+ +

Full code: pySDC/tutorial/step_7/D_pySDC_with_PyTorch.py

import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.optim as optim
+from pySDC.playgrounds.ML_initial_guess.ml_heat import HeatEquationModel, Train_pySDC
+from pySDC.playgrounds.ML_initial_guess.heat import Heat1DFDTensor
+def train_at_collocation_nodes():
+    """
+    For the first proof of concept, we want to train the model specifically to the collocation nodes we use in SDC.
+    If successful, the initial guess would already be the exact solution and we would need no SDC iterations.
+    What we find is that we can train the network to predict the solution to one very specific problem rather well.
+    See the error during training for what happens when we ask the network to solve for exactly what it just trained.
+    However, if we train for something else, i.e. solving to a different step size in this case, we can only use the
+    model to predict the solution of what it's been trained for last and it loses the ability to solve for previously
+    learned things. This is solely because we chose an overly simple model that is unsuitable to the task at hand and
+    is likely easily solved with a bit of patience. This is just a demonstration of the interface between pySDC and
+    PyTorch. If you want to do a project with this, feel free to take this as a starting point and do things that
+    actually do something!
+    The output shows the training loss during training and, after each of three training sessions is complete, the error
+    of the prediction with the current state of the network. To demonstrate the forgetfulness, we finally print the
+    error of all learned predictions after training is complete.
+    """
+    out = ''
+    errors_mid_training = []
+    errors_post_training = []
+    # instantiate the pySDC problem and a model for PyTorch
+    problem = Heat1DFDTensor()
+    model = HeatEquationModel(problem)
+    # setup neural network
+    lr = 0.001
+    num_epochs = 250
+    criterion = nn.MSELoss()
+    optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
+    # setup initial conditions
+    t = 0
+    initial_condition = problem.u_exact(t)
+    # train the model to predict the solution at certain collocation nodes
+    collocation_nodes = np.array([0.15505102572168285, 0.6449489742783183, 1]) * 1e-2
+    for dt in collocation_nodes:
+        # get target condition from implicit Euler step
+        target_condition = problem.solve_system(initial_condition, dt, initial_condition, t)
+        # do the training
+        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
+            predicted_state = model(initial_condition, t, dt)
+            loss = criterion(predicted_state.float(), target_condition.float())
+            optimizer.zero_grad()
+            loss.backward()
+            optimizer.step()
+            if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0:
+                out += f'Training for {dt=:.2e}: Epoch [{epoch+1:4d}/{num_epochs:4d}], Loss: {loss.item():.4e}\n'
+        # evaluate model to compute error
+        model_prediction = model(initial_condition, t, dt)
+        errors_mid_training += [abs(target_condition - model_prediction)]
+        out += f'Error of prediction at {dt:.2e} during training: {abs(target_condition-model_prediction):.2e}\n'
+    # compare model and problem
+    for dt in collocation_nodes:
+        target_condition = problem.solve_system(initial_condition, dt, initial_condition, t)
+        model_prediction = model(initial_condition, t, dt)
+        errors_post_training += [abs(target_condition - model_prediction)]
+        out += f'Error of prediction at {dt:.2e} after training: {abs(target_condition-model_prediction):.2e}\n'
+    print(out)
+    with open('data/step_7_D_out.txt', 'w') as file:
+        file.write(out)
+    # test that the training went as expected
+    assert np.greater([1e-2, 1e-4, 1e-5], errors_mid_training).all(), 'Errors during training are larger than expected'
+    assert np.greater([1e0, 1e0, 1e-5], errors_post_training).all(), 'Errors after training are larger than expected'
+    # save the model to use it throughout pySDC
+    torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'data/heat_equation_model.pth')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    train_at_collocation_nodes()


Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [  50/ 250], Loss: 1.7032e-03
+Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 100/ 250], Loss: 1.0495e-05
+Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 150/ 250], Loss: 6.1674e-08
+Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 200/ 250], Loss: 3.2606e-10
+Training for dt=1.55e-03: Epoch [ 250/ 250], Loss: 1.8702e-12
+Error of prediction at 1.55e-03 during training: 5.71e-06
+Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [  50/ 250], Loss: 1.6346e-04
+Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 100/ 250], Loss: 3.9067e-07
+Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 150/ 250], Loss: 2.1192e-09
+Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 200/ 250], Loss: 2.3977e-11
+Training for dt=6.45e-03: Epoch [ 250/ 250], Loss: 9.2979e-14
+Error of prediction at 6.45e-03 during training: 9.72e-07
+Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [  50/ 250], Loss: 1.6425e-05
+Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 100/ 250], Loss: 1.1115e-07
+Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 150/ 250], Loss: 1.6515e-10
+Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 200/ 250], Loss: 8.2320e-13
+Training for dt=1.00e-02: Epoch [ 250/ 250], Loss: 9.0551e-15
+Error of prediction at 1.00e-02 during training: 2.52e-07
+Error of prediction at 1.55e-03 after training: 4.20e-01
+Error of prediction at 6.45e-03 after training: 1.10e-01
+Error of prediction at 1.00e-02 after training: 2.52e-07
+ + +