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1.6. PHP Setup ‐ Windows IIS

Nicollas Silva edited this page Jul 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Configuring PHP on IIS

1 - Download PHP (Link:


2 - Extract to Program Files on Disk C

3 - Download and install PHP Manager for IIS (Link:


4 - After installation, open IIS (just search for Internet Information Services)

5 - In the left menu of IIS, navigate through the sites, and double-click on the PHP Manager option to open the manager.


6 - Click on Register new PHP version


7 - Navigate to the folder where PHP was extracted and select the php-cgi

8 - After the inclusion of PHP, click on the option Enable or disable the extension


9 - Enable the following extensions: curl, fileinfo, gd, mbstring, openssl, pdo_mysql, sockets (Remove the ; at the beginning of the line)


Save the file.

10 - Restart your IIS from the top right corner menu.