This is a semicircle plugin extension for vue2-leaflet package
Mostly copied from vue2-leaflet-tracksymbol plugin
git clone
cd vue2-leaflet-semicircle
npm install
npm run build
npm pack
# it should create a .tgz file
cd example
# install the dependencies
npm install
# install the library
npm install --no-save vue2-leaflet-semicircle-?.?.?.tgz
# where ?.?.? is the version
npm run dev
# install vue-cli globally if you have not done so
npm install -g vue-cli
# create the VueJS project
vue init webpack-simple test
# goto project and install dependencies
cd test
# install dependencies
npm install
# install the component
npm install --save vue2-leaflet-semicircle
Leon Braun
- 1.0.0
- 1.0.1 bump version
- 1.0.2 add example