AutoWikiBrowser v2 (ABWv2) is, as the name suggests, an updated version of AWB, built from the ground up with .NET Core 8.0 and AvaloniaUI.
Leveraging .NET Core and AvaloniaUI means that AWB can be cross-platform and run on macOS and Linux as well as Windows, which is something that hasn't previously been possible — whilst PWB is a good alternative, it is overkill for some people, especially those who are not technically inclined.
Note: this repository is not production ready and is a proof-of-concept; it may never graduate to being production ready.
This program is free software, and licensed under the GPLv3; it takes inspiration from the original AWB and uses some code from that repository, with some changes and improvements. This project would not have been possible without the work of the original authors. The original repository can be found here.