There are many ways in which you can contribute to OnSSET.
For example, here are a list of ways you could help out:
- Ask a question by creating a new issue
- Connecting potential users of the tool with OnSSET
- Development of new functionality
- Organising issues & bug reports and helping with project management
- Coordinating student studies which use OnSSET
- Collaboration on electrification research and sharing results
- Helping to develop training material
- Answering questions and discussing issues for other users
- Recording instructional videos for the training material
- Develop the wiki and documentation to answer frequently answered questions
OnSSET is automatically deployed to PyPI when a PEP440 valid version tag is pushed to the master branch.
Running git tag -a v1.0a1 -m "An alpha release"
followed by git push --tags origin master
will create a new alpha release tag and push it to the master branch.
Travis CI will then test, build and deploy the new release to PyPI.