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371 lines (246 loc) · 9.02 KB

Chapter 4. Regression and Prediction

clear; close all;
dataDir = "../psds_data";
dataList = dir(dataDir);
ans = '.'
ans = '..'
ans = '762609057_112015_3429_airline_delay_causes.csv'
ans = 'County_Zhvi_AllHomes.csv'
ans = 'LungDisease.csv'
ans = 'airline_stats.csv'
ans = 'click_rates.csv'
ans = 'dfw_airline.csv'
ans = 'four_sessions.csv'
ans = 'full_train_set.csv'
ans = 'house_sales.csv'
ans = 'imanishi_data.csv'
ans = 'kc_tax.csv'
ans = 'lc_loans.csv'
ans = 'loan200.csv'
ans = 'loan3000.csv'
ans = 'loan_data.csv'
ans = 'loans_income.csv'
ans = 'sp500_data.csv'
ans = 'sp500_sectors.csv'
ans = 'state.csv'
ans = 'web_page_data.csv'

Simple Linear Regression

The regression Equation

lung = readtable(fullfile(dataDir, "LungDisease.csv"));
PEFR Exposure
1 390 0
2 410 0
3 430 0
4 460 0
5 420 1
6 280 2
7 420 2
8 520 2
sc1 = scatter(lung.Exposure, lung.PEFR,'ok', 'SizeData', 30);
ax1 = sc1.Parent;
axis(ax1, 'square');
xlabel(ax1, "Exposure");
ylabel(ax1, "PEFR");
ax1.XTick = [0 5 10 15 20];
ax1.YTick = [100 200 300 400 500 600];
ax1.XLim = [-1, 24];
ax1.YLim = [90, 630];
ax1.FontSize = 14;
ax1.TickDir = "out";
ax1.Color = "none";
ax1.Box = "on";


model = fitlm(lung, "PEFR~Exposure");
    PEFR ~ 1 + Exposure

                   Estimate      SE       tStat       pValue  
                   ________    ______    _______    __________

    (Intercept)     424.58     20.796     20.417    7.5122e-41
    Exposure       -4.1846      1.325    -3.1582     0.0020084

観測数: 122、誤差の自由度: 120
平方根平均二乗誤差: 101
決定係数: 0.0767、自由度調整済み決定係数: 0.069
F 統計量 - 定数モデルとの比較: 9.97、p 値は 0.00201 です

Fitted Values and Residuals

The error is denoted by and the fitted value , and the residuals respectively:

fitted and residual:

fitted = model.Fitted;
resid = model.Residuals;

Plotting them together:

p2 = plot(lung.Exposure, fitted, '-b',...
    lung.Exposure, lung.PEFR, 'ok', "MarkerSize",6);
ax2 = p2.Parent;
xlabel(ax2, "Exposure");
ylabel(ax2, "PEFR");
ax2.XTick = [0 5 10 15 20];
ax2.YTick = [100 200 300 400 500 600];
ax2.XLim = [-1, 24];
ax2.YLim = [90, 630];
ax2.FontSize = 14;
ax2.TickDir = "out";
ax2.Color = "none";
ax2.Box = "on";
hold on;
for i=1:length(lung.PEFR)
    plot([lung.Exposure(i), lung.Exposure(i)], [lung.PEFR(i), fitted(i)],'r:');
hold off;


Least Squares

Residual sum of squares - RSS

Multiple Linear Regression

The fitted values are given by:

Example: King County Housing Data

% データ読み込みオプション
opts = delimitedTextImportOptions("NumVariables", 23);

% 範囲と区切り記号の指定
opts.DataLines = [2, Inf];
opts.Delimiter = "\t";

% 列名と型の指定
% Note that: SaleDateは無かったので加筆
opts.VariableNames = ["DocumentDate","SaleDate", "SalePrice", "PropertyID", "PropertyType", "ym", "zhvi_px", "zhvi_idx", "AdjSalePrice", "NbrLivingUnits", "SqFtLot", "SqFtTotLiving", "SqFtFinBasement", "Bathrooms", "Bedrooms", "BldgGrade", "YrBuilt", "YrRenovated", "TrafficNoise", "LandVal", "ImpsVal", "ZipCode", "NewConstruction"];
opts.VariableTypes = ["double", "datetime", "double", "double", "categorical", "datetime", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "categorical"];

% ファイル レベルのプロパティを指定
opts.ExtraColumnsRule = "ignore";
opts.EmptyLineRule = "read";

% 変数プロパティを指定
opts = setvaropts(opts, ["PropertyType", "NewConstruction"], "EmptyFieldRule", "auto");
opts = setvaropts(opts, "SaleDate", "InputFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd");
opts = setvaropts(opts, "ym", "InputFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd");

% データ読み込み
house = readtable(fullfile(dataDir, "house_sales.csv"), opts);
head(house(:,{'AdjSalePrice','SqFtTotLiving','SqFtLot','Bathrooms', 'Bedrooms', 'BldgGrade'}))
AdjSalePrice SqFtTotLiving SqFtLot Bathrooms Bedrooms BldgGrade
1 300805 2400 9373 3.0000 6 7
2 1076162 3764 20156 3.7500 4 10
3 761805 2060 26036 1.7500 4 8
4 442065 3200 8618 3.7500 5 7
5 297065 1720 8620 1.7500 4 7
6 411781 930 1012 1.5000 2 8
7 380785 1750 34465 1.5000 3 8
8 349489 1860 14659 1.7500 4 7

Establish a model that drop records with missing values:

% Remove missing records from the table
%house_cleaned = rmmissing(house,2);
house_cleaned = house;

% Model
house_lm = fitlm(house_cleaned, "AdjSalePrice ~ SqFtTotLiving + SqFtLot + Bathrooms + Bedrooms + BldgGrade");

Assessing the Model P175

    AdjSalePrice ~ 1 + SqFtLot + SqFtTotLiving + Bathrooms + Bedrooms + BldgGrade

                      Estimate         SE        tStat        pValue   
                     ___________    ________    ________    ___________

    (Intercept)      -5.2192e+05       15651     -33.349    4.2325e-238
    SqFtLot            -0.060506    0.061181    -0.98896        0.32269
    SqFtTotLiving         228.83      3.8984      58.699              0
    Bathrooms             -19438      3625.2     -5.3619     8.3151e-08
    Bedrooms              -47781      2489.4     -19.194     1.8564e-81
    BldgGrade         1.0612e+05      2396.1      44.287              0

観測数: 22689、誤差の自由度: 22683
平方根平均二乗誤差: 2.61e+05
決定係数: 0.541、自由度調整済み決定係数: 0.541
F 統計量 - 定数モデルとの比較: 5.34e+03、p 値は 0 です



    Raw: 22689x1 double


            Min       -1.1995e+06
            Median         -20982
            Max         9.473e+06

    Pearson: 22689x1 double


            Min         -4.5915
            Median    -0.080315
            Max          36.261

    Studentized: 22689x1 double


            Min         -4.5963
            Median    -0.080321
            Max          37.395

    Standardized: 22689x1 double


            Min         -4.5943
            Median    -0.080323
            Max          36.294

Residual - 1Q, Median, 3Q:

ans = 1x3    
1.0e+05 *

   -1.1889   -0.2098    0.8742


k-fold cross-validation:

k = 5;
c = cvpartition(size(house_cleaned,1), 'KFold', k);
mse = zeros(1,k);

for i=1:k
    idx_train = training(c,i);
    idx_test = test(c,i);
    trainTable = house_cleaned(idx_train,:);
    testTable = house_cleaned(idx_test,:);
    mdl = fitlm(trainTable, "AdjSalePrice ~ SqFtTotLiving + SqFtLot + Bathrooms + Bedrooms + BldgGrade");
    yfit = feval(mdl,testTable);
    mse(i) = mean((yfit-testTable.AdjSalePrice).^2);

% visualize
plot(1:k, mse,'s-');
title("Root Mean Square.");
xticks(1:5); xlabel("Iteration: k")


Model Selection and Stepwise Regression P178

house_full = fitlm(house_cleaned, "AdjSalePrice ~ SqFtTotLiving + SqFtLot + Bathrooms + Bedrooms + BldgGrade + PropertyType + NbrLivingUnits + SqFtFinBasement + YrBuilt + YrRenovated + NewConstruction");