diff --git a/utils/HOWTO_standalone b/utils/HOWTO_standalone new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9fd1e7b --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/HOWTO_standalone @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +######################################## +# Quick HOWTO on running BLOM on Betzy # +######################################## +# +# (1) create a case directory +mkdir ../../cases/BLOM_channel +# (2) Copy the contents of the utils +# folder to the case folder +cp * ../../cases/BLOM_channel/ +# +# (3) Move to the case folder and +# create the namelist. +# If needed, edit the user_nl_blom +# prior to running the limits_from_json.py. +# Note that the script assumes python3. +cd ../../cases/BLOM_channel/ +module load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0 +python limits_from_json.py +# +# (4) Edit and run the run.sh_normal_betzy. +# Usually the EXPID should match the RUNID +# in the limits file. The run script will +# create a folder under /cluster/work and +# submit the blom exectutable. +./run.sh_normal_betzy \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/utils/limits.json b/utils/limits.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f79a1079 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/limits.json @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +{"LIMITS": { + "NDAY1": { + "definition": "First day of integration (i)", "value": [0]}, + "NDAY2": { + "definition": "Last day of integration (i)", "value": [5400]}, + "IDATE": { + "definition": "Model date in YYYYMMDD (i)", "value": [20200101]}, + "IDATE0": { + "definition": "Initial experiment date in YYYYMMDD (i)", "value": [20200101]}, + "RUNID": { + "definition": "Experiment name (a)", "value": ["'BLOM_channel'"]}, + "EXPCNF": { + "definition": "Experiment configuration (a)", "value": ["'channel'"]}, + "RUNTYP": { + "definition": "CESM run type (a)", "value": ["'unset'"]}, + "GRFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing grid specification (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/grid/grid_tnx1v4_20170622.nc'"]}, + "ICFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing initial conditions, that is either a valid restart file or 'inicon.nc' if climatological based initial conditions are desired", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/inicon/inicon_tnx1v4_20170622.nc'"]}, + "PREF" : { + "definition": "Reference pressure for potential density (g/cm/s2) (f)", "value": [2000.0E5] +}, + "BACLIN": { + "definition": "Baroclinic time step (sec) (f)", "value": [120.0]}, + "BATROP": { + "definition": "Barotropic time step (sec) (f)", "value": [6.0]}, + "MDV2HI": { + "definition": "Laplacian diffusion velocity for momentum dissipation (cm/s) (f)", "value": [0.025]}, + "MDV2LO": { + "definition": "Laplacian diffusion velocity for momentum dissipation (cm/s) (f)", "value": [0.01]}, + "MDV4HI": { + "definition": "Biharmonic diffusion velocity for momentum dissipation (cm/s) (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "MDV4LO": { + "definition": "Biharmonic diffusion velocity for momentum dissipation (cm/s) (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "MDC2HI": { + "definition": "Laplacian diffusivity for momentum dissipation (cm**2/s) (f)", "value": [12.5E4]}, + "MDC2LO": { + "definition": "Laplacian diffusivity for momentum dissipation (cm**2/s) (f)", "value": [0.75E4]}, + "VSC2HI": { + "definition": "Parameter in deformation-dependent Laplacian viscosity (f)", "value": [0.125]}, + "VSC2LO": { + "definition": "Parameter in deformation-dependent Laplacian viscosity (f)", "value": [0.125]}, + "VSC4HI": { + "definition": "Parameter in deformation-dependent Biharmonic viscosity (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "VSC4LO": { + "definition": "Parameter in deformation-dependent Biharmonic viscosity (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "CBAR": { + "definition": "rms flow speed for linear bottom friction law (cm/s) (f)", "value": [5.0]}, + "CB": { + "definition": "Nondiemnsional coefficient of quadratic bottom friction (f)", "value": [0.002]}, + "CWBDTS": { + "definition": "Coastal wave breaking damping resiprocal time scale (1/s) (f)", "value": [1.0E-6]}, + "CWBDLS": { + "definition": "Coastal wave breaking damping length scale (m) (f)", "value": [1.0]}, + "MOMMTH": { + "definition": "Momentum equation discretization method. Valid methods: 'enscon' (Sadourny (1975) enstrophy conserving), 'enecon' (Sadourny (1975) energy conserving), 'enedis' (Sadourny (1975) energy conserving with some dissipation) (a)", "value": ["'enscon'"]}, + "EITMTH": { + "definition": "Eddy-induced transport parameterization method. Valid methods: 'intdif', 'gm' (a)", "value": ["'gm'"]}, + "EDRITP": { + "definition": "Type of Richardson number used in eddy diffusivity computation. Valid types: 'shear', 'large scale' (a)", "value": ["'large scale'"]}, + "BMCMTH": { + "definition": "Baroclinic mass flux correction method. Valid methods: 'uc' (upstream column), 'dluc' (depth limited upstream column) (a)", "value": ["'uc'"]}, + "RMPMTH": { + "definition": "Method of applying eddy-induced transport in the remap transport algorithm. Valid methods: 'eitvel', 'eitflx' (a)", "value": ["'eitvel'"]}, + "EDWMTH": { + "definition": "Method to estimate eddy diffusivity weight as a function of the ration of Rossby radius of deformation to the horizontal grid spacing. Valid methods: 'smooth', 'step' (a)", "value": ["'smooth'"]}, + "MLRTTP": { + "definition": "Type of mixed layer restratification time scale. Valid types: 'variable', 'constant', 'limited' (a)", "value": ["'constant'"]}, + "EDSPRS": { + "definition": "Apply eddy mixing suppression away from steering level (l)", "value": [true]}, + "EGC": { + "definition": "Parameter c in Eden and Greatbatch (2008) parameterization (f)", "value": [0.85]}, + "EGGAM": { + "definition": "Parameter gamma in E. & G. (2008) param. (f)", "value": [200.0]}, + "EGLSMN": { + "definition": "Minimum eddy length scale in E. & G. (2008) param. (cm) (f)", "value": [100.0E2]}, + "EGMNDF": { + "definition": "Minimum diffusivity in E. & G. (2008) param. (cm**2/s) (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "EGMXDF": { + "definition": "Maximum diffusivity in E. & G. (2008) param. (cm**2/s) (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "EGIDFQ": { + "definition": "Factor relating the isopycnal diffusivity to the layer interface diffusivity in the Eden and Greatbatch (2008) parameterization. egidfq=difint/difiso () (f)", "value": [1.0]}, + "RI0": { + "definition": "Critical gradient richardson number for shear driven vertical mixing () (f)", "value": [1.2]}, + "RM0": { + "definition": "Efficiency factor of wind TKE generation in the Oberhuber (1993) TKE closure () (f)", "value": [1.2]}, + "RM5": { + "definition": "Efficiency factor of TKE generation by momentum entrainment in the Oberhuber (1993) TKE closure () (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "CE": { + "definition": "Efficiency factor for the restratification by mixed layer eddies (Fox-Kemper et al., 2008) () (f)", "value": [1.0]}, + "BDMTYP": { + "definition": "Type of background diapycnal mixing. If bdmtyp=1 the background diffusivity is a constant divided by the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, if bdmtyp=2 the background diffusivity is constant () (i)", "value": [2]}, + "BDMC1": { + "definition": "Background diapycnal diffusivity times buoyancy frequency frequency (cm**2/s**2) (f)", "value": [5.0E-4]}, + "BDMC2": { + "definition": "Background diapycnal diffusivity (cm**2/s) (f)", "value": [0.1]}, + "TDFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing tidal wave energy dissipation divided by by bottom buoyancy frequency (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/bndcon/tidal_dissipation_tnx1v4_20170605.nc'"]}, + "TKEPF": { + "definition": "Fraction of surface TKE that penetrates beneath mixed layer () (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "NIWGF": { + "definition": "Global factor applied to the energy input by near-intertial motions () (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "NIWBF": { + "definition": "Fraction of near-inertial energy dissipated in the boundary layer () (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "NIWLF": { + "definition": "Fraction of near-inertial energy dissipated locally beneath the boundary layer () (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "SWAMTH": { + "definition": "Shortwave radiation absorption method. Valid methods: 'top-layer', 'jerlov', 'chlorophyll' (a)", "value": ["'top-layer'"]}, + "JWTYPE": { + "definition": "Number indicating the Jerlov (1968) water type (i)", "value": [3]}, + "CHLOPT": { + "definition": "Chlorophyll concentration option. Valid options: 'climatology' (a)", "value": ["'climatology'"]}, + "CCFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing chlorophyll concentration climatology (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/bndcon/chlorophyll_concentration_tnx1v4_20170608.nc'"]}, + "TRXDAY": { + "definition": "e-folding time scale (days) for SST relax., if 0 no relax. (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "SRXDAY": { + "definition": "e-folding time scale (days) for SSS relax., if 0 no relax. (f)", "value": [0.0]}, + "TRXDPT": { + "definition": "Maximum mixed layer depth for e-folding SST relaxation (m) (f)", "value": [1.0]}, + "SRXDPT": { + "definition": "Maximum mixed layer depth for e-folding SSS relaxation (m) (f)", "value": [1.0]}, + "TRXLIM": { + "definition": "Max. absolute value of SST difference in relaxation (degC) (f)", "value": [5.0]}, + "SRXLIM": { + "definition": "Max. absolute value of SSS difference in relaxation (psu) (f)", "value": [0.5]}, + "APTFLX": { + "definition": "Apply diagnosed heat flux flag (l)", "value": [false]}, + "APSFLX": { + "definition": "Apply diagnosed freshwater flux flag (l)", "value": [false]}, + "DITFLX": { + "definition": "Diagnose heat flux flag (l)", "value": [false]}, + "DISFLX": { + "definition": "Diagnose freshwater flux flag (l)", "value": [false]}, + "SRXBAL": { + "definition": "Balance the SSS relaxation (l)", "value": [false]}, + "SCFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing SSS climatology used for relaxation (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/bndcon/sss_clim_core_tnx1v4_20170604.nc'"]}, + "SMTFRC": { + "definition": "Smooth CESM forcing (l)", "value": [false]}, + "SPRFAC": { + "definition": "Send precipitation/runoff factor to CESM coupler (l)", "value": [true]}, + "ATM_PATH": { + "definition": "Path to forcing fields in case of EXPCNF 'ben02clim' or 'ben02syn' (a)", "value": ["'unset'"]}, + "RSTFRQ": { + "definition": "Restart frequency in days (30=1month,365=1year) (i)", "value": [360]}, + "RSTFMT": { + "definition": "Format of restart file (valid arguments are 0 for classic, 1 for 64-bit offset and 2 for netcdf4/hdf5 format) (i)", "value": [1]}, + "RSTCMP": { + "definition": "Compression flag for restart file (i)", "value": [1]}, + "IOTYPE": { + "definition": "0 = netcdf, 1 = pnetcdf", "value": [1]} + }, + +"CWMOD": { + "CWMTAG": { + "definition": "Array of geographical names of channels to be modified (a)", "value": ["'Gibraltar'","'Gibraltar'"]}, + "CWMEDG": { + "definition": "Array of C grid cell edges to be modified. Valid options: 'u' or 'v' (a)", "value": ["'u'","'u'"]}, + "CWMI": { + "definition": "Array of grid cell i-indices (i)", "value": [105, 106]}, + "CWMJ": { + "definition": "Array of grid cell j-indices (i)", "value": [273, 273]}, + "CWMWTH": { + "definition": "Array of modified grid cell widths (m) (f)", "value": [30.0E3, 30.0E3]} + }, + +"MERDIA": { + "MER_ORFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing ocean region specification (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/grid/ocean_regions_tnx1v4_20190729.nc'"]}, + "MER_MIFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing zonal section specification for meridional transport computation (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/grid/mertra_index_tnx1v4_20190615.dat'"]}, + "MER_REGNAM": { + "definition": "Array of region names for meridional overturning and flux diagnostics (a)", "value": ["'atlantic_arctic_ocean'", "'atlantic_arctic_extended_ocean'", "'indian_pacific_ocean'","'global_ocean'"]}, + "MER_REGFLG": { + "definition": "Array of mask flags in ocean regions file to be included for each region (i)", "value": [[2,4],[2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9],[3,5],[0]]}, + "MER_MINLAT": { + "definition": "Minimum latitude to be considered for each region (f)", "value": [-34.0,-34.0,-34.0,-34.0]}, + "MER_MAXLAT": { + "definition": "Maximum latitude to be considered for each region (f)", "value": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]} + }, + +"SECDIA": { + "SEC_SIFILE": { + "definition": "Name of file containing section specification for section transport computation (a)", "value": ["'/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/grid/section_index_tnx1v4_20190611.dat/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/blom/grid/section_index_tnx1v4_20190611.dat'"]} + }, + +"IDLINI": { + "S0": { + "definition": "sea surface salinity [g/kg] (f)", "value":[35.0]}, + "SIG0": { + "definition": "sigma_2 at the sea surface [kg m-3] (f)", "value":[33.2133]}, + "SIG0DZ": { + "definition": "minimum sigma_2 increment in depth [kg m-3] (f)", "value":[5.0E-4]}, + "SIGDZ": { + "definition": "sigma_2 increments in depth that scale the tanh profile [kg m-3] (f)", "value":[0.2]}, + "SIGSCL": { + "definition": "sigma_2 scaling factor, larger number will make the stratification more surface intensified (f)", "value":[1.5]}, + "DZTOP": { + "definition":"top layer thickness in [m] (f)", "value":[10.0]}, + "DZMAX": { + "definition": "max layer thickness in [m] (f)", "value":[50.0]}, + "DZSCL": { + "definition": "Layer thickness scaling factor in [m] (f)", "value":[1.5]} + }, + +"IDLGEO": { + "SLDEPTH": { + "definition": "slope mean depth in [m] (f)", "value":[2.0E3]}, + "SFDEPTH": { + "definition": "shelf mean depth in [m] (f)", "value":[250.0]}, + "RDEPTH": { + "definition": "amplitude of the random noice added to the bottom depth [m] (f)", "value":[10.0]}, + "ACORRU": { + "definition": "amplitude of corrugations on the slopes given as displacement of the slope midpoint - set to 0 for no corrugations [cm] (f)", "value":[0.0]}, + "WLCORRU": { + "definition": "Along channel wave-length of corrugations on the slopes [cm] (f)", "value":[208.0E5]}, + "CWIDTH": { + "definition": "width of the slope region in [cm] (f)", "value":[75.0E5]}, + "SWIDTH": { + "definition": "slope mid-point distance from the domain N/S edge in [cm] (f)", "value":[150.0E5]}, + "SCXY": { + "definition": "grid cell (will be rectangular) dimensions in [cm] (f)", "value":[2.0E5]}, + "CORIO0": { + "definition": "coriolis parameter in [1/s] (f)", "value":[1.0E-4]}, + "BETA0": { + "definition": "beta (d(CORIO)/dy) [1/scm] (f)", "value":[0.0]} + }, + +"IDLFOR": { + "ZTX0": { + "definition": "Accross channel (y) wind stress (f)", "value":[-5.0E-2]}, + "MTY0": { + "definition": "Along channel (x) wind stress (f)", "value":[0.0]} + }, + +"DIAPHY": { + "GLB_FNAMETAG": { + "definition": "Name tag for the averaging period", "value": ["'hd'", "'hm'", "'hy'"]}, + "GLB_AVEPERIO": { + "definition": "Averaging period corresponding to the tags in days", "value": [1, 30, 360]}, + "GLB_FILEFREQ": { + "definition": "how often to start a new file in days (i)","value": [30, 30, 360]}, + "GLB_COMPFLAG": { + "definition": "switch for compressed/uncompressed output (i)","value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "GLB_NCFORMAT": { + "definition": "netcdf format (valid arguments are 0 for classic, 1 for 64-bit offset and 2 for netcdf4/hdf5 format)","value": [1, 1, 1]}, + "H2D_ABSWND": { + "definition": "absolute wind speed [m s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_ALB": { + "definition": "surface albedo []", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_BTMSTR": { + "definition": "Barotropic mass streamfunction [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_BRNFLX": { + "definition": "Brine flux [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_BRNPD": { + "definition": "Brine plume depth [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_DFL": { + "definition": "non-solar heat flux derivative [W m-2 K-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_EVA": { + "definition": "Evaporation [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_FICE": { + "definition": "ice concentration [%]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_FMLTFZ": { + "definition": "fresh water flux due to melting/freezing [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_HICE": { + "definition": "ice thickness [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_HMLTFZ": { + "definition": "heat flux due to melting/freezing [W m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_HSNW": { + "definition": "snow depth [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_IAGE": { + "definition": "ice age [d]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_IDKEDT": { + "definition": "mixed layer inertial kinetic energy tendency [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_LIP": { + "definition": "liquid precipitation [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MAXMLD": { + "definition": "maximum mixed layer depth [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLD": { + "definition": "mixed layer depth [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLDU": { + "definition": "mixed layer depth at u-point [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLDV": { + "definition": "mixed layer depth at v-point [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLTS": { + "definition": "mixed layer thickness using 'sigma-t' criterion [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLTSMN": { + "definition": "minimum mixed layer thickness using 'sigma-t' criterion [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLTSMX": { + "definition": "maximum mixed layer thickness using 'sigma-t' criterion [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MLTSSQ": { + "definition": "mixed layer thickness squared using 'sigma-t' criterion [m2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MTKEUS": { + "definition": "mixed layer TKE tendency related to friction velocity [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MTKENI": { + "definition": "mixed layer TKE tendency related to near inertial mot. [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MTKEBF": { + "definition": "mixed layer TKE tendency related to buoyancy forcing [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MTKERS": { + "definition": "mixed layer TKE tendency related to eddy restrat. [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MTKEPE": { + "definition": "mixed layer TKE tendency related to pot. energy change [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MTKEKE": { + "definition": "mixed layer TKE tendency related to kin. energy change [kg s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MTY": { + "definition": "wind stress y-component [N m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_MXLU": { + "definition": "mixed layer velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_MXLV": { + "definition": "mixed layer velocity y-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_NSF": { + "definition": "non-solar heat flux [W m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_PBOT": { + "definition": "bottom pressure [Pa]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_PSRF": { + "definition": "surface pressure [Pa]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_RFIFLX": { + "definition": "frozen runoff [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_RNFFLX": { + "definition": "liquid runoff [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SALFLX": { + "definition": "salt flux received by ocean [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SALRLX": { + "definition": "restoring salt flux received by ocean [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SBOT": { + "definition": "bottom salinity [g kg-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SEALV": { + "definition": "sea level [m]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_SLVSQ": { + "definition": "sea level squared [m2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SFL": { + "definition": "salt flux [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SOP": { + "definition": "solid precipitation [kg m-2 s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SIGMX": { + "definition": "mixed layer density [kg m-3]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SSS": { + "definition": "ocean surface salinity [g kg-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SSSSQ": { + "definition": "ocean surface salinity squared [g2 kg-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SST": { + "definition": "ocean surface temperature [degC]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_SSTSQ": { + "definition": "ocean surface temperature squared [degC2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SURFLX": { + "definition": "heat flux received by ocean [W m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SURRLX": { + "definition": "restoring heat flux received by ocean [W m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_SWA": { + "definition": "short-wave heat flux [W m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_T20D": { + "definition": "20C isoterm depth [m]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_TAUX": { + "definition": "momentum flux received by ocean x-component [N m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_TAUY": { + "definition": "momentum flux received by ocean y-component [N m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_TBOT": { + "definition": "bottom temperature [degC]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_TICE": { + "definition": "ice temperature [degC]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_TSRF": { + "definition": "surface temperature [degC]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_UB": { + "definition": "barotropic velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_UICE": { + "definition": "ice velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_USTAR": { + "definition": "friction velocity [m s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_USTAR3": { + "definition": "friction velocity cubed [m3 s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_VB": { + "definition": "barotropic velocity y-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "H2D_VICE": { + "definition": "ice velocity y-component [m s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "H2D_ZTX": { + "definition": "wind stress x-component [N m-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_BFSQ": { + "definition": "buoyancy frequency squared [s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_DIFDIA": { + "definition": "diapycnal diffusivity [log10(m2 s-1)]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_DIFINT": { + "definition": "layer interface diffusivity [log10(m2 s-1)]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_DIFISO": { + "definition": "isopycnal diffusivity [log10(m2 s-1)]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_DP": { + "definition": "layer pressure thickness [Pa]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_DZ": { + "definition": "layer thickness [m]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_SALN": { + "definition": "salinity [g kg-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_TEMP": { + "definition": "temperature [degC]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_TRC": { + "definition": "tracer []", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_UFLX": { + "definition": "mass flux in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_UTFLX": { + "definition": "heat flux in x-direction [W]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_USFLX": { + "definition": "salt flux in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_UMFLTD": { + "definition": "mass flux due to thickness diffusion in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_UTFLTD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to thickness diffusion in x-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_UTFLLD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to lateral diffusion in x-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_USFLTD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to thickness diffusion in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_USFLLD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to lateral diffusion in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_UVEL": { + "definition": "velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_VFLX": { + "definition": "mass flux in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_VTFLX": { + "definition": "heat flux in y-direction [W]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_VSFLX": { + "definition": "salt flux in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_VMFLTD": { + "definition": "mass flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_VTFLTD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_VTFLLD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to lateral diffusion in y-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_VSFLTD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_VSFLLD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to lateral diffusion in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_VVEL": { + "definition": "velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_WFLX": { + "definition": "vertical mass flux [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_WFLX2": { + "definition": "vertical mass flux squared [kg2 s-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_PV": { + "definition": "potential vorticity [m-1 s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LYR_TKE": { + "definition": "turbulent kinetic energy [m2 s-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_GLS_PSI": { + "definition": "generic length scale [m2 s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LYR_IDLAGE": { + "definition": "ideal age [year]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_BFSQ": { + "definition": "buoyancy frequency squared [s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_DIFDIA": { + "definition": "diapycnal diffusivity [log10(m2 s-1)]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_DIFINT": { + "definition": "layer interface diffusivity [log10(m2 s-1)]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_DIFISO": { + "definition": "isopycnal diffusivity [log10(m2 s-1)]", "value": [0, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_DZ": { + "definition": "layer thickness [m]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_SALN": { + "definition": "salinity [g kg-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_TEMP": { + "definition": "temperature [degC]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_TRC": { + "definition": "tracer []", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_UFLX": { + "definition": "mass flux in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_UTFLX": { + "definition": "heat flux in x-direction [W]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_USFLX": { + "definition": "salt flux in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_UMFLTD": { + "definition": "mass flux due to thickness diffusion in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_UTFLTD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to thickness diffusion in x-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_UTFLLD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to lateral diffusion in x-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_USFLTD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to thickness diffusion in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_USFLLD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to lateral diffusion in x-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_UVEL": { + "definition": "velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_VFLX": { + "definition": "mass flux in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_VTFLX": { + "definition": "heat flux in y-direction [W]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_VSFLX": { + "definition": "salt flux in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_VMFLTD": { + "definition": "mass flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_VTFLTD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_VTFLLD": { + "definition": "heat flux due to lateral diffusion in y-direction [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_VSFLTD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_VSFLLD": { + "definition": "salt flux due to lateral diffusion in y-direction [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_VVEL": { + "definition": "velocity x-component [m s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_WFLX": { + "definition": "vertical mass flux [kg s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_WFLX2": { + "definition": "vertical mass flux squared [kg2 s-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_PV": { + "definition": "potential vorticity [m-1 s-1]", "value": [4, 0, 4]}, + "LVL_TKE": { + "definition": "turbulent kinetic energy [m2 s-2]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_GLS_PSI": { + "definition": "generic length scale [m2 s-3]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "LVL_IDLAGE": { + "definition": "ideal age [year]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MMFLXL": { + "definition": "meridional overturning circ. (MOC) on isopycnic layers [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MMFLXD": { + "definition": "MOC on z-levels [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MMFTDL": { + "definition": "MOC due to thickness diffusion on isopycnic layers [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MMFTDD": { + "definition": "MOC due to thickness diffusion on z-levels [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MHFLX": { + "definition": "meridional heat flux [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MHFTD": { + "definition": "meridional heat flux due to thickness diffusion [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MHFLD": { + "definition": "meridional heat flux due to lateral diffusion [W]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MSFLX": { + "definition": "meridional salt flux [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MSFTD": { + "definition": "meridional salt flux due to thickness diffusion [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MSFLD": { + "definition": "meridional salt flux due to lateral diffusion [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_VOLTR": { + "definition": "section transports [kg s-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_MASSGS": { + "definition": "global sum of mass [kg]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_VOLGS": { + "definition": "global sum of volume [m3]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_SALNGA": { + "definition": "global average temperature [degC]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_TEMPGA": { + "definition": "global average temperature [degC]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_SSSGA": { + "definition": "global average sea surface salinity [g kg-1]", "value": [0, 0, 0]}, + "MSC_SSTGA": { + "definition": "global average sea surface temperature [degC]", "value": [0, 0, 0]} + } +} diff --git a/utils/limits_from_json.py b/utils/limits_from_json.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db9cc063 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/limits_from_json.py @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +import json +from distutils import util +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +# +def isfloat(value): + try: + float(value) + return True + except ValueError: + return False + + +def str2value(value): + """ """ + if value.lower() in ['true','false']: + return util.strtobool(value.lower()) + elif value.isdigit(): + return int(value) + elif isfloat(value): + return float(value) + else: + return value + + +limits_in = 'limits.json' +limits_out = 'limits_from_json' +user_in = 'user_nl_blom' +skip_groups = ['MERDIA','SECDIA','CWMOD'] +# +try: + data = json.load(open(limits_in,'r'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) +except FileNotFoundError: + print(limits_in+' does not exist, aborting') + exit +user_nl={} +if os.path.isfile(user_in): + with open(user_in,'r') as f: + user_data = f.readlines() + for line in user_data: + if line[0]!='#' and '=' in line: + var = line.split('=')[0].strip() + value = line.strip().split('=')[1].strip() + print(var,value) + if len(value.split(','))<=1: + user_nl[var] = [str2value(value)] + #value = distutils.util.strtobool(value.lower()) + elif len(value.split(','))>1: + dum = [] + for v in value.split(','): + dum.append(str2value(v.strip())) + user_nl[var] = dum +else: + print(user_in+' does not exist, continuing') + +fout = open(limits_out,'w') +linesize = 75 # limit line width +def_just = 12 # justify names +val_just = 12 # justify names +for group in data.keys(): + if group in skip_groups: + continue + # write definitions + for var in data[group].keys(): + lineout = str(var)+' : '+data[group][var]['definition'] + c=0 + for w,word in enumerate(lineout.split()): + c=c+len(word)+1 + if w==0: + fout.write('! '+word.ljust(def_just)+' ') + elif c>linesize: #linebreak if needed + fout.write('\n') + fout.write('! '.ljust(def_just+5)+word+' ') + c=def_just+5 + # write the word + else: + fout.write(word+' ') + fout.write('\n') + # + # write group tag and values + fout.write('&'+group+'\n') + for var in data[group].keys(): + if var in user_nl.keys(): + data[group][var]['value'] = user_nl[var] + for v,val in enumerate(data[group][var]['value']): + if v==0 and var not in ['MER_REGFLG']: + lineout = ' '+var.ljust(val_just)+' = ' + elif var in ['MER_REGFLG']: + dumstr = var+'('+str(v+1)+',:)' + lineout = ' '+dumstr.ljust(val_just)+' =' + for vv in val: + lineout = lineout+str(vv).rjust(2) + if vv!=val[-1]: + lineout = lineout+',' + fout.write(lineout+'\n') + continue + # + if v>0: + lineout = lineout+', ' + # + if (val==True) and isinstance(val, bool): + lineout = lineout+str('.true.').rjust(3) + elif (val==False) and isinstance(val, bool): + lineout = lineout+str('.false.').rjust(3) + elif isinstance(val, float): + if (abs(val)<1E-3 and val!=0.0) or abs(val)>1E3: + lineout = lineout+format(val,".3E").rjust(3) + else: + lineout = lineout+str(val).rjust(3) + else: + lineout = lineout+str(val).rjust(3) + if var not in ['MER_REGFLG']: + fout.write(lineout+'\n') + fout.write('/'+'\n') + +fout.close() diff --git a/utils/run.sh_normal_betzy b/utils/run.sh_normal_betzy new file mode 100755 index 00000000..9d472d64 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/run.sh_normal_betzy @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -ex + +EXPID=BLOM_channel +RUNDIR=/cluster/work/users/$USER/BLOM/run/$EXPID +EXEDIR=$HOME/BLOM/BLOM_fork/BLOM/build +SUBDIR=$HOME/BLOM/BLOM_fork/cases/$EXPID +NTASKS=128 +NTHREADS=1 + +mkdir -p $RUNDIR +cd $RUNDIR +cp $SUBDIR/limits_from_json ./limits +cp $EXEDIR/blom . + + cat <batchscript.sh +#!/bin/bash +# +# This script will launch blom +# +#SBATCH --account=nn9560k +#SBATCH --job-name=BLOM.$EXPID +#SBATCH --time=01:00:00 +#SBATCH --nodes=8 +#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$NTASKS +#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$NTHREADS + +export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$NTHREADS + +module purge --force +module load StdEnv +module load iomkl/2020a +module load netCDF-Fortran/4.5.2-iompi-2020a +module load PnetCDF/1.12.1-iompi-2020a +module list + +cd $RUNDIR +mpirun -np 1024 -bind-to core ./blom + +EOF + +chmod 755 batchscript.sh +sbatch batchscript.sh diff --git a/utils/user_nl_blom b/utils/user_nl_blom new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d8977fa --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/user_nl_blom @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Users should add all user specific namelist changes below in the form of +# namelist_var = new_namelist_value +# Note - that it does not matter what namelist group the namelist_var belongs to +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +NDAY1 = 0 +NDAY2 = 360 +RUNID = 'BLOM_channel' +RSTCMP = 0 +BACLIN = 120.0 +EDWMTH = 'step' +RSTFMT = 1 +RSTFRQ = 360 +SRXBAL = .false. +MSC_SALNGA = 0, 0, 0 \ No newline at end of file