staq uses CMake for its build system. To build both tool suite and the staq executable, execute under the root directory
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
To build only the staq tool suite, from the build
directory, enter
make -j8 tools
. To build only the staq executable, type make -j8 staq
Unit tests can be built with the command make -j8 unit_tests
To (un)install, type
sudo make (un)install
Building on Windows requires Visual Studio 2017 or later for cmake support. In Visual Studio, open CMakeLists.txt as a cmake project, then simply build as a regular Visual Studio project or, from a Developer Command Prompt, execute under the root directory
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
msbuild -m:8 -p:Configuration=Release staq.sln
assuming you are building from an out of source directory.
To (un)install, type
cmake --build . --target (UN)INSTALL
pystaq is a Python wrapper for staq.
pystaq can be installed using pip
pip install git+
For more details, please see pystaq/