This service was created as a result of the OpenReq project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 732463.
This service is meant to provide automation for checking requirements conformance to boilerplates/templates. A boilerplate or template organizes the syntactic structure of a requirement statement into some pre-defined slots.
Next sections provide a general overview of the technical details of the conformance to templates service.
There are two types of operations (each method has a more extensive description in its own operation box):
- Main methods
- InTemplates: Adds the input templates to the service's database and assigns them to a specified organization. The templates must be written following a defined format explained later in this section.
- OutTemplates: Returns the templates of a specified organization.
- Conformance: Checks if the input requirements follow at least one of the templates of a specified organization.
- Auxiliary methods
- DeleteOrganizationTemplates: Deletes the templates of a specified organization.
- ClearDatabase: Deletes all data from the database.
The API uses UTF-8 charset. Also, it uses the OpenReq format for input JSONs.
A template follows a modified BNF diagram:
- A template is defined by one or more rules (the rules are defined by an array of strings).
- The first word of each rule must be written as " <name_of_the_rule> ::= " that defines the name of the rule.
- The name of the first rule must be main.
- The first rule must define the structure of the requirement.
- The other rules should be used to define auxiliary structures.
- The permitted tags are:
- plain words (specified with "%").
- pos tags of the OpenNLP library (specified with "()").
- sentence tags -NP or VP- (specified with "<>").
- component special tags:
- | : OR
- (all) : ignores the rule
- <*> : accepts anything that comes after
An example (Rupp template):
- <main> ::= <opt-condition> <np> (md) (vb) <np> | <opt-condition> <np> <modal> %PROVIDE <np> %WITH %THE %ABILITY <infinitive-vp> <np> | <opt-condition> <np> <modal> %BE %ABLE <vp> <np>
- <conditional-keyword> ::= %IF | %AFTER | %AS %SOON %AS | %AS %LONG %AS
- <modal> ::= %SHALL | %SHOULD | %WOULD
- <opt-condition> ::= <conditional-keyword> | (all)
- <infinitive-vp> ::= %to <vp>
Steps to configure the service:
1. Download the next opennlp models from and save them in $ServiceDirectory:
- en-chunker.bin
- en-pos-maxent.bin
- en-pos-perceptron.bin
2. Download and install 8 JDK and last Maven version.
3. Run the service (Follow the steps explained below)
4. Create the default database file calling the method ClearDatabase exposed in the API i.e. curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9409/upc/reqquality/check-conformance-to-templates/ClearDatabase'
Steps to run the service:
1. Open a terminal and copy-paste "sh". Wait for an exit like this: upc.req_quality.ConformanceApplication : Started ConformanceApplication in 3.24 seconds
2. Go to http://localhost:9409/swagger-ui.html#/ to see the swagger generated. You can use the component through the swagger or through http connections to the endpoints indicated in the documentation.
All requests must be sent to "http://localhost:9409/upc/reqquality/check-conformance-to-templates/".
Check API details here.
See OpenReq project contribution guidelines
Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the EPL version 2 (EPL2.0).