Country |
Name of the country |
Pop |
Population in base year |
X |
Longitude |
Y |
Latitude |
Global Horizontal Irradiation (kWh/m2/year) |
SolarRestriction |
Defines if an areas is restricted to solar PV deployment (1: restricted, 0: non restricted) |
WindVel |
Wind speed (m/s) |
TravelHours |
Distance to the nearest town (hours) |
NightLights |
Nighttime light intensity (0-63) |
Elevation |
Elevation from sea level (m) |
Slope |
Ground surface slope gradient (degrees) |
LandCover |
Type of land cover as defined by the source data |
GridDistCurrent |
Distance from the existing electricity grid network (km) |
GridDistPlan |
Distance from the planned electricity grid network (km) |
SubstationDist |
Distance from the existing sub-stations (km) |
RoadDist |
Distance from the existing and planned road network (km) |
HydropowerDist |
Distance from identified hydropower stations (km) |
Hydropower |
Closest hydropower technical potential identified |
X_deg |
Longitude in degrees |
Y_deg |
Latitude in degrees |
RoadDistClassified |
Classification of the distance from road network based on a suitability index ranging from 1 to 5 (1 implying the lowest suitability) |
SubstationDistClassified |
Classification of the distance from sub-stations based on a suitability index ranging from 1 to 5 (1 implying the lowest suitability) |
LandCoverClassified |
Classification of the land cover based on a suitability index ranging from 1 to 5 (1 implying the lowest suitability) |
ElevationClassified |
Classification of the elevation value based on a suitability index ranging from 1 to 5 (1 implying the lowest suitability) |
SlopeClassified |
Classification of the slope gradient based on a suitability index ranging from 1 to 5 (1 implying the lowest suitability) |
GridClassification |
Classification of the distance to the grid network based on a suitability index ranging from 1 to 5 (1 implying the lowest suitability) |
GridPenalty |
Multiplier of the grid expansion cost based on a suitability index deriving from a weighted aggregation of the previous geospatial components |
WindCF |
Identified capacity factor of wind turbines (%) |
Pop2015Act |
Population in 2015 |
IsUrban |
Percentage of urban population |
Pop2030 |
Population in 2030 |
Elec2015 |
Electrification status of population in 2015 (0 un-electrified - 1 electrified) |
NewConnections |
Number of un-electrified population that is expected to get access to electricity by the end year |
mg_hydro |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by mini grid hydropower |
mg_pv |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by mini grid PV |
mg_wind |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by mini grid wind turbines |
mg_diesel |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by mini grid diesel |
sa_diesel |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by stand-alone diesel |
sa_pv |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by stand-alone PV |
minimum_tech |
Off grid technology that provides the lowest levelized cost of electricity |
minimum_tech_lcoe |
The lowest levelized cost of electricity selected between off grid technologies |
Elec2030 |
Grid connection status in 2030 (1 implies grid connection - 0 implies off grid solution) |
grid |
Levelized cost of electricity achieved by the grid (99 implies grid un-suitability) |
MinGridDist |
Distance from the existing and planned grid network (km) |
minimum_overall |
Technology that provides the lowest levelized cost of electricity |
minimum_overall_lcoe |
The lowest levelized cost of electricity selected |
minimum_overall_code |
Code of technology selected (1:grid, 2:stand-alone diesel, 3:stand-alone PV, 4:Mini-grid diesel . 5: Mini-grid PV, 6: Mini-grid Wind, 7:Mini-grid Hydro) |
minimum_category |
Type of optimal supply type (Grid – Mini grid – Stand-alone) |
NewCapacity |
Capacity requirement (kW) |
InvestmentCost |
Investment requirement (USD) |