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oneflow-onnx: OneFlow -> ONNX model conversion tool
ONNX, known as Open Neural Network Exchange, is an open file format standard designed for machine learning algorithms to store trained algorithmic models. Many major deep learning frameworks (e.g., OneFlow, PyTorch, TensorFlow, MXNet) support exporting models to ONNX models, which allows different deep learning frameworks to store and interact with model data in a uniform format. In addition, ONNX has a corresponding runtime - ONNX Runtime - that facilitates model deployment and reasoning on multiple platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, etc.) and multiple hardware (CPU, GPU, etc.).
There are multiple ONNX-related libraries, and their features are briefly described below.
onnx: ONNX model format standard
onnxruntime: ONNX runtime that is used to load the ONNX model for inference.
onnx-simplifier: for simplifying ONNX models, e.g. eliminating operators with constant results
onnxoptimizer: it is used to optimize ONNX model by graph transformations
oneflow-onnx is a model conversion tool provided by OneFlow team to support exporting OneFlow static graph models to ONNX models. At present oneflow-onnx supports more than 80 kinds of OneFlow OPs exported as ONNX OPs. For detalis, refer to list of OP supported by OneFlow2ONNX。Currently, oneflow-onnx is fully capable of exporting ONNX Opset10, and parts of OneFlow operator can transform ONNX Opsets that are in lower order. Please refer to OneFlow2ONNX Operator Lists for more information. Common models that have passed tests can be referred to OneFlow2ONNX Model List.
oneflow (https://github.com/Oneflow-Inc/oneflow#install-with-pip-package)
Install via pip:
pip install oneflow_onnx
Install via source code:
git clone https://github.com/Oneflow-Inc/oneflow_convert
cd oneflow_convert
python3 setup.py install
To export OneFlow static graph model as ONNX model, just call export_onnx_model
from oneflow_onnx.oneflow2onnx.util import export_onnx_model
The meaning of each parameter is as follows:
graph: the graph need to be converted (Graph object)
external_data: whether to save the weights as external data of the ONNX model. When it is
, it is usually to avoid the 2GB file size limit of protobuf. -
opset: specify the version of the conversion model (int, default is 10)
flow_weight_dir: path to save OneFlow model weights (If it is empty, the weight of the current graph itself will be used directly)
onnx_model_path: save path for exported ONNX models
dynamic_batch_size: whether the exported ONNX model supports dynamic batch, default is False
In addition, oneflow-onnx provides a function called convert_to_onnx_and_check
to convert and meanwhile check the converted ONNX model. The check process will pass the same input to the original OneFlow model and the converted ONNX model respectively, and then compare the difference between each value in the two outputs to see if they are same within a relative range.
from oneflow_onnx.oneflow2onnx.util import convert_to_onnx_and_check
The parameters of the convert_to_onnx_and_check
are almost the same as those of export_onnx_model
, besides you can pass print_outlier
parameter additionally. When print_outlier=True
, it will output any abnormal values found during the check process that exceed the reasonable error range.
- Before exporting the model, it need be set to eval mode because operations such as Dropout and Batch Normalization have different behaviors under the training and evaluation mode.
- When building a static graph model, you need to specify an input. The value of the input can be random, but make sure the data type and shape is correct.
- The ONNX model accepts a fixed shape of input, and a varied size of the batch dimension, so by setting the
parameter to beTrue
can make the exported ONNX model support dynamic batch size. - oneflow-onnx must use a static graph model (Graph mode) as an parameter to export function. For dynamic graph models (Eager mode), the dynamic graph model needs to be constructed as a static graph model. Refer to the example below.
We take the common ResNet-34 model as an example to introduce the process of exporting a OneFlow model to an ONNX model and performing inference.
The following code uses FlowVision, a library built on OneFlow for computer vision tasks, which contains many models, data enhancement methods, data transformation operations, datasets, and so on. Here we directly use the ResNet-34 model provided by the FlowVision library and use its weight trained on the ImageNet dataset.
Import related dependencies:
import oneflow as flow
from oneflow import nn
from flowvision.models import resnet34
from oneflow_onnx.oneflow2onnx.util import convert_to_onnx_and_check
To build a static graph model using a dynamic graph model. For details, refer to: Static Graph Interface: nn.Graph
class ResNet34Graph(nn.Graph):
def __init__(self, eager_model):
self.model = eager_model
def build(self, x):
return self.model(x)
Export OneFlow static graph models to ONNX models:
# Model parameter storage directory
MODEL_PARAMS = 'checkpoints/resnet34'
params = flow.load(MODEL_PARAMS)
model = resnet34()
# Set the model to eval mode
resnet34_graph = ResNet34Graph(model)
# Build the static graph model
resnet34_graph._compile(flow.randn(1, 3, 224, 224))
# Export as ONNX model and check
After running, a file named model.onnx
is in the current directory, which is the exported ONNX model.
Before performing inference, ensure that the ONNX Runtime is installed, that is onnxruntime or onnxruntime-gpu. In the experimental environment of this tutorial, onnxruntime-gpu is installed to invoke the GPU for computation, but if there is no GPU on the machine, you can specify the CPU for calculation. See below for details.
We use the following image as input to the model:
Import related dependencies:
import numpy as np
import cv2
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
Define a function to pre-process the image to a format and size accepted by the ONNX model:
def preprocess_image(img, input_hw = (224, 224)):
h, w, _ = img.shape
# Use the longer side of the image to determine the scaling factor
is_wider = True if h <= w else False
scale = input_hw[1] / w if is_wider else input_hw[0] / h
# Scale the image equally
processed_img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# Normalization
processed_img = np.array(processed_img, dtype=np.float32) / 255
# Fill images to ONNX model and preset sizes
temp_img = np.zeros((input_hw[0], input_hw[1], 3), dtype=np.float32)
temp_img[:processed_img.shape[0], :processed_img.shape[1], :] = processed_img
processed_img = temp_img
# Adjust the order of axes and add batch axes at the front
processed_img = np.expand_dims(processed_img.transpose(2, 0, 1), axis=0)
return processed_img
The next step is to use the ONNX model for inference, which consists of creating an InferenceSession object and calling run
to perform inference.
In onnxruntime(-gpu) 1.9 and above, the providers
parameter needs to be explicitly specified when creating an InferenceSession object to select the hardware to use. For onnxruntime-gpu, the values that can be specified include TensorrtExecutionProvider
, CUDAExecutionProvider
, and CPUExecutionProvider
. If there is no GPU on the running machine, you can specify the providers
parameter as ['CPUExecutionProvider']
to use the CPU for computation.
The type of input data of an ONNX model is a dict. Its keys are input names
when exporting the ONNX model, and the values are the actual input data of NumPy array type. You can get "input names" through the get_inputs
method of the InferenceSession object, which returns a list of objects of onnxruntime.NodeArg
type. For NodeArg object, you can use its name
property to get a name of str type. In this tutorial, the input is only the image data, so you can get the "input names" corresponding to the input by calling .get_inputs()[0].name
on the InferenceSession object. The value is _ResNet34Graph_0-input_0/out
, which is used as the key to construct the dict of the ONNX model input. Of course, it can also be obtained dynamically at runtime without specifying it in advance.
# Read the category name of the ImageNet dataset from the file
with open('ImageNet-Class-Names.txt') as f:
CLASS_NAMES = f.readlines()
# Read the image file and preprocess it with the `preprocess_image` function
img = cv2.imread('cat.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
img = preprocess_image(img)
# Create an InferenceSession object
ort_sess = InferenceSession('model.onnx', providers=['TensorrtExecutionProvider',
# Call the `run` method of the InferenceSession object to perform inference
results = ort_sess.run(None, {"_ResNet34Graph_0-input_0/out": img})
# Output inference results
The output of the run
method of the InferenceSession object is a list of NumPy arrays, and each NumPy array corresponds to a set of outputs. Since there is only one set of inputs, the element with index 0 is the output, and the shape of it is (1, 1000)
, which corresponds to the probability of 1000 categories (if n images are input as a batch, the shape of them will be (n, 1000)
). After obtaining the index corresponding to the category with the highest probability via np.argmax
, the index is mapped to the category name.
Run the code and get the result:
(base) root@training-notebook-654c6f-654c6f-jupyter-master-0:/workspace# python infer.py
285: 'Egyptian cat',
The above inference is done in a Python environment using GPU or CPU. In practice, you can use the exported ONNX model with a different ONNX Runtime depending on the deployment environment.