule.SetName(const Value: SystemString);
if FOwner.FList.ReName(FName, Value) then
FName := Value;
+ FOwner.RebuildOpRunTime;
FName := Value;
@@ -382,7 +338,13 @@ function TNumberModule.GetCurrentValue: Variant;
procedure TNumberModule.SetCurrentValue(const Value: Variant);
- DoCurrentValueHook(FCurrentValue, Value);
+ if VarIsNull(FOriginValue) then
+ begin
+ FOriginValue := Value;
+ DoCurrentValueHook(FCurrentValue, FOriginValue);
+ end
+ else
+ DoCurrentValueHook(FCurrentValue, Value);
function TNumberModule.GetOriginValue: Variant;
@@ -396,66 +358,86 @@ procedure TNumberModule.SetOriginValue(const Value: Variant);
DoCurrentValueHook(FCurrentValue, FOriginValue);
-function TNumberModule.GetCustomObjects: THashObjectList;
- if FCustomObjects = nil then
- FCustomObjects := THashObjectList.Create(False);
- Result := FCustomObjects;
-function TNumberModule.GetCustomValues: THashVariantList;
- if FCustomValues = nil then
- FCustomValues := THashVariantList.Create;
- Result := FCustomValues;
-procedure TNumberModule.DoCurrentValueHook(OldValue: Variant; NewValue: Variant);
+procedure TNumberModule.DoCurrentValueHook(const OLD_, New_: Variant);
i: Integer;
- _H: TNumberModuleHookInterface;
- _e: TNumberModuleEventInterface;
- _New: Variant;
+ H_: TNumberModuleHookPool;
+ E_: TNumberModuleEventPool;
+ N_: Variant;
- _New := NewValue;
+ N_ := New_;
if (FEnabledHook) then
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueHookList.Count - 1 do
+ for i := 0 to FCurrentValueHookPool.Count - 1 do
- _H := TNumberModuleHookInterface(FCurrentValueHookList[i]);
- if Assigned(_H.FOnCurrentDMHook) then
+ H_ := TNumberModuleHookPool(FCurrentValueHookPool[i]);
+ if Assigned(H_.FOnCurrentDMHook) then
- _H.FOnCurrentDMHook(_H, FCurrentValue, _New);
+ H_.FOnCurrentDMHook(H_, FCurrentValue, N_);
- FCurrentValue := _New;
- // trigger change after event
+ FCurrentValue := N_;
+ // trigger change event
if (FEnabledEvent) then
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList.Count - 1 do
+ for i := 0 to FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool.Count - 1 do
- _e := TNumberModuleEventInterface(FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList[i]);
- if Assigned(_e.FOnCurrentDMEvent) then
+ E_ := FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool[i];
+ if Assigned(E_.FOnCurrentDMEvent) then
- _e.FOnCurrentDMEvent(_e, FCurrentValue);
+ E_.FOnCurrentDMEvent(E_, FCurrentValue);
if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(OldValue, NewValue);
+ begin
+ try
+ FOnChange(Self, OLD_, N_);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FOwner <> nil then
+ Owner.DoNMChange(Self, OLD_, N_);
procedure TNumberModule.Clear;
- while FCurrentValueHookList.Count > 0 do
- DisposeObject(TNumberModuleHookInterface(FCurrentValueHookList[0]));
- while FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList.Count > 0 do
- DisposeObject(TNumberModuleEventInterface(FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList[0]));
+ while FCurrentValueHookPool.Count > 0 do
+ DisposeObject(FCurrentValueHookPool[0]);
+ while FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool.Count > 0 do
+ DisposeObject(FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool[0]);
+procedure TNumberModule.DoRegOpProc;
+ if Owner <> nil then
+ Owner.ExpOpRunTime.RegObjectOpM(Name, Description, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}OP_DoProc);
+procedure TNumberModule.DoRemoveOpProc;
+ if Owner <> nil then
+ Owner.ExpOpRunTime.ProcList.Delete(Name);
+function TNumberModule.OP_DoProc(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ i: Integer;
+ if Length(OP_Param) > 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := OP_Param[0];
+ for i := 1 to Length(OP_Param) - 1 do
+ Result := Result + OP_Param[i];
+ AsValue := Result;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := AsValue;
function TNumberModule.GetCurrentAsCardinal: Cardinal;
@@ -601,52 +583,44 @@ procedure TNumberModule.SetOriginAsBool(const Value: Boolean);
OriginAsInteger := 0;
-constructor TNumberModule.Create(AOwner: TNumberModuleList);
+constructor TNumberModule.Create(Owner_: TNumberModulePool);
inherited Create;
- FOwner := AOwner;
+ FOwner := Owner_;
FName := '';
FSymbolName := '';
FDescription := '';
FDetailDescription := '';
- FCurrentValueHookList := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- FCustomObjects := nil;
- FCustomValues := nil;
- FCurrentValue := Null;
- FOriginValue := Null;
+ FCurrentValueHookPool := TNumberModuleHookPoolList.Create;
+ FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool := TNumberModuleEventPoolList.Create;
+ FCurrentValue := NULL;
+ FOriginValue := NULL;
FEnabledHook := True;
FEnabledEvent := True;
FOnChange := nil;
+ UserObject := nil;
+ UserData := nil;
+ UserVariant := NULL;
+ Tag := 0;
destructor TNumberModule.Destroy;
- DisposeObject(FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList);
- DisposeObject(FCurrentValueHookList);
- if FCustomObjects <> nil then
- DisposeObject(FCustomObjects);
- if FCustomValues <> nil then
- DisposeObject(FCustomValues);
+ DisposeObject(FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool);
+ DisposeObject(FCurrentValueHookPool);
inherited Destroy;
-procedure TNumberModule.UpdateValue;
+procedure TNumberModule.DoChange;
- DoCurrentValueHook(FCurrentValue, FOriginValue);
+ DoCurrentValueHook(FCurrentValue, FCurrentValue);
-function TNumberModule.RegisterCurrentValueHook: TNumberModuleHookInterface;
+function TNumberModule.RegisterCurrentValueHook: TNumberModuleHookPool;
- Result := TNumberModuleHookInterface.Create(Self, FCurrentValueHookList);
+ Result := TNumberModuleHookPool.Create(Self, FCurrentValueHookPool);
procedure TNumberModule.CopyHookInterfaceFrom(sour: TNumberModule);
@@ -654,13 +628,13 @@ procedure TNumberModule.CopyHookInterfaceFrom(sour: TNumberModule);
i: Integer;
// copy new interface
- for i := 0 to sour.FCurrentValueHookList.Count - 1 do
- RegisterCurrentValueHook.OnCurrentDMHook := TNumberModuleHookInterface(sour.FCurrentValueHookList[i]).OnCurrentDMHook;
+ for i := 0 to sour.FCurrentValueHookPool.Count - 1 do
+ RegisterCurrentValueHook.OnCurrentDMHook := TNumberModuleHookPool(sour.FCurrentValueHookPool[i]).OnCurrentDMHook;
-function TNumberModule.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent: TNumberModuleEventInterface;
+function TNumberModule.RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent: TNumberModuleEventPool;
- Result := TNumberModuleEventInterface.Create(Self, FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList);
+ Result := TNumberModuleEventPool.Create(Self, FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool);
procedure TNumberModule.CopyChangeAfterEventInterfaceFrom(sour: TNumberModule);
@@ -668,8 +642,8 @@ procedure TNumberModule.CopyChangeAfterEventInterfaceFrom(sour: TNumberModule);
i: Integer;
// copy new interface
- for i := 0 to sour.FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList.Count - 1 do
- RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := TNumberModuleEventInterface(sour.FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventList[i]).OnCurrentDMEvent;
+ for i := 0 to sour.FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool.Count - 1 do
+ RegisterCurrentValueChangeAfterEvent.OnCurrentDMEvent := sour.FCurrentValueChangeAfterEventPool[i].OnCurrentDMEvent;
procedure TNumberModule.Assign(sour: TNumberModule);
@@ -682,55 +656,142 @@ procedure TNumberModule.Assign(sour: TNumberModule);
FDetailDescription := sour.FDetailDescription;
-function TNumberModuleList.GetItems(AName: SystemString): TNumberModule;
+function TNumberModulePool.OP_DoNewNM(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ N_: SystemString;
- Result := TNumberModule(FList[AName]);
- if Result = nil then
+ N_ := VarToStr(OP_Param[0]);
+ if FList.Exists(N_) then
+ Items[N_].AsValue := OP_Param[1]
+ else
+ Items[N_].OriginValue := OP_Param[1];
+ Result := OP_Param[1];
+procedure TNumberModulePool.SwapInstance_Progress(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TNumberModule);
+ Obj.FOwner := Self;
+procedure TNumberModulePool.RebuildOpRunTime_Progress(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TNumberModule);
+ Obj.DoRegOpProc;
+procedure TNumberModulePool.DoChangeAll_Progress(const Name: PSystemString; Obj: TNumberModule);
+ Obj.DoChange;
+function TNumberModulePool.GetExpOpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime;
+ if FExpOpRunTime = nil then
- Result := TNumberModule.Create(Self);
- FList[AName] := Result;
- Result.FName := AName;
+ FExpOpRunTime := TOpCustomRunTime.CustomCreate($FF);
+ FExpOpRunTime.RegObjectOpM('Set', 'Init NM, Set(Name, Value)', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}OP_DoNewNM);
+ FExpOpRunTime.RegObjectOpM('Init', 'Init NM, Init(Name, Value)', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}OP_DoNewNM);
+ FExpOpRunTime.RegObjectOpM('New', 'Init NM, New(Name, Value)', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}OP_DoNewNM);
+ FList.ProgressM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}RebuildOpRunTime_Progress);
+ Result := FExpOpRunTime;
-constructor TNumberModuleList.Create;
+constructor TNumberModulePool.Create;
inherited Create;
- FList := THashObjectList.CustomCreate(True, 256);
+ FList := TNumberModulePool_Decl.Create(True, 1024, nil);
+ FExpOpRunTime := nil;
-destructor TNumberModuleList.Destroy;
+destructor TNumberModulePool.Destroy;
+ DisposeObject(FExpOpRunTime);
inherited Destroy;
-procedure TNumberModuleList.Delete(AName: SystemString);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.SwapInstance(source: TNumberModulePool);
+ tmp_FList: TNumberModulePool_Decl;
+ tmp_FExpOpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime;
+ tmp_FList := FList;
+ tmp_FExpOpRunTime := FExpOpRunTime;
+ FList := source.FList;
+ FExpOpRunTime := source.FExpOpRunTime;
+ source.FList := tmp_FList;
+ source.FExpOpRunTime := tmp_FExpOpRunTime;
+ // Update Owner
+ FList.ProgressM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}SwapInstance_Progress);
+ source.FList.ProgressM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}source.SwapInstance_Progress);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.RebuildOpRunTime;
- FList.Delete(AName);
+ DisposeObjectAndNil(FExpOpRunTime);
-function TNumberModuleList.Exists(AName: SystemString): Boolean;
+function TNumberModulePool.IsVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString; TS_: TTextStyle): Boolean;
- Result := FList.Exists(AName);
+ Result := IsSymbolVectorExpression(ExpressionText_, TS_, nil);
-function TNumberModuleList.ExistsIntf(ADM: TNumberModule): Boolean;
+function TNumberModulePool.IsVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString): Boolean;
- Result := FList.ExistsObject(ADM);
+ Result := IsVectorScript(ExpressionText_, tsPascal);
-procedure TNumberModuleList.Clear;
+function TNumberModulePool.RunScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString; TS_: TTextStyle): Variant;
+ Result := EvaluateExpressionValue(True, TS_, ExpressionText_, ExpOpRunTime);
+function TNumberModulePool.RunScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString): Variant;
+ Result := RunScript(ExpressionText_, tsPascal);
+function TNumberModulePool.RunVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString; TS_: TTextStyle): TExpressionValueVector;
+ Result := EvaluateExpressionVector(False, True, nil, TS_, ExpressionText_, ExpOpRunTime, nil);
+function TNumberModulePool.RunVectorScript(ExpressionText_: SystemString): TExpressionValueVector;
+ Result := RunVectorScript(ExpressionText_, tsPascal);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.DoNMChange(Sender: TNumberModule; OLD_, New_: Variant);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.Delete(Name_: SystemString);
+ FList.Delete(Name_);
+function TNumberModulePool.Exists(Name_: SystemString): Boolean;
+ Result := FList.Exists(Name_);
+function TNumberModulePool.ExistsIntf(NM_: TNumberModule): Boolean;
+ Result := FList.ExistsObject(NM_);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.Clear;
-function TNumberModuleList.Macro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; out output: SystemString): Boolean;
+function TNumberModulePool.Macro(const text_, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; out output: SystemString): Boolean;
- Result := ManualMacro(AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}__GetDMAsString, output);
+ Result := ManualMacro(text_, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}__GetNMAsString, output);
-function TNumberModuleList.ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; OnDM2Text: TGetDMAsString; out output: SystemString): Boolean;
+function TNumberModulePool.ManualMacro(const text_, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerFlag: SystemString; OnDM2Text: TGetDMAsString; out output: SystemString): Boolean;
lst: TCoreClassListForObj;
@@ -742,7 +803,7 @@ function TNumberModuleList.ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerF
Result := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
if (SameText(Result.FSymbolName, k)) or (SameText(Result.FName, k)) then
- Exit;
+ exit;
Result := nil;
@@ -753,12 +814,12 @@ function TNumberModuleList.ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerF
bPos, ePos, OwnerPos, nPos: Integer;
KeyText, OwnerKey, SubKey: U_String;
i: Integer;
- DM: TNumberModule;
+ NM: TNumberModule;
lst := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
output := '';
- sour.Text := AText;
+ sour.Text := text_;
hf.Text := HeadToken;
TF.Text := TailToken;
owf.Text := OwnerFlag;
@@ -782,10 +843,10 @@ function TNumberModuleList.ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerF
nPos := OwnerPos + owf.Len;
SubKey := KeyText.Copy(nPos, KeyText.Len - nPos + 1);
- DM := _GetDM(OwnerKey.Text);
- if DM <> nil then
+ NM := _GetDM(OwnerKey.Text);
+ if NM <> nil then
- output := output + OnDM2Text(SubKey.Text, DM);
+ output := output + OnDM2Text(SubKey.Text, NM);
i := ePos + TF.Len;
@@ -796,10 +857,10 @@ function TNumberModuleList.ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerF
- DM := _GetDM(KeyText.Text);
- if DM <> nil then
+ NM := _GetDM(KeyText.Text);
+ if NM <> nil then
- output := output + OnDM2Text('', DM);
+ output := output + OnDM2Text('', NM);
i := ePos + TF.Len;
@@ -817,33 +878,38 @@ function TNumberModuleList.ManualMacro(const AText, HeadToken, TailToken, OwnerF
-procedure TNumberModuleList.Assign(Source: TNumberModuleList); // create by,zfy, 2011-6-17
+procedure TNumberModulePool.Assign(source: TNumberModulePool);
lst: TCoreClassListForObj;
i: Integer;
- newdm, DM: TNumberModule;
+ NewDM, NM: TNumberModule;
lst := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- Source.FList.GetAsList(lst);
+ source.FList.GetAsList(lst);
for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
- DM := lst[i] as TNumberModule;
- newdm := Items[DM.Name];
- newdm.Assign(DM);
+ NM := lst[i] as TNumberModule;
+ NewDM := Items[NM.Name];
+ NewDM.Assign(NM);
for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
- DM := lst[i] as TNumberModule;
- DM.UpdateValue;
+ NM := lst[i] as TNumberModule;
+ NM.DoChange;
-procedure TNumberModuleList.LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.DoChangeAll;
+ FList.ProgressM({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoChangeAll_Progress);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
- df: TDataFrameEngine;
- DM: TNumberModule;
+ df: TDFE;
+ NM: TNumberModule;
n: SystemString;
lst: TCoreClassListForObj;
i: Integer;
@@ -851,345 +917,132 @@ procedure TNumberModuleList.LoadFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
// format
// name,current value,origin value
lst := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- df := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ df := TDFE.Create;
while not df.Reader.IsEnd do
n := df.Reader.ReadString;
- DM := GetItems(n);
- DM.SymbolName := df.Reader.ReadString;
- DM.Description := df.Reader.ReadString;
- DM.DetailDescription := df.Reader.ReadString;
- DM.DirectOriginValue := df.Reader.ReadVariant;
- DM.DirectOriginValue := df.Reader.ReadVariant;
- lst.Add(DM);
+ NM := GetItems(n);
+ NM.SymbolName := df.Reader.ReadString;
+ NM.Description := df.Reader.ReadString;
+ NM.DetailDescription := df.Reader.ReadString;
+ NM.DirectOriginValue := df.Reader.ReadVariant;
+ NM.DirectCurrentValue := df.Reader.ReadVariant;
+ lst.Add(NM);
for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
- DM := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
- DM.UpdateValue;
+ NM := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
+ NM.DoChange;
-procedure TNumberModuleList.SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
- df: TDataFrameEngine;
+ df: TDFE;
lst: TCoreClassListForObj;
i: Integer;
- DM: TNumberModule;
+ NM: TNumberModule;
// format
// name,current value,origin value
lst := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- df := TDataFrameEngine.Create;
+ df := TDFE.Create;
for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
- DM := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
- df.WriteString(DM.Name);
- df.WriteString(DM.SymbolName);
- df.WriteString(DM.Description);
- df.WriteString(DM.DetailDescription);
- df.WriteVariant(DM.OriginValue);
- df.WriteVariant(DM.CurrentValue);
+ NM := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
+ df.WriteString(NM.Name);
+ df.WriteString(NM.SymbolName);
+ df.WriteString(NM.Description);
+ df.WriteString(NM.DetailDescription);
+ df.WriteVariant(NM.OriginValue);
+ df.WriteVariant(NM.CurrentValue);
- df.EncodeTo(stream);
+ df.FastEncodeTo(stream);
-procedure TNumberModuleList.LoadFromVariantList(v: THashVariantList);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.LoadFromVariantList(L: THashVariantList);
- NL: TCoreClassStringList;
+ NL: TPascalStringList;
i: Integer;
lst: TCoreClassListForObj;
- DM: TNumberModule;
+ NM: TNumberModule;
lst := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
- NL := TCoreClassStringList.Create;
- v.GetNameList(NL);
+ NL := TPascalStringList.Create;
+ L.GetNameList(NL);
for i := 0 to NL.Count - 1 do
- DM := GetItems(NL[i]);
- DM.DirectOriginValue := v[DM.Name];
- DM.DirectCurrentValue := DM.DirectOriginValue;
- lst.Add(DM);
+ NM := GetItems(NL[i]);
+ NM.DirectOriginValue := L[NM.Name];
+ NM.DirectCurrentValue := NM.DirectOriginValue;
+ lst.Add(NM);
for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
- DM := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
- DM.UpdateValue;
+ NM := TNumberModule(lst[i]);
+ NM.DoChange;
-procedure TNumberModuleList.SaveToVariantList(v: THashVariantList);
+procedure TNumberModulePool.SaveToVariantList(L: THashVariantList);
lst: TCoreClassStringList;
i: Integer;
- DM: TNumberModule;
+ NM: TNumberModule;
lst := TCoreClassStringList.Create;
for i := 0 to lst.Count - 1 do
- DM := TNumberModule(lst.Objects[i]);
- v[DM.Name] := DM.OriginValue;
+ NM := TNumberModule(lst.Objects[i]);
+ L[NM.Name] := NM.OriginValue;
-procedure TNMAutomated.DMCurrentValueHook(Sender: TNumberModuleHookInterface; OldValue: Variant; var NewValue: Variant);
- function IsMaxPriorityOverlap(ignore: PDMProcessingData): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- p: PDMProcessingData;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueCalcList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- p := FCurrentValueCalcList[i];
- if (p <> ignore) and (p^.Processed) then
- if (p^.TypeID = ignore^.TypeID) and (p^.Priority >= ignore^.Priority) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ImpStyleValue(p: PDMProcessingData);
- begin
- case p^.Style of
- npsInc: NewValue := NewValue + p^.opValue;
- npsDec: NewValue := NewValue - p^.opValue;
- npsIncMul: NewValue := NewValue + FDMSource.OriginValue * p^.opValue;
- npsDecMul: NewValue := NewValue - FDMSource.OriginValue * p^.opValue;
- else
- Assert(False);
- end;
- p^.Processed := True;
- end;
- i: Integer;
- p: PDMProcessingData;
- b: Boolean;
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueCalcList.Count - 1 do
- PDMProcessingData(FCurrentValueCalcList[i])^.Processed := False;
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueCalcList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- p := FCurrentValueCalcList[i];
- b := p^.Overlap;
- if not b then
- b := IsMaxPriorityOverlap(p);
- if b then
- ImpStyleValue(p);
- end;
-function TNMAutomated.GetCurrentValueCalcData(token: TCoreClassObject): PDMProcessingData;
- i: Integer;
+function TNumberModulePool.GetItems(Name_: SystemString): TNumberModule;
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueCalcList.Count - 1 do
- if PDMProcessingData(FCurrentValueCalcList[i])^.token = token then
- begin
- Result := FCurrentValueCalcList[i];
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := nil;
-constructor TNMAutomated.Create(AOwner: TNMAutomatedManager; ADMSource: TNumberModule);
- inherited Create;
- FOwner := AOwner;
- FDMSource := ADMSource;
- FCurrentValueHookIntf := FDMSource.RegisterCurrentValueHook;
- FCurrentValueHookIntf.OnCurrentDMHook := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DMCurrentValueHook;
- FCurrentValueCalcList := TCoreClassList.Create;
-destructor TNMAutomated.Destroy;
- Clear;
- DisposeObject(FCurrentValueCalcList);
- DisposeObject(FCurrentValueHookIntf);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TNMAutomated.Progress(deltaTime: Double);
- i: Integer;
- p: PDMProcessingData;
- i := 0;
- while i < FCurrentValueCalcList.Count do
- begin
- p := FCurrentValueCalcList[i];
- if p^.CancelDelayTime > 0 then
- begin
- if p^.CancelDelayTime - deltaTime <= 0 then
- begin
- Dispose(p);
- FCurrentValueCalcList.Delete(i);
- end
- else
- begin
- p^.CancelDelayTime := p^.CancelDelayTime - deltaTime;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end
- else
- inc(i);
- end;
-procedure TNMAutomated.ChangeProcessStyle(token: TCoreClassObject; opValue: Variant; Style: TNumberProcessStyle; CancelDelayTime: Double; Overlap: Boolean; TypeID: Integer;
- Priority: Cardinal);
- p: PDMProcessingData;
- p := GetCurrentValueCalcData(token);
- if p = nil then
- begin
- new(p);
- FCurrentValueCalcList.Add(p);
- end;
- p^.token := token;
- p^.opValue := opValue;
- p^.Style := Style;
- p^.CancelDelayTime := CancelDelayTime;
- p^.Overlap := Overlap;
- p^.TypeID := TypeID;
- p^.Priority := Priority;
- p^.Processed := False;
- FDMSource.UpdateValue;
-procedure TNMAutomated.Cancel(token: TCoreClassObject);
- i: Integer;
- p: PDMProcessingData;
- ANeedUpdate: Boolean;
- i := 0;
- ANeedUpdate := False;
- while i < FCurrentValueCalcList.Count do
- begin
- p := FCurrentValueCalcList[i];
- if p^.token = token then
- begin
- Dispose(p);
- FCurrentValueCalcList.Delete(i);
- ANeedUpdate := True;
- end
- else
- inc(i);
- end;
- if ANeedUpdate then
- FDMSource.UpdateValue;
-procedure TNMAutomated.Clear;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FCurrentValueCalcList.Count - 1 do
- Dispose(PDMProcessingData(FCurrentValueCalcList[i]));
- FCurrentValueCalcList.Clear;
-function TNMAutomatedManager.GetOrCreate(ADMSource: TNumberModule): TNMAutomated;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
+ Result := FList[Name_];
+ if Result = nil then
- Result := TNMAutomated(FList[i]);
- if Result.FDMSource = ADMSource then
- Exit;
+ Result := TNumberModule.Create(Self);
+ FList[Name_] := Result;
+ Result.FName := Name_;
+ Result.DoRegOpProc;
- Result := TNMAutomated.Create(Self, ADMSource);
- FList.Add(Result);
-constructor TNMAutomatedManager.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FList := TCoreClassListForObj.Create;
-destructor TNMAutomatedManager.Destroy;
- Clear;
- DisposeObject(FList);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TNMAutomatedManager.Progress(deltaTime: Double);
+class procedure TNumberModulePool.test;
- i: Integer;
+ nmPool: TNumberModulePool;
- for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
- TNMAutomated(FList[i]).Progress(deltaTime);
+ nmPool := TNumberModulePool.Create;
+ nmPool['a'].OriginValue := 33.14;
+ nmPool['b'].OriginValue := 100;
+ nmPool['c'].OriginValue := 200;
-procedure TNMAutomatedManager.Clear;
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
- DisposeObject(TNMAutomated(FList[i]));
- FList.Clear;
-procedure TNMAutomatedManager.PostAutomatedProcess(Style: TNumberProcessStyle;
- ADMSource: TNumberModule; token: TCoreClassPersistent;
- opValue: Variant; Overlap: Boolean; TypeID: Integer; Priority: Cardinal);
- GetOrCreate(ADMSource).ChangeProcessStyle(token, opValue, Style, 0, Overlap, TypeID, Priority);
-procedure TNMAutomatedManager.PostAutomatedDelayCancelProcess(Style: TNumberProcessStyle;
- ADMSource: TNumberModule; token: TCoreClassPersistent;
- opValue: Variant; Overlap: Boolean; TypeID: Integer; Priority: Cardinal; CancelDelayTime: Double);
- GetOrCreate(ADMSource).ChangeProcessStyle(token, opValue, Style, CancelDelayTime, Overlap, TypeID, Priority);
-procedure TNMAutomatedManager.Delete(ADMSource: TNumberModule; token: TCoreClassObject);
- GetOrCreate(ADMSource).Cancel(token);
-procedure TNMAutomatedManager.Delete(token: TCoreClassObject);
- i: Integer;
- for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
- TNMAutomated(FList[i]).Cancel(token);
+ DoStatus('NM test: %s', [VarToStr(nmPool.RunScript('a(a*100)*b+c', tsPascal))]);
+ DoStatus('NM test: %s', [VarToStr(nmPool.RunScript('a(33.14)', tsPascal))]);
+ DoStatus('NM vector test: %s', [ExpressionValueVectorToStr(nmPool.RunVectorScript('a(a*100)*b+c, a*c+99', tsPascal)).Text]);
+ DisposeObject(nmPool);
procedure test;
- NL: TNumberModuleList;
+ NL: TNumberModulePool;
n: SystemString;
- NL := TNumberModuleList.Create;
+ NL := TNumberModulePool.Create;
NL['a'].OriginValue := '123';
NL['a'].Description := 'hahahaha';
NL.Macro('hello world', '<', '>', '.', n);
@@ -1197,10 +1050,4 @@ procedure test;
-// test;
diff --git a/Source/ObjectDataManager.pas b/Source/ObjectDataManager.pas
index 521d5bcc..caf8f228 100644
--- a/Source/ObjectDataManager.pas
+++ b/Source/ObjectDataManager.pas
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ TObjectDataManager = class(TCoreClassObject)
function ItemRename(const fieldPos: Int64; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle; const NewName, NewDescription: SystemString): Boolean;
function ItemFastInsertNew(const fieldPos, InsertHeaderPos: Int64; const DBItemName, DBItemDescription: SystemString; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle): Boolean;
function ItemFastCreate(const fPos: Int64; const DBItemName, DBItemDescription: SystemString; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle): Boolean;
- function ItemFastOpen(const fPos: Int64; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle): Boolean;
+ function ItemFastOpen(const hPos: Int64; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle): Boolean;
function ItemFastResetBody(const fPos: Int64): Boolean;
function ItemFastExists(const fieldPos: Int64; const DBItemName: SystemString): Boolean;
function ItemFastFindFirst(const fieldPos: Int64; const DBItemName: SystemString; var ItemSearchHandle: TItemSearch): Boolean;
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ TObjectDataManager = class(TCoreClassObject)
// item stream
function ItemReadToStream(var ItemHnd: TItemHandle; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean; overload;
+ function ItemReadToStream(hPos: Int64; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean; overload;
function ItemWriteFromStream(var ItemHnd: TItemHandle; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean; overload;
function ItemReadToStream(const DBPath, DBItemName: SystemString; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean; overload;
function ItemWriteFromStream(const DBPath, DBItemName: SystemString; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean; overload;
@@ -1594,10 +1595,10 @@ function TObjectDataManager.ItemFastCreate(const fPos: Int64; const DBItemName,
Result := db_ItemFastCreate(DBItemName, DBItemDescription, fPos, FDefaultItemID, ItemHnd, FDBHandle);
-function TObjectDataManager.ItemFastOpen(const fPos: Int64; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle): Boolean;
+function TObjectDataManager.ItemFastOpen(const hPos: Int64; var ItemHnd: TItemHandle): Boolean;
- Result := db_ItemFastOpen(fPos, FDefaultItemID, ItemHnd, FDBHandle);
+ Result := db_ItemFastOpen(hPos, FDefaultItemID, ItemHnd, FDBHandle);
function TObjectDataManager.ItemFastResetBody(const fPos: Int64): Boolean;
@@ -1715,6 +1716,16 @@ function TObjectDataManager.ItemReadToStream(var ItemHnd: TItemHandle; stream: T
+function TObjectDataManager.ItemReadToStream(hPos: Int64; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean;
+ ItemHnd: TItemHandle;
+ Result := ItemFastOpen(hPos, ItemHnd);
+ if not Result then
+ Exit;
+ Result := ItemReadToStream(ItemHnd, stream);
function TObjectDataManager.ItemWriteFromStream(var ItemHnd: TItemHandle; stream: TCoreClassStream): Boolean;
sour: TItemStream;
@@ -2925,6 +2936,7 @@ procedure TestObjectData();
+Internal_ObjectDataMarshal := nil;
diff --git a/Source/OpCode.pas b/Source/OpCode.pas
index 542270fa..e9d6d47e 100644
--- a/Source/OpCode.pas
+++ b/Source/OpCode.pas
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-uses SysUtils, Variants, Math, CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO, ListEngine, UnicodeMixedLib, DataFrameEngine;
+uses SysUtils, Variants, Math, CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO, ListEngine, UnicodeMixedLib;
TOpValueType = (
@@ -36,109 +36,102 @@ TOpCustomRunTime = class;
TOpParam = array of Variant;
- TOnOpCall = function(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- TOnOpMethod = function(var Param: TOpParam): Variant of object;
- TOnObjectOpCall = function(OpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime; var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- TOnObjectOpMethod = function(OpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime; var Param: TOpParam): Variant of object;
+ TOnOpCall = function(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ TOnOpMethod = function(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant of object;
+ TOnObjectOpCall = function(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ TOnObjectOpMethod = function(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant of object;
- TOnOpProc = function(var Param: TOpParam): Variant is nested;
- TOnObjectOpProc = function(OpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime; var Param: TOpParam): Variant is nested;
+ TOnOpProc = function(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant is nested;
+ TOnObjectOpProc = function(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant is nested;
- TOnOpProc = reference to function(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- TOnObjectOpProc = reference to function(OpRunTime: TOpCustomRunTime; var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ TOnOpProc = reference to function(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ TOnObjectOpProc = reference to function(Sender: TOpCustomRunTime; var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- POpRTData = ^TOpRTData;
TOpRTData = record
Param: TOpParam;
Name, Description, Category: SystemString;
OnOpCall: TOnOpCall;
OnOpMethod: TOnOpMethod;
+ OnOpProc: TOnOpProc;
OnObjectOpCall: TOnObjectOpCall;
OnObjectOpMethod: TOnObjectOpMethod;
- OnOpProc: TOnOpProc;
OnObjectOpProc: TOnObjectOpProc;
procedure Init;
+ POpRTData = ^TOpRTData;
TOpCustomRunTime = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure FreeNotifyProc(p: Pointer);
- function DoInt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoFrac(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoExp(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoCos(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSin(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoLn(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoArcTan(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSqrt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSqr(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoTan(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoRound(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoTrunc(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoDeg(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoPower(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSingle(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoDouble(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoExtended(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoByte(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoWord(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoCardinal(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoUInt64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoShortInt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSmallInt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoInteger(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoInt64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROL8(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROL16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROL32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROL64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROR8(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROR16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROR32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoROR64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoEndian16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoEndian32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoEndian64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoEndianU16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoEndianU32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoEndianU64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSAR16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSAR32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoSAR64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoPI(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoBool(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoTrue(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoFalse(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoRColor(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoVec2(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoVec3(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoVec4(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoRandom(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoRandomFloat(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoMax(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoMin(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoClamp(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoIfThen(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoStr(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoGetFirst(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoDeleteFirst(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoGetLast(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoDeleteLast(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoMultiple(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- function DoPrint(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- procedure InternalReg; virtual;
+ function DoInt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoFrac(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoExp(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoCos(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSin(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoLn(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoArcTan(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSqrt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSqr(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoTan(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoRound(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoTrunc(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoDeg(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoPower(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSingle(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoDouble(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoExtended(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoByte(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoWord(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoCardinal(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoUInt64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoShortInt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSmallInt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoInteger(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoInt64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROL8(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROL16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROL32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROL64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROR8(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROR16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROR32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoROR64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoEndian16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoEndian32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoEndian64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoEndianU16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoEndianU32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoEndianU64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSAR16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSAR32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoSAR64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoPI(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoBool(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoTrue(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoFalse(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoRColor(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoVec2(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoVec3(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoVec4(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoRandom(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoRandomFloat(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoMax(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoMin(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoClamp(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoIfThen(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoStr(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ function DoMultiple(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
ProcList: THashList;
Trigger: POpRTData;
@@ -147,8 +140,10 @@ TOpCustomRunTime = class(TCoreClassObject)
UserData: Pointer;
constructor Create;
- constructor CustomCreate(maxHashLen: Integer); virtual;
+ constructor CustomCreate(maxHashSiz_: Integer); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clean; virtual;
+ procedure PrepareRegistation; virtual;
function GetProcDescription(ProcName: SystemString): SystemString; overload;
function GetAllProcDescription(): TPascalStringList; overload;
@@ -365,7 +360,7 @@ function LoadOpFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream; out LoadedOp: TOpCode): Bool
-uses Geometry2DUnit, Geometry3DUnit;
+uses Geometry2DUnit, Geometry3DUnit, DataFrameEngine;
opRegData = record
@@ -387,9 +382,9 @@ procedure TOpRTData.Init;
Category := '';
OnOpCall := nil;
OnOpMethod := nil;
+ OnOpProc := nil;
OnObjectOpCall := nil;
OnObjectOpMethod := nil;
- OnOpProc := nil;
OnObjectOpProc := nil;
@@ -502,310 +497,310 @@ function LoadOpFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream; out LoadedOp: TOpCode): Bool
procedure TOpCustomRunTime.FreeNotifyProc(p: Pointer);
- SetLength(POpRTData(p)^.Param, 0);
+ POpRTData(p)^.Init;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoInt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoInt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Int(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoFrac(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoFrac(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Frac(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoExp(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoExp(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Exp(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoCos(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoCos(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Cos(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSin(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSin(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Sin(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoLn(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoLn(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := ln(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoArcTan(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoArcTan(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := ArcTan(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSqrt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSqrt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Sqrt(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSqr(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSqr(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Sqr(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoTan(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoTan(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Tan(v);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRound(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRound(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Round(Double(v));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoTrunc(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoTrunc(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := Trunc(Double(v));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoDeg(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoDeg(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
Result := NormalizeDegAngle(TGeoFloat(v));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoPower(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoPower(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
- if length(Param) = 2 then
- Result := Power(Param[0], Param[1])
+ if length(OP_Param) = 2 then
+ Result := Power(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1])
Result := 0;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSingle(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSingle(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Single(Param[0]);
+ Result := Single(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoDouble(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoDouble(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Double(Param[0]);
+ Result := Double(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoExtended(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoExtended(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Extended(Param[0]);
+ Result := Extended(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoByte(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoByte(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Byte(Param[0]);
+ Result := Byte(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoWord(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoWord(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Word(Param[0]);
+ Result := Word(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoCardinal(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoCardinal(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Cardinal(Param[0]);
+ Result := Cardinal(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoUInt64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoUInt64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := UInt64(Param[0]);
+ Result := UInt64(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoShortInt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoShortInt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ShortInt(Param[0]);
+ Result := ShortInt(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSmallInt(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSmallInt(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := SmallInt(Param[0]);
+ Result := SmallInt(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoInteger(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoInteger(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Integer(Param[0]);
+ Result := Integer(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoInt64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoInt64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Int64(Param[0]);
+ Result := Int64(OP_Param[0]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL8(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL8(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROL8(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROL8(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROL16(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROL16(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROL32(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROL32(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROL64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROL64(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROL64(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR8(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR8(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROR8(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROR8(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROR16(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROR16(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROR32(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROR32(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoROR64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := ROR64(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := ROR64(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndian16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndian16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Endian(SmallInt(Param[0]));
+ Result := Endian(SmallInt(OP_Param[0]));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndian32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndian32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Endian(Integer(Param[0]));
+ Result := Endian(Integer(OP_Param[0]));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndian64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndian64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Endian(Int64(Param[0]));
+ Result := Endian(Int64(OP_Param[0]));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndianU16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndianU16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Endian(Word(Param[0]));
+ Result := Endian(Word(OP_Param[0]));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndianU32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndianU32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Endian(Cardinal(Param[0]));
+ Result := Endian(Cardinal(OP_Param[0]));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndianU64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoEndianU64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := Endian(UInt64(Param[0]));
+ Result := Endian(UInt64(OP_Param[0]));
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSAR16(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSAR16(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := SAR16(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := SAR16(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSAR32(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSAR32(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := SAR32(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := SAR32(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSAR64(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoSAR64(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- Result := SAR64(Param[0], Param[1]);
+ Result := SAR64(OP_Param[0], OP_Param[1]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoPI(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoPI(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
Result := PI;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoBool(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoBool(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
function v2b(const v: Variant): Boolean;
n: TPascalString;
@@ -832,22 +827,22 @@ function TOpCustomRunTime.DoBool(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
i: Integer;
n := True;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- n := n and v2b(Param[i]);
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ n := n and v2b(OP_Param[i]);
Result := n;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoTrue(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoTrue(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
Result := True;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoFalse(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoFalse(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
Result := False;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRColor(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRColor(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
buff: array [0 .. 3] of SystemString;
i: Integer;
@@ -856,13 +851,13 @@ function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRColor(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
buff[i] := '0.0';
buff[3] := '1.0';
- for i := Low(Param) to high(Param) do
- buff[i] := VarToStr(Param[i]);
+ for i := Low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ buff[i] := VarToStr(OP_Param[i]);
Result := Format('RColor(%s,%s,%s,%s)', [buff[0], buff[1], buff[2], buff[3]]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec2(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec2(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
buff: array [0 .. 1] of SystemString;
i: Integer;
@@ -870,13 +865,13 @@ function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec2(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
for i := Low(buff) to high(buff) do
buff[i] := '0.0';
- for i := Low(Param) to high(Param) do
- buff[i] := VarToStr(Param[i]);
+ for i := Low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ buff[i] := VarToStr(OP_Param[i]);
Result := Format('Vec2(%s,%s)', [buff[0], buff[1]]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec3(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec3(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
buff: array [0 .. 2] of SystemString;
i: Integer;
@@ -884,13 +879,13 @@ function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec3(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
for i := Low(buff) to high(buff) do
buff[i] := '0.0';
- for i := Low(Param) to high(Param) do
- buff[i] := VarToStr(Param[i]);
+ for i := Low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ buff[i] := VarToStr(OP_Param[i]);
Result := Format('Vec3(%s,%s,%s)', [buff[0], buff[1], buff[2]]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec4(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec4(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
buff: array [0 .. 3] of SystemString;
i: Integer;
@@ -898,20 +893,20 @@ function TOpCustomRunTime.DoVec4(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
for i := Low(buff) to high(buff) do
buff[i] := '0.0';
- for i := Low(Param) to high(Param) do
- buff[i] := VarToStr(Param[i]);
+ for i := Low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ buff[i] := VarToStr(OP_Param[i]);
Result := Format('Vec4(%s,%s,%s,%s)', [buff[0], buff[1], buff[2], buff[3]]);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRandom(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRandom(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
v: Integer;
i: Integer;
v := 0;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- v := v + Param[i];
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ v := v + OP_Param[i];
if v <> 0 then
Result := MT19937Rand32(v)
@@ -919,162 +914,142 @@ function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRandom(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
Result := MT19937Rand32(MaxInt);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRandomFloat(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoRandomFloat(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
Result := MT19937RandF;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoMax(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoMax(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
i: Integer;
- if length(Param) = 0 then
+ if length(OP_Param) = 0 then
Result := NULL;
- Result := Param[0];
- for i := 1 to length(Param) - 1 do
- if Param[i] > Result then
- Result := Param[i];
+ Result := OP_Param[0];
+ for i := 1 to length(OP_Param) - 1 do
+ if OP_Param[i] > Result then
+ Result := OP_Param[i];
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoMin(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoMin(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
i: Integer;
- if length(Param) = 0 then
+ if length(OP_Param) = 0 then
Result := NULL;
- Result := Param[0];
- for i := 1 to length(Param) - 1 do
- if Param[i] < Result then
- Result := Param[i];
+ Result := OP_Param[0];
+ for i := 1 to length(OP_Param) - 1 do
+ if OP_Param[i] < Result then
+ Result := OP_Param[i];
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoClamp(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoClamp(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
minv_, maxv_: Variant;
- if length(Param) <> 3 then
+ if length(OP_Param) <> 3 then
- if length(Param) > 0 then
- Result := Param[0]
+ if length(OP_Param) > 0 then
+ Result := OP_Param[0]
Result := NULL;
- if Param[1] > Param[2] then
+ if OP_Param[1] > OP_Param[2] then
- minv_ := Param[2];
- maxv_ := Param[1];
+ minv_ := OP_Param[2];
+ maxv_ := OP_Param[1];
- minv_ := Param[1];
- maxv_ := Param[2];
+ minv_ := OP_Param[1];
+ maxv_ := OP_Param[2];
- if Param[0] < minv_ then
+ if OP_Param[0] < minv_ then
Result := minv_
- else if Param[0] > maxv_ then
+ else if OP_Param[0] > maxv_ then
Result := maxv_
- Result := Param[0];
+ Result := OP_Param[0];
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoIfThen(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoIfThen(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- if length(Param) <> 3 then
+ if length(OP_Param) <> 3 then
Result := NULL;
- if Boolean(Param[0]) = True then
- Result := Param[1]
+ if Boolean(OP_Param[0]) = True then
+ Result := OP_Param[1]
- Result := Param[2];
+ Result := OP_Param[2];
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoStr(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoStr(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
n: TPascalString;
i: Integer;
n := '';
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- n.Append(VarToStr(Param[i]));
+ for i := low(OP_Param) to high(OP_Param) do
+ n.Append(VarToStr(OP_Param[i]));
Result := n;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoGetFirst(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- if length(Param) = 2 then
- Result := umlGetFirstStr(VarToStr(Param[0]), VarToStr(Param[1])).Text
- else
- Result := '';
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoDeleteFirst(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+function TOpCustomRunTime.DoMultiple(var OP_Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+ i: Integer;
- if length(Param) = 2 then
- Result := umlDeleteFirstStr(VarToStr(Param[0]), VarToStr(Param[1])).Text
+ if length(OP_Param) >= 2 then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 1 to length(OP_Param) - 1 do
+ Result := Result and umlMultipleMatch(VarToStr(OP_Param[0]), VarToStr(OP_Param[i]));
+ end
- Result := '';
+ Result := True;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoGetLast(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+constructor TOpCustomRunTime.Create;
- if length(Param) = 2 then
- Result := umlGetLastStr(VarToStr(Param[0]), VarToStr(Param[1])).Text
- else
- Result := '';
+ CustomCreate(1024);
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoDeleteLast(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
+constructor TOpCustomRunTime.CustomCreate(maxHashSiz_: Integer);
- if length(Param) = 2 then
- Result := umlDeleteLastStr(VarToStr(Param[0]), VarToStr(Param[1])).Text
- else
- Result := '';
+ inherited Create;
+ ProcList := THashList.CustomCreate(maxHashSiz_);
+ ProcList.AutoFreeData := True;
+ ProcList.AccessOptimization := True;
+ ProcList.OnFreePtr := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}FreeNotifyProc;
+ Trigger := nil;
+ UserObject := nil;
+ UserData := nil;
+ PrepareRegistation;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoMultiple(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- i: Integer;
+destructor TOpCustomRunTime.Destroy;
- if length(Param) >= 2 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- for i := 1 to length(Param) - 1 do
- Result := Result and umlMultipleMatch(VarToStr(Param[0]), VarToStr(Param[i]));
- end
- else
- Result := True;
+ DisposeObject(ProcList);
+ inherited Destroy;
-function TOpCustomRunTime.DoPrint(var Param: TOpParam): Variant;
- i: Integer;
+procedure TOpCustomRunTime.Clean;
- for i := low(Param) to high(Param) do
- begin
- DoStatusNoLn(Param[i]);
- if i < high(Param) then
- DoStatusNoLn(#32);
- end;
- DoStatusNoLn;
- Result := True;
+ ProcList.Clear;
-procedure TOpCustomRunTime.InternalReg;
+procedure TOpCustomRunTime.PrepareRegistation;
- ProcList.OnFreePtr := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}FreeNotifyProc;
RegOpM('Int', 'Int(0..n): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoInt)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Frac', 'Frac(0..n): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoFrac)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Exp', 'Exp(0..n): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoExp)^.Category := 'Base Math';
@@ -1092,6 +1067,7 @@ procedure TOpCustomRunTime.InternalReg;
RegOpM('Single', 'Single(value): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoSingle)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Double', 'Double(value): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDouble)^.Category := 'Base Math';
+ RegOpM('Float', 'Float(value): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDouble)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Extended', 'Extended(value): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoExtended)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Byte', 'Byte(value): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoByte)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Word', 'Word(value): math function', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoWord)^.Category := 'Base Math';
@@ -1140,47 +1116,11 @@ procedure TOpCustomRunTime.InternalReg;
RegOpM('IfThen', 'IfThen(bool, if true then of value, if false then of value): return if value', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoIfThen)^.Category := 'Base Math';
RegOpM('Str', 'Str(n..n): convert any variant as string', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoStr)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('Base String', 'String(n..n): convert any variant as string', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoStr)^.Category := 'Base String';
+ RegOpM('String', 'String(n..n): convert any variant as string', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoStr)^.Category := 'Base String';
RegOpM('Text', 'Text(n..n): convert any variant as string', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoStr)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('GetFirst', 'GetFirst(string, split Char): return first split segment', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoGetFirst)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('First', 'First(string, split Char): return first split segment', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoGetFirst)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('DeleteFirst', 'DeleteFirst(string, split Char): return removed at after first split segment of value', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDeleteFirst)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('GetLast', 'GetLast(string, split Char): return last split segment', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoGetLast)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('Last', 'Last(string, split Char): return last split segment', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoGetLast)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('DeleteLast', 'DeleteLast(string, split Char): return removed at after last split segment of value', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoDeleteLast)^.Category := 'Base String';
RegOpM('MultipleMatch', 'MultipleMatch(multile exp, n..n): return bool', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoMultiple)^.Category := 'Base String';
RegOpM('Multiple', 'MultipleMatch(multile exp, n..n): return bool', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoMultiple)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('Print', 'Print(n..n): output to console', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoPrint)^.Category := 'Base String';
- RegOpM('DoStatus', 'DoStatus(n..n): output to console', {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}DoPrint)^.Category := 'Base String';
-constructor TOpCustomRunTime.Create;
- CustomCreate(1024);
-constructor TOpCustomRunTime.CustomCreate(maxHashLen: Integer);
- inherited Create;
- ProcList := THashList.CustomCreate(maxHashLen);
- ProcList.AutoFreeData := True;
- ProcList.AccessOptimization := True;
- Trigger := nil;
- UserObject := nil;
- UserData := nil;
- InternalReg;
-destructor TOpCustomRunTime.Destroy;
- DisposeObject(ProcList);
- inherited Destroy;
function TOpCustomRunTime.GetProcDescription(ProcName: SystemString): SystemString;
@@ -1667,12 +1607,12 @@ function op_Proc.DoExecute(opRT: TOpCustomRunTime): Variant;
Result := p^.OnOpCall(p^.Param);
if Assigned(p^.OnOpMethod) then
Result := p^.OnOpMethod(p^.Param);
+ if Assigned(p^.OnOpProc) then
+ Result := p^.OnOpProc(p^.Param);
if Assigned(p^.OnObjectOpCall) then
Result := p^.OnObjectOpCall(opRT, p^.Param);
if Assigned(p^.OnObjectOpMethod) then
Result := p^.OnObjectOpMethod(opRT, p^.Param);
- if Assigned(p^.OnOpProc) then
- Result := p^.OnOpProc(p^.Param);
if Assigned(p^.OnObjectOpProc) then
Result := p^.OnObjectOpProc(opRT, p^.Param);
diff --git a/Source/UnicodeMixedLib.pas b/Source/UnicodeMixedLib.pas
index 37405e7c..034e2f30 100644
--- a/Source/UnicodeMixedLib.pas
+++ b/Source/UnicodeMixedLib.pas
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ interface
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ interface
P_String = PPascalString;
U_Char = SystemChar;
U_StringArray = array of U_SystemString;
+ U_ArrayString = U_StringArray;
U_Bytes = TBytes;
@@ -498,6 +500,7 @@ function umlTestBase64(const text: TPascalString): Boolean;
PMD5 = ^TMD5;
TMD5 = array [0 .. 15] of Byte;
+ TMD5List = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
NullMD5: TMD5 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
diff --git a/Source/XNATClient.pas b/Source/XNATClient.pas
index 5b9d6407..29dd79b8 100644
--- a/Source/XNATClient.pas
+++ b/Source/XNATClient.pas
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ TXClientMapping = class(TCoreClassObject)
procedure SendTunnel_ConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure RecvTunnel_ConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure delay_RequestListen(Sender: TNPostExecute);
procedure Open;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ TPhysicsEngine_Special = class(TPeerIOUserSpecial)
procedure PhysicsConnect_Result_BuildP2PToken(const cState: Boolean);
procedure PhysicsVMBuildAuthToken_Result;
procedure PhysicsOpenVM_Result(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor Create(Owner_: TPeerIO); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ procedure TXClientMapping.RecvTunnel_ConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
DoStatus('error: [%s] Receive Tunnel connect failed!', [Mapping.Text]);
-procedure TXClientMapping.RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TXClientMapping.RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
DoStatus('success: remote host:%s port:%s mapping to host:%s port:%s', [XClientTunnel.Host.Text, Remote_ListenPort.Text, Addr.Text, Port.Text]);
@@ -543,14 +543,13 @@ procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.PhysicsOpenVM_Result(const cState: Boolean);
if cState then
Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize := umlStrToInt(XNAT.MaxVMFragment, Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize);
- Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer := umlStrToInt(XNAT.MaxRealBuffer, Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer);
Owner.SendStreamCmdM(C_IPV6Listen, nil, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}IPV6Listen_Result);
XNAT.WaitAsyncConnecting := False;
-procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
Mapping: TPascalString;
Remote_ListenAddr, Remote_ListenPort: TPascalString;
@@ -560,15 +559,15 @@ procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData:
SendTunnel_Port: Word;
tunMp: TXClientMapping;
- while ResultData.Reader.NotEnd do
+ while Result_.Reader.NotEnd do
- Mapping := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- Remote_ListenAddr := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- Remote_ListenPort := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- SendTunnel_IPV6 := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- SendTunnel_Port := ResultData.Reader.ReadWord;
- RecvTunnel_IPV6 := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- RecvTunnel_Port := ResultData.Reader.ReadWord;
+ Mapping := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ Remote_ListenAddr := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ Remote_ListenPort := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ SendTunnel_IPV6 := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ SendTunnel_Port := Result_.Reader.ReadWord;
+ RecvTunnel_IPV6 := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ RecvTunnel_Port := Result_.Reader.ReadWord;
tunMp := TXClientMapping(XNAT.HashMapping[Mapping]);
if tunMp <> nil then
diff --git a/Source/XNATMappingOnVirutalService.pas b/Source/XNATMappingOnVirutalService.pas
index 317ff76d..954193b3 100644
--- a/Source/XNATMappingOnVirutalService.pas
+++ b/Source/XNATMappingOnVirutalService.pas
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer = class(TCommunicationFrameworkServer)
procedure SendTunnel_ConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
procedure RecvTunnel_ConnectResult(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
procedure delay_RequestListen(Sender: TNPostExecute);
procedure Open;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer = class(TCommunicationFrameworkServer)
procedure Progress; override;
procedure TriggerQueueData(v: PQueueData); override;
function WaitSendConsoleCmd(p_io: TPeerIO; const Cmd, ConsoleData: SystemString; Timeout: TTimeTick): SystemString; override;
- procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(p_io: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); override;
+ procedure WaitSendStreamCmd(p_io: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick); override;
TPhysicsEngine_Special = class(TPeerIOUserSpecial)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ TPhysicsEngine_Special = class(TPeerIOUserSpecial)
procedure PhysicsConnect_Result_BuildP2PToken(const cState: Boolean);
procedure PhysicsVMBuildAuthToken_Result;
procedure PhysicsOpenVM_Result(const cState: Boolean);
- procedure IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+ procedure IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
constructor Create(Owner_: TPeerIO); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ procedure TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer.RecvTunnel_ConnectResult(const cState: Bo
DoStatus('error: [%s] Receive Tunnel connect failed!', [Mapping.Text]);
-procedure TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer.RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer.RequestListen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
- if ResultData.Reader.ReadBool then
+ if Result_.Reader.ReadBool then
DoStatus('success: remote host:%s port:%s mapping to local server', [XNAT.Host.Text, Remote_ListenPort.Text]);
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ function TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer.WaitSendConsoleCmd(p_io: TPeerIO; const Cm
RaiseInfo('WaitSend no Suppport');
-procedure TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(p_io: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, ResultData: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
+procedure TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer.WaitSendStreamCmd(p_io: TPeerIO; const Cmd: SystemString; StreamData, Result_: TDataFrameEngine; Timeout: TTimeTick);
RaiseInfo('WaitSend no Suppport');
@@ -556,14 +556,13 @@ procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.PhysicsOpenVM_Result(const cState: Boolean);
if cState then
Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize := umlStrToInt(XNAT.MaxVMFragment, Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize);
- Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer := umlStrToInt(XNAT.MaxRealBuffer, Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer);
Owner.SendStreamCmdM(C_IPV6Listen, nil, {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF FPC}IPV6Listen_Result);
XNAT.WaitAsyncConnecting := False;
-procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData: TDataFrameEngine);
+procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; Result_: TDataFrameEngine);
Mapping: TPascalString;
Remote_ListenAddr, Remote_ListenPort: TPascalString;
@@ -573,15 +572,15 @@ procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.IPV6Listen_Result(Sender: TPeerIO; ResultData:
SendTunnel_Port: Word;
tunMp: TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer;
- while ResultData.Reader.NotEnd do
+ while Result_.Reader.NotEnd do
- Mapping := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- Remote_ListenAddr := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- Remote_ListenPort := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- SendTunnel_IPV6 := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- SendTunnel_Port := ResultData.Reader.ReadWord;
- RecvTunnel_IPV6 := ResultData.Reader.ReadString;
- RecvTunnel_Port := ResultData.Reader.ReadWord;
+ Mapping := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ Remote_ListenAddr := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ Remote_ListenPort := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ SendTunnel_IPV6 := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ SendTunnel_Port := Result_.Reader.ReadWord;
+ RecvTunnel_IPV6 := Result_.Reader.ReadString;
+ RecvTunnel_Port := Result_.Reader.ReadWord;
tunMp := TXNAT_MappingOnVirutalServer(XNAT.HashMapping[Mapping]);
if tunMp <> nil then
diff --git a/Source/XNATService.pas b/Source/XNATService.pas
index 4e6cbbe4..19575c28 100644
--- a/Source/XNATService.pas
+++ b/Source/XNATService.pas
@@ -738,7 +738,6 @@ procedure TPhysicsEngine_Special.PhysicsOpenVM_Result(const cState: Boolean);
if cState then
Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize := umlStrToInt(XNAT.MaxVMFragment, Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxVMFragmentSize);
- Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer := umlStrToInt(XNAT.MaxRealBuffer, Owner.p2pVMTunnel.MaxRealBuffer);
XNAT.Activted := True;
{ open share listen }
@@ -850,7 +849,6 @@ procedure TXNATService.p2pVMTunnelOpenBefore(Sender: TPeerIO; p2pVMTunnel: TComm
shLt := ShareListenList[i] as TXServiceListen;
Sender.p2pVM.MaxVMFragmentSize := umlStrToInt(MaxVMFragment, Sender.p2pVM.MaxVMFragmentSize);
- Sender.p2pVM.MaxRealBuffer := umlStrToInt(MaxRealBuffer, Sender.p2pVM.MaxRealBuffer);
diff --git a/Source/ZDB2.pas b/Source/ZDB2.pas
index db787bfa..1d9bcfc2 100644
--- a/Source/ZDB2.pas
+++ b/Source/ZDB2.pas
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ TZDB2 = class
procedure NewStream(Stream: TCoreClassStream; Space_: Int64; BlockSize_: Word; Mode: TZDB2_SpaceMode); overload;
procedure OpenStream(Cipher_: IZDB2_Cipher; Stream: TCoreClassStream; OnlyRead: Boolean; Mode: TZDB2_SpaceMode); overload;
procedure OpenStream(Stream: TCoreClassStream; OnlyRead: Boolean; Mode: TZDB2_SpaceMode); overload;
procedure NewFile(Cipher_: IZDB2_Cipher; Filename: U_String; Space_: Int64; BlockSize_: Word; Mode: TZDB2_SpaceMode); overload;
procedure NewFile(Filename: U_String; Space_: Int64; BlockSize_: Word; Mode: TZDB2_SpaceMode); overload;
procedure OpenFile(Cipher_: IZDB2_Cipher; Filename: U_String; OnlyRead: Boolean; Mode: TZDB2_SpaceMode); overload;
diff --git a/Source/ZJson.pas b/Source/ZJson.pas
index 9675271d..9b8b0e66 100644
--- a/Source/ZJson.pas
+++ b/Source/ZJson.pas
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ interface
+ FPCGenericStructlist,
fpjson, jsonparser, jsonscanner,
CoreClasses, PascalStrings, DoStatusIO,
@@ -123,13 +124,17 @@ TZ_JsonArray = class(TZ_JsonBase)
TZ_JsonObject = class(TZ_JsonBase)
FInstance: TZ_Instance_JsonObject;
+ FTag: Integer;
+ property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag;
property Instance: TZ_Instance_JsonObject read FInstance;
constructor Create(Parent_: TZ_JsonBase); overload; override;
constructor Create(); overload;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Assign(source_: TZ_JsonObject);
procedure Clear;
function IndexOf(const Name: string): Integer;
@@ -185,6 +190,26 @@ TZ_JsonObject = class(TZ_JsonBase)
class procedure Test;
+ TZ_JsonObject_List_Decl = {$IFDEF FPC}specialize {$ENDIF FPC} TGenericsList;
+ TZ_JsonObject_List = class(TZ_JsonObject_List_Decl)
+ public
+ AutoFreeObj: Boolean;
+ constructor Create(AutoFreeObj_: Boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function AddFromText(Text_: TPascalString): TZ_JsonObject;
+ function AddFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream): TZ_JsonObject;
+ procedure Remove(obj: TZ_JsonObject);
+ procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Clean;
+ end;
+ TZJArry = TZ_JsonArray;
+ TZJ = TZ_JsonObject;
+ TZJList = TZ_JsonObject_List;
+ TZJL = TZ_JsonObject_List;
@@ -224,6 +249,7 @@ destructor TZ_JsonArray.Destroy;
constructor TZ_JsonObject.Create(Parent_: TZ_JsonBase);
inherited Create(Parent_);
+ FTag := 0;
if Parent = nil then
FInstance := TZ_Instance_JsonObject.Create;
@@ -240,6 +266,17 @@ destructor TZ_JsonObject.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
+procedure TZ_JsonObject.Assign(source_: TZ_JsonObject);
+ m64: TMS64;
+ m64 := TMS64.Create;
+ source_.SaveToStream(m64);
+ m64.Position := 0;
+ LoadFromStream(m64);
+ disposeObject(m64);
procedure TZ_JsonObject.SaveToStream(stream: TCoreClassStream);
SaveToStream(stream, True);
@@ -284,7 +321,7 @@ procedure TZ_JsonObject.SaveToFile(FileName: SystemString);
- DisposeObject(m64);
+ disposeObject(m64);
@@ -296,14 +333,14 @@ procedure TZ_JsonObject.LoadFromFile(FileName: SystemString);
- DisposeObject(m64);
+ disposeObject(m64);
- DisposeObject(m64);
+ disposeObject(m64);
@@ -373,6 +410,68 @@ class procedure TZ_JsonObject.Test;
+constructor TZ_JsonObject_List.Create(AutoFreeObj_: Boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ AutoFreeObj := AutoFreeObj_;
+destructor TZ_JsonObject_List.Destroy;
+ Clear;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TZ_JsonObject_List.AddFromText(Text_: TPascalString): TZ_JsonObject;
+ Result := TZ_JsonObject.Create(nil);
+ Result.ParseText(Text_);
+ Add(Result);
+function TZ_JsonObject_List.AddFromStream(stream: TCoreClassStream): TZ_JsonObject;
+ Result := TZ_JsonObject.Create(nil);
+ Result.LoadFromStream(stream);
+ Add(Result);
+procedure TZ_JsonObject_List.Remove(obj: TZ_JsonObject);
+ if AutoFreeObj then
+ disposeObject(obj);
+ inherited Remove(obj);
+procedure TZ_JsonObject_List.Delete(Index: Integer);
+ if (index >= 0) and (index < Count) then
+ begin
+ if AutoFreeObj then
+ disposeObject(Items[index]);
+ inherited Delete(index);
+ end;
+procedure TZ_JsonObject_List.Clear;
+ I: Integer;
+ if AutoFreeObj then
+ for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ disposeObject(Items[I]);
+ inherited Clear;
+procedure TZ_JsonObject_List.Clean;
+ I: Integer;
+ for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ disposeObject(Items[I]);
+ inherited Clear;
diff --git a/Source/zDefine.inc b/Source/zDefine.inc
index 7c959ce4..96eba5da 100644
--- a/Source/zDefine.inc
+++ b/Source/zDefine.inc
@@ -239,6 +239,9 @@
// Sequence packets default are closed in P2PVM-IO
{$UNDEF UsedSequencePacketOnP2PVM}
+// CommunicationFramework used QuietMode
+{$UNDEF Communication_QuietMode}
// initialization status prompt
{$DEFINE initializationStatus}
diff --git a/Source/zExpression.pas b/Source/zExpression.pas
index 6b5dcba2..4cf0fcf1 100644
--- a/Source/zExpression.pas
+++ b/Source/zExpression.pas
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ function EvaluateExpressionValue_P(UsedCache: Boolean; SpecialAsciiToken: TListP
TextEngClass: TTextParsingClass; TextStyle: TTextStyle; ExpressionText: SystemString; const OnGetValue: TOnDeclValueProc): Variant;
{$ENDREGION 'internal define'}
+function OpCache: THashObjectList;
procedure CleanOpCache();
{ prototype: EvaluateExpressionValue }
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ procedure EvaluateExpressionVectorAndMatrix_test_;
- OpCache: THashObjectList;
+ OpCache___: THashObjectList = nil;
{$REGION 'internal imp'}
@@ -1571,6 +1572,8 @@ function __ParseTextExpressionAsSymbol(ParsingEng: TTextParsing; const uName: Sy
if ParsingEng.ParsingData.Len < 1 then
+ if ParsingEng.TokenCountT([ttTextDecl, ttNumber, ttAscii]) = 0 then
+ Exit;
cPos := 1;
BlockIndent := 0;
@@ -2723,6 +2726,7 @@ function EvaluateExpressionValue_M(UsedCache: Boolean; SpecialAsciiToken: TListP
Op: TOpCode;
i: Integer;
+ Op := nil;
if UsedCache then
@@ -2774,6 +2778,7 @@ function EvaluateExpressionValue_C(UsedCache: Boolean; SpecialAsciiToken: TListP
Op: TOpCode;
i: Integer;
+ Op := nil;
if UsedCache then
@@ -2825,6 +2830,7 @@ function EvaluateExpressionValue_P(UsedCache: Boolean; SpecialAsciiToken: TListP
Op: TOpCode;
i: Integer;
+ Op := nil;
if UsedCache then
@@ -2872,6 +2878,13 @@ function EvaluateExpressionValue_P(UsedCache: Boolean; SpecialAsciiToken: TListP
{$ENDREGION 'internal imp'}
+function OpCache: THashObjectList;
+ if OpCache___ = nil then
+ OpCache___ := THashObjectList.CustomCreate(True, 1024 * 1024);
+ Result := OpCache___;
procedure CleanOpCache();
@@ -2931,6 +2944,7 @@ function EvaluateExpressionValue(UsedCache: Boolean;
+ Op := nil;
if (UsedCache) and (const_vl = nil) then
@@ -3288,10 +3302,10 @@ procedure EvaluateExpressionVectorAndMatrix_test_;
-OpCache := THashObjectList.CustomCreate(True, $FFFF);
+OpCache___ := nil;
diff --git a/Tools/DPRSourceSort/DPRCodeSort.dproj b/Tools/DPRSourceSort/DPRCodeSort.dproj
index 1b1a2d72..3cb4c19e 100644
--- a/Tools/DPRSourceSort/DPRCodeSort.dproj
+++ b/Tools/DPRSourceSort/DPRCodeSort.dproj
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
@@ -512,6 +512,11 @@
+ true
@@ -595,11 +600,6 @@
- true