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E2E Test Runner

The e2e test runner leverages kubetest to execute e2e tests and has a few additional features:

  • Define description files consisting of e2e testcases to run
  • Annotate testcases to run only for dedicated cloud providers
  • Evaluate test results of the kubetest run and provide elastic search documents


Example usage (Conformance tests)

Set the KUBECONFIG as path to the kubeconfig file of your newly created cluster (you can find the kubeconfig e.g. in the Gardener dashboard). Follow the instructions below to run the Kubernetes e2e conformance tests. Adjust values for arguments k8sVersion and cloudprovider respective to your new cluster.

#first set KUBECONFIG to your cluster
docker run -ti -e --rm -v $KUBECONFIG:/mye2e/shoot.config golang:1.13 bash

# run all commands below within container
go get; cd /go/src/
export GO111MODULE=on; export E2E_EXPORT_PATH=/tmp/export; export KUBECONFIG=/mye2e/shoot.config; export GINKGO_PARALLEL=false
go run -mod=vendor ./integration-tests/e2e --k8sVersion=1.16.2 --cloudprovider=azure --testcasegroup="conformance"

Environment Prerequisites:

  • Go installed
  • Git installed
  • (only for publishing results) environment variable GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_SECRET should point to a google cloud storage secret file


Env Var Cmd Line Default Description
K8S_VERSION k8sVersion [Required] Kubernetes cluster version
TESTCASE_GROUPS testcasegroup [Required] testcases groups to run (comma separated). E.g. fast,slow
CLOUDPROVIDER cloudprovider [Required] Cloud provider (supported: aws, gcp, azure, alicloud, openstack)
DESCRIPTION_FILE working.json Path to description json file, which lists the testcases to run
E2E_EXPORT_PATH /tmp/e2e/export Location of shoot.config file and test results
GINKGO_PARALLEL true Whether to run kubetest in parallel way. Testcases that consist of the `[Serial] tag are executed serially.
IGNORE_FALSE_POSITIVE_LIST false Ignores exclusion of testcases that are listed in false_positive.json
IGNORE_SKIP_LIST false Ignores exclusion of testcases that are listed in skip.json
INCLUDE_UNTRACKED_TESTS false Executes testcases that are not mentioned in description files for given provider and kubernetes release version
FLAKE_ATTEMPTS flakeAttempts 2 Flake attempts for kubetest: how many time a failed test should be rerun
PUBLISH_RESULTS_TO_TESTGRID false Whether to push test results to google cloud storage, for testgrid
RETEST_FLAGGED_ONLY false Runs testcases with retest flag only. Value of DESCRIPTION_FILE is ignored
E2E_KUBECONFIG_PATH kubeconfig $E2E_EXPORT_PATH/shoot.config File path of kubeconfig file
- debug false Runs application in debug mode
- testcase List of explicit testcases to test. If used, TESTCASE_GROUPS and TESTCASE_GROUPS are ignored.
- cleanUpAfterwards false Removes downloaded or existings kubernetes files to reduce memory footprint.

Description Files


  { "testcase": "[] Sysctls [NodeFeature:Sysctls] should reject invalid sysctls", "groups": ["slow", "conformance"], "only": ["aws", "gcp"], "retest": ["aws"], "comment": "Some comment"},
  { "testcase": "[] Sysctls [NodeFeature:Sysctls] should support sysctls", "groups": ["slow"], "exclude": ["aws"]}
Field Description
testcase testcase name. Can be a substring. All testcases that has this as substring will be executed
groups assigns the testcase to testcase groups
only will consider the testcase only for given cloud provider
exclude will not consider the tetscase for given cloud provider
comment is not evaluated in any way in code. Use only for additional information
retest testcase will be excluded from all general test runs for given providers. Testcases with retest flag can be executed by setting RETEST_ONLY=true

Existing description files:

  • working.json consists of all working e2e testcases separated in different groups
  • skip.json consists of testcases that are always skipped by kubetest due to reasons like: driver not supported, requires >1 nodes, etc.
  • false_positive.json consists of testcases that are failing because of different reasons like bad code, which makes sense to test with next kubernetes release version


You find the kubetest dump results (like e2e.log and junit_*.xml files) in the /tmp/e2e/artifacts directory. These artifacts are evaluated and stored as *.json files in the EXPORT_PATH directory.