v1.0.3 (2023-03-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Monitoring/notification: add modality + sop class uid fields #200
- Fix: dynamic new sop class uid in dicom transfers #199
- Mail sender in parameter #198
Fixed bugs:
- Concurrency issue: association error for some instances with DICOM (dimse) destination #202
Closed issues:
- Check behaviour hazelcast multi instance #176
Merged pull requests:
- Mail sender, fix transfers dicom, modality + sop class uid in monitoring/notification #198 #199 #200 #201 (jdcshug)
v1.0.2 (2022-11-05)
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.1 (2022-03-25)
v1.0.0 (2022-03-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add in pre destroy reset transfer in progress status for destinations #192
- Add automatic refresh of gateway setup when multiple instances #190
- Add project secret history #189
- Create a monitoring csv export #188
- Notification improvement #187
- Create pseudonym mapping view #186
- Create monitoring view #185
- Vulnerability CVE-2021-42550 (aka LOGBACK-1591) #180
Fixed bugs:
- Change httpClient from HTTP2 to HTTP1_1 #194
- Handle 409 http exception in order to not rethrow exception = means file is already in the destination #193
- Upgrade version weasis-dicom-tools in order to fix "Go Away" exceptions #191
Merged pull requests:
- fix: switching album issue #195 (jdcshug)
- monitoring + notification + export + secret history + pseudonym mapping #184 (jdcshug)
v0.9.9 (2021-12-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update weasis-dicom-tools to 5.24.2 (native lib to 4.5.3) #177
- DeIdentification front: refactoring + behaviour activate/deactivate deidentification #174
- Notification Front: default values #172
- Karnak email address #159
- Change configuration when sending #31
- Feat/notification sender #178 (redwork321)
- Feat/deidentification activ deactiv front refactoring #173 (jdcshug)
- feat: default values notification #171 (jdcshug)
v0.9.8 (2021-08-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Adjust clickable zone checkbox #169
- Add profile version in projects views #167
- Springboot/junit/liquibase versions upgrade #165
- Enable/disable destination buttons (save/delete) when transfer is in progress #163
- Destinations: loading spinner transfer activity #161
- Switching in the KHEOPS album cannot be applied with the KEEP action on the study UID and / or the serial UID #156
- Image transcoding with a specific transfer syntax #139
- Inject an external id provider #88
- Check that the expression does not corrupt the DICOM #74
- Improve the notification module UI #42
- Adjust clickable zone checkbox #168 (jdcshug)
- feat: add profile version #166 (jdcshug)
- Upgrade versions springboot/junit/liquibase #164 (jdcshug)
- Enable/disable destination buttons (save/delete) when transfer is in progress #162 (jdcshug)
- Activity transfer destination #160 (jdcshug)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump vaadin-bom from 19.0.6 to 19.0.9 #158 (dependabot[bot])
- Fix hash uidkeep #157 (nicolasvandooren)
- feat: add condition clean pixel data #155 (jdcshug)
v0.9.7 (2021-06-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Remove use pseudonym as patient name button and use pseudonym for patient name #154
- Check Issuer of Patient ID in destination #148
- Load an external logback configuration at startup #128
- Set the logging level at startup #119
- Pattern for the Clinical log warning #85
- Defacing CT #17
Fixed bugs:
- The order of profile elements on the ui and when downloading a profile is not correct. #146
- Do not de-identify when multiple actions and with retired SOP Class UID #138
- Fix endianness of added sequences #137
Closed issues:
- Condition to activate a destination #101
Merged pull requests:
- feat: destination #153 (jdcshug)
- Check issuer #152 (cicciu)
- feat: activate/deactivate notification #150 (jdcshug)
- Defacing #149 (cicciu)
- Condition activate destination #145 (nicolasvandooren)
- External logback #144 (nicolasvandooren)
- feat: add unit tests + header native for springdoc #143 (jdcshug)
v0.9.6 (2021-05-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Modal windows for the element of dicom worklist #135
- Bump vaadin.version from 17.0.10 to 19.0.5 #133
- remove the checkbox Authorized SOPs #97
- Raise an exception from the execute function of an action. #73
- [Clean Pixel] Recompression issue #39
Fixed bugs:
- Decompress all the images with DICOM output #136
- STOW-RS exceptions when sending images from multiple sources concurrently #124
Merged pull requests:
- feat: vaadin 19 #142 (jdcshug)
- feat: modify Project labels + set placeholder ProfileDropDown #141 (jdcshug)
- fix: resources handler spring mvc + configuration echo controller spr… #140 (jdcshug)
- Feat/echo endpoint #130 (jdcshug)
- feat: add service unit tests + coverage on new code + deactivate previous not working unit tests #129 (jdcshug)
- Deidentification method #126 (cicciu)
v0.9.5 (2021-04-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement open id connect #112
Fixed bugs:
- Exception loading sessions from persistent storage #127
Closed issues:
- Enabled or Disabled a node or a destination #27
v0.9.4 (2021-03-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Reorganization in the types of pseudonyms and improvement the management of pseudonyms #118
- Display a unique message when we add multiple same external pseudonym via the csv file #108
- Linking external pseudonym to a project #107
- Pagination to visualize the External Pseudonym view #106
Fixed bugs:
- Manage exception if status code is not SUCCESSFUL for a dicom stow #117
- Manage exception on parsing datetime #116
- Incorrect trailing (FFFE,E00D) Item Delimitation Item in outgoing C-STORE RQs. #109
Merged pull requests:
- feat: merge pom.xml #125 (jdcshug)
- enable/disable destination #123 (cicciu)
- Use attribute #122 (nicolasvandooren)
- External pseudonym project #121 (cicciu)
- Separate cache mainzelliste #120 (cicciu)
- Duplicate extid unique msg #115 (cicciu)
- Pagination extid #114 (cicciu)
v0.9.3.1 (2021-02-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Profile format is not correct when it exported #111
v0.9.3 (2021-02-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Pop up warning when regenerate Project secret #92
- Simplify the pseudonym cache metadata #90
- In the UI, split the pseudonym cache and mainzelliste #89
- Pass the action logs to level TRACE #84
- Remove all references to the secret KARNAK_HMAC_KEY #81
- Add Instance Creation Date and Time attributes #79
- Update help view #78
- Add rolling log for clinical log #77
- Remove a profile #76
- Improve the performance of the logs #67
- Show masks in the profiles page #61
- Export a profile #60
- Reformat the code with google-java-format #40
- Upgrade of version #23
- Use of the DICOM structure according to Information Object Definition (IOD) #11
Fixed bugs:
- Upload profile error on Chrome #93
- Missing level in log file #68
- Hazelcast ClassNotFoundException in docker environment #66
Closed issues:
- Logs the following fields for each de-identified instance in clinical logs (Serie UID, Instance UID, ...) #83
- Add mask view in profile view #71
- Creation of a website for the karnak doc #70
Merged pull requests:
- Refactor structure #104 (jdcshug)
- Upload csv #103 (cicciu)
- add_idp_keycloak: Handle Keycloak IDP #102 (jdcshug)
- Refactor pseudonym to remove duplicate code #100 (nicolasvandooren)
- Simplify the pseudonym and split the cached pseudonym and mainzelliste #98 (nicolasvandooren)
- Login Spring Security #95 (jdcshug)
- Choose an action depending the standard DICOM #94 (nicolasvandooren)
- Improve clinical logs #86 (cicciu)
- Remove profile #82 (cicciu)
- Export profile #72 (cicciu)
- Production cache embedded #69 (nicolasvandooren)
0.9.2 (2020-11-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Reduce information in clinical log #56
- Using caching for the Mainzelliste pseudonym #53
- Improve the performance of pseudonym caching #52
- Optimisation in actions #45
- Upgrade Spring and Vaadin #41
- Use DICOM endpoint as URL #36
- Warning No projects created #35
- Option shift date, keep year, month or day #30
- Expression in replace #28
- UI navigation #24
- Switching in different KHEOPS' album #16
- Implement clean pixel data (text) #14
- Import an external pseudonym #13
- Terms/Conditions on login page #8
- Mainzelliste caching #64 (nicolasvandooren)
Fixed bugs:
- Validator applied to null fields after adding a new project #59
- The project grid doesn't update after updating a project #58
- What happens with a null UID #57
- Define an "all" log file size #55
- Sequences are not fully removed with Action X #51
- Image with Clean pixel data is not sent to a DICOMWeb destination #50
- DICOM connection between the forward node and the destination is closed randomly #49
- Applying masks doesn't work when sending simultaneously several dataset #48
- Notification for a DICOM destination doesn't work #47
- Notification is not consistent when UIDs are changed by de-identification #46
- NPE when setting a string value to Binary VR #44
- Propagation of the action in sequence #29
- Changing parameters during sending #26
- Update grid project #63 (nicolasvandooren)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Seq not fully removed #65 (cicciu)
- Logback config #62 (cicciu)
- Pseudonym caching #54 (nicolasvandooren)
0.9.1 (2020-09-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Verification and error checking on the structure of the yaml file containing the profile #25
- Expression in option or profile #22
- Refactor constructor of ProfileItem #21
- Option with Date #19
- Exception type for destination #4
0.9.0 (2020-07-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Import customize profile #20
- Structure Profile #12
- Filter by SOP #10
- Configuration of user/password Admin #7
- Vaadin Upgrade to v16 #6
- Select all filters #5
Merged pull requests:
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator