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Orkestra is an Open Source Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment server as a library running on Kubernetes.
It leverages Kubernetes concepts such as Jobs or Secrets, and configuration as code in Scala to take the most of compile time type safety and compatibility with Scala or Java libraries.

Key features:

  • Configured completely via code which can be version controlled
  • Fully scalable
  • Highly Available
  • Extendable via any Scala/Java libraries

Quick start




addSbtPlugin("tech.orkestra" % "sbt-orkestra" % "<latest version>")


lazy val orkestra = orkestraProject("orkestra", file("orkestra"))
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "tech.orkestra" %%% "orkestra-github" % orkestraVersion, // Optional Github plugin
      "tech.orkestra" %%% "orkestra-cron" % orkestraVersion, // Optional Cron plugin
      "tech.orkestra" %% "orkestra-lock" % orkestraVersion // Optional Lock plugin

Simple example

Given the above installation, here is a minimal project with one job:


import tech.orkestra._
import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model._

// We extend OrkestraServer to create the web server
object Orkestra extends OrkestraServer {
  // Configuring the UI
  lazy val board = deployFrontendJobBoard
  // Configuring the jobs
  lazy val jobs = Set(deployFrontendJob)
  // Creating the job and configuring UI related settings
  lazy val deployFrontendJobBoard = JobBoard[() => Unit](JobId("deployFrontend"), "Deploy Frontend")()
  // Creating the job from the above definition (this will be compiled to JVM)
  lazy val deployFrontendJob = Job(deployFrontendJobBoard) { implicit workDir => () =>
    println("Deploying Frontend")

This example is described in Jobs & Boards.

See example projects

Deployment on Kubernetes with Minikube

We provide some basic Kubernetes Deployment in kubernetes-dev that you can use to deploy on a dev environment.
Assuming that you are in one of the example projects (or in your own project), here is how to deploy on Kubernetes with Minikube:

minikube start --memory 4096              # Start Minikube
eval `minikube docker-env`                # Make docker use the docker engine of Minikube
sbt orkestraJVM/Docker/publishLocal       # Publish the docker artifact
kubectl apply -f ../kubernetes-dev        # Apply the deployment to Kubernetes
kubectl proxy                             # Proxy the Kubernetes api

Visit Orkestra on
You can troubleshoot any deployment issue with minikube dashboard.

More on how to configure the deployment in Config.


Find all the documentation on

Talks and articles:

Origins of Orkestra


Orkestra has been created at DriveTribe by its Scala backend team that had to do DevOps. Obsessed by functional programming they decided to apply the same paradigm to their DevOps.

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Contributions to Orkestra are more than welcomed! See for all the information and getting help.