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executable file
57 lines (40 loc) · 1.4 KB

Pareto Network Token ERC20 Contract

Warning! Don't forget to change wallet address in migrations: migrations/4_CrowdSale.js. This wallet will be user to receive ether

The project based on OpenZeppelin smart contract added into repository (OpenZeppelin 1.3.0)

Install project dependencies

  1. Install nodejs and npm
  2. Install project dependencies: npm install

Run testrpc (do it in a separate bash session)

npm run testrpc

Compile smart contracts

npm run compile

Run full test suite

npm run tests

Run specified test

npm run test ./test/1_ParetoNetworkToken.js

Generate test coverage report

npm run coverage

Run Solium linter

./node_modules/.bin/solium --dir ./contracts

Reformat the code according to Solium rules

./node_modules/.bin/solium --dir ./contracts --fix

Run solcheck linter

./node_modules/.bin/solcheck contracts/*

Run all linters in project

npm run lint

Build and deploy smart contract into network

./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate

Deploy smart contract into live network

./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate --network live

Redeploy all contracts

./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate --reset

Software versions

Solidity v0.4.18
Truffle v4.0.1
testrpc v6.0.1
OpenZeppelin 1.3.0
solidity-coverage 0.2.5
Solium linter 1.0.0 BETA
solcheck linter 0.1.3

Test coverage report
