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Meeting Notes

File metadata and controls

57 lines (42 loc) · 2.76 KB


  • ho1, mafurta

mfeval vs. OpenTire Differneces

Function vs. Instance

  • mfeval is not an instance of the model, but is called as a function withe parameter
  • OpenTirePython uses an instance
  • There can be performance advantages with having an instance if the model require significant setup


  • Mfeval has a fixed “inputsMF” which is an ordered array/vector
  • Opentire has a “TireState” which can depend on the model and is a dictionary

Default Model

  • Mfeval – you have to have a TIR file or a Structure (which is way faster)
  • Can have incomplete TIR, but 3 examples provided and if a value is missing it assigns it zero?
  • OpenTire – default values exist

UseMode vs SolverMode

  • mfeval uses “UseMode” to mimic dteval behavior – which is an “array of digits”
  • OpenTire uses SolverMode dictionary – but they should be dependent on the type of tire model

Discussion about Future Direction

  • We are OK with mfeval and OpenTirePython having different structures

    • Due to the history of mfeval and current usage, we don’t want to change it immediately
    • If there is a good reason in the future to change it, we will do so
    • Document differences on the website/Github
  • OpenTire should be an umbrella for open-source tire models of any kind, in any language

    • Requirement is that it need to have a documentation, examples and some sort of wrapper to be able to call it from Python/MATLAB/or something?
    • Test environment is using Python to call any model to evaluate it’s performance and make sure the results make sense
    • TireState as a dictionary could make sense, if the wrapper has to be responsible to adapt it to the specific models requirements
  • Update to to reflect mfeval + Python

    • Keep the webpage simple and link to GitHub for “dynamic content” ex. Wiki
  • For OpenTire we want to take the following steps

    • Review/redefine the “model interface”
    • Example: Function vs. Instance, Parameters as an input or living in the instance, UseMode/SolverMode etc.
    • Update PAC2002 to Py3
    • Add BrushModel to Py3/OpenTirePython
    • Add MF6.x to Py3
  • Also come up with a test environment to compare mfeval to OpenTirePython

    • Possibly be a Jupyter notebook that calls both Python and MATLAB or a MATLAB equivalent
    • Creating a unit test environment before any commits… there are features in GitHub
  • LongTerm Goals:

    • Compiled version of the tire models for faster computation (for use in simulations/games etc.)
    • Having a common “STI” or helpers function to get you to a known coordinate system etc (ISO-C vs. ISO-W).
    • Having a wrapper to call any model, including C models
    • Provide example TIR of car/truck/bus/aircraft/motorcycle tires