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Code blocks

Shawon edited this page Jul 11, 2024 · 6 revisions

Code blocks


Configuration options

The code_blocks option comes with these sub-options.

code_blocks = {
    enable = true,
    style = "language",
    position = "overlay",

    hl = "markdownCodeBlock",

    min_width = 70,
    pad_char = " ",
    pad_amount = 2,

    language_names = nil,
    name_hl = nil,
    language_direction = "right",

    sign = true,
    sign_hl = nil


enable boolean or nil

When set to false, code blocks are not rendered.

style string

Name of the style to use. Currently available styles are.

  • simple Adds a simple background to the lines of the code block.

  • minimal Creates a box around the code block(like shown in the browser).

  • language Like minimal, but also shows language file icon, language name & signs.


The style changes what options are available.

hl string or nil

Name of the highlight group to use as the background of the code block.

min_width number or nil

For language & minimal styles only.

Minimum width of the code blocks without the paddings. Default is 60.

pad_char string or nil

For language & minimal styles only.

Character to use as the padding of the code block.

pad_amount number or nil

Number of character to add as padding.

language_names { string, string }[] or nil

For language style only.

List of tuples containing a match and a replacement. They are only applied if they text in the code block is the same as the match.

Here's a small example to show why this exists.

language_names = {
    { "py", "python" },
    { "cpp", "c++" }

Normally you need to use py for python code blocks. With this you can make it say python instead of py.

name_hl string or nil

For language style only.

Highlight group for the language name. When nil the highlight group of the icon is used.

language_direction string or nil

For language style only.

When set to left the language name & icon are shown on the top left of the code block. When set to right, it is placed on the top right corner instead.

position string or nil

For language & minimal styles only.

Changes the virt_text_pos of the top & bottom border. Default is inline.

Possible values are explained in the nvim_buf_set_extmark() help file.

sign boolean or nil

For language style only.

When set to true, the file icon of that language is shown in the sign column on the line a code block starts.


For language style only.

Name of the highlight group for sign. By default the icon's highlight group is used.


Wow, so empty 😐

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