Travel budgets are to be used to pay for transportation, lodging, and food (not event registration). There are 3 categories of travel budgets available:
- Marketing and Sales: This is used for marketing goal travel, like an event with a booth or table. This is also available for team members who are speaking, volunteering, or participating in ways other than just attending an event.
- Continuing Education (CE): This is used to send team members to events or workshops that are for educational purposes, as opposed to marketing.
- Admin/Internal: This is used for our team retreats and sprints.
The Marketing and CE budgets are both shared pools of money with a fixed total budget per year (not per person). When you wish to have the company pay for travel, you will need to submit a request to the team which includes the budget to draw from, the estimated cost, and the benefit the trip will provide for you and the company. Most educational travel will also require some kind of “deliverable” after travel. This can be sharing notes of things learned, writing a blog post for the site, or something else determined before travel.