The core library contains source code that is independant of the specific AMR library (here SAMRAI). Core groups:
- data, containing code for data containers and spatial discretization (quantiy layout), more specifically:
- electromag defines the Electromag class
- field defines the Field container which stores gridded data independently from its layout on the grid
- grid defines the GridLayout object, which codes how quantities are discretized on grids
- ions defines all classes related with Ion particles, populations and moments
- ndarray defines generic multidimensional array containers from which Field object inherit
- particles defines classes related to particles and particle containers
- VecField defines a vector field
- numerics groups all code related to solving equations numerically
- Ampere
- Faraday
- Interpolator
- Pusher
- BoundaryCondition
- utilities groups various utility functions
- hybrid defines constants and code related to hybrid model equations and quantitie