diff --git a/docs/sphinx/developer_guide/profiling.rst b/docs/sphinx/developer_guide/profiling.rst
index 7ef4b734..fcfd4686 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/developer_guide/profiling.rst
+++ b/docs/sphinx/developer_guide/profiling.rst
@@ -159,7 +159,32 @@ In this example
* Flag ``--hip-trace`` includes HIP API timelines in profiling data.
* Flag ``--roctx-trace`` enables rocTX application code annotation trace.
-The profiler will create JSON output file ``out.json`` (note the extension is
-different than in the file specified in the call). To visualize output, one
-can upload the JSON file to `Perfetto `_.
+The profiler will create several files with name ``out`` but with different
+extensions. To visualize output, one can upload the ``out.json`` file to
+`Perfetto `_.
+When running ROCProfiler on a machine with a scheduler, it is a good idea
+to write a profiling script. Here is an example for a SLURM scheduler:
+.. code:: shell
+ #!/bin/bash
+ #SBATCH -J resolve_test
+ #SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
+ #SBATCH -t 00:30:00
+ #SBATCH -N 1
+ EXE=build/examples/klu_rocsolverrf_fgmres.exe
+ OUT=rocprof-resolve25k
+ ARGS=""
+ echo "`date` Starting run"
+ srun -N 1 -n 1 -c 1 -G 1 \
+ rocprof --stats --hip-trace --roctx-trace -o ${OUT}.csv \
+ ${EXE} ${ARGS}
+ echo "`date` Finished run"