diff --git a/apps/OpenSign/public/locales/de/translation.json b/apps/OpenSign/public/locales/de/translation.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be93d666f --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/OpenSign/public/locales/de/translation.json @@ -0,0 +1,687 @@ +{ + "header-news": "Neues Feature: Öffentliche Profile sind jetzt live! Erstelle und teile einfach öffentliche Vorlagen", + "header-news-btn": "Jetzt einrichten", + "create-account": "Erstelle Benutzerkonto", + "login": "Anmelden", + "language": "Sprache", + "name": "Name", + "phone": "Telefon", + "phone-optional": "optional", + "email": "Email", + "company": "Unternehmen", + "job-title": "Job Bezeichnung", + "profile": "Profil", + "log-out": "Abmelden", + "is-email-verified": "Ist Email verifiziert", + "public-profile": "Öffentliches Profil", + "tagline": "Untertitel ", + "has-requested-you-to-sign": " hat dich gebeten zu unterzeichnen", + "has-requested-you-to-review-and-sign": " hat dich gebeten zu begutachten und zu unterzeichnen", + "input-required": "Bitte fülle dieses Feld aus.", + "sort-order": { + "Ascending": "Aufsteigend", + "Descending": "Absteigend", + "Name": "Name", + "Date": "Datum" + }, + "context-menu": { + "Download": "Herunterladen", + "Rename": "Umbenennen", + "Move": "Verschieben", + "Delete": "Löschen" + }, + "action": "Aktion", + "add": "Hinzufügen", + "add-new-folder": "Neuen Ordner erstellen", + "disable-documentId": "Deaktiviere DocumentId", + "edit": "Bearbeiten", + "change-password": "Passwort ändern", + "save": "Speichern", + "cancel": "Abbrechen", + "upgrade-now": "Jetzt Upgraden", + "upgrade-to": "Upgraden auf", + "plan": "Plan", + "subscribe-card-teamplan":">Schalte die volle Leistung der Zusammenarbeit! Erstelle unbegrenzt viele Prganisationen, Teams und Hierarchien. Teile Vorlagen Share templates nahtlos mit Teams und weise benutzerdefinierte Rollen. Hebe deine Arbeitsabläufe auf ein neues Niveau!", + "subscribe-card-plan": "Schalte Premium-Features frei beginnend bei {{premiumPrice}}/Monat. Erhalte erhöhte Performance und nur {{addonPrice}} pro zusätzlichem Credit nach dem enthaltenen Premium Credits.", + "user-name-limit-char": "Um einen Benutzernamen mit weniger als 8 Zeichen zu verwenden bitte subscriben.", + "tour-content": "Zeige dies nicht noch einmal.", + "pro": "PRO", + "team": "TEAM", + "user": "Benutzer", + "docs": "Dokumente", + "session-expired": "Deine Sitzung ist abgelaufen.", + "public-profile-help": "Das ist deine öffentliche URL. Kopiere oder teile sie mitd dem Unterzeichner, und du wirst in der Lage sein, alle deine öffentlich gemachten Vorlagen zu sehen.", + "tagline-help": "Dieser Untertitel wird auf deinem öffentlichen OpenSign-Profil sichtbar sein, z.B. https://opensign.me/alex", + "welcome": "Willkommen zurück!", + "Login-to-your-account": "Anmelden mit deinem Benutzerkonto", + "password": "Passwort", + "forgot-password": "Passwort vergessen?", + "loading": "Lade...", + "of": "von", + "sign-SSO": "Anmelden mit SSO", + "login-page": "Anmeldeseite", + "or": "ODER", + "signup-page": "Anmeldeseite", + "password-length": " Passwort sollte 8 Zeichen lang sein", + "password-case": " Passwort sollte bestehen aus Großbuchstaben, Kleinbuchstaben, Ziffern", + "password-special-char": " Password sollte Sonderzeichen beinhalten", + "agreee": "Ich bin einverstanden mit", + "term": "allgemeinen Nutzungbedingungen", + "subscribe-to-opensign": "Zum OpenSign Newsletter anmelden", + "register": "Registrieren", + "sidebar": { + "Dashboard": "Dashboard", + "Sign yourself": "Selbst unterschreiben", + "Request signatures": "Unterschrift anfordern", + "Templates": "Vorlagen", + "Templates-Children": { + "Create template": "Erstelle Vorlage", + "Manage templates": "Verwalte Vorlagen" + }, + "OpenSign™ Drive": "OpenSign™ Drive", + "Reports": "Berichte", + "Reports-Children": { + "Need your sign": "Benötigt deine Unterschrift", + "In Progress": "In Bearbeitung", + "Completed": "Vollständig", + "Drafts": "Entwürfe", + "Declined": "Abgelehnt", + "Expired": "Abgelaufen", + "Contactbook": "Adressbuch" + }, + "Settings": "Einstlelungen", + "Settings-Children": { + "My Signature": "Meine Unterschriften", + "API Token": "API Token", + "Webhook": "Webhook", + "Teams": "Teams", + "Team-update-successfully": "Team erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "Users": "Benutzer" + } + }, + "dashboard-card": { + "Need your Signature": "Braucht deine Unterschrift", + "Out for signatures": "Für Unterschrift versendet" + }, + "report-name": { + "Draft Documents": "Entwurfs-Dokumente", + "Need your sign": "Braucht deine Unterschrift", + "In-progress documents": "Doument ein Bearbeitung", + "Completed Documents": "Abgeschlossene Dokumente", + "Declined Documents": "Abgelehnte Dokumente", + "Expired Documents": "Abgelaufene Dokumente", + "Recently sent for signatures": "Kürzliche versendet zur Unterschrift", + "Recent signature requests": "Kürzliche Unterschriftsanfragen", + "Drafts": "Entwürfe", + "Contactbook": "Adressbuch", + "Templates": "Vorlagen", + "Teams": "Teams", + "Users": "Benutzer" + }, + "btnLabel": { + "sign": "unterschreiben", + "Sign": "UNTERSCHREIBEN", + "Resend": "Erneut senden", + "Revoke": "Zurückrufen", + "Delete": "Löschen", + "Use": "Verwende", + "Quick send": "Schnell senden", + "Edit": "Bearbeiten", + "Share with team": "Mit Team teilen", + "Share": "Teilen", + "View": "Ansehen", + "option": "Option", + "Embed": "Einbetten", + "Copy TemplateId":"Kopiere TemplateId", + "Copy Public URL":"Kopiere öffentliche URL" + }, + "report-heading": { + "Sr.No": "Sr.No", + "Title": "Titel", + "Email": "Email", + "Phone": "Telefon", + "File": "Datei", + "Owner": "Besitzer", + "Signers": "Unterzeichner", + "Note": "Notiz", + "Folder": "Ordner", + "Reason": "Grund", + "Parent Team": "Übergeordnetes Team", + "Active": "Aktiv", + "Role": "Rolle", + "Team": "Team", + "Name": "Name", + "Status": "Status", + "created-date": "Erstelldatum", + "Type": "Typ", + "Logs": "Logs" + }, + "report-help": { + "Draft Documents": "Das sind Dokumente, die du begonnen, aber noch nicht abgeschlossen hast.", + "Need your sign": "Das ist eine Liste von Dokumenten, die auf deine Unterschrift warten.", + "In-progress documents": "Das ist eine Liste von Dokumenten, die du an andere zur Unterschrift gesendet hast.", + "Completed Documents": "Das ist eine Liste von Dokumenten, die von allen Teilnehmen unterschrieben wurde..", + "Declined Documents": "Das ist eine Liste von Dokumenten, die von mindestens einem Teilnehmer abgelehnt wurde", + "Expired Documents": "Das ist eine Liste von Dokumenten, die das Ablaufdatum erreicht haben.", + "Contactbook": "Das ist eine Liste von Kontakten / Unterschreibener, die du hinzugefügt hast. Diese werden als Vorschläge angezeigt, wenn du versuchst, Unterzeichner zu einem neuen Dokument hinzuzufügen.", + "Templates": "Das ist eine Liste von Vorlagen, die dir zur Erstellung neuer Dokumente zur Verfügung stehen. Du kannst mit dem Klick auf 'verwenden' ein neues Dokument auf Basis der Vorlage erstellen, verändern und im nächsten Schritt Unterzeichner hinzufügen." + }, + "form-name": { + "Sign Yourself": "Unterschreibe selbst", + "Request Signatures": "Unterschrift anfordern", + "New Template": "Neue Vorlage" + }, + "file-type": "pdf, png, jpg, jpeg", + "docx": "docx", + "file-selected": "Datei ausgewählt", + "template-title": "Vorlagentitel", + "document-title": "Dokumententitel", + "description": "Beschreibung", + "time-to-complete": "Zeit bis Abschluss (Tage)", + "send-in-order": "Sende in Reihenfolge", + "send-in-order-help": { + "p1": "Wähle, wie die Unterzeichnungs-Anfrage an die Unterschreiben vesendet werden:", + "p2": "Mit dieser Option wird die Unterzeichnungsanfrage zuerst an den ersten Unterzeichner verschickt. Nach Unterzeichnung durch den ersten Unterzeichner wird der nächste Unterzeichner aufgefordert zu unterschreiben. Dieser Prozess läuft so lange, bis alle Unterzeichner das Dokument unterschrieben haben. Diese Methode stellt sicher, dass das Dokument in einer festgelegten Reihenflge unterschrieben wird.", + "p3": "Mit dieser Option wird die Unterzeichnungsanfrage gleichzeitig an alle Unterzeichner verschickt. Jeder Unterzeichner kann nach belieben das Dokument unzerschreiben, unabhängig von den anderen Unterzeichnern. Diese Methode ist schneller, stellt aber keine feste Reihenfolge der Unterschriften sicher.", + "p4": "Wähle die Option, die am besten auf die Bedürfnisse des Ablaufs für dein Dokument zutrifft." + }, + "no": "Nein", + "auto-reminder": "Auto Erinnerung", + "remind-once": " Erinnere einmal alle (Days)", + "next": "Nächstes", + "select-folder": "Ordner auswählen", + "OpenSign-drive": "OpenSign™ Drive", + "drive-document-status": { + "Completed": "Abgeschlossen", + "Declined": "Abgelehnt", + "Draft": "Entwurf", + "Expired": "Abgelaufen", + "In Progress": "In Bearbeitung" + }, + "select-folder-help": "Wenn du keinen Ordner festlegst, werden alle unterzeichneten Dokumenten im Hauptordner des OpenSign Drives gespeichert.", + "no-data": "Keine Daten gefunden", + "save-here": "Hier speichern", + "back": "Zurück", + "add-folder": "Ordner hinzufügen", + "create-folder": "Ordner erstellen", + "parent-folder": "Übergeordneter Ordner", + "create": "Erstellen", + "signers": "Unterzeichner", + "signers-help": "Begin typing a contact's name to see suggested signers from your saved contacts or add new ones. Arrange the signing order by adding signers in the desired sequence. Use the '+' button to include signers and the 'x' to remove them. Each signer will receive an email prompt to sign the document in the order listed.", + "add-signer": "Unterzeichner hinzufügen", + "contact-not-found": "Kontakt nicht gefunden", + "add-yourself": "Dich selbst hinzufügen", + "submit": "Übermitteln", + "reset": "Zurücksetzen", + "my-signature": "Meine Unterschrift", + "signature": "Unterschrift", + "upload-image": " Bild hochladen", + "clear": "Leeren", + "upload-signature/Image": "Bitte Unterschrift/Bild hochladen", + "initials": "Initialen", + "API": "API", + "api-token": "API Token", + "regenerate-token": "Regeneriere Live Token", + "generate-token": "Generiere Live Token", + "view-docs": "Zeige Dokumente", + "generate-token-alert": "Sicher, dass du den Token regenerieren willst? Der alte Token wird damit auf abgelaufen gesetzt.", + "yes": "Ja", + "copied": "Kopiert", + "something-went-wrong-mssg": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen, bitte später erneut probieren.", + "token-generated": "Token erfolgreich erstellt.", + "webhook": "Webhook", + "update-webhook": "Aktualisiere Webhook", + "add-webhook": "Füge Webhook hinzu", + "webhook-added": "Webhook erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "team-disabled": "Team deaktiviert", + "Team enabled": "Team aktiviert", + "are-you-sure": "Möchtest du wirklich", + "disable": "deaktivieren", + "enable": "aktivieren", + "this-team": " dieses Team?", + "edit-team": "Bearbeite Team", + "name-of-team": "Name des Teams", + "prev": "Vorheriges", + "no-data-avaliable": "keine Datan verfügbar", + "add-team": "Team hinzufügen", + "page-not-found": "Seite nicht gefunden", + "users-from-teams": "Benutzer vom Team", + "user-status": "Benutzerstatus", + "activate": "aktivieren", + "deactivate": "deaktivieren", + "this-user": " dieser Betzer", + "delete-user": "Lösche Benutzer", + "delete": "löschen", + "add-user": "Benutzer hinzufügen", + "password-generateed": "Passwort wird nur einmalig generiert; stelle sicher, dass du es kopiert hast.", + "Team status": "Team Status", + "user-deactivated": "Benutzer deaktiviert.", + "user-activated": "Benutzer aktiviert.", + "public": "Öffentlich", + "download": "Herunterladen", + "view": "Anzeigen", + "make-template-public": "Vorlage öffentlich zugänglich machen.", + "make-template-private": "Vorlage privat halten", + "make-template-public-alert": "Möchtest du die Vorlage wirklich öffentlich zugänglich machen?", + "make-template-private-alert": "Möchtest du die Vorlage wirklich privat halten? Das entfernt die vorlage von deinem öffentlichen Profil.", + "public-role": "Öffentliche Rolle", + "public-url": "Öffentliches Profil benötigt", + "public-url-copy": "Hier ist deine öffentliche URL: ", + "public-url-copy-mssg":"Copy it or share it with the signer, and you will be able to see all your publicly set templates.", + "add-public-url-alert": "Please complete your OpenSign public profile setup. Once done, you’ll be able to make templates public. This process only needs to be completed once.", + "share-with-alert": "You cannot share a template if any roles already have contacts assigned. Please remove all contact assignments from the roles before sharing the template.", + "share-with": "Telen mit", + "team-not-found": "Team nicht gefunden", + "roles": "Rollen", + "delete-document": "Löshce Dokument", + "delete-document-alert": "Sicher, dass du dieses Dokument löschen willst?", + "quick-send": "Schnelles senden", + "add-new": "Erzeuge neu", + "send": "Sendem", + "quick-send-alert-1": "All roles in this document are currently linked to contacts. To quick send copies of this template to multiple signers, please ensure that at least one role is not linked to any contact.", + "quick-send-alert-2": "Please ensure there's at least one signature widget added for all recipients.", + "quick-send-alert-3": "Please add at least one role to this template in order to 'quick send' copies of it to multiple signers.", + "quick-send-alert-4": "Quick send reached limit.", + "copy-link": "Kopiere Link", + "copy": "Kopieren", + "revoke-document": "Dokument zurückrufen", + "revoke-document-alert": "Sicher, dass du dieses Dokument zurückrufen willst?", + "resend-mail": "Mail erneut senden", + "resend-mail-help": "You can use following variables which will get replaced with their actual values:- {{document_title}}, {{sender_name}}, {{sender_mail}}, {{sender_phone}}, {{receiver_name}}, {{receiver_email}}, {{receiver_phone}}, {{expiry_date}}, {{company_name}}, {{signing_url}}.", + "subject": "Betreff", + "body": "Mailinhalt", + "add-contact": "Kontakt hinzufügen", + "add-signer-alert": "Kontakt existiert bereits!", + "record-delete-alert": "Eintrag erfolgreich gelöscjt!", + "record-revoke-alert": "Eintrag erfolgriech zurückgerufen!", + "mail-sent-alert": "Mail erfogreich gesendet.", + "document-sent-alert": "Dokument erfolgreich gesendet!", + "template-share-alert": "Vorlage erfolgreich geteilt.", + "template-public-alert-1": "You have successfully made the template public.", + "template-public-alert-2": "You have successfully made the template private.", + "template-public-alert-3": "You need to select a role for the public signers.", + "template-public-alert-4": "Please ensure there's at least one signature widget added for all signers.", + "template-public-alert-5": "Since this template has send-in-order enabled, the public role must be positioned at the top.", + "template-public-alert-6": "Please attach signers to all roles except for the public role user.", + "template-public-alert-7": "Please assign at least one public role to make this template public.", + "loader": " This might take some time", + "pages": "Seiten", + "document-signed": "Dokument unterzeichnet", + "close": "Schließen", + "validation-alert": "Validierungs-Alarm", + "validate-alert-mssg": " The input does not meet the criteria set by the regular expression.", + "otp-verification": "OTP Verifikation", + "enter-otp": "OTP eingeben", + "verify": "Verifizieren", + "verify-email-1": "Verifiziere email", + "resend": "Erneut senden", + "contact-details": "Kontakt Details", + "verify-email": "Please verify your email !", + "send-otp": " Sende OTP", + "otp-placeholder": "Enter verification code received over email", + "loading-doc": "Lade DoKument..", + "widgets-name": { + "signature": "Signatur", + "stamp": "Stempel", + "initials": "Initialen", + "name": "Name", + "job title": "Job Titel", + "company": "Unternehmen", + "date": "Datum", + "text": "Text", + "text input": "Text Eingabe", + "checkbox": "Checkbox", + "dropdown": "Dropdown", + "radio button": "Radio Button", + "image": "Bild", + "email": "email" + }, + "fields": "Felder", + "recipients": "Empfänger", + "please-add": "Bitte füge hinzu ", + "signed-by": "Unterzeichnet von", + "more": "mehr", + "sent": "gesendet", + "print": "Drucken", + "certificate": "Zertifikat", + "decline": "Ablehnen", + "finish": "Abschließen", + "mail": "Mail", + "sign-now": "Jetzt unterschreiben", + "successfully-signed": "Erfolgreich unterschrieben!", + "email-mssg": " Recipients added here will get a copy of the signed document.", + "email-error-1": " please provide correct email address", + "email-error-2": "You can only send to ten recipients at a time.", + "Email-verified-alert-1": "Email ist verifiziert.", + "Email-verified-alert-2": "Email ist beeits verifiziert.", + "upload-stamp-image": "Lade Stempel-Bild hoch", + "draw": "Zeichnen", + "type": "Typ", + "color-type": { + "red": "rot", + "blue": "blau", + "black": "schwarz", + "yellow": "gelb" + }, + "my-initials": "Meine Initialen", + "upload": "Hochladen", + "initial-teb": "Initialen", + "signature-tab": "Signatur", + "your-signature": "Deine signatur", + "copy-title": "Copy widget to", + "contact-delete-alert": "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?", + "reset-password-alert-1": "Reset password link has been sent to your email id", + "reset-password-alert-2": "Please setup email adapter ", + "reset-password-alert-3": "Reset Your Password", + "faild-animation": "Failed to load animation", + "apply": "aktivieren", + "copy-type": { + "All pages": "Alle Seiten", + "All pages but last": "Alle Seiten außer der letzen", + "All pages but first": "Alle Seiten außer der ersten", + "Next to current widget": "Next to current widget" + }, + "options": "Optionen", + "minimun-check": "Minimun check", + "maximum-check": "Maximum check", + "default-value": "Standardwert", + "select": "Auswählen", + "read-only": "Ist nur-lesen", + "hide-labels": "Verstekce Label", + "checkbox": "Checkbox", + "alert": "Alarm", + "zoom-in": "Reinzoomen", + "zoom-out": "Rauszoomen", + "document-signed-alert": "Congratulations! 🎉 This document has been successfully signed by you!", + "otp-sent-alert": "OTP sent on your email", + "fields-required": "Felder benötigt", + "signature-widget-alert-1": "Please ensure there's at least one signature widget added", + "signature-widget-alert-2": "Please ensure all field is accurately filled and meets all requirements.", + "encrypted-pdf-alert": "Currently encrypted pdf files are not supported.", + "encrypted-pdf-alert-1": "PFX file password is invalid.", + "user-not-exist": "User does not exist", + "template-signature-field": "Please add at least one signature field for all roles.", + "template-role-alert": "Please add roles first", + "create-document": "Create Document", + "template-created-alert": "Do you want to create a document using the template you just created ?", + "signers-alert": "signers alert", + "template-creation-alert-1": "Please select signer for add placeholder!", + "ok": "Ok", + "radio-group": "Radio Gruppe", + "dropdown-options": "Dropdown Optionen", + "add-role": "Rolle hinzufügen", + "role-ex": " e.g: Customer, Hr, Director, Manager, Student, etc", + "add/choose-signer": "Add/Choose Signer", + "choose-from-contacts": "Choose from contacts", + "select-signer": " Please select signer", + "edit-template": "Edit Template", + "widget-info": "Widget info", + "validation": "Validation", + "invalid-default-value": "invalid default value", + "hint": "Hinweis", + "color": "Farbe", + "role-help": { + "p1": "What are template roles?", + "p2": "Begin by specifying each role needed for the completion of the document. Think about the parties involved in the signing process and what their responsibilities are. Common roles include HR for internal documents, Customer for agreements or Vendor for business agreements.", + "p3": "Why pre-attach users to some roles?", + "p4": "For roles that consistently involve the same individual (e.g., the CEO's signature on employee offer letters), you can pre-attach a user to a role within the template. This step is optional but recommended for efficiency and consistency across documents.", + "p5": "When do i specify the user attached to each role?", + "p6": "When you create a document from your template, you'll be prompted to attach users to each defined role. If a role already has a user attached, this will be pre-filled, but you can modify it as needed before sending out the document." + }, + "add-recipients": "Add recipients", + "loading-mssg": "This might take some time", + "send-mail": "Sende Mail", + "placeholder-alert-1": "Please ensure there's at least one signature widget added for all recipients.", + "placeholder-alert-2": "Please confirm that you have filled the text field.", + "placeholder-alert-3": " Are you sure you want to send out this document for signatures?", + "placeholder-alert-4": "You have successfully sent mails to all recipients!", + "placeholder-alert-5": "Do you want to sign documents right now ?", + "placeholder-alert-6": "Please setup mail adapter to send mail!", + "placeholder-alert-7": "Please select signer for add placeholder!", + "email-subject": "email Betreff", + "email-body": "email Mailinhalt", + "email-placeholder": "add body of email", + "reset-to-default": "Reset to default", + "cutomize-email": "Email anpassen", + "upgrade-to-customize-email": "Upgrade to customize Email", + "sign-url": "Sign url", + "Mails Sent": "Mails gesendet", + "document-alert": "Dokumenten-Alarm", + "owner-subscription-expired": "Owner's subscription has expired.", + "subscription-expired": "Subscription Expired", + "alert-message": "Alert message", + "document-decline": "Document decline", + "decline-alert-1": "Are you sure want to decline this document ?", + "decline-alert-2": "You have declined this document!", + "decline-alert-3": "You can not sign this document as it has been declined/revoked.", + "sign here": "Sign here", + "guest-email-alert": "verification code is sent to your email", + "get-otp-alert": "you will get a verification code via Email", + "user-already-exist": "User already exist.", + "server-error": "Internal server error !", + "fill-required-details!": "Please fill required details!", + "sign-up-form": "Sign up form", + "sign-up": "Sign up", + "folder-already-exist!": "folder already exist!", + "please-select-position!": "please select position!", + "default-sign-alert": "Are you sure you want to auto sign at requested all locations?", + "Your-Signature": "Your Signature", + "auto-sign-all": "Auto Sign All", + "generating-certificate": "Generating certificate", + "pdf-download": "PDF Herunterladen", + "generate-certificate-alert": " Your completion certificate is being generated. Please wait momentarily. If the download doesn't start shortly, click the button again.", + "folder-already-exist": "Folder already exist!", + "folder-created-successfully": "Folder created successfully!", + "fill-folder-name": "Please fill folder name", + "already-exists-this-username": "User already exists with this username!", + "verification-code-sent": "Verification mail has been sent to your E-mail!", + "registered-user-successfully": "Registered user successfully.", + "role-not-found": "Role not found.", + "do-not-access": "You don't have access, please contact the admin.", + "add-admin": "Add admin", + "opensign-setup": "OpenSign Setup", + "join-discord": "Join our discord server", + "admin-already-exist": "Admin already exist.", + "password-update-alert-1": "Password updated successfully.", + "password-update-alert-2": "Your current password is missing or incorrect.", + "password-update-alert-3": "Your current password is missing or incorrect.", + "password-update-alert-4": "Your password and confirmation password do not match.", + "current-password": "Current Password", + "new-password": "New Password", + "confirm-password": "Confirm Password", + "file-alert-1": "The selected file size is too large. Please select a file less than", + "file-alert-2": "Please select file.", + "file-alert-3": "Please wait while the document is being uploaded.", + "enter-pdf-password": "Enter Pdf Password", + "correct-password": "Please provide correct password", + "decrypting-pdf": " Decrypting pdf please wait...", + "invalid-otp": "Invalid Otp", + "user-not-found": "User not found!", + "enter-otp-alert": "Please Enter OTP!", + "get-verification-code": "Get verification code", + "get-verification-code-2": "You will get a verification code via Email", + "enter-verification-code": "Enter Verification Code", + "provide-your-details": "Provide your details", + "provide-email": "Please provide email.", + "additional-info": "Additional Info", + "signature-saved-alert": "Signature saved successfully.", + "fill-field": "Please fill out this field", + "error-template": "Error: Template not found!", + "error": "Error", + "invalid-document": "Error: invalid document!", + "document-not-found": "Document not Found!", + "document-signed-alert-1": "You have successfully signed the document. You can download or print a copy of the partially signed document. A copy of the digitally signed document will be sent to the owner over email once it is signed by all signers.", + "encrypted-pdf-not-support": "Currently encrypted pdf files are not supported.", + "document-signed-alert-4": " Congratulations! 🎉 This document has been successfully signed by all participants!", + "document-signed-alert-5": "This document has been signed by all Signers.", + "document-signed-alert-6": "This document has been declined by one or more recipient(s).", + "document-signed-alert-7": "This Document is no longer available.", + "document-signed-alert-8": "The document has already been dispatched for signing.", + "yet-to-sign": "Yet to sign", + "validation-alert-1": "The input does not meet the criteria set by the regular expression.", + "account-already-exists": "Account already exists!", + "choose-password": "Choose Password", + "enter-password": "Enter Password", + "sure": "sure", + "subscribed-alert": "You have already subscribed to plan!", + "monthly": "Monthly", + "yearly-upto": "Yearly (upto 66% off)", + "billed-yearly": "Billed Yearly", + "billed-monthly": "Billed Monthly", + "plansubscription-1": "Host it yourself for free", + "visit-github": "Visit Github", + "user-already-exist-name": "User already exists with this username!", + "do-not-access-contact-admin": "You don't have access, please contact the admin.", + "filed-required-correctly": "Please fill required details correctly.", + "admin-created": "Admin created", + "invalid-masterkey": "Invalid masterkey", + "opensign-Setup": "OpenSign Setup", + "master-key": " Master key", + "profile-update-alert": "Profile updated successfully.", + "date":"Date", + "report-not-found":"Report Not Found", + "please-wait":"please wait", + "select-foler":"Select Folder", + "generated-on":"Generated On", + "text-field":"Text field", + "font-size":"Font size", + "widget-status": { + "Required":"Required", + "Optional":"Optional" + }, + "all-right":"All Rights Reserved", + "version":"version", + "social-media": { + "github": "Github", + "linked-in": "LinkedIn", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "discord": "Discord" + }, + "tour-mssg": { + "home-layout-1":"You have logged in successfully! Let's take a look.", + "home-layout-2":"To upload documents for self-signing or to request others’ signatures, simply select the respective buttons.", + "home-layout-3":"You are ready to start using OpenSign! If you need support feel free to contact us.", + "generate-token":"Upgrade now to generate production API token.", + "opensign-drive-1":"Click on the breadcrumb links to easily navigate through the folder hierarchy and view the documents within each folder.", + "opensign-drive-2":"Click the add button to create a new folder or document.", + "opensign-drive-3":"Sort your documents by Date or Name using this menu.", + "opensign-drive-4":"Click on this menu to display the documents in list view.", + "opensign-drive-5":"The document list is displayed according to the selected sorting option. Icons next to each document indicate its current status.", + "opensign-drive-6":"Right-click on a document to see options such as Download, Rename, Move, and Delete. Click on the document to open it.", + "opensign-drive-7":"Right-click on any folder to see options. Choose ‘Rename’ to change the folder’s name or click on the folder to navigate through its contents.", + "pdf-request-file-1":"List of signers who still need to sign the document .", + "pdf-request-file-2":"Click any of the placeholders appearing on the document to sign. You will then see options to draw your signature, type it, or upload an image .", + "pdf-request-file-3":"Click the Back, Decline, or Finish buttons to navigate your document. Use the ellipsis menu for additional options, including the Download button .", + "pdf-request-file-4":"List of signers who have already signed the document .", + "pdf-request-file-5":"You can click 'Auto Sign All' to automatically sign at all the locations meant to be signed by you. Make sure that you review the document properly before you click this button .", + "placeholder-sign-1":"Select a recipient from this list to add a place-holder where he is supposed to sign.The placeholder will appear in the same colour as the recipient name once you drop it on the document.", + "placeholder-sign-2":"Clicking 'Add recipients' button will allow you to add more signers.", + "placeholder-sign-3":"Click this button to add more recipients/signers to the document.", + "placeholder-sign-4":"Drag or click on a field to add it to the document.", + "placeholder-sign-5":"The PDF content area already displays the template's existing placeholders. For your convenience, these placeholders will match the color of the recipient's name, making them easily identifiable.", + "placeholder-sign-6":"Clicking 'Send' will save the document. In the next step you can customize the emails to be sent out to the recipients or copy the signing links and share those with the recipients yourself.", + "report-1":"Click the 'Add' button to create a new template. Templates are reusable documents designed to quickly generate new documents with the same structure and varying signers. For example, an HR template for onboarding could have predefined roles like ‘HR Manager’ and ‘New Employee’. Each time you use the template, you can assign the ‘New Employee’ role to different incoming staff members, while the ‘HR Manager’ role remains constant, facilitating a seamless onboarding process for each recruit. ", + "redirect":"Click the 'Use' button to create a new document from an existing template.", + "bulksend":"To quickly create and send multiple documents using an existing template, click the 'Quick Send' button.", + "option":"This menu reveals more options such as Edit & Delete. Use the 'Edit' button to add signer roles, modify fields, and update your template. Changes will apply to all future documents created from this template but won’t affect existing documents.Use the Delete button you can delete template. ", + "signyour-self-1":"Select and drag your preferred widgets onto the PDF to customize your document before signing. Choose the perfect spots for each modification to tailor the document to your needs.", + "signyour-self-2":"Drag and drop anywhere in this area. You can resize and move it later.", + "template-placeholder-1":"Clicking 'Add role' button will allow you to add various signer roles. You can attach users to each role in subsequent steps.", + "template-placeholder-2":"Once roles are added, select a role from list to add a place-holder where he is supposed to sign. The placeholder will appear in the same colour as the role name once you drop it on the document.", + "template-placeholder-3":"Drag or click on a field to add it to the document.", + "template-placeholder-4":"Drag the placeholder for a role anywhere on the document.Remember, it will appear in the same colour as the name of the recipient for easy reference.", + "template-placeholder-5":"Clicking 'Next' will store the current template. After saving, you’ll be prompted to create a new document from this template if you wish.", + "webhook-1":"Upgrade now to set webhook", + "Need your Signature":"Clicking on this card will take you to the list of documents awaiting your review.", + "Out for signatures":"Clicking on this card will take you to a list of documents awaiting signature.", + "Recent signature requests":"This is a list of documents that are waiting for your signature.", + "Recently sent for signatures":"This is a list of documents you've sent to other parties for signature.", + "Drafts":"This are documents you have started but have not finalized for sending.", + "public-template":"This video demonstrates how to set up your personalized public profile, such as ‘https://opensign.me/your-username’. You’ll also learn how to customize your tagline and make your templates available for public signing." + }, + "enter-email-plaholder":"Add an email address and hit enter", + "success-email-alert":"Email sent successfully!", + "expired-doc-title":"Expired Document", + "expired-on-mssg":"This document expired on {{expiredDate}} and is no longer available to sign.", + "signature-validate-alert":"Please confirm that you have selected at least {{minRequiredCount}} checkboxes.", + "signature-validate-alert-2":"Ensure this field is accurately filled and meets all requirements.", + "remaing-users":"Verbeibende Benutzer", + "Role":"Rolle", + "additional-users":"Bitte kaufe Add-On-Benutzer.", + "Quantity-of-users":"Menge an Benutzern", + "Price":"Preis", + "Total-price-for-next-time":"Gesamtpreis für das nächste Mal", + "Proceed":"Durchführen", + "Select":"Wähle", + "Add-seats":"Plätze hinzufügen", + "user-name-exist":"Benutzername existiert bereits", + "format":"Format", + "select-date-format":"Wähle ein Datumsformat", + "quantity-of-credits":"Menge von Premium Credits", + "remaining-credits":"Premium Credits verfügbar:", + "remaining-credits-help":"Use premium credits for API document signing, bulk sending, or embedding OpenSign integration on your website. You have {{allowedcredits}} included credits and {{addoncredits}} additional purchased credits remaining.", + "additional-credits":"Bitte kaufe Premium Credits", + "quota-err-quicksend":"Quota erreicht, du hast nicht genug Credits.", + "buy-credits":"Kaufe Premium Credits", + "rotate-right":"Drehe rechts", + "rotate-left:":"Drehe links", + "rotate-alert-mssg":"All widgets on this page will be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?", + "templateid":"Vorlagen-Id", + "bulk-send-subcription-alert":"Please upgrade to Professional or Team plan to use bulk send.", + "generate-test-token":"Generiere Test-Token", + "regenerate-test-token":"Regeneriere Test-Token", + "help-test-token":"This token can be used to test the APIs at the https://sandbox.opensignlabs.com/api/v1 endpoint, allowing you to conduct unlimited document signatures. Please note that the sandbox API will sign your documents with self-signed certificates, which may not be recognized as valid by Adobe. Once you’ve completed your testing, you can upgrade to one of our paid plans to generate a production token.", + "help-api-token":"This token can be used to access the production APIs at the {{origin}}/api/v1 endpoint. It can only be generated on one of our paid plans.", + "reason":"Grund", + "decline-by":"Abgelehnt/zurückgerufen von", + "document-declined":"Dokument abgelehnt", + "public-template-mssg-1":"To integrate OpenSign into your React or Next.js project, simply run the following command:", + "public-template-mssg-2" :"Ensure you have npm or yarn set up in your project. If you’re using Yarn, you can replace npm install with yarn add @opensign/react.", + "public-template-mssg-3" :"Need more details or examples?", + "public-template-mssg-4":"Visit the", + "public-template-mssg-5":" npm for the latest updates, detailed documentation, and version history.", + "public-template-mssg-6" :"Before you can use this code snippet, you must make this template public.", + "copy-code":"KOPIE", + "copied-code":"KOPIERT", + "Installation":"Installation", + "Usage" :"Benutzung", + "insufficient-credits":"Insufficient Signing Credits", + "insufficient-credits-mssg":"The owner of this document currently lacks the necessary OpenSign credits for you to sign. Please reach out to the owner if you require further details.", + "angular-npm-mssg-1":"To integrate OpenSign into your Angular project, simply run the following command:", + "quota-mail-info-head":"Monthly request signatures email limit", + "quota-mail-info":"You can send upto 15 signature request emails every month. Upgrade now to send unlimited signing requests directly.", + "quota-mail":"You've reached your limit of 15 signature request emails for this month. Upgrade now to continue sending emails directly.", + "quota-mail-tip":"Tipp: Du kannst noch <1>unbegrenzt Dokumente durch manuelles Verteilen der Unterzeichnungs-Anfroderungs-Links.", + "quota-mail-head":"Quota erreicht", + "unauthorized-modal":"Du hast keine Berechtigung, diese Aktion durchzuführen. Bitte kontaktiere {{adminEmail}}.", + "sent-this-month":"Gesendet diesen Monat", + "available-seats":"Kaufe mehr Benutzer", + "isenable-otp":"Aktiviere OTP Verifikation", + "isenable-otp-help": { + "p1":"Would you like to enable the verification process using a one-time password (OTP)?", + "p2":"Selecting this option will enable OTP verification. Users will receive a verification code via email, which they must enter to sign the document.", + "p3":"Selecting this option will disable OTP verification, allowing users to sign the document directly without additional steps.", + "p4":"Please choose the option that best suits your document signing requirements." + }, + "advanced-options":"Erweiterte Optionen", + "hide-advanced-options":"Verstecke erweiterte Optionen", + "download-files":"Herunterladen Dateien", + "download-pdf":"Herunterladen Pdf", + "pdf-certificate":"Herunterladen Pdf + Certificate", + "document-logs":"Dokumenten Logs", + "server-down":"Unable to connect to the OpenSign server. If you are self-hosting OpenSign, please ensure that all the steps in the documentation have been followed correctly. If you're running OpenSign locally, you might be accessing it through an incorrect port number.", + "admin-exists":"Admin already exists. Please login to the application using admin credentials in order to manage users.", + "enable-tour":"Aktiviere Tour", + "istourenabled-help":{ + "p1":"This will enable a guided tour for signers, providing instructions during the signing process.", + "p2":"This will disable the guided tour, ensuring a faster, uninterrupted signing experience.", + "p3":"Tip: If your signers are familiar with OpenSign and frequently use it, you may want to disable the guided tour for a more seamless experience. Choose the option that best fits your document signing needs." + }, + "form-title-1":"Dokumenten-Ablauf Einstellungen", + "form-title-2":"Sicherheitseinstellungen", + "public-tour-message":"The template needs to be public before you can generate a shareable link.", + "add-user-template":"You need to add a role before you can add fields for it.", + "pdf-uncompatible":"This pdf is not compatible with opensign, please contact " + +}