This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.1.0.
Go to the Releases page of this repository and download the zip file of the latest release to your computer. Unzip the file and cd
into the directory.
In this root folder, run
npm run setup
which will install dependencies in the root and client folders (Note: the server folder is a placeholder, see the in the server folder).
In the root folder, run
npm start
then open a browser at localhost:4200. The application will automatically reload when changes to source files are saved.
In the root folder, run
npm run build
from the project root. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist
Download and install Node.js for your platform, version 12.18.1 or higher, Node Package Manager, npm, will also be installed.(Note: we also recommend using Node Version Manager, nvm )
Install Angular CLI globally by running
npm i -g @angular/cli
Refer to the Angular CLI documentation for detailed information, including the wiki.
Optionally, install Prettier and Stylelint for your code editor.