- Monte Carlo Simulations can be run in parallel
- Optimization with multiple seeds can be run in parallel
Filter Function Derivatives
- New Filter function cost function can be used with analytical gradients for the optimization
Transfer Function
- New Base class MatrixTF to distinguish between transfer functions implemented as matrix multiplication and other transfer functions
- implementation of gaussian convolution as transfer function
Solver Algorithms
- the times are now set automatically to the transfer functions. The Solver must now be instantiated with the untransferred times
- drift Hamiltonians can be set to constant my setting only a single element otherwise you need one element for each transferred time step.
- scalar optimization algorithms available
- gradient free nelder mead algorithm available
- cost function weights must now be given in the optimizer class
Cost Functions
- refactoring of the angle axis representation
- implements the division by scalar by div operator
- Extends the documentation by the notebook series examples
- Updates in the README, including paper reference and bug fixes
- changed the URL from git-ce to github
- reduce the list of required imports. QuTiP and simanneal can only be used if they were installed.
- Improvement of the docstrings at module level and for the feature notebooks.
Transfer Function:
- adds the custom ConvolutionTF
- adds a function to vectorize density matrices
- Adds the calculation of the partial trace
- Implements leakage and entanglement fidelity with truncation to computational states in Liouville space
- improve storage. The optimizer is only stored in the result on request.
- made the deprecation explicit
Transfer Function:
- new internal check function has more explicit error messages than previous assertions.
Energy Spectrum:
- plotting reworked to be applicable to a larger number of dimensions in the Hamiltonian
- Plotting function returns the figure and axis.
Solver Algorithm:
- the filter_function_h_n and noise_coeffs_derivatives change their signature, now then are called with the optimization parameters, the transferred parameters and the control amplitudes. Previously only with the control amplitudes.
Read the docs:
- Add a new notebook about the basic use of filter functions in optimal control
- Rework the notebook about the numerics. Now focused on the matrix class and put at the start.
- Add a new notebook about the use of filter functions in the optimization of amplitude, frequency and phase noise.
- Fix a false dimension check for the cost function weights.
Github Actions:
- Continuous Deployment to Pypi
Github Actions:
- Continuous Integration by running unittests
- github badges
Filter Functions:
- Add docstring describing that the filter function package sorts the noise Hamiltonians in lexicographic order.
Read the docs:
- Include new notebook on the operator class. The numerics notebook now focuses on the matrix exponentials.
- Rework the notebooks describing qopt features.
Transfer Function:
- Fixes an assertion controlling the common shape in the ParallelTF
Filter Functions:
- adapt to the latest version of filter functions. The noise operators are not stored in lexicographic order any more.
- now requires filter_function v1.1.2
Energy Spectrum:
- scatter options can now be given to the plotting function.
- Reworked the sampling of the Gaussian distribution.
Example Notebooks
- Compatibility with the latest changes in filter functions