Carbonate chemistry
Marine carbonate chemistry is implemented by the PALEO CarbChem.ReactionCO2SYS
which uses an implementation provided by the PALEOcarbchem
— TypeReactionCO2SYS
Carbonate chemistry using PALEOcarbchem.
Two different pH solver approaches are supported, set by Parameter
: iterative solution for pH using an internal Newton solver, at givenTAlk
is a StateExplicit Variable, using explicit ODE solver)speciation
: calculate speciation givenpHfree
: calculate speciation givenpHfree
, also add alkalinity contributions toTAlk_calc
(eg for use in combination with aReactionConstraintReservoir
that provides a total variableTAlk
) as a primary species, for use with a DAE solver to solve the algebraic constraint forpHfree
at a givenTAlk
NB: Two options have been removed from Parameter
: additional State Variable for pH and algebraic Constraint for TAlk (requires DAE solver). [replace withspeciationTAlk
and aReactionConstraintReservoir
: TAlk is a Total Variable, a function of a State Variable for pH (requires DAE solver) [replace withspeciationTAlk
and aReactionImplicitReservoir
="PALEOcarbchem WhichKs choice of eqb constant data"WhoseKSO4[Int64]
="PALEOcarbchem WhoseKSO4 choice of eqb constant data"components[Vector{String}]
=["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "Omega"],default_value
=["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "Omega"],allowed_values
=["Ci", "S", "F", "P", "B", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega"],description
="PALEOcarbchem optional contributions to TAlk"defaultconcs[Vector{String}]
=["TS", "TF", "TB", "Ca"],default_value
=["TS", "TF", "TB", "Ca"],allowed_values
=["TS", "TF", "TB", "Ca"],description
="PALEOcarbchem default concentrations (modern values calculated from salinity)"outputs[Vector{String}]
=["pCO2", "xCO2dryinp"],default_value
=["pCO2", "xCO2dryinp"],allowed_values
=["H", "OH", "TS", "HSO4", "TF", "HF", "TCi", "CO2", "HCO3", "CO3", "CAlk", "fCO2", "pCO2", "xCO2dryinp", "TB", "BAlk", "TP", "H3PO4", "H2PO4", "HPO4", "PO4", "PAlk", "TSi", "SiAlk", "TH2S", "H2S", "HSAlk", "TNH3", "NH4", "NH3Alk", "Ca", "OmegaCA", "OmegaAR"],description
="PALEOcarbchem output concentrations etc to include as output variables"output_pHtot[Bool]
="true to output pHtot (requires TS_conc and TF_conc)"solve_pH[String]
=["solve", "speciation", "speciationTAlk"],description
="'solve' to solve iteratively for pH, 'speciation' to just provide speciation at supplied [pHfree], 'speciationTAlk' to provide speciation and add to TAlk_calc"pHtol[Float64]
="with parameter solve_pH=solve only (internal Newton solver): pH tolerance for iterative solution"simd_width[String]
=["1", "FP64P2", "FP64P4", "FP32P4", "FP32P8"],description
="with parameter solve_pH=solve only (internal Newton solver): use SIMD ("1" - no SIMD, "FP64P4" - 4 x Float64, etc)"
Methods and Variables for default Parameters
="Cell volume"rho_ref
(kg m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="density conversion factor"temp
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactProperty
="TS_conc modern default scaled from salinity"TF_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactProperty
="TF_conc modern default scaled from salinity"TB_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactProperty
="TB_conc modern default scaled from salinity"Ca_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactProperty
="Ca_conc modern default scaled from salinity"
="Cell volume"rho_ref
(kg m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="density conversion factor"temp
="-log10(hydrogen ion concentration), this is used to keep previous value as a starting value for internal Newton solver"TAlk_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="total TAlk concentration"pHtot
="-log10([H] + [HS]), pH on total scale"TCi_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="TCi_concinput concentration"TS_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="TS_concinput concentration"TF_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="TF_concinput concentration"TB_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="TB_concinput concentration"Ca_conc
(mol m^-3),VT_ReactDependency
="Ca_concinput concentration"pCO2
–> %reaction%pCO2 (atm),VT_ReactProperty
="CO2 partial pressure (fugacity corrected)"xCO2dryinp
–> %reaction%xCO2dryinp (),VT_ReactProperty
="mixing ratio of CO2 in dry air at 1 atm (always > pCO2 due to H2O vapour pressure)"
— ModulePALEOcarbchem
Carbonate chemistry equilibrium translated from Matlab CO2SYS v1.1 (van Heuven et al., 2011), (Lewis and Wallace, 1998) and refactored for speed.
Implementation based on CO2SYS constants, with reimplemented equilibrium calculation.
- Although effective equilibrium constants can be calculated for different pH scales, TAlk or pH calculations using
require constants to be on the free pH scale.
- Effective equilibrium constants are empirical measurements hence are only accurate for modern seawater composition.
Example usage with default choice of constants, all components enabled:
julia> PALEOcarbchem.ComponentsAllStrings # all available components
+Carbonate chemistry · PALEOaqchem Documentation Carbonate chemistry
Marine carbonate chemistry is implemented by the PALEO CarbChem.ReactionCO2SYS
which uses an implementation provided by the PALEOcarbchem
— TypeReactionCO2SYS
Carbonate chemistry using PALEOcarbchem.
Two different pH solver approaches are supported, set by Parameter
: iterative solution for pH using an internal Newton solver, at given TAlk
(eg TAlk
is a StateExplicit Variable, using explicit ODE solver)speciation
: calculate speciation given pHfree
: calculate speciation given pHfree
, also add alkalinity contributions to TAlk_calc
(eg for use in combination with a ReactionConstraintReservoir
that provides a total variable TAlk
and H
(as pHfree
) as a primary species, for use with a DAE solver to solve the algebraic constraint for pHfree
at a given TAlk
NB: Two options have been removed from Parameter
: additional State Variable for pH and algebraic Constraint for TAlk (requires DAE solver). [replace with speciationTAlk
and a ReactionConstraintReservoir
: TAlk is a Total Variable, a function of a State Variable for pH (requires DAE solver) [replace with speciationTAlk
and a ReactionImplicitReservoir
=10, default_value
=10, description
="PALEOcarbchem WhichKs choice of eqb constant data"WhoseKSO4[Int64]
=1, default_value
=1, description
="PALEOcarbchem WhoseKSO4 choice of eqb constant data"components[Vector{String}]
=["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "Omega"], default_value
=["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "Omega"], allowed_values
=["Ci", "S", "F", "P", "B", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega"], description
="PALEOcarbchem optional contributions to TAlk"defaultconcs[Vector{String}]
=["TS", "TF", "TB", "Ca"], default_value
=["TS", "TF", "TB", "Ca"], allowed_values
=["TS", "TF", "TB", "Ca"], description
="PALEOcarbchem default concentrations (modern values calculated from salinity)"outputs[Vector{String}]
=["pCO2", "xCO2dryinp"], default_value
=["pCO2", "xCO2dryinp"], allowed_values
=["H", "OH", "TS", "HSO4", "TF", "HF", "TCi", "CO2", "HCO3", "CO3", "CAlk", "fCO2", "pCO2", "xCO2dryinp", "TB", "BAlk", "TP", "H3PO4", "H2PO4", "HPO4", "PO4", "PAlk", "TSi", "SiAlk", "TH2S", "H2S", "HSAlk", "TNH3", "NH4", "NH3Alk", "Ca", "OmegaCA", "OmegaAR"], description
="PALEOcarbchem output concentrations etc to include as output variables"output_pHtot[Bool]
=true, default_value
=true, description
="true to output pHtot (requires TS_conc and TF_conc)"solve_pH[String]
="solve", default_value
="solve", allowed_values
=["solve", "speciation", "speciationTAlk"], description
="'solve' to solve iteratively for pH, 'speciation' to just provide speciation at supplied [pHfree], 'speciationTAlk' to provide speciation and add to TAlk_calc"pHtol[Float64]
=2.220446049250313e-14, default_value
=2.220446049250313e-14, description
="with parameter solve_pH=solve only (internal Newton solver): pH tolerance for iterative solution"simd_width[String]
="1", default_value
="1", allowed_values
=["1", "FP64P2", "FP64P4", "FP32P4", "FP32P8"], description
="with parameter solve_pH=solve only (internal Newton solver): use SIMD ("1" - no SIMD, "FP64P4" - 4 x Float64, etc)"
Methods and Variables for default Parameters
(m^3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="Cell volume"rho_ref
(kg m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="density conversion factor"temp
(K), VT_ReactDependency
, description
(dbar), VT_ReactDependency
, description
(psu), VT_ReactDependency
, description
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="TS_conc modern default scaled from salinity"TF_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="TF_conc modern default scaled from salinity"TB_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="TB_conc modern default scaled from salinity"Ca_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="Ca_conc modern default scaled from salinity"
(m^3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="Cell volume"rho_ref
(kg m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="density conversion factor"temp
(K), VT_ReactDependency
, description
(dbar), VT_ReactDependency
, description
(psu), VT_ReactDependency
, description
(), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="-log10(hydrogen ion concentration), this is used to keep previous value as a starting value for internal Newton solver"TAlk_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="total TAlk concentration"pHtot
(), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="-log10([H] + [HS]), pH on total scale"TCi_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="TCi_concinput concentration"TS_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="TS_concinput concentration"TF_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="TF_concinput concentration"TB_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="TB_concinput concentration"Ca_conc
(mol m^-3), VT_ReactDependency
, description
="Ca_concinput concentration"pCO2
–> %reaction%pCO2 (atm), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="CO2 partial pressure (fugacity corrected)"xCO2dryinp
–> %reaction%xCO2dryinp (), VT_ReactProperty
, description
="mixing ratio of CO2 in dry air at 1 atm (always > pCO2 due to H2O vapour pressure)"
— ModulePALEOcarbchem
Carbonate chemistry equilibrium translated from Matlab CO2SYS v1.1 (van Heuven et al., 2011), (Lewis and Wallace, 1998) and refactored for speed.
Implementation based on CO2SYS constants, with reimplemented equilibrium calculation.
- Although effective equilibrium constants can be calculated for different pH scales, TAlk or pH calculations using
require constants to be on the free pH scale.
- Effective equilibrium constants are empirical measurements hence are only accurate for modern seawater composition.
Example usage with default choice of constants, all components enabled:
julia> PALEOcarbchem.ComponentsAllStrings # all available components
("Ci", "S", "F", "B", "P", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega")
julia> comps, concinputs = PALEOcarbchem.get_components_inputs(["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "P", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega"])
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
julia> map(x -> @sprintf("%.14e", x), modern_concs)
(TF = "6.83258396883673e-05", TS = "2.82354341328601e-02", TB = "4.15700000000000e-04", Ca = "1.02845697008497e-02")
-julia> input_concs = (TCi=[2000e-6], TS=[modern_concs.TS], TF=[modern_concs.TF], TSi=[1e-3], TP=[1e-6], TB=[modern_concs.TB], TH2S=[1e-6], TNH3=[1e-6], Ca=[modern_concs.Ca]); # all in mol kg-1
+julia> input_concs = (TCi=2000e-6, TS=modern_concs.TS, TF=modern_concs.TF, TSi=1e-3, TP=1e-6, TB=modern_concs.TB, TH2S=1e-6, TNH3=1e-6, Ca=modern_concs.Ca); # all in mol kg-1
julia> res = zeros(length(PALEOcarbchem.ResultNames));
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
julia> pHtot = PALEOcarbchem.mappHscale(C, pHfree, Val(3), Val(1), res_NT.TS, res_NT.TF);
julia> @printf("%.14f", pHtot)
sourceInputs and equilibrium constants
— ConstantComponentsAll::NamedTuple
sourceInputs and equilibrium constants
— ConstantComponentsAll::NamedTuple
All available components
julia> PALEOcarbchem.ComponentsAll
(Ci = Val{true}(), S = Val{true}(), F = Val{true}(), B = Val{true}(), P = Val{true}(), Si = Val{true}(), H2S = Val{true}(), NH3 = Val{true}(), Omega = Val{true}())
julia> PALEOcarbchem.ComponentsAllStrings # all available components
-("Ci", "S", "F", "B", "P", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega")
— Functionget_components_inputs(compstoenable) -> (components::NamedTuple, concinputs::Vector{String})
Returns components
and concinputs
required for specified compstoenable
is a list (Vector or Tuple) with component names as Strings, eg ["Ci", "B", "Si"]
- a NamedTuple
with those components present in compstoenable
as Val{true}
and others as Val{false}
- a Vector
of input concentrations required (P requires TP etc).
All components:
julia> compsall, concinputsall = PALEOcarbchem.get_components_inputs(["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "P", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega"])
+("Ci", "S", "F", "B", "P", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega")
— Functionget_components_inputs(compstoenable) -> (components::NamedTuple, concinputs::Vector{String})
Returns components
and concinputs
required for specified compstoenable
is a list (Vector or Tuple) with component names as Strings, eg ["Ci", "B", "Si"]
- a NamedTuple
with those components present in compstoenable
as Val{true}
and others as Val{false}
- a Vector
of input concentrations required (P requires TP etc).
All components:
julia> compsall, concinputsall = PALEOcarbchem.get_components_inputs(["Ci", "S", "F", "B", "P", "Si", "H2S", "NH3", "Omega"])
((Ci = Val{true}(), S = Val{true}(), F = Val{true}(), B = Val{true}(), P = Val{true}(), Si = Val{true}(), H2S = Val{true}(), NH3 = Val{true}(), Omega = Val{true}()), ["TCi", "TS", "TF", "TB", "TP", "TSi", "TH2S", "TNH3", "Ca"])
julia> compsall
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
((Ci = Val{false}(), S = Val{false}(), F = Val{false}(), B = Val{false}(), P = Val{false}(), Si = Val{false}(), H2S = Val{false}(), NH3 = Val{false}(), Omega = Val{false}()), String[])
julia> println(concinputsminimal)
— ConstantConstNames::Tuple
All available CO2SYS effective equilibrium constant names
— ConstantCNameIdx::NamedTuple
Indices of constants in a Vector of length(ConstNames
— FunctiongetConstDescription(constName::AbstractString) -> (constName, units, description)
Get human-readable description of constName
— Functioncalc_constants!(
— ConstantConstNames::Tuple
All available CO2SYS effective equilibrium constant names
— ConstantCNameIdx::NamedTuple
Indices of constants in a Vector of length(ConstNames
— FunctiongetConstDescription(constName::AbstractString) -> (constName, units, description)
Get human-readable description of constName
— Functioncalc_constants!(
Cout, TempC_input, Pdbar, Sal_input;
Options=(; WhichKs=Val(10), WhoseKSO4=Val(1), pHScale=Val(3), Components=ComponentsAll))
Calculate carbonate chemistry constants, results are returned in Cout
: (output) Vector of length length(ConstNames
) with calculated equilibrium constantsTempC_input
: temperature deg C. Will be limited to valid range for constants in use (from calc_limits
: pressure, dbar. Sal_input
: salinity. Will be limited to valid range for constants in use (from calc_limits
: NamedTuple with fields:WhichKs
: Val(Int), default Val(10) WhoseKSO4
: Val(Int), default Val(1) pHScale
: Val(Int), default Val(3) (free - required for calculateTAfromTCpHfree!
: components to enable as generated by get_components_inputs
K1 K2 dissociation constants that are to be used. Val(Int) where Int is:
- 1 = Roy, 1993 T: 0-45 S: 5-45. Total scale. Artificial seawater.
- 2 = Goyet & Poisson T: -1-40 S: 10-50. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 3 = HANSSON refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 4 = MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 5 = HANSSON and MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 6 = GEOSECS (i.e., original Mehrbach) T: 2-35 S: 19-43. NBS scale. Real seawater.
- 7 = Peng (i.e., originam Mehrbach but without XXX) T: 2-35 S: 19-43. NBS scale. Real seawater.
- 8 = Millero, 1979, FOR PURE WATER ONLY (i.e., Sal=0) T: 0-50 S: 0.
- 9 = Cai and Wang, 1998 T: 2-35 S: 0-49. NBS scale. Real and artificial seawater.
- 10 = Lueker et al, 2000 T: 2-35 S: 19-43. Total scale. Real seawater.
- 11 = Mojica Prieto and Millero, 2002. T: 0-45 S: 5-42. Seaw. scale. Real seawater
- 12 = Millero et al, 2002 T: -1.6-35 S: 34-37. Seaw. scale. Field measurements.
- 13 = Millero et al, 2006 T: 0-50 S: 1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
- 14 = Millero et al, 2010 T: 0-50 S: 1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
(Lueker etal (2000) parameters.)
Recommended as 'best practice' by Dickson (2007) (as cited in Orr, J. C., Epitalon, J-M., & Gattuso, J-P. (2014). Comparison of seven packages that compute ocean carbonate chemistry. Biogeosciences Discussions, 11(4), 5327�5397. doi:10.5194/bgd-11-5327-2014 )
KSO4 dissociation constants that are to be used, in combination with the formulation of the borate-to-salinity ratio to be used. Having both these choices in a single argument is somewhat awkward, but it maintains syntax compatibility with the previous version. Val(Int) where Int is:
- 1 = KSO4 of Dickson & TB of Uppstrom 1979 (PREFERRED)
- 2 = KSO4 of Khoo & TB of Uppstrom 1979
- 3 = KSO4 of Dickson & TB of Lee 2010
- 4 = KSO4 of Khoo & TB of Lee 2010
pHScale: Set pH scale.
Val(Int) where Int is:
- 1 = Total scale
- 2 = Seawater scale
- 3 = Free scale [required for PALEOcarbchem solvers]
- 4 = NBS scale
Modified CO2SYS Constants, split into functions for maintainability
Comments from the original code:
% SUB Constants, version 04.01, 10-13-97, written by Ernie Lewis.
% Inputs: pHScale%, WhichKs%, WhoseKSO4%, Sali, TempCi, Pdbar
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
% PROGRAMMER'S NOTE: all Constants are converted to the pH scale
% pHScale% (the chosen one) in units of mol/kg-SW
% except KS and KF are on the free scale
-% and KW is in units of (mol/kg-SW)^2
Julia-specific details:
, WhoseKSO4
, pHScale
are passed as Types (using Val(Int)), not integer values, so that Julia can work out which constants and functions to call at compile time. Similarly, Comps
is a Type which encodes the selection of components, so the appropriate code is generated (components included or excluded) at compile time.
— Functioncalc_limits( Val{WhichKs::Int}) -> (TminC, TmaxC, salmin, salmax)
Return range limits for constant set WhichKs
- 1 = Roy, 1993 T: 0-45 S: 5-45. Total scale. Artificial seawater.
- 2 = Goyet & Poisson T: -1-40 S: 10-50. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 3 = HANSSON refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 4 = MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 5 = HANSSON and MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 6 = GEOSECS (i.e., original Mehrbach) T: 2-35 S: 19-43. NBS scale. Real seawater.
- 7 = Peng (i.e., originam Mehrbach but without XXX) T: 2-35 S: 19-43. NBS scale. Real seawater.
- 8 = Millero, 1979, FOR PURE WATER ONLY (i.e., Sal=0) T: 0-50 S: 0.
- 9 = Cai and Wang, 1998 T: 2-35 S: 0-49. NBS scale. Real and artificial seawater.
- 10 = Lueker et al, 2000 T: 2-35 S: 19-43. Total scale. Real seawater.
- 11 = Mojica Prieto and Millero, 2002. T: 0-45 S: 5-42. Seaw. scale. Real seawater
- 12 = Millero et al, 2002 T: -1.6-35 S: 34-37. Seaw. scale. Field measurements.
- 13 = Millero et al, 2006 T: 0-50 S: 1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
- 14 = Millero et al, 2010 T: 0-50 S: 1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
— Functioncalc_modern_default_concs(Sal_input, Options=(; WhichKs=Val(10), WhoseKSO4=Val(1)) -> (; TF, TS, TB, Ca)
Calculate modern seawater default concentrations as a function of salinity Sal_input
See calc_constants!
for documentation for Options
- TF: (mol kg-1) Total Fluorine modern value from salinity
+% and KW is in units of (mol/kg-SW)^2
Julia-specific details:
, WhoseKSO4
, pHScale
are passed as Types (using Val(Int)), not integer values, so that Julia can work out which constants and functions to call at compile time. Similarly, Comps
is a Type which encodes the selection of components, so the appropriate code is generated (components included or excluded) at compile time.
— Functioncalc_limits( Val{WhichKs::Int}) -> (TminC, TmaxC, salmin, salmax)
Return range limits for constant set WhichKs
- 1 = Roy, 1993 T: 0-45 S: 5-45. Total scale. Artificial seawater.
- 2 = Goyet & Poisson T: -1-40 S: 10-50. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 3 = HANSSON refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 4 = MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 5 = HANSSON and MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO T: 2-35 S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
- 6 = GEOSECS (i.e., original Mehrbach) T: 2-35 S: 19-43. NBS scale. Real seawater.
- 7 = Peng (i.e., originam Mehrbach but without XXX) T: 2-35 S: 19-43. NBS scale. Real seawater.
- 8 = Millero, 1979, FOR PURE WATER ONLY (i.e., Sal=0) T: 0-50 S: 0.
- 9 = Cai and Wang, 1998 T: 2-35 S: 0-49. NBS scale. Real and artificial seawater.
- 10 = Lueker et al, 2000 T: 2-35 S: 19-43. Total scale. Real seawater.
- 11 = Mojica Prieto and Millero, 2002. T: 0-45 S: 5-42. Seaw. scale. Real seawater
- 12 = Millero et al, 2002 T: -1.6-35 S: 34-37. Seaw. scale. Field measurements.
- 13 = Millero et al, 2006 T: 0-50 S: 1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
- 14 = Millero et al, 2010 T: 0-50 S: 1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
— Functioncalc_modern_default_concs(Sal_input, Options=(; WhichKs=Val(10), WhoseKSO4=Val(1)) -> (; TF, TS, TB, Ca)
Calculate modern seawater default concentrations as a function of salinity Sal_input
See calc_constants!
for documentation for Options
- TF: (mol kg-1) Total Fluorine modern value from salinity
- TS: (mol kg-1) Total Sulphate modern value from salinity
- TB: (mol kg-1) Total Boron modern value from salinity
- Ca: (mol kg-1) Ca modern value from salinity
julia> options = (; WhichKs=Val(10), WhoseKSO4=Val(1));
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
julia> modern_concs = PALEOcarbchem.calc_modern_default_concs(35.0, Options=options);
julia> map(x -> @sprintf("%.14e", x), modern_concs)
-(TF = "6.83258396883673e-05", TS = "2.82354341328601e-02", TB = "4.15700000000000e-04", Ca = "1.02845697008497e-02")
sourceSolvers and outputs
— ConstantResultNames::Tuple
All available CO2SYS result names
— ConstantRNameIdx::NamedTuple
Indices of results in a Vector of length(ResultNames
— FunctiongetResultDescription(resultName::AbstractString) -> (resultName, units, description)
Get human-readable description of resultName
— FunctioncalculateTAfromTCpHfree!(res, C, Options, concs, pHfree; do_dTAdpH=Val(false)) -> (TA, dTAdpH)
Calculate TAlk, and speciation, given pH and conserved concentrations (total DIC, Si, P, SO4, B, F, ...)
: Total Alk, mol/kg-sw dTAdpH
: derivative, or NaN if do_dTAdpH=Val(false)
: (output) Vector res
of length length(ResultNames
) with details of TA contributions etcC
: constants from calc_constants!
. NB: must be on Free pH scale.concs::NamedTuple
: (mol kg-sw, NB: each element should be a Ref or length 1 Vector) total concentrations for sulphate, fluoride, and each optional component of alkalinity enabled in C
: pH on free scale
modified from Matlab CO2SYS CalculateTAfromTCpH(TCi, pHi) to use Free pH scale
— FunctioncalculatepHfromTATC!(
+(TF = "6.83258396883673e-05", TS = "2.82354341328601e-02", TB = "4.15700000000000e-04", Ca = "1.02845697008497e-02")
sourceSolvers and outputs
— ConstantResultNames::Tuple
All available CO2SYS result names
— ConstantRNameIdx::NamedTuple
Indices of results in a Vector of length(ResultNames
— FunctiongetResultDescription(resultName::AbstractString) -> (resultName, units, description)
Get human-readable description of resultName
— FunctioncalculateTAfromTCpHfree!(res, C, Options, concs, pHfree; do_dTAdpH=Val(false)) -> (TA, dTAdpH)
Calculate TAlk, and speciation, given pH and conserved concentrations (total DIC, Si, P, SO4, B, F, ...)
: Total Alk, mol/kg-sw dTAdpH
: derivative, or NaN if do_dTAdpH=Val(false)
: (output) Vector res
of length length(ResultNames
) with details of TA contributions etcC
: constants from calc_constants!
. NB: must be on Free pH scale.concs::NamedTuple
: (mol kg-sw) total concentrations for sulphate, fluoride, and each optional component of alkalinity enabled in C
: pH on free scale
modified from Matlab CO2SYS CalculateTAfromTCpH(TCi, pHi) to use Free pH scale
— FunctioncalculatepHfromTATC!(
res, C, Options, conc_TAx, concs;
pHstart=8.0, pHTol=100*eps()
-) -> (pHfree, steps)
Call calculateTAfromTCpHfree!
to iteratively solve for pH given (i) a starting value and pH tolerance, and (ii) Alk and conserved concentrations (total DIC, Si, P, SO4, B, F, ...)
Intended for use eg in an ocean model to enable a single Newton-Raphson step each model timestep (ie pHstart from previous value in that grid cell, pHtol set to some large number)
: pH on free scalesteps
: number of Newton iterations
: (output) Vector res
of length length(ResultNames
) with details of TA contributions etcC
: constants from calc_constants!
. NB: must be on Free pH scale.conc_TAx
: total Alk, mol kg-swconcs
: other input total concentrations, see calculateTAfromTCpHfree!
: starting value (free pH scale)pHtol
: tolerance (accuracy required)
Modified from CO2SYS SUB CalculatepHfromTATC, version 04.01, 10-13-96, written by Ernie Lewis. NB: recoded here to use calculateTAfromTCpHfree!
, hence works on free pH scale.
Units: mol / kg-sw
— FunctioncalculateOmega(C, CO3,Ca) -> (OmegaCA, OmegaAR)
Calculate carbonate saturation.
Returns omega, the solubility ratio, for calcite and aragonite. This is defined by: Omega = [CO3–]*[Ca++]./Ksp, where Ksp is the solubility product (either KCa or KAr).
- C - constants from
- CO3 - carbonate ion concentration, mol/kg-sw
- Ca - calcium concentration, mol/kg-sw
— FunctionmappHscale(C, pHin, scalein, scaleout, TS, TF) -> pHout
Map pH scale at pressure, temperature, salinity defined by constants C
NB: Total, SW scale are not well defined unless using default contemporary values for TS
(sulphate) and TF
: constants Vector from calc_constants!
: input pH on scale scalein
, scaleout
:- Val(1) = Total scale
- Val(2) = Seawater scale
- Val(3) = Free scale
- not implemented: Val(4) = NBS scale
total sulphate (mol kg-1)TF:
total fluoride (mol kg-1)
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.8.0 on Monday 9 December 2024. Using Julia version 1.6.7.
+) -> (pHfree, steps)
Call calculateTAfromTCpHfree!
to iteratively solve for pH given (i) a starting value and pH tolerance, and (ii) Alk and conserved concentrations (total DIC, Si, P, SO4, B, F, ...)
Intended for use eg in an ocean model to enable a single Newton-Raphson step each model timestep (ie pHstart from previous value in that grid cell, pHtol set to some large number)
: pH on free scalesteps
: number of Newton iterations
: (output) Vectorres
of length length(ResultNames
) with details of TA contributions etcC
: constants fromcalc_constants!
. NB: must be on Free pH scale.conc_TAx
: total Alk, mol kg-swconcs
: other input total concentrations, seecalculateTAfromTCpHfree!
: starting value (free pH scale)pHtol
: tolerance (accuracy required)
Modified from CO2SYS SUB CalculatepHfromTATC, version 04.01, 10-13-96, written by Ernie Lewis. NB: recoded here to use calculateTAfromTCpHfree!
, hence works on free pH scale.
Units: mol / kg-sw
— FunctioncalculateOmega(C, CO3,Ca) -> (OmegaCA, OmegaAR)
Calculate carbonate saturation.
Returns omega, the solubility ratio, for calcite and aragonite. This is defined by: Omega = [CO3–]*[Ca++]./Ksp, where Ksp is the solubility product (either KCa or KAr).
- C - constants from
- CO3 - carbonate ion concentration, mol/kg-sw
- Ca - calcium concentration, mol/kg-sw
— FunctionmappHscale(C, pHin, scalein, scaleout, TS, TF) -> pHout
Map pH scale at pressure, temperature, salinity defined by constants C
NB: Total, SW scale are not well defined unless using default contemporary values for TS
(sulphate) and TF
: constants Vector fromcalc_constants!
: input pH on scalescalein
:- Val(1) = Total scale
- Val(2) = Seawater scale
- Val(3) = Free scale
- not implemented: Val(4) = NBS scale
total sulphate (mol kg-1)TF:
total fluoride (mol kg-1)