![Overview](/OpenKNX/Kaenx-Creator/wiki/Assets/General_Hardware.JPG) This is the view where you can edit the hardware specific options.
Property Description
Bus Current How much current (mA) your Device needs on the KNX Bus
Device has an Physical Address Every DIY-Device has an PA. (except PowerSupply)
Device has an Applicationprogram Yes it has otherwise you wouldn't use my tool ;)
Device has a second Applicationprogram This can be false in 99.9%
Device is a Coupler Is it a coupler or router?
Device is a Power Supply Is it a Power Supply?
Device is IP Enabled Does it use KNXnet/IP? (like Routers oder KNX-IP Devces)
Device is REG Check if your device can be mounted in a power distributor
Name For internal use only
Ordernumber Has to be unique. It has nothing to do with PID_PROPERTY
Serialnumber Has to be unique
Version If you update your Hardware
OpenKNX uses for every Device SerialNumber 1 and Version 1.
Since almost every Project runs on RP2040
## Applications Since there is only one Application per file you can't select one. XML Example: ```XML ``` RegistrationNumber: `xxxx/yzz` x = Fixed 0001 y = HardwareVersion z = AppVersion decimal Hardware ID: `M-{ManuID}_H-{HardwareSerial}-{HardwareVersion}` Product ID: `M-{ManuID}_H-{HardwareSerial}-{HardwareVersion}_P-{OrderNumber*}` Hardware2Program ID: `M-{ManuID}_H-{HardwareSerial}-{HardwareVersion}_HP-{AppNumber}-{AppVersion}-{AppHash**}` \* Must be [Encoded](/OpenKNX/Kaenx-Creator/wiki/Other_Encoding) ** Hash will be calculated at signation ([Publish](/OpenKNX/Kaenx-Creator/wiki/Publish)). Just leave it 0000 ## Let's go Now we can start adding an [Application](/OpenKNX/Kaenx-Creator/wiki/Application).